#iPhone 16 AI
shamnadt · 4 months
Apple iPhone 16 leak hints at upgraded neural engine to support iOS 18’s AI features
iPhone 16 has been rumoured to feature an upgraded neural engine that will aid it in supporting the generative AI features coming with iOS 18. Even though the launch of the iPhone 16 series is months away, many leaks have surfaced, hinting at the possible features. So far, rumours say the iPhone 16 could get bigger screens and better battery life, all of which contribute towards providing a…
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techwargr · 16 days
Η προσθήκη της τεχνολογίας AI στο νέο iOS 18 και οι αλλαγές στη σειρά iPhone 16
New Post has been published on https://www.techwar.gr/1372/i-prosthiki-tis-technologias-ai-sto-neo-ios-18-kai-oi-allages-sti-seira-iphone-16/
Η προσθήκη της τεχνολογίας AI στο νέο iOS 18 και οι αλλαγές στη σειρά iPhone 16
Αναβάθμιση στη σειρά iPhone 16 με capacitive πλήκτρα και τεχνολογία AI στο iOS 18
Τον Σεπτέμβριο, η Apple αναμένεται να παρουσιάσει τη νέα σειρά iPhone 16, φέρνοντας σημαντικές καινοτομίες τόσο στο υλικό όσο και στο λογισμικό. Σύμφωνα με αναφορά της Economic Daily, μια από τις πιο εντυπωσιακές αλλαγές είναι η αντικατάσταση των μηχανικών πλήκτρων με capacitive buttons, ενώ η τεχνολογία AI θα ενσωματωθεί στο iOS 18, κάνοντας το νέο iPhone ακόμα πιο έξυπνο και αποδοτικό.
Capacitive πλήκτρα: Η νέα εποχή για το iPhone
Η αναφορά της Economic Daily αναφέρει πως η Apple προχώρησε σε τεράστια παραγγελία capacitive πλήκτρων από τον προμηθευτή Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE). Τα νέα πλήκτρα θα αντικαταστήσουν τα παραδοσιακά μηχανικά κουμπιά σε όλα τα μοντέλα της σειράς iPhone 16. Αναλυτικότερα, περιμένουμε:
Νέο πλήκτρο on/off
Νέο πλήκτρο έντασης ήχου
Νέο action button
Ένα εντελώς νέο κουμπί λήψης
Το τελευταίο κουμπί λήψης ενδέχεται να λειτουργεί ως κουμπί κλείστρου για φωτογραφίες, αλλά και ως κουμπί εγγραφής για βίντεο. Επιπλέον, το κουμπί αυτό θα μπορούσε να προσφέρει δυνατότητες όπως η προσαρμογή του ζουμ με σάρωση και η εστίαση με μισό πάτημα.
Πώς λειτουργούν τα capacitive πλήκτρα
Τα capacitive πλήκτρα διαφέρουν από τα παραδοσιακά μηχανικά πλήκτρα, καθώς δεν απαιτούν φυσική πίεση για να λειτουργήσουν. Με την απλή επαφή του δακτύλου σας, το κουμπί ενεργοποιείται και η συσκευή καταγράφει την εντολή σας. Αν και το κουμπί δεν κινείται φυσικά, θα παρέχεται απτική ανάδραση μέσω δύο “κινητήρων” Taptic Engine, δημιουργώντας δόνηση κάθε φορά που πατιέται κάποιο από τα capacitive πλήκτρα.
Η Apple σχεδίαζε να εισάγει αυτή την τεχνολογία στην τρέχουσα σειρά iPhone 15, αλλά αντιμετώπισε τεχνικά προβλήματα που καθυστέρησαν την υλοποίηση αυτών των σχεδίων. Τώρα, η αντικατάσταση των μηχανικών πλήκτρων στα νέα iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro και iPhone 16 Pro Max είναι μέρος του “Project Bongo”.
Παραγωγή και προμηθευτές
Ένας άλλος σημαντικός προμηθευτής της Apple, το κορυφαίο χυτήριο SMIC της Κίνας, θα παραδώσει δύο SiP για τα capacitive εξαρτήματα. Η παραγωγή αναμένεται να πραγματοποιηθεί μαζικά κατά το τρίτο τρίμηνο του έτους.
Ενσωμάτωση της τεχνολογίας AI στο iOS 18
Εκτός από τις υλικές αναβαθμίσεις, το νέο iOS 18 θα ενσωματώσει προηγμένες λειτουργίες AI, βελτιώνοντας την απόδοση και την εμπειρία χρήσης. Οι δυνατότητες της AI θα περιλαμβάνουν πιο έξυπνη αναγνώριση φωνής, προσαρμοστικές ρυθμίσεις και βελτιωμένη ασφάλεια.
Η Apple συνεχίζει να καινοτομεί και να αναβαθμίζει τα προϊόντα της με τη σειρά iPhone 16 και το iOS 18. Οι αλλαγές στα capacitive πλήκτρα και η ενσωμάτωση της τεχνολογίας AI αναμένεται να προσφέρουν μια ανώτερη εμπειρία χρήσης, καθιστώντας τα νέα iPhones πιο αποδοτικά και φιλικά προς τον χρήστη. Οι εξελίξεις αυτές δείχνουν την αφοσίωση της Apple στην τεχνολογική πρόοδο και την προσφορά των καλύτερων δυνατών προϊόντων στους καταναλωτές της.
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Works in Progress
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @critterkeeper01! Thanks for the tag, and I hope you know what you signed up for!
Here are my WIPs (blame critterkeeper for the long post)
Weight in Coal
Curse of the Crown's Blessing
Thorn and the Agis
Wizard of Helgen
AI Lucas
Copy of 14 1x21, (WIP) The Night in Question: Sylvia Blake
15 1x22, (UNS) The Last Death of Henry Morgan
16 1x22, (UNS) The Last Death of Henry Morgan: Finale
mike hanson's very very very very very very long day
Immortal British Doctors
Watson Time Travel
My Friend the Ghost
Castle Nowhere
Imperfections on Cloud Tower
The city at the end of the bridge
Stop! Go
Not Vampyr (needs structure)
Illness of the Earth
SHORT Strange Traveler
the MPC
when want to kill is less than can kill. iykyk
Ghost Detective rambling
vulpix incuwta
Evermore ripoff but better
I Hartley know her lmaooo I'm so funny
These are all the things that I still have hopes for, regardless of how high those hopes are, haha. I left out a MUCH longer list of things I have zero intention of working on in the future...
Tag AS MANY PEOPLE as I have WIPs? Sorry that's not possible. Instead I'll tag @amielbjacobs @smileytiger28 @ashekirk @ectojester and YOU (if you see this and want to do it) (tagging everyone who sees this should count to my total right?)
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meikostan · 1 year
just solved a mystery that wasn't really mystery and didn't really need solving 👍 anyway i was going insane re:oshi no ko timeline because i forgot how old the twins are and what year this takes place in and needed to put all of my info in one place. in this essay i over-analyze the models of iphone as they differ from each other in the manga vs the anime. warning: very disorganized as i was sourcing all my evidence all this WHILE writing the post.
regular tldr: they're like 15/16 and the manga takes place in 2020 (but like including their childhood as well as their teenage years).
edit: the image formatting is broken :( idk how to fix it, sorry. they're still there, they're just huge and not next to each other for some reason
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compare and contrast ruby in the manga vs the anime. now i will admit i am not an expert of identifying iphones but in the anime she appears to be holding an iphone 4; we can tell because there's only one camera lens, the power button is on the top, as is the headphone jack. it's also a bit rounded on the edges, which seem to have a little bit more meat on them compared to the manga. speaking of, compare with the manga: here, the phone has 3 camera lenses. the angle prevents us from getting a good view of the top of the phone, but there doesn't seem to be either a headphone jack OR a power button. it's a bit harder for me to tell but i think this is supposed to be an iphone 12 pro max.
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compare. left: iphone 4, right: iphone 12 pro max
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL because aqua has an iphone too so of course we're looking at that
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left: aqua seems to be using the same iphone 4 that ruby was using previously
right: looks more like an iphone x judging by the camera? compare:
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ok so moving on. not from phones in general we'll still be talking about those but we also need to consider some other hints shown by the use of technology here. the anime seems to be pushing harder for us to view vol 1 as being set some time around 2010; if you saw my other post re:my thoughts on episode 1 you'll know that i talked about this already, but i'll restate some stuff here for completion's sake (+ add pictures)
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compilation of flip phones being used throughout ai's death montage; while i did find some articles published in 2009 on flip phones dipping in popularity because of smart phones, they were definitely still being commonly used around that time. i know this because i was alive in 2009
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also a wii, which was released in late 2006. it would have been incredibly common in many households, especially for non-gamers, which it was marketed towards. obviously a lone wii does not automatically mean oshi no ko vol 1 is set in the early 2010s/late 00's, but this in combination with the older models of phones does seem to point in that direction. also i have no proof of this but i feel like if it was set in modern day (2020s) that wii would be a nintendo switch instead.
bonus kana with an iphone 4 btw
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you'll notice that these are all anime screenshots, and this is because pretty much none of this is in the manga. apart from the funeral we don't see any crowd shots, or anything of the public; it's all very focused in on aqua and ruby. what we DO see in terms of technology are ruby's iphone 12 pro max and aqua's iphone x, meaning in the manga either vol 1 takes place around late 2020/early 2021, the cast of oshi no ko is stuck in an eternal present, or this was an art oversight brought upon by early installment weirdness.
also, to cover the use of twitter: twitter was launched in late 2006. the website saw a pretty huge boost in popularity in 2008, and the mobile app launched in 2010. it would be very possible for the twins to go twitter viral and become the oshi no ko version of charlie bit my finger.
OK on to guessing how old they are in the present, which for now only exists in the manga!
so, we know that ai had the twins when she was 16, and died a week before she turned 20. for simplicity's sake we'll just say she died when she was 20. that means the twins would be about 4 years old at this point.
what we're interested in is figuring out their age at present day. chapter 11 opens up with ruby filling out her idol applications; she list her age as being 14.
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however, we know that she's been filling out multiple applications for a good while now, and aqua has continually been sabotaging her. this might not even be an application from present day. speaking of aqua, he mentions right after this panel high school entrance exams:
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in japan, students enter high school (upper secondary school) around the time they're 15-16 years old. of course, aqua says they're "coming up", not that they're soon or currently happening. they could be on the lower end of 15 around here, or the higher end of 14.
additionally, in the next chapter, aqua is seen wearing what looks to be a gakuran (basically, middle school boy's uniform; middle school takes place ages 12/13 to 14/15).
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from this we can guess that around 10 to 11 years have passed since ai died; they're about 14 to 15 here.
if we pretend that their childhood in the manga also took place in 2010, that means present day oshi no ko takes place around 2020.
mystery solved! but i like digging deeper this is fun. so let's continue.
skipping to the next volume!
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lovenow time! here they outright state aqua's grade; high school 1st year, aka 10th grader, aka like 15/16.
can't grab screenshots of where 15 years of lies was established because mangaplus hates me and has locked the relevant chapters behind an app >:(
have to stop it here bc i don't remember as much as i thought i did and i also don't have access to chapters 95 thru 114 (thanks mangaplus👍) so uh yeah thank you for sticking with my rambles. again this was just me logicking through stuff because i forgot how old they are & is for personal reference. next time i do a reread i'll add more ^_^
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govindhtech · 2 months
Apple M4 Chip and iOS 18: A Look at Next-Level Performance
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Apple M4 Chip Rumors Apple M4 Chip Features
Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman says Apple will add M4 Chips to its Macs in late 2024. Artificial intelligence performance will be improved by the Apple M4 Chip. Apple intends to launch its first Macs equipped with the Apple M4 Chip family of CPUs in that time frame.
M4 Chip Release date Since Apple unveiled the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max CPUs all at once in October of last year, it’s probable the Apple M4 Chip range may be shown around the same time. Gurman said the M4 will be arriving in late 2024 and early 2025 for all Macs.
The first to get Apple M4 Chips are the iMac, low-level 14-inch MacBook Pro, elite 14-inch MacBook Pro, 16-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini. The 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models will get them in springtime 2025, the Mac Studio’s in mid-2025, and the Mac Pro later in.
Apple is approaching manufacture of the Apple M4 Chip, which will come in at least three flavours. Donan, Brava, and Hidra are the codenames for the entry-level, mid-range, and top-tier chips, respectively. The low-end Mac mini, MacBook Air, and entry-level MacBook Pro will all utilise the Donan chip, while the higher-end MacBook Pro and MacBook mini will use the Brava chip.
Since the Hidra chip is made for the Mac Pro, it is likely a “Ultra” or “Extreme” category processor. With regard to the Mac Studio, Apple is testing variants that include an M4 Brava CPU variant that is likely of a better calibre than the M4 Pro and M4 Max “Brava” chips, as well as an unpublished M3-era chip.
The maximum amount of Unified Memory that M4 models of Mac desktop computers might handle is 512GB, a significant increase above the present cap of 192GB.
Although TSMC, an Apple supplier, is expected to use an enhanced version of the 3nm process for increased performance and power efficiency, the M4 chips will be constructed using the same 3-nanometer technology as the M3 processors. Apple also intends to include a much enhanced Neural Engine with more cores for AI applications.
This week brought news of Apple’s hardware roadmap. They plan to release a complete portfolio of M4-based Macs later this year, along with various iPad models, and should solidify plans for the introduction of newer iPad Pro and iPad Air models next month.
As they examined how things are going with the iPhone 15 Pro now that it is halfway through its flagship lifetime, they also heard some new rumours regarding iOS 18, which is scheduled to be introduced at WWDC in a few months. Continue reading below for all the information on these tales and more!
As to the source, the M4 series of CPUs will be rolled out later this year to the MacBook Pro and iMac lines, and during 2025, additional models like as the MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro are anticipated to get updates as well.
According to a recent report by Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, other models with M4 series CPUs would be introduced in the next year, after the initial release of the first ones later this year. Gurman provided a more detailed plan for these Macs in his Power On email today.
Gurman reaffirmed that the Mac Studio and Mac Pro would be compatible with Apple’s internally tested M3 Ultra processor, but he added that it is “all but assured that at least some of Apple’s high-end desktops” would forego the M3 chip series.
Gurman said that Apple would highlight the M4 processor series’ artificial intelligence capabilities.
iOS 18 iOS 18 Features
According to reports, Cloud Servers Won’t Be Used for Apple’s First AI Features in iOS 18
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple’s initial round of new AI capabilities for iOS 18 won’t depend on cloud servers at all.
In the Q&A part of his Power On email today, Gurman said, “It appears that that the first set of features will work entirely on device as the world watches Apple’s big AI unveiling on June 10.” “That indicates that there is not a cloud computing element to the organization’s large language model, the application that enables the new capabilities.”
iOS 18 update Gurman predicts that Apple will likely continue to provide certain cloud-based AI capabilities powered by Gemini from Google or another supplier. Regarding possible collaborations in generative AI, Apple is said to have spoken with businesses including China’s Baidu, OpenAI, and Google. Although it is uncertain whether Gemini or another chatbot will be directly incorporated into iOS 18, it is not anticipated that Apple’s ChatGPT like chatbot would be included in iOS 18.
Given that Apple supply chain experts, like Ming-Chi Kuo and Jeff Pu, have said that the business is aggressively buying AI servers, it is plausible that Apple may eventually provide some of its own cloud-based generative AI capabilities.
New generative AI capabilities for the iPhone’s Spotlight search function, the Siri, Safari, Shortcuts, Apple Music, Messages, Health, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, and other apps are reportedly coming with iOS 18. Previously, Gurman stated that generative AI would let Siri answer more difficult inquiries and auto-complete phrases in Messages.
iOS 18 release date At WWDC, which runs from June 10 to 14, Apple is likely to reveal iOS 18 and other software improvements.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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female-malice · 11 months
what do you think the future of technology should be in a degrowth economy? what technologies do you think we should continue to pursue/prioritize? that article you just linked is behind a paywall but it got me thinking and i would be interested to hear your thoughts
Degrowth would democratize technology.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature" according to sci-fi author Karl Shroeder.
And he's right. We're not advanced at all. And we're remarkably stagnant at the moment.
We use limited precious minerals to engineer identical unrepairable devices that break down at just the right time. That's what we're focused on.
The first iPhone came out in 2007. Think about that! That was 16 years ago! Every year car companies and gadget companies roll out a "new" model. And it's identical to the last model. But status and prestige and advertising are enough to convince people they need the newest thing. And that's good for profit margins.
Video games have all been the same for 15 years. Computers have been the same. Transportation has been the same. We're going nowhere because we're in the stage of late capitalism that hinders technological advancement.
I don't consider AI to be new technology because we've had neural networks for a decade.
And then there's food and biotechnology. We've had food-grade precision fermentation since 1990. This technology could replace the entire animal agriculture industry. But, that would provide too much food security and ecological welfare. Too much equality makes growth precarious.
Due to pressures around funding and publishing, all of science is a huge inefficient mess right now. If we restructure society and academia around democratized progress rather than profit-oriented progress, we can fix that mess.
In a degrowth future, rather than focusing on developing individual products, we'd develop community technology. And we'd gradually work to become indistinguishable from nature. It will take a few thousand years. But now is a good time to start.
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blogbusinesswebsite · 11 hours
The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy - #DigitalProducts #Global The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy Digital Products Apple is behind on artificial intelligence. Now, the company is getting ready to unleash its first wave of user-facing AI products. And behind that push is John Giannandrea, a Silicon Valley veteran who is Apple’s top executive in charge of AI strategy. On Monday, Apple will hold its annual developers conference called WWDC, where it’s expected to show customers and investors its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of Giannandrea’s work. There’s enormous pressure on Apple to deliver an impressive slate of AI products and services. In interviews with CNBC, several people who know and have worked with Giannandrea over the years depict him as a humble and ahead-of-the-curve technologist, a quality that could be essential to Apple catching up in AI. Siri is a mess and struggles with even the most basic questions. Apple doesn’t sell a product like the AI chatbots being pushed out by Microsoft or startups OpenAI and Anthropic. It doesn’t sell powerful chips to cloud companies running AI services like Nvidia. Apple stock has lagged while shares of its peers have ballooned this year on the promise of AI. The stock is up just 1% this year, while Nvidia, which overtook Apple in market value on Wednesday, is up 144%. Apple also lost its spot as the most valuable public company in the world to another AI leader, Microsoft, in January. Apple declined to comment. Wall Street sees this as a moment for Apple to prove it’s not behind on AI, serving as a catalyst for the stock through the second half of the year and spurring a hot upgrade cycle for the next iPhone model. “We believe that AI features, combined with other Apple ecosystem investments and hardware upgrades for iPhone 16, has the potential to drive upside to product estimates by increasing upgrade rates,” Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a note to investors this week. Now it’s up to Giannandrea and his team to match those expectations. As the tech world became increasingly obsessed with AI over the last 18 months or so, Apple began to talk more openly about how AI powers product features and development. “We view AI and [machine learning] as fundamental, core technologies, and they are virtually embedded in every product that we build,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told CNBC in August of 2023. Until now, Giannandrea’s team has worked on AI features that run behind the scenes on Apple devices and software. That includes things like an accessibility feature that can digitally mimic someone’s voice if they lose the ability to speak themselves, or automatic edits that make your iPhone photos look better. If you ask the folks at Apple, the company has been using AI for many years to power what you do on your Apple devices without you even knowing about it. That’s expected to evolve into more user-facing features this year, like improvements to the Siri digital assistant, a partnership with OpenAI that’ll add the ChatGPT-maker’s tech to the iPhone’s software and sophisticated voice controls for its apps, according to a Bloomberg report last week. People who have worked with Giannandrea over the years who spoke to CNBC characterize him as a humble, mild-mannered technologist who doesn’t seek attention like more flashy Silicon Valley executives typically do. His most notable start was at a company called General Magic, which spun out of Apple and began business in the early 1990s making software for PDAs, the predecessors to today’s modern smartphones. Late in that decade he cofounded TellMe, a startup that made a voice-activated, online information service. A TellMe cofounder, Anthony Accardi, said Giannandrea always seemed ahead of his time, working on technology like running software in the cloud many years before it became the standard.
“He has the foresight to recognize this is an inevitability and direction we’re going in the future,” Accardi said. Giannandrea, known by most as “JG,” joined Google after the search giant acquired another startup he cofounded called Metaweb. Geoffrey Hinton, known as one of the “godfathers” of AI, worked with Giannandrea at Google. Hinton said Giannandrea had a rare skillset among tech executives as both a great researcher and manager. Hinton pointed to a generative AI breakthrough Google made last decade: the ability to automatically caption images using AI. “He really understood the importance of it,” Hinton said. By 2018, Giannandrea oversaw AI at Google, and it was seen as a huge coup when Apple poached him that year. Within eight months, he was promoted to Apple’s leadership team, reporting directly to Cook along with other top executives like Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams and services boss Eddy Cue. It was the biggest sign yet Apple was taking AI seriously, especially for future projects like its now-defunct self-driving car project. So why leave Google, the perceived leader in AI at the time, for Apple? He didn’t like how leadership at Google had trouble making decisions and executing them, instead treating parts of the business like a skunkworks research lab, according to one person who spoke to Giannandrea recently. He found the opposite at Apple: leadership makes a decision, and then the rest of the company gets behind it to make it happen. But in the six years since joining Apple, Giannandrea hasn’t been in the public view like his peers on Apple’s leadership team often are, showing off the company’s latest products and updates in flashy promotional videos littered with slick edits and dad jokes. Yet his many years of experience and expertise have earned him wide respect among other Silicon Valley leaders. “I still go to him for wisdom,” said Emil Michael, a former top executive at Uber who also cofounded TellMe with Giannandrea. Outside of Apple, Giannandrea sits on the board of SETI, the nonprofit organization founded in 1984 to detect radio signals from potential intelligent life across the cosmos. He also ran a data center business with his wife in recent years, which he eventually sold, adding to his list of successful exits at tech companies he cofounded. At SETI, Giannadrea is an active and engaged board member, and even gave some of his own money to help fund a new project called COSMIC that uses powerful computers to analyze radio signals from outer space, SETI CEO Bill Diamond told CNBC. Giannandrea also sat on a SETI review committee to give feedback on research plans for planetary defenses against asteroids, according to Diamond. “He’s got a very scientific mind, an engineering mind,” Diamond said. “The question about life beyond Earth fascinates him.” Some who know Giannandrea told CNBC they’d be surprised if he made an appearance during Apple’s WWDC keynote next week, instead delegating the spotlight to members of his team or Craig Federighi, Apple’s head of software. “JG is not a showman,” one person who knows him well told CNBC. “That’s not his vibe.” Source of this programme “This is one glamorous item!!” “Apple is expected to show its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of John Giannandrea’s work…” Source: Read More Source Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/07/john-giannandrea-apple-ai.html #DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts The post The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! DigitalProducts, Global BLOGGER - #DigitalProducts #Global
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internetnewsworldblog · 11 hours
The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy Digital Products Apple is behind on artificial intelligence. Now, the company is getting ready to unleash its first wave of user-facing AI products. And behind that push is John Giannandrea, a Silicon Valley veteran who is Apple’s top executive in charge of AI strategy. On Monday, Apple will hold its annual developers conference called WWDC, where it’s expected to show customers and investors its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of Giannandrea’s work. There’s enormous pressure on Apple to deliver an impressive slate of AI products and services. In interviews with CNBC, several people who know and have worked with Giannandrea over the years depict him as a humble and ahead-of-the-curve technologist, a quality that could be essential to Apple catching up in AI. Siri is a mess and struggles with even the most basic questions. Apple doesn’t sell a product like the AI chatbots being pushed out by Microsoft or startups OpenAI and Anthropic. It doesn’t sell powerful chips to cloud companies running AI services like Nvidia. Apple stock has lagged while shares of its peers have ballooned this year on the promise of AI. The stock is up just 1% this year, while Nvidia, which overtook Apple in market value on Wednesday, is up 144%. Apple also lost its spot as the most valuable public company in the world to another AI leader, Microsoft, in January. Apple declined to comment. Wall Street sees this as a moment for Apple to prove it’s not behind on AI, serving as a catalyst for the stock through the second half of the year and spurring a hot upgrade cycle for the next iPhone model. “We believe that AI features, combined with other Apple ecosystem investments and hardware upgrades for iPhone 16, has the potential to drive upside to product estimates by increasing upgrade rates,” Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a note to investors this week. Now it’s up to Giannandrea and his team to match those expectations. As the tech world became increasingly obsessed with AI over the last 18 months or so, Apple began to talk more openly about how AI powers product features and development. “We view AI and [machine learning] as fundamental, core technologies, and they are virtually embedded in every product that we build,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told CNBC in August of 2023. Until now, Giannandrea’s team has worked on AI features that run behind the scenes on Apple devices and software. That includes things like an accessibility feature that can digitally mimic someone’s voice if they lose the ability to speak themselves, or automatic edits that make your iPhone photos look better. If you ask the folks at Apple, the company has been using AI for many years to power what you do on your Apple devices without you even knowing about it. That’s expected to evolve into more user-facing features this year, like improvements to the Siri digital assistant, a partnership with OpenAI that’ll add the ChatGPT-maker’s tech to the iPhone’s software and sophisticated voice controls for its apps, according to a Bloomberg report last week. People who have worked with Giannandrea over the years who spoke to CNBC characterize him as a humble, mild-mannered technologist who doesn’t seek attention like more flashy Silicon Valley executives typically do. His most notable start was at a company called General Magic, which spun out of Apple and began business in the early 1990s making software for PDAs, the predecessors to today’s modern smartphones. Late in that decade he cofounded TellMe, a startup that made a voice-activated, online information service. A TellMe cofounder, Anthony Accardi, said Giannandrea always seemed ahead of his time, working on technology like running software in the cloud many years before it became the standard.
“He has the foresight to recognize this is an inevitability and direction we’re going in the future,” Accardi said. Giannandrea, known by most as “JG,” joined Google after the search giant acquired another startup he cofounded called Metaweb. Geoffrey Hinton, known as one of the “godfathers” of AI, worked with Giannandrea at Google. Hinton said Giannandrea had a rare skillset among tech executives as both a great researcher and manager. Hinton pointed to a generative AI breakthrough Google made last decade: the ability to automatically caption images using AI. “He really understood the importance of it,” Hinton said. By 2018, Giannandrea oversaw AI at Google, and it was seen as a huge coup when Apple poached him that year. Within eight months, he was promoted to Apple’s leadership team, reporting directly to Cook along with other top executives like Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams and services boss Eddy Cue. It was the biggest sign yet Apple was taking AI seriously, especially for future projects like its now-defunct self-driving car project. So why leave Google, the perceived leader in AI at the time, for Apple? He didn’t like how leadership at Google had trouble making decisions and executing them, instead treating parts of the business like a skunkworks research lab, according to one person who spoke to Giannandrea recently. He found the opposite at Apple: leadership makes a decision, and then the rest of the company gets behind it to make it happen. But in the six years since joining Apple, Giannandrea hasn’t been in the public view like his peers on Apple’s leadership team often are, showing off the company’s latest products and updates in flashy promotional videos littered with slick edits and dad jokes. Yet his many years of experience and expertise have earned him wide respect among other Silicon Valley leaders. “I still go to him for wisdom,” said Emil Michael, a former top executive at Uber who also cofounded TellMe with Giannandrea. Outside of Apple, Giannandrea sits on the board of SETI, the nonprofit organization founded in 1984 to detect radio signals from potential intelligent life across the cosmos. He also ran a data center business with his wife in recent years, which he eventually sold, adding to his list of successful exits at tech companies he cofounded. At SETI, Giannadrea is an active and engaged board member, and even gave some of his own money to help fund a new project called COSMIC that uses powerful computers to analyze radio signals from outer space, SETI CEO Bill Diamond told CNBC. Giannandrea also sat on a SETI review committee to give feedback on research plans for planetary defenses against asteroids, according to Diamond. “He’s got a very scientific mind, an engineering mind,” Diamond said. “The question about life beyond Earth fascinates him.” Some who know Giannandrea told CNBC they’d be surprised if he made an appearance during Apple’s WWDC keynote next week, instead delegating the spotlight to members of his team or Craig Federighi, Apple’s head of software. “JG is not a showman,” one person who knows him well told CNBC. “That’s not his vibe.” Source of this programme “This is one glamorous item!!” “Apple is expected to show its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of John Giannandrea’s work…” Source: Read More Source Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/07/john-giannandrea-apple-ai.html #DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts The post The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy! DigitalProducts, Global
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merchant-business · 11 hours
The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy Digital Products Apple is behind on artificial intelligence. Now, the company is getting ready to unleash its first wave of user-facing AI products. And behind that push is John Giannandrea, a Silicon Valley veteran who is Apple’s top executive in charge of AI strategy. On Monday, Apple will hold its annual developers conference called WWDC, where it’s expected to show customers and investors its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of Giannandrea’s work. There’s enormous pressure on Apple to deliver an impressive slate of AI products and services. In interviews with CNBC, several people who know and have worked with Giannandrea over the years depict him as a humble and ahead-of-the-curve technologist, a quality that could be essential to Apple catching up in AI. Siri is a mess and struggles with even the most basic questions. Apple doesn’t sell a product like the AI chatbots being pushed out by Microsoft or startups OpenAI and Anthropic. It doesn’t sell powerful chips to cloud companies running AI services like Nvidia. Apple stock has lagged while shares of its peers have ballooned this year on the promise of AI. The stock is up just 1% this year, while Nvidia, which overtook Apple in market value on Wednesday, is up 144%. Apple also lost its spot as the most valuable public company in the world to another AI leader, Microsoft, in January. Apple declined to comment. Wall Street sees this as a moment for Apple to prove it’s not behind on AI, serving as a catalyst for the stock through the second half of the year and spurring a hot upgrade cycle for the next iPhone model. “We believe that AI features, combined with other Apple ecosystem investments and hardware upgrades for iPhone 16, has the potential to drive upside to product estimates by increasing upgrade rates,” Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a note to investors this week. Now it’s up to Giannandrea and his team to match those expectations. As the tech world became increasingly obsessed with AI over the last 18 months or so, Apple began to talk more openly about how AI powers product features and development. “We view AI and [machine learning] as fundamental, core technologies, and they are virtually embedded in every product that we build,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told CNBC in August of 2023. Until now, Giannandrea’s team has worked on AI features that run behind the scenes on Apple devices and software. That includes things like an accessibility feature that can digitally mimic someone’s voice if they lose the ability to speak themselves, or automatic edits that make your iPhone photos look better. If you ask the folks at Apple, the company has been using AI for many years to power what you do on your Apple devices without you even knowing about it. That’s expected to evolve into more user-facing features this year, like improvements to the Siri digital assistant, a partnership with OpenAI that’ll add the ChatGPT-maker’s tech to the iPhone’s software and sophisticated voice controls for its apps, according to a Bloomberg report last week. People who have worked with Giannandrea over the years who spoke to CNBC characterize him as a humble, mild-mannered technologist who doesn’t seek attention like more flashy Silicon Valley executives typically do. His most notable start was at a company called General Magic, which spun out of Apple and began business in the early 1990s making software for PDAs, the predecessors to today’s modern smartphones. Late in that decade he cofounded TellMe, a startup that made a voice-activated, online information service. A TellMe cofounder, Anthony Accardi, said Giannandrea always seemed ahead of his time, working on technology like running software in the cloud many years before it became the standard.
“He has the foresight to recognize this is an inevitability and direction we’re going in the future,” Accardi said. Giannandrea, known by most as “JG,” joined Google after the search giant acquired another startup he cofounded called Metaweb. Geoffrey Hinton, known as one of the “godfathers” of AI, worked with Giannandrea at Google. Hinton said Giannandrea had a rare skillset among tech executives as both a great researcher and manager. Hinton pointed to a generative AI breakthrough Google made last decade: the ability to automatically caption images using AI. “He really understood the importance of it,” Hinton said. By 2018, Giannandrea oversaw AI at Google, and it was seen as a huge coup when Apple poached him that year. Within eight months, he was promoted to Apple’s leadership team, reporting directly to Cook along with other top executives like Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams and services boss Eddy Cue. It was the biggest sign yet Apple was taking AI seriously, especially for future projects like its now-defunct self-driving car project. So why leave Google, the perceived leader in AI at the time, for Apple? He didn’t like how leadership at Google had trouble making decisions and executing them, instead treating parts of the business like a skunkworks research lab, according to one person who spoke to Giannandrea recently. He found the opposite at Apple: leadership makes a decision, and then the rest of the company gets behind it to make it happen. But in the six years since joining Apple, Giannandrea hasn’t been in the public view like his peers on Apple’s leadership team often are, showing off the company’s latest products and updates in flashy promotional videos littered with slick edits and dad jokes. Yet his many years of experience and expertise have earned him wide respect among other Silicon Valley leaders. “I still go to him for wisdom,” said Emil Michael, a former top executive at Uber who also cofounded TellMe with Giannandrea. Outside of Apple, Giannandrea sits on the board of SETI, the nonprofit organization founded in 1984 to detect radio signals from potential intelligent life across the cosmos. He also ran a data center business with his wife in recent years, which he eventually sold, adding to his list of successful exits at tech companies he cofounded. At SETI, Giannadrea is an active and engaged board member, and even gave some of his own money to help fund a new project called COSMIC that uses powerful computers to analyze radio signals from outer space, SETI CEO Bill Diamond told CNBC. Giannandrea also sat on a SETI review committee to give feedback on research plans for planetary defenses against asteroids, according to Diamond. “He’s got a very scientific mind, an engineering mind,” Diamond said. “The question about life beyond Earth fascinates him.” Some who know Giannandrea told CNBC they’d be surprised if he made an appearance during Apple’s WWDC keynote next week, instead delegating the spotlight to members of his team or Craig Federighi, Apple’s head of software. “JG is not a showman,” one person who knows him well told CNBC. “That’s not his vibe.” Source of this programme “This is one glamorous item!!” “Apple is expected to show its take on generative AI across products like the iPhone, iPad and Mac, the fruit of John Giannandrea’s work…” Source: Read More Source Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/07/john-giannandrea-apple-ai.html #DigitalProducts – BLOGGER – DigitalProducts The post The quiet Apple executive behind Apple’s AI strategy appeared first on Merchant Business News. Buy, Sell, Get Informed, Negotiate and Be Happy!
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happyphone · 2 days
Chip iPhone 16 Pro và 16 Pro Max sử dụng chip nào? iOS mấy?
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Chip iPhone 16 Pro và 16 Pro Max sử dụng chip nào? iOS mấy?
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ujjinatd · 4 days
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Las noticias de WWDC AI harán que los usuarios de iPhone se actualicen al iPhone 16 ... https://ujjina.com/las-noticias-de-wwdc-ai-haran-que-los-usuarios-de-iphone-se-actualicen-al-iphone-16/?feed_id=648481&_unique_id=665f0901a999e
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bangladailynews · 5 days
Google Brings AI-Powered Circle To Search Feature To iPhone: How it Works - News18
সর্বশেষ সংষ্করণ: 09 মে, 2024, 16:11 IST গুগল আইফোন ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য লেন্সের মাধ্যমে এআই বৈশিষ্ট্যটি পাওয়ার করছে গুগল এই বছরের শুরুতে স্যামসাং এবং পিক্সেল ফ্ল্যাগশিপ ফোনগুলির সাথে অ্যান্ড্রয়েডে অনুসন্ধানের জন্য নতুন বৈশিষ্ট্যটি চালু করেছিল, এখন আইফোন ব্যবহারকারীরা এটি পাচ্ছেন। Google-এর সর্বশেষ ভিজ্যুয়াল সার্চ টুল, যা Samsung Galaxy S24 সিরিজ এবং Pixel 8 সিরিজে আত্মপ্রকাশ করেছে আরও…
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news2024news · 7 days
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The iPhone 16’s biggest selling point may be AI features in iOS 18 - 9to5Mac http://dlvr.it/T7hTjh
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govindhtech · 7 days
iPhone 16 camera Rumors with new redesigned button
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iPhone 16 camera Rumors
There may be major modifications to the camera system and a new button, according to recent leaks of iPhone 16 camera. These incidents imply that Apple is getting ready to significantly improve and modify its flagship smartphone lineup.
Camera Modifications: The rear camera module cutout is notably larger on the iPhone 16 covers. This suggests that in order to improve the quality of its photos and videos, Apple might be adding extra lenses or improving its camera sensors.
Redesigned Layout: It looks like the camera lenses are arranged differently than in earlier models. This novel arrangement might provide new camera functionalities and enhance optical performance.
Periscope Lens: There have been reports that a periscope lens for improved zoom may be included with the iPhone 16. This theory is supported by the larger camera module cutout, which points to improved optical zoom capabilities.
New Button: The case leaks also suggest that the iPhone 16 may have an additional button on its side, maybe in place of the mute switch. This button is likely to be an action button.
Improved Accessibility: By giving users more flexible control options, the new button might have been made with accessibility in mind. This is consistent with Apple’s continuous endeavors to improve device functionality and user experience.
iPhone 16 camera system
It is expected that the iPhone 16 camera system would improve upon the innovations of its predecessors by adding a number of state-of-the-art features to improve its capacity for both photography and filming. Here are a few anticipated highlights:
Cutting-Edge Sensor Technology:
Larger sensors to improve performance in low light.
Sharper photographs come with a higher megapixel count.
Enhanced methods of picture stabilization, potentially including sensor-shift stabilization for all lenses.
Improved Computer-Assisted Photography:
More sophisticated AI-powered capabilities to enhance the quality of photos.
Improved Night Mode to take better pictures in low light.
Enhanced Smart HDR for photos with increased dynamic range and balance.
Optical Enhancements:
Superior lenses possessing enhanced optical clarity.
Enhanced optical zoom powers, possibly as much as ten times magnification.
Further development of the telephoto and ultra-wide lenses to provide a wider range of shooting possibilities.
Video Features:
8K footage captured at increased frame rates.
More sophisticated video stabilisation for more fluid video.
Improved cinematic mode with improved focus transitions and depth control for professional-caliber video recording.
Integration of Augmented Reality (AR):
Enhanced LiDAR sensor for improved depth mapping precision.
Improved augmented reality features for more engaging interactions.
Software Improvements:
Updated camera app with improved controls and other capabilities.
Integration for more usefulness with third-party programmed.
Details of Pro Models:
Pro models only have certain features, such more lens selections or better sensors.
Periscope lens technology could be added for a far higher zoom range.
Official specifications will be confirmed following the debut of the iPhone 16, even though these features are based on trends and developments in smartphone photography technology.
Extra Adjustments to the Design
Modestly Different Form Factor: The cases allude to slight modifications to the iPhone 16’s general size and form, suggesting that Apple may be adjusting the layout to improve ergonomics or make room for the new hardware components.
Material and Finish: There are suggestions that Apple may choose to utilize alternative materials or finishes for the iPhone 16 cases, which might result in more colour possibilities or enhanced toughness.
There have been leaked photos of iPhone 16 cases that hint at major modifications to the camera configuration and the addition of a new button.
Changes to the Larger Camera Modules
The larger camera modules on the iPhone 16 appear to be the result of improvements in camera sensor or lens technology, as suggested by the cases.
A New Camera Arrangement
The camera cutouts’ placement suggests a revised camera arrangement that would enable more sophisticated photography functions and improved image quality.
An Extra Camera
There have been rumours about a second camera, which might indicate the addition of new features like better depth perception for augmented reality apps or an increased optical zoom.
Action Button: New Button
It is said that the additional button on the side of the casings is a “Action Button.” Like the Action Button on the Apple Watch Ultra, users could be able to easily access particular apps or functions by customizing this button.
Improved Availability
With simple, customizable shortcuts, the new button may offer improved accessibility features that give users more control over their device.
Other Prominent Aspects
Slimmer Bezels
With a larger screen-to-body ratio and lower bezels surrounding the display, the leaked cases point to a more engaging viewing experience.
Content and Style
Based on the design of the cases, it appears that the iPhone 16 will have a new material finish, which could provide improved durability and a more luxurious feel.
Better Workplace Ergonomics
The iPhone 16 is more pleasant to hold and use thanks to better ergonomics, which are mirrored in the cases’ general design modifications.
With a strong emphasis on boosting the photography capabilities and user experience with the addition of a new, customizable button, these leaked specifications offer us a peek of the possible advancements and enhancements we may expect from the next iPhone 16.
iPhone 16 models Release Date
The iPhone 16 official release date is still unknown. New iPhone models have traditionally been announced by Apple in September of each year. Should this trend hold true, the iPhone 16 is probably going to be unveiled and made available in September of the year it launches.
As the anticipated time draws near, it’s advisable to maintain a watch on official releases from Apple and significant tech news publications to obtain the most precise and up-to-current information on the release date of the iPhone 16.
In summary
According to these sources, the iPhone 16 may feature a new customizable button that will improve usability and lead to significant improvements in photography technology. This information, as usual, comes from leaks and rumours; hence, official confirmation from Apple will be required to validate these changes. The impending release will make clear whether or not these anticipated improvements live up to the high standards of Apple devotees and how they will affect the overall user experience.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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realnews20 · 18 days
Tenere al sicuro la propria abitazione è sempre più importante e installare una telecamera di videosorveglianza, magari connessa a Internet e consultabile ovunque dallo smartphone, è fondamentale per sapere se si verificano dei movimenti sospetti o se ci sono vere e proprie intrusioni in casa. Non solo, una camera di sorveglianza è perfetta anche per monitorare i propri animali domestici quando si è fuori casa, ad esempio al lavoro, e scoprire se ci sono problemi o criticità per le quali intervenire tempestivamente.Nel mercato ci sono molteplici soluzioni, di tantissimi marchi diversi, e tu hai acquistato una nuova telecamera a marchio EZVIZ o prevedi di acquistarne una a breve, giusto? Ora, magari, ti chiedi come fare a collegarla al telefono per poter vedere, in ogni momento, cosa accade a casa tua e tenere sotto controllo la tua abitazione.Sappi che sei nel posto giusto perché in quest'articolo ti spiegherò tutto quello che devi fare per configurare e usare la camera con il tuo telefono Android o iOS, accedere ai video registrati e al flusso video in tempo reale. Mettiti comodo, prenditi qualche minuto per leggere questa guida e scopri come collegare telecamera EZVIZ al telefono. Non mi resta che augurarti buona lettura!IndiceOperazioni preliminariPrima di collegare la telecamera al Wi-Fi hai bisogno di scaricare l'applicazione EZVIZ sul tuo smartphone perché è proprio quest'ultima a permetterti di collegare e configurare correttamente la telecamera a Internet. L'app è gratuita ed è disponibile su Android tramite il Google Play Store. Nel caso in cui tu abbia uno smartphone Android senza i servizi Google, puoi provare a cercarla anche sugli app store alternativi.Se, invece, hai un iPhone, puoi trovare l'app di EZVIZ su App Store, sempre in modo totalmente gratuito.Una volta scaricata l'app, avviala. La prima cosa che ti viene chiesta è di impostare una regione, ovvero inserire la località in cui ti trovi. Se sei in Italia, come immagino, tocca pure sulla voce Italia e poi sul tasto Salva. A questo punto devi effettuare il login con il tuo account EZVIZ. Se non ne hai uno, puoi creare un nuovo account toccando sulla scritta in basso Crea nuovo account. In alternativa, puoi accedere tramite e-mail, numero di telefono, Facebook, Google o TikTok.Se hai un account, effettua pure l'accesso, altrimenti compila i campi richiesti come e-mail o numero di telefono (a tua scelta) e inserisci una password che rispetti i requisiti di EZVIZ, ovvero che abbia una lunghezza da 8 a 16 caratteri e che includa 3 caratteri a scelta tra lettere maiuscole, minuscole, numeri e simboli speciali.A questo punto, leggi pure i termini e le condizioni, oltre all'informativa sulla privacy, tramite i link in basso e, se sei d'accordo, tocca su Continua. Ora ti viene chiesto di confermare la registrazione tramite un codice che ti viene inviato sulla casella e-mail o sul cellulare (SMS) in base al metodo inserito in fase di registrazione. Una volta inserito il codice e confermata l'operazione puoi finalmente accedere alla schermata principale dell'app di EZVIZ.Ora sei pronto a passare nel capitolo successivo, nel quale ti spiegherò come collegare la camera EZVIZ al Wi-Fi e stabilire così la connessione che ti permetterà di accedere alla videocamera in qualsiasi momento e di gestirla ovunque, semplicemente tramite il tuo smartphone e una connessione a Internet.Come collegare telecamera EZVIZ al Wi-FiIniziamo con la procedura di configurazione della rete Wi-Fi, ovvero il primo passo per collegare la telecamera EZVIZ al telefono. Innanzitutto, verifica di avere a disposizione il nome della tua rete Wi-Fi e la password del router per poter collegare effettivamente la camera a Internet.Tieni anche presente che, molto spesso, le telecamere di sorveglianza non supportano le reti con frequenza 5GHz, quindi, assicurati che sul tuo router sia attiva anche una rete a 2.4GHz. Maggiori info qui.Detto questo, se non l’hai fatto ancora, devi procedere con il collegamento alla
rete elettrica della telecamera EZVIZ, ovviamente da fare in base al modello a tua disposizione. Se il tuo modello richiede un cavo per l'alimentazione devi inserire la presa USB nel muro tramite l'apposito adattatore oppure, se la telecamera è totalmente wireless, devi installare la batteria seguendo le istruzioni presenti nel manuale.Se la telecamera è correttamente alimentata, una voce in inglese ti richiederà l'uso dell'app EZVIZ per la configurazione. Apri quindi l'app configurata prima e tocca sul tasto + Aggiungi Dispositivo. A questo punto puoi scegliere di indicare nello specifico la tipologia di prodotto da abbinare, ad esempio la telecamera toccando su Telecamere e accettando l'autorizzazione all'uso della fotocamera sul telefono così da poter scansionare il codice QR necessario alla configurazione.In alternativa, se non sai che tipo di prodotto stai configurando, magari perché si tratta di un videocitofono oppure un altro di un altro accessorio EZVIZ, tocca sul quadrato in alto a destra così da usare direttamente la scansione del codice QR e lasciare all'app il riconoscimento automatico dell'accessorio. A questo punto devi scansionare il codice QR identificativo della fotocamera con il tuo telefono. Il codice lo trovi sull'etichetta presente direttamente sulla telecamera, solitamente sotto la base di appoggio, oppure sul manuale o sulla guida rapida presente in confezione.Ora, se hai sentito correttamente la voce provenire dalla telecamera EZVIZ tocca pure la spunta sulla voce Il dispositivo è acceso e poi premi su Avanti. Leggi le informazioni necessarie alla configurazione e premi su Avvia. Adesso, se sulla telecamera la spia lampeggia di blu (la procedura però, te lo anticipo, può variare in base alla telecamera in tuo possesso), puoi toccare sull'apposita spunta La spia lampeggia di blu e poi su Avanti.Se non dovesse lampeggiare in alcun modo oppure dovesse essere di colore rosso, puoi toccare su La spia non lampeggia di blu e ottenere assistenza, ad esempio facendo un reset della camera. A questo proposito puoi leggere il mio articolo per sapere come resettare telecamera EZVIZ.Attiva ora la localizzazione dello smartphone toccando sul tasto Aprire l'autorizzazione della posizione e scegli se consentire la lettura della posizione Solo questa volta o Mentre usi l'app, in base alle tue preferenze. Ora ti viene chiesto di inserire la password della rete Wi-Fi alla quale la telecamera EZVIZ dovrà connettersi. Se la rete che viene proposta è sbagliata, puoi toccare su Cambiare rete e selezionare quella giusta. Una volta inserita la password, l'app chiede l'autorizzazione a connettersi al dispositivo tramite AP. Tocca su Connetti e attendi.Se tutto è andato a buon fine, nell'app trovi la voce Connesso e poi ti si apre una nuova schermata nella quale inserire il nome e il luogo del dispositivo, ad esempio il nome della telecamera a tuo piacimento e della stanza in cui verrà piazzata, ad esempio Cucina o Soggiorno. Ora tocca su Avanti e procedi.A questo punto, il collegamento alla rete Wi-Fi è completato e nell'app puoi impostare alcune regolazioni di base utili a iniziare. Non preoccuparti, dopo ti spiegherò cosa fare con tutte le altre impostazioni a disposizione. Da questa schermata puoi scegliere se conservare il codice QR del dispositivo, utile per eventuali future configurazioni, se attivare o disattivare l'audio della telecamera e se capovolgere l'immagine, nel caso in cui la telecamera sia stata fissata a testa in giù. Puoi anche impostare il fuso orario del dispositivo e attivare la prova gratuita di CloudPlay, il servizio di memorizzazione in cloud di EZVIZ. Premi pure su Avanti e ora sei pronto a gestire la telecamera nell'app.Come usare la telecamera EZVIZ dal telefonoOra che hai configurato la telecamera EZVIZ vuoi verificare se, effettivamente, i video si vedono in tempo reale e vuoi sapere come fare a vedere le riprese da app mentre ti trovi fuori casa. Nella schermata principale puoi toccare sul riquadro
della telecamera che ti interessa, ad esempio Soggiorno o Cucina in base a come l'hai configurata, per vedere le riprese in tempo reale. La schermata ti mostra l'anteprima del flusso video in tempo reale in alto e una lista di eventi con la cronologia in basso. In base alla presenza o meno dell'abbonamento CloudPlay e della scheda SD nella telecamera, se quest'ultima supporta la memoria esterna, le opzioni sulla consultazione degli eventi possono cambiare.CloudPlay è un servizio molto comodo, disponibile in abbonamento a un prezzo che parte da 49.99€ all'anno per il piano singolo con una sola telecamera e 7 giorni di cronologia video. Puoi provarlo con un periodo gratuito, se nel tuo account trovi la possibilità di attivare la prova gratuita.Per vedere a tutto schermo il video in tempo reale puoi ruotare il tuo telefono oppure premere sul quadrato in basso a destra nel riquadro di anteprima, il quale attiva lo schermo intero. Direttamente dalla schermata di visualizzazione del video puoi anche scattare un'istantanea del video, registrare uno specifico momento, muovere la camera se questa è motorizzata tramite un comodissimo joystick a schermo sul quale basta scorrere il dito per far muovere la telecamera in tutte le direzioni, chiamare tramite microfono/interfono la telecamera, scegliere la risoluzione in base al livello di dettaglio che desideri e alla potenza della tua rete Internet (Full HD, Hi-Def, Standard), attivare la modalità di sospensione e riattivare la camera all'occorrenza, attivare il multiscreen per vedere in tempo reale più telecamere sullo stesso schermo, se le hai configurate, e attivare il PiP per guardare il flusso video con la funzione Picture in Picture.Inoltre, puoi usare la sezione Libreria presente nell'app EZVIZ per guardare on-demand gli eventi principali registrati, ad esempio i casi in cui viene rilevato un movimento. Per fare in modo che la telecamera registri determinati eventi è necessario impostarne il riconoscimento nelle impostazioni, come ti mostrerò nel prossimo capitolo.Per visualizzare questi video ti basta toccarli con il dito e gestire la riproduzione come un qualsiasi video sul cellulare, compresa la possibilità di scorrere avanti e indietro per fissare un determinato momento e toccare il tasto Play/Pausa per avviare e stoppare la riproduzione. Per tornare alla visualizzazione in tempo reale tocca il tasto blu con la freccia bianca all'interno e la scritta Live.Se non sai come funziona una telecamera Wi-Fi e vuoi saperne di più, puoi leggere il mio articolo.Come gestire telecamera EZVIZ dal telefonoLe telecamere EZVIZ offrono numerose funzioni e opzioni di personalizzazione, tutte disponibili tramite l'app per smartphone. Ora ti spiego le opzioni utili a gestire la videocamera di sorveglianza dall'app.Innanzitutto, per accedere alle varie opzioni apri la pagina della telecamera che ti interessa gestire e poi tocca sull'icona Impostazioni, a forma di ingranaggio in alto a destra. Qui hai a disposizione diverse funzioni utili a personalizzare le funzioni della telecamera, ad esempio attivare e disattivare l'Audio se preferisci usare o non usare il microfono incorporato oppure spegnere e accendere la spia luminosa sulla camera che indica il suo effettivo funzionamento.Ancora, puoi attivare o disattivare la Luce IR per la visuale notturna e puoi impostare le notifiche degli allarmi. Innanzitutto, ti consiglio di tenere attiva la Luce IR se devi usare la videocamera anche di sera o in ambienti bui. Inoltre, queste notifiche sono utili per ricevere degli allarmi quando viene rilevato un movimento e possono essere programmate in base a frequenza, giorni e orari. Inoltre, puoi anche impostare la sensibilità della rilevazione del movimento, scegliendo tra bassa e alta su una scala che va da 0 a 6, e anche disegnare l'area di rilevamento, utile se hai impostato una telecamera fissa e vuoi accertarti che il movimento sia inerente solo alla porzione di schermo che mostra la finestra o la porta.Per
attivare queste notifiche, tocca su Notifica Allarme, attiva la funzione e apri la sezione Impostazioni intervallo messaggi dispositivo. Da qui, imposta una frequenza relativa agli avvisi, ad esempio 1 minuto, 10 minuti e così via. In questo modo, se si verificano nuovi movimenti nello stesso intervallo, non riceverai ulteriori notifiche oltre alla prima. Tocca poi su Modalità allarme dispositivo per attivare o disattivare gli avvisi di rilevamento direttamente sulla videocamera, utili, ad esempio, in caso di funzione Sirena attivata.Se cerchi un modo di tracciare facilmente il movimento degli intrusi e hai una telecamera motorizzata che, magari, ruota a 360°, ti consiglio di impostare la funzione Auto Tracking affinché la camera segua l'intruso fino alla massima rotazione possibile. Sempre dalle impostazioni, tocca su Auto Tracking e poi attiva la funzione Rilevamento movimenti.Dalle impostazioni della videocamera, puoi scegliere di regolare il fuso orario e il formato della data, così come controllare le impostazioni di rete ed eventualmente cambiare rete Wi-Fi, se necessario. Puoi anche controllare lo stato del CloudPlay così come quello dell'archivio, ovvero della scheda SD inserita all'interno della telecamera, se presente uno slot.Se vuoi controllare la presenza di aggiornamenti, tocca su Versione Dispositivo e, se è presente un nuovo aggiornamento, prosegui pure con l'update. Ti consiglio, infatti, di avere sempre l'ultima versione del software per la massima efficienza e sicurezza.Ancora, tra le opzioni utili per gestire la telecamera EZVIZ dall'app puoi attivare una password per criptare le foto, così come puoi attivare o disattivare la filigrana con il logo del marchio. Come accennato prima, infine, puoi capovolgere l'immagine, attivare la modalità di sospensione e attivare anche la notifica per quando la rete Internet va via e la camera si trova Non in linea.Inoltre, in base ai tuoi gusti e alle esigenze di ripresa, dalla sezione Impostazioni avanzate immagine puoi cambiare la modalità di visione per avere colori meno vividi o più vivaci, scegliendo tra Originale, Modalità Audio e Vivace. Puoi anche andare più nel dettaglio attivando la Modalità retroilluminazione per regolare le impostazioni e fare in modo che la ripresa sia quanto più bilanciata e pulita possibile.In fondo alla pagina, infine, si trovano i tasti per le informazioni e il manuale d'uso e, soprattutto, due pulsanti fondamentali per riavviare la camera in caso di necessità (Riavvia) oppure per eliminare il dispositivo quando non lo si vuole più utilizzare (Elimina Dispositivo).Non mancano, infine, altre funzioni nell'app, per personalizzare le automazioni e le routine, così come per proteggere al meglio il proprio account e le proprie telecamere, compresa la possibilità di usare le Integrazioni smart per collegare Amazon Alexa, l'Assistente Google oppure IFTTT. Puoi trovarle tutte toccando sull'icona del tuo account in alto a sinistra.Ora sai come fare a collegare e gestire le telecamere di sorveglianza EZVIZ e conosci tutto ciò che serve per iniziare a proteggere al meglio la tua casa. Se hai bisogno di qualche consiglio su altre telecamere EZVIZ da poter acquistare e installare in casa, ti lascio alcuni modelli molto interessanti, sia per interno sia per esterno. EZVIZ C6N Telecamera Wi-Fi Interno 1080p Videocamera Sorveglianza Inte... Vedi offerta su Amazon EZVIZ BC1C Telecamera wifi esterno batteria 1080p, 100% senza fili, 21... Vedi offerta su Amazon EZVIZ Telecamera da Interno Wi-Fi IP Camera 1080P Grandangolare Vision... Vedi offerta su Amazon EZVIZ Telecamera da interno, IP camera wifi, Videocamera di sorveglian... Vedi offerta su Amazon In qualità di affiliati Amazon, riceviamo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei effettuati tramite i link presenti sul nostro sito. Salvatore Aranzulla è il blogger e divulgatore informatico più letto in Italia. Noto per aver scoperto delle vulnerabilità nei siti di Google e Microsoft. Collabora con riviste di informatica e cura la rubrica tecnologica del quotidiano Il Messaggero.
È il fondatore di Aranzulla.it, uno dei trenta siti più visitati d'Italia, nel quale risponde con semplicità a migliaia di dubbi di tipo informatico. Ha pubblicato per Mondadori e Mondadori Informatica. [ad_2] Source link
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