#i've been enjoying revice just
chacerider · 2 years
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out of memory
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That post about Higuchi Kouhei and his cat got me thinking about some other tokusatsu-to-BL pipeline actors that are on current or recent BLs, so I thought I'd do a screenshot post about Kamen Rider Revice, a recent toku series that features two lead actors who star in current BLs, plus an actor in a smaller role who was part of a side couple in a BL series that recently completed a second season.
The main character of Revice is Igarashi Ikki, played by Maeda Kentaro, currently playing Ohara Yamato in I Can't Reach You. His siblings are very central to the story as well--by the end of the series, the story is centered around his whole family. Ikki's younger brother Daiji is played by Hyuga Wataru, currently playing Yamasuge Ryuiji in If It's With You.
Here they are having a bath in the opening credits for the show (the Igarashi family runs a public bath house).
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I should say at the outset that I can't entirely recommend Revice, especially to folks who don't already have some tokusatsu-watching under their belts. It's a hot mess in a lot of ways. But it does have some really outstanding highlights. The best aspects of the series, in my book, were:
Kagerou (Daiji's demonic alter ego),
George Karizaki (my beloved),
Igarashi Sakura/Kamen Rider Jeanne (the most formidable female Rider I've seen in any series in the franchise), and
the relationship between Sakura and Natsuki Hana (a rare example of a convincing Sapphic ship in a franchise well known for "heated drama between men").
I'm not going to get into 2 and 3 here, as tempting as that would be, but I'll include as much of 4 as time/space permits.
It might seem weird that I'm not recommending a series with some of my favorite characters in the entire Kamen Rider franchise AND a relationship between girls that is a hair's breadth from being canonically queer. It's just too much of a trainwreck to endorse as a whole. But as I said, the highlights are really something.
One of the biggest issues I had with Revice was that Ikki, the protagonist, just isn't a very compelling character. As a result I don't think Maeda Kentaro really got to show the range of his acting abilities in this series. (This just makes me more curious to see him in ICRY. From the excerpts I've seen so far, it seems like he shows a really different side of himself.)
Maeda appreciators might still enjoy the many determined faces and creepy smiles he gets to dish out in this series. Here's a sampling.
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It's possible they'll want to look away when he starts doing things like this, though.
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Fans of both Maeda and Hyuga might enjoy some of their scenes fighting side by side, including doing their various henshin poses (the moves they do before they transform into their masked Rider forms).
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Or when they do things like this bonkers flying kick.
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Thankfully, Daiji is a more interesting character than Ikki, so Revice gave Hyuga some more challenging things to do. I thought Hyuga also just really made the most of every opportunity the show presented to him. He was seriously impressive. This is the reason I was sold on IIWY the moment I saw the announcement about it based solely on Hyuga's involvement.
Here's a sampling of Hyuga as Daiji.
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In addition to playing Daiji, Hyuga also played Kagerou, Daiji's aforementioned demonic alter ego. Kagerou was formed from thoughts and emotions that Daiji repressed. The biggest of these was his resentment toward Ikki. But apparently Daiji had also been repressing a desire to be a somewhat gender non-conforming goth, because that's Kagerou's other raison d'etre.
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In some ways, it's hard to imagine a character more different from Ryuji. If they have anything in common, it's the fact that they both place a high value on honesty.
One other thing that's worth noting about Hyuga's work on Revice is that he was only 17 when the show premiered. He showed major dramatic range in this part, not only playing two very different characters but doing everything from low-key nuanced scenes to bombastic high drama. Not to mention the stunts! Doing all of this at 17 is seriously remarkable.
Now for our bonus dude! There's a secret evil-fighting organization called Weekend that secretly keeps tabs on the Igarashi family for years before coming out of hiding to join the big central battle of the series. One of the Weekend operatives is Ushijima Hikaru.
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Look familiar? Maybe not, he didn't make faces like this on his BL series.
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How about now? Yep, it's Oku Tomoya, who plays Hanabusa Asuka on both seasons of Minato Shouji Coin Laundry.
Oku has some big scenes and interesting moments in Revice. He does some romantic pining, goes through big-time loss, does quite a bit of martial-arts sparring, gets seriously injured, and more. He even gets to henshin a few times. Here he is getting ready to do just that with Sakura and Hana. Those Weekend uniforms are pretty hardcore in a 70s flight attendant sort of way, but I feel like Oku really sells it here.
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While we're on the subject of Sakura and Hana, I feel like I can't mention their relationship without including some moments where their story came particularly close to tipping into full-on yuri.
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If you're going to do an enemies-to-lovers story, why not make them full-on superhero nemeses?
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The word "date" might not technically get used by the characters, but there's no mistaking that the amusement park hangout Sakura invites Hana on--while she is still a fully-functioning bad guy, I might add--is definitely a date.
Most of the time when a Rider beats their nemesis for the final time they don't hold each other tenderly in the sunset.
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By the end of the series, they're in a big tub together at the Igarashi's bath house.
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There are tons more examples but you get the idea. If this isn't borderline-yuri I don't know what is.
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eclipse-song · 3 months
gotchard is the first kamen rider I've seen since getting into rider where I haven't been extremely wary of/just not interested in it. I haven't ever seen a kamen rider live that right off the bat I really loved with all my heart...Saber was halfway done when I got into toku and I didn't really appreciate it and come to love it until after it aired. I didn't really enjoy much of Revice and Geats was like...kinda fun until it wasn't and also actively triggered some memories of bad times for me at the end. Gotchard has been finally a show I can watch and feel excited every week to see more of. It's nice because I was starting to wonder if there was smth wrong with me and I couldn't enjoy live kamen rider shows.
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like post-fourze rider for me is. The only ones I'd say I particularly enjoyed were ones which still had big issues (Ghost, Zi-O, Revice, Gotchard) or it was Build. 12 shows in a row and I barely like a third of that. The spin-offs are a different thing altogether; I've found I've liked all of those to different degrees or at least have something to dig into and think about, but when it mainline I just don't feel Rider has that spice for me that it used to. Obviously TV is just made very very differently now with different rules to the 2000s but the way drama and character complexity is portrayed is consistently skin deep in my view and it just doesn't compare to what we used to have.
I'm certainly not saying I hate most of it -- I'm perfectly fine with Saber and Wizard and on a good day I can say something nice about Ex-Aid, but lately I'm really finding myself thinking I'm wasting my time here. The last few years in particular have been a real exercise in trying to give the new show a chance and by the halfway point finding it's a bit of a mess with, at best; one character or subplot that manages to hold my interest way more than what the show as a whole is going for. I've been ~liking~ Gotchard but each episode I'm now finding myself thinking about how I'd rewrite it more than actually enjoying it and thinking about how much more each element could be, and a lot of recent Tokusatsu I can say I wholeheartedly enjoy are the ones that lean hard into being extremely silly like Zenkaiger and embrace the trappings of this era. I said I'd be done with Rider after Geats and deciding to come back to try Gotchard because I'd heard good things, but unless it really hits the gas in this last third I might have to say it's fell flat for me and I should go back to not watching modern Rider
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bobcatmoran · 11 months
I downloaded the raw of the newest Geats episode, and then realized that I hadn't watched the previous two most recent episodes with subs yet. And then I thought for a bit and realized that I didn't want to put myself through rewatching those two episodes.
Thought some more, and realized that I don't really want to watch this newest episode, either, because the last three episodes in particular have just been a parade of abuse and trauma and fridging for the show's female characters. Heck, last episode, I honest to goodness thought Neon was gonna get sexually assaulted for a bit. And I'm done.
I'm done.
Almost an entire year of sunk cost viewing, and I'm done.
I've watched every single episode of Rider from Decade to present, been watching as they come out since mid-Build — I even finished Revice despite its absolute trainwreck of a last few episodes, finished Ex-Aid even though I didn't actually like any of the characters, but despite loving Geats early on, it's not worth it for me any more. I have better things to do with my life than spend time watching something that just makes me sad and angry to no end.
Gonna go watch King-Ohger, since I actually enjoy watching that.
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alpona · 1 year
KR Geats Character song album 1st impressions:
(Only based on the music and singing, with zero consideration to lyrics. And Please excuse me if I got the genres wrong.)
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1. 'Star of the star of the stars' by Ukiyo Ace (Kan Hideyoshi) : First of all, lol at the title 😂.
Probably first time singing for the actor? He used a deeper fake voice it seemed. However, it fits perfectly with this 'Ace' we're seeing now.
Just like the title, the character, this 'star of the star' title he made up, his fake name, how he keeps faking a smug and strong persona, this song sounded very 'fake' too, on purpose.
Or I'm just reading too much into it lol and it's simply how Hideyoshi sings.
In general, it sounded more like a sentai red's song to me. And the genre is jazz(ish)? Which I'm not a fan of. But this song only made me more curious to hear a different song from this actor. He's got potential.
2. 'Beat of my life' by Neon kurama (Yuna) : Beautiful melody with a very sweet voice. Like reaaaally sweet, diabetes beware! Lol.
The actress can already sing, so of course her singing was very nice, the song sounds nice as well. Fits with Neon's character too, so yes, thumbs up. But again I'm curious to hear another song from her with just a lil less sweet voice and less auto-tune.
3. 'I peace' by sakurai Keiwa (Sato Ryuga) : ah, this is the one I've been most excited about! Because this actor is also in a music group, and I heard him singing a cover song, absolutely loved his voice!
Aaand the pro idol voice comes out! This is Sato Ryuga singing, not keiwa-kun! Haha!
At first it doesn't seem like something from our naive keiwa, but it's more like an evolved, darker keiwa from the future.
An apparently bright pop song with dark undertones...
Keiwa is definitely bound to get more matured and darker, it's already happening. So, Foreshadowing? 👀
( And Fit for Keiwa's inner demon, who Geats X revice movie)
I really like this song, the voice and singing is A+ of course, just as expected. He sounds even better with softer songs.
Can we get more songs from sato ryuga please? Just sing all the insert songs 😁
4. 'Undead fire' by Michinaga Azuma (Kazuto Mokudai) : exactly as one would expect Buffa's character song to be, no surprises. A hard metal song which must be quite difficult to sing. The actor doesn't have prior singing experience as far as I know? So he did a good job.
I Actually enjoyed listening to it more than Ace's one!😱 Whaaaa THIS was unexpected!
Overall, an interesting and enjoyable album. My favourite would be... Music-wise Neon's, but voice-wise, no one had a chance, it's Keiwa's. Actually I think I'll be listening to Keiwa's one the most, ah, it's been a rigged game!
And Ace totally lost, sorry, this is one sector Ace-kun cannot Ace at!
Need Tsumuri's song next. And we'll get a Ace - Keiwa duet, right avex? Right??
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miragemirrors · 8 months
what are some sisterly things you could see the igarashi siblings doing? also, hmm, ultraman things to think about... what are your thoughts on taiga as a show? (and, if you have free time, thoughts on ginga and gotchard as well?)
let's see...
for sisterly things, Girl Talk is probably the thing that gets most air bc while ikki and sakura are significantly butcher than daiji so makeovers or clothes shopping don't really fly they aren't immune to gossip (vice especially might as well be the gossip devil...), so sapphic shop talk, bitching about work, and other such daily life bullshit becomes discussion fodder for their "sleepovers" which are really just eating junk food in the living room while watching b movies and then falling asleep then and there (god forbid kagerou wakes up first)
taiga was a wonderful show!!! i have a lot of thoughts on its usage of tragedy in the episodic plots and how it relates to the serial plot with tregear vs. taiga, and how tregear's plot to break taiga through tragedy backfires spectacularly bc taiga doesn't resign herself to it, through the bonds of the tri-squad. i actually have an essay i wanna write about it, as i do about lots of toku shows
i've only just begun ginga but i find the style of it fascinating! the weird framerate in ep 2 being to highlight the "midsummer dream" aspect felt really cool. experimental film sort of approach
i've been enjoying gotchard, i've found it very similar to precure lol so a lot of the things people complain about bc "waaa why isn't my rider show GRITTY" i'm like YES YES though the reaction does leave me thinking "you fucks really couldn't have handled girl revice". anyway i'm so excited to learn more about this world and the funky little homunculi
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narashikari · 9 months
Some final thoughts on Geats
Nothing too specific though because honestly I don't have much to say anymore :p
Because I was out of town last week, I actually watched the final two episodes back to back. I thought they were quite well done, I enjoyed both eps a lot
Daichi showing up with the Jyamato to back Win... ok that's a thing I guess...
I did get spoiled for the scene where Ace supposedly gets killed by "Tsumuri", and yeah I never believed for a second it was our Tsumuri
Ace turning into a god though... well, I guess they foreshadowed it enough but for I kinda also wish they didn't do it -_- Idk, something about it bugged me
Loved the fight scene with the four riders. Geats never fails to impress with its fight choreography. I almost thought it was a Kamihoriuchi episode because his stuff never let me down
Last season we ended with one main Rider being forgotten (Vice) by his partner... and now it's Ace's turn... ironic considering Ace was the one who restored Ikki's memories of Vice
Btw, using the crossover theme song as an ED? Nice touch. I don't think that's ever been done before
Everyone's wishes... even Daichi's was kinda nice I guess
Neon, my dear neko, please consider a tanuki knight instead of a lion jerk who disappeared for 10 episodes and barely interacted with you in a nice way
(Seriously if they end up together I'll throw hands)
I guess we're gonna get a handoff scene every year now? We had Saber -> Revice, Revice -> Geats and now Geats -> Gotchard... poor Aruto was the only Reiwa Rider not to get a handoff with his kouhai lol
Overall, I liked Geats, though it did go downhill for me as the show went on. It was... good, but not that great.
It started out really strong, with a lot of great action and good chemistry between the leads... but I had serious problems with how it handled certain characters (Keiwa in particular) during the final third of the show which affected my overall enjoyment. I also thought most of the redemption arcs for were either poorly done (like the Kurama parents) or were simply unjustified for the character in question (Daichi). It was even worse than Revice imo.
And this was the first time where the fandom wank actually affected my enjoyment of the show. Normally I don't get affected by such things but something about this show brought out a nasty side of the fandom that I felt was just too much. The Keiwa haters and Azuma apologists in particular were some of the nastiest people I've ever come across.
This is probably the first season where I'm actually relieved it's over? Like... I don't hate it, but I won't miss it either. I don't actually know if I'll watch the V-Cinema when it comes out (I'll watch the summer movie for sure though)
Anyways. Onwards to Gotchard~
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biomic · 2 years
there's been some digs at revice for not planning anything through but i think there was a definitive plan set from the start that's just been massively derailed, and given that this is kinoshita's first time writing a television show, let alone a year-long tokusatsu series with all the obstacles that come with that, i just don't think he had the ability to navigate all that. i've also heard speculation that a lot of this might fall on mochizuki as producer not managing things well. add onto that things like ikki and george's entire arcs being obviously retconned from where they were supposed to go, working around hiromi's inclusion, having to deal with hikaru's agency likely forcing them to boost his role, and all the usual toy shilling as well as extra p-bandai and spinoff tie-in shit... this show just doesn't have the foundation to make something consistent
i still like it for what it is, and there's some obvious highlights (agisaku, tamaki's arc, hiromi screaming and crying and throwing up etc.), but it's a shame to see how aimless it's become when it seemed like it had such a strong vision at the start. i can see the argument that something like saber was the messier show, but at least that was fucked from the start by outside circumstances. i don't think anyone got to episode 40 of saber, whether they loved it or hated it up to that point, and thought "what happened to this show? it started off so strong!"
im enjoying the ride and i hope revice can find a way to stick the landing, but it's clear that it could've been so much more
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kabutoraiger · 1 year
I'm new here, is there a reason you haven't been watching Geats? I'm personally not really a fan of Takahashi's work so I'm curious to know if it's apprehensiveness towards that.
not the most interesting answer but i've just grown pretty exhausted by kamen rider in general in recent years. i feel that it no longer has the capability to tell an actual satisfying story due to how constant & overwhelming the toy shilling has become, as well as the need to parcel out important character information into TTFC specials.
so my stance on reiwa rider has been, i'll only bother watching a season if there's some element present that really grabs my interest. which turned out to be a big mistake with revice which i ended up not enjoying at all so now i'm even more wary lmao.
seeing takahashi get announced for a third season definitely didn't help either though i'll admit; i'm also not his biggest fan. just a guy who never quite manages to Get There and give you what you want irt character writing and relationships.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
You and me, babe, livin' for dreams Lifin for love, drinkin' for free Sittin' on top of an old robot, sharin' and carin' it out... The memory's scrubbing you down!
Kamen Rider Geats is filmed in front of a live studio audience~! Seriously, I guess we're going back to that family sitcom vibe Revice had, if only for a bit. But hey, this should be fun, right?
We've got a new set of Riders to become our friends! ...or our enemies, one or the other~! And the triumphant return of homegirl Na-Go about to rock! Witness the Scheme game unfold!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Wan Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanchi
-You did it, Ace! You saaaaaaaved the world!
-Okay so this obviously indicates that Tsumuri is older than Ace, which lines up with Kokoro Aoshima being three years older than Hideyoshi Kan (...holy fuck, once again I'm a little bit older than a Kamen Rider lead, Jesus it's only gonna get more common from here...), but like... how much older, do you reckon?
-Of course, she definitely was a good bit older than him when he started playing, but I'm wondering if the DGP is a time immemorial sorta deal. How hard did the Qin dynasty fall with the DGP's influence? Were there like a bunch of early Mycenaens playing Fortnite against the Jamato? Did they ever get Linto and Gurongi in on the action? Was the first ever winner of the game like an Australopithecus Africanus?
-Oh wow, I forgot, he made all of the DPG management his family.
-...I can't imagine how lonely he must feel if he thinks Giroli and Tsumuri are acceptable family to him.
-Does this mean Punkjack is his cousin?
-Oh hey, the new cast are in the !
-There's Owl Grandpa, heard a bit of buzz about him.
-Ah, yep, there's Punkjack. Hareruya Win, his name is, which is... very funny, guess they continue with Halloween content well into November like I do.
-Goat Girl! I really hope you're cool too.
-No Na-Go in the intro, huh? Weeeeeeeeeeell, I saw her everywhere in the lead up to this arc, so I guess she's coming to play again soon enough.
-Having a nice family dinner~!
-Looks quite delicious.
-Oh wow, man can cook!
-Y'know Tsumuri-neechan, your loving single father still found the time to cook for his two children. How about we just relax and enjoy this lovely moment?
Tsumuri: I've been done playing house since two weeks ago, when is it gonna end? Ace: Well, if you find someone who can kill God, then I guess I can stop being your little brother- Tsumuri: Shin Megami Tensei VI confirmed! Kill him!
-So, you thought just now to ask about that, huh Ace?
-That we... don't know, hahahahaha :)
-Oh! You just... Win once and you get to play forever and ever.
-...to be fair, that does seem an effective way to get things going.
-Who's the rival of this arc gonna be?
-"Oh shit, Ukiyo Ace."
-Starting today, you are Kamen Rider Buffa Deez Nuts!
-"Wait a fucking second, I hate Geats!"
-"Dude what the fuck, why would you wish for that?"
-Oh shit, Neon! Whaddup girl? Can't wait to see you get that badass new form I saw all over the internet!
-I see John and Ben are doing well!
-...Ah... well, she's definitely still trapped in that house with her mother. That's quite terrible.
-"Do you miss her? :3"
-Keiwaaaaaa, my bestie! I missed you for two weeks!
-Gotta gamble.
-Hmm... this is definitely different. ...perhaps Morio rubbed off on him on an unconscious level.
-Tanuki soba! I hear that Tycoon's core is bundled with a cup of that stuff. That is certainly... a decision.
-Where we droppin', boys?
-It's game time.
-Papa Giroli's mask is super cool.
-Jesus Christ, Ace, what the fuck are you getting the system to give you now?
-Watch, it's gonna be something phenomenally petty like him wishing to meet a
-Oh fuck, he's got eyes on Tsumuri-neesan.
-Poor Azuma is just 110% done with all this.
-Oh this guy's gonna be like super evil.
-I'm guessing there's no age limit aside from "over the age of 18", which I guess is fair enough.
-Wow, okay, just stick your brother and the creepy guy coming after you on the same time.
-Jolly Roger!
-"Hey, I don't want this old dude or this random chick, can I trade them in?"
-Oh wow, there're... two three-man teams, I guess he's got a point.
-An Item!
-Oop, there's the Zombie Buckle Azuma loves so much.
-What the fuck are these names... Zelgar? Uzul'Arc?
-Y'know, I think a tutorial stage would be very helpful.
-Or at the very least, some kinda antepiece. Uh, Route Kanal in Half-Life 2 starts by making you pick up the crowbar to get rid of the boards blocking your way, and after that you get jumpscared by a Scanner that you instinctively smack down. And a bit after that, you have to kill Metrocops to progress, which you can usually do pretty easy because all the necessary information was conveyed to you beforehand. That kinda forward thinking would help a lot with keeping players in the game longer.
-Come to think of it, the Jamato give me big Combine vibes.
-I'm the Punkjack!
-Win, I hate you so much you're incredible hjhhlkj
-We transformed!
-These pirate guys
-"Oh, ho! My baaaack!"
-I liked you way better when you never talked, Punkjack.
-Ah, so Giroli's not the GM. ...or, at least, not in charge of the game as a whole.
-"I wanna be young again!"
-Quite... interesting uses of literal godlike power, but.
-You are not a normie, Win.
-Okay I take it back, you're really fucking funny.
-Shut yo ass up, Mom. Trying to marry off your kid to a corporate suit. You should be ashamed.
-...I have to wonder, does the Game Master have a vested interest in helping Neon?
-Oh shit, Dad.
-Neon, your dad is TimeFire!
-"Well, you guys are fucked."
-Who could you possibly wanna get married to, Goat Gal?
-Oh she just straight up dipped.
-Well, I can't say I found you disappointing, Goat Gal. Hang on, I'm looking this up, what was your name again? Yukie Yaginuma? Letter?
-You certainly were The Letter (Wii U, 2014), not to be confused with the infinitely better Filipino VN The Letter by Yangyang Mobile.
-How about you, Grandpa Tanba? Keilow?
-"Fuck it, it's Ninja Time!"
-Taking a massive shit.
-"Time for you to lose, Fox Boy."
-If you don't fight, you don't survive!
-Na-Go, woooooooo!
-Oh shit!
-Kurama Neon's time to shine!
-That cheering is ours.
-Homegirl got herself an axe bass. Just like the kind Marceline had.
-Damn, music and cat motif on the same female Rider? Takahashi must really be trying to make up for Yaiba and Poppy.
-Tactical Blizzard!
-Ah, you can just
-Do that now, damn girl.
-Yeah, that's awesome, I love this power-up. You've more than earned it, sweetie.
-Round 1's over!
-Good job, dipshit.
-"Did that massive shit you take make you feel better?"
-Gotta love homegirl Neon.
-Gotta get that wish!
-"Why do you fight, Fox Man?"
-What on earth happened to Fox Mama?
-The Game Master picks the players.
-Oh shit, Geats got a gold scarf.
-A cipher, huh? Are we perhaps getting Jamato script?
-Oh fuck, a labyrinth.
-Alright, speculation time!
-Neon's dad. What's his name, Kousei? He's obviously gonna be important later. My guess is that he's somehow related to the people in charge of the DGP. He's definitely not the big boss, but the fact that Neon got drafted back in with such an obviously amazing Raise Buckle to start tells me that he's definitely got strings to pull.
-Now, about Fox Mama... I find it very interesting that they got a notable seiyuu to voice her early in the season where she first appeared. Yuka Terasaki, you probably know her as Korrina in the XY seasons of the Pokemon anime, Hephaestus in DanMachi, Kudelia in Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, or... perhaps most notably Luna/Ruka in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's. This is wildly speculative, but I think that perhaps the actress we saw in Ace's flashback was a Shemp for Terasaki, who actually has done live theater in the past, and Toei's just building up for her grand appearance in the late-game of Geats.
-Anyways I think that's all for now. Join us next week, for real this time when we continue gaming! ...in a big dumb maze!
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ixa193 · 1 year
5,7,14, and 15 for the toku ask
I'm going to give two answers for each one for Sentai and one for Kamen rider
5. Favorite main hero?
I'm basing my answer to this question on, "How happy I get when this character is on screen" and for Kamen Rider I'd have to Pick Gentarou from Fourze. It's a bit Harder for Sentai Series' since they all have at least five main guys but idk if its recency bias or anything but Haruka's strange, chaotic, "weird girl" energy from Donbrothers is going to be something I'm going to miss come February. Close runner ups go to Alan from the mess that was Ghost (listen HE had potential) and Shiguru from Kirameiger who was propped to be this stuffy, actor character, but then immediately turned into this cool regular guy.
7.Favorite villain?
Mazenda and Beautiful Beast Kemp from Liveman are probably my overall favorites because i really liked how the liveman villains would just become more monstrous as the series would progress. Enter and Escape from Go-busters were like that too but Kemp and Mazenda were Camp about it. As for Kamen Rider I loved "The Horoscopes" from Fourze and LOVED the old model of "Council of Villains" that has apparently been dropped for "Lets just keep doing rider wars". If i had to pic a favorite Villain from the Horoscopes I'd probably pick Scorpio. If we were basing things off Design it'd have to be Aries I was OBSSESED with that design back then.
14.Least favorite character(s)?
OKAY sometime after like Fourze there was like this....archetype of Character who was supposed to be comic relief but was just....really annoying and didn't really end up doing anything for the for the series...like the whole show could have been done without them. and those characters Shunpei from Wizard, and Onari From Ghost. For Sentai, not the Biggest Fan of Leo from Zyuohger and Yakumo From Ninninger
15.Least favorite series?
I've been watching both Series' weekly since the Gokaiger/OOO Super hero time and to this day the Ninninger holds the distinction of being the one Series I just haven't bothered to finish. As for Kamen Rider i feel like "Ghost/Revice were bad" is such a cold take and yeah Gaim made coming to this website unbearable back in 2013. But if I had to give it thought, I didn't really like Drive... like yeah there were cool moments and I was hype for the first couple weeks but I wasn't really feeling it in the middle of the series. Like, my memory is just punctuated with Rider Debut's, Brain just SEETHING from Medic Existing, Form changes, and Mach Killing Gold with Chase's Axe and that's it. Nothing really stuck with me from that series. It was cool but i think it's probably quite literally my "Least Favorite" as far as series' that I've actually enjoyed
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fernandaps2 · 2 years
Gotta say I'm 3 eps behind but I've been really enjoying the show titled kamen rider revice. Most people find vice annoying which i don't i like shitty kids humor like that, my biggest beef is every other rider outside demons and the igarashi family cause i think these shows have lost the idea that being a kamen rider is supposed to be awful. The main heroes usually have it pretty bad but the title of kamen rider is just given like it's just "cool hero" and that sucks. Also i could just remove all the form changes besides power ups from it they don't serve the story at all. I know rider is a toy commercial but yknow that kinda sucks.
Every other thing i didn't mention is good. i love 90% of the cast, the music goes hard as hell, sakura is now my favorite female rider, but my favorite thing is how this is essentially kamen rider devilman i just wish it was edgier lol
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
I've really been enjoying your liveblogs and analyses for Revice, it's really giving me a whole new perspective on the whole show. It's making me want to rewatch the whole show again to spot the tiny details lol. It's real fun to read and I hope you're doing fine over there, seeing that you're speedrunning the latest ep rn aha- I could guess on how much work you do since you have to edit in scenes to one picture + giving your thoughts.
And I'm with you with the Vice in Ikki's mind/nightmare scene, it sure is having an effect on me damn. I was initially confused on why they chose to have him with Ikki's appearance rather than his normal one. But thinking about it, I realised that it might be because Ikki simply does not view him as a demon/inhuman thus having some of his human features. They truly are the best of buddies!
brO n-not Ikki seeing Vice not as a demon or something inhuman.....
( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
And thnx for enjoying my liveblog & analysis <33, Buddy-anon >:). I'm literally as feral as fking Shiranami Junpei when it comes to the writing Revice got goin oN
I'm OBSESSED with intentional writing -- and of course my college major was worse than the deadmans CULT cause I can't help but analyze and dissect these things that catch my interest
(Lmao its why I love Enhypen so much. I analyze that group's lyrics and MVs like a lunatic.)
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I'm doin good too btw :)).
The liveblogs have been taking me like a week for every (1) episode (LOL) and half of this is because idk wOT the heck has been up these last few weeks but-
(For context - err, guess this is prolly TMI. But I've been diagnosed w/ Bipolar Disorder, and yeah Im medicated for it but these meds only do so much for my depressive episodes LOL. )
Idk I've been shifting in-and-out of a depressive episode these last three weeks, so I just lost all interest in doing anything that wasn't sleeping :D.....
I mean I think I've moved out of it??
So uh.... hallelujah amen my reign of terror has come again
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
Ask game! 7!!!
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
power rangers dino fury + kamen rider revice (it's more i dislike/lost interest more than can't stand it)
i was excited for both of these series, and i would say i enjoyed each shows until around episode 8. i think a large factor for my falling off with both of these series comes from fandom discussion around them, particularly the constant comparisons to the series' respective predecessors (neo-saban; saber).
also, both shows in general just weren't able to sustain my interest.
with revice, i just can't get into it, the only character i like is ikki, and he doesn't do much in the episodes i watched. i've been keeping up loosely with spoilers, and still don't have much interest (and they refuse to give wizard and drive vistamps so...)
with dino fury, i think after my initial excitement, the show was just not that good in my opinion. it's mainly the dialogue, it's trying too hard with all the puns (moreso in season 2 than 1 i think). after letting season 2 sit and thinking back to season 1, i don't think the show "objectively" is terrible. but yeah, definitely not for me.
i hope i answered this correctly lol
send me numbers from the salty ask list
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which KR toylines would you recommend? LVUR seems fun all around, Ooo they love replicating the originals gimmick, and Revice i think they did a neat way of making it so you still get full characters with the side packs, and the originals just function as upgrades
Been sitting on this one for a bit because I'm really not sure how to answer it since there are so many toylines out there and I think you've gotten a bit confused looking through a bunch of them and as such there's some stuff to untangle. So I'll break it down into 5 particular things:-
Gimmick Figures which you seem to be looking at that ran from W through Build. These are 6' (standard action figure scale these days) and all incorporate the series' gimmicks and as such are usually mix-and-match figures like OOO and Build or 'armour' figures like Gaim and Ex-Aid. An exception lies in Wizard, who for the most part has no gimmick, so he just has a button that lights up his head (it is a surprisingly bright light btw!). They're very solidly built figures with dense, good feeling plastic and are pretty well articulated for what they are; and if you're interested they are mostly pretty cheap on the aftermarket too. As long as you go in not expecting a lot from them you should enjoy them! After Build however, these were replaced by...
Rider Kick Figures, which started with Zi-O and are still ongoing today with Revice. Earlier on they also covered some legend rider series with Build, Ex-Aid, Decade and W but then uh just, stopped doing that. These are much much more focused on being good action figures than the gimmick figures and as such feature higher articulation and swappable hands (which sometimes include fun stuff like the Saber ones including a Ridebook-holding hand), and some also dive into gimmicks; like Zi-O having armour sets, Revice doing the Genome combinations and a few select figures like Ark-Zero, Calibur and Saikou coming with alternate parts to recreate their other forms. They're also smaller at about 4 and a half inches... and a lot of the time do not feature as many paint apps as they should for what they're trying. I've gotten Calibur recently and I really don't like him; his plastic does not feel great, he can't hold his sword (????) and the hand connections are way too hard. I wouldn't really recommend these, and especially due to the scale; would instead suggest...
SO-DO/SHODO! These are the 4' candy toy lines which are absurdly cheap at about 500 yen per figure and go extremely all-out in covering as many things as possible. You won't find much in the way of direct playable gimmicks but they do replicate form changing as much as they can; having done so with Build, Saber and OOO. SO-DO improves every single year in articulation and hiding joints and paint apps and don't have that many stickers if they can help it, and later waves include additional really fun accessories for a lot of different characters. They also take requests and feedback from customers so end up including fan-favourite things eventually too, which has resulted in things like doing Decade Complete and the stage show form Ark-Zero-One in Saber's fifth wave! SHODO is a bit different as they don't require any building or stickers and are much more like mini-SHFs. They put a larger focus on doing past series and cover a very wide, best-of variety of characters from anything they cover.
S.H. Figuarts is probably the one you'll see around the most; at 6' they are the standard high quality, collector-aimed lines that feature intense articulation and a hefty amount of detail. Certain recent lines have gone all out in replicating gimmicks where they can such as OOO's Combo Change but in general what you are looking at here is a very simple but very well-executed action figure of your favourite character. They used to come with a lot more accessories than they do these days but ~usually~ they come with the basic stuff you want. The main hurdle however is the price; unless you earn a lot of money or are just looking to get a couple to represent your absolute favourites (like me) I do not recommend this line, it will cost you a lot of money especially since almost everything they release is webshop exclusive. If you're looking for a much cheaper alternative for 6' main riders, however...
Figure-Rise Standard is by far my favourite Kamen Rider action figure line! This is a model kit line that you build yourself and results in a 6' very well-articulated figure of a given Kamen Rider. Right now they're on their 'Heisei Riders BEGINNING' project which aims to cover all 20 main Heisei Riders and they only have 5 left to do, and have even started dipping into Showa with an upcoming figure of BLACK! Webshop exclusives also cover repaints (such as Genm, Faiz Accel and Joker) and recently have started dipping into other things like Kuuga and Den-O's alternate forms and OOO's Tajador. These typically run you around ~3500 yen each and try to include as much as they possibly can from Kabuto's Masked Form pieces to Den-O, OOO and W's form changing to Decade's series-wide compatible Decadriver to Ryuki coming with Dragreder, and are about as detailed as you could possibly want. If model kits don't scare you off and you're mostly looking for well-detailed, well-articulated 6' main riders with all the accessories you could want and a reasonable amount of gimmicks, this line is what I recommend
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