#i'm soooo normal about them
honeyoneli · 4 months
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okaioh · 5 months
do you think that q!phil felt a warm presence by his side while sleeping - in between conscious and unconscious there's this feeling that he's being stared at and that there's something or someone lying there next to him - the deepest part of his mind tells him he knows whoever or whatever it is is safe so he, just, scoots closer to it. Said person (or thing) makes a quiet noise but nonetheless the warm presence q!phil felt becomes a warm embrace - and with a soft hum in the back of his throat, he relaxes completely before going back to his deep sleep
meanwhile, q!missa feels like he got run over by ten trucks but he smiles so big and wide and hugs q!phil a little tighter before also falling asleep
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cherrieguroo · 19 days
thinking about sheila kissing linda's forehead because we can all agree she's taller than her and linda kinda bluescreens because of it before just pulling her down for a kiss because we can all agree she's shorter than her
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carebird · 4 months
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My favourite flavour of ZOOL is this! (inspired by that one scene).
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schumaclerc · 2 years
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georgechal + song lyrics
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beast-feast · 6 months
Just really actually learned the definition of "ineffable" and I'm going to engorge myself on cyanide it's so Mismagius/Dusknoir coded. Ouauhhhhhh,,,,,
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
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Collection of bg3 sketches I've been nibbling at over the month. teehee
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taxinealkaloids · 6 months
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behold hitherto unposted htn doodles! harrow+her terrible mentor, harrow+her terrible roommate
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zukkaoru · 2 months
can't stop thinking about ranpo being the one person dazai is close to who he can touch without worrying about nlh., with everyone else, every touch is paired with the sensation of his ability cancelling out theirs but with ranpo it's just. normal touch. and it's so strange and almost eerie at first because casual touch is always so much. dazai's touch is meant to be used as a weapon, and he's forcibly reminded of that every time he pats atsushi's head or pokes kunikida's cheek or brushes up against kenji. gentle, casual, touch is not what dazai is meant for.
but then he touches ranpo and there's nothing. there's just the surface-level feeling of his hair pinched between dazai's fingers. he touches ranpo, and it's only skin-deep. ranpo touches him, and never once flinches at the sensation of no longer human. and dazai starts to think maybe his touch doesn't have to be a weapon all the time, maybe just this once, it can be skin-deep and gentle. maybe with ranpo, he can learn how touch is supposed to feel.
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will41n · 2 months
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some eefo and effubs :Pc
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hauntedorpheum · 1 month
you know i have no stakes on this. i'm a casual viewer at best. if i don't like this i just don't pay. but learning that patreon is still up, that they didn't get any notice in advance of any these changes, and they don't even get free access to the "normal" content, but only 40% off (with normal viewers getting 30% off, so basically just 10% discount), like if someone has the right to complain right now is the patreons who have actually been paying for their content this entire time
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gideonisms · 2 months
THE number one most irritating thing about life is deciding when you're meant to speak or make eye contact and when you're not, and for how long and how many phrases you're meant to say at a time
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epsilonsim · 1 year
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been a little unnormal these past few days
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anglerflsh · 2 months
you reblogging posts and tagging them with my characters that exist only in my head fills me with such joyous whimsy. you have no idea
they are in my head at all times, beeping like a smoke alarm
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artisadieside · 5 months
Thinking about the manga....
Thinking about how, when the mountain in Koma is collapsing and Hokuto is physically dragging him out, Ginga yells at him to let him go. That they have to save his dad.
Thinking about how, when 'Phoenix' is revealed to be Ryo, Ginga finally pulls off a new special move that 'Phoenix' had created and had been trying to teach him for the past week. Because he wants to protect his dad from Doji's attack.
Thinking about how, when the mountain is collapsing, injured and still down on one knee, Ryo shoots Pegasus past Ginga and into the crumbled and blocked exit behind him, giving him an escape to safety.
Thinking about how, when Damian causes the stadium to collapse before his and Ginga's battle, Ryo rushes in as everyone is running out to shield his unconscious kid with his own body, protecting Ginga from being crushed in the same way he nearly was.
Ginga -> I lost him once and I'm not gonna let it happen all over again
Ryo -> I've been through this before and I'm not gonna let it happen to him too
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rainyssafespace · 6 months
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Slightly less sfw versions under the cut
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