#i'm just rambling but like jeeeeez
maburito · 3 months
So.....my parents started watching the Avatar's last Airbender netflix adaptation and I watched it with them by curiosity while explaining what the original is and all.
And like....there are some good points? And there are some really good moments that I appreciate a lot. Like how Iroh gets called out on the fact that he killed innocent people during the siege of ba sing se and isn't a nice old man who did nothing wrong like the animated version wrongfully did. That and there are some emotional moments that really really worked and even brought a tear to my eye. It's enjoyable and easy to watch and I like that it got my parents into this universe coz I know they'd never watch the animated version unfortunately.
But man!! A lot of the changes they make are not great!!! They declawed Katara AND Azula!! Katara used to be so angry !!! Now she's so hesitant and sad and struggle! She barely fights in it she runs more! And fuck Azula is so non threatening, she's been turned into a wet kitten. And while it looks like she might get a redemption arc it's just a bit harder to root when this doesn't feel like the real Azula.
And worst, so far from episode 1 to 4, they're guiltripping Aang so so much about running away from his responsibilities. Which would make sense....if he was running away???! This version of Aang is not ignoring his responsibilities, from the first episode he's trying to put a stop the fire nation!!! Like this kid already feels so guilty and you have Kyoshi AND Bumi!!! Shitting on him for not being there in the last 100 years!!! Leave this kid alone he's 12! Did the people who write this show hate Aang???
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exp123mon · 8 months
Digimon Forntier episoe thouhts (I'm not changing those typos lol) probably the penultimate infodump
39 - Is This the Digital World?! Escape from the Moon! -I actually understood the title in Japanese yay (spoken, I didn't recognise one kanji boo lol) -THEY. WENT. TO. THE MOON. Fortunately it's a Digital World moon so it's not completely devoid of heat or air haha. -I was hoping we'd get more Koichi solo time since he was the only one awake at first. -I love Takuya's plan of making everybody fire off their attacks and his idea was just.. oh maybe it would propel us lol omg -THERE ARE BURGERS ON THE MOON OH MY FRIGGIN GOD turns out Burgamon COME FROM the moon like omg they're little burger aliens I love them so much -The Insekimon watching Chakmon struggle to fling himself back to Digi-Earth, too, haha. Yeah let's grab a burger and some shakes. This episode had some much needed chuckles and lightheartedness. -Honestly rocketship scenes are always weirdly nervous to me. My imagination just gets carried away… space is just so big and empty, and you're just. a little meat monkey. I'd be a crap astronaut lol -By the end of the epsiode damn near most of the world is just GONE like what the hell man. Also the Royal Knights wanna go to the human world to RULE it, hmm? I dunno dudes. I feeel like once Lucemon has the Digital World sorted he's the type to go to other worlds and make them his, haha. -I'm only watching like one episode a day at this point. Honestly at this point the show is emotionally exhausting (not in a "it's boring/sucky so I'm tired" way, in a "holy shit much fucked up shit is going on" way haha)
40 - The Chosen Ones!? The Boys Who Control Angemon! -Takeru cameo?!?! haha -New city!! Feels like it's been ages since the gang just went somewhere new haha. Only to be immedaitely accosted by a mugger, BOO -I never realised Sagittarimon has Fladramon and Lighdramon armour. I've never really look too closely at his design though. -HUMANS. HUMAN CHILDREN?!?! So others really did get on the Trailmon back then. -Two are Tomoki's bullies. D: GET 'EM WITH BLIZZARMON BOYO. -I like the touch of Patamon thinking Angemon is cool. I see what you're doing there buddy hehee -Nice to know Angemon was there to actually look after kids once they got to the human world. I guess kids who got on other trains were just screwed though lol -What is WITH these kids though. So arrogant when all they do is hide behind Angemon's back -WAIT WHAT SIX MONTHS?! Six months in the Digital World?! This is the first time we've had a timeframe for how long the kids have been here. Jeeeeez. I mean I imagine thre's still the time difference between this vs the human world. Or maybe there isn't haha (would make for an interesting twist for time to go SLOWER in the Digital World… imagine being gone for six months and you return to the human world and twenty years have gone by or something…. I guess that's kinda just Flight of the Navigator) -ANYWAY I'M RAMBLING. It was cool to see Tomoki's growth culminate in this episode. -bruh the close up shot of Sagittarimon during the big fight and there's just Centarumon falling in the background lol so good -episode ends with the kids split up!! just like the good old days, haha
41 - Don't Let Them Scan! The Beanstalk of Friendship -Gotta say, beanstalks are kind of a downgrade from Crests lol -The Trailmon all show up! But they don't wanna go to the village. Typical trains. -Izumi flirts with Worm… AND IT WORKS?! Bruh trains are weird lol -Mamemon village!! I mean it makes sense. I used to love Mamemon back when I played Digimon World. I love the elder one with the metal plates for eyebrows haha. -Okay I give props to… uh, what's his face, that one bully kid whose name I don't recall (lol) for facing up to the Royal Knights. That's gutsy. -Interesting that the beanstalk protects the data in the area. Wonder if this is gonna tie into the defence against Lucemon or if it's just a one off kinda thing. -The kids try to fix the broken rail, trapping Worm in place. How existentially horrifying it must be to be a train. -"Can humans save the world?" "Only if we work together with Digimon!" yay how it should be otherwise there are unfortunate implications haha -I actually love how the Royal Knights are legit a huge threat?? Especially since this is the run up to the ending. Compare to Grottomon who was the first recurring villain and it's just such a nice way of showing the huge power difference and the level of threat. -That being said can't wait to see them get their faces punched in.
42 - Protect the DigiEggs! The Vanishing Miracle of Life -OMG BABIES BABIES BABIES!!!! -gah I love Swanmon she's so cool! -Don't have to much to say about this ep it was very cute and the digi babies melted my brain AND THEN the amazing moment with babies bubbling the wyvern and the old warriors coming back AAAH. Good stuff good stuff. Just an all round great episode. -Dynasmon just being like "Not leaving empty handed!!" and stealing the literal baby village away though like JUST DIE ALREADY I HATE YOU lol
43 - The Hometown is Destroyed! The Messenger From Hell, SkullSatamon -this episode follows the general formula of recent eps so not much specific to say, but it as nice we got SkullSatamon instead of the Royal Knights so the fight didn't feel as inevitably futile -also SKULLSATAMON WHAT THE HELL dude deep fries some Palmon then just straight up STEPS on Gazimon wtf that's just cruel dude -I liked that the Digimon this ep specifically were like "oh the legendary warriors will do it for us!" then learned to stand up for themselves -the way LordKnightmon swoops in at the end though when the SkullSatamon are defeated and takes the data lol very supervisor/manager behaviour "thanks for the hard work bro yoink" -the ending scene of the sunset and the Digimon being proud of themselves for fighting even though they lost their town and the kids smiling but like the evil sinister music was nicely done; the looming threat just can't be ignored even for a moment -HOW MUCH OF THE DIGITAL WORLD IS LEFT!!
44 - Fight With Me! Gotsumon and Koji's Vow -OMG Gotsumon's back?!?!?! -There's a nice opening scene that pans across an environment where Dynasmon and LordKnightmon steal the data and I just feel like these animation studios could make a bundle if they just made posters/prints/wall scrolls/whatever else of their anime backgrounds because some of them are so friggin gorgeous… especially early 2000s and earlier stuff where it was hand drawn and painted, mmm. -Okay so after I ask how much of the digital world is left, I get my answer: three areas. Ouch. lol good luck kids -Gotsumon fainting at the sight of his vanished homeland is probably the most realistic reaction in an anime ever haha -LordKnightmon unsurprisingly like a real lord dngaf when his underlings fall to their deaths. -There was a line in this episode where Bokomon says (in the subs) "I know the pain of losing your homeland" but I initially misread "homeland" as "husband" lol when did THAT happen?!?! did I miss some episodes?! hahaha -Garmon riding the railway tracks was cool! I wish we got to see that more often -Sorcerymon ;( -OH MY GOOOOOD Gotsumon EVOLVED!! INTO. INESKIMON. omg that was so funny. What's normally this moment of "fighting for my friends, more power to protect" and he just… gets a bit bigger and gets a palette swap lol omg I love this dude -also not a thought I had specific to this episode but I 110% bet people ship Dynasmon and LordKnightmon all the time rofl
45 - Operation Data Disorder! Defend Akiba Market -Open on Sepikmon's boomerang =O He's helping his buddies! -When the Digimon are lining up to evacuate on the Trailmon, there's a Veemon, Hawkmon and Armadimon really close together! -Neemon is a pretty good conductor haha most alert the dude's been all season -It's nice seeing everybody being more proactive!! …unfortunately it will be all for nought no doubt. Love the use of the catapult though. Just because something doesn't do direct damage doesn't mean it doesn't help! -Zanbamon! I know you from DW3! Also Pteranomon is cool, continues Digimon's thing of "what if it were a dino/dragon and also a form of transportation/robot" haha. -Aaah that moment when Dyansmon has KaiserGreymon against the tower and KaiserGreymon's just like "my element's FIRE DUMMY" YEAH GET HIS ASS TAKUYA -wat. IS KOICHI DEAD?! NO BODY ONLY SOUL?! -Dynasmon calls out for help from LordKnightmon after KaiserGreymon pins him. LordKnightmon immediately goes to help. Yeah people definitely ship these two all the time lol -Takuya and Koji are visibly doing better fighting against the Royal Knights. Unfortunately I reckon next episode, the Knights will still get the area's data. And Lucemon will awaken and promptly kill them like they deserve lol
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impulsiveinsomniac · 7 years
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