#i was tlaking about it with Kay and we joked that Gyotsa would come to also guilt Aang and guess what
maburito · 3 months
So.....my parents started watching the Avatar's last Airbender netflix adaptation and I watched it with them by curiosity while explaining what the original is and all.
And like....there are some good points? And there are some really good moments that I appreciate a lot. Like how Iroh gets called out on the fact that he killed innocent people during the siege of ba sing se and isn't a nice old man who did nothing wrong like the animated version wrongfully did. That and there are some emotional moments that really really worked and even brought a tear to my eye. It's enjoyable and easy to watch and I like that it got my parents into this universe coz I know they'd never watch the animated version unfortunately.
But man!! A lot of the changes they make are not great!!! They declawed Katara AND Azula!! Katara used to be so angry !!! Now she's so hesitant and sad and struggle! She barely fights in it she runs more! And fuck Azula is so non threatening, she's been turned into a wet kitten. And while it looks like she might get a redemption arc it's just a bit harder to root when this doesn't feel like the real Azula.
And worst, so far from episode 1 to 4, they're guiltripping Aang so so much about running away from his responsibilities. Which would make sense....if he was running away???! This version of Aang is not ignoring his responsibilities, from the first episode he's trying to put a stop the fire nation!!! Like this kid already feels so guilty and you have Kyoshi AND Bumi!!! Shitting on him for not being there in the last 100 years!!! Leave this kid alone he's 12! Did the people who write this show hate Aang???
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