#i'm just glad i've found something to kind of fix it at least lmao
prismit · 8 months
found a way to fix the weird problem where the home button on desktop tumblr doesn't work when endless scrolling is off unless you click it twice! i don't know if anyone else has the problem, but i'll share what i did anyways. also i accidentally posted this once before finishing typing it out so sorry if you saw that one :')
anyways, it's not the most elegant solution, but it's pretty simple and i don't know why i didn't think of it earlier lol. just get a browser extension that can change where links take you! the one i got is called Redirector by Einar Egilsson, which is the first one that came up and seems to have the best reviews out of what i could find.
then you just want to set it up so "https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard" takes you to "https://www.tumblr.com/" instead. problem solved! it does refresh the whole tab, so it's a little bit slower (especially if you have other extentions like dashboard unfucker), but it's worth it if you're REALLY annoyed by having to click something twice.
more specific instructions for the aforementioned extension under the cut, because it took me a minute to get it working.
go to the extension's settings, create a new redirect, and enter the following:
Description: (anything) Example URL: https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard Include pattern: https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard Redirect to: https://www.tumblr.com/ Pattern type: Regular Expression Pattern Description: (anything) ADVANCED OPTIONS Exclude pattern: (leave this blank) Process matches: No Processing Apply to: HistoryState Save
and that should do it! note that if you do this while you currently have tumblr open on any page of the dashboard, going to the next or previous page will trigger it to activate and you'll lose your place. this only happens the first time, and everything should work completely fine after that.
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katisblue · 4 months
Ahhhhhh I just got the time to sit down and write this. Between work and school I've been swamped mentally but you bet I threw everything off the table when a reverie endeavor ch. 3 came out lmao
It was so so good!! So good that I just gotta write down my thoughts instesd of taking the time to format it nicely haha
I really appreciate how you showed progression of JK forgiving them rather than throwing him into loving them straight away. The contrast between NJ's and YG's apologies was something I didn't know I needed. I, myself, was not satisfied with NJ's apology and was kind of irritated on behalf of JK at them. Then YG came in and made me realize what I needed both in the story and in real life. I've always struggled to figure out how to write forgivness after deep betrayal and how to fix it in my personal life. Ch. 3 hit so good that I reflected and now know what I want to move on from personal issues lol
Am so so grateful for your writing. I've used it to cope and for entertainment since I found you. The way you write angst gives me good questions to ask myself and reflect on in the wee hours of the morning. I don't say this to put any pressure on you. Rather, know that it makes a difference for me, at least, and I so deeply appreciate you and your writing. Does Carrd take VISA gift cards? I have some money I'd like to comm on gift cards and use that before I move on to my real credit card XD
Am happy to move into the next chapters/works with you. Much love, Ash 💖💖💖
You're just like me when a new fic chapter comes out! I always insta click the link and drop everything 😭 But I can totally relate to being absolutely swamped, I'm almost underwater with everything I'm doing at the moment, so NLFA sorry for the later response! 💗
Yes, I defs knew what I was doing with those apologies 😭 For Nj's one, I literally mimicked what I thought a 'standard surface apology' would be - trying to own up to actions, etc. And then for YG's apology - I literally wrote what I wanted to hear. I cried writing it, actually, that's how close to home it hit 😭 BUT I AM GLAD THAT IT'S HELPED YOU REFLECT ON SOME PERSONAL ISSUES? That's all I could ever want from my writing.... forgiveness doesn't always has to happen, but we have to move forward, eventually.
Thank you for your appreciation of my writing 🥺 It honestly does mean a lot <3 That's all I could ever want my writing to do - simply be there for people, question them, comfort them. As for the gift card.... carrd ITSELF isn't an interactable platform - it's basically just a slide show that people can view XD BUT I did do some research, and paypal does take VISA gift cards apparently! You'll have to look into it, but I'm sure you could find a solution through paypal and or kofi 🥺💗
Thank you so much for being so sweet, and so kind, you're an absolute angel, Ash 🥺💗💗💗
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did-i-do-this-write · 2 years
hi zac! really glad to have found ur blog, i'm new to writing stories so i'm always looking for advice and i wanted to thank u for making me comfortable enough to ask! <3 so, my story involves making a deal w/ the devil and obvi have no experience w/ that lmao so, what can u tell me? any pieces i can read w/ a situation like this? tysm <3.
Hello! I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to send this in to me!
Unfortunately, I can't really offer any specific advice on writing stories about making a deal with the devil. I've never written anything like that, and I can't think of any good recommendations off the top of my head, either. I can offer some general tips if that's okay? I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for, but here's what I can offer!
Don't be afraid to write badly.
This is pretty common advice, but I think it's worth repeating! Giving yourself permission to just write whatever comes to your mind is so important. Not every sentence that gets put to paper has to be perfect or profound, sometimes it just needs to exist. Remember: you can always edit, but you can't fix what hasn't been written.
Find what works for you.
The truth is, writing is just a long process. We all might get the result of a finished story, but every writer has a different process to get there. This includes finding your voice, finding your steps, and finding your motivation!
How do you organize your ideas? Do you have a document for everything? Do you outline your chapters/stories? Do you just start writing a full draft as soon as you get an idea?
All of these are valid ways to get started, and no way is right or wrong. Try things out, find your comfort level, mix things up. You are in charge of what you write, how much you write, how long you focus on each project, how much you edit, all of it! Set your own schedule and don't let anyone tell you that you have to do something!
Read, read, read!
I'm sorry I can't help with recommendations on this one, but you're definitely on the right track! Reading of all kinds is beneficial, though, not just those that are similar to your ideas!
When you're reading, make sure you analyze what you're reading! How is it structured? Any words or phrases that stick out to you? How does it flow and connect?
Look out for what other writers do that you really like, and note what you're not a fan of! Then you can puzzle piece all those aspects together into your own style a little bit!
Again, I'm sorry I can't offer any specifics, but I hope at least one of these bits of advice can help! If you need some more guidance on your story specifically, I'd be happy to learn more about your idea and see if I can help more! Good luck with your ideas and happy writing! 🤗
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ohhh you have experience! i do too! we will be legendary thiefs!
but what is it with kids and stealing teaching supplies? coz my only stealing experience is these cute little notes my primary school teacher had. they were pink/blue and the pink ones were cat shaped and the blue ones sheep shaped. and since i've always been a cat person i used to sometimes steal the cat shaped notes, not for anything really but just to bring home and put them on my table. my little sister recently found one between the pages of a book!
i mean i guess you could also count the time when i accidentally stole some tomatoes but i don't think that counts. because i felt super bad when i noticed so i went back and paid for them. the cashier just about died laughing while i was mortified!
the fact that your hair colour grows out quickly when you have short hair is probably one of its best perks! because mine takes sooo long. and i change my mind about what colour i want them to be so often that my hair just constantly feels like straw (is that an expression i can use in english when talking about hair? basically its very very damaged) i wish i could have short hair but it does not suit me at all :// i had it cut to shoulder lenght once and then realised that maybe lets not repeat that (are you seeing a pattern? the short hair, then the pink hair.. i wonder what's next. maybe I should get a mullet), so i guess i'm sticking to my long damaged hair for now
that's probably the other con of the pandemic - all the hairdressers are closed (not that i would go if they weren't closed, because that's not ok with the numbers we have). the whole not being able to see people should probably affect me more than it does. and i definitely agree that it's nicer to have the option to go out whenever you want and wherever you want to go but i'm mostly ok with sitting at home i guess. i'm just so bored with my washed out red that i have been considering buying hair dye and dyeing it myself. which is NOT a good idea because i either want to go green or bright red (it was a dark red just now so it wasn't bleached) and that involves bleaching. which i should not do unless i want to upload a video to youtube called "dyeing my hair red: epic fail - i went bald"
awesome! heck yeah! we’ll be number one on the thief most wanted list! or perhaps...not on there at all...for they simply can’t prove we ever existed, we’re that good.
I mean for me I thought the counters were pretty and I wanted them at home so I. took some home. thievery was clearly not a concept I understood at such a young age. I’ve always been a cat person too but the sheep ones sound very rad. I would’ve taken one of each like I was selecting items at a store sdhfskdf. I’m so sorry to primary teachers who have to deal with this. I think my counters are in a butter container in the bottom of a big chest in my room. Maybe I should go offer them back to my primary school sfkhskdf. 
okay well if we’re being completely honest then one time in I think year 3, I took a feather from my schoolbag and put it in someone else’s bag during morning tea. And when class started back up and everyone came inside I tried to claim someone had stolen it because it was missing! And so the teacher made everyone search their bags in front of her until it was found in another person’s bag and they were like no, I didn’t steal it, I swear! of course they didn’t because I was the one that did this but the evidence certainly pointed towards them being the thief. Anyway my teacher knew something was up because she was like well then...guess I’ll have to go check the security cameras and I panicked I was like oh n o. they’re gonna find me out (we didn’t actually HAVE security cameras but I didn’t know that). so I confessed to her...well, kind of. I said an older boy had forced me to do it, I didn’t want to! But he made me! And then the teacher made me point him out so I selected a random year 7 or 8 boy and claimed it was him. Which, looking back, my teacher definitely knew I was lying, but I thought I’d escaped that time. It was kind of theft. from myself. I do not recall my reasons for doing this and I’d like to think that’s the most trouble I’ve ever gotten myself into, I have been nothing but good since then. That is much less honest than the tomatoes though.
It is a massive perk for sure! I think I first heard the description of straw hair in a fairytale though I can’t remember which...still, I know what you mean. I always hate it when my hair is an odd texture, I can’t stand hair spray or essentially any hair products because of that so I’m glad it grows fast. I first cut my hair when I was donating it to the cancer society and that landed me with shoulder-length hair, it just happened to turn out that way after 30cm was gone, and I was like hm. no. This ain’t it. Long hair also didn’t really suit me though I don’t think, or at least in my eyes it felt weird. I was about to assume no hair suited me but well, I just needed to try a looooot shorter before I found the one. listen. life is short, might as well try some bad haircuts and colours and styles out of curiosity. hair grows back and you can redye it and stuff... it’s fine. it’ll fix itself eventually. -me talking to my hairdresser after requesting something they’re clearly hesitant about
Oh that did suck when we were under lockdown. I was overdue to get a haircut when lockdown suddenly started so that was another month or so before I could see a hairdresser...it got a little chaotic in that time, I was sooo glad to finally get it cut again. I haven’t dyed my hair this year though, I almost did but then I decided I wanted to get a number 2 all over (out of curiosity lmao) so I figured I’d skip it for the time being. When it grows out though...maybe I’ll go back to the dye. It’s actually really funny, one time my usual hairdresser recommended bleaching my hair at home before coming in to get it dyed because the bleach was the most expensive part of the appointment and I was like. I would burn my scalp. I do not trust myself with bleach. That is a terrible idea. I will simply continue to save up the money for whenever I want to get it done. If anything I’d get it bleached professionally then dye it myself at home. The opposite way. Anyway I’ll be sure to point brad mondo to that video sdfksdfsl
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