#i'll be paying for it to stream it AND i will be buying the dvd to complete my dvd vbros collection
gothamcityneedsme · 11 months
superman series, vbros movie, AND miraculous movie all coming next month.  hello
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lastweeksshirttonight · 4 months
Over the past nearly-two years, I've noticed that I get some questions about John's work asked repeatedly. That doesn't bother me - half of his prominent work is somewhat lost media, Tumblr's search is super fucked, and I always want to help anyone falling down the JO rabbit hole - but I realized that one central pinned post would be helpful! I'll keep this up to date as much as possible.
I know I have a lot of international followers, and if you have any knowledge of where to stream or find some of these items, please let me know and I'll update this post.
Anything really, I've just started going down this rabbit hole:
The John Oliver Masterlist is an incredible resource - while it hasn't been updated since about 2017 and has some broken links (especially in the LWT sections), it has functional links to every JO clip from The Daily Show, all the main segments of LWT through 2017, radio shows, and lots of other material. This was made by @johnoliverphotos and @ilovejohnoliver, and I'm eternally grateful for it.
The Department:
YouTuber Ben Jennings has the entire series on his channel.
Player FM has the series uploaded here as well.
The Bugle:
The Bugle Archive has all Times Online era episodes available to download. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE EPISODES DIRECTLY; DO NOT STREAM FROM THIS SITE.
The Bugle is starting to upload Times Online era episodes to their official channels, which can be found here. They're up to ep 75 as of June 2024.
All post-Times Online episodes (starting with episode 179) are available on The Bugle's official channels.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:
Have you perused the John Oliver Masterlist above? This is the best way to find direct links to JO clips from The Daily Show on the Comedy Central website, because this shit is still not streaming anywhere else. Use a VPN if you're outside the US to view.
There are a small handful of TDS episodes available for purchase on Amazon Prime if you're in the US. I have no idea if any of them feature JO in any meaningful way - I will update this section once I review that.
Otherwise, you're gonna have to sail the high seas to watch this. I'm sorry that this is the state of the US' most important comedy show of the 2000s. Maybe Paramount will drop it on us when Stewart comes back to host TDS, who knows.
In the US, this can be streamed on Peacock. Individual episodes can be purchased on YouTube, Apple TV, and Amazon Prime.
Worldwide, I believe Community is now on Hulu.
Every season of Community is available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show:
In the US, the whole show is on Paramount Plus and can be purchased through Amazon and Apple.
The godawful Comedy Central website has limited episodes for viewing. You'll need a US cable subscription to watch more than the first episode of every season, because of course you do.
Back catalog episodes of Last Week Tonight:
You can buy back catalog episodes on YouTube and Amazon in the US.
The first and second seasons of LWT have been uploaded fully on their YouTube in the US, with plans to upload future seasons during breaks in the show's current episodes!
In certain areas outside of the US, LWT is now being uploaded in full on their YouTube channel as well.
HBO Max no longer has back catalog episodes because capitalism is fucking ridiculous, I pay monthly for this service entirely for this show and I can't even watch old news from 5 years ago
The Horne Section:
The whole series is on Taskmaster Supermax+, which should work everywhere except the UK.
In the UK, you can stream this through Channel 4.
I've been trying to will this into existence for multiple seasons, no one can stop me
How did you get into John Oliver?
I answered this in too much detail in two posts, here and here.
Where is your icon from?
UPDATED: It was made by the lovely @stalebagels for me. She is wonderful <3
Is this blog a bit?/Do you really find this man attractive?
No, this is not an ironic bit, I really like John Oliver and find him genuinely hot. (Tbf, I get this question way more in person than online.)
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It's time to tank most of my streaming subscriptions because as much as I love the 90s I don't want to pay for what is now basically cable tv. My plan is to go through each site and watch what I've been meaning to and then cancel, and just keep doing that one site at a time until I'm only paying for like 2. Plus I have free stuff like Tubi, Pluto, and PBS (because we donate).
N3tflix I'm gonna keep because that's how one of my oldest friends and I keep in touch on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.
I'll keep Britbox for now too because I like to have some comfort tv at my fingertips.
Dïsn3y+ is going because it's not worth it to me anymore. I have season 1 and 2 of Mandalorian on bluray and season 3 kinda sucked. I still love Moon Knight. They took down the Willow series after six months (still super pissed about that!!!). Other than that I'm going to see what's available on DVD/bluray and see if there's anything I'm into.
Apple TV+ only has Ted Lasso and Severance on there, plus the Tetris movie I might buy anyway. Once I re-watch some stuff I'll tank my subscription.
I just got Amazon prime so I could watch Good Omens and then I'll tank that too.
HBO MAX as Succession (now available on DVD) and Our Flag Means Death, plus I have to catch up on Barry.
Time to get cracking!
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crehador · 2 months
hi! sorry to bother but i had a question about the hypmic lives? i recently got back into the fandom after several years and i wanted to know if there was a general set amount of time we have to wait before the dvds for the lives are for sale? and if its possible to buy any of the previous ones?
hii first of all welcome back to the pit fandom!
you are in the right place with this question bc i definitely know a thing or two about this <- guy who owns multiple copies of every live lol (except the solo lives bc oh god that was expensive)
this'll get long so answer goes under the cut
to start: i am a strong supporter of pirating media you cannot feasibly access otherwise, so don't hesitate to do that. i can't tell you where to actually find the lives online bc i personally do enjoy collecting the physical copies of the lives and throwing my money at the franchise, so i have no idea. but i'm sure they're all out there somewhere if you want to look!
if you are interested in buying them, they'll usually be out within a year of the actual lives taking place. 9th live just released a few weeks back, and 9th live took place nearly a year before that, so sometimes it can be a pretty long wait
10th live may be a somewhat special case because it's the first time we've had multi-angle cameras for the livestream, and i don't know how or if they'll include those on the dvds? i've heard each day is like a 3hr live as well so i'm sure it'll be a big (and pricey) thing even if they don't do anything with the multi-angle camera stuff
in short: i would expect 10th live dvds to be out in about a year, and i would personally guess that they'll cost in the neighborhood of 20k yen at least
(zero out was 16,830 yen on amiami, same price for dvd and bluray, and it seems to me like 10th live is an even bigger live... so i'm expecting it to be more expensive)
if you want to watch 10th live through an official avenue and don't want to wait, it is currently still available for streaming on abema. you can pay for the stream and watch it as many times as you want until the 14th (so there's only a few days left of that) but you'll need a vpn for it to be available in your area (unless you happen to live in japan)
as for the previous lives!
9th live is actually still available on amiami, where i usually get my lives. neither the bluray nor dvd is sold out yet, so you can pick it up that way (but again they are 16,830 yen each)
for older lives, you can generally find them on proxy sites (again, that's only assuming you don't live in japan)
personally i use fromjapan as my proxy. i don't think it's necessarily better than other proxies out there, but it's the one officially affiliated with hypster, which is what i'm mostly buying from lol, so it was just more convenient for me to set up an account there
you can typically find listings for the older lives for quite cheap, sometimes you can even find big lots containing all or most of the lives (usually some cds as well) for a really good price
they also sometimes pop up on mandarake, but won't necessarily be cheapest there
although the prices can be really low (like less than 2k for some lives; for example i just did a quick search and see a copy of six shots for literally only 1,150 yen) keep in mind that there will be shipping! so factor that into your budget as well
one tip on searching, do your searches in japanese (for example search for "ヒプノシスマイク" instead of "hypnosis mic") because sometimes a lot of things don't show up when you search in english. that's the case on fromjapan at least, not sure about other proxies
another tip is do not buy from sites like otaku republic... or whatever it's called, i don't really remember. basically even with expensive overseas shipping, proxies are still so much cheaper, in my experience, than these other sites that mark up prices to absurd rates. like i'll see these english sites selling a doujin for 10,000 yen that you could get for literally 500 yen elsewhere, it's absurd
but ahem yeah tl;dr
10th live dvds should be out in about a year
10th live stream can still be purchased on abema for viewing until the 14th
9th live still available on amiami (possibly elsewhere as well)
older lives best bought through a proxy (fromjapan or whichever you prefer)
keep international shipping in mind if you do not live in japan!
1st live does not exist btw*
2nd and 3rd live are bundled together on one dvd
*like there is no published dvd of it, some footage has been released as part of anniversary celebrations though i'm not sure if that's still available... i'm sure it's somewhere!
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secretsofsbopl · 11 months
A lot of things all kinds of combined recently that made me finally, FINALLY figure out how to extract almost all my music library from my agéd and venerable Mac onto my phone that I deliberately got with a massive amount of internal storage so that I could do just that. And it's been awesome, I've been listening to music that I haven't heard or even thought about in years, music that reminds me of who I was 10 or 15 years ago, music that I literally own and can listen to at any time with or without an internet connection. It's amazing.
The writers' and actors' strikes combined with the reality that any media you "own" on a digital platform could disappear at any moment was the primary driver for me. I love buying and listening to an entire album, to all the songs in the order released, thinking about the artist who was thinking about the listener and what order they thought the songs should be in. I love owning and reading books, i love the feeling of popping in a movie and settling in. Streaming absolutely has a time and place and I don't think it should go away, but physical media is so much better in a lot of ways, more robust, more personal. Just like with "AI", streaming could and should be one option among many, a carefully cultivated tool that serves specific purposes but is not the be-all, end-all.
As a kind of corollary to that, public lending libraries are an essential resource for physical media. Not only books but CDs and DVDs, digital loans, computer access, community building, and more. So much more. Tool libraries are the same and I wish they were more common, along with readily accessible makerspaces. I love owning tools that I use all the time but there are so many tools that I'll use only once or only for a brief period and never need again that I don't want to buy or store. There are so many books and movies and songs that I might not want to consume much more than once or twice, or don't know that I will like it enough to own until I read/see/listen and decide actually, yeah, I need that in my life a lot. Or nope, I don't even want to finish it the first time, much less have it around for years and years. But the choice. The choice to have it or not is the point. The ability to use a thing without extracting an endless current of data from the cloud, the localization is strangely empowering. And I'm starting to get why people like records, there's this extra level of intentionality to listening to music that way.
The massive media corporations and their executives have become just as dependent on consumers using streaming to access everything, to constantly rent access instead of actually owning anything. And I think it's time to go back just a little bit in some ways, to actually pay for the things you'll want to have just once, so that you can use it over and over again, to take those into your home in whatever form makes the most sense and cherish them in a way that streaming doesn't even get close to.
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agentbeeswrites · 1 year
This is going to be a rant about shows being cancelled and the state of streaming services and media.
I'm mad about Warrior Nun being canceled. I'm mad about First Kiss. I'm mad about Gentleman Jack, Legends of Tomorrow (and the whole lot of DC shows), The Owl House, Charmed. Older canceled shows like One Day at a Time, Dark Matter, Wonderfalls, Sweet/Vicious, the Hulu & Freeform Marvel shows (The Runaways, Cloak & Dagger), Teenage Bounty Hunters, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Wynonna Earp. Carnival. Warehouse 13. STUMPTOWN! I'm never going to stop screaming about the tragedy of that one. There are tons more. I don't have hours to list them all.
It sucks when a good show gets canceled. It sucks when you look for more content, and all you can find is the same show starring the same kind of tough, cishet, white dude that's in its seventh season and has three spinoffs. There is never an abundance of queer content. It feels like there is when we get lucky enough to have multiple shows in a year, but it's nothing compared to cishet content.
Things began to change with Netflix a few years before COVID. I want to point to COVID and blame it for everything, and it certainly did have a big impact on production costs, but the fact is that Netflix (specifically) has been reluctant to have any show last for more than two or three seasons because then it has to pay everyone more. They'd rather cancel and start up a new show.
There's a problem with streaming services and access in general, though. You've probably started to watch an older show on Netflix (one that they license) and found that it would be leaving the service at the end of the month. It might be available on another service, or it might not be available anywhere.
And then there's the issue of licensing.
If you have a physical copy because the company who produced it included selling physical media in the deal or budget for the show, you can always rewatch it and relive the good times. But if it's a streaming-only show, there's a very low chance it will ever be legally sold on physical media.
Remember the Marvel shows on Netflix? I want to own more than one season of Jessica Jones. Guess how many seasons were released on disc? If you guessed "one," then you are correct. Even Daredevil only had two seasons released on disc, and it was a breakout hit.
Remember Wynonna Earp? IDW used Kickstarter to fund the box sets. They didn't even go through a major distributor.
I'll never see Sweet/Vicious on disc. I'll never own She-Ra on blu-ray. The Runaways, Cloak & Dagger (I know it's not queer, but I love that show, ok?), Sense8, Arcane, Dead to Me, Derry Girls, Paper Girls, ALOTO, Gentleman Jack - I'll probably never be able to buy any of them legally.
Yes, I know that the first three seasons of SPOP were released on DVD. Where's the rest of it? Where's my blu-ray release?
The best and worst thing the digital age has given us has been streaming services. You have a huge library of content at your fingertips that can be taken away at any moment.
Just look at the shit show that is HBO Max after the Warner/Discovery merger. Shows are getting cut from that service faster than I can keep track of. Shows that may never see the light of day again (or ever, in the case of per-release properties) because WB/D holds the rights and is shoving them into storage in an attic. We are watching shows become lost media.
I'm getting tired of my shows being canceled. I'm getting tired of them being locked behind one particular service in a landscape where every company has to have its own platform. Streaming was supposed to be the alternative to cable, but they're squeezing us for more and more and giving us less and less for it.
But I'm tired of there being fewer and fewer legal ways to consume content offline. Even in the 90s and early 2000s when shows were cut down at alarming rates, we still had physical media. For example, Shout Factory was well known for putting out obscure or classic shows and movies with a big enough fan base.
(Note to self: buy that Facts of Life set before it disappears for another 20 years.)
We may need to go back to smaller companies making their own content. I don't know. It feels like the streaming wonderland is collapsing, and I don't know what system will rise from the ashes.
I used to joke that knowing me was getting to experience a list of shows that were canceled before their time. It's still true.
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dmcoffee · 1 year
Packing progress update break because my cat is on my lap, so break is mandatory.
At the point I get to every time I pack where I look around in abject irritation and wonder "Why?" or "What if I just didn't move this stuff?"
I'm trying to condense down to one trunk, two plastic crates, one set of plastic drawers, five cardboar boxes, and a large laundry basket worth of stuff. The DvD's live in leather 100 pack case, but I'll probably have to invest in another one soon...(In fairness, I've been filling it up since late highschool. Plus the physical copies don't vanish when I'm too broke to afford streaming.) The TV is basically perfect for this rig. (So glad I didn't cave and invest in a larger one just because this place is so damned big.) May look into getting it mounted eventually, but that's a low level priority. The manga is gonna be a time packing up. (like I collect it or something...) Still under serious thought process on how to store those in the RV. Sadly not a lot of RV's show off book collections, so I've only seen limited shelving options. There's a few I think might work, such as the single shelves that have a bar or string that can be secured horizontally across the middle to keep them from falling out during a drive. I've picked some brains on ideas, and was suggest a pull out shelf (A drawer/cabinet with a clear plastic or glass door.) Which would still give me the "oooh, fancy manga..." feeling. Also with the space being how it is, my manga is basically pulling double duty as itself and I guess an aesthetic part of my space? Idk, maybe if I decide to share pictures I can get the idea across. (I'm estimating it's about...
All furniture that aren't my mattress, the cat tree, or the shelves I think I can repurpose and nail into my rig are going to be curb alert/buy nothings. I don't have the time to try and sell, and it can be one pay it forward to the local college students/someone who can use them. Economy's getting weird our here, I think I can donate some stuff to help out a little.
The stuff I am still trying to decide on...All the knit material I magpied out of luck. There is so much of it. I know I can use them--hell, probably a good place to start with Curtains until I get more geothermal solutions. May only take a very small portion. I took at least 2 trashcan's worth of them. (Think Oscar the Grouch trashcan.)
I want to take my sewing machine. And I think putting it in the passenger side will be fine for starters. I just dunno if I can actually justify it taking up space long term. (My desire to, and fear of cosplaying are warring on this one.)
Anything else that don't fit goes to curb. I didn't even over acquire stuff this time, it's just so much stuff in a life. So I'm Marie Kondo'ing this all and getting ready for the crazy leap. (With enthusiasm and paranoia from my people lol.)
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cosmicwitchgod · 1 year
Are we not allowed to just own things anymore?
Rant incoming: I wanted to fucking BUY the new Fall Out Boy album as a download. Did so when Mania came out and everything was fine. Now it's not.
When I use the Amazon shopping app it tells me my device isn't compatible to buy and listen. Weird. Worked so everytime I bought an mp3 download before but whatevs. Download the stupid Amazon music app and get it there. But I can't. I can stream it if I sign up for Amazons stupid streaming service for 3 months. Okay. Fuck you Amazon, but what did I expect. Then I'll download it via Google play. Nope. Can't do that either. Google play/music is no more and they want you to use YouTube. Fuckers. Well maybe on the official FOB Website-
NOPE! Only physical release!
All I want is to buy the album as an mp3 and listen to it offline without ads and without having to subscribe to something! Why can I not do that?! Oh I know why! Because subscriptions make a lot more money in the long run! But God forbid I don't want a gazillion different subscriptions!
I know that media companies don't want us to own anything, but having it shoved into my face so blatantly is just-
If anyone tells me to just stream it, no! Paid streaming services fuck over artists as well as the consumer!
Guess I'll go back to buying CDs and ripping the music onto my PC to put it on my phone like it's fucking 2010.
"You can get everything just with the click of a button!*"
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Then could I request shanks, buggy, and Nami?? If that’s alright
I kinda wanna write those three living together and watch the fur fly and see who makes it out alive.
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Nami -Five days before rent is due she's on your ass. - is that room mate who always keeps track of who bought what each week so that she can always be ready to yell at you. - If you owe her money she'll leave sticky notes on every surface imaginable. - Asks if you want takeout in a way that makes you think she's gifting you and then makes you answer the door so you have to pay for it. - 'I'll get it next time!' - Accidentally eat/use anything of hers and you owe her an entirely new one. - Pretends not to notice when somethings broken so she doesn't have to take responsibility. - House is always clean. nicely looked after, lets you use all her expensive electronics and passwords for streaming services at least.
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Buggy - His hair blocks the bathroom drain and ruins the vacuum cleaner weekly - WIll fight you every-time you complain about it "How do you know it was MY hair??" "BECAUSE IT'S BRIGHT BLUE AND 20 INCHS LONG BUGGY?" - Will squint at you, open and close his mouth and still refuse to take the blame for it. - Clutter, mess, hoarding, you opened his room once and a stack of DVDs almost took you out. - Always has the best snacks laying around, you have to cook for him because junk food isn't something a grown man should be living on. - Often lets his friends sleep on the couch, you walk out in the middle of the night and half a circus is in your livingroom eating cheerios from coffee mugs because no one did the dishes yet. - Will fight literally anyone who upsets you though.
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Shanks - You know he has a job because he's always good for money. - But you've seen him wear those same shoes the entire time you have known him. - You have no idea how he's alive as you open the fridge and see all his shelves are booze and milk that went off last week but is still being used. - Organised mess piles - You will watering your plants and find a half empty beer and Shanks will light up "Ah thats where that went!" and carries on. - You've more then once walked in on him in the bath, having a drink and holding the can up as a toast when you walk in on him naked "Hey, want a drink?" - When he does buy food? it's always the best shit and he cooks really well, makes you dinner. - Will walk you home from work, even if he wasn't even out at the time.
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sporadicsprinkles · 3 years
hi! about the leaked episode, i was wondering, if a person who has to watch the show illegally watches the leak, would it still affect the ratings and stuff, or not since they wouldn't watch it legally anyway? (btw im not gonna watch the leaked episode, i'll wait, but i am curious about how that works)
I'm gonna be completely honest here, I'm not to strong on this topic (though I have read a bunch of stuff on business and marketing). But I’ll try and explain what I know (take this with a grain of salt!!). 
So here's one way to think about this, imagine pirating a movie. The reason you shouldn't do it is because you aren't paying for the movie. The way the movie will make money is buying tickets to see it, a company sponsoring it, purchasing the streaming service it's on, and buying a dvd or something.
When you watch a show on cable, you're paying for cable. When you watch it the cable company knows that you're viewing that show, therefore the show will get money (I tried to simplify that without going in depth). Same goes for streaming services. The money you pay for the thing you watch it on will go to that show. When an episode is leaked that means that it's (probably) not on anything that has to do with a streaming service (or at least an official one). That means that the show won't make the money it needs to make. So the streaming services the show is on won't think that the show is being watched.
When it doesn't think the show is being watched then it'll promote it less and less. That'll make the show less popular overall dropping the views. When there are not enough views the show won't make money. Animation is expensive so for each episode you put out you gotta hope people will watch it on an official streaming service. Especially a season finale, shows make LOTS of money off of finales. That's why we gotta wait till true colors is out officially!!!
Sorry that I couldn't help more lol. I don't know much about this kind of thing. But I'm really flattered that you came to ask me jsjsjs. I don't know a whole lot but I hope this helps :)
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cydoniandetective · 2 years
hello! i know you get a lot of these messages, but I just wanted to offer my appreciation. like a previous anon, my country has removed iasip from most streaming services, and it’s hard to find other places to watch. you’re a saving grace, thank you! can’t wait for s12. 💓💕
Aw thanks though I don't think I deserve such appreciation considering I went away and delayed s12/s13, sorry!
But about streaming services... It's so weird, because at first they were pretty comforting to me. I was earning my own money, I was able to pay for the content I wanted, supporting people behind and I felt pretty happy about it (thanks, VPNs). But then suddenly we had a million streaming services, and they split the content and suddenly you'd have to subscribe to a whole lot of different platforms and it's kinda unsustainable. You wanna watch football? There's this service. You wanna watch frasier before going to bed? There's this one service. Do you wanna watch comfy gilmore girls while you're sick? There's this other one. Do you wanna watch you're the worst? There's another one. Do you want to watch doctor who? Welp, here's another service. And it just goes on and on.
Besides that, I don't trust these services to keep a lot of TV content alive...
I think it's ironic because I have always been the person who encouraged digital everything, but I can't say I'm 100% behind content being released only on streaming platforms.
I say this because in my country it's pretty rare to get a DVD or Blu-Ray release for a TV show, so we only have digital services left in most cases (importing the physical version is insanely expensive). Most shows already get filtered at that point. Then they get filtered by copyright and whatever, so yeah, ok. So when everyone loses the right to stream a show there's basically only physical copies left (besides piracy)? Right now I'm thinking about That '70s Show, but I could be talking about a lot of shows that weren't that popular back in the '90s or '80s or whatever, but that could be someone's favorite or just really good content that someone could discover and really find something in it for themselves. Literally nobody here knows about Frasier, but I love it and it got me through a really tough time back in 2012. Of course the situation is different on other places, but it was basically already lost over here and I would never have found it if not for the internet. (Also, I know Frasier isn't that popular but that unpopular in the US, I'm just saying as it is in my country lol)
So uhh basically, the same way they pick what they want to stream, any company can just pick not to store/maintain "old" shows, and they could just be lost forever if they're deemed disposable. I don't mean to sound like a crazy person, and I'm not like downloading everything in the world to storage/archive "just in case", but I do think it's important that content remains accessible for everyone. I can't even explain how much tv shows helped me reflect about things out of the scope of my reality (and also learn a new language) and understand my feelings better. Also, I seriously doubt that people would prefer to pirate stuff if they had access to properly priced content. It's been 14 years and I'm still buying imported paperback copies of Ultimate Spider-Man to complete my collection lol so yeah, I'll shut up now
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