#i’m so normal abt our dnd characters
casukaga · 10 months
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doodles of @artbykatybug’s ophelia, featuring my character, cable 💕
they are best friends and i love them v much
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silverislander · 3 years
jesus christ this session was fucking batshit,, i’m so sorry i HAVE to talk abt this somewhere!!  big ol plot summary under the cut
so we started off in an already-high-tension scene bc last week falcon, the guy whose hunting lodge we were staying at in order to get some help on a sidequest, turned out to be a pretty bad dude.  the stable boy pell (total sweetheart, he’s only 12 and he’s mute) put us onto him and when pressed we discovered that our dm’s “most dangerous game” from last time hint led to exactly what i thought it would: they don’t hunt animals at the lodge.  nobles come to hunt exotic and expendable races.  they hunt people.
we beat the shit out of him and got him to talk via a game of quest or attest (in-universe truth or dare with a truth spell cast over it- it’s homebrewed for character dev reasons but we keep using it on people lately), but not before he dragged some really personal shit out of us in the process and really fucked with our drow reyner, who had actually slept w falcon the night before.  he made reyner talk abt the only person he had ever felt anything for, attacked cyran (elf ranger) and called cal a stupid peasant which is an EXTREMELY sore spot for her- she actually stabbed right through his hand for that.  it’s the second worst thing he could’ve said besides the literal slur for peasants she’s used to, which he wouldn’t know since it’s in gnomish.  he tells us there are orcs locked up on the grounds for his next hunt, and the cook knows where they are.  because we have an orc rogue in our party who has already been deeply upset by this experience we know we gotta at least try to go free them!!  we split up, a couple of us got pell to safety and we started looking for clues/the cook
didn’t find much until cyran showed up again while we were in the kitchens, and that’s when things started to take a turn from normal-dnd-bad to what-the-fuck.  we didn’t find the cook that we were sent for there, but we did find kitchen supplies and food stock, nothing out of the ordinary since we ate a huge feast at their table last night.  chopped up vegetables, wine cabinets, meat on hooks.
dm tells cyran, an experienced hunter, to roll for nature.  i start getting a bad feeling about this.
it’s people.  human meat.  and gnome meat.
and we feasted at falcon’s table last night.
so we all freaked the fuck out, naturally- a couple of us threw up, cal starts swearing up and down that she’s gonna kill the fucking cook, bimble the pacifist  human wizard is absolutely traumatized, but we don’t have time to process this- there are still people to save.
we kept going, all pretty shaken up, and long story short we found and killed the cook- there were no orcs, falcon was just luring us into one last fucking trap, and it nearly fucking killed us all.  the tower caught fire during the fight bc of our dragonborn, aster, and bimble (his characteristic overuse of the fireball spell), and we only got out bc of a nat20 from aster who lifted a burning beam to let us all escape before it collapsed
so on the carriage ride back home, we were all pretty fucked up.  two party members and a twelve-year-old boy have just realized they were forced into cannibalism, reyner has been betrayed yet a-fucking-gain by someone he almost really liked (a running issue), and a lot of us have had our worst fears and insecurities attacked by fucking falcon the bastard hunter.  at the very end, we’re riding back, having quiet conversations so we don’t have to sit in silence and think, and i just want to put cal’s conversation with pell to end this off bc it was a really nice way to finish a Deeply upsetting session for our characters
she scooted over to him to try and distract him, since he got inarguably the worst of this experience (losing his home, realizing he ate people, learning falcon killed his parents and more), and he likes to tinker and make little machines, so i figured as a rock gnome she might be able to help him out or at least chat with him.  he showed her a little spider-robot that he’d made, and she tried her best to be encouraging (not her strong suit, since she tends to be rude and very blunt).
“this is pretty cool.  never was very good at making stuff myself, i just always... tended to break things instead.  not a very good gnome, i suppose.”
“sometimes breaking things can be just as useful.”
“... yeah, that’s how i like to think of it too.”
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session 10 notes
oh wow yeah the layout of these will just forever be trash now bc it’s a lot of formatting work like a LOT sorry
• Presentation prep
○ Jacob is doing a tier list of every smash character in the world ever
• Apparently picchu was really busted
○ Idk who picchu is tho
○ Peechoo
○ I think it's picchu bc I think I've seen that before
• Are waterbenders ghostbusters
• R we starting
A few my little pony quizzes real quick
• When we last left off
• We were using medallions or whatever to search for stuff
• Broke into the city of the dead
• Were ambushed but interrogated one of them after killing the others
• Adam convinced that one that we chucked the stone
• We let him live but adam took his pants
• Not midnight but it's raining a lot
What are we doing
• As we leave the graveyard adam is getting chains out of george bush and putting it back on the gate
• Nvm we're just gonna follow naya
• Put chains back on 
• Squelching through mud
• Make way back w little trouble
○ We were able to set up the stuff?
○ Looks like some ppl r patrolling
○ Still hard to see bc rainy so we haven't been noticed
• Keep following naya
• Make way out safely
• Naya varies the pace every now and then
• Rain dies off later in the night
• Start approaching poorer area of the trade ward; fewer shops and businesses, more poorer housing
• Naya looks like she's leading us towards a windmill in the distance
• Just a towering windmill
• Not much wind so not spinning
• Cel makes perception check at disadvantage, can't see anything
• Naya runs up and stops in front of the windmill then vanishes
○ The second time we used naya's scry power? Maybe? Nvm?
• Does ur wifi ever poop itself
○ Nice
○ Ok I'll just keep sitting here ig
• Ok we're in a dark room and can't hear any sounds of a bloodbath
• There's a door
• Adam puts his ear to see if he can see anything, perception check
○ 8
• Door is solid wood
• Adam opens ground floor door
○ There r two doors
§ One on the side and one on the top
§ Ok we're in the windmill
• Cel pulls out lantern
• Adam opens door and sees a lot of people who look like they're sleeping on the floor
○ 5ish
○ Look like squatters
• Adam rolls 22 perception to see if he recognizes anyone, no one looks familiar
• Sneak by them ? Try to ?
• Adam can see another door that goes further in
• Adam snaps tiny flame on finger and rest of us follow the flame
• We walk over to next door
• Not locked
• Quietly go through
• Asyna is going to stay in the first room w ppl to watch them
○ In case they wake up / as guard
○ "hehe . Shillelagh"
○ "whack 'em with your 'forget-me' stick"
• Proposition for asyna to pretend she's sleeping
• Enter next room, just as dark as other
○ A few doors leading to left and right in front of us
○ In distance can see more people sleeping but only two
○ Looks empty
○ Lights lantern
• Adam pokes head through closest door
○ There's just more people
○ Strategy to burn entire building will not work
○ Cel can't tell if anyone looks like they're armed
• Do I want banana bread
• Going to peek into all the rooms
• Every room marked w2 has ppl sleeping
• What's happening in w3
• "so I look outside bc I heard somebody blasting despacito… there's a pickup truck towing a boat and there's a bunch of teenagers on it raving" - dom, 2020
• W3 is a wc a water closet as in a bathroom
• W4 is a closet w some cleaning stuff and grains
• Some ppl have woken up but they don't bother to like really watch us suspiciously
• Upstairs we go
• Three doors leading out of the room but also a large millstone in the center of the room
• Under debris, soaking wet from a hole in the ceiling
• Adam tries to move debris
• Cel rolls 15 perception, can't hear anything
○ Adam rolls nat1 and the stone resists adam's efforts
○ Technically a 0
• What's behind door w6
○ Caved in sections
○ Floor littered w bird droppings
○ Adam investigates "that's a 12 for eggs dominic"
○ There are eggs but they are fertilized eggs
○ Adam has to b careful
§ Gently picks up pigeon egg
§ "I have a plan if combat starts"
§ Adam is now carrying a pigeon egg
• What's in w8?
○ W7 first
○ W7 is locked
○ Adam tries the key; theo makes perception check first
§ Nat1 so can't hear anything
§ Adam tries the key
□ "I'm gonna stick that key into the lockhole"
□ It doesn't fit
§ 14, can't unlock
§ Aerana tries, 22
§ Lock clicks open
§ Cel peers inside
□ There's an open window, the room is cold
□ There's a door leading into a separate room
□ Armoire
□ Also two human males holding shovels
□ "congratulations - you're free" - adam
□ "what the hell r u on about"
□ "we unlocked your door that was previously locked presumably from the outside but now the door's open and you can walk through it"
□ "we locked it on purpose"
□ "none of ur business how we do ours what do you want"
□ "why did you lock yourself in here"
□ "bc this is our apartment"
□ Smth abt a rock
□ A tiny boulder ?
□ Rolls 20 for insight
□ Guy had a flash of recognition but he doesn't have it
® But what r they wearing
® Indiscrete, utilitarian clothes
® "can we search your room or will you tell us all you know"
® "is that a thweat"
® "a thweat? O thorry sorry a threat"
® Adam rolls for intimidation
◊ 9
□ "we could just lasso them"
□ "how much health do they have combined"
□ "ok so you guys aren't gonna tell us anything"
□ As adam turns around to leave he casts sleep
® 5d8 
◊ "is their combined health equal or less than 22"
◊ "together they had 8"
□ Asyna moseys on upstairs
• I try so hard
○ And then things like this happen to me
○ It's fine, I say, albeit wholly unconvinced
○ Wow ok it really b like this
• Adam makes investigation check for anything in the bed
○ 18
○ There's a cut in the side of the bed w a bag of coins
○ "we shouldn't rob these people"
○ Apparently it's not a lot so we leave it
• Going to check other room
○ W8
§ Try to open door but immediately hit smth blocking it
§ Aerana and cel try opening the door
□ 14 strength check; doesn't budge
□ Peeking inside can make out a lot of heavy stones
□ 3 in gap
□ "so we can't fit through it . But a much smaller animal could probably fit through it"
○ Would b asyna's second wildshape
§ Investigate room wd40 but it's w4b
○ Asyna and cel r gonna go to w4b
○ Adam sticks arm through crack
§ Adam gets sense roof has collapsed
§ Feels beam of wood blocking door
○ Dom thinks we're too weak to hammer the door
○ Cel goes first
§ Dexterity save
□ 19
□ 2 damage; steps inside side closet and floor collapses
□ Falls down into w4a on first floor
□ Picks self up and goes back upstairs
○ Gonna try n shimmy over, 10 for acrobatics
§ Starts making way over then falls; dex save 11
§ 2 damage again
§ "uh hearing cel fall from the second floor twice , I come out"
□ Cel is gonna try and jump to w6
□ Adam gets crowbar from cel
§ Adam uses mage hand to open the door
□ Cel can just see a bunch of pigeon nests in w6
□ Cel jumps into w6
□ More pigeons
® Investigates; 20
◊ Finds the odd shiny thing a crow might've brought in; for the most part looks like a bird's dwelling
◊ Some fish bones in one of the nests
◊ Nature check, 5; can't tell what kind of nest
◊ They look like pigeon eggs tho
◊ Whisper yells to asyna "pet pigeon ?!"
◊ "are you gonna throw it?"
◊ "let me just tell you guys right now . You have more than one chance"
◊ Both have to make dexterity checks
◊ There are at least 5 eggs
◊ Cel rolls 22, asyna rolls 16
◊ The egg made it across successfully
◊ Cel just jumps back
○ Adam lightly pats down the two sleeping dudes
§ Some money, small utility knife
§ Gonna crowbar w8; strength check w advantage
§ Adam tries using the crowbar on the hinges, 8
§ Warhammer ? 15
□ 11 damage
□ "ok. Bonk"
□ "screws were invented in the first century so there WERE screws in the renaissance"
® Oil the door, adam tries to pop out the bolt with a dagger
® Two 4s
□ The people we cast sleep on are still asleep
○ Nat20 for athletics check to go onto the roo
§ You go to top of the windmill
§ Drop down into the room
□ Huge collapse of stones from the ceiling, beam of wood propped up against the door
□ Nat20
® Positive there is nothing in the room, just ceiling debris
○ "I'm gonna give their hands a little bondage"
§ "and then jerry seinfeld walks in like 'what's the deal with airplane food'"
§ Adam shakes the more serious-looking guy awake
§ Takes out key and asks if he's seen it
□ Wakes up and says "wot"
□ Other guy wakes up and is flailing
□ Cel rolls athletics check to tie him up
® 14, is able to tie him up
□ Looks at it and says it's his
□ "what's it for?"
□ "none of your business"
□ "you guys have a hobby of graverobbing?"
□ Adam says he's with the citywatch
® Deception check at disadvantage
® 9
® "yeah we're from the watch . Watch your back"
□ "why were u in the mausoleum"
® Jacob makes intimidation check w advantage
◊ 16, more serious one says "well u know we don't normally do that sort of thing"
◊ "we was paid to do it"
◊ "by whom"
◊ Lorsa morclav
} Losser mirklav paid them
– Asdjdmaf nice
® "what's the key for"
® "it's private"
® "can you make it public? For money ?"
® "45" adam puts knife closer to throat "I'm guessing that's a no" "I'm guessing that's a less please"
◊ Asks if we've played the dnd equivalent of poker
} Adam says he wants names first
} Younger one is urlaster
} Older one is volkarr
□ Threaten to bludgeon toes
® "how connected r u to ur toes"
® "rather intimately"
§ Says he buried his treasure
□ 10 to hit, slams ground
® Adam asks to see where loser mirklav is
◊ Southern ward
◊ By a bunch of apartments
◊ Half elf guy - cellar street ?
◊ Lives in an apartment
◊ "wig shop"
◊ "a weed shop"
◊ "a wIG shop"
§ "did u guys steal anything else from the tomb"
□ "we was hired to steal bones"
□ "losser's a necromancer"
□ Did they pick up a stone ?
® Losser saw a really thicc rat
® Losser kills the rat but it just vanishes, leaving the stone
® Losser took the stone
◊ Insight check, 8; can't tell if he's telling the truth
} "u guys broke into the tomb of a noble family for a necromancer for how much gold"
} 10 gold
} "we're keeping the key"
} "is loser the type of person that stays up at night"
} "well he's a mostly nocturnal fella"
} "yeah he likes his beauty rest during the day"
} "he's a strange little fellow"
§ "how badly do you want this key back"
□ "that's my life savings I want it back"
□ "what does losser look like ?"
□ Halfling fellow w long gray ponytail, he's wrinkly and smelly
® Is it bad that every time I hear the word necromancer I think necrophilia not necromancy
® "yeah I'm licking your life savings right now buddy"
◊ Adam fake swallows
} Performance check, 8
} "you're the worst actor I've ever seen"
} Actually swallows it
} "oh fuck"
} Key is made out of rusty iron
} "alright . Bye"
◊ "do you want your key back within 1-2 business days"
} "why don't you just puke it out"
} "I don't want to"
} "you guys keep quiet, I'll return the key to you in 1-2 business days"
} "that's disgusting"
} "alright . Bye"
– We’re leaving them tied up 
– "wow we're being judged" - marguerite, 2020
– We take their shovel
– "say what was your name"
– "reginald"
– "deception"
w Rolls a 20 total
w "that's shilanda shilanda brilanda and tiffany"
w Nat1
® "it might come out less rusty than it was before"
◊ "hey dom when should I roll for that poison"
§ Cel takes knife, toss the shovels
□ Barricade door ?
○ Going back to mirt's to rest ?
§ Go back to mirt's
§ Fog has settled in over streets, early early morning
§ Make it back no problem
§ Past midnight
□ Rest with watches
□ During adam's watch reads book
® Investigation check, 20
® Details house growlund and their lineage
◊ It's a genealogical book
} A lot of the pages are blank bc it's continuously added to
} At some point it's described that some of the children were born with tails
– "I look at my tail . Then look back at the page"
– But then those tails were amputated
} Any inbreeding ?
– Investigation check, 13
– There was inbreeding
□ Cel keeps pigeon egg warm
§ Morning arrives, daytime mostly spent in fog until noon
□ 8 a.m.-ish
□ "do I have to uh use the bathroom dominic"
□ "is there any key"
□ "oh I thought you were talking about real life"
® "does the key come out"
® "oh my god no it does not"
® "this is a great disaster"
◊ "it was a large key"
◊ "then how did I swallow it?!"
◊ "oh god whatever"
◊ Key was small enough for adam to swallow without choking
} I didn't say this but I thought it: what if he had practice tho
• Renaer is up
○ Cel grabs asyna and adam to go ask renaer to watch their pigeon egg babies
○ He is incredibly confused but he affirms he won't eat them
○ "ey what's poppin mirt"
○ "how's it going"
○ "groot is chunky" - aerana?
○ "groot is the best kind of chunky" - cel
○ "mirt, I'll buy you a wig" - adam
○ "make it purple"
§ Purple like …. : - D ahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahaAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAA
• We bust our way down to cellar street
○ Southern ward is the one where a lot of ppl move to from foreign lands
§ Eclectic
§ We find a small shop w some wigs in the front
○ There's a young half-elf woman running front desk
○ Headstands w wigs in the front, some r purple
○ Adam walks up to the half-elf woman asking for a special order w loser
○ "sorry we don't have anyone by that name"
○ "losser?"
○ Adam wants a private meeting to place an order
§ Insight
□ 16, she looks surprised n confused
○ There was not an apartment above the store
§ This corner is mostly businesses
□ Nat20 wisdom saving throw
® She is uncharmed
○ Has gray hair, smells like an excessive amount of lavender, 
§ Says his name is val
□ Mirklav backwards
○ "is your boss here right now"
○ Lets himself in sometimes to say hi and to check in like once a month but he has a key
§ "how do you know him"
§ "uh do u remember how I said I was throwing a bar mitzvah ? He's invited"
□ 15 deception, works
□ She goes to the back
○ Nothing suspicious looking in the shop aside from the normal weirdness you'd expect from a wig shop bc it's just head mannequins
○ An elf walks in
§ "hey . Yo"
§ He nods
§ Doesn't necessarily look like he needs a wig
§ Wearing a tricorner hat like gwash
□ Makes idle conversation
□ "interesting things happening in the city, eh?"
® Heard abt the house that got blown up
® "oo . What's the juice ? What's the juicy gossip my guy"
® They say some kind of explosion
® Says he's more into politics
◊ "of course he is"
® "well I concern myself w the affairs of princes and princesses"
◊ Talks abt making deliveries
® "well many of them r comfortable . Of late I was able to make a v special acquaintance who essentially helped me w smth I needed doing"
◊ "I'm adam nice to meet you . Is it impossible to explain or "
◊ What's this guy's name tho
◊ Says he's good at making ppl happy or sad ???
◊ "you're like a performer"
◊ "do smth for us"
} He lost his silver handkerchief
– Can turn silver into gold, flicks it
– Admits puppetry is not his particular area of expertise
w Name is Jamboreal
w Nat20 insight check
w Looks different but it's the other guy
w Oh it's the guy the disguise guy your handkerchief bruh you really forgot about your own doings n stuff
w AHAHAHHA I SEE IT NOW OOPS wow I was really off
• Clerk lady comes back in
○ Brings back note of smth
§ We'll just sneak back later at night ig
§ Adam gives her a gold and says he'll take her purplest wig
□ Brings out a fluffy purple toupee
○ Wig shop closes around dusk
○ "do you want this wrapped"
○ "do you want to come to my bar mitzvah ? I'm turning 14"
○ Jamboreal is haggling a price down
§ Concept: take asyna to the zoo
□ Adam runs intelligence check for a 
□ Uh are we going to the zoo ? We're going to the zoo
□ There's a bunch of animals
Pause; next time we’re going to the zoo
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charged-gremlin · 6 years
Tell me about ur dnd characters coward
you are the coward bc you are not prepared for the ultimate bs you’re gonna be met withfirst we have Ashurda, they’re a quarter-orc earth genasi druid (their mortal parent is half-orc) and I loooooove them! I still haven’t played as them yet even tho they’re the first one I created. I haven’t developed them a whole lot but I have made jokes about them eating dirt and not knowing if their family is alive or not. even while being a druid they have a complicated relationship with religion and are p much on a search to find their immortal parent!then we have Odin he’s my pride and joy. he’s a wood elf bard who comes from a big huge family. he was intrigued by the mysterious things that kept happening in/around the forest he grew up in and set off to explore that. don’t know much besides that! but I love himthe next few I don’t know ANYTHING about but I’m going to name and describe them for youwe got:-Ahkekcai'an or Cai’an for short and he’s a sulfur-crested cockatoo aarakocra fighter! he fight and he’s really cocky-Icaialuron or Icaia!! she’s a barn owl aarakocra cleric and runs a book and potions shop! she’s my sweet baby!-Smoke! my tabaxi wizard baby! he’s an outcast from his community bc he’s a black cat and superstitions, y’know? but he’s tryin to prove himself-Raisha, my copper dragonborn rogue who is also a detective 👀 whenever I think abt her I think abt the “is this the murder weapon? get off my DICK” Vine-Aeord my tiefling water genasi! she was just recently created so I don’t even know her class but she is shockingly my only tiefling character bc I LOVE tieflings-Vivian! she’s not modeled off of the traditional D&D stuff but is part of a D&D-adjacent thing called Starfinder I believe? she’s a robot! and she likes ABBA! and she loves space and has lived there her whole life and she’s a hacker! I’m going to be playin with her hopefully soon!!and last. but not least. the absolute worst/best character and the only one I have played with.Guy Fieri-Shakespeare.this motherfucker is a fire genasi bard whose mortal parent is a normal human. his mom is like a Fire Goddess and was like “what’s the most human name to give him? oh I know: Guy”anyway more about him: he plays the kazoo and once during a funeral for his husband William “Lustful” Shakespeare’s fabulous fur coat didn’t know how to play Taps (my fault) so he did a shitty rendition of the Jurassic Park theme.he didn’t bother to make a perception check on a random pool before attempting to dive in until another member of our party did and discovered that there was a SNAKE IN THERE so thankfully he didn’t.I should probably end this before it gets too long but I rolled a nat 20 on waking up Shakespeare and gave him 1 HP back.
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elftwink · 6 years
im trying to decide if i wanna textually work being trans into adroits backstory and i would for sure in other cases but im sort of scared that putting it as like a bond as something from his past he’s uncomfortable with is gonna be used as like, in game fodder in a way i a trans player do not like? like i’m fine with it being something he’s not open about and im fine with people from his past knowing abt it and it being some level of secret because thats.... literally how im planning on playing him but i don’t necessarily want that secrecy to be dragged out into the open the way you might with a different Dark Secret™, and i think the way bonds are intended to be played in dnd 
i want him being trans to be important to him because it’s important to me and the way ive like, structured his backstory means that while he doesn’t have anyone like, being malicious or vindictive about it, most people from his past just... don’t know. so he’s sort of on edge encountering people not for fear of like transphobia but just because it’s like... it’s just a hassle for him and it’s not one he wants to deal with. i think this is important enough to put as a bond but i think i’d have to write it on my character sheet as him having stuff from his past he doesn’t want to encounter again and leave details kinda wanting bc it’s not something i wanna maybe get into session 1, but i also think it’s not. like deserving of that amount of vagueness? i don’t want to make it seem like he has a Dark Past because in games like dnd that practically invites prying in ways i dont think would be good in the context of it being a trans character
i also think i might later on have fun with it a bit; he’s conned the same rich asshole twice, once before he transitioned and once after, bc thats. thats fuckin funny and absolutely up his alley so. like i wanna have fun
mostly i just don’t really want to dm to introduce fantasy transphobia but im sorta afraid if i try to bring it in as a nonissue he’ll do it anyway and make assumptions about how im comfortable npcs treating my trans character. and i don’t want anyone to assume that it’s a point of shame for me or my character just because i’m playing him as keeping it secret like i don’t... want this to be tragic backstory fodder. it’s neutral backstory fodder. its just an event that happened and a trait adroit possess
and i know this would be solved by talking to the dm which in my defence i will once i figure out what kind of playing field but i just am not gonna talk about transphobia with a guy i have had two conversations with since high school, so. theres that also. 
also im afraid this’ll be seen less as character development and more as ‘luke being annoying’ because being trans is. something i would have to obviously add and account for myself because the dnd books dont cover how to play a trans character and what fantasy transition is like and while i have SOME ideas myself as i write fantasy trans people a lot i don’t wanna. force those on the dm or anything. like i feel like being trans is seen as something i shouldnt even THINK about because like, no one else is assuming their characters are cis (they are but they just view that as normal lmao), like i’m sorta afraid i’ll get hit with ur classic ‘why are you forcing diversity lets focus on the story’. 
whatever. burn that bridge when we get to it. adroit is transgender and there’s nothing my party or our dm can do about it. 
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silverislander · 3 years
tag me
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @onthestupidtrain  @unadulteratedcolorkid @dissonantdreamer and @souncivilized17 !!  thanks yall :D
name/nickname: lee
gender: uhhhhhhhh,, at this point your guess is as good as mine my guy.  probably nonbinary, definitely lesbian??...  girl but to the left??  gender is a lie made up by the government to sell more bathrooms and it does not spark joy for me, but at least it gave us women
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5'5.5"
time: is a lie made up by the government to sell more clocks
birthday: dec 11
favorite bands: mcr, rise against, mother mother, paramore, against me!, the oh hellos
favorite solo artists: sleeping at last, hozier, palehound, phoebe bridgers
song stuck in my head: graceland too by phoebe bridgers!  i want to see if i can learn it on guitar- it even has my favourite guitar chord in it :D
last movie i watched: the thing (1982) with my good good dnd bros saturday night!  it was pretty fun, and the gore was v good a+, we love some practical effects in this house
last show: burden of truth- my family is watching it together
when did i create this blog: uhhh june 2019 i think??  it was def june
what i post: it’s like 95% tlou (esp part 2/ellie and dina my beloveds), but also the locked tomb series, memes/jokes, horror movies, trying to figure out my Brain Issues(tm), gay shit and whatever else i’m into for the week lol
other blogs: none!  all my bullshit stays right here baybee
last thing i googled: “figured bass inversions”... i have music theory hw to do and i suck at remembering figured bass :/
do i get asks: only when i rb games usually, but i’ve gotten a few abt my writing too which is always cool :D
why i chose my url: so i have this history of winning second place in competitions and stuff?  if i place, it’s almost always second, so that’s where the silver part comes from.  plus i am an islander :)
following: 472
followers: 300!!  thanks gang :’)
average hours of sleep: 6-7 hrs
lucky number: 13 and 7
instruments: piano, guitar, ukulele, trumpet/cornet and i am currently a voice major.  basically my whole life is music lmao
what am i wearing: denim shirt w the sleeves rolled up, jeans, socks and my key necklace.  i’m at home but i had to look nice for a recording lol, plus i just like this shirt :)
dream trip: ooo idk!  i’d probably want to go somewhere really different and learn abt the history and culture, maybe try some local food.  the problem is i’d have to be super careful to stay safe while travelling some foreign countries bc i’m visibly gay/gnc... i did a project on morocco in hs and i would have loved to go someday until i found out i’m illegal there 🤠
favorite food: burgers mmm
nationality: canadian!
last book i read: the city we became by n. k. jemisin.  it’s absolutely amazing and i am SO close to finishing it that it’s KILLING ME but i have so much schoolwork (and executive dysfunction) lately,, how to pause the entire world to read for several hours please :’(
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: most of the stories i like are either in the normal world or Not worlds i’d actually want to live in, oof.  as much as i’d love to hang out in jackson with ellie, dina and the gang (and i would LOVE to,, universe let me meet my fav characters and have a hug w them :( ), the ensuing trauma and near-certain death... idk if that's really worth it lol.  probably (in no order) camp half blood from pjo, infinity train maybe and uhhh... probably our dnd campaign in phandalin bc i would Love to be a bard.  performing/music, charisma score that isn’t less than 0 AND cool powers?  hell yeah, where do i sign
favorite color: never can decide if it’s blue or green tbh
tagging: @angelknive @schwulchen @sadgirlindiemusic @yourcandleonthewater @primaryass only if you want ofc!  no pressure 💛
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actual session 8 notes
• I made a mistake
○ Mistake as in I came in late oops
• Anyways
• They're talking abt hair
• For sneak attack you roll 2d6 just a friendly reminder to yourself
• Now they're talking abt pranking ppl in the rides
• Now they're talking abt disneyland problems
• Now they're talking abt rollercoasters
• Jacob's fish ate each other
• Ok dnd time
○ "no worries" re: me being late s u r e ok nvm it's not depression time
• Passive perception checks and then we do smth idk
• Last session(s)
○ Downtime and then breakfast was bombed
○ Found out the attack was deliberate
○ Went to the one fancy villa house and got into a few fights
○ A nimblewright ?? Was responsible for the attack ig
○ We dipped and it's rainy
• The city is engulfed in thiccccc fog
○ Walking back to mirt's house
§ Lillian got prankt
• Lillian's sister has a guinea pig
○ Its name is buttercup
○ "buttercup dumpy tho" - jacob, 2020
• We're talking abt china's laws wrt eating dogs
• We're in the fog going to mirt's
○ Mirt's house is in sea ward, we're in north ward (a ward away)
○ If we just walk it's a half mile away
○ But there r streets so like a mile walk
○ Visibility is bad bc spring fog
○ Disadvantage on perception checks, visibility reduced to 30 ft
○ We're walking we get there
• Cel knocks
○ No one answers the door
○ Adam is making an investigation check
§ Does a short tour of the front, nothing out of the ordinary
§ Door is locked
§ Looking into the house there's an occasional candle burning by itself
□ Adam uses thaumaturgy to rapidly change the color of the lights inside to see if he can get anyone's attention
® Lights change color, nothing happens
§ Maybe we'll break in but cel will try the pebble on a window thing first
□ Throws, door opens and floon lets us in
□ Mans just got up
® We're a lil wet
□ It's abt 5am
• Short rest? There's no medium rest
○ I want cake I might make cupcakes after this bc I need cake sugar
§ I'll make cake after this and watch criminal minds bc it had me scream
○ We're taking shifts for keeping watch sleeping in mirt's living room w windows facing out onto the street
○ We're taking a long rest
• When cel is on watch she's just watching the door and windows
• Eventually renaer and floon get up n operate on a normal schedule
• Cut straight to wake up
○ Once we're all up it's raining
○ Hi jacob's dad isn't his name frederic ? Oh god I could b v wrong but I'm p sure bc when marguerite named the squirrel someone was like it's jacob's dad
§ "usually what I say should be cut off" - frederic, 2020
§ Aw bye jacob's dad
§ Jacob sounds exactly like his dad
□ Tb to the one time we were playing split the room on jackbox w my cousins and my dad and the choice was trading ur average newborn for an uber smart one or not and all of the cousins and myself said don't trade and mY DAD SAID TRADE
• It's pouring
• Mirt doesn't seem to b here but we can talk to renaer and floon
○ Gonna talk to them abt the mansion n ppl / things at the mansion
○ Oh a nimblewright is the one thing
§ Oops I accidentally googled it and turns out they're employed as bodyguards / assassins / spies
○ "renAer . Do u recognize this symbol"
§ He is indeed familiar w the crest
§ "well to me this looks like the house of grahlund (idk) ?? Or smth"
§ The houses of waterdeep
§ We're suss abt the book
□ We don't see any other black pages tho
§ Adam says the gnome was unfortunately barbecued
□ "trying to deliver the stone of galore" to us probs
□ Y would he deliver it to us
□ "bc mirt is relatively well known ,, this house is probs well watched"
□ The stone of galore v sought after by noble families apparenTly
□ The house ppl r embezzling that's y they want the rock
□ Had their robot blast our door for it
□ But now city watch probably has it
□ Theo remembers the one elven lady having seen someone run off
□ The zents want it, the nobles want it, the citywatch want it
○ So is the plan to go find a zent ??? Or what we'd learn if we went to the robot's location
§ I don't remember any frickin robot I'm just trying to pick up on context clues
§ Oh right grinda in mistshore ? 
§ We're gonna go find grinda
□ It's like around 4 in the afternoon
□ Sun not shining too brightly
□ Renaer not coming
® Ur leaving groot w renaer this time
□ Neither is floon, mirt mentioned he had to go do some business elsewhere
® Adam is currently suspicious of mirt
□ We need a ride
® We all dish out 3 copper for a taxi
® Dom dabbed and no one cares
○ Can u drop a message to the guy ?? Somehow ?? Somewhere ?? Just like ,, keep him in the loop ???? Ur confused
• Ok we pay
○ Adam is playing the uke
§ We're in the cab 
§ Imagine it's raining aggressively
§ A dwarf guild member picks us up
§ Ugh I want cake
§ Could I bake while playing hm
§ Cab driver has a rigging of sorts set up
§ I have to pee too
§ Any interesting looking ppl in the cab w us ?
○ A gnome w a fedora looking p drenched, dragonborn woman half sleeping kinda elderly, human man
§ Adam slaps the gnome, you stare at the gnome, gnome looks at adam and adam runs an insight check adam rolls 23, gnome tries to look surprised but looks like he's overacting
§ "there's not a lot of big ideas here"
§ "well that's obvious enough"
§ Gnome picks up on stare
§ You get the paper you flip it, you roll for insight gets 22
□ Takes the bait, looks at the paper; eventually human gets off
□ We're getting close to outskirts of dock ward, road is mud
□ At some point the gnome tries to start conversation
□ "say what's that you've got there"
□ "well I only saw him at the carnival that shows up every fall"
® Common in the autumn but not nowadays
® Would have to wait another summer
□ "are you a nimblewright fanatic sir"
® "all I'm saying is I like springtime rain as much as the next guy but when the wind season comes in it's kinda unusual"
® Gnome's name is elbridge
◊ Adam rolls for insight
} 25
} Looks like he's used to saying that name but it might not be his name
® "say I have some business to attend to so driver u can keep the tip just don't tell the guild" dwarf nods and slows the horses down, gnome gets off and dips
• Adam wants him to blow a nose
• "did he leave any little hairs" - marguerite, 2020
○ Cab driver shouts and says no stabbing on the cart
• We're in the dock ward, cart stops and dwarf leans over and makes us get out
○ Shakes his head and says we shouldn't go to mistborne
○ "is there any instruction you can give us for how to 'get there get there' because you're not 'taking us taking us'" - adam, 2020
• Aerana's leading
○ Dom sends a map
○ We're not standing on the muddy running water streets but on wooden planking
○ You have your dagger at hand
○ Beached ships but ppl living inside them probably
○ U can see there r some ppl peeking out of various doorways + shifty characters milling abt
○ Cel and adam r holding hands
○ Adam is sweating a lot but cel still holds it
○ At some point a dragonborn that looks like a sailor or smth w lots of battlewounds n tattoos looks p savage w dull brown color to scales, stands in front of u without saying anything
○ Ur like a lil shorter than humans and dragonborn r much taller
§ "I have business in mistborne what are you doing in my way"
§ Not so many city types
§ Adam mumbles smth under his breath
□ Asks adam what kind of business
□ "we're looking for grinda"
® Tries to appear jovial
® Says ah yes she lives here
® Dragon therapy
◊ He takes and puts to temple 
◊ U pay him 3 gold
◊ Grinda garloff
} Strange woman w a shed at the end of the dock
} Take a left here and follow the sounds of the waves
} Throws out a fourth
– Has many visitors w strange visitors
◊ Cel says she likes his tattoos
} "yes these r when I was sailing around the isle of chault"
• We follow his directions and eventually get to d1, we see ppl trying to set a fire
○ Walk down the dock towards d2, door to north of d2 has small assemblage of ppl
○ Can see up to 60 ft away some odd looking ppl
§ Four thugs bearing weapons; three humans w a dwarf barking instructions, attempting to break down the door to d2
§ Might b grinda's house but we really don't know
§ Adam spruces up the one fire of the dock workers
□ Cel lets go of adam's hand
□ They don't notice adam did it
• Adam tries to hear what the dwarf is saying bc it's rainy and doesn't hear anything
○ Lots of shifty ppl around
○ Some of them r watching the scene and also us
○ We approach the audience
§ Adam nudges the friendliest looking person
§ We all go up onto the elevated ship
§ Immediately ppl look at us suss
□ Confrontational almost and eventually a half-elf woman asks us if we're here to watch them string up grinda
® Cel makes persuasion check
® Isn't there another door ?
® Adam goes to cushiest looking person and asks y they're after grinda
◊ Old grizzled halfling answers adam and says grinda took smth she wasn't supposed to have
◊ "we're here to make sure that grinda doesn't escape unharmed"
◊ "we're pretty tough as well" adam says
◊ More ppl come over closer to us
◊ Adam asking how much it would be to outbuy
◊ "that depends on how much you're asking oh wrinkly one"
◊ Halfling confers w fellows
◊ Halfling appears to be a ringleader
} Says 15 dragons
– 19 for insight
w Confident guy, lived a tough life
w Ppl put their trust in him
w Halfling says 15 is bargain price
w Unsuccessful try to push the price down you all cough up 3 dragons
– They start distributing dragons
w Not used to containing excitement
○ After distributing money asks if we have a bone to pick with the xants
§ Adam's gonna play them a song and plays it so hard it casts shatter on the dock the thugs are standing on
□ Constitution saving throws for everything
® Two of the bandits and the dwarf fail their saving throws, other two succeed
�� Tl;dr the dock - two of them r shocked so hard they're either dead or unconscious
® Dwarf Is particularly affected
® Dock they're standing on collapses
® Door blasted off inwards
◊ "that's a little trick I learned at bard school"
◊ Ppl on the boat have moved away
® Humans and dwarves screaming
◊ 3 left
} We're not killing them just going into the house
} Go to the side entrance
– V small room w all bare necessary fixtures
– Strange safes n intricate bolted locks
– Hanging talismans from the roof
– Nvm went too fast
w Aerana jumps and runs into a wall but you run into a cabinet
w 3 damage
w Human woman looks unconscious
w Adam casts healing word
w Resuscitates her
w Has mismatched eyes, one yellow other dark green
w V gray hair
w Doesn't look particularly old just has gray hair
w Startles when she wakes up trying to assess our intentions
w Adam tries to convince her the thugs outside tried to blow up her door
w 18 for deception
w Lie works
w "who are you people?"
® Theo asks if she knows anything abt this *pulls out paper*
◊ Affirms we're not w the xants
◊ "I appreciate what you did my name's grinda"
◊ Doesn't look used to talking to this many ppl at once
◊ Stands up and busies herself w putting the room back in order
◊ Looks like she had been barricading the door w stuff before everything was knocked over
◊ "you're telling me you just happened across this place and drove off some xants for some odd purpose"
◊ "actually we were looking for you" - theo
◊ Were told she might have smth to do w the paper
◊ "all the homies hate xanathar" - adam, 2020
} "I've had my dealings w the xanathar before…" admits she was in over her head
} Looking at the paper "so this nimblewright was instructed to drop off an artifact I was supposed to hold for the xanathars
} She got greedy bc she's a treasure-seeker
} The artifact is worth a lot
} "it's just what we do lady" - adam, 2020
} Adam is gonna charm her
– Adam tries to flex "what exactly what was the dangerous item that put a poor, poor, well-facially featured woman like you in danger" what is this jacob
w 17 persuasion
– Her expression changes a little
– It's the stone
w "I was attempting to attune with it but I was unable to in time"
w She put it in a hide hole
w Adam offers to trade hidey-hole locations
w She has a rat familiar and instructed it to take the stone to the city of the dead
w "can you tell the rat to bring it back"
• The city of the dead: mass cemetery where ppl of waterdeep bury their dead within city limits
○ Almost like its own ward
○ In the garlock? Garlof? family mausoleum
○ Adam gets her to pull out some of the items she's collected; some resistance
§ She comes back w a brass ring
□ Once one is attuned to it you are rendered invisible
□ "hold on to that for me hun and I'll come back"
○ Aerana is aware there are guards posted at night but it's a vast open space
• To the cemetery we will go
• Summary
○ Successfully dispatched the thugs
○ Gradually learning more abt the alleged horde of dragons
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