#i was going to start working on more oc stuff
hyperfixated-homo · 1 month
weather update. ive fallen down the gotham tv rabbit hole and i cant get out. deaged gotham!bruce fics have taken ahold of me. im thinking about nygmobblepot always. the valeska twins are hammering their way into my head and are not leaving. oh my god.
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raycatzdraws · 4 months
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7roaches · 8 months
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sick asl rn nd drew these laying down
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ribbittrobbit · 1 month
hello again i would Love to know about the twins’ creation myth!! <33 many apologies i am simply invested
NEVER APOLOGISE i am honestly delighted to share
So i feel like the cosmology is like first there was mother void who prepared and waited until the right moment to create the universe, but the act of creation also meant her death so basically the big bang.
The sound of the cosmic explosion was the birth of Hiyaw and Himik was born of the silence before - since you can't make noise in a void. And so they exist as forces in this alternative pantheon (to the helio/ sol/ galicaea etc) - that's less about the visible world? more concept based/ less associated to SPECIFIC phenomena (like the seasons/ celestial bodies/ etc). I think its a very "mystical" religion with minimal tradition regarding imagery, all the gods are represented to have obscured faces in some way.
i picture the "pantheon" as a circle where each deity is across their "opposite" and all the religious practices are centered on different dual churches that highlight some aspect of existence, like life/death, presence/absence, knowledge/ignorance, strength/gentleness, abundance/scarcity (haven't narrowed all the options down so this could be subject to change)
(and i guess the apocalypse would be the return of mother void)
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chiropteracupola · 4 months
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just a couple of creepy 18th-century innkeepers talking shop!
[featuring @borisyvain's lazarus mcclure and my own james webster]
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mortellanarts · 5 months
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2023 go bye bye
#999 spoilers#art summary#art summery 2023#my art#shoutout to all my monster high drawings that are still in the oven#I haven't posted them anywhere but! my friends made them pins and I've sold them on cons throughout the year :3#I only started drawing them as a request from a boothmate actually and they're such fun designs to draw!!!#I went to a lot of local conventions to participate in the artist's alley and made so many friends that way it was wonderful#I think the next thing I'll reblog will be the game I worked on!#found out the nda doesn't cover me simply saying 'hey I worked on this thing coming out in a few months!'#so I made artist and cosplayer friends selling my art on the beach and I got my first proper job#....then I proceeded to give me a shoulder inflammation because my setup was terrible and it had to catch up to me eventually#but! already managed to get a new tablet and desk for myself!! it's even a screen tablet so there'll be a learning curve but I'm excited#I'm hoping this display will make things easier I always had trouble sketching on digital#and I am more carefully taking breaks now also because turns out relying on hiperfocus is bad for you? never knew#I was going through some stuff in the middle of the year there though I had so many vent drawings of akane from may to october qwq#not featured here are the tons of utena and umineko wips I have accumulated those were my favorite new media I got to experience for sure#in fact I'm watching the adolescence movie rn!! what in tarnation is this last act lol whatever! go Anthy go!!! floor it queen#also not featured the tons of oc stuff I made :D I'm glad I feel like I can start properly working on them soon ^^#but yeah that's that I felt like writing a whole diary entry in these tags and you read it and that's what tumblrs all about ♡♥︎
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skybrightpixie · 4 months
tóm, ei phyu, and bolt have been my ocs since, like, 2018 im pretty sure and i've only now started to pin down concrete names for the planet they live on and the names of their races
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kettleghost · 10 months
Do u have any posts on your oc lore? They’re so funky and cool!! I wanna know more about them lol :]
OHH im so happy you asked!! it’s genuinely so so cool to know people are actually interested in my ocs and their lore and whatnot! they are so so special to me it’s super awesome to know other people think they’re neat too :^)
as for posts on their lore, i don’t reaally have any sorry :( my ocs have A LOT of lore and ive put a bunch of effort into their personalities and storylines and how they all interlink with each other and whatnot! but i have a lot of trouble actually talking about it concisely LOL im super happy to answer questions about them! but for now all i can really offer are like. vague art dumps alluding to their lore i guess LOL <\3
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master-k0hga · 5 days
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| Hhhhh killer bbygal cuz I love him sooooooo....,,,,,
Idk I just recently started going back to posting fan art on my very dead Twitter acc after like years and even to now I regret doing such a thing last night....
3am a whacky time fr,,, makes you do the weirdest shit you ever dream of... Ofc my Twt is a god damn mess cuz it's mostly of retweets of this doofus along with important shit and so on that was intended just as my personal one but guess no more now
I decided to post my shit Kohga art on THERE too now.... Seeing as the tags for the guy has for some reason just blown up and gotten rly active and popular on there all of sudden.... But oh well- Maybe it'll die out and I'll leave it inactive for a while again... But until then...
. Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
Character for a story I'm writing inspired by the worldbuilding from @not-a-space-alien's wonderful "Watch your step" series ✨️
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So far I've not decided on an official name for her yet, but I do have her personality figured out (Full of Spite, Feral, etc). The little green guy is a younger sibling she's been teaching to hunt now that he's old enough to venture out beyond the hive, and I'm sure that will go perfectly well with no issues at all :)
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starfall-isle · 1 year
Hi hi!! I love Petri, can you tell us any more about her (and how she got to know espio and vector)? She seems like such a fun OC :]
Thank you I’m really happy u like her!! Short answer is that she is babysitting, but she interns at the Chaotix detective agency! ^^ She was a Secretary for the Eggman empire but lost her job and hired Vector and Espio to help her find anything they could on Eggman that could help her get her job back (she did not tell them that part lol) 
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Hello friend! I hope you are having a good day!
I'm here to ask if there mayhaps be more information you are willing to share about Tongbi? I crave to know more about this mystic monkey.
Hi! I am, I hope you are too!
Sorry this once again took me a minute to get to. I swear I love talking about them I just struggle to think of stuff XD
Tongbi has a particular fascination with variable stars. He thinks they're super interesting and has fixated on different variable stars for weeks at a time before. He's not great at drawing but will spend hours with playdough or clay just trying to make planets.
He's pretty quiet, generally, and stammers quite a bit when he's talking to people. This is especially clear when he gets excited about his rambling and his mind moves faster than his mouth can, but it happens even if he's pretty calm.
Tongbi isn't that social but does usually get things to remind him of people he considers friends, and will just hand people rocks if he thinks they look cool and likes the person. Chikao has a jar of random rocks specifically because of this habit, and she usually gives him rocks back, which he's very protective over.
He hates water. He despises it with a passion. It feels gross to him.
Tongbi loves space but in reality is a two-feet on the ground kinda monkey. Or, on some sort of surface, at least, in the case of trees. He understands the importance of travel like Wukong's cloud or Macaque's portals but would much rather just walk.
Tongbi lives in an abandoned secret library that he has stacked with every piece of information about space he can find. He and Chikao cleared out all the old books and gave it to whoever would take them and filled the shelves with space stuff. (He kept the old books that were space-related). He swears there's an organization system and he knows exactly where every book is but Chikao can't figure out what that system is for the life of her and has basically assumed he's just memorized all the book's locations at this point lol.
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wishbonemotel · 8 months
I think. I'm going to overhaul my OC setting again. but worldbuilding is scary and idk what to do with it. it needs more non-realistic elements like fantasy and sci-fi. where do i even start
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farragone · 1 year
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first page of 2023! here’s talvi in more of her own environment! (it’s very interesting to see how she’s changed over the years—since originally I started this comic because I loathed winter so much)
(also! next week the mobile version of these pages is gonna go up! still need to make the little bonuses, and fix up the speech bubbles, but things are coming along!)
⇤ ⭠ ⭢ ⇥
image description:
Panel 1: Talvi sitting on her window bench again in a cloudy deep blue sweater, lighter blue leggings, and cozy socks. She closes her eyes with the cup of tea from earlier. You can see pink blossoming trees outside of her window, and a green screen painted wall to the left. Panel 2: Her phone screen with a text conversation. It cuts off the beginning of the first message from her that reads “therapist, it was just so early in the morning…anyway sounds like i’m making excuses. i just. wanted to say sorry and thanks for de-escalating the whole thing <3” Kayvaat’s replies read “yeah, of course talvi. i was trying to stop it before they woke you up, but unfortunately kaysuh’s ire was pretty well deserved…” “I made you some of your fave tea-the kind with the sleepy spell-and left it outside ur room if ur interested” In the current message box, “thank you <3 definitely helpful. it’s been…” is being typed. Panel 3: Talvi typing the message with a slight smile.
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dan-crimes · 1 year
I don't personally enjoy death in my stories for one because I have no experience with it personally and for two because you can't torture a character anymore once they've died 😇
#and I mean like perma death not talking abt any afterlifes and the afterlife in my story is based on DnD type deals#but even harder to get to like people can't just die and come back like nothing it is a PROCESS and NOT an easy one and also#not commonly practiced because it is rare to get it right (to be more direct it HASN'T been gotten right yet it's just a theory atm)#I never talk about my story or character OCs BUT I guess here's a taste of it#anyway I don't really kill off my characters but if I do experience a death of some sort then I probably will start writing abt it#but for now my characters are relatively safe also this isn't to say I'm unwilling to write abt death I just don't feel equip to handle it#in terms of a story revolving or somewhat revolving around a grieving process of some sort of dealing with all the different feelings#I dunno that stuff so I wouldn't write it as of right now#torture on the other hand#OH a good example for how I view the whole death thing in my story is kinda like Adventure Time#like that episode with Ghost Princess like ghosts and other paranormal stuff exist and are prominent#and they do go and meet with death thru a portal but that's like the surface level afterlife you can't really hit the deeper levels#unless you are dead and no one can see that stuff unless they are dead like when Finn dies we finally see what it's all like#as for like the levels and stuff I dunno abt all that I have like a very vague concept of how that would work but it's kinda like#beyond human comprehension y'know? that's how I view it and like death is PERMANENT and it's not suppose to be messed with#or bad things happen 👻👻👻#there are even more things abt it like little exceptions to the rules but the rules still apply even still it's just like#living on borrowed time or being forced to like#well I don't wanna get too much into that tho that's like super spoilers#but man I enjoy thinking abt it
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the-fabulous-51 · 1 year
so sorry for the people here who wish for another fic for my 'weathers family farm' series/are wondering if I'm dead. finals may have killed my spirit but mostly my writers block is being caused by my brain being taken over by my OCs. they're not even paying rent (letting me write about them in a publishable way)
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