#i want to write for my vn that im working on :D
princess-hunnibunni · 28 days
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Eldritch monster girl that owns a bakery with lonely reader
Reader just moved into the small town after their parents kicked them out, having wanted their child to live their life
Reader, a workaholic, gets a job at a cutesy bakery and finds out their boss is this cute plus size monster girl
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alexis-royce · 11 months
i hope this isn’t a terribly invasive question but i toottally understand if it is and in that case im really sorry but i don’t know who else to ask so i’ll just go ahead w it: how do u support urself while doing stuff creatively ?? i admire a lot of your work (your fics and ur games — i loved serialized killer i played it like ten times xD both the art and the writing 🤌🏾🤌🏾) and i’d love to be able to do the stuff you do in the future, but i’m honestly terrified of the ‘starving artist’ thing :,D
Hey there! It's an okay question, and truth be told, I used to try to be really encouraging to people, because I want to see a lot of fun and small art. But as I get older, I want to try to be honest about it all, too.
Going to college wasn't especially helpful. Five years post-college, I was lucky to make the switch to full-time art.
Currently, my income comes from a mixture of conventions, Patreon, commissions, and game sales. I also live with my spouse Tsushi, who covers half the bills, and we don't live in a major city or expensive area. We planned a lot of stuff to keep our cost of living on the dirt cheap side.
Right now, I wouldn't say that I'm barely scraping by. Lots of people have it way, way worse than us, and I wouldn't be able to do this without favors and help from friends and family. But I do know that I'm overworked to an unhealthy extent, I haven't taken a real vacation in years, and if I stop overworking, I will lose the momentum that I currently have. Actually, switching to visual novels instead of webcomics WAS me trying to take care of myself.
I would highly advise that you enjoy your art as a hobby. It doesn't have to be a permanent decision! Building up a portfolio or an itch page is something that takes time, and that's how you'll find an audience. Even if you could drop twelve showstopper games in a weekend, it would likely take a while for those games to percolate through the community. I know it's not what you want to hear. But trust me: I've hung out socially with lots of folks who range from middling to INTENSELY popular, and overnight mainstream success is horrible for a person's soul, especially if it happens to you in your 20s.
I'm not starving, but I do eat a lot of bulk rice in my diet. XD I'm not living in squalor, but I miss when I could afford to go to GenCon. If my gamble on the VNs doesn't work, I might just end up picking up a day job of my own and having to spend nights working on stuff again, instead. Nothing's really certain. But for now, I'm doing the best that I can with the games and stories I can tell, and I'm deeply grateful for the patrons who keep my weird little raft afloat.
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
Hello, I'm here for the matchups!
The fandom I chose for is Danganronpa (V3), and I don't wish to be matched with Korekiyo and Tsumugi (sorry, personal vendettas)
Im 5"1 - 5"2, short black hair, brown eyes, and I'm basically fem representing (nonbinary). I have a little bit of chub but I hate it when people comment on it, since its something I have a sensitive spot on. Other than my appearance, I'm basically a victim of rbf (resting bitch face) syndrome and drive people away from it, alongside with looking scary appearance wise.
Despite this, I'm a kind person and very empathetic to those that I meet and am close to. I am loyal to my friends to a fault and if someone harms them, I end up standing by them in their stead to protect them. Although I have a bad temper and am extremely stubborn, which could lead to my misfortune at times when the situation calls for it.
I'm an Aries, and I enjoy a lot of hobbies— mostly writing, drawing, and even playing horror games! I have a knack with old horror RPG games because they are fun to solve with, even if I do get a little scared at times when it gets intense. I also enjoy VNs, my favorite being horror ones than romance (especially those with mysteries).
In my friend group, I'm the therapist friend and I accept that role wholeheartedly. I tend to be the one to give people advice, hear them out, and comfort them when needed be. Of course, it does lead to me burning out, but I shrug it off because it's something I can do on my own.
My favorites are definitely eating sweets, and being with my companions. I enjoy a good mystery as well, even if it wracks my brain. I don't enjoy riddles because I'm... Not too big brained for it (oops), and I don't enjoy blaming others for their mistakes.
I hope this is coherent orz, have a lovely day and keep up the good work!
— 🌸🍒
CUTIEEEPIEEE HAI HAI, this was easy to match hihi you didn't really mention if you want to get matched up with a guy or a gal for I'll just give you both ;D
Your match up is
Everyone needs a shuichi in their life, even you
I think shuichi would fit you very well, it's like that meme "he asked for no pickles" YKWIM?
It's like you're hot tempered type of person and he'll just follow you around standing behind you to support you no metter what ToT
And if you get in any trouble for it, don't worry shuichi is there to save you
As you said you tend to be the therapist friend I think that shuichi would actually enjoy having someone wise / someone that can get him on the right path from time to time
But ofcourse you won't have to be alone either, he's a great listener and will always try to offer help and comfort when you're feeling down or burnt out
Shuichi will also, after some time of being together, get into the type of games and stuff you like and find great interest in it, so for your next game session dont forget to invite him so you can solve those mysteries together >:)
Two cuties omg
It's honestly giving that dark goth girlfriend X pink aestethic girlfriend
I think of you guys as like kuromi and my melody (personality wise idk how you dress lmao 🥹)
While shuichi is the one who's there to need comfort sometimes from you, kaede will be the one comforting you🫵
Like she's gonna grab into your soul and take out all the problems you have and sort them one by one-
That sounds weird but I would say kaede wouldn't be exhausting to be around for y'all and that she would lift your spirit a bit
Also you don't like riddles? Don't worry take a kaede, kaede can help you solve it, or not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
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hi!!!! i come bearing gifts! heeeere is physicist. i changed some aspects about them like turning the overalls from olive to black because i really enjoy the black/red/white palettes. i also gave them those gloves (for their science experiments where they mix chemicals up so their hands dont explode? i truly know nothing about physics). im definitely gonna overhaul their design at some point because i think they need more flair so they fit in with the rest of the dr cast yk. im still working on a full portrait of them atm (color shading etc etc) which i sincerely hope u will enjoy
also! i wanted to throw in here: PLEASE listen to me and michael + when you die (both my mgmt) if you haven’t already bc those 2 songs have kokichi/physicist written all over them.
the front pocket was not originally part of the overalls btw! they wanted a larger place to store more of their things so they clumsily tried to sew a pocket into an item of clothing without knowing much about sewing or anything. they were really bummed when it turned out looking weird but eventually came to enjoy the personality it added to their fit.
the kokichi doodle at the bottom is him playing with their glasses! they are basically just the talks a lot + listens dynamic,, also i feel VERY weird about kokichi’s hair i swear i messed up somehow while drawing it but i can’t figure out what exactly it was. the little stick figures of physicist and oma were me on my last brain cell but i think that’s them for the entire fic in a nutshell. oma likes to go on villain monologues and physicist is done with his bullshit!
the big physicist on the left is them posing for a picture! they look awkward because i imagine them being kinda camera shy. i also imagine whoever took the picture just kinda snuck up on them and snapped.
ah yes yes and the fan game! i’m partway through the prologue and if you want i can send you a short demo of the draft i have so far? so far it’s taken a turn from the traditional dr games since i got rid of the movement mechanic,, so now it’s more of like a VN than anything! i don’t know HOW i’m going to draw all the CGs and sprite customization options (thank you to @/goldentime for the idea by the way i really appreciate it :D) and write all the code as well as do the ost and decal and all that other stuff but i will find a way! somehow. it’s been really fun though and i’m actually very proud of what i have so far!!
anyways. ty for writing sleep awake! it’s crazy to me that such a long and gorgeously written fic is up on the internet for FREE. it’s definitely better than most original fiction is, and dare i say, much much better than the actual v3. i love what you did with chapter 3, the trial felt soo natural i forgot several times that it wasn’t what was in the actual game! it’s obvious how much time and effort you put into research, planning, and writing, and it really shows! so thank you <333
HELPPPP OH MY GOD THESE ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!! im literally sitting so giddy here rn!!! ur mc is so special to me i LOVEEEE how they look so much god their vibe is indescribable... giving sad wet kitten energy. want to wrap them in a fuzzy blanket and place them gently on a pile of newspapers.
the gloves r such a neat addition!!! the block colouring n black and red kind of reminds me of the persona 5 artstyle which is a huge compliment!!! i lov their hair... their lil glasses... the freckles.... so so cute. will be turning this version of mc over in my head Forever !
hehe the little kokichi interactions give me so much life. the one of him fiddling with their glasses is so immaculate and u have their vibe absolutely down pat, 'talks a lot' and 'listens' is simply just THEM!!! oh but it sometimes goes the other way around when mc starts rambling abt physics n ouma is jus. jus sitting there. absorbing it all. mc's little blush is adorable and i totally think kokichi would just fiddle with their glasses or clothes while talking. is he doing it on purpose?? who knows???
I HAVE LISTENED TO WHEN U DIE BEFORE (it was actually my first mgmt song!!!) and holy shit ur so right. my third eye has been so closed,, and urs has been so open. definitely feels like kokichi talking to the mc like, putting on this evil mean facade, wanting them to hate him so he can keep up with his mastermind shtick and keep them at arms length but sigh, they know him too well and the act isn't holding up. i listened to me and michael because i hadn't heard it before and yes yes YES i see the vision. the closeness of two people being affected by red flags or toxicity or just other people or outside factors.... god. thinking so so hard abt this now and they're both going on the sleep awake playlist!!!
I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO SEND ME WHAT U HAVE ALREADY FOR THE GAME WHAT!!! WHAT!!! holy shit. it turning out like a visual novel is probably ideal, right?? i dont know anything abt game development AT ALL so forgive me if i say something dumb but most fan games dont include all the complex mechanisms from actual danganronpa games and most tend to just either be youtube vids or click and point thingies or just. yeah. visual novels!! which is so good.
as for the cg's and stuff, i dont rly know :( i would offer to draw them myself if i was any good at art, basically all im good at is sprite edits but im trash at anatomy and stuff so i rly dont think i would be any help. i would suggest commissioning but thats probably way too expensive, and again, like. i would commission stuff myself but im so broke at the moment. i COULD always commission some stuff when my student finance comes in, because i'll have a bit extra this year as my accommodation is way less expensive. but we can cross that bridge when we come to it i think!!! whatever ends up happening will be more than fine by me!!! im literally so excited
thank u so so much again for this art and for the game which i cannot believe is a real thing!!! i will treasure these for life <33
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fivegaze · 1 year
mm heres what i did today- i added the combo system (where you have to follow the key sequence on screen to add damage to your attack), fixed what was wrong with it (i kept trying to access the scene variables not realizing that with an additive scene there would be two science variables objects and it was trying to pull from the wrong one.) when that stopped being broken (aka i just plopped the whole thing into the same scene which felt like an anticlimactic solution but hey) i finally fit it into the state machine. it's not fully functional yet, but when i sat down they weren't even connected at all
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there she is! my incredibly janky combo system. please ignore the way everything just stacks on top of each other that's not. staying there i am going to animate it. none of these ui graphics aside from the menu buttons and text choices are final btw i am not leaving those govt street sign ass arrows in there.
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this is what the state machine looks like for the combo system :] i called it combo crusher <3 i always worry that my state machines look really janky and cluttered but i guess that doesn't matter as much as if it's working lol. ummm one day i'll learn C# (and html because god lmao) but for now it's just me and my little visual scripting machines against Da World.
the second pic here is how i'm currently detecting input which feels silly to me but there's no event block for "any key down" just this one so that's what i'm doing for now. my blatant abuse of on update is what got me into such a Freaking pickle with something's on the station. fun fact that game is Not built with fungus like space case and the VN scenes for soul squad. i wanted to do it myself and i spent so long building a prototype for UI that i didn't even end up using at all that by the time it was time to plug in the dialogue i didnt really have a lot of time to work the system out. so it's just the world's worst dialogue system. do you wanna see it it's SO bad
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i can't even fit it into one screenshot. every time you click the "advance dialogue" button it checks to see if you're on the last line and if not it's like okay what line ARE you on then. at which point it pulls from a list of every voice line (unlabeled and barely organized btw) and corresponding dialogue line which is, like, fine, okay, whatever, and ALSO,
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IT'S CHECKING WHAT LINE YOU'RE ON EVERY FRAME and just going through a giant if/else chain to make sure the right characters are active. also on every frame it's updating the text color, just in case. also sometimes more than one character is active and it just completely breaks the color coded character text. like okay this could definitely be worse but it sure could be better. i'm being overly self-critical bc i'm an annoying perfectionist (to the incredible detriment of my wellbeing and productivity, obviously) so the fact that it was all completed during a semester gives me SO much room to self-crit. i'm still really proud of it even though i ran out of time to bugfix and i didn't have time to level any of the audio or clean up any of the voice lines. (seriously though this is me being proud of something i make i just don't know how to not like pick my work apart. /neutral.)
anyway this is supposed to be a soul squad update so let's move on from that
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this is the turn system btw! combo crusher is brand new. i already have a (time consuming) move selection set up which is irritating bc i'm gonna have to go in and undo everything so i can add a new movelist but i'm moving that out of the priority spotlight(tm) because um my (writing) scripts are NOT done and i need them to be done. cheers and light and love this is gonna be such a meaty github upload im pumped. i love writing myself little devlogs for me and me only. like a little treat
anyway that's all i did today besides go to an extremely short job interview which was cool. i really hope i get the job because i would like to be able to afford rent :D
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wooahaes · 2 years
hiiii! i absolutely adore enouement & lhc and i was wondering if you were planning on making it a whole series? with each of the boys? i honestly really enjoy the universe you made and the whole dynamic between each of the character. i also really enjoyed a chubby reader that is about other insecurites rather than their weight. it was refreshing!! i'm not trying to pressure you or anything i am just really curious. i do really enjoy your writting :D <3
so im kissing u on da mouth rn for this ask /j
first of all i wanna say it: ur so sweet!!!! thank u for enjoying my writing!! it means a lot <3
aaa okay so fun fact.... i had like... two more fics kind of planned for tht universe? one was another chubby reader w vernon (i think i've talked abt it before maybe?) and another was a gn!reader with dino where they were fake dating. vn fic has more planned for it as of rn (it kinda deals w some fatphobia n body image issues that arent exclusive to reader!!) and genuinely feels like a slightly heavier read? but its still something i'd enjoy writing lol
like at one point in lhc i mention seungkwan having to give up movie tickets and chan immediately snatches them up bc the other two ppl were vernon and a friend? that friend was gonna be the reader of dino fic!! they're friends lol the entire premise was "ppl gettin fuckin NOSY abt chan not dating anyone so he pitches the idea to his friend with a plan to stage a breakup later and whoops idiots fell for each other" bc im a cliche bitch!! which tbh could work as a later fic if i decided to write more members before then bc i could hit maybe on the pressure of dating someone when ur friends all start getting together w ppl. theres less planned for this one (i wanted to finish planning vn fic since chronologically it happens after lhc but before dino fic) but i did have like. a long convo planned out of chan dumping reader bc he caught feelings and his friends confronting him over it.
im not sure if i'm 100% down to write a fic for each member but like... i do genuinely rly like this universe? i'd have to keep track of how much time has passed between fics tho since LHC takes place a few months after enouement and untitled vernon fic takes place like... the following fall? im using western school year shit sue me lmao
but i'd at least be interested in doing it!! idk if i'd do multi-part fics for ever member or if i'd go back to a longfic like enouement for a few of them. i feel like there's def potential for more set in the universe! esp considering the number of members still in school lmao
like im open to a fem!reader in general. im open to more fem!chubby readers bc i rarely find those fics myself and im happy to help other ppl in my boat like... find representation written specifically for them yknow? but im also open to more gn!readers for the saga? i think i'd def want a balance in there ykno if im gonna write more fem!reader fics. i wouldnt want every fic to be fem!reader bc i feel like thats unfair to ppl who dont identify that way yknow?
also idk just know it like... genuinely means a lot to hear feedback on lhc and ppl who are glad i wrote a chubby reader whos insecurities arent fully abt her weight? lhc didnt really net that much attention which is fine lmao i really don't write for the attention i'm getting otherwise i'd write for a bigger group too. its just nice to know that other people also were kinda bothered by the way chubby reader fics default to the "im insecure bc im not hot :(" mentality since imo being chubby is like... way more than that. it just weirdly reinforces the idea that we should hate ourselves and our bodies for just existing.
like. vernon fic would have a chubby reader who deals with body insecurities but its more so "people are harassing me now bc of my body and its making me self conscious after i finally thought i grew past hating myself" than just the generic "i think i am ugly :(" feelings if that makes sense? also theres a reason for that harassment (this fic was Also once a smau like lhc was). like i said, kind of a heavier fic compared to lhc.
anyway ill stop rambling but to answer ur question for good: im interested! nothings really on the table outside of vernon + dino fics, but im def interested >:3
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
Lovestruck asks! 🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like? 🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like? and 🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance? :D
🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like?
GLAD YOU ASKED! im not sure if everyone who follows me is already aware, but i'm currently working on a project called No Honour Among Thieves, @nohonourvn here on tumblr and on twitter. part of my wanting to even create such a game as NHAT was the fact that i struggled so hard to see myself in most vn mcs - ones that were visibly pictured could never do it, since im genderfluid and poc with alt fashion, so asking for an mc that looked like me was a reach so far i had to stretch first, and ones that didn't show an mc visually would usually be extremely plain - since if they dont show the mc they usually do it so everyone can project onto the mc, and they try to give them no personality either for the same reason.
personally, though, i find a personality-less mc extremely boring and would rather an mc i cant project onto visually than one with the personality of a wet sock. so, with my mc for NHAT, i decided to leave them faceless so people can design them any way they want, but im working on giving them a pretty distinct personality so they fit into the world i've created better.
nhat mc, or as i like to call them, The Villain, is confident, witty, takes no shit from no one unless they have something to gain from it, a bit materialistic, a bit of a glory whore, definitely a bit of an overthinker/overanalyser, kind of a flirt sometimes, competitive, perceptive, just a liiiittle bit of a tsundere, and very, very good at acting. (i mean, they're a professional con artist, they kind of have to be.)
the good thing about the villain is that because the entire plotline is based around a con, keeping secrets, n having your own agenda, even if you can't really relate to the mc much, you can always write it off as it being part of the act, the persona the mc wears for the job and for self preservation. obviously that only goes so far, but i think it gives a bit more freedom to players on what they want their villain to be like in actuality.
🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like?
i already have B) i basically took all my favourite things about all my favourite LI's and split them into two characters: Xanthe Wilde and Mercury Jackson. Navin and Siren, the two major side characters who may or may not become love interests depending on the success of the eventual kickstarter relaunch, came later - long after i'd developed xancury and basically came into fruition while i started writing. they were originally just random names picked (navin was from a random name generator and siren was the first name that came to my head at the time) to be the contractor/xanthe's bitter ex, and the informant. hell, originally there wasn't even an informant at first, siren was just a name navin drops so the mc can recognise him as a power player, but i went back to it to flesh her out later. navin's character just kind of created itself when i started writing the prologue.
xanthe was the first one i created - when i went "what do i want my visual novel to be about?" the first thing i came up with was "i want to do a twist on seducing the hot mafia boss." the first twist was making them nonbinary, that was a must for me, then i decided to make them the type of flirty, shameless and highkey kinda evil character i enjoy knocking down a peg. naturally, i had to layer him with enough trust issues to fill an ocean, for the sake of the ✨slow burn✨ that i love so much, and make him slutty enough so it can feel like a whirlwind at the same time. they're so fun.
mercury came up when i was trying to figure out what this mafia boss story was going to be like. ive always been a slut for enemies to lovers, and figured that even if xanthe and the villain were TECHNICALLY enemies, bc the villain has to act like they like xanthe for most of the story, it wouldnt come with the same tension as straight-up hating each other. hence, the idea of a ferocious bodyguard came in - along with all the other traits i like in LI's that i didn't put into xanthe, like being brash, aggressive, blunt and rowdy. just a tad bit apeshit.
i could describe them more, or you can read about them on the kickstarter page or even just play the demo yourself.
🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance?
*violently bangs pots and pans together* ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!! maybe its the sexual tension. maybe its knowing that someones seen you at your utter worst and still decides to love you anyway is both romantic and something i desperately crave bc of the trauma and deeply ridden insecurity. maybe its maybelline. but god theres so many flavours of enemies/rivals to lovers and theyre all my favourite.
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littlestmedic · 6 years
Hello friends! Frankie here. Another Diego oneshot, this time for @seducemeotome-trash as a request. I was super busy last week, so I only managed it to finish it tonight, a week after your request. Sorry friend!
They requested something with MC being unhappy with her image, and I, being someone who also suffers from that particular dislike of oneself, was more than happy to oblige.
Words: 1171 Rating: T (mild sexual themes) Pairing: MC/Diego Escalona
Where [MC] denotes My Character. Or your character! :D
[MC] looked at the mirror, and sighed dejectedly. There was nothing good about what she saw, nothing that made her the littlest bit proud of how she looked. She pressed her tits together and tried to make them look a bit more interesting, before pursing her lips and scowling.
So much for that.
What was it that Diego loved about the way she looked, she wondered? When she gazed upon her half-naked form in the long, floor-to-ceiling mirror, what she saw was distinctly average. Average size breasts, on a body that didn’t so much have curves as it had suggestions of curves. Her ribs, too wide for her to have any sort of a figure, and her hair, lank and boring and brown. She’d tried to pull it back, curl it, style it, do something with it, but it was all just the same.
Same, boring, and drab.
[MC] scowled again, eyeing the stretch marks on her thighs. She wasn’t overweight, but she certainly wasn’t stick thin, and her junk food diet did no wonders when it came to sticking to that constant New Years Resolution of lose at least THREE (3) pounds. She poked out and wobbled in all the wrong places, and it was difficult to love yourself when the world hated people for looking like you did.
That thought hurt. Tears stung her eyes and she pressed them away impatiently. What a stupid thing to do—stare at yourself in the mirror, parading around in your underwear and then start crying because of it. God, she was pathetic.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
How had she not seen him sneak up on her?! It can’t have been the mirror thing, that was a myth…
Diego wrapped his arms around [MC], kissing her on her pale shoulder and looking at her in the mirror. Her face was red and blotchy from her hands, desperately trying to rub away the evidence of her tears.
“It’s… It’s fine. It’s nothing. Just… Stupid thoughts.” She realised she wouldn’t be convincing anyone with that, let alone Diego. He raised an eyebrow at her, pressing another chaste, feathering kiss on her neck.
“Stupid thoughts that are enough to make you cry. Is there anything I can do to help?”
That was something she loved about him. He knew when she needed to sort something out herself, and knew that not every problem was something he could solve. No doubt, he wanted to solve everything—but she was capable, she’d proven that to herself, and him, enough times as it was. Still, he wanted to know, and she didn’t want his arms around her to leave. She swallowed the lump in her throat.
“I look gross.”
Voicing it made the tears prick her eyes again. She sniffled, slightly pathetically.
Diego was silent, the only hint that he’d heard what she’d said being the slight tightening of his arms around her waist and the slightly longer kiss he planted to her shoulder.
[MC] continued, before he had an opportunity to argue. She pulled at her lank hair, frowning in disgust. “Look at it. It’s so—so boring. Uninspired. Yours, your hair looks gorgeous even when you’ve just woken up. I can do everything, and still look like I fell into a bush.”
He kissed at her hand where she held her hair, nuzzling softly. “You can’t see it like I can,” Diego mused quietly in her ear, “It is as soft as silk and shines radiantly in the sun. I see a thousand different colours when you run through the sunlight, and when you sleep, it forms a halo not even angels could challenge.”
“Okay, but what about… What about this….”
[MC] pointed in exasperation to her blotchy, blemished skin, and he hummed in contemplation, ghosting his hands over her ribs and stomach.
“And yet it is smooth, and even…” He turned her to the side, moving around to face her as he got on his knees before her, “And a delight to kiss.”
[MC] flushed at the sight of him before her, looking determinedly away from him as he looked at her. The love and passion in that gaze made something in her navel twist, the familiar hook that never failed to appear when the soft and gentle voice he used to reassure her made an appearance.
“My… Stretch marks, too, on my thighs…”
“I liken them to tiger stripes.” She felt his lips touch the marks on the outer part of her thighs, kissing along the red-purple streaks. The skin there, too, was blotchy and pale and red-spotted and yet when he kissed it, it felt like she was a goddess, and he was worshipping her. Her cheeks flared, and she looked down at him. His eyes met hers. There was fire in them, that all-consuming heat that never failed to make her swoon. His wet his lips, continuing as he spoke, his lips tracing each of her marks. “You think a tigress would be as beautiful without her stripes?” He asked rhetorically, for she had momentarily lost her voice, too lost in the feel of his lips threading slowly inwards.
She stroked his hair, and shook her head. “No. I guess not.”
[MC] felt Diego smile against her skin, and the soft press of his lips disappeared. She opened her eyes, not even realising she’d actually closed them, and found him looking down at her, his hands on her waist.
“As with you, my love. What you see as imperfections, I see as a masterpiece, one part of a glorious whole.” He bent down, and kissed her tenderly, lips brushing hers in an action far too chaste for someone who had, moments before, been nearly entirely between her legs.
[MC] chewed at her lip at that thought, and leaned up to kiss him in a way that was thoroughly not chaste, her fingers threading through his hair. He smelled as he always did, warm, and safe, with her favourite cologne on. “Diego…” she breathed. He kissed at her neck, at the spot he had once drunk from, at her collar bone, and she mumbled softly into his hair; “I don’t deserve you.”
He paused. There was a small moment of silence, and he stepped back, holding her at arm’s length, looking more serious than she’d ever seen him before. “[MC]. You deserve me, so much more. You deserve to be pampered, to be worshipped, and if I am to be the one lucky enough to do so, well,” He trailed off, wrapping her in a hug. She clung to him, safe and content in his arms, with all thoughts and criticisms of her body banished from her mind.
There was a momentary pause as he crossed to the bed, pulling her onto his lap to cradle her in his arms. He finished his train of thought, his thumb brushing one of the stretch marks she had, for a moment, been so concerned about.
“Well then I am truly the happiest man on this Earth.”
I write other Lovestruck fic as well! Please see my #lovestruck tag
I can confidently write fic requests for L&L; All characters bar maybe Iseul, ‘cause I havent finished his route yet. HifL; Diego; Razi; JD; Mac less so, havent finished her route yet. SP; Antares. sry other space babes im working on u ST; All of them damn you all of them. VN; Duke. Andi tbc. C:LA!; Clyde; Logan; TK; Serena
Don’t ask me about Sweet Enchantments I haven’t played any of it.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
30 utapri questions!
@dekiaibadchoices​ tagged me forever ago and i only noticed a week ago that there was a blank version linked in gmdsjdksjds
30 utapri questions! Tag yo friends
1. Your best boy? this one!
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2. Your least favorite boy? i don’t dislike any of them?? oh wait I guess heavens counts nowadays huh. Eiichi. Not sorry. Miss me with him. I’ll take Nagi over him and I don’t even like Nagi either but at least he realizes his mistake sooner and tries to fix it instead of having to get shoved at and told that he’s a manipulative prick.
3. A character that you never thought you would love as much as you do now? hmmm... all of the 11? Maybe Reiji, but that’s like mostly attributed to @dekiaibadchoices​! I love seeing how happy he makes her. :D 
4. A character you can relate to in any way? goSH. I’m actually.. .not sure... I mean I do relate to otoya and how much he loves fun and brightening up people’s days, but i’m not nearly as... good at it? as on top of it?
5. A character that you think deserves more love? Is Natsuki or Syo popular by themselves or only in a pair? Because, individually, they both do. And Yamato and Van are a lot better in mlk, but i don’t know if there’s any material between s4 and mlk, because i would LOVE to see yamato’s character arc/progression from his “tch” to “AND YOU’RE AWESOME, AND YOU! AND YOU!” like he’s frickin’ oprah
6. A character you would want as your partner/lover? ehhhhhh none of them really? like maybe a few it’d be interesting but mostly i’m just like, nah. they’re fine on their own/with others.
7. A character you would want as your mentor/senpai? oh!! um. .... I don’t know. D: Maybe Natsuki? I feel like he would be very good about being nurturing and helping build confidence in people who feel unconfident or don’t like themselves...
8. Your favorite ship? haruka x tomo? none tbh it’s just my “if i had to pick a ship”
9. A character that you want to cosplay/have already cosplayed? my son!!!! and maybe if we ever saw more of tomochika, her. and a friend wants to cosplay syo and she’s small enough that i could easily be natsuki tol to her smol at only 5′6. xD
10. Favorite side character? TOMOCHIKA AND RINGO
okay the next few are about songs and i haven’t looked up the lyrics for most of these so i’m mostly going based off what i know/recall of them from the mobile game...
11. Your favorite solo song?
shit. I don’t know. I like a lot of them. There’s a lot of Tokiya’s and Natsuki’s, and then there’s Brand New Melody and some other one of Otoya’s... 
13. Your favorite trio song?
I DON’T KNOW i had to boot up the game and the first one I found was Dream More Than Love
14. Your favorite group song?
god all of the movie songs were good but i think QN killed it with The World Is Mine because GOD THAT WAS SO AMAZING IN THE MOVIE, but then again, Fantasic Prelude brought in all the tears. Every time that slow build.... and I’m not a crier and laughed at all the other girls in the audience that did. BUT NOW I’M THE ONE THAT’S CRYING AND GETTING EMOTIONAL.
15. Your least favorite song? ugh... the first heaven’s song? esp when they were three but even after 7 it just. sounds bland. but i’m supposed to believe that it’s THIS EPIC THRILLING HIT??? like kids sit down and listen to QN’s two songs from the movies then come back and tell me what a thrilling epic song in your repertoire looks like.
i just don’t really like most of heavens and i’m also really mad that their two songs in the movie were so damnably catchy. fuck them.
16. Your favorite singer?
NATSUKI. his [satsuki?] songs are so. heavy. oh my god. tokiya is a close second though because wow beautiful voice.
17. Your favorite group/trio/duo?
fuck if i know i just go ha ha song make me go brrr
18. Your favorite member of Starish?
otoya!!! love my son!!!
19. Your favorite member of Quartet Night?
*flips coin*
heads. looks like it’s reiji today. tails is ranmaru.
20. Your favorite member of Heavens?
uhhhh van. him and eiji are the only ones that didn’t make me go ugh at upon their episode/interactions at any point in time, and eiji is sure, pure bean too good for this world in a way different than otoya but he’s just not the kind that appeals to me meanwhile van is a fun flirt---HEY GOME I FOUND YOU AN IDOL VERSION OF YOUR CURRENT FLAME. ha ha jk gome would never read this-- but also really sweet and fun. and then yamato i didn’t like at all but his movie? personality? upgrade?? Really fun. Love it. Would have loved him more from the start if they showed this evolution in the season.
21. Your favorite seiyuu/voice actor?
I don’t really follow them tbh and I’ve only seen Otoya’s, Tokiya’s and Syo’s content, and it’s a tie between mamoru and shimono
22. Favorite Drama CD? haven’t listened to any
23. Your favorite shining live card? UM CRAP this one
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24. Your favorite song beatmap? buhhh i don’t even play anymore outside of auto tbh so i can’t recall off the top of my head
25. Your least favorite song beatmap? ha ha ha ha anything on 13* and above
26. Black Deja Vu or White Gravity? i forget what each one sounded like but i think black had more of the boys i liked in it
27. Utapri merch that you own/want? I can’t recall if there’s another line of starish alters that aren’t ml1000, but if there ARE...... otherwise I think that i’ve gotten most of what I want? I mean I wouldn’t mind the rest of otoya’s plushes but i’m also not gonna.... repeatedly check ebay for ‘em.  maybe for the full size bag of the little one that I got?? 
28. How did you get into Utapri? klab advertized shining live in llsif as a text notice or something? or maybe just on the en twitter??? anyways my friends and I looked, I was the only one who could get it to play on their phone, and i KNEW otoya would instantly become my fave bc he sounded so much like my best girl rin, and WOW. GUESS WHAT. I WAS RIGHT!!!! who knew.
29. A set theme in shining live that you want to see in the future? fuck i forgot it but there WAS a set that’s in llsif that’s not in sl that i was like “this would be so great to see one for the utapri boys”
30. Why do you love your best boy?
so. first off, rin is my best llsif girl and they run a LOT of similarities in character profile alone. they’re both happy people who have a lot of energy and smile a lot and are always beaming happiness and I just REALLY love the sunshine kid trope okay?
now, for otoya specifically, i LOVE that it’s totally canon that his smile is like sunlight on a cloudy day, that he’s just this. super sweet and earnest, endearing kid who will help people when he can, however he can, if they ask or don’t that doesn’t really matter, so long as he is allowed to help then he’s gonna do his best at helping!!! He works REALLY HARD!! he cares people. a lot. so much. big heart!!!! biggest heart in all of starish if i do say so myself. maybe in all of utapri boys. he’s just so. caring!!! and good!! I DARE you to find and tell me something bad about my son. I DARE YOU. it’ll be a waste of time because you WON’T find anything. 
and oh my gosh his reactions in the anime are a GOLDMINE, TREASURE TROVE of reaction images. i can have a whole ass platter of every emotion under the son and i hate that sometimes thanks eiichi. he’s just. so funny sometimes and it’s adorable and precious and he’s just so pure and good and sweet and kind and caring...!
he also!! back to the working hard thing!! He works hard bc he came from humble roots. I don’t know much about the VNs so all of my knowledge is from the anime and shining live, but like, orphan?? who works hard to learn how to write songs and play the guitar? and then still comes back to the orphanage he grew up at to volunteer and help there after he debuts??? like. i love this boy. he is so sweet and willing to give back and HE IS SO PRECIOUS?????? im. good kid. 
and!!! i hate bringing up this shithole writing of an episode. it can use SO MANY IMPROVEMENTS but so can all of s4 in geneneral hahahahahah BUT ANYWAYS!
he re-experiences trauma that he had amnesia of? no thanks to some certain megane asshole. and, through poorly structured writing, he learns to move on from his pain and learns how to smile again? Like. baby. sweetie. precious son. you did not deserve that, it was a horrible Break the Cutie moment that did NOT need to happen like that, and you deserved better resolution than what you got. 
but the point of it is! he learns how to smile again through his pain. that doesn’t quite make it sound right in the way that is inspiring, but like. he... has his own battle with depression and grief and pain and loss of innocence/childhood, and he still manages to retain a childish manner and happiness and spark, and smiles through that, and he smiles because he wants others to be happy and not suffer the same pain.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: January 28th, 2021 (Part 2)
Here we’ve got asks that aren’t to ask a question but are just really nice messages. Thank you all for sending us such kind comments ;v;. It’s seriously heartwarming to see so many people having good experiences with the game. I don’t even know what to say to such sweet responses.
We’ll keep doing our best and thank you again to each and every one of you for giving Our Life a chance ❤!
Hello! I've been following this account and have been following the development of 'Our Life' for a few months now, and I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication you have put into the game. It astonishes me how much choice you have during the sequence of Our Life and am excited to play the full version now, I am downloading it as I write this message. I've had a great time seeing the demo transition into to the full game and just wanted to write two words. Thank you.
Anhhhhffbgdfbhujk!!! Congratulations on the release, I’m playing the game right now! Thank you all for your hard work and I can’t wait for the Step 3 DLC to come out, I’ll probably wait for the Step 3 DLC to come out to experience everything, but until then, I still have a lot to play. Thank you once again!
finished my first playthrough just now. it just felt so wholesome ??? 100/10 would do it again. i laughed. i cried. i got angry. i felt second-hand embrassment— i got so into it i was left in literal tears after getting my first ending. the art, the storyline, the music, and COVE HOLDEN– UGH IT WAS LITERAL PERFECTION ❤ THE WAIT WAS WORTH IT. THANK YOU FOR MAKING SUCH AN AMAZING GAME 🥺😭 this made my 2020 better, i can't wait for step 4 in 2021 ❤❤
So I was following you guys on itchio for years and uhh did I stay up til 6 am on a school night to finish the game? Yes. Did I sob my eyes out during step 3 as a 20 year old having doubts about life and adulthood? Absolutely. I can't form proper sentences right now due to lack of sleep but just wanted to say thank you for making it. I honestly feel lighter and I feel like it changed my views on future to be more optimistic... I can't wait to replay it! Thanks again!
I love how Our Life turned out!! I keep replaying it and can't stop squeaking and giggling!! Thank You for creating it ♥
okay i have actually fallen in love with cove and cannot WAIT to marry him 😭
Hi! I played through 'Our Life' yesterday and  I just wanna say how refreshing it was to be able to have Cove be 'high initiative' and also have so many opportunities to initiate affection from the player character! As a pretty flirtatious/affectionate person myself, I notice that a lot of VNs don't give players that agency, and affection can be kinda 'carrot on a stick' if that makes sense. You guys did an awesome job! I look forward to seeing if there are more of those moments in Step 3 & 4 :)
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the option to choose Cove's level of initiative in step 3! As much I love the option to choose I personally enjoy have the romanced character take the lead without my input so when I got to step 3 and had to option to make it so that Cove initiated affection without as much input from me I was really happy! You guys seriously added so much freedom in terms of choices, it's almost baffling that the only thing you have to pay for is optional DLC!
I absolutely loved everything about the game and I really want congratulate the team for making the game such a satisfying experience.
I look forward to step 4
* and sorry for my bad English
Just finished my first play through and I loved it! I've been looking forward to the game and it definitely was worth the wait. Thank you all for your hard work and can't wait for the extra dlc!
Till then, hope you guys gets some well deserved rest🤗
Love you guys, thank you so much for your hard work. :)
Ok, so I just finished Our Life and, wow. I have never cried at a video game before, ever. Thank you so, so much! Its one of my favorites.
this isn't a question, but i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed our life 🥺 i've been patiently looking forward to the full game for a few months now, and i couldn't be happier with it! i've only played through it once so far but the outcomes of the choices i made were all so soft and wholesome 💗 i can tell that everyone who was involved really worked hard and you all did an incredible job! i can't wait to see what else is in store 👍
i’d just like to say how addictive our life is!!! i constantly played it during quarantine and now playing the full release is so amazing to me!! i love that i’m still discovering dialogue bits with different personalities and actions!!! i have to admit that i’ve been wishing the day to pass faster all day during school so i could go home and play again. mentally i’m not the healthiest and our life being released has boosted it up so much, thank you for creating such an amazing game!!!!!
Hey, I just wanna say I played our life two times and it still give me the same feelings. I was really looking forward to this game before it came out and I kept on replaying the demo. This game is such an amazing experience and I feel so happy playing it. I am not really a person good with words unfortunately but I do honestly love this more than anything in the world. Thank you for making it and I hope that you will continue to make more games like our life. This game really makes me happy and I can't thank you enough
Just wanted to say that Our Life really made me feel seen as an 18 year old trans man who's been struggling with change as of late and I can't thank you guys enough for it. I just finished the main story and currently released DLC's and gosh, I can really only say... woah. Just, woah. The messages are somehow exactly what I needed to hear right now, and they brought me a lot of comfort in this really weird and confusing time in my life. Can't wait to see what comes next in this lovely story <3
I am honestly in love with Our Life. The graphics, the soundtrack its just *chef's kiss* It was so worth the wait for it. I can't wait for step 4. Keep up the good work GB Patch!
good people i have just finished Our Life and let me say, it was beautiful. rarely have such non-fantastical moments (and even some fantastical moments) brought me to tears like this game has, and i don't even have the dlc (yet). i don't know how you did it but it felt like i was playing a slice of life anime. i had waited with baited breath to play this since i played the demo and my expectations were not just met but surpassed. from the bottom of my heart thank you for this game
I found the game by chance and I am so so glad I did. It’s so inclusive and made me feel so incredibly seen. Seeing that my gender identity and sexuality were possible just meant the absolute world to me. I’ve never seen something like this and it just made me so incredibly happy. Thank you for the absolutely amazing game and I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Hello! I downloaded Our life earlier this week and I'm only now getting the chance to play it (Very busy and stressful week) I'm so excited to play and I wanna say thank you for making this adorable game!
I just finished my first playthrough of Our Life and I can't even express how much I love it. Cove is absolutely precious and has killed me several times, and the art and soundtrack is beautiful. I love all the small different choices. I'm very interested in the Derek and Baxter DLCs and the rest, can't wait!!!!!!
thank you for "Our Life Beginnings & Always" it has to be one of the best visual novels i ever have played and i just dont want it to end (i know it will, but damn it! i want to have a wedding night, have children and die of old age with cole! XD) when i play it it always makes me tear up (in a good way) and i am most definetly going to buy all the dlc that you make! thank you for this lovely game and all the work that went into it! (ps: i also loved "lake of voices" )
You guys are incredibly talented and im very proud of you all! You've really outdone yourselves w/ OL and i cant wait to see whats next to come for you all :)
i really love that you can be trans in Our Life! not a lot of games do that so i just wanted to say thank you!
Guuyyss!! I just wanna say! Thank you sm for the headscarf option in the MC creator! I especially loved that little detail where MC quickly slips the headscarf on before greeting Cove, I've never felt so immersed :'D Not that the rest of the game wasn't immersive btw, but since I wear my hijab most of the time that little addition really felt like something I would do! So thank you for that <3
I've been watching "Our Life: Beginnings & Always" development for quite some time, and I gotta say its wild to see it finally release. Its so unique in the way relationships work- even character creation. I've cried multiple times over this game while playing. I can't thank y'all enough for a game with these kind of mechanics, and representation. its rare I get to feel im really playing as myself in games like these. Everyones outdone themselves. this'll certainly be one I keep coming back to.
I've been following the development of Our Life from way back when the first demo dropped and it still blows my mind how many choices and customizations there are (love that update for the MC's bedroom btw!) and the fact that the game remembers them - it really feels like your very own coming of age story! I was so immersed I cried at the end :') Can't believe I experienced this game for free lol. I can't wait for future DLCs and Step 4! Good luck with all your upcoming projects dev team!!
Just wanted to say I love Our Life and I'm thankful it exists. Thank you so much! I love the little world you created and all the people in it. Especially Cove! This game makes me so happy!
Just poping in to say hi and that ilu guys ^^, remember to take care of yourselves!
Hi!! I just wanna thank you for creating such an amazing game. Our Life is one of the few dating sims I’ve found that let’s me be a male mc, it’s really hard to find dating sims that let me be gay. Our Life is my new favorite dating sim to just sit down and playthrough whenever I’m having a bad day so I just wanted to let y’all know how much I appreciate all you’ve done. 🤍
Fan from australia here
Just wanted to reach out and let you know how important this game has been to me. I came across it at a really rough time ( that I’m still going through ) and it’s been one of the things that’s driven me to get up and out of bed sometimes.
This game and cove both hold a very special place in my heart and I can’t wait to see more of him in the DLC and Step 4
Much love ♥️
I know this isnt exactly the main focus of the game, but i really love how we can customise the mc personality wise! This is the first time i've played a game like this where the mc actually does and says exactly what I would do and say in certain situations and its such a breath of fresh air!! It's also so cool how the other characters can pick up on it!!
Cove Holden saved 2020 (my 2020 anyways) I would die for him
Sorry for this being out of the blue, but after playing through Our Life I wanted to thank you for the experience. I don’t know if I’ve ever played a game that has made me cry happy tears TWICE lol. It’s beautiful, scenic, inclusive, and absolutely amazing..have a great rest of 2020 and I honestly cannot wait for the rest of it :,) (ps. The ending song is stuck in my head)
I think you guys might've ruined visual novels for me forever. I'm not sure I'll be able to play another without comparing it to Our Life and I know if I do that I'll be disappointed every time because of how amazing it is. I bought the DLCs before playing the base game it's one of the best impulsive purchases I've ever made
Thank you so much for making our life! It's my favorite visual novel ever and I just can't articulate how much being able to just be honest with my responses instead of going for whatever would make the love interest happy means to me? I reccomended it to evry friend I have that plays visual novels because this is the best one I've ever played!
Just wanted to say that I absolutely adore this game! The childhood friends tropes is my favorite thing and this game delivers! Cove is the sweetest thing, infact all the boys are good boys. Super excited for all upcoming dlcs!
Hi, I just want to thank you for making such an amazing game like Our Life. Tbh, I was following the game’s development for a while, but me and my family moved away from my childhood town just a few days before release, so I really connected to this game. You all did amazing!
hey just wanted to know that i completely loved ol: b&a and it was so good and love cove more than i’ve liked any fictional character, it’s now my comfort media. thank you so much
hi i just wanna say i really enjoyed all of the representation in our life b&a! there were characters with a lot of different body shapes, pic characters, lgbtq+ characters, and you get to choose your own pronouns and sexuality!!! so tysm!!
This isn't a question, I just wanted to say that Our Life is incredible. Ever since I finished it, I've been looking for other visual novels to play so I don't play OL so often that I start memorizing the lines before all the DLC comes out, but I keep coming back to it. It's really one of a kind, I think you all ruined other visual novels for me because I haven't enjoyed another VN like I have this one since I read it ❤.
i think our life b&a is the first game where i felt like cove loved me, not the character i play as which is really nice for someone with kinda low self esteem so THANK YOU
I’ve been playing Our Life practically nonstop since yesterday. I just want everyone who worked on it to know how much the LGBTQ inclusivity means to me. As a closeted trans ace guy in an unsupportive household, I can’t emphasize how much of a comfort this game has been to me. Everything about it is so wholesome and heartfelt. I’m excited to see what other games you make in the future 💙
- A demibiromantic ace transgender man who may or may not have cried over the option to be myself in a game for the first time ever
Csn i just say i really appreciate how you handled MC deciding to use they/them at different stages. Mainly because alot of games don't pay much attention to the body the mc was assigned at birth if they player chooses nonbinary like it does with male/female. And it was just nice to be able to play an mc who just thought gender was kinda 'meh' for them but still felt good about the body they were born with (like myself). I guesd it boils down I'm really appreciative of the hard work it must've taken for you to make all those options possible & still have them matter.
I just wanted to thank you all for Our Life. My mental health hasn't been in a good place recently and it has become my favorite form of escapism/way to cheer up. It's idyllic setting and fantastic characters are such a good way to wind down, I love it. Also, I've been dreading 2021 due to classes starting and general stress, but the DLC and your next project have given me something to actually look forward to :). I'm so excited for them and now I actually have a reason to be happy that it's 2021. Sorry if this message is a bit weird, I just wanted to thank the team for their hard work and for creating something so incredible <3
I've gotta say this is one of the most repayable games I've ever played, if not the most. Usually after i do a playthrough or two of a game i have to wait awhile before playing again otherwise it feels stale. But i haven't had that problem with our life because of the sheer ammount of player agency. Everyone who works on tbe game should feel incredibly proud of themselves because you've created something amazing.
I just wanted to say thank you for Our Life. I'm sure you get this a lot, but it really pulled me out of a mentally tough spot in my life. So thank you.
who needs therapy when you have our life: beginnings and always? haha no but seriously this game is my comfort game, and even though i can’t join your patreon at the moment please know i am always supporting you and i am so excited to see everything you have in store! everyone who works on the games is so so talented
All DLCs have nice content. 😡😡
And I love them all!!💗💗💗💖💖💖💕💕💕
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