#i want to build muscle but i can't bc my body needs that energy
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monsterlets · 1 year
hi I saw an old post of yours about how if you want to change your body shape you'd have to selectively build muscle bc you can't selectively burn fat and I have a question. I carry so much fat on my hips, wouldn't I have to diet as well as lifting weights? genuine question I'm just trying to figure stuff out
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short answer: no
long answer: I mean I don't know what your current eating habits are. if by diet you mean stop overeating or start eating healthier things, then that can be helpful. if by diet you mean go on a crash diet, then that is not only dangerous but actively counterproductive. you need energy for your regular day to day functioning, and you need energy to build muscle. plus, a crash diet is not sustainable long term and most people gain the weight back when they stop dieting. you may even gain more fat than you lost in the first place, since they do tend to lower your metabolism
if you start lifting weights you may find yourself losing fat even without changing anything else about your eating or exercise habits, since your body is diverting resources to building muscles. (but if you wanna do a reasonable amount of cardio in addition to lifting weights you can absolutely do that). so you're losing fat overall in a safe way (provided you're lifting safely so you don't injure yourself, see below), you're building mass where you want it
general tips:
some people will tell you that low weight high reps builds defintion, high weight low reps builds mass. this is not true, they're both doing fundamentally the same thing, it's just that high weights low reps means you don't have to put as much time into it
high weights means whatever is high for you, currently, for this particular exercise. doesn't matter if it sounds high or not. it should take considerable effort to do the exercise, and you should feel a burn pretty quickly, but you should still be able to do it in a slow and controlled way (too much momentum and you're not working your muscles like you wanna be, plus it might go flying) and you shouldn't feel like you're gonna drop it. three sets of five to ten reps for each exercise is a good rule of thumb, but if your arms start feeling like jelly or trembling a bunch it's time to stop
you should feel sore the day after but you shouldn't feel stabbing pain etc
when it starts to feel too easy add more weight or more reps
have a spotter, especially the first time when you don't know your limits yet
some people build muscle quicker than others, but in general it doesn't take as long as you'd think
your body needs time (and sleep) to recover. you should be working out two to four times a week, and no more than two days in a row (if you're getting a less than ideal amount of sleep, I wouldn't suggest even doing two days in a row. if you're getting really bad sleep I'd say see if you can do something about that before you even start lifting). if you're lifting four times a week, you should switch up which muscles you're working on, if you're doing two or three times a week you can do all your exercises each workout
I won't get into specific exercises since I don't know what your exact goals are. my suggestion is to look up a muscle diagram, find what muscles are in the areas you want to bulk up, and then look up exercises for those muscles
form is important, both for being effective and for avoiding injury. before you try a new exercise you should closely watch someone else do it. there's plenty of videos online
pay attention to how they grip the weights, do it wrong and you could drop it or injure your wrists (also note that some exercises require specific grips that won't work with some types of weights)
eat lots of protein
it doesn't all have to be weights, there's also body weight exercises that you can do without equipment. various types of pushups etc
ETA stretch before and after. forgot to mention that
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tigridiae · 3 years
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dirtykpopsnaps · 3 years
It's painful. Oh that it fuckin is and it leaves you and your muscles aching and shaking. Like. Your jewels/jewel would twitch for hours after you're done. I do think it hurts more when you're inserting but it does with rubbing too which is what I prefer bc I have claws for nails and I can't fingerfuck myself well nor do I enjoy it that much.
BUT- what's truly addicting about it to me is the pleasure that builds behind that pussy numbing pain. Like. It hurts, your legs want to close, your flesh wants to curl into itself, your muscles start twitching and shaking and it literally even starts to numb near the labia. But the pleasure -if you can focus on it that is- that builds at the back of all that and when you cum again, it's- it's fucking heaven I tell you!
You just need to be aroused enough, lots of lube and courage to keep going.
But don't overdo it too much unless you've trained or are in practice. Like it hurts later either ways but yeah. And also really messes with your energy levels so please please pLEASE have some water and something to eat/some sugary thing after you've done.
It's also very exhausting so do keep in mind to do it when you don't have any big tasks to take care of later. And it leaves your privates swollen so yeah that's another thing.
I do believe overstimulation by rubbing is best.
I tried to keep it unisex but I am sorry I am a cis female and idk for other bodies. I also didn't mean to offend anyone so if someone found it offensive or anything, I am sorry :(
But I feel like the basic feeling by it for all bodies capable would be kinda similar? I am sorry if it's not I'll shut up now-
And as always kids, (jk pls don't interact if you're under 18) clean yourself up good after! It's very necessary! BUT- do it with clean water and some mild soap and that's IT! Your private areas esp if you're biologically a female clean themselves and you don't have to do those baths or finger soap in yourself or whatever. Because that way it'll most likely develop an infection.
Overstimulation class with Kai out!
(I know y'all didn't ask for clean up but I get very uncomfy with all the mess later and overstimulation definitely makes more mess so YEAH SHHSS I HOPE IT HELPS)
I was wondering when you would show up, Kai😂😂 This id very informative, thank you! Although it’s one of my main kinks, I’ll be the first to say that I don’t know everything about it. This actually very helpful😊😊
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opheliasbrokenmind · 4 years
Hey pal! I've got a request for you :) How about Mahone having a concussion and has to stay in hospital for weeks and company's not happy with this and force him into field again and he gets hurt again bc he can't concentrate and all :') I hope everyhting's alright with you
i just realised how much i’ve missed writing for him <3
‘Has anyone heard from Agent Mahone?’ Wheeler asked the office and you watched the people shaking their heads. It’s been three days since he disappeared and you found yourself at the FBI building, looking for him. ‘Do you know him?’ A woman with a sharp suit appeared in front of you and you frowned, ‘Yes, I do. I thought he could be here since he works late.’
‘And who are you supposed to be?’ She sounded harsh so you didn’t soften your face as you answered, ‘A close friend, and you are?’ You hoped the emphasis on the word would ring a bell and when she replied, you knew she got the message. ‘His colleague.’ You forced a smile and nodded, ‘Nice to meet you, Miss?’
‘Lang.’ She said and walked away, you stood alone and looked at the other man, ‘Thank you for asking people.’ The agent simply nodded and you left the building, thinking of a way to find him. Then your phone started to ring and you picked it immediately, ‘Alex?’
‘Good afternoon, Miss y/n.’ You looked at the screen and read his name again, then you frowned. ‘Who is this? Where’s Alex?’
‘Don’t panic, I’m calling from the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Mr Mahone had an accident.’ You froze on the street and leaned to a wall, trying to stay calm but your heart was beating madly. ‘Is he alright?’ You managed to say and the woman on the other side sighed, ‘He will be. He was saying your name in his sleep so I thought I could call you.’
‘I’ll be there as soon as possible.’ You said and she ended the call. Your hands were shaking when you finally found a taxi and thanks to the traffic, you were there in twenty minutes. Time seemed to slow down though, every single minute pained you until you walked into the hospital.
‘Hello, can you tell me which room Alexander Mahone is staying?’ The secretary searched his name and turned to you, ‘Are you his wife, Pamela?’ The name pissed you off but you just shook your head, ‘They divorced. I’m his... friend.’ The girl smiled softly, ‘I see. We tried to reach her but she said she wasn’t living here anymore. His room number is 407.’
Once you found the room, a doctor was leaving but you ran after him. ‘Doctor, wait!’ The man turned to you and waited, ‘I’m here for Alex. Can you tell me what happened?’ He nodded, ‘All we know is he had a concussion but we’re not sure what caused it. It can be an accident or a fight, I’m not sure.’
‘What would you say?’ You asked and the man sighed, ‘Considering his line of work, I’d say a fight but that’s just a guess. Mr Mahone is a strong man so he will recover but it’s going to take time. We have to be sure he’s resting and your presence will be helpful.’ You listened carefully and asked once he was done, ‘Is there anything I can do now?’
‘Talk to him. He probably can’t answer but he’ll hear you. Let him know you’re here for him. If anything happens, ask for a nurse.’ Then he left and you stood at the corridor, trying to convince yourself that he’ll heal soon.
You opened the door and the scene in front of you hurt your whole body. The agent was lying unconscious on the bed, there was a bandage around his head and he looked so pale. Then there were cables on his body and machines beeping loudly. You forced yourself to close the door and walk to the armchair next to him before you let a tear fall down. 
It took you a few minutes to gather up, then you reached his hand and it felt cold compared to your warm one. ‘Hi, it’s me, y/n.’ You said and waited for a reaction but he didn’t move a finger so you continued. ‘I called you a few times but you didn’t answer. I thought you were on a mission or maybe you wanted to have some space, that you’d let me know soon. I went to the Bureau today and asked Agent Wheeler but he said nobody heard from you. Then a nurse called me from your phone, said you were saying my name.’
‘You scared me so much, Alex. I’m still afraid, the doctor said you’ll be fine but I just can’t help but fear... Don’t you ever leave me, okay?’ You sighed and played with his fingers, ‘Agent Lang asked me who I was and I told I’m your friend. Well, I think we are more than that, I mean you’re more than a friend to me but I wasn’t sure if you wanted people to know so I didn’t say anything more. I didn’t want to put you in a difficult position.’
‘Oh, I always talk and now I can talk as much as I want but I hate it. I don’t want to talk, I want to hear you talking. I want to see your eyes, the blues filled with energy and watch them.’ Then you didn’t know what to say, it felt like nothing you could say would change the situation so you stayed silent. You watched his chest moving as he breathed and you focused on the fact that he was alive and you were by his side. Otherwise, you knew you wouldn’t hold your tears.
Doctors and nurses came and left, informing you everything looked fine. When it was almost three in the morning, you got up from the armchair and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek, ‘Good night, Alex.’
You woke up at eight and went to grab a cup of coffee, ‘Maybe the smell of coffee can wake you up, huh?’ You smiled to yourself and sipped your drink, admiring him. ‘I realise how beautiful you are now, you know? I wish I could remember every detail of your face. I also feel stupid, because I should’ve told you this earlier. Now I’m not even sure if you can hear me but just know that... you mean a lot to me and I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happens to you.’
Your hand found his fingers once again and you pressed your lips on his hand, ‘I know things with Pam have been hard and I want to be by your side as long as I can.’ He squeezed your hand weakly and your eyes widened with shock, ‘Can you hear me? Wait, I’ll call the nurse.’
‘I swear, he squeezed my hand.’ You explained to the woman and held his hand again, ‘Alex, can you hear me?’ The nurse waited but nothing happened. ‘I don’t want to upset you but that was probably a reflex.’ She gave you a weak smile and left, you sighed and rested on the armchair.
‘I avoided to answer before but yes, I used to play the piano. I wanted to be a pianist but then... I broke my wrist and it still hurts if I push the limits. Then I decided to study Art History and you know I’ll teach at the university next semester.’
‘I like to admire those paintings and they remind me of you. I know you think you’re a bit old for me but... I don’t believe it’s about ages, what’s important is understanding the other person and I’m trying to understand you. Every time I tell you something, I feel like you care about it and I like this about you, so much.’
‘I like hearing your voice.’ He whispered suddenly and you grabbed his hand, intertwinning your fingers, ‘You are awake! Wait, let me call the doctor.’ You tried to get up but he stopped you, ‘y/n, I need to talk to you first.’
‘There are some people and they know what happened to Shales. What I did to him... They want me to catch the Fox River escapees and I’m here because I had a little argument with one of them.’ Your jaw dropped as you listened to him, ‘Are you serious? Do you want me to call the police or the Bureau?’
‘No, they can’t help and if they find out about Shales, they’d send me to prison without blinking an eye.’ He watched you carefully and you sighed, ‘We’ll talk about this later, okay? What matters now is your recovery and I’m going to take the doctor now.’
The same doctor checked him and said everything was normal, ‘You need to rest at least one week to heal, otherwise, it can leave permanent damage. How do you feel now?’ 
‘I don’t feel bad.’ He said and the doctor smiled to you, ‘You see, now you can worry less.’ Then he left the room and you felt your cheeks getting hotter as Alex watched you with a sincere smile on his face. ‘Before you ask, I heard pretty much all of it.’ You turned your head to avoid his gaze but his hand stopped you, cupping your cheek softly. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, ‘I meant every word.’
‘I know you did but I’m not sure if that’s the safest way now, y/n. These people are on my back and I have to give them what they want. I don’t want them to know about you, I can’t risk it.’ You moved away and frowned, ‘What are you trying to say?’
‘I need you to stay away from me until this is over.’ You didn’t know what to say for a moment, ‘What? No, Alex, I want to be with you.’
‘I want you, too, love. Just for a while and when it’s over, I won’t repeat my mistakes. We’ll have a life together, alright? I promise.’ A tear dropped on your cheek and you wiped it away, ‘Don’t do this, don’t push me away.’
Later that day, you went home to have a shower and bring him some clothes and when you were back the next morning, the secretary said he checked himself out and left. You tried to reach him but his phone number was invalid. You didn’t know the visit the Company paid to him and what would happen if he continued to stay in the hospital and do nothing.
Six days after that you woke up to the knocking on your door and you weren’t expecting to see him. You stepped back so he could come inside but you noticed how it pained him to move. ‘What happened?’ 
‘I almost had Scofield but then... he ran away and let’s say that didn’t make them happy.’ You watched him sitting on the sofa and taking off his suit jacket. ‘Are they going to attack you every time something goes wrong?’ You helped him to unbutton his shirt as he leaned back, ‘If it’s not me then it’ll be Pam or Cam.’
‘Alex...’ You tried to speak but the words left you, leaving you in pain. Then you noticed the purpleness on his chest and tears escaped from your eyes, crying as you stood on your knees with his shirt in your hands. He grabbed your arms and you saw the muscles on his arms tighten, ‘I will be okay. It was a mistake to come here but... I didn’t want to be alone. I don’t want to be alone.’
You pressed a kiss on his chest and stood up, ‘I’ll draw you a bath right now, is it okay?’ He whispered thank you and you turned back to give him a kiss on the lips, ‘Then we will have dinner and you’ll get a good sleep.’ Once his body was relaxed and his stomach was full, he let you tuck him in a blanket and you two cuddled until one of you fell asleep. That night, he realised even at the worst times, there was something beautiful and unique.
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realtransfacts · 4 years
Tw for eating disorders and genital mention I want to go on t but a couple of the side effects scare me really bad, like the hair loss, too much bottom growth and the possibility of vaginal atrophy, but the one that scares me the most is gaining weight, or looking more.. fat than I do, I'm barely 3 years free from my Ed and I'm absolutely terrified I'll relapse at even the smallest sign I'm looking fatter y'know? I can't work out bc I have debilitating asthma and dieting would just be a very 1/2
Quick way to relapse. I was planning on going on low dose t, but still it scares me so bad, I have no idea what to do. Id enjoy 99% of the effects of t, but just, those that were mentioned make me want to back away from it and never come back y'know? It sucks :/ 2/2
A lot of people gain weight the first few months after tarting T. In part because the body needs more energy to basically go through puberty a second time so you end up more hungry and eating more because of it. But the weight gain is often also in part because of muscle gain. Even if you’re not working out more than before, you’ll build muscle more easily when you’re on T. I think I gained around 3kg, even though I didn’t notice my body getting any bulkier.
I think you should definitely bring these worries up with a psychologist/therapist when you’re able to. Try finding one that has experience with both trans patients and patients with eating disorders. They should be able to help you out better than I am and they’ll help you work through all these thought & help you figure out what the best move is for you - starting T or not starting T.
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