#i think we're obviously going to get yang and ruby stuff from this but i am once again begging for weiss to get stuff with her too
aerithisms · 1 year
the little scene we got of team rwby talking about ruby's outburst was very telling with everyone's reaction.
blake didn't say much but she was sympathetic, and it makes sense - she's no stranger to depression or to lashing out and running from the people you care about. and she was still playing the leadership role in ruby's absence, mediating yang's frustration and keeping everyone together.
i think it's fascinating that yang was the angriest over it. yang loves ruby more than anything, but i think there is truth to the idea that the nature of her relationship with ruby as her big sister and protector made it harder for her to understand this side of ruby, because to yang ruby has always been her happy, brave little sister who she protected from the horrors of the world. and now she must be hating herself for that blindness (though of course it's not her fault).
and weiss seemed to understand ruby best. she got that ruby felt isolated, and put on a pedestal, and that she didn't think she could talk to them. and i think she gets it because as ruby's partner she feels responsibility over it. since volume 1, weiss has only ever wanted to be a good teammate and a good partner to ruby, and now she must feel like she failed.
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
okay I've seen posts like these going around for Yang and Blake but not for Weiss and it's bugging me a bit so I figured I'd make my own
Guys. Weiss is frustrated and impatient and she has every right to be. it's completely understandable. Remember when homegirl was the last member of her team standing and watched all three of her friends plummet to their presumed deaths? Remember when she's the only one of them who saw what happened to Penny? Remember when she lost not just her home, but a whole damn kingdom that LITERALLY WENT UP IN FLAMES? Atlas is literally another Beacon for her, the loss is incredibly personal and visceral. She's grieving. She lost her home that she desperately wanted to save. She's dealing with her own immense kingdom spanning guilt. "I am so tired of leaving places in ashes."
Not to mention the fact that Weiss was forcibly separated from her mother and brother who she only recently reconnected with (and who she clearly feels responsible for) and was forcibly wrenched away from her sister. Her losses are heart-wrenching, and it's important that the weight of it is acknowledged and brought up when discussing her. She's dealing with her own trauma as well, and she's clearly impatient with this new world and desperate to go back to Remnant.
She gets frustrated with Ruby one time about the grow-hurt (obviously, neither she nor any of the others knew why Ruby wasn't able to get it) and that's fine lol. It's normal. It happens to everyone, it's literally not a big deal whatsoever. It's bizarre that people are taking it to mean that she was inconsiderate of Ruby's feelings or too self-centered to even notice them, because the comment itself is literally nothing - what we're meant to see is Ruby's reaction, and how bad Ruby's own headspace is that such a small, irrelevant thing cements her own heartbreaking sense of inferiority and uselessness. It's just like Yang saying "you don't mean that" is taken as an invalidation of her trauma and Blake's attempts at reassurance are taken as dismissals of her trauma. Ruby's hurting so immensely that she doesn't understand how others can't see it - but how can they? It's impossible and unreasonable to expect them to magically understand and fix everything that she's going through, especially considering that so much of her trauma has been repressed even from herself since she was a child.
Her team loves her. They'll reach out to her, she'll reach out to them. There's no need to entirely blame one side, because there are no sides. It's a messy, heartbreaking, exhausting situation where nobody is wrong and everyone is sympathetic. It's good storytelling.
EDIT: sorry, I wasn't trying to compare their experiences and weigh them against each other, even tho I think that's how it might have come across. I just haven't seen lots of discussions on Weiss's state of mind (maybe it's just me and my dash lol) so I just wanted to emphasize that, though some stuff was wrongly worded. Sorry once again! I changed things slightly so if possible, reblog this version instead.
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howlingday · 2 years
Scout Ruby is looking at Pyra Porno
Weiss: Ruby, what in the Brothers' names is Guy-ra?
Ruby: What do you mean?
Weiss: (Pinches the bridge of her nose) Why have I just seen a picture of Pyra with a massive dick?
Ruby: I don't know what you're talking about, but it isn't me!
Weiss: You fucking dunce; it's on your computer, you dumb bitch!
Ruby: Nuh-uh! I don't have a computer!
Weiss: (Points at the labelled computer) There's a giant sticker on the tower that says "Ruby Rose Rules!"
Ruby: It's fake!
Weiss: It's not fucking fake, you stupid dunce! You let me borrow your computer!
Ruby: Yeah, so what?
Weiss: ...What do you mean, "so what?" you horny slut? It's two fucking terabytes, you degenerate!
Ruby: Okay, I see what you're talking about, but I'm not a little girl. I can have this kind of stuff.
Weiss: That's besides the fucking point, you dolt! You have to work with Pyra! Every! Fucking! Day!
Ruby: I don't see the issue here.
Weiss: Is your brain fucking broken? Do you have any sense of fucking dignity?!
Ruby: I do, but-
Weiss: NO BUTS!
Nora: (Walks in with Yang) What's going on in here?
Ruby: It's not what it looks like!
Nora: (Picks up the phone) MEDIC!
Weiss: Oh no...
Ruby: Don't get Jaune!
Jaune: (Walks in, Holding phone to his ear) You rang?
Yang: Ruby and Weiss are looking at Pyra pornography!
Jaune: Ruby and Weiss are gay?
Ruby: Don't make assumptions!
Weiss: What?!
Jaune: No need to get defensive; we all know Pyrrha is a woman.
Weiss: Wait, what?!
Ruby: OH MY GOD!
Jaune: Wait, you do know that Pyrrha is a woman, right?
Ruby: Obviously not!
Weiss: Can't you tell by our fucking expressions?!
Jaune: Well, I'm not a psychologist!
Ruby: What's a psychologist?
Weiss: We're mercenaries, and you're not even a fucking shrink?!
Ruby: Oh, a shrink!
Jaune: Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not even a real doctor.
Ruby: What?!
Weiss: (Groans) What do they even pay you for?
Ren: (Pokes his head in) What is everyone shouting about?
Jaune: We are all looking at Pyrrha pornography.
Weiss: (Reaches to strangle Jaune)
Ren: (Sighs) I knew I shouldn't have asked. I've already had enough of Nora's shit. (Walks away)
Nora: Ren, wait up! (Skips after him)
Ruby: Jaune, I wasn't looking at it!
Jaune: Whatever you say.
Weiss: Will everyone shut the fuck up?! Can we talk about the real problem here?
Penny: Salutations!
Weiss: Dust damn it...
Penny: Our Sniper and Soldier informed me of the gathering here. (Looks at the computer) What is this?
Yang: Guy Pyrrha.
Penny: I see. Why is she equipped with a large phallus?
Weiss: She has a big dick?
Penny: Indeed.
Jaune: Ruby was choking the chicken!
Ruby: I don't think that's the right term, and no, I wasn't!
Penny: Scout, according to the top result of my search, while having others observe your masturbation cycles is not uncommon, it is ill-advised to invite close friends or co-workers to observe.
Ruby: That's not what happened! Weiss found it on my computer, and-
Penny: Scout, if you are experiencing difficulties with finding a partner, perhaps you could seek advice from Spy. Heavy has commented on her being "quite the charmer."
Ruby: I tried! She gave me a bowl of noodles and told me to seduce her!
Ruby: No! No more people!
Blake: (Drops from the ceiling) Why is everyone screaming? Are we dying again?
Yang: Blake, why did you ask my sister to seduce you?!
Blake: Oh, that? She needed help to ask out Oscar. It was one of the worst catastrophes I've ever seen. (Smiles) It was fucking hilarious.
Ruby: Blake, what the fuck?!
Blake: I'm not going to lie to them, Ruby. But what is happening here?
Jaune: Pyrrha pornography!
Blake: (Double thumbs up) Nice~.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Something interesting: RWBY is an action show, and the fan-favorite RWBY subplot is one without action (the Apathy). Some action scenes don't really serve to advance characters, and perhaps don't have the necessary punch that they otherwise would have. Ironwood's 6v1 is meaningless, while Tyrian vs Qrow & Ruby isn't. So I wonder if it's worth it to invest in multiple fight scenes when the delivery is subpar, or if it's better to invest in just a few good fight scenes that advance character.
Given that RWBY is an action show, I don't think there's anything wrong with having what I think of as filler combat. Stuff that no, doesn't really forward the plot or character development, but looks cool on screen and breaks up what might otherwise be a rather "boring" Volume (with that term obviously being subjective). Basically, a Volume 5 situation where the story absolutely needed to have the cast sit down and churn out a lot of exposition about this war, but viewers weren't wrong to ask, "This is an action show, so why are the characters spending so much of their time sitting around in a house?" If the Haven battle had been better I think the fandom would be more forgiving about the wait, but the combo of that long wait (when you're watching week-to-week), a lot of fake-outs (Yang doesn't fight the bandits again or Raven, training is just a short comedic scene), and then arguably one of the more subpar finale fights we've gotten made for a frustrating experience.
For me, filler combat is stuff like the group fighting the ice grimm in the tunnels in Volume 7. It's not really memorable, it doesn't achieve much, but it breaks up all that airship/Pietro/office/Ace Ops chats. Same with the short fight pre-arrest and the Geist battle (though the former also forwards the plot and the latter establishes the Ace Ops' dynamic). Similarly, I have no real problem with the combat of Team RWBY vs. The Ace Ops, only with the context surrounding the battle itself and the arguments thrown out while engaging in it. A quick 1 vs. 6 could be interesting, but for me it's overshadowed by questions like why Team RWBY hasn't engaged with Ironwood at all, or the surprise that no one, not even Winter, is inclined to try something other than a take-down. Ironwood vs. Winter has its faults in regards to combat (gun-gun) but, again, I'd happily watched them go toe-to-toe if I could get invested in the reasons why they're fighting. Tyrian vs. Clover vs. Qrow is arguably the best fight of Volume 7 (outside of the Ironwood vs. Watts, of course) and combat-wise I think it's fine. I mean, if we're comparing it to something like Tyrian vs. Qrow & Ruby, the huge difference for me is the environment: boring expanse of snow rather than an abandoned village that Ruby can find sniper positions from, or Qrow can let boards break under his bad luck. But that aside, a three-on-three with a balance between range and close-combat is entertaining. The problem is that the character aspects, while there, are badly done. So badly that it overshadows the combat itself. What (many) fans remember is Qrow's stupid team-up with Tyrian, or Clover's dramatic death that sparked a queerbaiting debate and ultimately led nowhere in the narrative. Compare that to Ruby cutting off Tyrian's tail which was both an awesome move and a consistent character moment of, "Will do whatever it takes to protect her beloved uncle." There combat and characterization coincide.
So I don't think RWBY necessarily needs to invest more in character-driven fights (or back off from them), they need to take the character-driven fights they've already got and ensure that the characterization is consistent and compelling. The investment should apply to refining the storytelling that leads up to these fights (and what comes after), so when we get Ironwood vs. Winter, or that three-on-one, the characterization sticks. Right now, I think everyone recognizes that we're supposed to feel something poignant when these battles occur... but many don't. Or if they do, the emotion is confusion or frustration, not what RT was aiming for. Volume 8 was the season of our primary team sitting out the battle the army fights instead, missing out on encountering Salem, Oscar soloing that encounter instead (with Hazel), the B Team taking down Ironwood, a lackluster finale where much of it felt too contrived to take seriously... I don't think RWBY necessarily needs more of one type of fight, less of another, or even just more fighting in general given that yeah, the cast is so large and the story so complex you have to take time for things other than hack-and-slash fighting nowadays. Rather, RWBY should concentrate on making sure that these fights mean something that makes sense to the viewer. Whether we're talking about filler stuff that somehow still raises questions (Blake and Yang are mad over a good suggestion?) or supposedly character-driven stuff (Team RWBY insult the Ace Ops with a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, also we're really doing this?), the basic balance between "filler fight/epic character-focused fight" is mostly fine imo. It's just the details and the context of that are failing.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Yoooo’, I just realized something: so like, Ozpin and Salem’s storyline is the archetypal “knight saves a princess from the tower” story right? But in the version that I’m typically familiar with (I don’t know what versions you usually hear about it), there was the omnipresent figure of the dragon in the story that said knight had to fight to get to her; “knight saves a princess trapped in the tower by an evil dragon” and such. But as far as I’m aware, there were no dragons that Ozpin had to face to rescue Salem; I say, “…as far as I’m aware,” because I haven’t watched any of the RWBY shorts or anything lately, so there might be critical info I’m missing out on. If anything, the dragons kind of ended up showing after Ozpin saved Salem in the form of the Brother Gods and it was Salem who was the one who wanted to save Ozpin (or like, bring him back), so like, I don’t know if that entirely counts.
On the other hand, Jaune’s the knight (obviously his whole theme) and Cinder’s supposed to be the “princess”, supposedly. But Jaune’s obviously going to have difficulty with interacting with Cinder, and Cinder’s mental state is… chaotic, to say the least. However, Cinder’s whole theme is also supposed to be fire, right? So what if, Cinder is both the princess and the dragon, and it’s Jaune’s role to slay the “dragon” side to her to be able to get to the “princess” underneath? I don’t know, I’m a pretty stupid dude IRL, so this might all just be worthless random banter. I love your stuff. Okay, thank you, bye, have a nice day.
Okay, I do really appreciate that you sent me this, but I literally just made a post yesterday that Cinder is both dragon and Maiden. I think that must be an ESP moment lol.
This reflects the same duality going on with a lot of characters in the show, like Ruby is Wolf and Red Riding Hood, Weiss is Snow White and Huntsman (Huntress), Blake is Beauty and Beast, Yang is Goldilocks and the Three Bears (hers is less pronounced than the other three though, but it's there).
I certainly don't expect people to follow every single thing I post, and I think a conclusion (potentially) has a chance of being 'more correct' if people arrive to independently. Oh, also, edit, sorry, you mentioned you liked my blog: thank you, I do appreciate that, it's very kind of you. I usually feel like I'm spouting nonsense lol.
But the Salem/Ozma stuff reflecting Jaune/Cinder is stuff I have relentlessly gone on about as well, so I think making that connection is pretty organic. Reverse Salem/Ozma is the most pronounced with them too.
Just so we're on the same page cuz I'm not sure what people have read on my blog, I maintain that Jaune/Cinder heals the Salem/Ozma wound of the series (and most of the relationships do, but I talk about them on my blog the most) and they're the most literal example where this is the last confrontation between Salem and Ozma:
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and this is the first formal confrontation when things pick back up again
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and with the way R/WBY retells stories and has its own story rhyming with itself I'm convinced that by fixing the same story playing out over and over again (Salem/Ozma split) then that's the salvific balm and then things can be new again. >:(
Okay that aside finished with
If anything, the dragons kind of ended up showing after Ozpin saved Salem in the form of the Brother Gods and it was Salem who was the one who wanted to save Ozpin (or like, bring him back), so like, I don’t know if that entirely counts.
It does count, I think they did it that way intentionally (R/WBY is always doing weird stuff with this order of saving), there were the Trials to overcome in the Tower but there was no dragon. It then makes sense to my eyes - if they're literally doing Reverse Salem/Ozma - that it's dragons overcome, then a tower involved somewhere and freedom. Or the Relic of Choice.
But Jaune’s obviously going to have difficulty with interacting with Cinder, and Cinder’s mental state is… chaotic, to say the least.
Deeply traumatised, yes.
and it’s Jaune’s role to slay the “dragon” side to her to be able to get to the “princess” underneath?
Cinder breathes fire, just for the record. That's already a thing she's been doing.
I don't think it's 'slaying', I think 'taming' might be a better word. The dragon part of her is not really that bad, it's the Maiden power, and she should end up as a good Fall Maiden. The Maiden and the dragon are one in the same, but you can't kill this one. I'm splitting hairs, I'm just a bit sensitive about 'killing' the bad parts of you when it's about integrating and balancing those parts.
I have also sort of ad nauseam emphasised that the non-violent handling of Cinder's arc (lol) with Jaune is very very compelling to me narratively and it makes a lot of sense to me that R/WBY would go for a different answer to slaying the dragon.
It's also extremely romantic, the damsel-in-distress-slash-dragon is one of the most powerful women in Remnant and it's spiritual release/nourishment which is the thing which saves her and empowers her :(((((((( the dragon needs love not killing :(
Oh I'm going to cry now, this is so up my alley
Thanks anon for your ask. For the record, you're not stupid at all and you don't need to worry. I hope you have a good day or evening, whatever is applicable. (:
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