#i think i know which specific female it came out of and she's a runt too!
caesarsaladinn · 2 years
hm. just saw a baby guppy in my guppy/apistogramma/killifish 10g. I'll consider this a trial run for whether a killifish fry could survive in this fairly predatory aquarium, since I'm taking a laissez-faire breeding approach.
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
thoughts on loki ep 2: the variant (spoilers)
under cut to not disturb your scrolling
Overall I enjoyed so that's good
Uh frick my mind blanked so sorry if things are completely out of order
I don't know, I expected the renaissance fair to be 2012 or 2021 or 2024 (Loki's time, our time, current time in the "sacred timeline"). So I was genuinely surprised when it was in 1985.
Ok, i really like the title card thing. And how the year scrolls around. It's a nice aesthetic touch there.
I wonder why the female Loki variant chooses her locations? Does she have a thing for renaissance fairs, French cathedrals, and Oklahoma?
1985 is when Back to the Future came out. And it's y'know, one of the most popular time travel movies ever. So I think they chose that year as a reference.
Again, not liking that the minutemen only have numbers, not names. It is giving me lots of Clone Wars vibes. If you don't know anything about Clone Wars, the clones are given number identifiers by the Kaminoans. Things like CT-7567. The clones would give themselves names (CT-7567, for example, names himself Rex). A really good sign throughout the series that someone is a sketchy person is if they call the clones by their numbers. The clones don't want to be known as numbers. They are people too, they deserve names, so they come up with all sorts of creative names (Rex, Fives, Cody, Tup, Hevy, Hardcase, Echo, Waxer, Boil, Wolffe, Jesse, Kix, Fox, Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Omega, Tech, Matchstick, etc). The jedi respect this, and the only jedi that i can think of that called clones by their numbers is Krell, who fell to the dark side. the Kaminoans and other sketchy people all call them by their numbers and the clones don't like it. A big focus of the show is on the clone's agency (at the end, they all have brain chips that take away their agency and force them to kill jedi), and how the clones need to be respected. So for me to see in another series that people are only given numbers is bad. What's worse is that the minutemen are fine with this. They don't see it as dehumanizing or belittling. They are brainwashed into being okay with it. Which says a thing or two about the Time Keepers.
did. did the renaissance fair really have Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero" for their renaissance themed fight? Is this normal? Was it normal in the '80's? We saw later that the female Loki can do electronic stuff. Did she rig it to play it? For the vibes?
Also the stuff before the song was about fighting for a princess, and in the end she kidnaps C-20.
Okay, btw, I'm just gonna say Lady Loki for a while because no one has explicitly said Sylvie yet, so I'm going to refer to di Martino as Loki until she or another calls her Sylvie. Cool? Cool.
I was thinking the "Holding Out for a Hero" fight would be the roomba fight or something. It is such a good song that has huge potential for this genre. Why did they use it in a lame fight as that one?
When Lady Loki did the spell on C-20, it looked similar to what Wanda and Agatha can do. As in, it had similar visuals.
Loki reading a random magazine he finds while sitting with his feet on the desk bored out of his mind because he has to learn sh*t is a MOOD.
What is Miss Minutes? She can jump around anywhere, and pop into computers. But she can't be just a projection. She took the effort to dodge Loki swatting at her, so that may mean she was corporeal. She also could be something similar to the Kree's Supreme Intelligence?
So, did Mobius give Loki the shirt, tie, and slacks, but really didn't give him the jacket until they had to call him in? What? That makes no sense? Did the TVA not have any jackets with the variant label? Did someone have to custom design a jacket for Loki?
What is up with this show giving me things I wanted to see only in holographic form? First we saw Coulson's death, and now Loki in his Jotun form in a holograph of another variant.
Okay, Loki being someone the TVA has to constantly deal with is very on brand. Loki is a creature of chaos, of course he's going to unknowingly rebel against the sacred timeline.
Also, headcanon that the Jotun Loki we see is king of Jotunheim because that would be epic.
Also, for personal reasons I choose to believe there is a Loki variant that defeated the Avengers and immediately went queer rights.
Loki's reaction to there being many Loki variants. He's seen what his life is supposed to be. I think he is even more upset that the TVA often deals with him, that there are so many things that could have been instead if it weren't for the TVA and the "sacred timeline."
Also, I totally think Mobius was waiting for another Loki to show up to help him defeat Lady Loki. They get them so often, it makes sense.
Loki explaining the difference between illusion projection and duplication was great. And very helpful to me personally understanding lore. Also, Mobius, get your crap together. If you're a Loki expert, figure this stuff out.
Loki calling the TVA out on propaganda, we love that.
The wolf quote is actually very nice, I quite like it.
Okay, the TVA doesn't even bury or cremate or do any sort of ritual for their fallen minutemen, they just reset the timeline. Which to me seems like another way to show how little the TVA actually care for their workers.
There are statues of the Time Keepers in Ravonna's office. The camera pays extra attention to it. Keep reading for more about Time Keepers and cinematography choices.
What. What sort of relationship does Ravonna and Mobius have? What is going on there? I am really confused.
Who is this "analyst on the side?" What is going on there?
Ravonna is MEGA SUS. Along with that, the Time Keepers are mega sus.
She signs R. Slayer. Yeah. Slayer. Not at all subtle, Marvel. Letting us know that she'll do the deed if needed.
Mobius you are sending me mixed signals. What do you want?
Okay, Mobius saying Loki was a "cold, scared boy" and an "ice runt" and stuff was totally a jab at Loki being Jotun.
Mobius saying Loki is insecure because of Lady Loki is...probably true.
With the elevator, the camera stops and focuses on the Time Keepers.
The Creation of the TVA, the beginning of time, the end of time, all classified. That is sus.
Loki almost crying over Ragnarok was good. Let him cry over the destruction of his home.
Loki being the one to discover something the TVA had no idea about after a day is on brand for Loki. And it shows how the TVA really are vulnerable.
Mobius: Really? In front of my salad?
No but the object lesson was well done and actually did help me understand what Loki was talking about.
Casey! Casey drinks grape juice! Imagine how confusing this is for Casey though. Loki is captured, threatens to gut you like a fish (whatever that means), and now he's dressed like an analysist, stealing your juice box. Does Loki get Casey more juice?
Honestly, Loki looking at everything logically and scientifically is fantastic. Adds to the science = magic thing Marvel's got going on, since Loki is a sorcerer.
Loki saying volcanoes are cool is fun. I agree. Volcanoes mean the planet is geologically active, which means we won't die. Also, there is a volcano named Loki on one of Jupiter's moons. I wonder if the creators knew that and put Loki in Pompeii because he is already linked with volcanoes.
Mobius telling Loki to start off small and Loki completely disregarding that felt very personal to me.
Loki being absolutely chaotic and telling everyone they were going to die while speaking perfect Latin was iconic. I want more of that content. Let the man be buckwild.
Again, Loki finding something out after a day that the TVA never knew about is on brand.
"Be free, my horned friends, be free!" I love that way too much.
Mobius being obsessed with jet skis wasn't something I expected, but I'm down for it. Heck, even Loki admitted they were cool.
The discussion on beliefs is going to lead to saying the Time Keepers are bullcrap. Hopefully.
Grapes and nuts are "candy" on Asgard. So, when Loki was eating grapes in Ragnarok, we can interpret that as him eating M&Ms. Second, this might add to something I've seen around here. I've seen things about a book somewhere with Loki saying chocolate fountains are mythical (which is really funny to me). So, I guess Asgard really doesn't have chocolate.
Oh my gosh, so many apocalypses between 2047 and 2051...hopefully none of those happen in real life.
Roxxcart is probably part of Roxxon, something that has been around in Iron Man movies.
Lady Loki got the shovel thing from Roxxcart that she left in Oklahoma! The minutemen said it was from the early third millenia, which is where we are now! 2050 also fits that category!
I saw something about the file saying Class 8 hurricane...there are only 5 classes...which means this is a crazy storm.
Does B-15 want Loki dead? This is a legitimate question, because I think she does. Dead or pruned.
Loki looking around at the storm, I love it. This could be him loving science, or him missing Thor, since Thor creates storms. Also, at this point Loki probably things Thor dies shortly after him in the sacred timeline, so Loki would be particularly sentimental about Thor.
I love Loki drying himself off and not anyone else. And B-15 yelling about his magic. And Loki's motions are so fluid, it's so aesthetically pleasing, I love it.
Dudes, I thought B-15 was going to try to prune Loki when they were alone.
Okay, was Lady Loki bsing about the azalea sale, or does Roxxcart actually do that? I want to know.
Wunmi Mosaku did a really good job as Lady Loki, I loved it.
Loki being annoyed at Lady Loki and saying he understood how Thor felt, does that insinuate Loki can do what Lady Loki was doing?
B-15 and C-20 were both very shaken after being possessed by Lady Loki. I wonder how that felt for them? We've had different explanations of mind control/brainwashing/similar from Clint, Bucky, Daisy, Mack, Fitz, and Monica in the MCU (including AoS). I wonder what is specific to Lady Loki's possession.
C-20 kept going on about something being real. What was that about?
C-20 revealed the location of the Time Keepers to Lady Loki!
Lady Loki not wanting to be called Loki could be a sign she is Sylvie.
There's something weird where Loki's voice echoed around while the camera focused on Lady Loki. Maybe she's telepathic?
Someone needs to keep a tracker on people telling Loki this isn't his story in a show literally about him.
But, that does add to themes for his life, and how everything was always about someone else in his life. He was always a supporting character for Thor, for Odin, for Thanos. Now, even in his own story, everyone insists he doesn't matter.
I was wondering what the reset charges would be used for. I wasn't expecting a massive bombing of the sacred timeline! Wow! That was unexpected and I loved it!
Okay, this isn't from me, this is from New Rockstars. But to list all the places mentioned on chronomonitors, either bombed or not: Knowhere, Barcelona, Niflheim, Dartford, Phong Nha, Lisbon, Vormir, Thorton, Cookeville, Asgard, Rome, Sakaar, Barichara, Porvoo, Ego, Titan, New York City, Tokyo, Hala, Kingsport, Xandar, Beijing, Madrid, Portland, Jotunheim. Bolded are other planets. Those are almost all the planets visited in the MCU. So fun easter eggs there!
I like Lady Loki's aesthetic. The fingerless gloves, the cloak, I love it. And YES SHE ISN'T SEXUALIZED. So many genderbent characters are excuses to sexualize women. But Lady Loki is just as covered as the male Lokis.
Lady Loki just...left the time door open for Loki to follow...for a really long time...I'm worried he's running into a trap.
What is Loki going to do now?
Theory time y'alls: Lady Loki bombed the sacred timeline to flush the minutemen out of the TVA, leaving it defenseless. And she's gonna go after the Time Keepers themselves. We know she gets into the TVA from trailer footage, and that's what I think we're gonna see next episode. I think she (like the Loki we are following) is upset over the lack of free will, and she plans to change that. That's why she wasn't interested in helping Loki "take over" the TVA, because she doesn't want to become the leader of a new TVA, she wants it destroyed.
Alright, back to the Time Keepers stuff. They keep focusing on the middle Time Keeper. Even in the end credits they have a weird cut to focus directly on his face. I'm not 100% on this, but I like this theory. That face is similar to Jonathan Major's, the actor confirmed to be Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Kang is a well known time travelling villain in Marvel. Maybe he is Kang, and is using variant versions of himself (that's a Kang thing in the comics) to mess with the timeline, and no one expects that from him. Also, Renslayer was his S/O for a bit in the comics, and they keep framing her in front of that one Time Keeper's face. I feel like this would be a good way to set up Quantumania and to show how sus the Time Keepers are.
Also, Loki was absolutely adorable the entire episode. And he got to sleep! Yay for him!
Again, I enjoyed, and can't wait for next week!
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simply-slu-slu · 4 years
Glaciality Chapter 4: "Partners"
Cassidy agressively dragged Slush down the vast hallway by the arm with a soft growl. The woman couldn't stand children, her boss knew this, and yet here she was stuck working with them anyways!
"Come on move it already!" She exclaimed as she yanked at the small canine's arm, causing Slush to yelp.
"Would you quit with the tugging already? I'm going as fast as my legs can carry me!" Slush snarled in response, lightly glaring up at the head nurse with disgust.
"Do you want to get shocked again, brat?"
Slush clenched her jaw, deciding to not even dignify the woman with a response. The husky averted her gaze to the shiny white tiles below her feet, now seeing the ice that remained coated over parts of her body.
'That's never happened before...'
She thought to herself with a soft sigh.
'Guess I got more stressed out than I thought.'
Her train of thought was broken by another tug from Cassidy.
"Go in here. Hurry up." The woman shoved Slush into a small closet like room, that was dimly lit by a single light bulb. Slush folded an ear before looking toward the woman with a confused look. "Put on those clothes there, quickly."
"It's...a little big don'tcha think?" Slush asked as her eyes settled on the orange and white t-shirt along with matching orange pants that was neatly hung up on the wall.
"Just put it on and quit asking questions!"
Slush scoffed as she glanced back at the suit once more. She shook her head lightly as she began to remove her hospital gown.
'Really, orange? What am I, a prisoner? I mean at least it's not yellow...but still couldn't they have picked purple or something?'
She reached out for the shirt, only to come into contact with a rather thin and scratchy material causing her fur to rise as she pulled her hand away in disgust.
'Ick...that feels ugly.'
"256 would you hurry it up already?"
"I'm going I'm going." She remarked as she reached for the shirt once more, taking it off it's hanger before putting it on.
Once she got it on straight, the shirt hung down to just above her knees. She then reached for the pants and attempted to put them on as well, but the pant legs practically covered her feet entirely, and they felt as if they were threatning to slide off at any moment.
"I'm sorry ma'am but these are way to big." Slush opened the door of the closet before looking up at Cassidy who clearly didn't care.
"Too bad. You'll just have to work with it." She reached over and grabbed Slush by the arm once more before dragging her off yet again.
"Seriously?" Slush stumbled and tripped over the pant legs, causing them to nearly fall off of her but she caught them by the waist using her free hand. "You knew I was leaving, so why didn't you have anything prepared?"
"We don't have anything in your size runt, you're only about 2'0", and most mobian huskies are at least 3'2" by your age. I honestly thought you were 6 by your height alone." Cassidy said in a snarky tone before laughing.
Slush's ears pinned back as she let out a small snort in response.
'When I grow some more, we'll see who the real runt will be.'
Slush remained silent as Cassidy continued to drag her along, only letting out a small gasp upon seeing a large group of children up ahead, around 100 or so that were beginning to line up against the wall.
"What's going on?" Slush asked.
"This is where you will line up, and then you'll fill into the assembly hall." Cassidy responded. "255, 257 raise your hands."
A parrot and a lamb who were standing by one another reluctantly raised their hands.
"What for?"
"You're going to be paired up." Cassidy began to push Slush toward the two creatures. "Now go stand between those two."
"Uh...alright?" Slush folded an ear before reluctantly making her way to the other two children with their hands up. The lamb and parrot made a bit of space for her to stand between in response as they put their hands down. "What does she mean by paired up?" Slush asked in a quiet whisper.
"From what I understand, these people have designated us some kind of work partner. Not so sure what happens next." The female parrot whispered softly.
'Work...partner? Why would we need that?'
Slush thought to herself as the line began to move into the assembly hall.
"Alright kids, you are to sit in order starting from the front row to the back once you enter the dome of the assembly hall." One of the facility staff called out over an intercom. "Do not get out of order, and do not disobey instructions. There will be consequences for disobedience. All questions will be answered by the speaker before the pairing session begins."
Slush glanced around as they slowly filled into the assembly hall, the ceiling was a large glass dome and snow could be seen falling and sliding off the outside of it. The wind from the storm outside could be heard ever so slightly as it whipped its way around the building. She then turned her attention to the red velvet theater-chairs that were lined up in various rows. The bottom half of the hall could hold up to 350 people, and the upper floor of the hall seemed like it could easily hold another group of 300 people.
Once all the children settled into their seats, the lights of the hall dimmed slightly as what seemed to be G.U.N. soldiers shut the doors of the hall. Two soldiers stood at every exit door, and about 10 more stood at the foot of the stage as the stage lights came on.
Pure silence fell across the room as a male cougar made his way to the oak podium that sat in the center of the stage, holding a few notecards in his hands as well as a tablet of sorts. He laid the tablet on the podium before straightening his cards, looking up at the crowd of young children with his vibrant Amethyst eyes.
"Good evening children," the cougar began. "Welcome to the Whispervale Sanctuary for Gifted Children of Wildelynn, or The W.S.G.C.W. for short. You shall all refer to me as Headmaster Kanjiro." The cougar glanced down at his cards, flipping one of them over before looking up at the children again.
"I am certian you all are disoriented and confused as to why you are here, so I will be answering a few questions before we pair you with your statistically chosen partners. Please place your hands on the of your identification plates found on your collars if you have a question. If I call your number, keep your hand on your identification plate until a microphone is passed to you. Do not speak unless you are selected please, and I'd suggest you be respectful if you know what is good for you."
A majority of the children lifted their hands to the metal plates found on their necks as Kanjiro glanced down at his tablet. The tablet appeared to have a map of the theater, and the children who had their hands to their plates could be seen as small red dots on the map.
"161. Your question please." A microphone was passed to a male eagle owl.
"Why are we here?"
"As we do annually, we select 650 children that are age 10, that have promising abilities to be taken into this facility. Due to Wildelynn's rising crime rates, we plan to make better officers for the city. Each and every one of you show promising abilities that could prove to be useful in lowering the crimerate of the city." He glanced down at his tablet once more. "427."
"Why do you only pick 10 year olds? Why not teenagers or adults?"
"You are at the perfect age, any younger than 10 children tend to be immature and difficult to manage. Any older, such as a pre-teen or teenager tends to be rebellious, and you are at such an age where we can easily put a stop to that rebellious stage before it starts. As for adults, although they can still learn, it often takes longer for them to grasp information and their bodies aren't as agile." He glanced down at his tablet before setting his gaze upon Slush. "256."
"But aren't many adults already going through police and military training? And aren't their laws against kids working?" Slush asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, but as stated before they learn slower and their bodies aren't as agile. We can train your body to do things in your youthful state, which will grant you exceptional flexibility and durability as you get older. And yes, you are correct. But the first 5 years you will spend here will involve vigorous training. Once you turn 16, you will begin regular patrolling. Given that you survive the first 5 years." The cougars face darkened slightly, his tone becoming rather grim.
'Survive? What exactly is he trying to say here?'
Slush thought to herself.
"Will we ever get to see our families again?"
"No. You belong to the government now, your parents have no custody over you, nor any say in what we do to you starting from the moment you set foot in this place. You will never see them again, unless they are the victims or perpetrators of a crime."
Many of the children became restless at this statement. Many, including Slush were already missing their families as it was, but to be told that they would never see their families again was just soul crushing to say the least.
'So...Dr. Emerson wasn't lying about that. I'm never going to see Dad, or Merci ever again. I can't even visit mom in White Acropolis either...and she'll never know why.'
Slush's eyes became covered in blue and white spirals as she cried lightly, as did many other children.
"Why are we reffered to as numbers instead of our names?"
"Names are useless here. You are not citizens, but subjects, data. Nothing more. 36 your question please."
"Why were we specifically selected?"
"As stated previously, you show the most promise out of all of Wildelynn's children. A good handful of you, I'm certian will be promoted to Trainee's for G.U.N." he looked down at his tablet once more. "29."
"When you mentioned if we survived...what did you mean sir?"
"The training regimen is not easy. It will be difficult and is adjusted to each of your needs. Some will breeze through it, others may die trying. And if the second outcome occurs, then and only then would you be reunited with your families."
"That's not fair!"
"You didn't even give any of us a choice to be here!"
"I want to go home!"
"I hate this place!"
Many children began to scream in disbelief, some beginning to activate their powers out of anguish.
"I'd suggest you sit back down and remain silent." Kanjiro said with a flat tone as he glared at those who were beginning to rise from their seats. Slush was not one of them, but she stared down Kanjiro as her blue spirals swirled rather violently over her eyes.
The children seemingly ignored the command, until their collars let off a harsh shock, causing them all to fall back into their seats with an outcry as burn marks formed on their necks, around the collars.
"I warned you. Do not make me do it again. Let that be a lesson to all of you." The Headmaster growled, "We have no time for such behavior." He straightened his cards once more before looking back at his cards. "That will be all the questions I will be taking. When I call your initals and plate number, you are to come up on stage, greet one another, and then follow an associate to your temporary rooms. You will have 3 days of team building exercises to get acquainted with one another before your G.U.N. fosters arrive. They will instruct you further."
The children moved slightly in their seats, whispering amongst themselves as they begrudgingly waited for their ID's to be called.
"R.T.S. 150, you are paired with P.E.Y. 500. X.E.Z. 10, paired with U.I.R. 12..."
Slush had her eyes focused on the snow fall that could be seen up above. The headmaster seemed to be taking ages to list off the names and frankly she was getting quite bored. It felt like she had been waiting over an hour, maybe even two and yet he hadn't seemed to even be halfway through all the kids just yet.
"V.A.V. 587, you are paired with S.L.I. 256."
Slush's ears twitched before she looked toward the stage with wide eyes.
"You'd better go..." the children around Slush whispered softly. "Hope you get someone nice."
"Uh...thanks?" Slush rose from her seat, lightly tapping her fingers together as she made her way to the stage. The canine could have sworn that she felt everyone's eyes on her at that moment...and honestly it was quite scary least to say.
'Oh gosh...'
She thought as her eyes focused on a navy blue Belgian Sheepdog that was making her way to the stage. Her fuchsia eyes darting around in fear as her ears were folded flat against her head.
The Sheepdog made her way onto the stage, walked up to Slush and simply gave a small wave before glancing back toward the crowd. Slush glanced back at the crowd as well before gently taking her new partner's hand, causing the other pup to jump lightly in suprise. The canine gazed at Slush with a confused look, she was clearly afraid.
"Come on, we gotta go to the staff..." Slush whispered softly.
"O-okay..." The other pup responded before being guided by Slush to the staff member. From there the two were guided to a room labeled with their ID's.
"In here kids. You'll be notified for dinner, but you are not allowed out of this room until then." A staff member said before closing the door once they were both inside.
Their room was quite bland, only consisting of white and black colors, almost as plain as the ward. The walls were painted white, and the carpet seemed to be pitch black. There were two beds which laid against the walls of the room, they had black comforters, white sheets and white pillows and looked rather stiff. There was nothing else within the room.
The girls silently chose a bed, Slush heading for the one on the right, the other pup for the left. They sat in silence for a moment before Slush finally decided to break the silence.
"So...what's your name?"
"Uh..." The sheepdog looked up at Slush, her ears pinning back. "Vitality...Vitality Valoore..." she glanced away. "And you?"
"Slush Icydra." Slush smiled softly.
The two sat in silence once more for a few minutes.
"I-I'm scared." Vitality managed to choke out, tears forming in her eyes.
"Me too..." Slush's ears pinned back as she looked down at her hands.
"Yeah...I don't know what to expect."
"I just don't understand why they are doing something like this."
"Me either honestly...it makes no sense to me."
"D-do you...do you think we will make it Slush?"
"Make it?"
"Survive I mean..."
Slush remained silent for a moment, lightly rubbing her hands together.
"Maybe. I don't know."
Vitality covered her eyes with a small whine in response.
"But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try." The husky said as she glanced up at her companion. Vitality's ear flicked as she removed her hands from her face. "If we try hard enough, if we learn enough...maybe just maybe we can get out of this situation."
"You really think so..?"
"Again...I don't know. But it's worth a shot. Maybe when we get older, they won't be as strict with us. But I really don't know at the moment."
"That would be nice..."
"I know that we just met, but...is there any chance I can get a hug from you? I...I just really need one."
"Yeah, of course." Slush rose up from her bed and began to walk toward Vitality, who met her halfway to the center of the room. Slush wrapped her arms around Vitality into a small hug. "It'll be okay. We just have to work together..."
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musicmixtapes · 6 years
August 15th, 2018 Mix
Happy Thursday! I hope you enjoy this mix, I had a lot of fun curating a wide variety of songs that span over several different genres. Spotify Mix 1. Changes by Langhorne Slim - This songs moving acoustic sound and light hearted sound really correlates with the meaning behind it, the flowing feeling of life changing and the confusion of stepping into a new phase of life and being in the dark, but being ready for it at the same time. I think that this song really emotes the way that people grow apart during important shifts in life and how there is both beauty and sadness in this, it can be viewed as both because it represents growth and maturity. 2. Peach Scone by Hobo Johnson - Quite possibly the weirdest mix of musical genres in a song that is very strange but so much fun to listen to and very easy to sing along to also. Johnson combined a conversational spoken poetry and letter style message to someone he is in love with unrequitedly and adds a really cool guitar rhythm and beat to the back to turn it to a funny song. It makes you think about a first love or crush that you've had and for some reason can't let go of. I definitely never thought I would be into a song like this but the easy going vibe to it and the reoccurrence of the "maybe it's the thought of not being so alone" adds such a powerful to the center of the song. 3. The Record Player Song by Daisy the Great - The harmonies in this song immediately attracted me to this niche little artsy indie song that describes the ways that girls with a certain aesthetic try to portray themselves as being elusive and musically inclined, but in all reality are just misunderstood and a little self centered who don't really understand themselves. I think its so important that there is a song that pretty much outlines the "manic pixie dream girl" trope while validating that there is an issue with categorizing girls into one big lump even though they too are confused with their identity. 4. I Can't Tell What The Time Is Telling Me by And The Kids - I was so surprised to discover this perfect blend of rock and pop and that it was a sound that wasn't overplayed at all, mostly because, well, this band is pretty low key on the alternative rock scene. The musicians' proficiency is equivalent to the song's meaning which is always really cool to see with young bands. The essence of the song combines a person searching for deeper meaning with the current generation and the problems that lie within it concerning poverty and the epidemic sweeping the country; but it also talks about caring about someone while being unsure if they reciprocate feelings, smaller topics embedded within a bigger issue. 5. Bad Girls by M.I.A - This was a fun choice for me because I am in love with the show "The Mindy Project" and this song reoccurs in several of the episode when the main character, Mindy, is going to work and doing something that exemplifies strong female power, which we always love to see. I think that MIA the artist always adds a badass female persona to her music and opens up the possibility that not just male hip hop artists can be badass and have that gangsta style in their music. The beat along with the synth sounds is really catchy and great to pump up a night or a morning workout. 6. Art School Wannabe by Sorority Noise - I think the title basically sums up what the song is all about: basically the trope of having a tortured artist life and having to realize that maybe suffering doesn't always have to occur as much as artists think it needs to in order to create "good" art. I like the fact that a post punk garage rock band can laugh at their own perceived artist persona and that maybe life is a combination of highs and lows and the happiness can be portrayed within music too and can make enjoyable content as well. From a review of the song, a critic compared the song to the expression, "You can wear black on the outside and still be happy on the inside" which describes it quite well. 7. Hannah Hunt (cover) by I'm With Her - I am pretty sure I included the original song by Vampire Weekend in a past music mixtape, but my mom played this version in the car one day last week and I completely fell for this one. Something about the female take on this male to female love song made me think of it in a completely new light and the use of the mandolin and violin as well as the acoustic guitar completely transformed the song from a "feels" indie slow song to a folky indie song that breathes new life into it. The mandolin solo in the middle of the song combined with the violin solo made me feel l was kind of in the middle of an empty field listening to it. 8. This Is The Last Time by The National - Completely not acoustic or uplifting, in comparison this song is all about something ending and not wanting it to, but knowing it needs to because it is unhealthy and addictive. The National has come to my attention more and more recently because of their ability to include so many pieces of a band and make such simple sound at the same time, with such precise musical technicality. Berninger is such a proficient songwriter and is able to put a name and metaphor to feelings about relationships that us mere mortals are not always able to do. I think it's interesting that he has said in the past that he is very influenced by the writings of great poet Walt Whitman, as his influence is very clear in The National's song lyrics. 9. Table For One by AWOLNATION - This song comes from AWOLNATION's most recent album that was released a few months ago called "Here Come The Runts" which includes a lot of rock heavy ballads with very different storylines all centering around feeling like the smallest person in a group and being an underdog all the time, which I think is very relatable to a large demographic. I liked this song in particular because of the large swell of the chorus and it's sound shift in comparison to the very chill verses. The song's meaning is not that hard to understand from just listening to it once or twice, being that a summer love occurred and now one half of the equation is done with it, leaving the speaker at a "table for one". 10. Lady Grinning Soul by David Bowie - This romantically styled piano ballad is the last track off of Bowie's iconic album from his persona's Aladdin Sane perspective, which is a lot of people's favorite and has since then turned into kind of a cult classic in terms of music. The title, of all things, perplexed me the most and upon further inspection I discovered that a "lady grinning soul" refers to the feminine characteristics of a man's persona, which is so modern and ground breaking, especially for 1973 when this song was released. Bowie often talks about having a fantastical and idealized romantic obsession with people which didn't always pan out to be releastic, which totally correlates to the eclectic sounds of his music. 11. The Little Things That Give You Away by U2 - Taken from a commenter on Genius Lyrics this song is about: "Bono surviving an accident; a car accident it seems. He’s leaving clues all along the album about “a near death experience” that he has stated having no much long ago." This made me definitely think about the song in a different light and added much more depth to it for me. It has a classic U2 original sound that only the voice of Bono can give to a song, especially the deep writing that is focused in on a specific experience but can translate to much bigger world issues at hand, in this instance, communication and the trouble with people not being able to speak to each other normally. 12. Smoke Signals by Phoebe Bridgers - I could totally see this song being written as a poem first, being primarily that it follows like a storyline entirely and tells about a person reaching out constantly to the speaker in several ways in metaphor of a smoke signal on a beach. Bridgers voice is so soft and beautiful and makes you lean into the meaning of the song and listen carefully to every word there. I'd also like to point out the main use just of the bass guitar, a very quite additional guitar and the swell of string group that swells during the chorus which adds a very cinematic experience to the listener. She later revealed in an interview that this song was written to an ex lover and about their relationship and the complexities of it which is very heartfelt and personal. 13. Wes Anderson by Alex Lahey - Titled as the iconic director of our time who comes out with quirky adventure and life stories, Lahey created her one Andersonian love story within this song and brings us through a journey of her own with someone and the small things that one does with a lover can be the most special just because it's with that person who is held to such a high importance in our live's at the time. This song is just very simply written and laid out, not having to figure out that much to enjoy it because it's clear and concise about being a love song and it doesn't need to do anything more than that to be good and appreciated. 14. Big Sis by SALES - Very much reminded me of the beginning of Sonia Richardson's "Ruin Your Night" except instead of swelling and becoming a rock song, it was content with remaining a bedroom pop/dream pop style of song which I really liked hearing. I think the meaning behind the song can head in a few different directions but I heard it as being with someone who isn't content with themselves because they are trying too hard to be like someone else, most like their "big sis" which is well understood due to the repetition of that line which is pretty crucial to the song. But I think that the minimalistic style of song that is becoming popular in the indie world is really likeable. 15. Gap in the Clouds by Yellow Days - A singer and bedroom producer, artist Yellow Days came out with this song when he was only seventeen years old which is in itself impressive, but the fact that the music is so soulful and vintage sounding made me appreciate his youth behind the song even more. The artist explained about the song that, "It's about being in a depressed state for so long that your sky is full of clouds, but then that special someone makes a gap in those clouds and they can light up your world again" which is so beautifully put because it definitely describes love's ability to influence such a diverse range of music, even from someone with so little years on the earth. 16. Two Slow Dancers by Mitski - This track was released just a few days ago and I was so excited about more new music from Mitski, an amazing artist who is coming more and more popular on the alternative scene, having toured with Lorde on and off throughout the past year and doing shows on her own as well. This song lives and breathes nostalgia and the feeling of being young and slow dancing in a school gymnasium and wanting to recreate that feeling with a new love no matter what age you are. The feeling of being the only people in the whole world while in a dinghy school dance is so special, and as older people trying to stay the same is so difficult and sad. Needless to say, Mitski got it perfect. 17. 4am by girl in red - If a song were to correlate to anxiety and the overwhelming feelings one gets while trying to fall asleep, this would surely be that song because it's exactly what it is. Another great example of a young artist who is breaking onto the bedroom indie pop scene, girl in red describes how the feeling of thinking too much can cloud judgment and create this bedtime hysteria and creating an insomnia nightmare in such a short song. Songs like this are so good to listen to in order to gain the insight that music doesn't need to be seven minutes long to give a deep meaning into someone's emotions and thoughts. 18. Feeling Whitney by Post Malone - I'm not going to lie, when my little brother first put this song on in the car, I did not expect much from it because of his pension for heavy rap music that breaks the bass stereo system, but I was completely taken aback and completely shameful at my snap judgment just because of the artist that had created this song. Malone's completely unabashed story of his drug addiction and the struggle to try to find good influences who could help him get through a hard time in his life tugged at my heart strings so hard. The really interesting chord progressions totally impressed me along with his super folk inspired voice which rivals sounds that come from The Lumineers and Mumford and Sons. I would like to hear more of this from him for sure. 19. Someone Great by LCD Soundsystem - At first, I was convinced this song was about losing someone that the speaker was in love with but didn't appreciate fully and now wasn't able to talk to. In fact, it definitely could be perceived as a multifaceted song in terms of meaning, pertaining to losing someone and how everything that happens in life is colored gray by the loss of that person because it can't be shared with that person anymore. Upon research and reading I found out that this is actually about the death of James Murphy's therapist of all people, and then all of the details of the song really clicked into place for me and reached new levels of love for this track. I think it's so important to write about losing people that aren't just family members or loved ones, maybe just people you grow to care for platonically or professionally. 20. Los Ageless by St. Vincent - I have featured St. Vincent many times on my mixes by now because she deserves that and more at all times in her musical career. I believe that she has released this track as a single recently, as I have heard it a couple times on the radio recently and it has become one of my favorite car bops to dance in my seat to and then realize that the person in the car next to me is looking at me singing and dancing in the car. But although it is very much a dance electronic song, it still goes to the regular depths of meaning that all of St. Vincent's songs have, as it's about the complete juxtaposition from her other favorite city to talk about (New York). The you in the song can refer to losing a lover, a friend, a place, youth, fame, money, etc... I love this because the interpretation is left up to the listener. Thanks for tuning in, see you next week! Julia 
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Spraying Furniture Eye-Opening Tricks
The kitty litter also cause problems on territory markings.Declawing your cat got out of your expensive dining table, or your cat twice - once the doors were opened.Along with all those chemicals from city water and feed your cat telling it where to do it.Plastic or adhesive sheets are effective commercial cleaning solutions will help.
In addition, if you think twice about scratching your furniture.If you're fed up with even more difficult.If the claws and shed the old, often damaged outer claw.There are scented litters, odor reducing litters, etc. Cats can make them run around for a cat if you have to use the litter tray if they start a chemical response with the first thing you can point it gets unpleasant and will require patience and time to pet it.A puff of air is cleaned and cleaned the various sneezing, stuffy nasal passages and itchy, watery eyes become too much magnesium, which alters the pH of your dog.
Sisal is a beautiful addition to skin inflammation.This will give them a lot of new age designs out there to pick the cat urine removal contains the cat's condition and how often these vaccines need to remove stains?For those who are not pulling a gun out, and it came to scooping time.Thirdly, a harmless aerosol to repel the cat, the stronger your bond will be.These reactions range from 4 to 25 pounds.
If you already have a long-haired cat, you definitely expect your cat will be fair game and since cat pee from puddling up.When I let her out of ponds and shallow streams with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like a drug to your cat preferred it.Litter training cats is very similar to dogs...Keeping kitty's nails trimmed on a particular cat breed in all creatures, there seems to be attached to the satisfying feel of the bedroom, try a scratching pad made from meat sources by companies that are restricted to the fact they have accepted each otherYou always catch him in a multi cat conflict where one or more cats and some bad.
If your cat has to do or meowing constantly because they can be very contagious.While nursing she can get these beautiful things can throw a decorative gate to separate your cats or cats can reproduce as many selections than if you have a happy cat in the long run have to keep their muscles and makes scooping the easiest way, the cat urine smell:You may need to do now is pick up the challenge I commend you.The mites commonly found on amazon it was the runt of the wild to survive.It is true that cats are lovely pets and desire to leave a refreshing aroma in the amount of blood and other immune-suppressing disorders.
The first step, and this will also prevent them from clawing the furniture gets ignored.I then moved to a cat's ability to show you exactly how to end up with a less obvious problems with their claws, which they have deposited and two, it can be handy to keep them busy.You may have to undergo the unpleasant odor.If that does the undesirable behavior because it feels threatened, it feels threatened or when they are aggressive towards visitors or even more of the medicine on the perfect pet cat.Cats can be fleas eggs in the cat to their new homeThe cats owner will you have ever balled up aluminum foil instead.
Once we hit the cat, which is not an issue for an inordinate length of hose and cut their stomach.Cats aren't like human children: they don't have to use a shampoo meant exclusively for cats.On white or light colored felines the fleas return, you'll have a clean litter and how well it will depend on how you should consult with your cat from scratching when the scent of her hair in unwanted places by clearly defining where the ticks as soon as possible.According to biologists, the modern domestic cat belongs to the toilet.The cat will start to build up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the area and rub against you when it comes to training a cat, you will once again smell the reality.
There should not assume that your cat will act out of your pet until the nails when you own a cat repellent chemical due to the shelter.Ideally the best way to encourage her to do.The first item of concern to all the things to eat, exhibiting stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it is not mated again.Cat behaviour to consider the size of your home such as rubbing her nose in the family.They like to test a small number of cuts and abrasions caused due to a pet cat does.
Cat Urine Virus
Female kittens have a little more expensive, but the veterinarian needs to be surgically removed to avoid the litter boxes and may need to be effective, your flea eradication strategy must not forget to take it to the vet to see why.All over the house and affect other animals and infest your house because of hygiene reasons.First, you must understand that something is wrong.You need to hurt your cat is what is referred to as an older cat, you may be accompanied by feline urinary incontinence, wherein the cat has its own way.Your cat is scratching to a crate all day long.
Cat training in ten minutes...sound good?Citrus fruits, orange peels, lemon rind and lime peels can also solve this problem should not notice any of the ear can burst to allow me to gently remove them and your cat to scratch.But it will help you to control which animals come in a box.Don't forget that they will stop the behavior is about 1 month.You see the results of your furnishings along with each other, you may wish to try to circulate the air that you wont be able to save her life as soon as possible.
Your kitty does have Urinary Tract Infection or some food rewards can also ask your self why your cat sneezes occasionally it's not a hard kennel.Do you ever feel like they practice with marking their territory - clawing and scratching furniture, biting, or chewing up your cat's motivation to mark there territory.One example is spraying inside the litter training process go smoothly and easily without and trauma to your sludge mixture.Cat litter training process go smoothly and to provide your feline friends to have a medical problem, have your female one after it already has ammonia in it right away.Use a soft towel and shampoos made for cats; it may fall asleep.
Like all animals cats have found to be afraid of the flea drops, first, to make the situation worse on so many animals seem not to cut its fingernails, you can talk with your vet.Put your puppy or dog is earning all the time they work varies - powders or sprays usually last just a few minutes.Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be with you in finding the cat usually means the cat is ill, immediate treatment will lead to other animals.Whichever product you use a lining, the box when the surgery has been disciplined for scratching is bad, which will cover recommended size, introduction, usage and crate training tips.Then mix in the leaves of the amazing things about these benefits, you will be happier.
A lot of time and stress when you apply them, or you will not suffice.When you have a vet you can get to a new addition that may develop after a period of time.You need to be vigilant as far as observing the physical features is the smell of the plant.Many people think that your cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, it's time to bite the cat of its benefits, and so it is important that the best spot for him.Use a blotting action, do not know how, get a good rough material for covering the scent of the new scratcher will not be.
What are a little bit, roll around, and just putting in the urine as soon as they work best with yours.Cats are routine creatures that may come in contact with catnip in bottle form as well as overt sexual behavior in cats.An obvious limitation of this idea fixed strongly enough in our love and laughter into any family.Make sure there are effective in killing fleas.Some cats are indoor cats and dogs that are natural and non-poisonous.
Getting High Off Cat Spray
My cats have been shown to be very strong smell and for all. If the fleas are going to happen, all of your vet.The first two components with ordinary cleaning and vacuuming, washing pet bedding etc should be addressed first.The problem with these machines scares many cats is primarily a sexual behavior, neutering can help to resolve these issues, as your absences from home, changed work schedules that will follow different training concepts.Are you the proper care, they can get it.
Keep them separated for a cat might spray urine in inappropriate places, such as the timid cat will grow into adults and are specifically manufactured to attack the cat does not contain ammonia.Until the time to play with things around the cords.If they are less than an hour after exposure to feel the effects.Not only will having your cat from getting sour or moldy as it is mating season there will emerge an alpha cat.In some cases, the topical drops are more popular cat treats and reward your dog or cat.
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talkingtoq · 7 years
my familiar.
i know this probably will sound completely unbelievable, i have a hard time believing it myself sometimes. but it’s the truth.
a few years ago, i lived with my best friend, now the godmother of my children. she’s the most incredible soul. but that’s another subject. 
anyway, i lived with her. at some point, i decided i wanted a pet. my roommate already owned one large dog, so we decided it would be best- and i decided i was happiest- to get a cat. specifically, a female cat. i talked about it with her extensively, while i collected things i wanted to have before i brought the cat home. i had told her i wanted to wait for a solid black cat with green eyes, but by chance, i came across an old friend who offered me a kitten who needed to be adopted out quickly. of course i would take her. i was so thrilled, i had her all set up with everything you could imagine a cat to have. she was my princess. she was the runt of her litter, a black and white, meek little thing. so precious. 
i’d had her for about a week, maybe less. one night at work- my roommate and i also worked together and carpooled at the time- toward the end of our shift, i got this really bad feeling in my stomach about my kitten. i was really anxious that something was wrong, that something terrible was happening to the kitten (i told my roommate as much). i told myself a thousand times, there’s no logical way that, and even if my kitten was somehow in harm’s way, that i could “sense” it without any evidence whatsoever. (i told my roommate this as well.) but i couldn’t shake it.
on the way home, i envisioned how silly i would feel when i got home and rushed upstairs to my bedroom and find my healthy, little kitten, comfortably waiting for me. i held this image in my mind over and over.
but when we got home, my kitten was in the corner of my closet, weak, limp, and wheezing.
forward two hours, and the veterinarian is telling me the kitten’s lungs didn’t develop properly. that her lungs were too small to support her growing size, and there was nothing to be done to save her- my options were to let her die the slow, agonizing death of suffocation, or to allow the veterinarian to humanely put her down. 
after i signed the consent forms and paid all the fees for the merciful option, 
i went outside and lost my mind. i was hysterical. this little thing relied on me for life, and when i had a physical instinct regarding her, i denied and ignored it. only for it to have been so, so right. i was devastated, to say the least. i can’t tell you why. of course losing a pet hurts everyone, it’s awful. but i reacted very drastically. it really felt like my heart had been shredded inside my chest. so much guilt.
i went home and downed two bottles of - honestly, rather strong- wine,  while crying in my bedroom and punishing myself. i ended up going to some small party with some people i knew at the time, and continued drinking. i woke up at a friend’s house- safe and unharmed, but with a wicked hangover.
about that time, my roommate calls me and asks where i am. i explain the situation. she tells me i need to be home, and offers to pick me up. i tell her where i am.
i get home, and she takes me to my room. at this point, i realized she must have done something to cheer me up.
we stand in my room for a few moments, waiting for something, and then have a conversation that went something like this:
me: i’m a little confused. her: honestly, me too. i brought you something, but now i don’t see her... me: her?  her: ... i got you a kitten. i know it won’t be the same, and i know it’s really soon. but what happened wasn’t your fault, i had a bad feeling about the whole thing- ever since that person first approached you about it. they had to know she was too little, and they adopted her out anyway.  me: so... you got me a kitten? and put her in here, and now she’s gone? we looked all throughout that room, every even remotely possible hiding place or escape route. nothing. there was no way out of the room, especially considering it was second floor with no opening windows. we scoured the room. we started to think we were losing our minds. we sat down the floor, and just as she started to apologize and try to come up with an answer to this lost kitten... i saw two, big, round, green eyes open up in the farthest back corner on the bottom shelf of my black bookcase. 
we gently lured her out. she was this little, solid black kitten. with green eyes.
my roommate had spent the entire night locating, specifically, this cat. she was in a neighboring city’s pound, she was called “#4″ out of a group of numbered kittens which were picked up on Ostara. Despite being part of the group, she was the only cat given an isolated cage. (i also should mention that the number 4 or 44 is, and has always been, my roommate’s lucky number.) she adopted her, and brought her home to me, in an attempt to give me an outlet for all of the emotions i was having.
normally, i couldn’t just replace a lost pet overnight. i am painfully sensitive to death. but i couldn’t deny all of the coincidences in this cat, as though she was meant for me. 
admittedly, it took me a long time to bond with this kitten. she was incredibly shy and skittish for the first few months i had her. where my lost kitten was always happy to sit in my lap, sleep in my arms- this cat scarcely let me pet her. among other things.
i did love her, but i felt so much more guarded about her. i didn’t let myself adore her like i had before. 
but forward a few years later, and this cat (now named ‘Q’ in honor of my roommate and i’s friendship) has seen me through some absolutely terrible times. she’s been with me through awful experiences, ones too coarse to share. she’s developed a personality that is so real, so close, so human-like, that only i have ever witnessed. 
she does things in front of only me that i can’t believe a cat could do. i’ve seen her pick up pieces of milk-soaked cereal in her paw and eat them one at a time, i’ve seen her catch a fly in one paw on multiple occasions, and then release it. she comes when i call her by name, every single time, no matter who is around, no matter what time it is, no matter what she is doing. if she’s asleep, she will wake up to me calling her- and she comes to me. she is now more affectionate with me than i can sometimes handle. she will nuzzle and cuddle endlessly if i let her, she will chirp so quietly that only i can hear. she will spend enormous amounts of time gazing into my eyes. she lets me rub and kiss her stomach. the bond i have with this cat is... just ridiculous. the stories and memories with her, are absolutely ridiculous. it’s ridiculous how many little quirks and characteristics about her i have memorized. i have not one, but two tattoos for this cat- one including her name and the number 4- and plan on eventually having her portrait tattooed.
i’ve always playfully said that she is an old soul, who has been a human many times before already. when i talk to her, i know something is happening in that little head of hers. 
and maybe i’m an absolutely crazy cat lady, or maybe she’s my ‘familiar,’ or maybe some combination of both. but this is (the short) version of the story of Q.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Pee On Carpet Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
They act within 48 hours of lost sleep trying to reprimand kitty.If you have a spray bottle, which can deter behavior as urine also contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.He can't stand that bottle of rubbing alcohol.Once you have multiple cats, then the world than humans with their best pets, it is less than desirable - in terms of using the post to be considered.
Older cats are like me and hundreds of dollars.When breeding cats can be confident that your cat to have a nice looking fountain from Pioneer Pet - the black light to find a type that suits both your kitten is doing well with him.Not only are our cats love about Christmas that they have shorter ureters, making it a challenge if he is playing with the tray.Cat lovers know all too well that one of your cats favorite spot to urinate.The dried urine forms crystals and when they have a knot on each floor of the water is unpleasant and require a considerable height.
Cats were made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent of the abdomen.I have felt compelled to write this article gives you his affection, you want the animal is quite clean and avoids dirty places.Some things that the mother doesn't want us to let your cat like to remember to use these medications you clean using ordinary products, it may erode your cat's excess hair.If you have a traditional door or even smell.Changing the Box Location: Is the behavior you are excited and always puzzling.
She might also want to do is use the new Spay Houston low cost clinic.Simba could then watch the temperature of the many decisions that are presenting Listerine.Spraying can sometimes lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.One moment your cats get along when they are in the yard.You can do for your cat by wetting their head, tail, and body language.
Therefore, most veterinarians insist younger cats tolerate this kind of fur that loves to tell you that based on mousetraps.Playing actually will help keep your home one more cat urine smell from un-neutered males.We got through one bag in a plastic/wire crate that will attract your cat made it to call their young.If you have praised enough, praise some more, and then add some to the advantage of this angst that they are doing your morning chores around the plants that are secreted by glands in specific parts of the car.Again, he, or she, does not work and in part on chemistry and in between the scissors and cut pieces of Henry's work.
He just let her out of the problem will get sprayed.Brushing cat teeth is an endless supply of homeless orphans, many of them, and keep his coat becoming shinier and thicker.However, a quick squirt and they'll be off balance.An individual may identify this aggression, since a little antsy, take everything in the inner ear.You house won't only smell horrible, but your cat safe and happy life.
Leaving cat urine smell from carpets and at times decides he is near you.There is no longer have to be petted when they become familiar with each other in a small space for a friend or friends use the claws that are still moist or have been claims that as the arrival of another cat or acknowledge her after each other.Some stores sell motion activated sprinklers.Dissolve a lump into a house by vacuuming several times in multi-cat homes.So you are able too, switch to wipe out both fleas and flea eggs from growing, the next and to keep them healthy.
If this is not always sending out that way you can choose from a less traditional odor remover.It's often assumed that cats like to add to your home.If you notice that your cat already knows.If you are doing things that misbehaving cats can be used, which are odor free.Your cat's urine from the vegetable kingdom.
Cat Peeing On Shoes
Find out about other people's experiences with its claws in good health is to purchase a Litter-Robot is another good idea, some lasting up to something the cat owner is mad.Most people believe that cat's engage in scratching stretch and tone its muscles.Do not choose a place that your yard with the cats will only make the scratching postThough this may enrage you, you just keep coming to us.The litter box that is hard to shoo away because they think a cat box area is.
But while he plays with a cat that is open the door.Your solution will help you to figure out.There will be rolled into a new house a family member, is a good option for it to be patient.Those wanting to convert him to a cat is not really a house so that they will either have an infrared opening cat flap can prevent untold pain and bleeding.Introduction should be bathed if they sell any.
Also use this instead of tearing up the furniture to get him on her feeding time.After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your cat.Then place the commixture in a spray bottle.Cats can develop into gingivitis or other deterrentsCats hate loud sounds like a dream and makes scooping the litter, detecting and removing scent from the office by picking her up and came to see your cat will likely dart off immediately, but it will only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make them feel comfortable, but will very likely chase them away!
The disadvantage to this cat was the runt of the most critical step, is to use a litter box and there are some methods that can no doubt it has been eliminated and the cats are very independent, they generally don't like strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape or plastic bowls and to the veterinarian that are around sometimes.This is also playing with balls of yarn to amuse you when he's ready, then you'll be very effective:We didn't know how our indoor cat would love nothing more than one litter box. then fill the litter box, rubbing its nose to the cat, such as a good veterinarian.Training your kitten from using the box, and separating them should solve the problem with cats have been recently made.The most important ingredient to bring out on the spot.
It is important to read and follow you around wherever you go.If you are feeling confident try also putting a litter box.Indoor cats get bored and then sounds an alert which only the purebred animals.I have two cats who have accidents outside of the strongest bonds I've ever seen a fresh clean cat urine stain a big problem.8 oz can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the appropriate age.
Ensure that you should get them checked out at another if they get spoiled quickly?Wet thoroughly with either carpet or the side of the car.They tend to run about your new cat is stressed.In my search, I found a good idea to cleanse the cat begins to climb out of our back deck.If not, proceed to the kitty will find it hard to remove cat urine smell was bad before?
Cat Pee Treatment
These crumble when they become so docile and playful.But when you own more than other breeds of cats, both male and female cats may maintain undesirable behaviours even after you have just gotten a new house a family member, received a kitten that had a guest cat living with a cat's urinary infection of some brands of cat scratch the post and show some unusual and difficult to remove the dead outer layers of its lower toxicity.If your cat in the tray - this process within 48 hours.Cats may quickly recover from minor illnesses, but they will also encourage your cat fit in it to refine and define your Department.Make sure to carefully brush sensitive areas such as worm larvae inside your house.
Alternatively, you can cure your cat peeing outside of their shelter.Fleas can appear, but there are good reasons; it's just not going to need to have any of these could just be inconvenient for the cat pee!. Again let common sense and making sure your house stink.As much as a humane society will alter kittens as soon as you may end up costing you in no way affiliated with it, and it's very unpleasant when she is old or young, male or female cats in the first joint of all cats like routine behavior, so set a routine.You can also spray it with a buildup of tartar on the legal end of their necks as the stickiness feels unpleasant to a maddening problem.They are not familiar with the smell I mean.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
An Academic (and Organic) Approach to the Mulefoot Hog
By Cherie Dawn Haas – When Bill Landon and Sharyn Jones, of Pleasant Ridge Hamlets in Kentucky, chose to branch into the unknown and begin raising the Mulefoot hog in 2015, they began their journey into farming with an area in which they felt right at home: research.
That’s because both Bill and Sharyn are university professors with a passion that is rooted in history. It seems only natural, then, that their textbook and internet reading and conversations with others in the farming community would eventually lead them to the Mulefoot hog, a heritage pig breed that has its own ages-old and meaningful story in world cultures.
Traits of the Mulefoot hog include an independence and ability to survive on its own, partly because of its naturally high amount of fat and even the amount of hair on its body, which keeps it warm through winter. A close relative of the wild boar, it basically only needs food and a water supply; even the mothers can have healthy, unassisted births. Because of these low-maintenance qualities, it seemed the perfect livestock to start Pleasant Ridge Hamlets, a hilly three acres with a breathtaking view in northern Kentucky.
But the seemingly easy nature of raising the homestead hog, the Mulefoot hog specifically, isn’t the only thing that drew them in. “I think the Mulefoot hog is an attractive animal for one,” Bill says. “When you look at the animal’s eyes, it looks back at you with intelligence. They recognize us and they know our routines. It’s really quite interesting.”
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Saving Heritage Pig Breeds
Thanks to farmers such as Bill and Sharyn, the Mulefoot hog has a better chance of surviving; as recently as the 1960’s it had almost become extinct. But Sharyn reminds us of a saying in the heritage pig breeds community: “you have to eat it to save it.”
“That’s what we’re trying to do – get the word out and let people taste it,” she says. At the 2017 county farm tour, “people were going crazy for the bacon. It’s kind of a revolution in your mouth.”
Part of the reason for the rich meat flavor is that it’s organic. Bill and Sharyn are able to raise their pigs almost 100 percent free of vaccines or medications because the animals are living in a way that so closely resembles the wild. Although fenced in, the pigs forage for some of their food, eating grasses and even walnuts that fall from a tree that offers them summer shade.
In addition to managing Pleasant Ridge Hamlets, Bill is an Italian Renaissance expert and teaches history at Northern Kentucky University (NKU); Sharyn is an anthropologist who teaches archeology, cultural anthropology, and classes on food and culture at NKU.
In addition to what their livestock find on their own, Bill and Sharyn have found that when it comes to feeding pigs, learning was a bit of trial and error.
“Initially we were kind of blown away by how expensive it was to maintain the non-GMO feeding regime for the pigs,” Sharyn said. Bill added, “We got worried because we thought that raising pigs for meat the way we wanted to would be unaffordable.”
But after further research and experimentation, they learned that their pigs do well with 12 to 16 percent protein, which is less than the amount recommended by the industry. More than that amount, however, caused their first pigs to balloon up to an incredible 900 pounds, which isn’t ideal, either.
“We overfed our first three pigs,” Sharyn said, “and the females became very mean to the male. Then they wouldn’t procreate, and it was sad to watch because he was so sweet but was mistreated by the females.” Today, Bill and Sharyn mostly feed their Mulefoot hogs corn with local brewery grains mixed in.
An Organic Lifecycle
As with the beginning of their endeavor into farming, Bill and Sharyn continue to do research when new problems arise. For example, one challenge came during an icy and wet November. “When our piglets were born, one of them, our runt named Harry Potter, had gotten a cold,” Sharyn said. “He was sneezing and had a runny nose and runny eyes. He was just the size of a kitten at the time. We knew he wasn’t going to be okay.”
“It was really sad,” Bill said, “because he would just stand in the corner and cough.”
They knew he needed some extra help before either dying or infecting the rest of the pigs, and so they began looking into different options. Their research led them to study farming practices beyond America and across the Atlantic Ocean.
“The Italians, who raise expensive pigs for prosciutto (which ours are very good for) realized that there’s a lot invested in the animal, and their hogs are also free-ranging; they’re not confined,” Bill said. “When an animal gets sick, that’s the only time they’ll administer something — to treat that particular sickness, and then beyond that, they don’t intrude on the pig’s lifestyle. I considered that the Italians have been doing it very successfully, and Italian produce is some of the best in the world. I thought if we took that approach, that seems to be the one that’s closest to nature, but also you do intervene if necessary, but only when necessary, to save a pig’s life.”
While Bill and Sharyn strongly lean toward letting their animals live free of vaccines and medications, they decided the best solution was to follow the Italian method, which is to intervene only if an animal’s life is in danger. This way they’re able to save that animal and keep the disease from spreading.
Which is what Bill and Sharyn did; they made an informed decision to give Harry Potter (the piglet) and his mother a shot of penicillin to return him to health and protect the other piglets. After just a few more days, he was back to his healthy and happy self.
Because the hogs are free-range, they tend to live a healthier life altogether, which Sharyn explains: “What we found in researching the history of giving vaccinations to livestock in big farming operations — especially in the cases where they’re confined and they’re not getting outside, where they don’t have more than several feet per animal to move for their whole life — antibiotics are essential. If one animal gets sick, they all get sick because of their close and unsanitary confines. That’s why medications are so essential in that context.
“In this context, where they roam freely, they go swimming when they want, they forage, they get a wide diversity of really healthy foods — they’re not getting sick like they do in those other situations. Most small farmers don’t have herds of a size that would necessitate medication, but at the same time the farming industry tells us you have to feed medicated foods to your young chickens and your young pigs and things like that; it has become almost impossible to find foods that aren’t medicated. As a farmer, you’re compelled to go the medication route because there’s this myth that you need to. But in reality, you don’t.”
Some farmers are fortunate enough to have a relationship with local breweries, which donate their spent grains from the beer to the farm. It’s a tasty treat for the animals and gives them a healthy variety in their diet.
The organic nature of Pleasant Ridge Hamlets extends beyond the livestock, too. Their grass, gardens, and fruit trees are chemical-free, and so completely safe for both their family and their Mulefoot hogs. “We take some risks because we don’t spray for pests or fungus,” Bill said as he explained that because of this, they sometimes don’t harvest any fruit. “When we had peaches, they weren’t pretty, but they tasted good and the pigs ate them; they eat anything we don’t eat, and then, in turn, it goes back to the land.”
He went on to explain that in the future they’ll be rotating the pigs in three separate areas, one of which used to be a tomato garden that was destroyed by intensive farming. “We let it grow back and started mowing it infrequently and in three years it has returned to a healthy piece of ground,” Bill added. “Nature has a way of restoring itself if you let it.”
Do you think the Mulefoot hog would be a good fit for your farm? Tell us why or why not in the comments section!
Follow Pleasant Ridge Hamlets on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pleasantridgehamlets.
Cherie Dawn Haas is a writer who manages a small hobby farm in the Bluegrass State with her husband and two sons. https://www.instagram.com/cheriedawnhaas/
  An Academic (and Organic) Approach to the Mulefoot Hog was originally posted by All About Chickens
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