#i think a topcoat would help with that haha
thatlesbiancrow · 1 year
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animeomegas · 3 years
Been thinking a lot about sasuke and his alpha going on a vacation by themselves and just doing very domestic things like washing his hair, maybe pairing his nails after a lot of begging bc yknow how he is, watching a movie and soft rubbing his tummy and he’s just so relaxed he falls asleep tucked into ur neck😔😩 Spain without the S, monarch 😩
Yesss, I love this idea so much, I got a little carried away haha. That’s why it took me so long to write this <3 Sasuke deserves to be spoiled as much as possible, canon did him dirty, but I am here to fix that!!!  I hope you enjoy ~~
Sasuke is almost a different person when he’s on holiday.
Being away from Konoha takes away so much stress from his shoulders, stress that he didn’t even know he had. He’s in a place where no one knows him, a place that’s never done anything to him, a place where nothing has to mean anything he doesn’t want it to. He’s free in a lot of ways.
He smiles more. He laughs more too. It’s such as big difference that I would say that trips out of Konoha are a pretty crucial part of taking care of Sasuke’s mental health.
He’s finds it easier to accept affection outside of Konoha, when he’s alone with his alpha. There’s no one there to judge him, or to pick him apart to use his weaknesses against him, he doesn’t feel like he’s constantly being watched in the way he often feels when at home. He has fewer nightmares too.
Sasuke would never leave Konoha permanently at this point, I don’t think, but honestly, his alpha is probably tempted just to wrap him up and run away together because of how much happier and healthier he is in small, unaffiliated towns or tourist countries.
You picked a cute, little rental cottage in the woods on the edge of a rural town in Tea Country.
You get there in the evening, throw down your luggage and decide for a quick bath and then bed, committing to activities tomorrow when you’re less tired from traveling.
You go to start running the bath while Sasuke familiarises himself with the room, but before you do, you pull him in for a cuddle, scenting him and nuzzling him, just so happy to be getting some alone time with him. And he does it back. Without thinking, without hesitation, without complaining. He makes a little comment about you trying to drown him in your scent but the little smile on his face says he’s only teasing. And as you try to pull away, he pulls your face into a kiss. You can feel him smiling against your lips and you can’t help but smile in return, breaking the kiss with a breathy laugh.
“I need to run the bath,” you whisper, breathless already.
“One more,” he demands coyly, pulling you back in.
When the bath is eventually run, you sit back and allow Sasuke to slip in front, his back against your chest. There are no words shared at first, but the silence isn’t awkward, it’s content, both of you simply lost in thought.
You offer to wash his hair for him, and he hands you the bottle with a “you’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”
You laugh and tell him probably not.
He allows it with a sigh, but as soon as you start massaging the shampoo into his hair, the sighs change in tone. He pushes back into your ministrations and a couple of quiet purrs escape him, seeming louder than normal as the sound bounces off all the porcelain.
Before it’s time to wash it off, you use the foam to spike his hair up, laughing as he tries to elbow you away. He ends up turning around and grabbing you by the wrists, but now that you can see him face on, the laughter only gets stronger. His hair looks ridiculous.
Sasuke huffs and flattens it down before grabbing your face for a ‘shut up’ kiss, a personal favourite of his. You both get a little carried away with kissing in the tepid water, just basking in each other’s company until there’s a ‘shampoo in eye’ mishap that forces you apart.
The water is cold by the time you both get out.
 You both slip into pyjamas but before bed, you have one final request.
“Can I paint your nails, Sasuke? I brought some new nail varnish and everything!”
“Absolutely not. And why on earth do you have nail varnish?”
“I brought it specially for you~”  you whined, holding the container up to show him the deep purple colour.
Sasuke hit you with an unimpressed stare.
“That’s too bad, you should learn to make purchases more carefully next time.”
“…Fine, but only my toenails.”
It’s relaxing in a way, having his nails painted, not that he’s going to say that out loud. It’s repetitive and quiet and… kind of pleasant. He catches himself more than a few times smiling at your concentrated face as well, amused that your taking this so seriously.
“There,” you interrupt his inner monologue. “The purple’s on! Doesn’t it look nice?”
Sasuke makes a non-committal ‘hnn’ noise in response, wiggling his toes a little.
“So, I just have to wait for this to dry then I can go to sleep right?”
“Nope! I still need to add the topcoat, I got a glitter one just for you!”
“If you put glitter on my toenails, I’m divorcing you.”
(The next morning a vendor at the market comments on how much she likes Sasuke’s glittery, purple nails.)
  “I’m exhausted,” you mutter into Sasuke’s neck, leaving a few kisses for good measure.
“It’s entirely your fault that it took this long to get to bed, so I have no sympathy,” he replies from his position as little spoon.
You huff a little but settle down, tightening your arms around his just a little for good measure.
 This was one of the most relaxed states you had ever seen Sasuke in. He was warm and comfortable, he felt safe and sleepy. He was even letting out little content noises as you rubbed a hand in circles over his stomach, pushing up his pyjama shirt ever so slightly. His skin was smooth and warm under you hand.
You could feel yourself succumbing to sleep, and so you placed a few kisses on his mating mark as a way to say goodnight and allowed your eyes to close.
And in the morning, you awoke, not to an empty bed as you so often did at home, but with your arms still wrapped around a sleeping Sasuke, completely relaxed and still dead to the world.
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