#i switched it up (': i love writing my squeaky <3 and this cracked me up bye
venustrape · 1 year
@huntedvideo | ▲
↪ fin and andrea eating dinner together
this feels... off. it's not that she doesn't enjoy his company, let alone a good meal that she doesn't have to pay for, but the weird feeling isn't wearing off. this could've been a beer & a pizza on her couch type of hang. instead, they're in a sit down restaurant & she's prompted to look at a fancy menu. as he does the same, dark hues pin him, gaze narrowed as she leans forward on her elbows. " fin. " she may not have strong grounds for suspicion, but something tells her this is about more than just catching up with a friend. " this place is too nice. " brief observation, perfectly manicured brow arching. " what's going on ? did you get sued ? we don't need to have two forks each in front of us for you to ask me for legal advice. " she could dust off her law degree if need be. but then she pauses, a thought far more grim crossing her mind next. " i swear to god, if you brought me here to tell me some beast bit you on that hunt & now you're dying, i'm ordering the most expensive thing they can give me. "
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starrysence · 6 years
#3 with Ralbert?
oh my god, this is fucking PERFECT thank you so much for this anon
ralbert with prompt #3; “So… I just broke my toaster. Can I borrow yours?”
warnings: pretty frequent swearing!
the Toaster Fic™
race sighs, staring at the probably cursed device sitting on his kitchen counter. seriously, how many toasters can a kid break in a month? he’s pretty damn sure that if there are any ghosts floating around, they have a huge thing against toasters. this is the fifth toaster in a month! although this time, race admits to himself, it’s probably his fault. you’re probably not supposed to try and jam 8 pieces of bread into the two slots just because your idiot roommate dares you to.
his ocean blue eyes, harboring a dreadful glint due to what’s probably sleep-deprivation and stress, shift over towards the digital clock built into the stove.
5:08, it reads.
eyes trailing over to the dark blue sky adorned with slivers of sunshine, race notes with a deep sigh that it’s 5:08 in the morning, not evening.
well, fuck.
he hates that he got up so early and that he couldn’t go back to sleep. he hates that he’s craving toast at 5 in the fucking morning. and he hates that it’s even crossing his mind to go and visit his closest friend of 13 years, albert dasilva. race knows albert isn’t a morning person, and that he’ll probably want to strangle him when he shows up at his door at around probably 5:30 in the morning, asking to borrow his toaster.
still, he knows albert wouldn’t actually do that to his ‘bestest friend in the whole damn UNIVERSE,’ as he described race once. so, without bothering to change out of his pajamas (really just a baggy shirt and sweats), he grabs his phone and slips on some sneakers before unlockingbthe door quietly, so not to wake jack kelly, the aforementioned ‘idiot roommate.’
he closes the door silently behind him and is immediately faced with the crisp early morning chill of august, shivering slightly at the sudden change in temperature.
switching his phone on, race looks down to read the time. 5:13, the clock reads. he lets out a breath, beginning to walk and calculating time and distance in his head. if he continues walking at this pace - and it’s now what, 5:14? - he really should reach al’s house earlier than expected. maybe around 5:25. he thanks whoever’s listening that his friend lives a fair walking distance away. it gives him a reason to get in some exercise through his typically busy schedule.
race has never realised how many things the city offers to look around at, and notice, and just feel. however, he didn’t once stop to think he’d realise that by walking through the streets at 5:15am, heading to his best friend’s apartment to use his god damn toaster.
it’s 5:23am when race reaches albert’s apartment. he figures it’s a little earlier than expected because he broke into a jog once the familiar street sign came into view, and his cravings for toast grew stronger.
taking a deep - and surprisingly shaky - breath, he rings on albert’s doorbell. almost right away, the rather noisy snores drifting through the apartment’s windows - god bless al’s neighbors - are interrupted by a ‘thump’ and a loud, “who the fUCK-?!”
race has to bite back a giggle, and this time he decides to knock gently.
shuffling around. cursing. stomping, and a little more cursing. then he hears the lock click on the other side and then the door opens, an— holy FUCK. there’s an angel standing in the doorway, race swears.
well, that’s race’s standpoint. actually, it’s albert dasilva, standing shirtless and having a case of bedhead that somehow makes him look even more perfect, and- oh, shit. he looks angry. race backs away a little, intimidation setting in as he studies the features on the taller boy’s face.
he lets out a sigh of relief that’s barely audible when albert’s expression softens.
“racetrack,” albert says, voice groggy considering the fact that he just woke up. race’s breath catches in his throat. god fucking dammit, albert’s ‘morning voice’ is hot. it makes him feel insecure about his own morning voice; squeaky and high pitched - complete with voice cracks!
“what the fuck are you doing here?” albert demands.
“i, uh…” race clears his throat awkwardly and looks down, seeming to find the ground very interesting all of a sudden.
albert crosses his arms and cocks his head to race’s right. “racer, it’s nearly 5:30 in the mornin’. is everything alright?”
“y-yeah! yeah. yeah, ‘course.” race takes a breath before continuing, “so… i, uhhh… i jus’ broke my toaster. can i use yours?”
a beat of silence goes by, and race doesn’t lift his gaze, scared. that is, until he hears a burst of laughter. he raises his head to look at albert, who’s nearly doubled over in snickers and snorts at this point.
“race, dude, how the hell did you break your fuckin’ toaster?” he asks between laughs and gasps of breath.
“jack dared me to try and fit eight pieces of bread in it,” he grumbles. a fresh burst of laughter comes from albert as soon as the words leave race’s mouth, and the shorter boy’s cheeks are dusted with a light red in embarrassment. albert doesn’t fail to notice the almost angelic glow that the dawn’s light casts on race, making his blush all the more enchanting.
“b-besides, why do you want toast this early?” albert wheezes.
“‘cause i woke up early and i’m cravin’ toast, so fuck off and let me in! it’s fuckin’ freezin’ out here, you asshole!”
this sparks realisation in albert and he quickly steps aside to allow race in, mumbling an apology which race accepts with a corresponding mumble. albert shuts the door behind them and locks it securely.
race feels around for a light switch, failing to find a better option. he forgot to put his contacts in and he didn’t even grab his glasses - ‘fucking dumbass,’ he scolds himself - and it’s still too dark for him to see the wall. finally he feels the familiar coldness of the metal panel and he turns the light on. he emits a small whine at the change in brightness that washes over him, and albert mentally marks it as the cutest noise he’s ever heard. out loud, though, he laughs at it and earns a pout - a rather adorable pout, at that - from race, who proceeds to scoff and turn away, his back facing albert.
race dramatically strolls into the kitchen, carrying himself with a sort of pride and purpose. ah, yes, the purpose of raiding his best friend’s fridge for bread and then using said best friend’s toaster to toast said bread. albert snickers at the thought, earning a weirded-out sort of look from race, to which he returns with a goofy smile and an expertly blown raspberry.
“i can’t believe you woke me up at five in the morning so you could eat fucking toast and jam,” albert grumbles, draped across his couch with race lying on top of him.
“yeah, well, you get a couple extra hours of race higgins in your day, so you better feel lucky!” race jokes, giggling.
albert rolls his eyes fondly. “how’d ya get up so early, anyhow?”
race shrugs. “didn’t turn off my alarm for work ‘cause i forgot we had the whole week off.”
albert shoots a playful glare at race. “so i’m awake ‘bout 3 hours earlier than i need to be all ‘cause you were an idiot and forgot to turn off a stupid alarm?! jesus christ, racer.”
race snorts and takes a bite out of his final piece of toast (out of four pieces, albert notes incredulously). “stop whinin’. ya love me!”
albert chuckles and absent-mindedly wraps an arm around race’s waist, causing a faint blush to dust race’s cheeks. “alright, alright. ya caught me there,” albert says lightheartedly, laughing.
and hearing that laugh, race thinks that maybe, just maybe, he should come to borrow his best friend’s toaster at 5:30 in the morning a little more often.
i hope this satisfies!!!!!!! i had so much fun writing for this prompt and these BOYS man, ralbert is my jam. bless u for this request anon
please feel free to leave more requests!!
-sanj 💕
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justfangstvdto · 6 years
Knight in Bloody Armor
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A/N: This is my toss217 secret santa gift for @thegoddessofvampire . Surprise!! Sorry for the delay, and I hope this little oneshot is as you imagined!! (Also I am technically still on writing hiatus atm, so sorry if it sucks! And I choose to go off book with my usual format, I hope that´s okay)
Characters: Kol x Vampire!Reader
Plot: The reader and Kol had a fight and the reader storms out, only to be shanghaied by an unknown group. Kol, of course, swoops in and saves his darling.
Warnings: kidnapping, typical TO violence
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You and Kol are passionate people. Very passionate. And this passion reflects in your fighting as well, because you fight as hard as you love. And you love each other. There is no doubt about it.
You don´t even remember what you´re were fighting about this time or who started the screaming match, but you smashing the door back in its lock, storming out of your shared apartment certainly ended it.
And the unknown hand around your neck breaking the delicate bones washed away any ounce of anger left in your body and replaced it with fear.
Meanwhile, Kol searched heaven and hell for you after the usual anger phase ended.  He searched the Compound, your favourite places in town and he even asked his brothers to keep an eye out.  But no dice. You have vanished from the face of the earth.
Something must have happened. He knows it. It is unlike you to disappear for hours on end without a word. He gotta find you. No matter what.
Luckily he knows just the person to help him. His sister Freya and her witch powers.
The room is barely lid and echoey, the faintest cold winter breeze pressing through the cracks of the abandoned warehouse. Your eyes flutter open and you quickly look around, ready to fight anyone who comes your way, but the burning vervain ropes around your wrists prevent you from doing so.
“Rise and shine!” A deep, raspy voice calls out from behind, the man's steps echoing through the spacious room.
“What the hell do you want from me?” You ask him once he rounds the concrete wall he has bound you on.
“From you? Nothing.” He shrugs, his disgusting cigarette breath hitting your nose “From your boyfriend on the other hand -”
“Whatever you want from him, I'm not going to help you.” You stare him down, your stellar expression outright terrifying  “If that isn't obvious already.”
“You already are, Y/N. You are the key to your boyfriend's demise. And his family.”
“You´re so wrong, you have no idea. Kol will be your demise, pal. Not the other way around."
“I wouldn't be so sure.” He brings his finger to his mouth and whistles  “Come in here boys, let's show our guest what we're made of.”
The squeaky door opens and a dozen men enter the warehouse, armed to the teeth with guns and wooden stakes. Clearly vampire hunters.
“Are you serious?” You scoff at him and his attack dogs “You think you can take on an original with a few vampire hunters? What are you gonna do, tickle him with your ridiculous stakes? Please. Soon enough Kol will blast through here, decorating these walls in a lovely blood red.”
“That I will.” Kol steps out of the shadows, a smirk plastered on his face “You know me so well, Y/N.”
“See? There he is.” You smirk at your kidnappers, knowing that in a matter of seconds, every single one of these men will be nothing more but a lifeless shell.
The first two men lunge at him simultaneously, but Kol easily breaks their necks without effort, their non-white oak stakes opposing no threat. The other men follow, including their leader, all of them lunging at him at the same time.  
But even that is a walk in the park for your boyfriend. He skillfully evades their pathetic attacks with either his strong arms or his fangs, leaving the floor covered with striking red blood.
One remaining hunter turns your way, a wooden stake in his hands ready to plunge it into your undead heart. But he doesn't get far. You use your legs to push him away and he falls back before crawling over to his dropped stake right near your legs. Once he is near enough you snake your legs around his neck and break it with the pressure of your thighs.
Kol has been watching from afar, blood splattered from top to bottom,  knowing that you can handle yourself once these cowards got close enough  “Extra points for style”
“Well, I have the best teacher after all.”
“But not the best boyfriend lately.” He rips open the ropes, the vervain burning his skin briefly “And I apologize for that, Y/N.”Kol helps you to your feet and pulls you into a hug. “Can you forgive me?”
“Of course I forgive you.” You pull back slightly to place a kiss on his lips, accepting his apology, even though you were both fighting about nothing important “We were both wrong, you know? Fighting just to fight. I guess we just make an explosive team.”
“Clearly.” He glances over the quite explosive mess you two caused “But I wouldn't have it any other way.” He steals a kiss himself before intertwining his hand with yours, leading you out of the cold warehouse with every intention to make up for the fighting in every way possible….
Masterlist | Taglists
Forevers: @laitalianax3 @shadyladyperfection @imnoaingeal @christinalibertymikaelson @maliae14 @akshi8278 @5-seconds-of-animals @fanobsessed @givemesomehybrid @laserchick101 @bbycastiel1 @bonniebird @originalbish98  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @captain-amelia-bradley @lauren-novak @drkplum @zayn-baby  @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @hellhoundlover @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @whatshernamemaria @jaib2-blog @fandomsandotherstuff @hanzas01  @all-hail-supernatural @itsbubbaog@marvel-is-my-job @supernatural-lover-teamfreewill @wendydarling24601 @truelobster @sassymcgonagal1651 @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp
Kol´s Darlings:  @acourtofhopeanddreams@tvmoviegeek3807 @ogstydiashipper @sandyclaws  @vbiggs03  @newurleans @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers  @umlvk
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moriavis · 7 years
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever. 
 Tagged by @elrhiarhodan. I saw that I was tagged and couldn’t stop laughing. I have so many wips. SO MANY. I’m putting this under a read more because It’s so damn long.
Tagging: whoever wants to play. I have no idea who has wips these days. D:
*stretches* *cracks knuckles*
Okay, let’s get down to business.
Works in Progress
1. Coldflash Winter Exchange 2017 fic. Fandom: The Flash.
No details on this. Top secret. Going to be much longer than I hoped, I’m sure.
2. Bodyswap AU - Fandom: The Flash. I started writing this for the Bodyswap prompt of Coldflash Week A 2017. This is the story where Barry and Len switch bodies because of a meta, learn to deal with each other’s shortcomings, and fall in love while arguing about who is keeping Barry’s body because neither of them want to wake up with a back ache in the morning. It has one of my favorite lines in it, and I think it’s going to end up a little lighter than most of my stories? Len is definitely more playful than my usual way of writing him.
Word Count: 1,200. It’ll probably end up in the 15k-20k range, because I’ve forgotten what it is to write something short.
3. Squeaky Bed Porn - Fandom: The Flash. I started writing this because I wanted to write a silly sex scene that wasn’t hampered by canon. Len crawls through Barry’s bedroom window after a rough mission with the Legends. Barry wants to get intimate, and Len doesn’t want Joe West to shoot him. This was the story I was writing when I realized I’m bad at writing porn. D:
Word Count: 1,500 words. Would probably be around 3k if I just re-read it and finished the porn. There’s literally no plot. Still not likely to finish it, tbh.
4. Farther Than Everything - Fandom: The Flash. This was going to be my Coldflash big bang before I was overwhelmed with work and depression and stopped writing for a couple of months entirely. Barry sacrificed himself in the Crisis and has been in the Speed Force. When he finally breaks out, he discovers the sun is gone and the world is broken into tribes ruled by villains -- Central, of course, belongs to Captain Cold. This one came out of a dream like, three years ago? It was right after the fever dream of writing BuotI, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. I think I’m closer now.
Word Count: 400. It’s literally the first hint of the first scene. This’ll be another long one.
5. Untitled Porn - Fandom: The Flash. Does anyone remember A Cold Encounter? And how, last November, I promised there would be a second chapter of porn? THIS IS IT. Barry returns Len’s clothes and decides to give their thing a try. I have been writing on this for a year, feeling intensely guilty for every day that passed without adding more to it. The first draft is done, so this one is ready for editing and will be posted soon! Yay!
Word Count: 8,100. It’s literally talking and sex. My god, why is it so long?
6. Untitled Hannukah Fic - Fandom: The Flash. This is the next story in my holiday series. I meant to write this for last Hannukah, but, uh. Obviously that didn’t pan out. Barry is having problems hiding their relationship from Joe, so Len takes things into his own hands.I only have one or two more in this series planned? But this one has been giving me the runaround.
Word Count: 400. But I know where it’s going, so that’s something, right? I’m going to circle Hannukah on my calendar this year and get it done by then.
7. i dreamed of snow (I call that loving you) - Fandom: The Flash. Remember that AU I wrote where Barry has two soulmates? Coldwestallen. The story in which Iris struggles to accept the bond Barry has with Len, Len wonders why Barry couldn’t just let him die, and Barry feels like he can’t give either of the people he loves anything they need. TBH, I wasn’t going to write any more for this au? But Barry clung in the back of my head, and whenever I’m not focused on something specific, it’s there.
Word Count: 160. Definitely at the beginning, and who knows how long it’s going to be? Not me!
8. Resonance - Fandom: The Flash. Ah, this story. This is my soulmate AU love letter to coldflash. I haven’t updated it since, jeez. April? But that doesn’t mean I’m not working on it. Leonard Snart meets Barry Allen when he’s 23 and Barry is five. It changes the course of his life. I don’t even know what to say about it, other than I have everything up to season 1 outlined? It’s going to involve a slightly different Legends crew, a different origin to the names Heatwave and Captain Cold, a very different STAR Labs, an angry Eobard Thawne and a Barry who is intensely in love with Len, which is terrible because Len is absolutely oblivious. So, yes. I... may also have elements I want to introduce in season 2? AM I GOING TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE SHOW? I HAVE NO IDEA. Anyway, I’m working on Chapter 6 right now (that’s going to be at least 10k, guys, since everyone’s been waiting so long.)
Word Count: 22k. We haven’t even begun. *_____*
9. Trade All My Tomorrows - The Flash. I started writing this story sometime when S3 of the flash was airing, but it was based off a prompt that joyouslee left me, about what happened to the rogues after flashpoint. The idea behind this one is that Len regains his memories from Doctor Alchemy, so that he remembers the original timeline, where he died -- the Flashpoint timeline, where he was Citizen Cold and Lisa was murdered by the Rogues -- and the current timeline, in which he has never had a sister and has lived his life trying to escape the reach of his father. And he’s willing to do anything to get his sister back. This story will eventually include the Legion of Doom, the Legends, and a fuckton of time travel, as soon as I can get my butt in gear.
Word Count: 6,700. No idea what the ending word count is going to be, for real.
I do have a slew of others that I have in a list and that I don’t have an active word count on yet: The Silent Hill AU (where Barry deals with some serious guilt) the Conjuring AU (where the West family is suffering under a haunting and get help from Lisa, who’s psychic, and Len, who protects her when she gets in over her head), several different tumblr prompts, including the newest one, which would be a new story for the JLA verse. There’s the No Powers story where Barry and Iris are reporters together and Len is a cop with a secret. SO MANY. SO LITTLE TIME. *cries into my hands*
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jishua-moved · 7 years
Light Me Up | Chapter 3
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Pairing: Vernon x OFC featuring S.Coups & Jeonghan
Genre: fluff, humor, mild angst
Word Count: 4143
[ Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 ] + Moodboard
Summary:  Just as the moon had her scars and imperfections, so did she. And he loved every bit of it. To him, she was the moon that shone brightest in these rare moments. The moon who’s light had been dimmed. To her, he was the sun that would eventually, light her up in every way. Only she hadn’t accepted it yet. She hadn’t yet accepted the light slowly growing inside her chest, but it wouldn’t be long until she did.
“If you can love the wrong one so much, just imagine how much you can love the right one.”
A/N: Wow. This chapter really hates me. Through a whole lot of struggle and debating, I finally finished it! I’m so, so sorry it took thing long! A maaajor thank you to my lovely editor & best friend @kaviea for helping me read, edit and write this. It wouldn’t be this great without you. Bless you. Also, to those who have been waiting and hyping the heck out of this story, thank you so much! Thank you for waiting patiently and loving it. I hope this chapter is good enough and that the story will be loved. Thank you again <3
She walked in, just a few minutes before opening time. A week had passed since she’d hired Vernon.
Seungcheol, of course, had to jump in front of her, screaming, “You hired him!”
“Shhhh,” She pressed a finger to her lips, looking around a few times. Vernon was up on stage, a safe distance away from hearing them, so she continued.
“Yeah I hired him,” she threw her hands in the air dramatically, “Don’t even ask how it happened.”
Seungcheol shot her a satisfactory smirk and said, “So, did you tell uncle yet?”
She smiled, put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Oh. I’m not telling uncle. You are.” With a couple of pats on his shoulder, she casually walked towards the bar, flashing Vernon a welcoming smile.
Seungcheol didn’t tell uncle. Not that day, nor the next. Despite much debate between them, she eventually decided to keep it quiet, because the number of customers doubled. They were mostly girls, coming to see the newly hired rapper Vernon. She didn’t give these girls much thought, as they kept their distance and the security guards were always on the lookout for any harmful behavior.
Vernon did a good job. No, better than good. People loved him. They loved him for the obvious things: his messy hair, which somehow fell in time with his rhythm; his perfectly shy, but sometimes confident smile; for the way he looked down before gazing up with fire in his eyes. Energy radiated from him and pulled in everyone in the room, including her.
To her, above all of the obvious things, Vernon was still that sweet, clumsy boy who’d taken the stage and made it his. He’d even impressed Seungcheol with his lyrics and stage presence.
Vernon sat at the bar counter, talking to her, between his ‘performances’ while Seungcheol took over. They talked about the most random things and she found herself laughing at his quirky humor. Slowly, she started coming to work more often than just on the weekends. She loved seeing both of her friends perform so much and decided that staying at home wasn’t as enjoyable as this.
She was unaware of the effect Vernon suddenly had on her. At least not until she found herself mouthing his lyrics...
Several times a day because of you My head is bombarded, there is no space I’m trying to forget you But the thoughts of you are blocking my view.
Two weeks had passed by in a blink and during that short time, Vernon had found interest in the little things, like the rare laugh that she’d utter every time he attempted to be funny. She, in return, appreciated his efforts and enjoyed their conversations. She loved the way they could sit in complete silence sometimes; the way he didn’t have to fill it. Most of all, she loved his smile. It was too contagious, and even she couldn’t resist it.
Somewhere along those days, Seungcheol decided to take Vernon and her out to a karaoke bar, of all places. He said it was to celebrate the “growth in female customers thanks to their prodigy,” a sentence that made her roll her eyes.
She’d put on her favorite pair of out-of-work-skinny-jeans and a striped black sweater. Her ivory coat and scarf kept her warm.
Vernon rarely wore his snapback, but the bomber jacket was still very much attached to him. She always told him how he should’ve gotten a warmer jacket by now, or gloves for that matter, but no, Vernon was always finding unconvincing excuses not to dress warmly.
The bar was surprisingly empty, even though it was two days before New Year's Eve. The three of them settled down at a table in the corner, next to the single small stage. One of the waitresses took their orders and a few drinks later, Seungcheol was attempting to sing the chorus to a somewhat familiar song.
Vernon’s grin spread across his entire face. He furrowed his brows with amusement every time Seungcheol strove to hit a high note and then proceeded to clap joyfully when he managed it.
The two boys got along as if they had known each other for years. They were able to be simply boys, something she had never been able to be for Seungcheol. It was always fun to watch and even more fun being part of it. A little happiness along the usual monotonous days was much needed, as Seungcheol would say.
Somewhere along the fits of laughter, high notes, and Vernon’s claps, Seungcheol decided to ask her to sing.
“Your turn,” he gleamed.
Her brows shot up and she shook her head a couple of times while waving her hands around in denial, “Nooooo. No way. I can’t sing.”
Seungcheol moved over to Vernon’s side, placing both hands on his shoulders, “She’s lyiiiing,” he teased, with his eyes fixated on hers,“She can totally sing. In fact...”
He shifted his body over to her this time, placing his hands on her shoulders and squeezing lightly, “...She’s the best singer I know. Top of her class.”
She shook her head, switching gazes between Vernon and Seungcheol. “Stop bragging about me,” she complained, her voice soft and squeaky. She didn’t want to dig back into her college days.
Seungcheol pouted and she could see Vernon’s little smile vanish. She perceived that he had a glint of interest in his eyes, a kind of hope and expectation. He was curious, wanting to hear her sing, wanting to know more about the mysterious “ice queen.”
They locked their eyes together for a moment. A string of silence between them was interrupted by yet another plead from Seungcheol, “C’moooon. Please? Pretty please?”
She held Vernon’s expectant gaze and got up stubbornly, “Fine.”
While she walked over to the stage, Seungcheol cheered her on a little too loudly. She shot him a sharp gaze and he sat down silently. Vernon was almost on the edge of his seat at this point, his eyes glued to her face.
“Which song, though?” she asked. Looking around, she realized that she had zero clues as to what she could sing.
“How about the one you’d always play last summer?” Seungcheol suggested.
“Yeah that one!” he said excitedly, flipping through the songs catalog until he found the one. “Got it,” he said and sat back down before pressing the play button.
She nodded, shuffling her feet in place and looking down at them. The first few notes played and her eyes met Vernon’s; goose bumps ran up her arms. An unexpected feeling. It had been long since she sang. She took a deep breath and she started.
Between the meaningless jokes, back-and-forth conversations And all the people, I look like I’m fine I pretend to be numb and I try to smile I try to turn around from your shadow but...
Her voice was a little shaky and unpracticed but pleasant to the ears. Seungcheol’s smile spread wide across his face. He remembered how she used to sing to herself in her apartment, dancing in place with a smile as wide as it could get. If only she could go back to being her old self.
Vernon sat in silence, taking in her every move and every sound with his lips slightly parted in awe. The way she carried herself on stage was beautiful. It was like she was engulfed in the rhythm and lyrics, blocking out the world around her. 
She heard herself singing the words as if she was somewhere outside of herself. It felt like she was choking on the lyrics that felt too raw, too personal, too real -- just like the memories that she so desperately tried to obliterate.
...I keep thinking About our last moment A calm goodbye with the words “take care”  “Not yet” I tell myself, like a fool...
She didn’t realize how much the song would hurt her. She was a fool indeed. A fool to love Jeonghan and a fool to come here with Seungcheol and Vernon. She regretted singing, let alone singing in front of them. She pretended so well, hiding her pain from Seungcheol, hiding it from herself and everyone around her. 
With the last few verses, she felt the tears crawling down her cheeks and the lump that grew in her throat didn’t make it any easier. Instead of stopping, she continued, with a voice more powerful than ever. The words came through her tears, her voice cracking at the very end.
...I can’t swallow the words that linger in my mouth It’s not fine Ah ah ah it’s not fine oh Ah ah ah it’s not fine
With her last shaky breath, she lowered her head in an attempt to hide the tears that were already apparent. She let out another, steadier breath but it was too late to hide anything. Her voice had made her into a mirror, reflecting her true, broken self in front of them.
She saw Seungcheol’s smile drop instantly. He understood immediately that she was anything but fine and that all this time she just pretended. He thought she’d gotten better over the year, but unfortunately, he was wrong.
Vernon, on the other hand, had a million thoughts running through his head, trying to piece together a puzzle of the story that no one told him. How bad was this break-up? What did that guy do to hurt her so bad? Bad enough for her to hide all good things inside herself, bad enough for her to cry unconscious tears while singing a song that seemed somehow familiar to her?
Before anyone could endure any more of the awkward silence, she placed the microphone down and made her way off the stage.
“I should get going,” she mumbled under her breath, trying to steady herself yet again. Raising her head, she flashed a fake smile to both of them, her glassy eyes not able to fool anyone.
10:43 A.M.
Do you want to talk about what happened last night?
11:22 A.M.
You’re clearly not “fine”, so please talk to your best friend at least.
12:00 P.M.
12:32 P.M.
Okay, at least promise me you’re coming to the New Year’s Eve Party. You’re in charge after all. You can’t not come...
12:33 P.M.
And besides, it wouldn’t feel the same without you.
12:34 P.M.
Plus, Vernon’s gonna perform a new song that he wrote! I know you wanna hear it.
12:35 P.M.
You totally wanna hear it, don’t you?
Her phone kept beeping throughout the rest of the day, but she couldn’t handle talking to Seungcheol, not yet. Now that he could see how unhappy she really was, he would find any excuse to stay, but she couldn’t let that happen. She was too much of a burden to him already.
Then there was Vernon too, who looked at her last night with so much curiosity and sincerity in his eyes. She couldn’t begin to imagine what had been running through his mind and the questions he’d probably asked Seungcheol. Eventually, he would ask her, but she hadn’t yet decided if she was going to answer those questions. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to face him just yet. To her relief, the New Year’s Eve Party wasn’t until tomorrow.
The dance floor was already bustling with the crowds of different people. Tonight, everything looked like a blur of glitter and color, only she was on the less sparkly side. A full-length black dress with a v cut hugged her curves. The lack of sleeves compensated for the lack of sparkle. Her perfectly straightened hair was swept to the side, revealing a silver dangling earring. She looked nothing like the girl who choked up over a song. Once again, she put on her polished mask. The mask that seemed to fool everyone, even Seungcheol himself.
She hid her sadness so well that her best friend didn’t even notice, and he usually noticed everything. Well, almost everything, Seungcheol thought as she finally walked up to him.
“…Are you really okay?” he asked carefully after a while of small talk and exchanged hellos. Noticing how she furrowed her brows, he quickly added, “I mean, I know you’re not but…”
She sighed, “Let’s not. At least not tonight, okay?”
He nodded, pursing his lips. He knew better than to pressure her and besides, it was New Year’s Eve. At least she tried being happy and he wanted to make sure she stayed that way even when he was gone. If he could leave her, that was.
Her expression softened, a smile appearing on her face and she added, “I like your suit by the way. Very sleek.”
It was a simple black one, with a white button up underneath his jacket. No tie, typical Seungcheol.
“Then you’ll love Vernon’s suit,” he smirked. “He’s backstage,” he added, taking note on how she automatically turned her head towards the stage at the mention of Vernon’s name.
She shot him a glare, unable to wipe a small smile off her face and made her way towards what they called a “backstage.” It was more of a tiny storage room behind the one big curtain.
As she approached the door, reaching out for the handle, Vernon burst out of the room coming face to face with her.
“Hey! You’re here!” he exclaimed excitedly. His face lighting up at the mere sight of her, as he was afraid he wouldn’t see her again. He quickly brushed the ridiculous thought off, replacing it with a thought of her smile instead.
He wore a black men's dress shirt that was embellished with silver along the seams and a matching black tie. His hair was an utter mess, as usual. His hands were always fidgeting with his bangs and no matter how many times he pushed them away, they always seemed to fall back into place.
She almost stumbled back on her heels when he swung open that door, but regained her balance coolly, brushing her hair to the side.
“I’m here,” she smiled softly. She noticed the way his tie was sitting and suppressed a small laugh, shaking her head instead.
“C’mere,” she beckoned, pulling him gently by the hem of his collar.
Even though a little stunned by her bold action, he obeyed and shifted his body weight towards her. Her hands reached over his head, lifting up his collar. She put her delicate fingers around his tie, folding it as easily as she’d wrap a band-aid around her finger.
He watched her, not her hands, but her eyelashes and the way she’d curl her lip with every fold of the tie. He couldn’t help but think of the streaks of tears that ran down those pink cheeks last night. Despite wanting to know more and ask her endless questions, he kept quiet. This wasn’t the night to bring it up. Let her smile, he thought.
“There,” she patted him on the chest, “Looks perfect now,” she said, looking up at him through her lashes.
He held her gaze, smiling softly. A private smile that she liked to think was just for her.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“You’re welcome,” she whispered back.
The wave of excited screams broke their muffled silence. The screams of young girls weren’t anything new, but today it sounded twice as grand. Everyone waited for Vernon to take the stage, to perform those couple of songs before the clock would strike twelve. Then, everyone would get back to dancing and drinking, wishing each other a happy new year. She would most likely be at her table in the far back, admiring him as usual and singing along to his lyrics.
“They’re waiting,” she whispered, and distantly knew that the cheering had grown louder, but all she could feel was her heart beating and his electric breath on her face.
“Vernon, man! Get out there sometime BEFORE midnight,” one of the stage crew yelled.
He nodded slowly as if coming out of a dream. He forced his eyes away from her with an effort that was visible to everyone but her. He grinned, “I’ll come find you later. Hope you enjoy the show!”
And he opened the curtains and ran out to the screams. She was blinded by the stage lights, outlining only his figure, which was shining like the most brilliant of diamonds.
She says she loves my rap “Men that make music have a cool vibe” I say without thinking that it's nothing And then she said, are you always going to front like this? And then she like, where are we going? How about the Han river until the late night? With the river next to the cool wind Forget everything while talking Rest your head on my shoulders next And look up at me slightly from there, yeah I try to play it cool But eventually, you make me laugh. Yeah, that’s you...
...And the crowd went wild. Several pairs of hands clapped cheerfully. There were men in suits and ladies in miniskirts. Not a single person hesitated to clap or cheer Vernon on, especially not her and Seungcheol.
Vernon stood on stage, waving to every single corner of the crowd and bowing humbly in the process.  He seemed happy and unphased by anything else and that’s when she realized: amongst all those people she was but a speck of dust in his rapidly expanding universe.
“You’re leaving?!” Seungcheol gasped as she got up and threw her coat over her shoulders. “It’s almost midnight!”
She shook her head in denial, “Not leaving, just getting away from all the noise.”
He knew exactly where she was going: the balcony upstairs. It was the one place in the club where she could be at peace and no one knew about it but her and Seungcheol.
He frowned, “You sure you wanna spend the last few minutes of this year alone?”
"I'm a strong and independent woman, I can handle my own bar fights and everything," she squeezed his shoulder for emphasis, trying to convince them both.
She walked off, unable to resist stealing a few glances at Vernon, who had left the stage to be in the midst of the dancing crowd.
The air was cold, and yet there was no snow. Another disappointment. The clear sky was filled with tiny specks of stars, sparkling in the distance. Only a few minutes remained until midnight and she stood there alone. She tried to ignore the feeling of loneliness, but she couldn’t. She scolded herself for being like this. It’s not like Seungcheol didn’t want her down there. He was her best friend after all, but then again, it wasn’t Seungcheol’s attention that she craved in that moment.
But to her, it didn’t seem like Vernon was very eager to find her. He’d lost himself in the crowd, probably enjoying every moment of it. Those toxic thoughts crept into her mind as she stood there, hugging herself.
“Uuuugh, get it together!” she suddenly snapped. “You don’t like him. You don’t need to like him and he most definitely doesn’t like you.”
“Who doesn’t like you?”
Her head snapped back to meet eyes with Vernon, who stood there dumbfounded (without a jacket) by her one-on-one conversation with herself. She’d hoped he didn’t hear the first part. How did he even know how to get up here? She asked herself but then quickly realized it was the work of Seungcheol.
“Vernon?” she furrowed her brows, “What’re you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be downstairs celebrating? It’s almost midnight.”
“I could ask you the same question,” he teased and then scrunched his nose and shrugged, “I was looking for you. Seungcheol pointed the way.”
She chuckled, avoiding his gaze, unaware of the tingling sensation in her stomach. Smooth, she thought.
“Did you like the song?” he asked, in an attempt to lighten the mood even more. He stepped closer and leaned against the railing and their shoulders brushed as he shifted even closer.
“I loved the song,” she replied and met his gaze, “Han river, though? Not Hudson? Hudson’s jealous,” she teased with a chuckle.
He laughed. His eyes, being the color of burnt honey, sparkled even in the midst of the night. The tingling feeling in her stomach grew when his smile stretched so wide that it threatened to swallow her whole and she found hers answering his.
“I’m sorry, Hudson,” he joked, with a dramatic pout, “but I’m glad you loved the song.” He looked like a kid who’d just received an A+ for his homework. It was heart warming.
Once again, he’d tossed all her concerns out the window. Somehow, he never seemed to fail. It hadn’t been too long since they’d met and she was more than used to seeing him almost every day. The thoughts of him eventually leaving and living his dream threatened to break through again, but she pushed them back, focusing on his contagious smile.
“Oh!” she gasped as if remembering something and turned to walk back inside, “Wait here.”
She reappeared in a couple of moments, holding a large packet wrapped with shiny gift wrapping paper.
“Consider it a late Christmas gift,” she said as she handed him the packet.
He unwrapped it as carefully as he could to reveal a black puffy winter jacket.
“Oh my God. You didn’t have to! Thank you,” He smiled and immediately put it on, struggling with the zipper.
She shook her head comically. “You’re welcome and that’s not how you work a zipper,” she said, pulling him closer (a second time this night) by the hem of the jacket. She zipped up the jacket and reached behind his neck for the hood, pulling it over his head.
“There,” she smiled, tugging at the edges of the hood, “Now you won’t freeze to death in that snapback and bomber jacket of yours.”
“Thank you,” he breathed, looking into her eyes with a smile as wide as it could get.
The strike of a clock somewhere in the distance broke their silence and the muffled cheering of people was coming from downstairs. The countdown began.
“Already? Oh my God,” she gasped, looking at her watch.
“Sounds like it!” Vernon said cheerfully, not looking anywhere but her face.
Both of them started counting down as well, loud enough just for the two of them to hear. The distance between them seemed to be shrinking with every uttered number until they both said, “One.”
More distant cheering came from downstairs, signaling the beginning of a New Year.
Vernon and she just stood there. Her hands for some reason still held onto the hem of his jacket, while his own were tucked in the oversized pockets.
“Happy New Year,” he said.
“Happy New Year,” she replied.
Then more silence. It was a peaceful silence, not awkward in any way, almost like they were the only ones in this world. Somewhere along those tiny moments, Vernon’s hand reached for hers and when he touched her, countless little tingles danced along her arms. Despite the cold air, Vernon radiated only warmth.
His heart raced a million beats per second, along with her own while he held onto her hand. She looked down at their palms, fitting so perfectly into each other and thought of all the good things that had happened since she met him.
For some reason, her eyes had filled with tears and a lump forming in her throat that made it hard to even breathe. She refused to bring her head up, knowing Vernon had already noticed her tears. Instead of throwing any unnecessary questions at her, he pulled her into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her. She breathed out into his new jacket, hoping not to get any lipstick stains on it and they stood there in complete silence.
With him, she felt at peace and her heartbeat steadying, but once again, like the devil, dreadful assumptions flooded her mind. In a moment something clicked inside her and she wiggled out of his grasp.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, blinking her apparent tears away and rushed back downstairs before he could say anything to stop her.
She didn’t come to work the next day, or the day after that, leaving both Vernon and Seungcheol mildly confused and utterly worried. No matter how many calls or texts she got, there was no answer. Both boys debated whether or not to go see her but always ended up with an excuse not to.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Vernon kept asking himself as he held a velvety box in his hands: the present he never got to give her.
Seungcheol knew it must’ve been something to do with Jeonghan, as there was nothing Vernon could say to hurt her. Despite the questionable looks he got from Vernon, he kept quiet, knowing that if anyone had to tell Vernon what happened in the past, it was her.
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waylondeering4-blog · 7 years
Donald Trump On "Second Change" Firestorm.
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