#i still think he should just play sokka and everyone pretends he's a teenager and it's just never brought up
comradekatara · 2 years
did you hear about danny pudi getting cast as the mechanist in the live action? maybe i will in fact have to watch it
oh god......... out of legal obligation 2 support my king....... i will in fact have to watch at least one (1) episode of natla........... rip -_-
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asciendo · 3 years
Ember Island
Went through my old laptop and found a few Zuko drabbles i wrote years ago!
 Still thinking if i should post the rest so, let me know and comments are appreciated! 
Inspired by Zuko and Mai's fight in the Ember Island Episode but of couse, with the reader! 
The gang was stationed in Zuko’s ancestral home in Ember Island. It was a huge mansion with rooms for everyone. You were sharing a room with Zuko as the both of you have been dating the past few months after both of you joined Team Avatar. Zuko joined when he left the Fire Nation to help Aang and you were rescued along with Suki from the Boiling Rock. Your father was a high-ranking Fire Nation general that left after disagreeing with the inhumane ways of Fire Lord Ozai. You were captured when you tried to steal food from a Fire Nation camp for the refugees you and your family were hiding with. Zuko recognized you from the jail and rescued you and a little while after, the two of you began dating.
Everything was going smoothly, until the gang reached Ember Island. As soon as you arrived on the beach, Zuko became cold. He gave a half-hearted tour of his old house. While the gang was ecstatic on how huge it was, Zuko remained unbothered the whole time.
“Are you alright?” you asked him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “I’m fine.” He was staring out the window with no expression in his face.
He remained the same the days after. You’d try to talk to him but he’d shrug it off. The only form of response you got from him was at night, when you’d be asleep then suddenly feel arms snake around your waist. Katara would ask you if anything happened with him and you’d explain how he was fine until we arrived on the island.
“I don’t know...he won’t talk to me.” You sighed as you and Katara sat on the balcony. “Well, it obviously has to do with his family being back here and everything...” she looked at with you concern as it was obvious that Zuko’s behavior was taking a toll on you. “He’s so used to keeping his feelings to himself and afraid of being vulnerable, I don’t blame him though after everything but...”
“It’s hard.” Katara finished and you nodded.
Zuko’s cold behavior turned to snappiness and anger. The slightest inconvenience would make him angry. When you ran out of the tea he liked he threw a fit. The time you accidentally moved his robe after his shower and he couldn’t find it, he was in a bad mood the whole day.
Zuko’s attitude hasn’t gotten better and you were tired of it. No matter how many times you asked, he’d insist he was fine. It was like an ending guessing game. Your demeanor around Zuko changed as well as you replied to his nonchalant responses with sarcasm and eye rolls. This caused numerous fights and bickering between the two of you. Zuko sensed your distance and tried to somewhat make amends by bringing you tea in the morning although still in his cold behavior.
He’d try to hold you at night but you refused, angry at his erratic behavior. One moment he’s yelling at you for a robe, the next he’s trying to make amends by giving you a flower or trying to hold you. It was sweet but you were tired of trying to guess which Zuko you were waking up next to, the sweet and caring one you knew, or the angry and short-fused Zuko you’ve been experiencing.
The gang decided to go to the local carnival dressed in Fire Nation clothes. Everyone was excited to finally have some fun after months of training.
It was huge with hundreds of booths with games, rides, and variety shows. Zuko won a stuffed monkey in one of the booths and walked up to you. “You want this?” he asked you with no expression. You were annoyed at how it seemed like it was such a task to win you that toy and how it felt like he was forced to do so. “No.” you stated which caused Zuko to grunt and throw the toy on the ground.
The gang was surrounding a large arcade game where you had to shoot fire from two buttons to the target. “What’s this?” Zuko asked. “A game Zuko, we’re in an arcade what do you think it is.” You rolled your eyes. Zuko huffed then tried to play it. He ended up losing and burning the whole thing up.
“Hey we should get out of here before we get caught!” Sokka exclaimed and the group left.
The next day, the gang decided to hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were playing in the water, Katara was practicing her bending and Aang and Toph were building sandcastles. You and Zuko were relaxing under an umbrella just watching the sunset. Suddenly, he tapped your shoulder and there was a shell in your face. You stared at him then at him, he had a slight smile almost pleading. “This is for you.” He moved the shell in front of your face.
“What am I gonna do with that?”
“Don’t girls like this stuff?” he asked you, “Maybe stupid girls.” You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. “FORGET IT!” Zuko threw the shell across the beach,
He huffed then stood and left. Zuko came back with two ice cream cones but when he offered you one, you felt a cold scoop on your lap. There was ice cream all over you and there was a frozen Zuko staring at you waiting for your reaction. “Great, refreshing.” you rolled your eyes and left.
“Come on, it was an accident!” he called but you kept walking.
Some local Fire Nation teenagers invited Sokka to a house party and the gang decided to go.
Aang was dancing in front, Katara was giggling at him, Toph was dragging her feet as she didn’t wan to go to the party, Sokka and Suki walked hand in hand after them. You and Zuko walked behind in silence, the both of you not looking at each other.
You got to the party and the gang dispersed on their own. You weren’t feeling like socializing so you slumped on the couch at the end of the room. Zuko sat next to you but you two sat in silence. “I’ll get us some punch.” He announced and walked off.
Scanning the room, you didn’t see the gang anywhere. You began to daydream while waiting for Zuko to come back.
A voice broke your thoughts as you looked up to see a tan muscular boy stand in front of you. “Hey, I’m Lee.”
“Hi.” You pretended to be interested in your fingernails as you weren’t in the mood for small take. “What’s your name?”
“Ma-li” you almost said your real name, which could cause problems for the gang.
“Mali? Interesting name.” he winked. You smiled blankly as you wanted him to leave but he wasn’t moving.
“Soooo...what are you doing here alone?” he tried to walk closer to you but suddenly, there was a hand grabbing his shoulder.
“She’s not alone.” Zuko grumbled behind him. Zuko then threw Lee to the side of the room that Lee’s body broke a vase. “Seriously?!” you glared at Zuko as you left the party. You walked out onto the beach where you saw a campfire going, and sighed in relief, as it was the rest of the gang. You plopped on a piece of wood next to Katara and sighed.
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked with a mouth full of food. “Beating some guy up.” You rolled your eyes and laid back in your seat.
“WHAT?!” The rest of the gang sat up from their seats. “Why?!” Katara asked.
“Can’t believe I missed that.” Toph sighed.
“Oh, there you are.” Zuko said through gritted teeth then sat next to Toph on the other side.
“Did we miss something...” Sokka nervously asked, sensing the tension between you two.
“No, just Zuko being a ticking time bomb as usual.” You said coldly as you stared up at the sky. “Shouldn’t you be there with your boyfriend?!” Zuko spat back at you.
“Boyfriend?!” the rest of the gang piped up.
“You’re overreacting and you know it.”
“NO I AM NOT!” Zuko was yelling across the fire at you and the gang watched in silence.
“Yes you are! This whole trip you’ve been hot-headed, angry and impatient!” You snapped back, sitting up from your seat now as well. “Well at least I feel something! Instead of being like you, having no emotions for anything and being a big blah the whole trip!”
The rest of the gang became silent. Not knowing what to do with the two of you fighting in front of them.
Stung by this, you stood up and fixed your hair into a ponytail, with Zuko and the rest of the gang watching you closely. “Well, you don’t have to worry about having a “blah” person in your life anymore, it’s over.” You said softly yet harshly then walked off.
The rest of the gang stared at you walk away, shocked, then stared at Zuko who seemed shocked but angry as well.
“AGH!” he exclaimed and shot a ball of fire in to the existing campfire that made the gang disperse.
“Z-Zuko...” Aang began. “WHAT?!” Zuko shot back at him.
“Uhm...nevermind.” Aang nervously backed away.
“Zuko...” Katara placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” she was concerned about him, they’ve gotten closer over time and it was obvious that he was going through something.
“Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine!” Zuko shoved her hand off. “W-well..I mean...you’ve always been moody and angry and—“ Sokka began.
“Ow hey!” Sokka exclaimed as Suki hit him. “Zuko, we can tell something is bothering you, alright.” Katara began.
“Ever since we got here it’s like your whole attitude changed...you were impatient, you were snapping at everyone all the time and ignored all of our attempts to be there for you...even Y/N.” Katara finished and Zuko slumped to the ground.
“Is it because you’re back in your family’s home?” she asked softly and Zuko buried his face in his hands. “It’s just...the last time I was here I was still trying to capture Aang...I was still with my family...I used to come here with my mother...and now...I feel like a stranger in my own home.”
The gang looked at each other and exhaled, they felt sorry for Zuko. They knew his past and how he keeps everything bottled up. They could only imagine being back in the life you left but as a completely different person.
“It’s okay Zuko, we understand, we just needed to know that.” Karata smiled as she sat next to Zuko. “I’m sorry guys...I’ve been such a jerk.”
“Yeah you kinda have been.” Sokka stated. “OW!” he yelled in pain as Suki hit him again.
“We forgive you Zuko, and we’re here for you. You don’t have to hide anything from us. All of us had our share of meltdowns.” Aang sat on the other side of Zuko and smiled at him.
“Yeah except me.” Sokka said proudly. “What about the time you lost you boomerang?” Katara rolled her eyes. “HEY! THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Sokka panicked which made Suki laugh.
“Ugh! But I ruined it with Y/N. She just broke up with me.”
“Yeah you did.” Sokka chuckled which earned another punch from Suki. “WILL YOU STOP HITTING ME?!”
“I don’t think she meant it...she’s just frustrated because she doesn’t know what’s wrong with you...” Katara assured him. “Yeah right..she seemed like she meant it.” Zuko hung his head low.
“Look, if you just talk to her it will be fine, I promise.” Katara smiled and Zuko looked around at the rest of the gang. They were all nodding in agreement with Sokka nodding as well but with Suki covering his mouth. “You think she’ll forgive me?”
“I know she will.” Katara smiled sweetly. Zuko got up and went to look for you.
You found a nice rock to sit on while watching the waves. You were slowly regretting breaking up with Zuko, you know you didn’t mean it and was just so angry. You began to climb down your rock to find Zuko but there he was, standing nervously staring at you.
“Y/N...I’m so sorry.” He began and you sighed. “Zuko—“
“No, let me explain.” He cut you off and you nodded for him to continue. “It’s just..I thought I was going to be fine coming back here, like it wasn’t a big deal...but it was.”
“It just brought back so many memories, with my family, my mother...when I was regretting choosing Azula’s side...and I just felt so lost...in my own home...like I have all the memories but it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.” You stared at him with compassion and empathy, you knew it had something to do with his family. It hurt you to see Zuko like this, you knew it was hard for him to express all of these things to you because he’s always been the type to hide his real feelings and anger.
“I was so angry at myself for feeling that way because I know I did the right thing joining Aang, and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry...I understand if—“
He couldn’t finish because your lips were on his.
“Does this mean we’re not broken up?” Zuko smiled as he looked at you. “No...I’m sorry too...I wasn’t being easy either.” You laughed and he did too. “I just hope that you tell me when you feel angry or sad or anything next time...I can help you, Zuko.” You placed a palm on his cheek and he leaned into it. “I know and I’m sorry...I love you.” He said and both of you stared at each other in surprise as this is the first time any of you have said it to each other. “Y-you don’t have to say it back—“
You crashed your lips onto his and he lifted you up to deepen the kiss. “I love you too, Zuko.” You smiled and he squeezed you tight.
The rest of the gang was waiting by the campfire. You and Zuko walked back with his arm around you. “Aw, the love birds are backed together!” Katara squealed. “Finally! My stomach is growling, I’m starving!” Sokka announced.
“Yeah lets go.” you laughed looking at Zuko.
“Lets go home.” Zuko kissed you on the forehead and you happily went back to the house.
That night as you slept tangled up with Zuko, you couldn’t help but smile.
“He loves me.” You whispered to yourself, and happily fell asleep next to Zuko.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt4
hello!! sorry i’ve been posting so much, i’m just really excited to get to the bulk of the story. like i said before, if you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!! 
pt 1
pt 3
pt 5
(Y/N) looked from her new friends to the Fire Nation soldiers that surrounded them. A little voice in the back of her head said she could reveal herself now. She could pretend like she had been tricking the Avatar and his friends and get them captured. But if she did that, the world might lose its last hope of beating the Fire Nation. If she fought alongside the Avatar, she condemned herself to being labelled as a traitor. 
(Y/N) had been in a city of the Earth Kingdom for two years and she was sick of it. Not of the city itself, or of its people, but of living in a city occupied by the Fire Nation. She watched from the balconies as their soldiers mistreated the people whose families had lived there for centuries. They beat the men and starved the women and children. It was sickening to watch and when she brought it up to her family, she received drastically different replies. Her mother insisted that she simply stay inside all day so she wouldn’t have to hear the injustice that was happening in the city below them. Her father threatened to write to the Fire Lord that she was questioning his orders. She wondered if her father had always been an evil man, or if it was a new occurrence. 
Witnessing what the Fire Nation was doing to innocent people did not sit right with (Y/N). Sometimes she dressed in Earth Kingdom clothes that she had purchased in the market and asked people about their experiences with the Fire Nation. This war had raged on for 100 years, so everyone she had spoken to had a story to share. The Fire Nation had torn apart families, destroyed homes and crops, and imprisoned innocent children for simply being earthbenders. It made (Y/N) sick to her stomach. 
So she decided to get back at the Fire Nation. It started small, like stealing food from the kitchens to distribute amongst the poor, but she eventually went as far as sneaking into the jails at night to free innocent earthbenders. It was hard, maintaining appearances as a child of a Fire Nation general while also freeing the innocent people her father’s forces had captured. She feared every night when she crawled into her bed that one day she would wake up to soldiers standing above her. But she could not stop herself from helping people who needed her. 
(Y/N) was in the town square, playing with a few of the Earth Kingdom children, when she noticed a small group lurking in the shadows. They were dressed unlike anyone she had ever seen, so she knew she had to follow them. It was two boys and a girl walking together and peering around each corner to make sure that no Fire Nation soldiers lurked on the streets. While their backs were turned, (Y/N) made her presence known by clearing her throat. The trio jumped and turned around, and she was face to face with a boy in a yellow tunic and pants with blue arrow tattoos, and another boy and a girl from the Water Tribe. 
“You guys aren’t from here, are you?” (Y/N) asked. The girl smiled. 
“No, we’re not. I’m Katara and this is my brother Sokka. We’re traveling with Aang.” The youngest boy raised his hand to smile and wave. “He’s the Avatar.” 
(Y/N) felt her mouth practically drop to the floor. The Avatar was standing right in front of her! The Fire Nation’s greatest threat was a boy who was barely older than ten. “This place is crawling with Fire Nation soldiers. Follow me.” She led them through alleyways and secret passages until the were at the door of the basement of her house. It was once home to the best earthbender in the city, but her father had done quick work with kicking him out and sending him to prison along with the other earthbenders. The basement remained untouched by her family and its servants. (Y/N) was pretty sure those who lived upstairs didn’t even know that it existed. 
She shut and locked the door behind them. “This is the safest place in the city.” 
Sokka looked at her incredulously. “Are you serious? This is the Fire Nation general’s house! Did you see all those guys out front?” 
“I can promise that I’ve been hiding out down here for a long time. I don’t even think they know it exists.” She sat on the floor and patted the dusty earth beside her. Aang sat down, then Katara, then finally Sokka, after a bunch of suspicious glances at (Y/N). 
“You haven’t told us your name,” Aang noted, but he didn’t seem accusatory. She felt sweat begin to accumulate on her palms. Should she tell them her real name? Would they know that she was the daughter of the Fire Nation general? She looked at their kind expressions (except Sokka’s, he still looked very wary of her) and decided to take a risk. 
“My name’s (Y/N).”
“How long have the Fire Nation been here?” Katara asked. 
“About two years, I think,” (Y/N) responded. 
“Have you been here the whole time?” She nodded. 
“The soldiers...they’re awful. I’ve seen what they do to the people here. They tear families apart, they starve the citizens, they lock all the benders in prisons. It breaks my heart.” 
“We’ll try to help, in any way we can.” Aang said. (Y/N) shook her head. 
“There’s no way you can do that. The Fire Nation literally wants you dead!” 
“Trust me, we know,” Sokka grumbled. 
“We have a bit of experience breaking benders out of prison,” Katara said with a smile. “Maybe you could help us do that! Are you a bender?” Warily, (Y/N) nodded. 
“I’ve been bending since I was a kid but I’m scared to use it around here. I hope you all understand.” Aang and Katara nodded. 
“It’s settled then. Tonight, we’ll break all of the benders out of the prison and help them take their city back.” The trio put their heads together as they started to formulate a plan. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Sokka said. “Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna give us some intel on where the earthbenders are being kept?” 
(Y/N) felt herself smile. She scooted closer to the three kids to begin discussing their plan. For the first time in a long time, she felt less alone. 
Alright, so their plan didn’t go quite as expected. 
Their night began as easily as it could. They covered themselves in cloaks (Y/N) had found in the basement and traveled back alleyways to reach the prison where the earthbenders were kept. She tried her best to remember the layout of the prison on her father’s desk that she had seen for a moment, but she ended up leading them to many close encounters with Fire Nation soldiers. 
“I’m sorry!” She whispered once more as Sokka had to quickly knock out one of the guards. “I told you guys, I’d only barely seen the map! I don’t know why you put me in charge!” 
“I guess we just thought that the Earth Kingdom girl might know a little bit about the Earth Kingdom prison!” Sokka whispered back, causing (Y/N) to deepen her frown. 
“Guys, it’s okay,” Aang said, putting himself in between the two teenagers. “Where there’s guards, there’s prisoners. I heard some more voices down to the left. Follow me.” 
Quickly and quietly they followed Aang through the twists and turns of the prison. While Sokka held his boomerang and Katara had water at her hip, (Y/N) felt utterly useless. There was no way she could use their bending to help them. If she did, she would be outed as Fire Nation immediately, and they would lose all trust for her. 
They finally found the cells where the prisoners were kept. The benders looked at them suspiciously, but (Y/N) pulled back her cloak to reveal her Earth Kingdom clothes. “Don’t worry,” she said as she worked at one of the locks on the cell door. “We’re here to help.” 
She and the others made quick work of the locks, freeing each and every one of the benders that had been arrested. Although the people were weak, they assured the group that they would be ready to fight if necessary. Successfully, they led the prisoners out of the prison. That is where their real trouble began. 
Somehow, an alarm had been sounded that alerted the guards of the escaped prisoners. Fire Nation soldiers began flooding out of the prison at rapid pace. The group of four stopped in their tracks and Aang turned back to the rest of the prisoners. “Go!” He shouted. “Get back to your families! We’ll hold them off!” 
The prisoners turned and ran back toward the city. The guards there had no doubt noticed all of the commotion, but by the time they thought about stopping it, it was too late. The prisoners, although weakened, were fighting to take back their city. 
(Y/N) felt a pit of fear in her stomach. She felt like she could do nothing as Aang, Katara, and Sokka fought off the Fire Nation soldiers. Soon, their backs were pressed against each other as the soldiers had them surrounded. 
“You said you’ve been bending since you were a kid,” Sokka said to her through gritted teeth. “We could really use some of that right now!” 
(Y/N) looked from her new friends to the Fire Nation soldiers that surrounded them. A little voice in the back of her head said she could reveal herself now. She could pretend like she had been tricking the Avatar and his friends and get them captured. But if she did that, the world might lose its last hope of beating the Fire Nation. If she fought alongside the Avatar, she condemned herself to being labelled as a traitor. 
(Y/N) took a deep breath and felt the fire roar through her body. It was a powerful feeling. Her father had once said that fire ran through the bodies of the people of the Fire Nation, and that was one thing he said that she actually believed. She began shooting fire blasts at the soldiers. While they had been trained by the military, she had been trained by some of the best firebenders in the entire Fire Nation. She danced around the people she had grown up beside, knocking them unconscious with her techniques. With the help of the others, they swiftly conquered the soldiers. 
Aang landed on the ground and pointed his staff at her. “You lied to us.” 
She felt ashamed of herself. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
“Sorry?” Katara demanded. “You’re the enemy!” 
“I know,” (Y/N) exclaimed. “But I’m not! I promise, I’m not. I’ve seen the bad things the Fire Nation has done to this city. And I tried to help where I could. I would sneak the citizens food, or I--I would break them out of the smaller jails. I knew I couldn’t break everyone out of the prison by myself, so when you offered to help, I knew I had to take it.” 
“How do we know you’re not trying to double-cross us right now?” Sokka questioned.
“I’m the daughter of the Fire Nation general who conquered this city! I could’ve turned you in when you first got here, but I didn’t. By helping you guys, I’ve betrayed the entire Fire Nation.” She turned to Aang. “Please, let me escape with you. I promise, we’re not all that bad.” 
Aang stared at her for a moment, eyeing her up and down. (Y/N) weighed her options as she watched him ponder. If they didn’t accept her, she would have to run away regardless. She wasn’t sure if she could survive on her own, but she knew she would receive a punishment far worse than death if she remained here. 
“I believe her.” She let out a sigh of relief. 
“Are you kidding me?” Sokka shouted. “She’s Fire Nation! She’s the enemy!” 
“The Monks taught me that we can’t define one person based on the actions of the group. (Y/N) proved that she’s on our side by helping us today. She’s right, she could’ve turned us in so many times, but she didn’t.” He turned to her. “You can come with us. You know how the Fire Nation thinks.” 
Katara and Sokka grumbled unhappily, but she couldn’t contain her smile. She hugged Aang tightly as tears formed in her eyes. “Thank you, thank you! I promise, I won’t be anything but helpful to you all I want nothing more than the reign of the Fire Nation to end.” 
Tag List!
@soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516
thanks so much for reading! 
part 5
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