#i sometimes forget just how massive mingyu is
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blu-joons · 3 years
When Their Family Loves You ~ Seventeen Reaction
His smile grew as he walked through the front door and saw your eyes turn back to greet him, noticing his awkwardness. “You’re going to hate me,” he frowned, “but my parents have invited us round for dinner tonight.”
As your eyebrows knitted together, his heart sunk. “I thought we were going to go to that new restaurant in the city?”
“I know,” he whispered, “but they were so desperate to see you again, I just couldn’t say no to them. They really like having you around Y/N, as often as they possibly can.”
“It’s alright, I understand,” you assured him.
He reached across to take a hold of your hand, “I promise that we can go to the restaurant tomorrow, I really appreciate you making the effort for them.”
“If your parents like me, I have to make sure I keep it that way,” you smirked, “dinner can wait for another night, but your family definitely can’t.”
“You’re the best,” he smiled, “thank you for being so understanding for me.”
“It’s fine, I love time with your parents too.”
As his grandmother walked through the house ready to greet the two of you, Jeonghan opened up his arms ready to greet her, only for her to walk straight through to you. “Is your grandson invisible?” He questioned her.
She glanced back at him as she pulled away from you, “it’s just been a while since I had the chance o see Y/N, that’s all.”
“I’m your grandson,” he reminded her, throwing his arms around her fragile frame, “I better not be second best to Y/N otherwise I might have to break up with her.”
“Don’t you even think about it,” she scolded.
Your smile grew at how quick she was to leap to your defence, “are you really going to throw a tantrum about the fact that your grandmother hugged me first?”
“I’m always the one that she hugs first,” he tried to protest, although the two of you barely paid attention to what he said. “Would you prefer me to?”
“Don’t be silly,” she laughed, “you should be pleased that I adore Y/N so much.”
“Not when she becomes your favourite I shouldn’t.”
You knew from the second you met Joshua’s grandfather especially that he was going to keep a close eye on you and take you under his wing. “Does Joshua take good care of you; I hope that I raised him right?” He asked you.
Your head nodded instantly, smiling across at him, “you raised him perfectly, he takes very good care of me, I promise.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” his father grandfather cheered, glancing between the two of you, “but you know if he ever steps out of line, you come straight to me and I’ll sort him out.”
“I don’t think I need to worry about that,” you laughed.
His eyebrows raised quizzically back across at you, “I know what this kid can be like, he’ll act all innocent, but I watched him grow up don’t forget.”
“Don’t make me sound bad,” Joshua whined, pleading across to his grandfather, “the last thing I need is for you to scare her off.”
“Am I scaring you off?” He asked you, “please do say if I am.”
“Not at all, it’s nice to know I can turn to you.”
The time of the week when Junhui called his family was always the most important to him, hanging onto their every word. “I don’t suppose Y/N is there, is she?” His mother suddenly asked midway through their conversation.
Junhui stared back at her on the screen in disbelief, “you’re supposed to be talking to me right now, Y/N’s in the other room.”
“Please,” she cooed, “I just want to see how she’s getting on. I’m still talking to you, it would just be nice to check in with Y/N as well, see how you’re doing as a couple.”
“You’re just digging a bigger hole,” Junhui called out.
As he walked into your office, you were surprised to see him stood in the doorway, telling you what was going on. “Are you sure she wants to see me?”
“She’s practically begging me to come and get you,” he huffed, “either she really hates talking to me, or she loves talking to you.”
“I hope it’s the first,” you teased, “I guess I’ve got five minutes to spare.”
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you for doing this.”
When the mention of a family photo came, you quickly stood to one side, offering to take the camera and the photo of Soonyoung and his family. “No way,” a voice called out from the back, “Y/N, you are part of our family too.”
Your head shook as Soonyoung stared across at you, “I’m alright just taking the photo, I’m not really family just yet.”
“Yes, you are,” his uncle called out, stepping out from the family, “now, come on, we can’t take a photo without the whole family. Stand by Soonyoung and he’ll show you the way.”
“As long as you’re sure,” you timidly responded to him.
Soonyoung held his hand out to pull you into his side, “now do you believe me when I tell you that my family see you as one of our own?”
“I do,” you shyly laughed, “I never imagined that they’d be so quick to jump in and make me feel so welcome in your family though.”
“They adore you,” Soonyoung smiled, “which makes me adore you so much more too.”
“I’m just relieved they all like me too.”
As soon as he walked through the front door of his parent’s home alone, he could feel the stares of several members of his family darting across to him. “Is Y/N not coming?” His aunt called out in disappointment.
Wonwoo looked across the room at her, “she had something come up, so she wasn’t able to make dinner this time around.”
“The poor thing,” his other aunt added, sharing her sympathies. “I was really looking forward to catching up with her again tonight, you’ve found yourself someone great in Y/N too.”
“You can still catch up with me,” he tried to remind them.
Both of them nodded at his suggestion, “and we will catch up with you, don’t worry, but it would be nice to see the two of you, not just one of you.”
“Sometimes I really do feel as if I’m second best to Y/N,” he laughed as he walked further into the room, “do all of you wish that Y/N was here?”
“It would’ve been nice,” his mum smiled, “but we’re grateful to see you at least.”
“Grateful? I guess that does the job.”
Your attention was caught as soon as you walked through the front door by a delicious smell that came from the kitchen. “Hi,” Jihoon smiled as he spotted you walking through to see what was going on in the kitchen.
You peered past his shoulder to see what he was doing, “something must be seriously wrong for you to be baking here.”
“Blame my parents,” he smirked, “you shouldn’t have enjoyed my mother’s dessert so much because she’s sent me the recipe so that I can make it myself, just for you.”
“Well, that was really kind of her,” you noted.
Jihoon’s head shook in rejection to your comment, “she knows that I can’t bake, there’s no way that I can make it as well as she did for you.”
“Can I help you then?” You asked, reaching past him to place one of the aprons around your neck, “together we can replicate it, can’t we?”
“I’m supposed to do this by myself,” he sighed, “she’ll just tell me that I failed.”
“She doesn’t have to know we made it together, does she?”
You could tell that something was wrong as Seokmin pulled you to one side at the family dinner, letting go of a heavy sigh. “What’s going on?” You quizzed as soon as the two of you had found some space with no one else around.
He frowned across at you, rolling his eyes at himself. “I just feel like everyone is ignoring me and talking to you a lot.”
“That’s not true,” you assured him, “they’re just making the effort to get to know me, I’m sure that they’re not intentionally ignoring you, they’re your family Seokmin.”
“Which is why they should be talking to me,” he grumbled.
You reached forwards and took a hold of his hand, “you’re overthinking all of this, they’re doing nothing wrong, and neither are you, it’s all fine.”
“I know I probably sound stupid,” he admitted in a quiet tone, “I guess I just didn’t think they’d get on with you as well as they do.”
“Is it a good thing?” You asked, “that they get on with me so well.”
“Of course, it makes me very happy to see.”
He’d heard murmurs of your name around the table for most of the night as he attended his usual family dinner. “Where is she?” His mother asked once he eventually asked why you were such a hot topic for the evening.
He frowned back across at her, “she wasn’t able to make it, I didn’t realise it would be such a big deal for you all.”
“We like her,” his mother defended, trying to keep Mingyu calm, “we like seeing the two of you together, it’s been a while if I’m honest since I last saw you alone.”
“I know that you’re all big fans of her,” he frowned.
Several heads around the table nodded, “you’ve done well for yourself Mingyu, you should be pleased that we’ve all taken such a liking to Y/N.”
“I am glad you all like her, but you all seem more disappointed that she’s not here than excited that I am her,” he informed them all.
“Don’t be silly,” his mum laughed, “we’re all thrilled to see you.”
“It’s about time you told your faces that.”
Minghao was unable to hide his smile as he passed you the card that had come through the front door a few moments prior. “What is it?” You questioned, unfolding the card to see that it was a wedding invitation.
He sat down beside you, “my cousin has invited us both to her wedding and written your name in massive letters too.”
“She must really want me to come,” you joked, “I have to admit your cousin was one of my favourites when I met them all. It means a lot that my name is even on the invite.”
“My family adore you; they want you to go,” he hummed.
You closed the invite back up, turning to face him with a smile. “Well, I can’t be letting them down, if you want me to go with you that is.”
“Absolutely, my family would kill me if I showed up to the wedding without you anyway,” he laughed, “I should probably send the RSVP.”
“I’m meeting her tomorrow,” you replied, “I’ll give it to her then.”
“I swear you see my family more than me sometimes.”
As you unwrapped the present that his parents had bought you for your birthday, you couldn’t help but stare down at it speechless. “It’s better than what I’ve got,” Seungkwan sighed as you lifted the jewellery from the box.
Your head shook. “That’s not true, I love what you bought me,” you quickly tried to assure him, “both presents are great.”
“They’ve never even spent that much on me for my birthday before,” he sighed, “my parents really must like you to spoil you as much as they have done.”
“Am I sensing a bit of jealousy in you?” You asked him.
His head shook, trying to keep himself together, “I just feel like my parents have even outdone me, I’m your boyfriend, I should buy you the best presents.”
“None of the presents matter to me,” you promised to him, “what matters to me is that I get to spend my birthday with you, and not the things you’ve bought.”
“You don’t have to make me feel any better,” he smiled, “I understand.”
“I’m being honest, I promise you, don’t stress.”
As you walked into his parent’s house, you were surprised when you saw a huge photo of you and Vernon up on the wall. “It’s big,” you whispered, taken aback by the large canvas you had no idea to expect.
“You’re not wrong,” Vernon whispered, equally confused as you were by the large print that was hung for all to see.
“You’ve seen it then,” his mother smiled, wondering where the two of you had gotten to, “what do you think? I just had to get the photo framed, it’s such a lovely one.”
“I’m sure all the visitors will definitely see it,” Vernon frowned.
His mother’s smile continued to grow beside the two of you, “I just wanted everyone to see how in love our son is and how great Y/N is too.”
“No one is able to miss when they walk into the house,” Vernon sighed, struggling to take it all in, “it really sends out a clear message.”
“That’s what I wanted,” she cheered, “people can see how happy the two of you are.”
“They’ll definitely be able to see that by the size of it.”
When his father pulled him to one side, Chan knew he was in trouble, but he never quite imagined the trouble that it would be. “Your mother is gutted that Y/N couldn’t make it tonight,” he sternly told his son.
Chan could only shrug back at him, “I’m not really sure what you want me to do about that, Y/N’s just been busy.”
“She thinks you’ve fallen out,” his dad sighed, “maybe just go back in there and give her a bit of reassurance that things between you and Y/N are alright.”
“But they are, she doesn’t need assuring,” Chan groaned.
His father sighed, tapping his hand against Chan’s shoulder. “You know what she can be like sometimes, just humour me and calm her nerves.”
“Even if anything had happened between Y/N and I, it would be none of her business,” Chan fumed, turning back to walk into the living room.
“She loves her,” his father whispered, “it would break her heart if you separated.”
“It’s a good job that we’re not separating then.”
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krreader · 5 years
SEVENTEEN scenario → calling you clingy.
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pairing: seventeen x reader fandom: seventeen warnings: / genre: fluff ; angst word count: 2.2k+
a/n: aaaaaah, I’m so happy I finally got to work on some more seventeen stuff so I hope you like it love!
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choi seungcheol
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As the leader, Seungcheol obviously had a lot of responsibilities. You knew that too. You had known that ever since you first started dating him and you respected that and were okay with it.
But you missed him a lot these days. Comeback was always hard on your relationship.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind when he was in the bathroom getting ready to leave again.
“Can you stay for a little longer? Just.. twenty minutes or something?”
Seungcheol sighed, “Please don't be clingy like this.”
You immediately stopped kissing his neck, instead you took a step back and cocked your head to the side, “Clingy? This was the first night we spent together in four weeks. One. Night. I've not complained once in the past four weeks and I'm clingy?”
“You know what I meant,” he turned around, “Don't turn this into an argument.”
“Oh, this isn't an argument, sweetheart. This is me telling you to maybe appreciate me a little more, instead of insulting me when I’ve done nothing but respect you and your job..”
“(Y/N), wait..-” he wanted to pull his own hair out when you left the bathroom, mostly because he knew you were right..
He should have thought about his words more carefully.
yoon jeonghan
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He never meant to snap at you, he didn't quite know what was the reason for it, maybe the stress, maybe the exhaustion, but one second everything was fine and the next Jeonghan called you clingy and wanted you to leave him alone.
Which you obviously did, you weren't in the mood to argue.
And you knew he'd come running back to you in less than thirty minutes to apologize.
You were sitting on the couch when he entered the living room of your apartment.
“What are you doing?” he asked shyly.
“I'm on my phone,” you said nonchalantly.
“Are you.. playing that game? Pokémon Go?”
“No, the Harry Potter version,” it was clear that he wanted to make conversation, but you gave him the cold shoulder.
And it worked wonders. With a heavy sigh he dropped down on the couch next to you, “(Y/N), I am so sorry about what I said before.. I don't know what happened, but I never meant to snap at you like this, you have to believe me..-”
He continued on for about five more minutes while you just continued playing your game.
And when he was finally done you smiled at him, “It's fine, I'm not angry, I just wanted to see how worked up you'd get over this.”
His mouth was slightly ajar, then he murmured, “You're mean.”
“Only when I have to be,” you winked.
joshua hong
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Joshua felt bad the second the words “Why are you so clingy today?” left his mouth and saw how hurt you were from it.
You had realized he was having a bad day and wanted to cheer him up by staying a bit longer than usual, but it clearly backfired.
“I'll just.. go then..-”
“No, no, no, wait..-” he grabbed your hand before you could do so and turned you around to pull you close, cradling your head against his chest, “I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to say that. I should have thought before speaking, I'm sorry.”
You forced yourself not to cry, focused on his heartbeat and nodded, slowly relaxing in his arms again.
You knew he didn't mean it.. or at least you hoped he didn't.
wen junhui
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This wasn't a new argument you had. It was as if he always ended up saying the “You're clingy” line whenever he felt like shit and needed to let it out on somebody. And unfortunately, it was always you.
At this point, though, you've gotten so used to it that you simply rolled your eyes, “Whatever you say,” you continued to place the food in front of him, “Eat this.”
“No, I told you, I'm not..-”
“Stop arguing with me and just eat it. Am I your mother or your girlfriend? Jeez,” you plopped down on the couch and waited for him to eat it and of course he did. He did because he hadn't eaten a single thing today and you knew he hadn't, that's why you came here so late at night.
Not because you were clingy, but because you cared.
And once he was done, he turned around to look at you like a little child and said: “I'm sorry, (Y/N).”
“Whatever,” it was sad how used you’ve gotten to this..
kwon soonyoung
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You visited him in the dance studio one night after he had been ignoring your calls for hours.
You were worried about him lately, you just wanted to make sure he was okay, but the moment he saw you, his face dropped.
“There's a reason I've not been answering my phone. Stop being so clingy, (Y/N)! I'm busy!”
You stared at him for a second, then you dropped the bag of food as well as the two bottles of water, “Well then.. sorry that I care.”
And with that you angrily left.
Soonyoung was still out of breath from dancing, then he slowly walked over to the food and smiled sadly when he saw you had bought all of his favorite things.
The smile faded though when he realized what he had just called you.. the one that cared so much about him that she'd go out of her way to bring him all of this.
“You idiot,” he muttered to himself.
jeon wonwoo
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Wonwoo didn't have a lot of time as an idol, but he kept trying to squeeze seeing you into his schedule. Which, in itself, was horrible, given the fact that you were his girlfriend.
You kept texting him, asking if you could stop by tonight – like you had planned for a while – and if so, at what time.
And what you got as a reply was: “Can you stop being clingy for a while? I'm trying to figure it out.”
He did not get a reply. And after re-reading what he had sent, it was no wonder.
And you weren't surprised when he was the one that showed up with a bouquet of flowers and food that night, as well as an apologetic smile on his face.
“I have food, snacks, flowers and if you want, I can stay the night?”
“You're a bit clingy right now, you know?” you mocked him.
“I know,” he kissed your cheek, whispering an, “I'm sorry,” into your ear, then went into the kitchen.
lee jihoon
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Jihoon was hardworking, but it came to a point where you rarely saw him anymore because of how much he worked and naturally, when he continuously canceled your date nights, you had to come to him at some point.
And it's not like you were staying for hours, you usually just stopped by at the studio with food, wanted to eat with him and then left again – after the occasional tumble, because yes, sex was also kind of hard to have when he was rarely at home anymore.
But today seemed to be a bad day, you noticed it the moment you walked in. He looked a lot more tense than usual.. might be because of the deadline he had coming up soon.
“Here, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just bought a bunch of stuff. The lady at the store even gave me an extra portion because she said you needed to..-”
“(Y/N), can you just leave, please? You are way too clingy these last few weeks and right now I just don't need that, okay?” and with that sentence, he turned back around to his computer and put his headphones back on like he didn't just insult you.
Yes, it hurt, but you also knew him well enough. This wasn't the real him, this was stressed him who couldn't think straight.
So you just left the food there and went home without another word.
It was only when Jihoon was finally done and saw the food on his desk that he let out a heavy sigh and brushed his hands over his face.
He instantly texted you and apologized, asked if he could come over and talk to you about it all and also, properly apologized.
You said yes.
lee seokmin
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You were at their dorm for dinner, were having a great time, your boyfriend telling a story, when he suddenly said: “Ah, (Y/N) can be so clingy sometimes.”
And boy, the awkward silence that followed after was horrible.
The rest of the boys that were eating with you all suddenly looked very interested in their dinner, Seokmin looked shocked about what he just said out loud and you stared at him with an open mouth and furrowed eyebrows.
“Excuse me?”
“I.. I didn't mean to say that, I don't know why I did..-”
You didn't want to cause a massive scene, not in front of the boys, so you just placed your napkin on the table and got up, “Then you better figure it out,” and with that you wanted to walk out of the apartment.
But Seokmin sprinted after you, chased you until he caught you at the elevator where you two started arguing.
And even though you didn't want the boys to hear, all of them stood at the door like they were watching a drama.
“Can someone get some popcorn?” Seungkwan asked, getting hit on the arm by one of his hyungs.
kim mingyu
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“Do you realize that we never argue?” Mingyu asked one day out of the blue.
“Is.. that a bad thing?” you laughed, looking up from your book.
“No, it's just something that I realized today.”
“Well,” you turned to him, “Do you want to try arguing?”
“To be honest, I wouldn't even know what to argue about,” he narrowed his eyes at you, “How about.. You're clingy!” he tried to sound serious, but then instantly started laughing.. as did you.
“You're so bad at this, no wonder we don't ever argue, you have no talent for it.”
Which might not be the worst trait in the world.
xu minghao
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God, did he feel bad. The second the words left his mouth, he was the one who was about to cry because he could see how much he hurt you.
“No, (Y/N). No, please don't cry,” but you already did and he instantly kissed your head and pulled you closer, “I'm sorry, I'm just so stressed lately, I shouldn't have let it out on you.”
But you already felt bad..
“I'm just.. going to leave,” you said in between sobs, but Minghao wouldn't let go of you.
“No, I don't want you to go, please stay for the night. For as long as you want. I'll miss you when you leave.”
But now he had already said the 'you're clingy' line and you just couldn't forget it.
boo seungkwan
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You didn't know what started this argument, but here you two were, suddenly saying what annoyed you about the other person.
“You are so.. clingy! It's driving me nuts!”
“Oh, is that so, yeah?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “Would you rather me not seeing you for a while then? How about we take a break, is that what you want?”
“Fine! Go then!”
“Fine, I'll go!”
Seungkwan pouted for approximately ten seconds, until he heard the front door close, then he sprinted after you, because no, he obviously didn't want you two to take a break.
And you didn't.
You never did..
hansol vernon choi
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Vernon had told you about the upcoming world tour and, naturally, you expressed that you were both happy, but also sad about it. Happy, because you knew what awesome experiences these world tours were for the boys. Sad, because world tour meant not seeing him for a very long time.
“It's because you've been so clingy lately, usually you don't mind it,” he laughed. He hadn't meant it in a bad way, but that's the way you took it.
“I've been clingy because I knew you'd leave and I wanted to at least spend a little more time with my boyfriend,” your voice showed the hurt and Vernon instantly sat up straighter when you got up.
“Wait, I didn't mean it like that.”
“I know. But the fact that this all seems to be so easy for you while I'm sitting at home missing you so badly..-” your shoulders slumped, “Makes me think you don't care about this relationship as much as I do.”
Vernon stared after you, his mouth opening and closing again because he didn't know what to say.
Because.. maybe.. you were right?
lee chan
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Your relationship was still new, this was the very first argument you ever had.
And in a way, you could see why he said what he said.
Because you were clingy. But only because you were in that lovey-dovey phase.
Ultimately, it was you who gave in with a sigh and nodded, “What do you want me to do then? Should I leave?”
“No.. no, don't go, just.. understand where I'm coming from,” Chan brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “I will reply when I can, I will come over when I can.. trust me. But some days it's just hard to do anything other than work. I need you to understand that.”
You nodded with a slight pout.
But you did understand..
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cheollies · 6 years
Flower Boy Cafe!Soonyoung
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requested by: anon who wanted this au
he’s the epitome of the line ‘my name is Soonyoung but you can call me soon.’
All the other guys roll their eyes because they have to listen to that line five hundred times a day
is a greeter/host
he really likes meeting people when they first come in, and he loves seating them because sometimes the waiters make bets on who gets the most customers
and Soonyoung gets the power to determine who wins and loses when he seats customers
Occasionally, when it’s busy, he’ll bring food out to tables or bust some tables
Soonyoung can be considered a very popular worker as people really do love his small eyes and squishiness of his cheeks
and he never misses a moment to show off his dance skills and literally the whole room turns into a screaming frenzy when he takes off his work tie
Soonyoung applied for the job when he saw the help wanted sign and people were like ‘really? You wanna work there?’
But Soonyoung is smiling so brightly ‘it’s so cool!!! why wouldn’t you want to work there!!’
yeah he really loves his job
he doesn’t even mind taking extra shifts because
One: he gets more money
and two: he loves working with his coworkers
his favorite working buddies are either Wonwoo or Seokmin
He loves working with Seokmin because one time they tried to slide milkshakes down the counter like bartenders too with glasses but it slid off the counter and broke and milkshake got everywhere
He likes Wonwoo too because he often imitates Wonwoo and then from the other side of the room he hears Wonwoo imitating him and suddenly the girls are laughing over the imitation war between Wonwoo and Soonyoung
Soonyoung is just so free spirited and cute that every girl just wants to scoop him up and shower him with love and affection
Even the guys can’t deny that they don’t think he’s sort of cute and good looking
and his work ethic is soo good too, he’s always on time and ready for work and he rarely takes days off unless it’s for emergencies so it’s safe to say that everyone loves Soonyoung
on his little waist apron, he has pins of cute animated hamsters because a customer said how much he looked like a hamster so now he embraces it
sometimes he carries a cute little hamster plush in the pocket of his apron and it sticks out so cutely that girl’s hearts are literally melting when they see it
he also names it ‘Hoshi’ and everytime he tells a customer that they always go ‘OH MY GOD THAT’S SO CUTE’
Also is one of the most extra workers when it comes to theme days
like if it’s prince day, expect Soonyoung to walk through the door in an expensive suit with bedazzles and an actual crown above his head
or possibly it’s beach day, he’s gonna be the shameless one to pretend to take off his shirt while girls literally die screaming
He met you through school
you two were paired together for a small project and had to meet up outside of class to work on it
and yeah, you may have developed the tiniest crush on the boy since well, he’s cute and how could you not notice the dude who literally asks questions every ten minutes
and Soonyoung, well to be honest he didn’t really notice you until you two were paired together
and he felt so bad because he didn’t know who you were but when he looked around the room as everyone got up to move to their partners
he sees you from the first row stand up, and in his head he’s screaming ‘oh my god oh my god what if they’re my partner. No that can’t happen, god isn’t that nice to me. Oh shit she’s coming my way. PRETTY GIRL IS COMING MY WAY. IS THIS FATE. AM I DREAMING’
‘Hi, Soonyoung right? We’re partners.’
and he’s so smitten that he’s not even listening to what you’re saying cause he’s just staring at your pretty eyelashes and you’re cute nose 
‘So Friday’s good to meet up’
Soonyoung kind of lets out a very happy sigh ‘yeah’ he says in those happy sigh voices before it hits him ‘oh shoot! I can’t, I have work until three. but I work at a cafe, we can do the project there after my shift.’
you agree to it but it really surprised you when you got there at 2:45
you thought this was a normal cafe, like one where there aren’t screaming girls and boys pulling cheesy lines at you
it’s very much a culture shock when you step through the doors and you’re greeted with the sound of girls screeching over a man performing all sorts of cute gestures and words
Soonyoung greets you at the door with a large smile plastered over his lips, and when he sees you, he falls back into that puppy love feeling where his eyes are just so filled with happiness
‘you work here?’ is the first thing that comes out of your mouth when Soonyoung takes a seat in front of you.
‘yeah, isn’t it fun? I love it here.’
‘So you just serve people and give them compliments and stuff’
Soonyoung laughs, ‘it’s a lot more than that, it’s making the customer feel like they’re wanted.’
‘How so?’
‘Well.’ Soonyoung takes your hand, interlacing it with his, ‘like this, or’ he stands from his seat, leaning over the table coming to a close proximity with your face, you can feel his breath on your cheek as he moves your hair behind your ears, ‘like this. and maybe i’d say, why would such a beautiful girl want to hide her face with her hair’
your heart is racing, your cheeks are red and even the tips of your ears are burning. You couldn’t even say a word when Soonyoung sat back down in his seat and when you looked away, you were greeted with other girls staring in envy
Soonyoung on the other hand was literally shaking in his seat, he couldn’t believe he had just done that to a girl is kind of has a crush on let alone his own classmate who he has to work on a project with for next two weeks
‘I have to go to the bathroom’ you excuse yourself quickly and Soonyoung is left alone at the table
‘Smooth~~’ coos Seungkwan and Seokmin as they approach him
‘Shut up’ Soonyoung is internally screaming, ‘this is the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever done’
‘more embarrassing than when you accidentally ripped Jihoon’s shirt and revealed his body to all the customers’
‘Either comfort me or leave’
Soonyoung plans to forget everything that happened. For the next two weeks that you two meet up, there were awkward smiles and blushes and Soonyoung can’t help but believe that that first encounter was engraved in your mind
and well yeah it was, but it didn’t stop you from getting the most massive crush on the guy who loved chomping on your snacks and then apologizing because he realizes that there’s only one left
or the way he gets so proud of himself for finishing a part of the project that his eyes disappear with his smile and his cheeks raise up so high you think it would reach the sky
and there was indeed more than one occasion when you ended up biting your pencil too hard watching him work across from you
on the day before the project was due, the day before you and Soonyoung no longer needed to meet each other outside of class (a very sad day for the both of you)
you two decided to meet once more to ‘finalize the project’. You two really just wanted to see each other
you meet Soonyoung at the cafe once more after his shift and you’ve become such a regular those past two weeks that all the staff has already learned your name and Mingyu is already preparing the drink you always order
now this was the defining day, all the guys were prepping Soonyoung to finally ask you out cause ‘y/n is so cool that she needs to stay in the family so you’re gonna have to date her’
and so he’s sitting in the chair, all hyped up and ready to scream ‘PLEASE GO ON A DATE WITH ME’ when all of a sudden
‘oh you have something on your face’ You stood from your seat, leaving over the table, bring your face closer to his with your hand stretched out
Literally everyone in the cafe stopped whatever they were doing to watch cause ‘damn this is a good drama’
You’re inches away from Soonyoung who feels like his heart is going to burst and before he knows it
‘Please go out with me.’ he says it in more of a very scared tone
You’re tilting your head with such doe eyes in front of him that he starts to blush a lot
The whole room is quiet besides the music playing and when you let out a ‘yeah, okay’
All the boys scream and everyone’s puzzled at what just happened
and that’s how you ended up dating the boy
He’s so excited to be with you, he’s always excited when he’s with you, he just becomes more active and alive whenever you step into the room
Always has the cheekiest smile when he’s in front of you, he’s like a little kid who just never wants to be away from you
Even when you’re sitting at the counter and he’s suppose to be working but he just stays in front of you, smiling brightly as you tell him about your day
He likes to do that thing where he orders a milkshake and he shares it with you by putting two straws in there and he just love drinking it and getting to stare at your face
Constantly hugging you in the cafe, all the girls get kind of jealous cause when you step in the room, all of his attention is just put on you and he forgets that he’s suppose to be tending to the customers
‘Soonyoung you’re suppose to pay attention to the customers’
‘But i wanna be with you’
‘How about I give you a private session’
He only laughs and dodges your hits as he leaves to seat new customers.
He loves his job a lot, but he’s grown more to love you a lot. And he’s always joking that maybe he should quit his job to spend more time with you. But there’s so many perks of seeing you walk through the door of the cafe, and one is, he falls more and more in love with you.
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onlygotafewdollas · 5 years
Idk if tumblr ate my last two asks or you just didn't see them, but i'll send them again. It'd also be super cute to go for a walk in a big park with Seokmin and then have a picnic under a massive tree or staying in, ordering takeout and having an anime marathon with Joshua or omg, I'd play the sims with Wonwoo and we'd spend hours building a family and their home from scratch, that would be fun. -carat anon 6/7
And finally, the teaser. T H E  T E A S E R. LITERALLY SO GOOD. JEON WONWOO WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. I cannot wait for this comeback, I'm more than ready. What other groups do you stan, if any? If each member of svt was an animal, what animal would they be? Or flower? Or idk something that you know a bit about. And oh yeah, what's your name? I keep forgetting to ask. I sent first 5 messages last night and reached my ask limit so I sent the last two this morning -carat anon 7/7
Ahhh I did get these parts today but I was at work so I couldn’t answer them!
1. YES omg going on a cute lil walk with Seokmin would be so much fun!! He seems like the kind of friend that would be like “oh we can just walk” even if your destination is like 92837492387 miles away but it’s ok bc he’d make walking fun :’) 
2. Holy wow I need to have an anime marathon with Josh LOL I feel like he’s even more weeb-y than he lets on hahahahaha. I wonder if he’s watched Yuri! On Ice? 
3. honestly,,,,never really played sims,,,,but I’ve watched my friends play and lowkey I feel like Wonwoo would find it so much fun to make his sims do crazy things LOL
5. When I first got into kpop I was suuuuper into SHINee!! So I was a hardcore shawol LOL but honestly Jonghyun’s death hit me really hard and I listened to them less and less, but I recently got back into them and I remembered just how much I love their music :’) I also recently got into Monsta X! I do listen to a lot of groups, but when it comes to being a hardcore fan I think Seventeen and SHINee really are my ult groups heh
6. I’ll go with dog breeds? Bc I really love dogs lol.
Seungcheol - german shepherd; looks kinda scary but is good at taking care of others and is a big soft boi at heart
Jeonghan - maltese; hair always looks good, intelligent, lively, can get a lil snappy if u mess with him
Joshua - shiba inu; but like, the kind that sit all daintily with their paws crossed. highkey lowkey a meme
Junhui - siberian husky; looks so majestic but can be a huge goofball around the right people
Soonyoung - samoyed; smiley, energetic, graceful, friendly, just a lovable boi
Wonwoo - greyhound; looks kinda athletic and like a tol boi but lowkey kinda lazy, unless he’s motivated 
Jihoon - jindo; loyal, smart, strong, faithful, really only interested in his friend group bc they’re what matters to him
Seokmin - golden retriever; so happy, so much love to give, literal sunshine
Mingyu - doberman pinscher; a BIG boi that is powerful and sleek, but also can be sweet and affectionate...and sometimes forgets how big he is (I have a friend that has a doberman that is just the sweetest thing and loves cuddles ahhh)
Minghao - afghan hound; luscious locks, dignified, a fashionista, could be on the cover of vogue 
Seungkwan - pomeranian; cute and knows it, can kind of be a diva LOL
Vernon - french bulldog; chill, adaptable, can get super energetic and playful
Chan - schipperke; small but lively, curious, a little mischievous, but oh so lovable
that was so hard and lowkey they could all fit the whole golden retriever thing but also...they’re all beagles (I hope u know what I mean when I say that lol)
And last but not least, my name is Anne! My mom named me that bc she thought it’d be easy for all our relatives to say/spell but everyone still spells it without the e at the end lol oops 
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