#i should replay pre sequel..
rorsry · 3 months
i really do believe that bl3 should have killed lilith off instead of maya.. maya's death felt like it was done for shock value.. lilith has been through so much already on top of losing her powers.. the twins should have killed her when they did this.. it would've been crazy good storywise..
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pie-guts · 9 months
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Proof that I also post stuff that isn’t Homestar Runner related
This is mainly a redraw of two different Claptrap designs that I made back in 2020 and in 2022
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Left (2020) Right (2022)
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kelean · 1 year
replayed commander lilith and the fight for sanctuary recently and now i'm thinking about all the lost potential and it's actually making me so, so sad.
like! if they would've just continued from where the pre-sequel left off we could’ve had athena somewhere on sanctuary because you can't tell me that after hearing the watcher's words about the incoming war she would just go and become the ceo of whatever (fuck you ntftbl) instead of staying and helping the little people. because yes, janey did ask her to step aside from the vault hunting business, but, you know, there is plenty of work to do without needing to kill anyone – and athena wouldn’t be alone now. or at least she wouldn't be working with some questionable people
also, can you imagine what athena would've felt like after going to the helios ruins? the exact place where her life took a 180-degree turn? all the memories - the bad and the good ones - that would've flooded back? especially with the fact that lilith - one of the people who tried to kill her here the last time - is fighting alongside her. they are allies now. friends, even. (also, there is a thing to say about cassius - we don't know if she canonically spared him, but in this dlc she would've had the chance to see that it was actually the right choice. yes, he was manipulated to work with the bad guys again, but he atoned himself in the end, making a sacrifice for people he barely knew - something she could definitely respect)
and athena would be here with janey, too, because at this point they are quite literally married. and because janey is a damn good mechanic she would definetly be besties with ellie, with them bonding over some mechanical stuff (and i’m still convinced that janey should have been the one to build a spaceship for sanctuary 3. you know, considering her specialty). and she was also the one who had been working with scooter for some time so. she would probably have some stories to tell
besides, i just can’t stop thinking about how awkward the first meeting between janey and bl1 vhs would be. with lilith, brick and mordecai going "yeah sorry we kidnapped your girlfriend and sorry that we tried to kill her. we are on good terms now tho. she's a really good storyteller and everyone loves her. tina is probably her number one fan" while janey would be standing there staring daggers at them
oh and also consider this - athena and brick becoming friends on the basis of both of them needing to find a less... uh... murderous hobby. maybe doing some (real) gardening together as was suggested by mordecai. or cooking! or knitting! i don't know. there are just so many possibilities. and they would also spar in a free time. and athena would win every single time (becaue it was stated that if not for the vallory's interference, she would have taken both him and mordecai down so. yeah. she might be short but she is extremely deadly)
and i'm not saying that she should've been the dlc's main focus because in the end it is a story about lilith becoming a true leader for the crimson raiders, but still. having athena around would've made so much sense
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awellreadmannequin · 4 months
I’ve been replaying borderlands the pre-sequel and lamenting the state of the games industry. bps is easily the best game in the series and the studio that developed it was shut down before they could even finish all the dlc they had planned. The series is sort of known for its, ahem, of its time humour, but the pre-sequel feels just as funny and emotionally hard hitting now as it did ten years ago (oh god has it been that long?). The team that made this game should have been given the entire franchise because gearbox has completely forgotten what makes borderlands fun (hint: it’s having a story with emotional stakes, not just lol so random humour). Instead, the got fired. And we got three, a game that is so unmemorable, I forgot that I’d played it all the way through. Also, it killed Maya and disappeared Lilith, leaving us without most of the female cast. But hey, at least… nope, I’ve got nothing. It’s bad and I hate it and I’m sad that I don’t think a game as well written and fun as bps can ever be made again.
Plus, I’m cheeses that they didn’t bring back Janey and Athena — a canonical lesbian couple — for 3. Gimme my lesbians, pitchford!
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bearded-shepherd · 2 years
Let’s Talk: The Last of Us Part 1 Remake? Why? IDK
Everyone out here bitchin about The Last of Us Part 1 Remake
While my ass over here daydreaming about how buttery fukin smooth Joel’s ass hairs are gonna be with these updated mechanics.
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I mentioned before after replaying the remastered (for whatever nth time) compared to the sequel, everything in the first game felt sluggish and clunky and now the AI in the original is eh; So with this remake...Imma cry once I get to the Hotel basement.
O man, dont get me started on the upgraded sound directions and the accessibility, that’s gonna be great. With the remake, I would assume that Joel can prone like the sequel... I wanna see that ass on the ground (please); but if that truly is the case, I’m excited about the level designs; we can already see some changes in the trailers with each scene so... I’m just gonna have to see  when I get it.
Love the graphics in the first game, still a beautiful game (and will always be, in the place my heart should be) so my opinion on the graphics fiasco thing is... eh neutral/idc, it’s an upgrade of course and I’m curious to see what the creators wanted us to see today when they couldn’t yesterday with tech limitations.
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You can definitely see the effort put into expressions, camera lens, and lighting that would really home in on the story telling with this remake.Tho I am biased...about the foliage of course (god I love grass and just greens in general)
Now that I gave it some thought... I’m screwed when I gonna have to replay the first scenes with Sarah again. Welp, it’s called The Trauma of Us for a reason.
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I almost forgot the most important thing about this remake
I can’t tell how rickety dink them horsey mechanics were in the first game without playing the sequel and RDR2. I am READY...
But what I’m not ready for is the new Stalkers. I mean I am, but I’m not cause they’re going to be a real pain in the ass and Imma love it of course.
However, what’s truly fuked is that, I can’t pre order shit cause it’s sold out and Sony obviously didn’t learn a damn thing about scalpers: another thing is, why the hell is the Firefly edition exclusive to US? (I hope they change that like soon)
On the Brightside tho, PC master race will be able to play this game too, yee yee!!
In the end, is the remake necessary?? It’s not up for me to decide if it is or isn’t I dont care either way, that’s on the creator/ people working on it/ Sony.
It’s just another serving of pie for me; do I ever need to eat pie, fuk no, but I like pie.
I’m here to vibe before the world inevitably ends truly
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owlixx · 1 year
Kirby Spinoff/Demo Wrap Up
So, I am done with all the mainline pre-switch Kirby games! But after Robobot, I poked my head into some of the later spinoff games and played the demos of the switch games and wanted to share my thoughts on those.
Rainbow Curse
Great art style hampered by playing on gamepad
weird multiplayer that trivializes the core gameplay
I just popped in and bopped Wispy Woods
It's not...bad, but I don't have the itch to play more
Blowout Blast
I tried a level each from the sub-game and the standalone release
Pretty cute and fun, if a bit plain
Standalone game is definitely worth the upgrade with its actual levels and much longer length
The combo system and grading does stress me out a little
I wouldn't mind beating each of these sometime
Battle Royale
Booting this up with no prior knowledge is a baffling experience
I thought this game was 9 different genres before figuring it out
Seems like Blowout Blast with combat at first
Then it seems like top down Smash Bros
Only for it to end up being...a poor man's Mario Party?
Seems like this game should have either leaned into being more of a fighting game with light MOBA elements (like the tutorial also kind of made it seem with highlighted friends/enemies, revives, a mix of small and big enemies)
...or it should have leaned into being a party game and focused on variety and having game boards
I could see myself doing the story mode out of morbid curiosity but I don't think I would immensely enjoy it based on my reaction to the stupid apple collecting minigame
Star Allies
I had played this demo before multiple times, both single player and multi player
This time, what occurred to me was the absurdity of porting Return to Dream Land to Switch FIVE YEARS after releasing a near-identical game on Switch, where the biggest issue is how similar the two games are.
And both games are still 60 dollars! They are literally both games right now as part of Nintendo's special "voucher deal" where you can get two full priced games at a marginally reduced price. FIVE YEARS LATER
For context, 2018 also had such beloved games as Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Spider-Man, and God of War, all of which drop to 10-20 dollars regularly now. Hell, God of War got ported to PC starting at 50 dollars since it was SO OLD and that was over a year ago
30 fps :( Triple Deluxe really spoiled me (I am the first person to ever say that, from what I've seen)
Anyways, its just Return to Dream Land but with the friend system of Super Star (roughly) and ability mixing inspired by Squeak Squad's upgraded sword (rouhgly)
Having 4 helpers makes things too easy, maybe I'd try the story solo if I ever got this
Everyone dunks on Star Allies online so I was expecting to see what they see, and I do, but the game is still a fun Kirby game
After some research however, I am extremely tempted to purchase the game for all the extra modes
Especially Guest Star: the idea of letting you replay an entire Kirby game locked into one power, allowing for 20 something unique playthroughs each with their own best-time is so tempting and I wish every game had it
Plus, it is so cool to see DLC friends from every mainline Kirby now that I get all those references!
This game goes on sale a bit sometimes, so it is now an actual contender to purchase
Super Kirby Clash
I mean, it's not great, but it is cute enough and a decent splitscreen timekiller
I kind of wish that now they'd just patch the game to be a bit less money-grubbing
More free to play games should have flawless splitscreen
Fighters 2
Let me just say: WOW
The gameplay is not super sophisticated, but the polish and sheen are off the charts
Literally Star Allies engine but in 60 fps!
Two player roguelike story mode????
Exclusive copy abilitity?
Unique helper characters???
This game is clearly so much more than a sequel to the sub-game
Hilariously blows Fighters Deluxe out of the water in terms of...everything
Might get this if it ends up being fun splitscreen in the demo
Forgotten Land
Pretty fun demo
Only did the first level on "wild style", waiting to do the whole demo coop
30 fps :(((
Mario Odyssey was 60 fps SIX YEARS AGO
And speaking of, this game I think was expected to be "Kirby Odyssey" or "Kirby Breath of the Wild"
But it doesn't even feel like "Kirby's Mario 64" or "Kirby Ocarina of Time"
It feels more like "Kirby 3D Land"
It seems almost offensive that Kirby is a series with its identity rooted in novelty and unique gimmicks, yet the only 3D games before were a racing game, a minigame (with no copy abliities!), and a minigame collection kind of
Seems like a promising start, but I am not sure I want to drop 60 bucks just for a few more hours of this
Don't get me wrong, its cute and fun and wonderful, but it seems like "A fun Kirby game" and not "the Kirby game to end all Kirby games"
Might be tempted though if the local coop is really good
Dream Buffet
No demo for this one but I've got my eye on it
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lilbittymonster · 8 months
Me: sees one (1) Jackisha canary on my dash
Me: I should replay the pre sequel again
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jaccsonhyde · 1 year
should i replay borderlands 3 or the pre sequel?
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
AHHH NO THATS SO STRESSFUL i’m glad it worked out! i’ve been dying to play bl3 and tiny tina’s wonderland but i need to wait until my semester ends so i don’t get too distracted and bomb my last few finals lmao but i have been on my usual presequel and 2 grind woooo it’s so fun replaying them and meeting all the fav characters again 🥹 i swear whenever i see janey or mordecai i am a puddle
LITERALLY ME- I had to wait to start the new games until I was close To don with the semester so I didn't just forget the world around me exists and forget to study LMAO.
But ong, that's me with Mordie, Scooter(in a comfort way since I see myself in him a LOT lmao), Krieg, and Rhys. I have been on such a bad Rhys kick lately, he just makes me giggle and kick my feet like a school girl with how awkward he is. Like me too bestie.
Oh, I also did my final presentation for Abnormal Psychology over Borderlands characters! We had to select a character or characters from our favorite movie or tv show and diagnose it with something we learned this semester from the DSM-5, but I was bad in my bl2 grind so I asked my professor if I could do it over borderlands and she said yeah! Everyone was either a little over 7 minutes (our time limit) or below it, but not me. I spent 15 minutes telling the class about all of the borderlands characters I chose and what they had wrong with them. I even gave each character a cool slide and told some facts about blowing because GOD I love her and Mordecai. My professor LOVED it and said that mine was her favorite since I chose something that I obviously was interested in and from now on she is allowing people to choose video games for their presentations. I just love these games so much lmao
What's funny is I only did the presentation of BL2 characters, and I even told her it could have been a lot longer. So now she's gonna look into the game and maybe play it herself lmaooo
I plan on continuing the pre-sequel tonight once it finishes redownloading. It should be about done, if not I'm continuing tales so I can see Rhys make a fool of himself becuase... Me too.
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slade-neko · 3 years
Saw this video game tag thing pop up on my dash a few days ago. Wanted to do it.
1. First game you played obsessively? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I believe I was 5yo. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake treatment.
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2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Well if I play a game and like it, then I'll create sims of it. Does that count?
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My brother from the day I was born.
4. Who do you play with now? My brother FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I wasn't lying when I made this post. {link}
6. Ever buy strategy guides? Yes! Mainly to look at the artwork though. (Don't need no guide!)
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Lots of games, most being Left 4 Dead with 6 copies (3 Xbox 360, 1 PC case, 2 PC digitally.) What can I say, its a GOOD GAME!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Gold cartridge Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (maybe that's rare?)
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9. Most regrettable purchase? I don't regret my purchases, but I have received games I have never played like Cubix (PS2) no clue where that game came from, but I have it somehow. Madagascar (Xbox 360) came with my Xbox 360, never opened it from its case. And Monsters Inc. Scream Arena (Gamecube) or something... it was a gift.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? I'm only friends with people BECAUSE of video games, so yes.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No, that'd be ridiculous.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Probably a lot, I'd say Call of Duty, but I technically played CoD 1, 2, and 4. The campaign mode was alright, but I don't really care for CoD games at ALL.
14. Favorite game music? Koji Kondo and Grant Kirkhope are two BIG ones.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Triforce is the most basic option, but I'd rather not get a tattoo.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Super Smash Bros. Brawl with hacks, but that was over a decade ago.
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17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No, that'd be ridiculous.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? No, that'd be RIDICULOUS.
19. Favorite handheld console? PSP. 3DS is great, but PSP Monster Hunter has ALL of my portable gaming memories. Like playing in school after End of Grade tests with my friend.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Sims 4 I like to think I know everything about Left 4 Dead. Quite a bit about Monster Hunter, more so of a series though than a specific game.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? I'd say Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I loved it as a kid, but had a lot of complex pen & paper RPG mechanics that I never understood. I understand a lot more of it now, but its still complex as all heck. I just know you hit things, they die.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? That's the only thing I wear.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Not sure so I'll list a few. Sims 4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter (its a series though), or Left 4 Dead
24. First Pokemon game? Leaf Green
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No, don't like paying to play.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? No.
27. Game that makes you rage? I don't get mad at games, but I had a custom modded Hard Eight mutation in Left 4 Dead that is absolute bullsh*t!
28. Ever play in a tournament? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
29. What is your gaming set up? A giant wall of video game consoles spanning from NES to Switch, 4 TVs, but I sit at a desk with a PC.
30. How many consoles do you own? "I own every console that's ever existed." - I Don't Play Games When I Play Games (My STRENTH) original song by Smooth McGroove BUT no seriously I own 32 consoles including handhelds.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes. 3DS gave me headaches though I only really played with the 3D feature in Ocarina of Time 3D. I think my eyes broke because I couldn't get my 3D to work very well after.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Sure I play games based on a lot of things. Literally any anime game. If I had to pick Dragon Ball Xenoverse is kinda like a dream Dragon Ball game. Oh, Attack on Titan 2 is pretty neat too!
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33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Some SEGA plug-n-play thing once. Played it like once and now its lost to time (or my closet.)
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Yes. Mom and Dad played NES Super Mario Bros. My Dad went HARD at that game until he saved the Princess. Then he quit forever.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? "Hi. Welcome to Gamestop!"I never want to hear that again, but it was my main store until I went full digital/ online orders.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No, I don't tend to get upset or emotional, but Bill dying in Left 4 Dead made me pretty pissed.
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37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Never played it. I don't really play "bad" games, but maybe Sims 4.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? The Sims 4
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Dragon's Dogma 2 WHICH I think is actually in development, so I'd have to say Fallout New Vegas 2. C'mon Bethesda you cowards, hand the keys back over to Obsidian so they can make another good Fallout game!
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? Two part question, two answers. VR Headset to immerse in world, yes. Motion Controls, no.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? MOBAs and MMOs. I don't like paying to keep playing.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Nintendo 64 opened me up to what video games could be as a kid. Sad to say my parents' NES didn't really do that for me. And years later Fallout 3 was a big game changer for me too.
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43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Every day of my LIFE.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? None. I'd rather emulate.
45. How are you at Mario Kart? Pretty dang good. 3-STARS MARIO KART WII, BABY!
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Yes, both of those. I preferred when Animal Crossing had more character to it. New Horizons looks so pretty, but feels so bland compared to classic AC.
47. Do you like competitive games? No. Not really. Usually amongst friends or if I can get competitive against AI Bots. I love my machine bot friends cause they don't cry like 10 year olds when they lose.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Too long. I've seriously restarted games because I wasn't happy with my character's appearance.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yes, I am always the magic man, my brother is always brute warrior, and my friend is the ranger.
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50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I don't really know. Honestly, I'd rather mod already good games to make them better than create something completely new.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? No, that'd be ridiculous. But I've had a friend fall asleep playing games at my house 3 different times and currently dozes off during our Minecraft sessions. So, maybe that's not a completely ridiculous thing after all.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? Kirby 64 apparently. My brother tells me we had to count out pennies to buy it. I must've been too young with no recollection, but I believe it.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? It's good if its not in the game's files from the beginning and is actually developed AFTER launch... and pre-order bonuses should be standard DLC a month or two later. Some games have content lost to time because of that pre-order bullsh*t.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Of course. If you want a game and its on sale then why not? I typically wait just for Steam sales to get games.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No? I typically make people and characters I like in Sims. I've made villains like Dio, but he's an anime villain and I don't really HATE him despite the horrible things he's done.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No. Never played that game.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? I try to for all the games I really like.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? The Sims 4, Skyrim, & Fallout: New Vegas. Mods make them live forever. Left 4 Dead and Monster Hunter are good choices too.
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Those aren't games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? No? But I'll take a guess. Is it make an IP and forget it exists?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? Keep forever... even the bad ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? PS4 Pro for Monster Hunter World. It was basically for early access since the PC version was being developed and releasing after PS4, but I don't like waiting.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Sort of. Been to anime cons and walked into the gaming tournament rooms only to walk out less than 10 minutes later.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? No, but I'm going to be doing that soon, hopefully.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? GameShark for N64, PS2, Gameboy, and Action Replay for Gamecube, DS, 3DS. And no not really, I would cheat responsibly... but there was this one time at school my friend and I borrowed another friend's Gameboy game, loaded it up with my Gameshark, tried playing, it crashed, loaded it back up, save file corrupted... we just stared at each other jaws dropped, "Here's your game back, dude. Make sure you don't play it til you get back home!"
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? No, but I remember seeing them on billboards in the game DRIV3R on PS2.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Every game I play is filled with happy memories (mostly.)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? These tiger plushes. My brother got white and I got orange. They were the coolest. Got a butt load of tickets from some jackpot spinning light game thing as I was good at the timing with repeated jackpot hits.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? I've played quite a few masterpiece games, but to pick one, I'd say Fallout: New Vegas
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70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Mario 64. I was a mere child on a Sunday morning and ate celebratory pancakes made by my Dad.
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Wow, that was long... I get the feeling this was supposed to be a "send me ask with numbers" thing, but answering all at once is more fun.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
July 2, 1967
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When the one great broadcaster in the sky someday chronicles the history of television, it will be divided in three parts pre-Lucy, early-Lucy and late-Lucy. 
There will never be a period known as post-Lucy because Lucy is without end. 
Wars have come and gone. Generations have been born, reared and procreated, but Lucy continues. Lucy's march through video history reached a landmark recently when CBS decided to relinquish its grip on the "I Love Lucy" series after sixteen years. 
This doesn't mean "I Love Lucy" will disappear from your living room. Rather, it's a rebirth of the ancient series, since it now will be sold station-by-station across the country. 
Of course, CBS has Lucille Ball headed for a sixth season in her sequel show, "The Lucy Show," which also appears destined to run practically forever. 
More than one third of all Americans living today weren't yet born when "I Love Lucy" made its debut in the fall of 1951 as the star of the CBS line-up. 
The show, filmed in a Hollywood studio, turned the TV industry inside out. Until Lucy, television operated with electronic cameras transmitting live programs to a few select cities, with kinescope duplicates for the hinterlands. 
After Lucy showed the way, the TV industry moved to Hollywood and film. Today, you can count the non-film TV programs on your fingers. In the beginning, "I Love Lucy" had four stars. Lucille Ball, of course, was the pivotal character. Alongside her was her husband, Desi Arnaz. 
And down the hall in their mythical apartment were the Mertzes the late William Frawley and Vivian Vance, who retired from Lucy's new show two years ago to go home to Connecticut. 
Desi became a Hollywood tycoon off the "I Love Lucy" show, founded the Desilu Studio complex, then sold out and left Hollywood. Now, he's back and starting a second time around. 
Desi Arnaz, Jr., now of the Dino, Desi and Billy rock trio, was virtually born before millions of Lucy fans as Miss Ball played one season enceinte. (And in those days, pregnancy on the screen was unheard of.) 
"I Love Lucy" also made history in the advertising business. Although it was the highest rated show on the air in its prime, it didn't do a thing for the sponsor's cigarettes. 
When "I Love Lucy" ceased to have new episodes, it never left the air. CBS continued with reruns. The Ricardos and the Mertzes were in a sort of time-lock, never aging, never changing. 
Lucy and Desi divorced and both remarried, but on CBS in the morning, they remained in love for another decade. 
The 179 episodes kept replaying until the audience lost track of how many shows it had committed to rote. When CBS hit the bottom of the stack, it started over, and over, over again. 
This routine might have gone on forever except for an incident in February, 1966, which alerted everyone to the Lucy situation. The network chose to broadcast a fifth rerun of an "I Love Lucy" episode in preference to live testimony from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Vietnam hearing. The network's news chief stomped out in a huff. 
Last September, CBS retired "I Love Lucy" from daily duty and put it on reserve status.
Then in late March, the decision was made to release "I Love Lucy" from the network and the old episodes were released for sale in syndication to individual stations. 
But even before the ink was dry on the contract, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists called a strike. The network was caught without its live soap operas. 
To fill the emergency, naturally, CBS reached up on the shelf and pulled down some battered reels of "I Love You-know-what." 
#   #   #
This article was part of TV Week, a supplement to the Sunday Baltimore (MD) Sun, on July 2, 1967.  
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That same day (July 2, 1967) Baltimore’s Channel 13 showed The Affairs of Annabel (1938), Lucille Ball’s 39th movie. 
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On Thursday, July 6, 1967, Baltimore area viewers saw Miss Grant Takes Richmond  (1949) on Channel 9.  It was Ball’s 72nd film. 
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Later that same night, “Milton Berle Hides Out at the Ricardo’s” (LDCH S3;E1), originally aired in September 1959, was on their CBS affiliate.  Curiously, there is a small (c) next to the title, which indicates color.  This show was not filmed in color.  
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Interestingly, as the article states, there are no re-runs of “I Love Lucy” on the schedule!  But the Ricardos and Mertzes are still visible via “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.”  
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The headlines that day talked about Canada’s centennial, tensions in the Suez, President Johnson’s relationship with Democratic governors, and America’s precarious financial relationship with Germany. 
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When Shull’s column was printed in other papers, it was often retitled. Headlines were written by the newspapers, not the columnists. Here (The Indianapolis News) they decided on “Maybe It Should Be Renamed ‘Forever Lucy’”.  He also got his headshot with this byline.  
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mentalmars · 3 years
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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Wishlist: 7 Things I Want To See
What do I want to see in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Gearbox Software is working hard on their newest game, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. It’s a high-fantasy looter shooter that’s build upon the Borderlands foundation. This news makes me very excited for things to come but while Gearbox Software delivered an awesome gaming experience with Borderlands 3, I still would like to see some things improved or things they could jump into. New Weapons I want all new weapons in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Yes, they are adding melee weapons and magic spells but I want new guns with new traits. For this I’m going to look back at Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. I loved playing through the story, however, the weapons felt a lot like Borderlands 2. This made the hunt for loot less exciting. With Borderlands 3, Gearbox game weapons new manufacturer specific abilities. While the overall gun play in Borderlands 3 improved, the new weapons also made it feel fresh. I don’t want to farm the same weapons as in Borderlands 3, although I’m down for some fanservice and have some classics in there. Spread out Dedicated Loot Sources Borderlands 3 initially had a lot of world drops that didn’t have a dedicated loot source. While the idea of having super rare weapons drop out of the blue is cool from a designer’s point of view, the community hated it and requested dedicated farm locations for those weapons. However, due to the mass number of world drop legendary weapons, the named enemies received multiple legendary weapons in their loot pools. This made farming for specific items a tedious chore. Having these items more spread out would make for a more enjoyable experience. Anointments Reworked I don’t know if the anointments from Borderlands 3 will make their return to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. I like the idea of having a more badass version of an item but I want to see more build diversity with this. Making anointments more like mini-skills that provide different interactions rather than just a damage increase. These could stack with things that are already in your character’s skill tree. Chance that your projectiles bypass the enemy’s shields Chance that projectiles ricochet to a nearby target but deal reduced damage Chance that body shots count as a critical hit Chance that killing an enemy causes them to explode dealing damage to nearby enemies Wounds enemies, making them weak against different damage types Crazy Earls Reroll Machine Gearbox Software added Crazy Earls reroll machine to Borderlands 3 at the same time that they released The Director’s Cut. This device lets you reroll the anoints on your weapons because sometimes you have a weapon with the correct parts but with the wrong anointment on it. Having the ability to reroll that anointment is something I think should have been in the game from the start, therefore, with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, I want it at launch. Endgame Content Yes, we all want Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands to have an awesome story campaign but we also want stuff to do once we completed the main storyline. Slaughter domes, Raid bosses, and Takedowns in Borderlands have always been well received. Yes, we like a challenge but the loot at the end should feel rewarding (I’m looking at you Guardian Takedown). Give us Arms Race 2.0 that has more random elements, rotating bosses, and challenges. Make Replayability Enjoyable In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands we can create your own multiclass hero. If we are going to start the game fresh with a new character I want to experience things somewhat differently. Have points where player choice matters. Because you did this or chose that, Tiny Tina will throw another boss at you or open up a secondary route. Another thing that’s highly requested for Borderlands 3 is a dialogue skip. When playing through the game for a second, third, or fourth time, you know what to do. You don’t want to talk to Lilith again and again. Chaotic Evil Mode Borderlands 3 added Mayhem Mode, an option to continue playing the game with difficulty modifiers. This mode also made a second playthrough kind of obsolete. You didn’t need to play True Vault Hunter Mode to get better loot and level up your character. Mayhem Mode didn’t let you replay a mission, so if Chaotic Evil Mode lets you reactive missions, you should be able to enjoy that mission multiple times and farm its mission reward. More This article is getting lengthy but there is much more that I would like to see in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands but I’ll save that for the next article. That said, what do you want to see in the game?
Continue reading on https://mentalmars.com/game-news/tiny-tinas-wonderlands-wishlist-7-things-i-want-to-see/
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capondi · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo, Kylo Ren/Rey Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Angst, Pining, Mutual Masturbation, Post-TLJ, pre-tros, a slower burn than intended, but mostly PWP Summary:
She kept replaying their final argument, trying to understand just what he had meant, how she had gotten it so wrong. She didn’t believe he was past saving, but she was afraid it was out of her hands. How could she help him, if he didn’t want to help himself? Not by doing this, her mind responded. She rolled over, and tried to sleep.
Cause I reread an old fic of mine and still loved it and so should you!
Her eyes opened, and she turned toward the motion she caught in the corner of her eye. He was looking down at her, his eyes darker than she’d ever seen them. His mouth was parted in a gentle pant, like she had caught him training.
She hadn’t caught him training.
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Timothy Lawrence x reader (First date?)
Request: Hi, are how are you doing? I'm replaying Borderlands The Pre Sequel as Timothy and remembered how much my gay ass loved him (and still do). Is it okay for you to write something about finally going on a first date with him if you don't have too much work? Thanks!
Fandom: Borderlands
Genre: Fluff
Timothy shielded the sun with one of his hands as he looked off into the distance, it was getting late but he and (y/n), his vault hunter partner, still hadn’t found Jack’s equipment. He said that he needed it for a personal experiment and Timothy wasn’t going to be the one to ask what for. He didn’t exactly have any leverage against his boss anyway.
Timothy’s eyes began to sparkle in wonder as (y/n) walked into his line of sight. The sun shined against their figure perfectly, almost looking like a spotlight on a stage. Timothy had been wanting to ask them out on a date for months now, but he hadn’t exactly had the courage to do so. He needed to. Soon.
“--Hey, are you even listening? You’re gazing off into space again,” (y/n) called him out. 
Timothy’s gaze snapped to (y/n)’s eyes, more alert now more than ever. (y/n)’s arms were crossed over their chest as they waited for an answer from the flustered boy. If they didn’t get a move on soon then jack would be pissed. They’d both seen first hand what he’ll do.
“S-sorry, I… Where do we need to go next?” Timothy stammered.
(y/n) gave him a confused look before gesturing to a small building in the near distance.
“We need to go there, Jack said that that parts for his experiment should be there, but the problem is… We have to go through all those scavs to get them,” (y/n) gently explained, almost worried for Timothy. 
Timothy grumbled lightly at the amount of work he needed to fulfill to get something for his egotistical boss. He didn’t even know what they’re looking for.
“Great. Alright, I’ll take the lead?” Timothy offered.
(y/n) gave him a firm nod before retrieving their sniper rifle from their bag. Timothy slowly threw a grenade toward a pile of Scavs and watched as bullets began to fly from almost every direction. (y/n) ducked and rolled for cover behind a building. Timothy admired them so much.
(y/n) started killing off the scavs in the distance while Timothy covered for them. He couldn’t let them get hurt. They meant too much to the doppelganger.
Timothy stood behind a building only a few feet away from (y/n), gunning down any scavs that got anywhere close to (y/n)’s position.
Now, Timothy needed to ask (y/n) now, “A date.” 
(y/n) halted their shooting for a split second out of shock before hastily continuing as to not get shot by the scavs in front of them. Their grip on the gun shook slightly, wanting to believe what he said was what they heard.
“What?” They asked, wanting clarification.
Timothy gulped lightly before tossing another grenade towards the herd to try to give him and (y/n) a few seconds to breathe. A few more seconds to think.
“Go on a date with me?” Timothy asked.
(y/n) glanced at Timothy for a minute, the noise from behind feeling almost nonexistent as the two lock eyes with each other.
“Like right now?” (Y/n) asked in reply.
(y/n) ducked as a scav flies over their head, still waiting for Timothy’s answer. He wrung his hands together nervously, only stopping to grab a scav that get in a close radius of (y/n).
“No, like later. When we finish the mission? We can--” Timothy was cut off by (y/n) stepping a foot closer to Timothy to quickly press their lips to his for a few seconds to get their point across of relaxing. They separated from him before he could get comfortable and returned to shooting.
“Sure, Timtam,” (y/n) replied in a sweet tone.
The doppelganger was ecstatic, he did it! He finally asked (y/n) out on a date. Timothy slammed his watch down, letting two Digi-jacks pop out to help in the fight. (y/n) paused to reload their gun but stopped short when their eyes caught sight of the two Digi-jacks.
(y/n)’s distracted.
Timothy and (y/n) stood back and watched as the Digi-jacks took out the rest of the bandits in the surrounding area with little problem. The Digi-jacks quickly disappeared as the problem was now solved; Timothy and (y/n) could finally get the equipment that Jack so desperately needed.  
“Alright, let’s go. Shall we?” Timothy asked while (y/n) clipped their sniper to their back before slowly grabbing his outstretched hand toward them and following him into the building, their free hand in front of them; clenching and unclenching nervously. “Everything okay?” Timothy reached outward to (y/n) to place one of his hands on their forehead, feeling their temperature. No fever.
“Y-yeah. I--um, I just forgot how…” (y/n) began to trail off their sentence, not knowing how to piece their words together and the moment. Timothy tightened his grip on one of their hands, his other hand sliding from their forehead to rest on the back of their neck. “I just got a bit distracted by your Digi-jacks… Having 3 of you is, wow… I’m a bit flustered is all. Come on.” 
(y/n) slowly pulled themself out of Timothy’s light grip and headed into the building where the equipment should be.
Timothy stared at (y/n)’s back as the two walked in the long hallways to gather the things that their egotistical boss needed. He could have at least told them what he needed or why. Timothy glanced into the rooms, not knowing what he needed to look for when he noticed (y/n) fidgeting with their hands in front of their body; they were anxious. He didn’t waste any time in reaching out to grab one of their hands, but--
“There! There’s the equipment I need,” Handsome Jack screamed out over their coms. Both parties jumped in surprise at their boss’ voice resonating through their earpieces, was Jack watching them; monitoring their moves?
Timothy halted his movements and turned into one of the rooms, abandoning his mission of trying to calm (y/n) down and grabbed the surprisingly small parts.
“Sir? Are you watching us?” Timothy asked as he stiffened as his boss laughed lightly, even if the question was serious.
“I’m always watching Tim. I saw those moves earlier. You two can come back now. We need to talk,” Hansome Jack ordered.  
Timothy thickly swallowed his nerves as Jack finished his brief commands. He glanced toward (y/n) before glancing up to the big H in the sky. Was he in trouble?
Timothy didn’t want that, neither did (y/n). It was far too soon.
“You heard everything, right?” Timothy asked (y/n).
(y/n) glanced around the room before turning to Timothy and softly shaking their head.
“Just the last bit. I guess we better hurry.” 
(y/n) quickly walked to the ship they landed in, Timothy, hot on their heels. Neither of them wanted to know what Jack would do if they were late. 
(y/n) strapped themself into one of the seats and let Timothy control the ship, last time they did… it didn’t go well. (y/n) almost crashed the ship. So from now on, only Timothy drove.
“Did he ever say what the parts are for?” (y/n) asked.
Timothy shook out his nerves before answering, just because he was nervous or even anxious didn’t mean that (y/n) needed to be. He hated seeing them like that. It hurt.
“No, but hopefully he’ll tell us when we meet back up with him,” Timothy replied. 
(y/n) turned to the window to look out at the stars, a wistful look present upon their features.
“Someday…” Timothy glanced over to (y/n) every few seconds, checking on them and waiting for them to finish the sentence. “I want to move to a nice planet where we won’t have to worry about bringing enough bullets on a night out. We can relax and just… be. You know?” 
Timothy let the statement sit in the air for a few moments, running it over and over in his head, again and again.
“Uh, we?” Timothy asked, hopeful that they meant what he thought they meant.
(y/n) gave Timothy a shy smile before slowly placing a hand on one of his arms.
“Yeah. We.” 
The Doppelganger felt himself become a bit flustered, he still didn’t know how he found someone like them. Before he could relish in the butterflies in stomach feeling, Helios quickly entered his line of sight. A sense of dread hung in the air as Timothy finally landed the small ship and got out. He felt shaky, anxious; almost like he was going to throw up. (y/n) seemed oblivious.
He walked down a few hallways, not stopping by anything like he normally would. He wanted nothing more than to get this meeting over with. Maybe then he could finally take (y/n) out on a date.
Wait. He paused in his steps when he stopped hearing 1 pair of footsteps following behind him. Timothy let out a deep sigh and braced himself to hunt down (y/n) again.
They were staring at the walls, they were covered in… flowers?
“Why is the hallway to his office covered in flowers?” (y/n) voiced exactly what Timothy was asking himself.
Timothy glanced ahead to the large doors to Jack’s office. He was trying to impress (y/n). Great.
“Come on, we’re almost there,” Timothy said. The two vault hunters walked through the large doors of Jack’s office to check in after their mission, but Timothy… what if he killed Timothy? “You wanted to see us, Sir?” Jack turned away from the giant window in his office to greet the two.
“Hey, Kiddos! Where are my parts that I asked for?” He asked cheerfully in his normal charasmatic tone.
Timothy huffed out a sigh and handed his gun to (y/n) while he handed over the small parts to Jack, placing them all neatly on his desk.
“We got them. Is that all or--” Jack simply pressed a button on his desk, Timothy and (y/n) watched in anticipation as a mask, identical to Jack’s, slowly rose from the ground.
“I need you to wear this is public. I don’t care what you do or who you do in your home, but You need to wear this to cover up your face. You are supposed to be my doppelganger after all. I’m not cruel enough to brand you though… Nobody should have to go through that,” Jack solemly said. 
(y/n) took a step toward Jack, a careful hand placed on one of his arms and asked, “Sir, are you okay?” 
Jack took a deep breath before standing up straight and brushing a hand through his hair.
“I’m great, Cupcake. How are you?” 
Timothy rose an eyebrow at what his boss was doing to his partner but it wasn’t like he could exactly tell his boss to fuck off. That would be suicide.
“Okay, is that all you needed?” Timothy said as he clenched his jaw tightly as Jack wrapped an arm around their shoulders, tugging them close to him.
“Well, me and Nish have been looking to excite things in the bedroom, you know? So what would you say about a three-way?” Jack offered (y/n), a flirty smile plastered on his face.
A blush was quick to find its way to (y/n), they stood still, shocked at the provocative question.
“I--uh… I don’t…” 
Timothy stood between the two, keeping (y/n) behind him as he dealt with Jack’s advances.
“Are we getting paid anytime soon… Sir?” His teeth were clenched so tightly. He couldn’t even remember the last time he was this mad. Jack’s eyebrows rose, he was actually impressed.
“Well look who grew a pair. Damn, Tim. Didn’t think you had it in you.” Jack pressed a few buttons on his phone and the two vault hunters got notifications on their echo. Paid for their mission. “Sweetheart, you still don’t really have a place to stay, do you?” (y/n) peeked their head around Timothy’s broad shoulders, shaking their head. They hadn’t really had a place to stay since Zarpodon. Timothy and (y/n) had been trying to get everything settled, and dealing with Jack on a daily basis was a full-time job on its own.
“No, I’ve just been kind of staying with Timothy.” 
Jack glanced between the two before giving a final answer, “We’re running out of single units, so I’ll just pair you two together in one of the two-bedroom units. You’re welcome. Now you’re free to leave.” 
Timothy grabbed (y/n)’s hand in a firm hold and dragged them out of his office, he continued to keep a steady pace to the center of Helios. Timothy let out a deep sigh before dropping (y/n)’s hand.
“Are you okay, Timothy? I’ve never seen you so angry before,” (y/n) mentioned. 
He let out a sarcastic laugh and crossed his arms over his chest before he replied, “I’ve never been so angry… Would you actually have a three-way with him and Nisha?” 
(y/n) stared at Timothy for a moment, knowing how serious the question actually was. He would be crushed if they said yes.
“No, but if it were Moxxie and you then… yes. Because that’s a perfect combination.” 
Timothy laughd lightly before agreeing.
Timothy dug through his pocket to pick up his echo, it worked more as a phone than anything but… it was an echo.
“Looks like we’re going to have to wait a bit until our stuff is moved into the new unit. You wanna go get something to eat?” Timothy asked, already knowing the answer.
(y/n)’s eyes lit up, anybody would think they were a child with how excited they got at the mention of food. They grabbed his hand tightly and dragged him to their favorite place.
Timothy was just hoping for a simple date, but now he got to live with (y/n), he was more than happy. Too bad he had to go face to face with Jack to do so. He almost decked him.
One date at a time. One day at a time, Timothy would stick by their side for as long as he could. Not even Jack could come between him and (y/n). Not even a giant vault monster.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
I feel you with that “Joker killed a god” stuff, but what gets me as well is whenever I see those discussions over “strongest group btwn P3-P5” I’ll see some comments saying Futaba could hack into Aigis and defeat her that way. And idk... that always really bothered me. Sure P5 already treats Futaba like a hacking god, but could she really hack into Aigis? I personally don’t think so, and even if she could, I doubt it would be for very long. Unless Futaba really is just that good *rolls my eyes* but what do you think?
Welp this one is new for me ;w; Welp, I can add it to my list of other takes I don’t like when it comes to hypothetical fights (under the cut for length):
Joker killed a god (so much wrong there)
SEES has Aigis so they win (I’ll def talk about this one since it’s relevant)
PT are more physically capable/have had more training so they win (I’ll explain this one too) 
P1/2 can use real guns and Personas in the real world so they win (usually when P1/2 are in the mix, I do think they could have a surprise advantage, but its not like P3-5 can’t use Personas IRL....it’s just that they’ve never had a chance....also the gun thing.....which I’ll get to, also they forget Aigis/Naoto have real guns dfklsjafjal)
P5 kids can use guns so they win (it’s similar to Aigis I’ll get to it, also did we forget about Naoto and Aigis????? ksldjfa;kjdfa;jf also those aren’t real so they are SOL if they aren’t fighting in the Metaverse)
Now I can add “Futaba hack win” to this list DX
Never stating if we are doing it ala PQ style (aka we’re ripping people out of their main game timeline, aka teens vs teens), or if it’s Arena style (aka we’re doing it as a sequel and it’s adults vs teens),I mean their strength is different between PQ and Arena so it’s fair (plus Labby and/or Sho might choose to side/help on P4′s side which is also important), basically there needs to be some kind a rules/basis of P3/4 chars so we know what version to pit against the PT otherwise it’s anarchy and we’re getting nowhere
Not stating which terrain they are fighting on (it is kiiiiiinda important, hometeam advantage)
Assuming a certain terrain is an insta win for a certain group (reality/Tartarus is a bit more of a struggle without evokers but not impossible, also SEES is kinda honorable and wouldn’t like the disadvantage even if it was still doable without evokers....except maaaaybe if lives are on the line that is kfljsafdajf, TV world is the most neutral but it really depends if it’s Arena style or not cause that determines if there is fog or not)
For reference, personally I’d put it at P2IS/P2EP>P3/P4>P5, still working on where P1 goes tbh so there are def gonna be changes, same with PTS, P2 manga is probs gonna be with the other P2 cast. And this list is my personal opinion AT THE MOMENT (cause I just know Atlus is gonnna screw over P3/4 in Arena 3, either cause they need to weaken them with it not making sense or they are gonna nerf them cause they haven’t been active in a long while >.> which def shouldn’t have been the case after Arena or at least Ultimax but nope still tier 1 Personas 8U) regardless if it is PQ or Arena style. It’s mostly cause 1) fusion spells (P2/3/4 have them, even tho P4 doesn’t call it that, it operates EXACTLY like a fusion spell so I’m categorizing it as such) and 2) P4 kids.....are pretty strong to hold their own/beat people who have upgraded Personas.
.......sorry side tangent there’s gonna be like 1 or 2 more but they are in relation to the topic (and it’ll be at the end) falkdsjakfj. But yeah that’s BS. And def something Atlus would do except they forget that the teams have hard counters against that. >.>
(might change if I remember something but atm I’mma just say it) Iirc Futaba’s Persona doesn’t usually hack people, her only two hacks in battle are against her own mother (”hacking my cognition” my ass, you just imagined it there, how about you imagine your mom away???? oh wait that should’ve happened before the damn fight and thus us not needing a fight so stupid!) -ahem- and when we get a insta hold up (which is really just her blinding the damn enemy it’s nothing hacky about it....so stupid)
Aigis literally willed her way out of someone remote controlling her, not even hacking, like a literal remote designed to control her and kill SEES....and she broke free of it. 
Arena style wise, Fuuka was able to break Labby free of control too, tho that was non-hacking and against a weakened god (would not be surprised if she trained that to Rise, and/or because it’s Futaba and not a god, Rise could probably do it as well.....since Rise knows how she just wasn’t strong enough against Kagu...but Futaba isn’t Kagu 8U). 
If it’s non-Arena style, it’s possible that Fuuka (and by extension Rise) could be susceptible to someone interfering with their Navi-ing, as seen with Chidori messing with Fuuka (even after she’s evolved)......but only Chidori has shown to have that type of ability not Futaba (and Chidori isn’t even a hacker so “hacking” isn’t really what’s going on ksdajf;a). It’d probs only work pre Arena (cause Fuuka is supposedly super strong in Arena), but it’d require Atlus to create a damn ability for Futaba that doesn’t exist yet. Also iirc Chidori’s really was just used to mask her/team’s whereabouts and used to relay a message (not mine control Fuuka)
if Futaba HAD this type of power, A) P5 would be a walk in the park, B) she would’ve used it iirc
In case Sho/Labby are allowed, Labby was also able to break free of her own remote control in Ultimax (thanks to S!Labby)
Fun fact, not a point, but apparently Aigis can possible reach her sister’s but not if they are being mind controlled (or “hack” as she said in Arena). I dunno something to note kfsljda;jf
So like.....no......I don’t think she could “hack” them. Hell, I don’t even think Sho was hacking Labby, I think he just has a similar remote control that his dado had (which he probs got what he needed from hacking the Kirijou/or his dad giving him info....need to replay Ultimax a bit tbh, but low key I think they just like using the word “hacking” fksdlajaj;fdjfkd), and Futaba would need to do that prior to the fight. And that’s not even counting that it’ll actually work (because of reasons listed above).
Now for the side tangent, it’s funny people think her hacking Aigis means insta win (or that Aigis is an insta win), and that the “PT are better cause they trained and are more physically fit plus they have the outfits that help them” and like no????? P3/4 (freaking they train too sakdljfa;jf what the hell?) but they also have crazy physical abilities. You think Chie can just punt a giant robot and not have her leg broken? Or Mitsuru can crotch shot a shadow with her boots and walk away fine? Like an 80 ft robot is a normal enemy for the IT, both SEES and IT are taking face shots from TANKS on a daily! Why else do you think SEES/IT can survive Takaya/Adachi’s bullets (or Jin’s bombs)? It’s because of their Personas that ANY team can survive being set on fire or electrocuted! XU The PT’s outfits are just a physical representation of their status as Persona users in the Metaverse tbh, it’s a cosmetic symbolism, doesn’t mean SEES/IT don’t have it too (and they should if they go into the Metaverse).
So yeah Aigis, or even guns, aren’t a deciding factor, esp when SEES/IT are shown to be able to handle/beat Aigis/Labby just fine klfjsdajfa Hell iirc they HAVE to beat (at least Shadow) Labby to even continue the series sdkaflajfja And she was tortured to be a literal fighting Machine! 
So yeah, hacking isn’t an isnta win (also forgetting Fuuka is a hacker too fkdasjfl;), Aigis/Labby isn’t an insta win, guns aren’t an insta win. 
“But Shinji died from a bullet” but Shinji nothing. 1) He didn’t have any armor on, and most IMPORTNATLY 2) He was willing to die, and considering P3 really puts an emphasis on will to live being a crucial part to summoning a Persona......and thus him not having his Persona activated at all made him not get the nice Persona perk that we usually have. 
But will Atlus do it despite it not making sense? Probably! Cause the PT are oh so special! uwu Even tho they’ve yet to prove themselves in being better than at least SEES/IT, let alone P1/2 cast. .....stupid temp buffs..... >.> can’t do anything without your stupid deus ex machina temp buffs can you Joker? Tbh, other Persona chars beating “Full Cognition Joker” would be the most Persona thing out there, so I don’t even think FC!Joker would win (not that there’s really a good organic way for him to get that back). “Full cognition Joker is like god level!” oh didja hear what other Persona chars like to do to these so called “gods”? 8U
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teaveetamer · 4 years
Alright just for fun Ima rank my personal preferences when it comes to Pokemon gens.
1) Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Admittedly this might be a bit of nostalgia talking since these were the first games I really played as a kid, but idc I love them. Archie and Maxie are kind of ridiculous but Hoenn is such a wonderful region that’s interesting and intuitive to explore, the music is pretty kickass, and it’s full to the brim with Pokemon that I absolutely adore.
Main criticism: 7/10 Too Much Water (Also I was not the biggest fan of ORAS as remakes).
2) Black, White, Black 2, and White 2
I’ll admit I wasn’t too keen on these ones when they first came out, but now that they’ve had quite some time to sit I gotta say I love them. IMO this is the last Pokemon game that really took risks, what with having the largest cast of new ‘mons since Gen 1 (and Black and White actually forced you to use them). Admittedly some of the new ‘mons were a bit hit or miss, but with such a large cast there’s at least a lot of cool ones to choose from. I also really wish they’d revisit the sequel idea at some point, getting to explore Unova again from a different angle was truly something special.
Oh, and I’d say Team Plasma is probably, like, the least ridiculous of all the evil teams (barring maybe Rocket, since at least they’re just a gang without world ending aspirations). It honestly had some pretty interesting characters and character focus that I wish more Pokemon games would do.
Also I really liked PokeStar Studios. Sue me.
Main Criticism: A little too linear at points. I know they were trying to phase out HMs, but it did create a sort of annoying situation.
3) Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Also perhaps a bit of nostalgia but Sinnoh is an excellent region. Another roster of kickass new pokemon, including some new evolutions to give some of the older ‘mons a bit of an upgrade. Another thing I really wish they’d revisit at some point. There’s also lots of neat little nooks and crannies to explore, and the series’s best rendition of pokemon contests. The little areas with the AI partners and forced double battles were also really cool, IMO.
Main criticism: Not enough new Fire Type ‘mons.
4) Gold, Silver, Crystal (+Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Crystal was technically my first Pokemon game, though I was too young to really play it properly. I know HGSS are technically remakes but I don’t think I’d like the originals so much if they didn’t get such fantastic remakes. Everything about HGSS is absolutely amazing. Pokeathalon was a fun diversion from the main game, two regions in one game was amazing, and the cute little ‘mons following you around were amazing. Buuut if we go just by the original games then they’re definitely lower on the list, just by virtue of being older games without a lot of the little modernizing touches and QoL fixes we got down the line.
Main Criticism: I find the game generally enjoyable, it just didn’t really grab me like some of the higher games on this list did.
5) FireRed and LeafGreen (with a special shoutout to Let’s Go! Eevee)
I actually didn’t play the original RBY until I was an adult, but I think by now we all know those games were being held together with scotch tape and hope. Kanto, as the OG region, has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts but I just… can’t really get that into it anymore. I mean I enjoy it, but given GameFreak’s incessant need to throw the OG 151 into everything I’m just kind of bored of the region and the ‘mons that came with it.
I will say that the Let’s Go games really spiced things up with the visible map pokemon, following/ride pokemon, different catching system, boxlink letting you switch up your party on the fly, and the adorable as fuck little partner you get to have riding around on your shoulder the whole time. Not to mention the fun little post-game challenges for the completionists out there.
Main criticism: Overuse. Also Let’s Go only included the original 151, even though many gen 1 ‘mons got evolutions or pre-evolutions in future titles. Would have liked to have seen those carried over. Was also not a fan of the lack of breeding or GTS to make certain Pokemon easier to obtain.
6) Sword and Shield
Might just be recency bias, but I did really have a lot of fun with this game. A lot of the locations were really beautiful and I really hope they bring back a big, explorable wild area type thing in the future. It’s one of those things that Pokemon always should have had, but you don’t realize how good it is until you’ve got it. The new ‘mons were probably my favorite new cast introduced in the most recent three gens. Also the clothes perfectly captured my bum aesthetic and I appreciate.
Unfortunately this game loses a lot of points with me because of just how unfinished it is. The towns were woefully small and the story was pretty non-existent. It just screams of a game execs wanted to push out to reach a deadline.
Main Criticism: Obviously unfinished. Probably my least favorite collection of starters ever.
7) X and Y
Honestly the last two slots are pretty interchangeable for me, but I will say I had a lot more fun with X and Y than I did with Sun and Moon. Even if it’s not my favorite I have replayed it at least once, which is not an honor I can give to Sun and Moon.
That said… I just hated a lot of the things X and Y did. I hated megas (and how they were forcibly shoved into ORAS), I was not a huge fan of Fairy type, the rollerskates were fucking stupid, the story was dumb, and just like Sword and Shield there were a lot of “this is clearly unfinished” moments. Granted there were less than Sword and Shield, but they were definitely still there. This was also the first gen to start the “less than 100 new pokemon per gen” tradition.
I’ll also say that this is the first gen where “exclusions” started to become really noticeable. Newer gens always removed features from older gens, but it was usually small stuff or side stuff like contests or the pokeathalon. This time around they put in a whole ass core gameplay  feature (megas) only to completely remove them two gens later with very little explanation.
That said, Kalos was a really beautiful region on the whole. PokeParis is probably the best “massive city” that Pokemon has ever done.
A Random Compliment: They finally added sitting to a Pokemon game god bless.
8) Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Ridiculous amounts of handholding, small cast of new pokemon, very few Pokemon I was actually tempted to use, and a region I was very meh on. Island trials really didn’t interest me. IMO they didn’t do enough to mix up the formula, it was very much still a Pokemon Game going through the Pokemon Game motions, just with a slightly different coat of paint.
I also find the existence of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon insulting. X and Y were unfinished, but they didn’t then try to sell you the improved version one year after the release of the original at full price.
I know the existence of third versions is a bit controversial, but they didn’t bother me that much with Gens 1-4. Yellow was completely it’s own thing, and Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum were just improving on already extremely solid games. Sun and Moon made me feel like a beta tester. I was honestly so disgusted I’ve still never finished playing Ultra Sun to this day.
Biggest Fucking Criticism: They took away my ability to sit?! One gen after they introduced the magic of sitting?!
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