#i should probably get around to playing the originals myself but ehhh
malaismere · 9 months
the funniest thing about bg3 is by far the way that it invokes these vague nostalgic memories of being a young kid and watching my dad play bg2 on the family computer.
not, like you'd expect, of seeing minsc or jaheira or other recurring characters. no. it's checking all the crates for shit to steal.
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elanska · 5 years
Miss Not So Sidekick - chapter 87
our chapter opened with the head librarian (his name kinda long, so we'll call him important reminder) said he's waiting for someone from the magic tower to do maintenance for the recently bought CCTV orb today. Arwin, smiling briliantly, speaks out that it will be him. Latte reconfirms, and important reminder - upon seeing that brilliant sparkles of beauty and grace, quickly prostrate himself while having nosebleed.
Latte, already used to her hubby's forbidden charms capturing the hearts of everyone (and their grandma, and probably their little dog too) just smile and comment the obvious "I think he's your fan' (no duh! detective!Latte). Arwin just, "ah, the usual" (we want to say he's arrogant, but damn he's pretty!)
(also, uh, I can't picture the jealousy!are you cheating on me-drama once they get married. Pretty girls will be like, take one glance at her hubby, prostrating themselves upon this unearthly beauty and Latte goes, 'yeah, familiar sight'; and Arwin goes 'indeed') ***ABSOLUTELY NOBODY DARES TO APPROACH LATTE TO FLIRT IF THEY STILL VALUE THEIR LIVES***)
important reminder dashed to get the CCTV orb but Arwin is not the Lord of magician's tower just for the pretty face, he directly summoned the orb and grin like, veereee sadistically about what awaits the true culprit. Apawn and inside jobs like 'oh god! we're screwed!!' (serve you right! you bitches! how dare you to try to entrap our cute latte! and you inside jobs! how dare you besmirch our image of librarian being the keeper of multiple dimension within books and being secretly master assassin, you know, like crossover between doctor strange and john wick....but this girl dared to sully that reputation just because threatened/bribed by some silly noble girl??? GRAAAAAA!!!). Latte, the good girl she is feeling bad for those two (wut? butbutbut Latte, girl...), so she try to appeal to her hubby....
hmm? it's not? eh, Latte pointing out that since Arwin is came to the library to CCTV's maintenance, shouldn't he, like, can skip the hassle and just pointed out the culprit? (eh, like, in original novel? so tower's finance going down isn't because Latte getting bishot for free?) (I would also pointed out that in original novel, Arwin is, like, flinging the culprit all over the library, while in Latte's route, he's pretty calm. Well, he's playing around with Latte....maybe he's like big dog who have much playing/exercising to be not aggressive? or maybe he'll just playing with Latte first and then proceed to wreck the culprit afterwards? I meant, Ibelin with her goody-goody girl act should goes 'oh noes, please spare the culprit live, my good sir' or something like that right?)
oops, getting distracted. anyway, Latte pointed out that Arwin can instantly known the culprit (thanks to the CCTV. Or probably in original Ibelin's route, Arwin probably just stalking her around from the start so he can tell immediately about the culprit. am still doesn't give up about relation about Latte and tower's finance, guys....though, if this fantasy setting, the magicians should just do a guild quest or something, seriously, are you magicians or shopkeeper?). Where was I? oh yeah, Arwin should know immediately how to recognize the culprit, yet he goes 'are you the culprit, dear customer?' and goofing around with the investigation. Arwin just laughed and admitted that he's just standby and enjoying the whole show because he thought it was 1. funny and 2. he's curious about Latte's reaction, and kinda surprised that Latte is like, very calm, and not getting flustered.
Latte is like, getting flustered? over a stupid, shoddy plot? (ooof burnt ya there Peridot). If there's recording, Latte's alibi will be quickly proven, and she can also have her household provide testimony for her. Apawn quickly crumbled and start to confess that she's threatened to do so (really? you seem having no conscience at all when framing Latte, what's with the finger pointing and smug face?! GRAAAA!!) and that she would be killed if she didn't complied.
People asked who ordering her, and Apawn said she didn't know, they're wearing cloak and the carriage is covered in black fabric........but! she can see Garnet emblem between the fabric gap! People are shocketh! and Kenneth (oh he's still here, hey don't be rude to mah friend Kenneth, okay, but he's so quiet that we tended to forget he's still here, also quite strange he didn't fussed over Ibelin and keep standing in front of Latte. that's because mah friend is still accused just like, 15 second ago, you know? Fine, fine). okay, so Kenneth said, are you trying to lie again? Apawn crying and swearing it's the truth. People are fussing over about this shocking revelation (meanwhile, I'm questioning myself why the hell you are hellbent on following instruction from someone you didn't even know . If it's the powerful Garnett family that threatened you, then sure, you might get afraid of crossing them and then just do the task. But someone you didn't know just strolled at you and then ordered you to do something and you just do it? I meant, if my boss asking me to lent him money to buy lunch because he forgot his wallet, sure, I'll do that. but if a stranger come to me in restaurant and say 'hey you, your boss and I just eating together and we forgot our wallet. foot our bill.' - I'll at least called my boss first to ensure this is not a scam. Or is the Garnet family reputation so tarnished that people just go 'oh yeah, totally a Garnet style' and just done it anyway? (but the mob on the library fussing on how 'are you sure?' 'need to investigate blahblah'). Wait, they don’t outrightly said IMPOSSIBRU! what's wrong with the Garnet? do they frequently do this kind of thing often?)
On the other side, Latte start monologuing how Peridot's true objective isn't framing Latte nor offing Ibelin-by-falling-bookshelves, but by open investigation for her involvement so Peridot can play victim and aggressively try to prove her innocence. AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY SHE WOULD DO THAT???? I meant, why? why do you need to entrap yourself so you can be crying 'I've been framed! I've been framed!' (perhaps so if she trying to hurt Ibelin again in the future, she will use this case as reference? Like? 'ehhh, somebody trying to frame me /again/?' this is the scary girl that like, trying to get 3 birds with one stone (Latte getting framed and became her follower out of fear, Ibelin getting hurt, and Peridot getting suspicion immunity on the future). Her plot for ensnare Latte quickly unravels tho since it's so messy and Latte has quite an alibi (though it was because of CCTV orbs. Hmmmmm, the Ectrie household might be not much of alibi since they could accused of defending her impartially, but the /rumor/ will drag Latte down regardless (ooooh, so this is rumor attack from noble lady fights)
Arwin (again, asserting his closeness to Latte by whispering close to her. Ha! take take that ma friend Kenneth!) asking how does Latte feels to suddenly got revelation that her case is actually part of bigger conspiracy with ominous shadow looming *DUNDUNDUN* Latte plays it cool, bro. Arwin asks aren't you scared? she shrugged that she doesn't have reason to be scared because she's not the actual target anyway. HUH WHAT
oh yeah, forgot that in Peridot's eyes, Ibelin is still the female lead *snicker snicker* ****Wait, don't laugh, us, it's better for Peridot thinking that way**** so her trying to frame Latte maybe just as an afterthought. The most important thing is to make Ibelin having accident and then Peridot will play victim? (no, sorry, Latte, we're still confused, but we'll trust your word on this). Excited Arwin is cute tho.
Arwin listening to Latte's explanation about how Peridot will likely denying her involvement by making the trap (her crest) very obvious in the first place (she can making various excuse how somebody borrowing her carriage or some criminal plagiarized the crest to implicate her, Important thing is that she's being framed! framed! I tell you! - eh does she meant that she wanted the 'some criminal plagiarize my family crest so whatever vile doing done in the future by some criminal plagiarize my family crest is unrelated to me?' Ohhhh???? OHHHHHHHHH!!!! ss...so that's why she want to get 'caught' on this first offense! de....detective Latte! *worship*).
Arwin makes a comment how he's surprised that Latte is sharper than he thought. Latte is haha, how stupid have you been seeing me till now then?
and Arwin, responded. *we facepalmed*
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shadowmaat · 7 years
Self-Rec Fics
Tagged by @sl-walker and def rec her stuff, and not just because we’re sharing a couple of sandboxes. ;)
The Grumbler (632 words)- Reccing this one because it’s pure unadulterated fluff. There was a cute cartoon by aortdn about children running in terror from a perplexed Baze while Chirrut slowly dissolves into laughter. I decided that meant it had to be Chirrut’s fault and spun a little story around it.
Me and You as You and Me (6276 words)- I love the Taking Flight ‘verse and am SO GLAD sl-walker allows me to indulge in it. I don’t think I’ve ever dabbled in wingfics before, but Maul’s plight always earns my sympathy. Doubly so when he has wings. This time around I had a bit of fun playing with another treasured trope, the bodyswap. Figuring out how Maul and Obi-Wan would react to being in each other’s bodies and how they’d cope with the situation as a whole was a fun challenge.
Beyond Salvation (9093 words)- This story was a challenge to myself to try and write a character I don’t particularly like (Kylo Ren) in a way that I could find him sympathetic(ish) but still realistic within the context of what we know. It also provided a chance to delve more into the father/son relationship since canon has been anemic in that regard.
The Han that Rocks the Cradle (5087+ words)- One of my rarest of rarepairs is Han/Boba, a ship that seems like it should be built into the foundation of fandom given that it’s hero/villain, but which is basically nonexistent. This fic is my attempt to try and give Boba a better past, one where he maybe gets to be the good guy once in a while rather than the cold-blooded credits-over-morality type. In this case, Boba’s been hired to rescue a young girl and winds up with some additional passengers and a lot of bickering. I originally posted it to prove to myself that having fun writing was more important than getting hits/kudos, but it turns out that I have a lot of trouble ignoring the lack of attention. The story is hanging right now but I might get back to it some day.
Twin Suns: Altered Destiny (3824+ words)- I think I probably recc’d this last time, too, but it’s still one of my favorites. I’ll never stop being pissed off about how Star Wars: Rebels disposed of Darth Maul’s story so I’m going to keep forging a new path for him- and for Obi-Wan. It might veer into Obimaul some day or it might stick with them being the Star Wars equivalent of the Odd Couple.
ehhh, if anyone’s up for it, go ahead and consider yourselves tagged.
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nyrator · 7 years
also I beat Mario Odyssey this morning and by beat I mean the final boss
spoilers under cut of opinions of stuff
so yeah ended up enjoying it more than when I first did once I shook the Hat in Time mechanics from my muscle memory (A Hat in Time is still a game I enjoyed better but this game definitely itches my love of collectathon games)
At just over 600 Moons (which I still call stars), got every star possible before the final boss I believe, then yeah. About 9400 coins by the end, all of which I spent on clothing (I have them all unlocked as well as the Dark and Darker Sides of the Moon, but haven’t been to them yet)
Some worlds were ehh, some were nice, most Moons/Coins I managed to find by myself, but after a point when I only had like a small handful left I’d always look at a guide for the general location (I refused to spend money on Toad for some reason and didn’t realize Amiibo would also do that), a lot of times I was always missing some obvious set of three purple coins somewhere near the beginning/end. Some were obvious, some were downright dirty.
So yeah, bosses were pretty easy (though I did die a bunch due to dumb stuff but yeah, patterns were easy). Was disappointed in the Final Bowser fight being the exact same as the Cloud fight, which was only hard until I realized the timing of the hit-block-dodge-attack thing in the third phase, and going into the final fight with that knowledge made it a joke. For some reason, I did not expect to Capture Bowser (to be fair it was pretty obvious I just don’t think ahead in these kinds of games), that was fun and the music was nice.
The ending was amusing, Mario about to kiss Peach, Bowser gets up and punches him in the face, then they fight on the moon for her affection with flowers, and she just steals Mario’s ship and leaves them both behind (Mario gets on of course but poor Bowser you gotta like Bowser)
Spent all morning just enjoying the Mushroom Kingdom (ALSO SO HAPPY THE SHOP HAD A WALUIGI COSTUME, “It’s barely used!” was a great description, I’m full on Waluigi from now on except for the Moons that require outfits, before that I was Painter’s Hat+Resort outfit)
also I should go back and finish Mario 64 someday, it’s that game I only played at neighbor’s house because no nintendo consoles until GameCube.
things I didn’t like was a lot of the instant death stuff (which mostly is just me needing to get good but still), the minigame second moons (mostly just painful slog but I guess reasonable), and the awkwardness of the controls. I still don’t know how to move around properly without pressing the wrong button (aka usually ground pounding instead of diving/long jumping), and yeah AHiT has got the whole complicated jumps programmed into me so I keep trying to backflip-throw cap-dive onto it kind of combos and they usually end up being button mashing that almost works but I lose control and they fail (notably my original solution to getting a Moon in Luncheon, where I put two Goombas together, got a Hammer Bro, jumped on the Goombas, jumped out of the Hammer Bro, threw my cap at the wall, jumped on it, and tried reaching the platform above). I almost had it my first try but I jumped the wrong direction and missed the platform, and every future attempt failed (then I realized cannons unlocked and you just shoot yourself over it and land on it)
But yeah, overalll...
Cap Kingdom- Small, but best aesthetic and music, favorite world I think, just wish it had more to it.
Cascade Kingdom- Okay/10. Basic green starting world, not much to say, not a fan of jungle/dinosaur aesthetics personally
Sand Kingdom- Kingdom that got me feeling the game, spent a looot of time exploring it, even though it was just a desert. It had sheep and that was nice, one of the better worlds for sure.
Lake Kingdom- Worst Kingdom in the game, so disappointing after Sand Kingdom. I figured it’d be a half world because of the split path thing, but then Wooded absolutely blew it out of the water (no pun intended), but yeah, tiny, mostly just swimming a small area, and could’ve easily been combined with the other water world.
Wooded Kingdom- One of the better worlds, also had the best music as well in certain sections (not as enjoyable as Cap but still great). Main complaint is that bottom layer of the woods, though I might’ve missed a beat of dialogue that explained it, since I had no idea it was there without a guide (especially since I’ve died several times falling off the side trying to do certain platforming on spinning wheels near the secret garden). I liked the extendo guys though.
Cloud Kingdom- Just a boss world from what I saw.
Lost Kingdom- Hooo boy, this is when it started to get a little frustrating, but not too bad. Caterpillars were fun, probably best capture thing. Too much poison/10, poison is awful and instant death.
Metro Kingdom- Mannn that Sim language. Was enjoyable, definitely a weird aesthetic clash (which is intentionally most of the game but still), and also Mario in a tank in a stormy city under siege is something I never expected from a Mario game. Though it also had my least favorite minigame so far... jump rope. By some miracle I got to 103 and never again.
Snow Kingdom- Small, basic, overworld was nice but average. The racing second round was hell.
Seaside Kingdom- Up there, definitely much better than Lake Kingdom and should’ve been combined with it, but mannn it is just hard to explore all that water and probably the one I used a guide the most with because of how many small missable things I missed (though only three coins, right in the sea in a depression near the volley ball court). Also, volley ball was hell as well, just not as hell as jump rope.
Luncheon Kingdom- this was a painful kingdom. A lot of this was just me “okay I’m done get me out of this pink lava hell hole”, at first it was okay to explore but after the midboss it was ehhh. Also too bright and shiny.
Ruined Kingdom- unexpected/10. Just another boss world, but mann seeing a Skyrim-esque dragon in a Mario game attacking you like the FFIX scene with Kuja against Brahne was definitely a thing. The boss refight just adding ice physics and different shaped lightning that’s hard to avoid on ice was very blehh.
Bowser’s Kingdom- ... completely unexpected/10. Did not expect a Japanese castle setting, but I enjoyed the change of pace and loved how it was still treated as a travel destination in game. Birds were fun but very painful on certain segments with metal bouncing you backwards. Felt like more of a classic 3D Mario world too (or Galaxy/3D World anyway), with the separated platforms and linearity and stuff.
Moon Kingdom- It’s the moon. Pretty bland with empty space jumping, no idea how much I missed on here but I got every Moon on the list up to like, the one on the support beams in the chapel, so yeah. Also the one moon on the cannon is like the one moon I felt was super unfair to find but oh welll, thank you guide.
Mushroom Kingdom- Great throwback level, fun little area with tons to explore, that 2D Mario section with the fading 2D segments can go to hell though- Specifically, that area with the rotating segments because using a control stick to 2D platform and having it alternate between “holding right will keep you moving clockwise” and “stick moves in the direction you’re moving, aka if you’re on the left side, you have to press Up to go right/clockwise”. I’ve died on that more than I should have and it was bluh.
in short Cap is the best and Lake is the worst
also yeah
this game has a Waluigi costume
so far I went back and got all the Moons in Cap (except the Art one) and Cascade, the races I feel are going to be a nightmare soon but yeah. Also worried about how much money grind I might have to do to get all the outfits (they all seem doable since there’s like five pieces left for me to get I think, the Gold/Metal sets and the Skeleton, but the freaking Skeleton outfit is 9999 and that’ll be the thing that kills the completionist in me)
speaking of completionist, no idea how to feel about buying moons or if there’s a limit, but there doesn’t seem to be so hm
ALSO I LOVE HOW PEACH HAS DIFFERENT OUTFITS IN HER JOURNEYS TO THE KINGDOMS, her Cap outfit was fantastic and I hope she’s still there/is able to wear it because it is a very nice outfit good job being fashionable Peach
also I have to wonder still
where is Luigi
is he on the dark(er) side(s) of the Moon
I will find out myself once I collect everything and hit up the dark side segmentss
also once I’m done with everything I’m going to get a friend to co-op with me and see how bad the co-op is because I can’t imagine how it works
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shadowsong26fic · 7 years
Coming Attractions!
No, I did not forget to do this! ...exactly...
I am super late again this month—buuuut I wanted to wait until I’d posted the delayed Precipice chapter, so.
Sorry, sorry, sorry for all the delays in the last couple of updates—the last two weekends were super-busy, and then last week ended up being slammed at work and my brain just went pfft. Anyway, there will be another update this week/weekend (probably Rex and Leia), and I’ll hopefully meander back on schedule after that.
And I finally finished Commander! \o/ It was a fun arc. I’m very fond of that arc. But…yeah, it’s a long one, particularly given that very little in-story time passes. (Seventeen chapters to cover one very eventful week…)
So, yeah. Lessons is going to be a much quieter arc, something along the lines of Homecoming in terms of content/pacing. Resetting ourselves, establishing our new patterns, etc. Leia starts getting trained, Luke starts helping Mamma at work more, and bonding with Lavinia/actively being the human ray of sunshine he is. Probably Winter will turn up, too. I’m going to try and focus more on the Coruscant/Imperial Center thread this arc, particularly since Commander was so heavily about our Jedi friends…anyway, I’m guessing this will be a relatively short arc (8 or 9 chapters), and not much Drama/not very Plot-heavy. Other than Infernalis introducing himself. (He’s a lot of fun—there’s a bit I have half written where he’s all “yeah, I know Sidious is using me, but a) that’s what sentients do; we use each other and b) I’m using him too and c) I get to do ALL THIS AWESOME SHIT. So I kinda feel like it’s worth it.” Like…I don’t write unapologetic/Always Chaotic Evil/for the LULZ villains very often, but Infernalis is in that mold.)
Also! As of this Thursday, I will have officially been posting this behemoth for a whole entire year. I’m going to do a bonus fic (I’ll probably put up a prompt call post later tonight or tomorrow), and I’m hoping to commission art as well, either a full cover or one or more arc covers (for completed arc(s)). [Eventually, I probably will want ALL of the covers (i.e., main title/all planned arcs); but that’s a long range project because lol budget.]
ANYWAY if you have any specific requests for bonus fic and/or are interested in getting paid to draw pretty things/know someone who does this kind of thing and is open for commissions (since I do not know how to draw pretty things), let me know!
Anyway, yeah. So, that’s moving again! Next chapter should not take nearly five months to come out, as it’s a lot less…mmmm…I’m trying to figure out how to word it. The Opera House was hard, because—look, it’s kind of dumb; Anakin is being really really dumb, we make fun of that scene for a reason, but it’s also one of if not the most important scenes in this entire arc? In terms of what Palpatine’s trying to do, I would argue that it’s even more of a key moment than the final revelation in his office some indeterminate time later, after Grievous is killed. Or, at least, it’s a bigger risk—once he gets Anakin past this point, the next one will come much easier.
Plus, you know, having to figure out an alternative Sith Legend™ to throw at her, since Plagueis doesn’t really apply. And Palps’s hand, so to speak, isn’t quite as strong as it is in canon (but, I mean, we’re talking if canon was, like, a straight flush, in Distaff he’s playing four of a kind or a full house; so still almost certainly a win). So there’s all of those factors to consider, too. (Also, it was his POV, which is…a fun headspace to get in, let me tell you, internet. Although whining about that at my ever-patient roommates did lead to me nicknaming him Skeev Palpatine which honestly I’m surprised I hadn’t thought of sooner.)
Buuuuuuut anyway. I make no promises for exactly when the next chapter will be out, but it definitely won’t take quite so long. Should be sometime this month. Fingers crossed, anyhow.
…blaaaaaaaaaaaah. I don’t want it to die. I really don’t. On the other hand, I’ve got a whole lot of other projects ongoing, plus RL and all, plus I’m still having trouble getting into ANH!Vader’s head, so…ehhh, IDK. Essentially, I’ve decided that this is really super back-burner for the time being. Possibly I’ll do it in AU Outline form at some point, if I don’t manage a proper update, but for now, it’s on a vaguely-defined “if my brain cooperates” hiatus. I am (probably) locking canon for it as of TFA (meaning it won’t be as much of an In Spite of a Nail AU past that; and more just an…AU AU, if that makes sense?), though, because I like the plot I have. Though I reserve the right to change my mind on that after TLJ. Anyway, I’ll probably stop talking about this one (unless I use one of the spinoff versions of it as an AU Outline or something) until I actually write/post more.
Update will be up very soon! Not a direct continuation of the last bit I posted, because I’m still working on that, but still something! (Ahsoka is involved because I love her.)
AU Outline:
…yeah, I dropped the ball on this one again. It was going to be the Mask of Zorro/California Gold Rush AU No One One Person Asked For, but I need to sit down and watch Zorro again to put that together, and I haven’t gotten around to that. Also, Ventress and her Tiny Time-Travelling Conscience were speaking to me. …well, less them and another thread of that same AU, plus a couple unrelated AUs... Anyway, I’m going to try and put something up sometime in the next couple days. It’ll probably be the continuation of the Ventress and Luke one but we shall see.
Original fic:
…yeah, I didn’t actually write any this month, lol. I’ll do better in October.
Miscellaneous Other Things:
[In a generic list format because why not]
- Epic Crossover RP OF DOOM! I’ll keep posting snippets from time to time, because it entertains me. And my RP partner and I think we’re funny/clever.
- NaNo is coming up next month! I’m probably going to do the same thing I did last year—set myself an ambitious Total Word Count goal for the month, rather than focusing on a single project. Possibly give myself a list of projects to choose from; probably set a minimum amount that must be on original work/not fanfic. More on that when we actually get close, probably.
- I’ll probably do another Open Question Night sometime halfway through the month, because those are always fun.
- …should I do something Special for Halloween? (Like I did holiday bonus fics for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?) If I did, what would y’all want to see?
Goal Lists:
September Recap:
1. Keep up with Precipice updates.--not so much
2. Opera House.--FINALLY \o/
3. Another Auxiliaries snippet--missed
4. Work on Masks--missed
5. Another crack outline--missed
6. Update Lux and Farglass Cycle archives--someday I will actually do this
7. At least 5k on projects that are not Precipice--not quite, but I think between half-finished snippets and 3k worth of Distaff text I churned out, I got to like 4k or so?
8. At least 15k total on any/all projects--Not quite, no.
9. At least two pieces to Rainbowfic.--Nope.
10. Put some text down on something publishable.--Nope.
October Goals:
1. Keep up with Precipice updates.
2. Update Distaff.
3. Update <i>Auxiliaries.</i>
4. AU Outline--Mask of Zorro fusion and/or continuation of the Ventress one unless something New and Exciting comes up.
5. At least two pieces to RF.
6. Update the Lux and Feredar archives.
8. Write at least 15k total, at least 5k must not be Precipice
9. Write at least 10k on Precipice (bonus fic counts, meta/answered asks do not)
10. Put some text down on something publishable
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sweeppuccino · 7 years
Chapter 1, part 1
“When the lights go out She’s all I ever think about The picture burning in my brain Kissing in the rain I can’t forget my english love affair”
Luke’s POV.
After a gig, Calum decided that we should have a beer or two. We’ve been in the UK on tour for awhile now and are currently driving to some random pub in downtown London. It’s Friday, so most of people are having a happy hour…sorta.
Loud music, low illumination, a lot of people and a slight smell of alcohol and wood; that’s how I can describe the place Calum picked. It is pretty comfortable, tho. And their original beer was awesome.
Some fans dragged their chairs to our table and we spent some time together, but suddenly, around a hour or so Mikey clapped me on my chest and pointed to a girl in the bar. She were wearing a fluorescent green skirt with a pink blouse and black vans. She looked like she was straight out of a 80’s magazine, and oh my God, so ridiculous.
I couldn’t help but laugh, just like Mikey. And then we turned our gazes to the table. A few shots of tequila have just arrived, and we ended up drinking more than some shots.
Several hours later, I was dizzy and looking at the amount of people on the dancefloor. A electronic song was pumping on the stereos and now the place had some colorful lights on. I felt someone looking at me, but didn’t turn to see who. Taking another shot, I pulled myself up and walk to the dancefloor.
The girl from earlier was close to me, and I finally could see her face better. I mean, I was far from her the first time I saw her, and now I’m close enough – and maybe drunk enough – to actually think that she’s stunning. She cracks a devilish grin and start dancing in front of me. I do the same, smiling and dancing the best way I can. I know the song, which makes me sing the chorus.
Surprisingly, she does the same, and together we start to laugh and jump, until the song ends. Another one start, but I didn’t recognize it at first. So, I moved my glance to 80’s princess and asked in a high voice, since the place was loud.
“What’s your name?” I ask, getting closer to her ear.
“Lydia.” She says, looking back, to the bar. Then she point it with her thumb. “Wanna go grab some drinks?”
I nodded. We both went to the bar to have some shots, and then some more. She told me about her dreams and I talked to her like she was my best friend that I haven’t see for a long, long time. Several times my eyes fell to her lips and I noticed that she did the same. God, why? I only could think about how her legs felt wrapped around my waist and how her nails could dig into my back.
Deciding to not think any longer, I push her by her hips and pressed my lips against hers. Lydia took it as a cue, pulling my hair and starting to kiss me harder.
I can’t tell how long we spent just making out in front a lot of drunk people. The way she tasted and felt were addicting.
“Hey, come with me.”
She says suddenly, breaking our kiss to look at me with a smirk. Nodding, I let her lead me through everyone till we get out of the bar. In seconds we reach a car, probably hers. She quickly takes the keys out of her pocket and unlocks the back door. Taking her again, I get in the car, having her on my lap.
“Maybe we should go to a more… Proper place?”
I asked in a husky voice, sliding my hands down to her butt, moving my lips to her neck, hearing her moan softly. She nods and grab a fistful of my hair, pushing it gently and giving me goosebumps.
The next morning, I woke up with the sun shining through the window and a freaking headache, hungover, probably. I didn’t recognize the place I was until I looked at my side, seeing Lydia still asleep, twisted around the bed sheets.
“Fuck.” is the only thing I can manage to mumble, touching my forehead and rubbing my eyes. Bit by bit, all my memories come back, since the time we left the bar until we fell asleep.
I remember of how her fingers felt against my skin and how she wrapped her legs around me, better than I imagine. I remember how passionate our night was and I remembered how much I loved it. It wasn’t the drink – despite those awful clothes, Lydia was gorgeous.
For minutes, I stared her asleep, saving every single detail of her heart-shaped face, her brown eyes and fair skin. Right now she looked harmless and naive. But I knew she was totally the opposite, at least in bed.
I can’t contain a grin remembering all the kinky things from yesterday. I couldn’t be a dick and leave before she woke up, so I left the bed and walked through the place until I found the kitchen.
Lydia showed up right after me finish the coffee, like she had the perfect timing. She seemed to be in a terrible hangover, her eyes were almost closed and frowning, she looked at me, whispering:
“What… The fuck?”
Her accent were pretty strong in the sentence, which makes me smile. Shrugging, I put some coffee on a mug and gave it to her.
“Uh… Should I have left before you woke up?”
I asked on a low voice, we both were with headaches and loud voices wasn’t a good thing for the moment. Holding the white mug, she stares me, shaking her head.
“Is just a rare thing. The last guys didn’t wait for me to get up.”
Ouch. I thought that british boys supposed to be polite as fuck. Sitting on a chair close to the stove, I kept glancing at Lydia. She were wearing only a long black band tee, which covered only a small part of her thighs, making it look… Provoking.
“Uh. That sucks.”
For a moment, an awkward silence was our only company, and it was uncomfortable. After sipping, she sat by my side and started tapping the glass with her nails.
“So… What’s your name again?”
“Luke. Lydia, right?”
I asked, just to be sure. She nods and stares me, making me only think about her lips and want it. Shit. I couldn’t stop staring those.
“You look familiar to me… I don’t know why. Do I know you?”
So she didn’t know that I was in a band. Cracking a grin, I consider about telling her about 5sos, after all she could ending up seeing my face on a show poster.
“I’m from a band, and we’re here for a tour… 5 Seconds Of Summer. Do you know it?”
Lydia looks to the mug, taking three seconds to exclaim a loud “oh!”
“You guys came here for a tour? Whoa. That sounds big.”
That makes me laugh for a sec, and nodding I bit my lip, something I got as an habit.
And then, there was the awkward dead silence again. Maybe it was my cue to leave. Cleaning out my throat, I stand up, toching my pockets, checking if I had my wallet and cellphone.
“I guess that’s it. Uhn… See you around. Maybe.”
I tell her, feeling stupid for it. ‘See you around, maybe’? Really?! But she gives me a grin, tho.
“See you around… Maybe.”
Mikey is the first to notice I’m back, and half a second after I step in the hotel room, he’s on my heels.
“Where have you been?” He asks, while I jump into my bed, gasping and closing my eyes.
“With a girl. Do you remember the weirdo one, with the pink blouse?”
“No way.” Michael laughs, sitting at the verge of my bed. “She’s ugly. How could you feel attracted to her?”
“As a matter of fact, she's​ gorgeous. Just doesn’t know how to dress…”
“Are you serious?” Mikey​ asks, frowning at me. “You ARE serious!” he exclaim when I don’t say a word.
I can only laugh at that, not feeling embarrassed at all. Lydia definitely wasn’t a mistake, or something that I regret. Actually, I wish I could repeat the dose.
“Where’s Calum and Ashton?” I ask, while I get up and pick up my guitar to practice a little for the gig tomorrow. It was our last show before coming back home.
“I have no idea. Maybe in someone's​ bed. You three just disappeared last night. I came home alone. Late night. All. By. Myself.”
With that, I send him a glance that says “are you done with drama?” and then I start playing, calling the conversation off. He understands that, and joins me for the “rehearsal”.
A/N: Hey guys! Hope u enjoy it. It’s my first fanfic, sorry about the name and horrible start/end of chap. Not my strongest point… ehhh. More coming up soon, byee! Love, Allison
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oldnintendonerd · 7 years
Goodwill Strike Out
Quick post guys, had time to hit a Goodwill on lunch today. It’s fairly close to work, and is a lot bigger than the one by my house. They usually have at least 5 times as many games there, and for more systems. My Goodwill usually has 20 PS2 sports games and maybe a couple XBox One or XBox 360 games, and they are either sports or all terrible shovel-ware. For Wii, they might have a Wii Fit copy, or some really crappy other fitness or Guitar Hero game. Everything shovel-ware. Never see a GameCube game in there. Ever. I’ve probably visited somewhere north of 20 times.
This one by work though, it regularly has PS4, PS3, XBox One, XBox 360, XBox, Wii, and DS games. I have seen a GameCube game here before as well. Though it was like NFL Blitz something or other. So nothing amazing, but they did have GameCube. In any case they have more games than the one by my house so I try to pop in from time to time.
No photos of this first one but there was a sealed copy of Werewolves Within for PS4 on the first shelf I checked. Apparently it’s some kind of VR game that needs a special headset “controller”. Quick eBay check revealed north of $20 for a sealed copy so I snagged that, and was holding it while looking through the other DVD/Game shelves. My fingers touched something sharp through the cellophane at one point. Closer inspection showed one corner of the box pretty badly cracked.
Oh come on!
Can’t sell that as new and sealed now, I know I wouldn’t want to buy a “new/sealed” game and get it with a cracked case. Completely devalued the factory sealed game to probably less than one that is opened. The opened ones were sub $10. If that.
So that went back on the shelf.
Strike one.
Not expecting anything good really at this point and I see a small stack of DS games tucked in the corner of the section. I don’t have a DS, but getting games is not out of the question for trading or reselling on eBay. They are small, light, and easy and cheap to ship. So I quickly looked down the titles. All shovel-ware. As expected.
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Wait a second. Is that a Kirby game? Kirby games are usually pretty good, I played the crap out of Kirby’s Dreamland on the original Game Boy back in the day. Kirby games are always $10 plus on eBay, sometimes $15 plus or more depending on the platform, and if they are complete.
Yes! It is Kirby. Hot damn! In very good shape too! Really clean!
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Finally, something going my way, lemme look this one up on eBay real quick to see if I am right, and if I should invest the $3.
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Score! It’s north of $15, this is definitely going to come home with me and go straight on eBay.
Let me just pop it open and make sure the game is...
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Oh. Right. Of course. Should have known. 
Someone stole the game out of the case. Why wouldn’t they? It’s only charity after all, can’t be bothered to pay THREE DOLLARS to buy the complete in box game.
I did check all of the other cases, and of course they were all in there. Just this one was missing. I was hoping on an off chance this one got put back into one of the other cases before it was donated. Assuming most of these were in the same lot. But nope. No such luck.
Another possibility was that it was in the DS itself when it was donated too. So that may have went on shopgoodwill.com. Or didn’t get donated at all and is still in the DS at home and they were just getting rid of all the “younger kid” games as the kid got older.
Either way.
Strike two. Damnit!
Pawing around some more revealed nothing else of value. A copy of some Black Eyed Peas game on Wii, south of $5 on eBay. Guitar Hero World Tour on Wii. Ehhh. CoD Modern Warfare on XBox 360. Both also south of $5. The rest were sports games.
As a last ditch effort I checked over the music CDs just to try and find something I might even want just for myself to save the trip. Snagging an album at Goodwill for $1 is way cheaper than buying them on iTunes, and it takes 2 minutes to rip them. So I spent a few minutes scanning the hundreds of CDs. There were a few I liked but already had. Granted the selection is lukewarm of course, christmas music, classical, Kenny G and the like. So the good stuff is usually 1 in 100 discs. If it is even there. But you don’t know until you look.
I looked.
Strike three.
I’m out.
Still rocking $47.09 game hunting money.
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
OKAY. so. If I’m gonna do this properly I should start with yesterday morning because I didn’t make a real post last night and I have a lot to post about. so. I woke up to my alarm Friday morning at 11, with the goal of leaving at 1 so I had plenty of time to get downtown for the train that left at 3:15. I packed most of my stuff the night before so I had some ramen and did a last few couple things before heading out. bus to the brown line, brown line to downtown, got there around 2 which was good because I had no idea where I was going in the station or how to get there so I had plenty of time to figure all that out and get to the right place to wait until they started boarding. I should probably brief you all on what exactly the plan was for the day because I don't think I’ve laid it all out on here yet. so this was the guy I went on a date with before Christmas that I thought went pretty well. So I was taking the train up to Milwaukee since he lives in Wisconsin and we were gonna go see Book of Mormon which was touring. so yeah, good stuff. once we got on the train it was like an hour and a half ride, which wasn’t bad at all. While on the train I was thinking about how it would go and if I was honestly attracted to this guy or I was more attracted to the idea of having a guy and he was a suitable candidate (or more suitable than most at least) since he was also a Christian, because I wasn’t really sure, but I figured I would find out. we’d just been texting for a few weeks now and he had sent a few messages like “oh I’m really really excited to see you” that seemed to indicate to me that he might be more into this than I was. so we pulled into the station in Milwaukee around 4:45 and I met him outside a few minutes later. We had a dinner reservation at a place for 6:15 and the show was at 8, so we had some time to kill. The original plan was to check out one of their museums for a bit but we then discovered they actually closed at 5, so that really couldn’t help us very much. So we basically ended up parking (or so we thought at least) his truck where we could and then walking around for a while. and I mean, the conversation’s fine and the city is really pretty to walk around but the whole time I’m just like eh I don’t know how I feel about this but he’d clearly put a lot of effort into it all so I should at least give him a solid chance, but like he would like want to hold hands and stuff and I’m just like ehhh I’m kinda uncomfortable. There was an outdoor ice rink in a park that was pretty cool so we hung out by there for a bit and just talked until it was time for the dinner reservation. the place was a Brazilian steakhouse, which is apparently characterized by men walking around with giant pieces of meat on skewers and they’ll stop at your table and ask if you want some, and if you do they’ll cut you off a piece. I was slightly hesitant because with meat it’s always hard to tell how it’s going to be seasoned which could be a problem but I figured there were enough options that there would be something I could eat, which ended up being true so that was good at least. After dinner we had to go back to the car because he had realized he locked his keys in the car and he had had his friend bring him the spare key while we were at the restaurant. so we get back to the truck and he had in fact left the keys in the ignition with the truck still on, which I’m not entirely sure how he managed to do??? But the car wasn’t like dead or out of gas so we just turned it off and then walked back to the theatre the show was playing at that was by the restaurant. It was a really nice theatre, kinda different than what I’m used to because there were no aisles in the seating, it was just a straight row of seats all the way across, whereas pretty much all broadway theatres have a left and right section on the sides of the main orchestra section, so that was interesting. Now, my familiarity with Book of Mormon was that while I was in high school and it came out I heard it was supposed to be good, so I started listening to the OBCR and I got exactly halfway through the song “hasa diga eebowai” where they reveal the saying they had just done this whole song about actually meant “fuck god” and I was like OKAY THAT’S HELLA BLASPHEMOUS ABORT ABORT because that was a bit much for my poor high school self to handle lol. but I’ve heard from plenty of Christians in the years since that they’d fully enjoyed it so I wasn’t too worried about it, but still had some slight reservations. Well, thankfully that did not become an issue, because they very much made the whole thing around mormons being this weird crazy thing where when they were referring to god I felt it was sufficiently separate from a mainstream Christian idea of God that it didn’t really bother me and was definitely comedic material, because OH BOY is there some crazy shit going on there. Of course this is the bastardized version because it’s for comedic effect, but they did it very well in pointing out just how nutty some of it was. It was probably good my high school self stopped listening when I did, because I definitely wasn’t mature enough to handle some of the other material handled in the show. If you’re not familiar, the basic concept is it follows these two mormon young men who get sent out on their “mission” for the church and wind up assigned to Uganda, which was less than desirable for them, and they have some very colorful interactions with the locals to say the least. the villain of sorts is the “general” who is a guy who runs around with an AK-47 strapped to his back and his whole shtick is kinda based around female genital mutilation which was of course played for laughs (like “the power of the clitoris is too strong!! it must be stopped!!”) but I was still a little ehhhhhhh I don’t know if this is something we should really be joking about, but that was my only real reservation. there’s a scene in the second act where the main guy has his “spooky mormon hell” dream and I was dying, it was fucking hilarious. I was also of course observant of the cast because I’m an actor and I analyze these things and it was interesting. they basically had ten white boys that were the “mormons” at the mission headquarters initially and then the ones stationed in Uganda. And beyond that pretty much the only other characters were the Ugandans, who were of course are all black. and the one part I was really like ehhhhhhh about is that there’s pretty much one named female character in the entire show?? and of course she’s the love interest for one of the main guys, and while she is the “named” female character her name was a running joke throughout the show where the guy just called her an increasingly ridiculous range of things that start with “N” like her actual name did (like “Nabisco” and “Nicki Minaj”) so that wasn't exactly the most agency providing thing. and like, beyond the female ensemble members, that was pretty much it as far as female characters, which is a beef I constantly have with broadway shows in an industry that is completely dominated by females with the male competition being much less, and yet the shows we write and come out with overwhelmingly feature male characters. It’s very rare to find a show that’s actually based around women’s stories (which is one of the reasons why Wicked was considered so iconic when it debuted for it’s two main characters being strong female roles). So that’s always something I’m aware of and observing in shows. But yeah, the show overall was really funny, and having been on tour myself I have to appreciate the art of being able to pack your entire show into a truck at the end of the weekend and drive to another city where you set it all up and do it again, because that’s a lot more difficult than performing on a permanent set with everything set to go for you. but yeah, overall I was fairly satisfied. During the show the guy was trying to like, put his arm around me and like the entire time I’m watching the show I’m having this inner debate like do I want this?? is this just me being hesitant because I’m not used to this stuff or is it really that I’m just not attracted to him?? and at the end of the day, for now at least, I think it’s the latter, and the entire time I was there I was slightly uncomfortable just being with him. but yeah, show ended, the original plan was for me to grab a train back to Chicago but it turns out they don’t really run trains at night, and the only other option would’ve been like a megabus that would’ve gotten in at like 3 am and that would be super sketch. so the agreement was that he would sleep on the couch and I could have his (very small twin sized) bed (I did offer to take the couch of course but he said it was fine) so we drove back to his apartment which is like 20 minutes outside of Milwaukee, not bad. and like, when it comes to the physical intimacy stuff I was like trying to remember what it was like at the beginning with my college boyfriend and I felt like I might’ve been a little uncomfortable at first but I got over it pretty quickly? but then I’m just questioning if I’m doing this whole thing wrong and just not giving boys proper chances when I should just get over it? but like....I feel like if you’re attracted to someone you shouldn't feel uncomfortable being with them and like, wanting that isn’t an unreasonable expectation. It’s just hard because like, I see so many people my age (like everyone it seems) is getting engaged or at least in a serious relationship and like of course I want a family and a husband and I’m tired of waiting (I mean whenever I’m talking to God about it he’s just like “trust me” but I can be very impatient) and like I’m clearly trying to find the right guy but it’s really just been all strikeouts so far, and like this had a lot more potential than a lot of other ones did but it just wasn’t going to be a thing. We got back to his apartment and stayed up for a little bit, his roommate and one of his neighbors who were hanging out upstairs came down and introduced themselves, so that was interesting at least. I wasn’t like, really tired because I hadn’t been able to take my meds which would make me able to fall asleep but like I didn’t want to interact with anyone anymore so I went to bed but of course it took me a while to actually fall asleep. I had multiple people offer to rescue me should anything turn bad that night as far as like wanting sex or anything like that and I appreciated the offers but I was pretty sure we were on the same page with all of this so there thankfully weren’t any awkward interactions regarding that. My alarm went off at 7, train was at 8:05, so I got up and got ready and then woke him up and he drove me to the station. He wanted to hug goodbye of course and I was like mmmmmm this is a long hug and I kinda want to be done with it now, and then when he pulled back he went in for a kiss and I’m like I can’t really like refuse him at this point so I just made it a short one before being like “I should probably go” and disappear into the station. and I mean, if you have sparks with someone aren’t you supposed to like, feel something when you kiss them??? because I really didn’t feel anything, and then I’m like spiraling into a crisis like am I actually sexually attracted to men?? am I actually asexual??? And of course I don’t know the answer to any of this so they’re just all questions spinning around in my head this whole time. but yeah, got into the station and the train boarded shortly afterwards, trip home was fine, just listened to podcasts and played stupid games on my phone. and I guess that was that for now. I don’t know what I’m going to do exactly about where to go for here, I’d feel way too guilty to just straight up ghost him after he was clearly putting a lot of effort into it but like how do you even let a guy down easy like you’re nice but I’m just not really attracted to you?? ugh. so I’ll have to figure that out at some point in the next few days and how to deal with texting until then. but yeah, arrived at the station, took the brown line back north to the bus and waited for Jess at the spot for our brunch plans. we were reaching out and trying in a new place today that had come up on our main restaurant strip that was called a “breakfast club” and apparently was highly rated by different publications so that was encouraging. The first thing I noticed is that they said they had “fresh squeezed juice” including orange and I’m always like 👀👀 about these things because the orange juice industry is a lie, and while I can eat actual oranges without it bothering my acid reflux, I can’t actually drink orange juice because it’s all fake bullshit that makes it way more acidic. so I like asked the waitress about it and she said they did actually squeeze it there, so I tried their strawberry and orange juice but I wasn’t able to drink too much of it before I felt the acidity setting in and I knew it would be bad if I kept going, so oh well we tried at least. also got potato pancakes and a waffle, which was very good. This was supposed to be our Marvel weekend during which we’d watch Venom, Infinity War, and Into the Spiderverse. I felt like going out today and we wanted to do a little shopping so we walked from the restaurant back to Jess’ place and from there went to one of the Chicago locations for the store we originally discovered up in Schaumburg when we were getting my computer fixed that I’d been to a few times but Jess hadn’t been, so we ran around there for a while and had fun looking at things before checking out the vintage store that’s below it which has a lot of crazy stuff. From there we got Starbucks and then drove over to the Target we like to go to that’s by Joann’s and ran around there for a while and ended up buying coats, which is good because I definitely needed a new one. Afterwards we went across the street and got Panera, then headed to the movie theatre that was around the corner for the 3:45 movie. Originally it looked like it was sold out and we’d have to wait another hour, but when we got to the ticket booth they had tickets for the 3:45 so we went ahead and got those. I had heard very good things from a lot of people about Into The Spiderverse so I had fairly high expectations and oh man, I loved this movie so much. I’d heard a lot about the animation style and how it’s very unapologetic animation, as opposed to the disney/pixar thing about trying to make everything they draw as realistic looking as possible, they really leaned into the animation style and it worked very well for them. The story though, oh man, we both cried SO MUCH during this movie. (spoilers ahead) like goddamn, losing our Peter Parker like that, especially after they very much canonically established him as Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man by showing all the iconic moments that we all remember from those movies (the train, the bridge with the bus, all that good stuff) (and I mean yes they made him blonde but that was clearly for difference in appearance to the other Peter) and man like, cutting from the Peter Parker is dead scenes into the ones with animated Stan Lee did NOT help, so there were plenty of tears being spilled between us at least. and god, Miles is so well written. I loved how he is very much established as a kid who got thrown into this and originally wants nothing to do with it but gets pulled in when our Peter dies and ultimately wants to become our Spider-Man. I could keep going but this post is already really freaking long, needless to say I really loved the movie (that shot where he jumps and they flip the perspective was fucking genius, they better be getting an Oscar nom for best animated film at the LEAST) so that was very enjoyable. Once it was over we left the theatre and drove over to the japanese place we decided we wanted to get food at, I decided to go with noodles instead of sushi since I haven’t had that in a while and they were very good. Just as I was signing the check to leave two cop cars pulled out in front of the restaurant and apparently had pulled over a bus and we didn’t know what was going on so we were like okay maybe we should just stay here for a few more minutes but after a bit it seemed like it’d been resolved so we went to leave but as we walked out we passed who appeared to be a homeless woman that had apparently been the focus of the altercation and she was screaming stuff at the cops as she passed us and they ended up following her and bugging her about the direction she was going in (something about where she said she was going being in the other direction) and I had this moment where like on one hand I’m sure she was probably causing a disturbance or stoking a fight on the bus that resulted in the police incident, but at the same time I was like do they really not have anything better to do than harass a homeless woman? Sigh. Policing in Chicago is complicated to say the least. but we walked back to the car and drove home from there, we were initially going to watch one of the other movies tonight after Spiderverse but we were both cried out and emotionally exhausted so we decided to postpone them till tomorrow. I got back to a number of amazon packages which I had been expecting so I went through those for a while (I forgot I had gotten sparkly combat boots before I left for Christmas and accidentally ordered another pair off amazon, but the new ones are totally amazing so I cannot regret buying them), then took a shower to try to get a slightly early night in (which is funny being that it’s almost midnight and I’ve been writing this post for over an hour now) and ended up trying out this mask stuff I got off amazon that was supposed to be very good for acne because for whatever reason my face is like badly broken out right now which is not terribly common for me. And yeah, I did that and washed it off and then I took my meds and started writing this and here we are. I am quite tired now being that I took my meds over an hour ago now, and this post is already way too long (hope you appreciate it, anon from earlier) so I will be going to bed now. Goodnight my dudes. Stay excellent.
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makinomariasama · 6 years
Translation: Shounen Sunday Issue 32 Interview: Maria x Inoue Rei x Uemura Akari
The Shounen Sunday website posted an interview with the cover girls of this week’s issue! In this interview, the girls talk about the shoot, wearing sunscreen, Maria’s talent for puns, the upcoming summer Hello! Cons and more. Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
Rei: How about today's photo shoot? For me, it's been a while since I went in a pool. Akari: Me too, it's been a really long time! I haven't done a photo shoot in a swimsuit in about two years. Maria: Uemura-san in a swimsuit is super rare. Akari: Today, it was like we could talk without the feelings of being senior or junior, you know. You're both funny, so it feels like I'm talking with people who are the same age as me. Rei: It had a totally different feeling than when I was with my group. In Kobushi Factory, it's more "boy"-ish, but I feel like today I was able to get back to being "girly" (laughs). Akari/Maria: Ahaha! Maria: But, everyone in Juice=Juice has high girl power. Akari: Ehhh, I'm happy that you think so, but it's totally not like that at all. It's like we're like a bunch of middle school boys. Maria: Morning Musume is like a sports meet, like, "hey, let's eat lunch!" Akari: What the heck (laughs). Rei: For today's pool shoot, it was hard when they told us not to put our faces on the surface of the water, right. It's like, do your best to doggy paddle. I was working hard to imagine a dog, but it was like I was just raking the water (laughs). Maria: I also swam about 1 metre, then I started sinking like whoosh, it was bad (laughs). Akari: There was also a shoot in school uniforms but, you two are still living that life. Rei: I don't have a blue dress shirt, so that was fresh. On top of that, the red and green neckties and so on, those were cute. Akari: It's been a while since I wore a uniform, so it was fun. Maria: Uemura-san, your personal clothes are mature. Reirei, you also seemed grown up. The parted bangs suited you. Rei: Ehhh, you really think so? I'm happy. Akari: You're both beautiful! Rei: Maria-chan, you leave the impression that you're cute when you're talking, but when I look at photos of you, you have mature expressions, and you leave a totally different impression that it made me think that you're older than you are. Maria: Heehee. Akari: Oh-ho, Maria-chan, are you embarrassed? Akari/Rei: She's embarrassed!!! Maria-chan, you're embarrassed!! Maria: Please leave me alone (laughs).
Akari: Today we also played the piano, huh. Though you won't be able to tell in the "Sunday" magazine, the sound didn't quite come out... Like do, and ti and so on. Maria: Mi, do, mi, do, mi, so, so ♪ when I tried to play that, it was like, mi... mi... mi... huh? There's no do (laughs). Rei: I also couldn't quite play "Neko Funjatta." (laughs). Akari: That was funny. Then, after the uniforms, we took photos in robes. Maria: Recently, in robes, I can't tell if I'm hot or cold. It was nice in the room, though. And it was sunny. Rei: It was good that it was sunny. Sunscreen was a necessity. Akari: Speaking of suncreen, don't all of the members put sunscreen on year-round? Maria/Rei: Ehhh, no. Akari: What, you should do that this year then. Rei: I might have been doing it when I was in junior high. Akari: Everyone puts it on when I put it on. Like, "I'll also put it on. Lend me your sunscreen." But, if everyone gives up, and then I'm also like, "well, whatever." But, when I was with you guys, I put it on (laughs). This is girl power. Last year, I was a truant. Rei: But, (Uemura-san), you're normally pale. Maria: Paaaale. Akari: But last year, I went into the ocean in Brazil without wearing sunscreen, and there's traces of it that didn't disappear, so this year, I'll do my best. This year will be a summer where I don't get sunburnt!
Maria: I'm changing the topic, but I thought this (during today's shoot) - I want to get a bit better at puns and be funnier. Akari: Ehhh, you were funny. I wanted to hear more of them. Maria: I still don't have too many jokes, but when I was in middle school, I'd think of them and say them, but I would immediately run out of material. Rei: But, that's incredible. I can't come up with things like that! Maria: I was writing them down in a file. Akari: Ehh, you went that far for it? Maria: Yeah. When I thought of them, I would tell my friends so I could see their reaction, then save it. Akari: You were serious about it, huh. I thought that puns just came out of you smoothly, though (laughs). Maria: They were originally in my head. But, it's like I would just get quiet laughter. "Oh, oh-yeah...," that happened to me a lot. Akari: No, no, I laughed, I did. I thought that you were funny. Rei: Yeah. But, you really, really said them with full confidence, they didn't seem like bad jokes at all, they were funny. Akari: The one that was like, "Please use the reflector on myself." (t/n: this is a play on words - reflector in Japanese is "refu" and self is borrowed from English in this case - "serufu". She's playing with the "fu" sound.) Rei: That was only with "fu" (laughs). Akari: But, Maria-chan was making us laugh, so it felt like the shoot was done in the blink of an eye.
Maria: This feature will be in an issue of "Sunday" that will be around July. Though I think that it won't be long before "Summer Hello" starts, is there anything that you're excited for then? Rei: July is my birth month, and also my dog's, so I want to do my best. The "birthday aura" will appear with a bang. Akari: Ehh, you have a dog? What's it's name? Rei: Konatsu. Maria: Cute! When we were doing the fitting, I heard you saying in the back, "Konatsu, Konatsu," and I assumed that your little sister had come here. Rei: It was my dog. A black Shiba. Maria: Black Shiba? A black Shiba Inu? Akari: Maria-chan, that's enough (laughs). Rei: Also, I'm excited for the costumes for the summer concert. Akari: This time too, though I think it'll probably happen, I'm excited for the shuffle unit groupings. Juice=Juice has become 8, so I think that it would be good to show the power of the 8 of us at the "Hello Con." Maria: My gen-mate, Ogata Haruna-chan has graduated from Morning Musume, so it'll be the first "Hello Con" with the 12 of us and I want to show that the 12 of us are alright. Also, speaking of the "Hello Con," since everyone gathers, I think that it would be good to become friends with everyone. Taking pictures, being in the dressing room with everyone, it makes me want to talk with the Hello! members about various things. Akari: I don't quite go take pictures with people. Maria: Yeah, Maria is like that too. Rei: I'm also like that. Maria: Speaking of being shy... I wasn't at all shy when I was small. I was a person who went up to talk to everyone excitedly, but as I got older, I became afraid to talk, so I think I'm surely shy. Akari: Really? You seem totally different. Maria: When I have to talk to someone I don't know, I can't really talk to them much, and it just ends up like "ah..." Rei: But, you get nervous, right? I am really nervous to talk to my seniors, however, there aren't many chances to talk to them outside of things like "Hello Con." It's troubling. I don't know what to talk about. Though it's easy to talk about the choreography, I don't know what their hobbies are, so I don't know what is okay to say. Akari: Certainly, it might be because they're your seniors. All three of them: ...... Maria: Oh crap, (the conversation) is over (laughs). All three of them: Ahaha.
Maria: This is the 20th anniversary of Hello! Akari: This year is the 20th. Maria: Isn't it amazing that it's the 20th anniversary? Everyone here wasn't alive. Rei: It's much longer than we've been alive. It's amazing. Also, when the Morning Musume OG did a lot of appearances at "Hina Fes," they were gorgeous. Akari: They were gorgeous, right! Maria: The cheers of the fans were amazing. Akari: I had goosebumps. Rei: I was watching from behind the OG members. It really felt like history. Maria: I wonder if there'll be something this year, like surprises. Rei: I'll be happy with surprises. Akari: We are constantly changing and evolving, so please look forward to it. I think that I'll continue to do my best from now on, too. All three of them: Please work well with us!
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press-a-repeatedly · 6 years
Final Fantasy XV: A Royal Pain in the Butt
by Zul Edwards
Final Fantasy. For years this beloved series was the standard bearer for what an RPG should be. The absolute titans of creative storylines, stellar graphics, innovative battle systems and fun side quests that have been, and still are, emulated to this day. Some of my absolute favorite games of all time are in this series; FF9, FF6, FF4, and FF10, just to name a few. However, I think it’s safe to say that reputation has changed over time for the worse. For the past several years Final Fantasy has shifted in my eyes. Once a series that used to fill me with joy when I heard those two glorious F’s next to each other, to an eye rolling, groan-inducing disappointment that just makes me want to scream out one giant F instead.
I know you can hear the theme playing in your head.
Two years ago in November 2016, Square-Enix’s latest installment in the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy 15 was released. Now this game had one of the craziest and longest development cycles in recent gaming history. I won’t get into it fully here but trust me when I say, it sucked. Over ten years from the initial reveal of what was once called Final Fantasy Versus 13, to what ultimately came out as Final Fantasy 15. It went through so many changes and took so much time I think I always knew in the back of my mind that there was a very slim chance it could actually live up to the years of anticipation and hype surrounding it. And I hate to say, I was right. Final Fantasy 15, despite, having years of development, backed by one of the most successful companies in gaming with a pedigree of games that would make other studios blush, was an absolute letdown when it first landed in my lap.
FF15 started out promising enough, the opening scene and first few hours were rather enjoyable. Getting to know the characters, playing a seemingly simple story (for a Final Fantasy) of main character, Prince Noctis, going on a road trip with his friends and bodyguards to get married was a novel concept and initially got me engaged (heh) in the game. The combat was simple and flashy, yet satisfying, the graphics are amazing, from character models to the environment they’re all top notch, and getting to hear classic FF songs as you drive around your royal cruiser, taking in the breathless countryside was truly delightful. However, the initial hours could only do so much and the chinks in the armor grew and spread until the metaphorical wheels came off the Regalia and slammed into the side of a mountain. As you progressed, the flashy battles became repetitive button mashing affairs, often made worse by the unruly camera, the open world gameplay became more and more linear, the story became less and less interesting, and the focus shifted from a sweet bromance between sweet bros to hours of the main character trudging through hallway after empty hallway in a giant boring factory, by himself, ultimately ending with a rushed and seemingly incomplete final area. It was baffling how this game took so long to come out and yet, it still felt unfinished and unpolished.
Stand by me.
Final Fantasy 15 became what I believe is the gravest sin in gaming; a chore. I was no longer excited after coming home from work and seeing what Noctis and the boys were up to, and what delicious 3D meals I could feast my eyes on, I was instead dreading the obligation I had gotten myself into. I felt I only had to beat the game for beating the game’s sake and not for my own enjoyment. And beat it I did. Unsurprisingly, I ultimately I felt nothing from the ending except the relief it was finally over and that I could finally go back to playing The Witcher 3 for the 100th time.
However, I was assured by people on the internet that if I only watched the movie that came alongside the release, or the anime mini-series, or the three DLC missions with your side characters, or the novel or the manga or the interactive wedding dress simulator or any other supplementary content that existed outside of the base game, I would enjoy it more. Ehhh no. Now call me crazy, but I don’t think playing games should require you to have additional homework assignments alongside them to understand who crucial characters are or even what important plot details are to have a “complete” version of the game. I think if said content wasn’t in the game, then it’s unrealistic for the developers to assume you would go out and consume all this extra stuff just to understand the basic storyline. For me, it’s safe to say out of the tin, in its original form, Final Fantasy 15 was truly an incomplete experience, and dare I say, a bummer.
So why am I writing this? I didn’t enjoy the game, it’s been two years and that’s the end of it right? Well recently, after ignoring any and all news from the game, I’ve been seeing that Final Fantasy 15 has been redeemed. That the once poor excuse for a game has been re-released and risen to his kingly status in an exceptional way. That the pauper had finally become a prince. Final Fantasy 15: Royal Edition for consoles and Final Fantasy 15: Windows Edition for PCs had come out and all was right with the universe. New features, new cutscenes, new story missions, fleshed out ending areas, trimmed down linear segments, better driving mechanics and much, much more, all fixed and ready for you to purchase for $15 if you own the base game already, or $50 fresh and sealed in plastic.
The King is dead. Long live the king.
Now, I’m a simple man. I like my beer cold, my music loud, and my vidya games to be released with all their crucial story content and critical character information in their original release. I don’t, however, like when I have to pay $60 for what is essentially a BETA version of a game, and only after a studio hears all the feedback of how the game was confusing and sub-par, change it, then re-release it to us again for a small fee. Oh, thank you, Square-Enix, how kind of you to make us pay again for a final version of your originally flawed, incomplete game. “But, Zul”, I hear you clacking at your keyboards, “Square is only trying to do the right thing! They’re going back and fixing their mistakes! They could have just left the game as it is and not done anything to make it better!” Ok. Sure. That is true. This story could have ended in November 2016 with the game being released, it sucking, and then them moving on and assuring us the next Final Fantasy would be bigger and better and coming soon in the year 2055. I, however, don’t believe this a valid argument.
It’s true that gaming has changed over the years, from popping in a cartridge and playing immediately, to popping in a Blu-Ray disc and waiting hours to download bloated patches on day one. Games can be fixed, upgraded and changed as soon as you purchase them now. Studios do this all the time, hell, even The Witcher 3 looks and feels completely different from its debut with updated menu interfaces, graphical upgrades and combat tweaks. The difference being, most studios won’t make you pay for these changes and tweaks. Most studios ADD onto their original games with new side quests, extra harmless cosmetics and/or un-crucial story missions. Most studios, won’t charge you extra to play a game you already own, for it’s “complete” edition. Now I understand development for a game costs money and time and that developers and artists should be reimbursed for their dedication to their craft and that gaming is a tough and tricky business. However, I personally don’t believe it's fair for developers to release something that they (probably) know is flawed and unfinished only to give us the enviable privilege to finally play what they originally intended for a “low, low fee” at a later date.
Now, this probably isn’t the first instance of this happening. I’m not a gaming historian and I don’t do research. I’m just a guy who likes video games. This might not even be the most egregious instance of something like this happening, however as a life-long supporter and defender of Final Fantasy and Square(Enix) this just felt like a total dick move. Final Fantasy and the company I had grown to love over the years just aren’t the same thing anymore. What happened to the Square that released FF 7, 8 and 9, all stellar games with amazing characters, stories, locations and music, seemingly back to back all within a three-year window? Instead, we get release dates for when a teaser trailer is going to drop five seconds of footage on us for a game that promises to come out sometime before the eventual heat death of the universe. Final Fantasy went from gripping tales of love and heroism, sweeping epic stories and some of the most bombastic or heartfelt music to ever grace my eyes and ears, into just… meh. Final Fantasy 13 and all its terrible spin-offs, Final Fantasy 15, and now the vaporware that is the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, are just ugly reminders of how far the mighty Square have fallen from their original top of the industry. It’s ironic, and almost poetic Final Fantasy tier writing, how Noctis’s ultimate ascent to the throne, simultaneously deposed Square Enix as the kings of RPGs for me.
Images via thefinalfantasy.com and dailydot.com
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[2/27/2015 9:48:23 AM] Evan: sup [2/27/2015 11:23:51 AM] YV??~: (So I was not ignoring this i just only ever wake up around 12 and i never change my status because i dont plan when i go to sleep. just felt like i needed to explain i was not ignoring this) [2/27/2015 3:28:38 PM] Evan: I kinda figured. heh [2/27/2015 3:29:23 PM] YV??~: so you wanted something? [2/27/2015 3:30:49 PM] Evan: Haha not particularly. It's going to sound pretty random, but I actually wanted to ask you a question. [2/27/2015 3:31:01 PM] YV??~: Ok [2/27/2015 3:32:21 PM] Evan: Cause I'm curious, and I can't remember if I ever asked. [2/27/2015 3:32:30 PM] Evan: Heh. Sorry if this is too personal, but [2/27/2015 3:32:45 PM] Evan: Why do you consider yourself a terrible person? [2/27/2015 3:42:39 PM] YV??~: Oh. Well you are in luck because i accidentally did a lot of terribly depression introspection earlier this week and have just the answer for that. From what i can put together from my somewhat incoprehansible whining. I've gotten through a lot of my life manipulating people through lying and gaining their pity all for my own gain...and probably will continue to. I tend to not do ANYTHING in every situation that would be optimal for working. I am able to somehow make people angry just by expressing emotion. and even when i find things i could fix i never try to change anything. [2/27/2015 3:42:54 PM] YV??~: just a short list of some of the things [2/27/2015 3:43:57 PM] Evan: I see. [2/27/2015 3:44:13 PM] Evan: It sounds to me like you're a human. [2/27/2015 3:46:21 PM] YV??~: Ehhh. I mean im not gonna tell people what they can think but i dont have to share anyone opinion [2/27/2015 3:47:23 PM] Evan: Haha, fair enough. I'll spare you the optimistic bullshit. [2/27/2015 3:47:28 PM] Evan: Why don't you change anything? [2/27/2015 3:48:51 PM] YV??~: That takes time. and effort im too lazy to put out. Ive tried to fix some things but i forget like a week later and stop trying [2/27/2015 3:49:40 PM] Evan: Do you not actually want to? [2/27/2015 3:52:05 PM] YV??~: Honestly, hell if I care anymore. I'm trash and thats that, Im not really worth the time or effort. [2/27/2015 3:52:29 PM] Evan: Not even your own? [2/27/2015 3:54:23 PM] YV??~: Im not really worth pretty much anything for anyone. Even thinking deeper about myself makes me feel like that was just a waste of time. [2/27/2015 3:54:49 PM] Evan: What do you do, then? [2/27/2015 3:55:50 PM] YV??~: Weh, theres a reason I have so many OCs and roughly 12 titles to my name with 6 running congruently at various stages of development. [2/27/2015 3:56:27 PM] Evan: Why do you make art and tell stories? [2/27/2015 4:01:07 PM] YV??~: I dont really have any other people around, and I dont really move from one spot like 22+ hours of the day so I gotta have somewhere to go, and someone to be. Even before I ended up like i am now barely leaving the house, I didnt have more than like 1 friend ever so those were my friends. I ended up picking up drawing from my sister seeing her do it because i thought itd be a good way to be able to really see these characters [2/27/2015 4:03:03 PM] Evan: Why do you animate them? [2/27/2015 4:06:56 PM] YV??~: Ive always been able to make up stories but when i create them i dont think of it as words, as a story would be if i wrote it down, I actually see the story's progression moving. When I create a story and characters I see them move and create the story themselves with small things i put in, and I hear them actually say what they have to say. out of all mediums of visual story-telling, animation is the closest to the original "being" of the story. [2/27/2015 4:07:38 PM] Evan: Why do you share them? [2/27/2015 4:10:20 PM] YV??~: I do that with pretty much any work i finish. Like "here i made this, heres proof it exists." Basically so i have something to show for myself, that i do have the ability to make things. [2/27/2015 4:12:29 PM] Evan: Does it make you proud? [2/27/2015 4:15:32 PM] YV??~: euuhhh...Proud? No. Satisfied with actually being able to have a finished product of some kind, even if its less than the original plan, is a little more like it. Even if I hate it later because there are things that could have been done better if given the time, its still better than nothing. And even then usually the ones i hate the most give other people the most enjoyment. [2/27/2015 4:17:22 PM] Evan: Do you make things that you hate? [2/27/2015 4:20:59 PM] YV??~: Oh yeah. Serious things that just went wrong early on and i was unable to fix, and joke things that ive put too much effort into that got too big compared to real work. I usually dont hate projects though. Even when I feel like theyre going no where and i retire the idea completely i dont usually hate those. Mostly art and animations, actual stories are different. [2/27/2015 4:28:05 PM] Evan: Does art make you happy? [2/27/2015 4:32:56 PM] YV??~: Not usually while im in the process of making it, im mostly just mind set on what it SHOULD look like. But stepping back to look at everything come together and finally become something finished usually is satisfying at the least. Some i never look at after that final moment of its creation, but some im really happy with the way it came out and end up looking at it over and over. So I suppose once the peice is made it does, in a way. [2/27/2015 4:34:34 PM] Evan: Are you proud when your art makes others happy? [2/27/2015 4:36:44 PM] YV??~: Well, i mean, i guess its nice when other people can find enjoyment out of something ive done. [2/27/2015 4:37:13 PM] Evan: Do you like making people happy? [2/27/2015 4:39:21 PM] YV??~: depends, usually i try not to sacrifice too much for other people, but sometimes i can be generous with somethings. really it depends on how I feel pretty much. [2/27/2015 4:41:55 PM] Evan: What makes you happy? [2/27/2015 4:47:07 PM] YV??~: I dont know, I tend to spend most of the day in a neutral 'emotionless' state, and most of the time any emotions I do have are very miniscule that I dont usually remember them. Though I enjoy being in the presence of other people, even without participating, people tend to ignore me 90% of the time. Thats a question that im not sure has a real answer [2/27/2015 4:50:26 PM] Evan: Do you have a dream? [2/27/2015 4:53:07 PM] YV??~: I try not to make solid plans more than 3 years in advance, so im not really sure. There's not a whole lot, at this point, that I could really accomplish by 2018, who can even say I'll still be alive by then. [2/27/2015 4:54:04 PM] Evan: But is there something you would want to do? [2/27/2015 4:58:05 PM] YV??~: Usually I just put goals on my characters, and I just exist to help them get there. I dont really see it so much as my life and things I want to do. Really the only thing id regret in dying is not that im stuck nowhere and im not going anywhere, but my characters not fufilling their roles and reaching THEIR closure. [2/27/2015 4:59:23 PM] Evan: Is there anything else that you do? [2/27/2015 5:02:50 PM] YV??~: All of my hobbies relate with art and story-telling in someway. Voice acting, singing, creating costumes and clothing. pretty much all of it is art and in some way has a story behind it. [2/27/2015 5:06:28 PM] Evan: What do you want to be better at? [2/27/2015 5:09:51 PM] YV??~: wehh..I dont know, theres a lot of things i could be better at and somethings i should be, but...im not really sure. [2/27/2015 5:22:15 PM] Evan: What do you think you're best at? [2/27/2015 5:28:41 PM] YV??~: Ive practiced various methods of drawing for years but, even though i just picked up sewing as a craft 3 years ago im better at that than i was with drawing early on. Everything else has taken since around middle school to get to a good level where i can still do it comparatively quickly, where sewing only took a year to get to that point. Overall for me it went from a beginner level to at least moderately experienced much faster than everything else. [2/27/2015 5:38:07 PM] Evan: What's your favorite thing to do? [2/27/2015 5:41:19 PM] YV??~: I dont know. Usually if im bored, and not too fed up with holding a pencil, i end up idly drawing....Its really like the only thing I do. [2/27/2015 5:50:40 PM] Evan: What inspires you? [2/27/2015 5:53:13 PM] YV??~: Usually things just pop into mind on their own. Sometimes they happen while im listening to, or watching something. [2/27/2015 5:53:40 PM] Evan: What sorts of things do you watch and listen to? [2/27/2015 5:57:06 PM] YV??~: Usually I put on miscellaneous gameplay footage or lets plays, and i pretty much switch between that and music. [2/27/2015 5:57:49 PM] Evan: What kind of music? [2/27/2015 6:00:23 PM] YV??~: It usually depends what i feel like. somedays its lighter faster stuff, somedays its heavier stuff. Somedays a combination of both, sometimes i just let my music shuffle and play in whatever order. [2/27/2015 6:02:12 PM] Evan:  Is music important to you? [2/27/2015 6:05:52 PM] YV??~: I guess....I mean some ideas wouldnt have happened without certain songs, and some projects probably wouldnt exist. [2/27/2015 6:07:53 PM] Evan: What's your favorite project? [2/27/2015 6:10:21 PM] YV??~: Honestly, there isnt a lot of public information on Mahito but ive been working with it for 2 years, and it was actually the first thing I envisioned myself actually animating. [2/27/2015 6:11:00 PM] Evan: What's Mahito? [2/27/2015 6:22:17 PM] YV??~: Its something I came up with one day, I guess the best way to describe its themes in short would be Madoka-esque even though i came up with the basics including designs before i even watched it. I guess one could say its very "magical girl" though it is not a straight female cast. It follows a team of 6 highschool students, their leader being a socially withdrawn, sucidal girl whos only real support are her brother and his best friend. These 6 people are given powers and forced into a battle thats been going on for centuries, for supremacy within a group of supernatural beings known to the humans involved as "gods." Many of these gods have no regard for the people they force to fight so long as they are able to take surpremacy in someway, since they are unable to kill each other or be killed. The team has to fight both other human fighters and "monsters", that are the remains of humans who tried to rebel against their "god", which live beyond a barrier and can threaten to destroy inncent human life. At first they look at it as their chance to help people, but eventually their powers become a burden. [2/27/2015 6:24:26 PM] Evan: That sounds really interesting. How much have you done with it? [2/27/2015 6:29:45 PM] YV??~: So far I have designs and short biographies for the main cast. As well as designs for a few of the mosters they will face, and bios for a few minor characters that still have some influence on a part of the plot. A lot of what i have written besides characters is mostly world building, information on the roles and powers each member of a 6 man team can have. Descriptions of the basic behaviors of monsters on different intelligence levels. I plan to have all the designs done at the end of this year, and the timeline for the plot fully written in detail at the end of 2016. [2/27/2015 6:33:31 PM] Evan: Cool. O: I assume it's also going to be an animation? When do you think you'll start making it? [2/27/2015 6:38:45 PM] YV??~: Ive been saying since around last year or so itll come out in 2018. It was the first thing I considered animating seriously, things before that where like that would be cool, or this scene could be animated. But this, i decided, this was going to be fully animated, i tried to start it out in a static format just to get things laid out to be adapted into an animation, but it never worked. While 2018 may be a little too ambitious, this is going to be nothing but animated [2/27/2015 6:44:46 PM] Evan: I see. [2/27/2015 6:46:57 PM] YV??~: yeh
0 notes
darkness-everybody · 7 years
Do all of them
Thank you for asking!!!!! Is a kiss considered cheating? yes!!!Have you ever faked orgasm? lmaoIf you could have one superpower, what would it be? read people's thoughts!Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? uhhh probably not Tell us some funny drunk story. i got nothinWhy are you no longer together with your ex? wasn't real/ def a reboundIf you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? peacefully?What are your current goals? get bright futures to pay me tf back and keep my happiness upDo you like someone? I like like someone dudeWho was the last person to disappoint you? probably myself let's be real Do you like your body? Hell ya Can you keep a diet? I've never tried but probably notIf the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I'm so tired!Do you work? Unfortunately If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Ice cream for sure Would you get a tattoo? Hell ya Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Makeup and clothesCan you drive? YesWhen was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Idk probably today What was the last thing you cried for? I was worried about someone I love Do you keep a journal? Nooo I should start tho good idea Is life fun? Yes!Is farting in front of people irrelevant? Uhh I personally don't do it but idgafWhat’s your dream car? A camaro or a mustang Are grades in school important? YesssssDescribe your crush. very cute, terrible at texting back, sweetest person, loml, etc What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't rememberWhat was your last lie? I told this little girl leprechauns are realDumbest lie you ever told? I also told her the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow was real and that only really special people can see themIs crying in front of people embarrassing? At work? Yes! In front of people u know? Maybe Something you did and you are proud of? Trying my hardest at happy What’s your favourite cocktail? No clue Something you are good at? Being fake in retail!Do you like small kids? Hell ya How are you feeling right now? Very tired and oversharingWhat would you name your daughter/son? Shit idk What do you need to be happy? Good vibes only! Lmao jk idk just like the opposite of anxiety Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? I can think of someone What was the last gift you received? A promise ring :)What was the last gift you gave? lots of stuff What was the last concert you went to? BastilleFavourite place to shop at? SephoraWho inspires you? My cat, Macy How old were you when you first got drunk? 18?19? I think 18How old were you when you first got high? 18How old were you when you first had sex? 18When was your first kiss? 14?Something you want to do until the end of this year? Stay happy?Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? Mucho things Post a selfie. go on my insta I don't feel like itWho are you most comfortable around? Kas and joshName one thing that terrifies you. Ppl leaving me What kind of books do you read? Shitty ya books or lately no books at allWhat would you tell your 12 year old self? Bro hold on it gets so much better also don't be a stupid idiot!What is your favourite flower? Roses and petunias Any bad habits you have? Nail biting, people pleasing What kind of people are you attracted to? Happy hardworking peopleWhat was the last thing you cried for? I already answered this I thinkIs there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? Seafood Are you in love? Hell ya Something you find romantic? Cliches How long was your longest relationship? Almost 2 years What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? girls are perfect What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? boys are slightly less perfect but they're okWhat are you saving money for? my futureHow would you describe your bad side? I literally do not care and get angry over everything Are you actually a good person? Why? Damn I hope so I mean I'm trying What are you living for? Idk man life is good!Have you ever done anything illegal? Me??? NooooDo you like your body? Yes damn I already said this Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? Probably I mean I hope not but ppl are shitty Have you ever cheated on someone? no!!! Favourite candy? Pure Hershey's or peanut m&msIs there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! Nah Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? I really like overwatch and stardew valley atmFavourite TV series? Greys anatomy!Are you religious? Does God exist? Sure What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?i don't even remember What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? Do whatever the hell u want idcHow long have you been on Tumblr? Too long but I think 5 years Do you like Chineese food? Ya it's not bad McDonalds or Subway? McdonaldsVodka or whiskey? WhiskeyAlcohol or drugs? Drugs Ever been out of your province/state/country? Haha like once Meaning behind your blog name? It's a man overboard song and I honestly don't even remember how it goes I just don't wanna change it What are you scared of? Everything Last time you were insulted? Probably today idk Most traumatic experience ? EhhhPerfect date idea? I'm too tired to answer this something original Favourite app on your phone? Tumblr? IdkWhat colour are the walls in your room? BlueDo you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Kathleen lights is the light of my life also Dan and Phil ofcShare your favourite quote. "No"What is the meaning of life? That's too much Do you like horror movies? Noooo too scaryHave you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Probably Do you feel lucky or special in a way? Very very much so Can you keep a secret?yes
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