#i should fix that
royaltea000 · 7 days
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trying to learn how to draw this dude
credit to @/transparentalia for the ref images :)
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biboomerangboi · 3 months
Not enough fics where Established Fengqing still have to fight for enrichment so they do insane bets and competitions for sex positions…
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So I had an idea for a new coloring method. Mikey was my guinea pig!
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seijorhi · 3 months
Demon King Oikawa and his loyal three best friends falling in love with a sweet girl and they'll do whatever it takes to win her over :3c
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Hmmmmm yall may be onto smt here
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meimeikyu · 8 months
there is not enough cross x dust content
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plotted starter for @sentmail | from aerith
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Aerith had always known the Turks would stop keeping her safe one day, and she even knew it would be one day soon. They had been following her for so long, and it was only a matter of time until Tseng turned on her and brought her in. She knew he would – she knew him well enough by now to know that the Company came before whatever personal feelings he might have. If he even had feelings. Aerith wasn't so certain anymore.
And so, there she sat, in her glass cylinder, waiting for Professor Hojo to decide what to do with her. She felt like she was five years old again, but at least then, she had had her mother with her. Now, here she was, twenty two years old and alone.
She would not give Hojo the benefit of her tears.
Because now she had Cloud. Cloud, and Tifa, and maybe even Barret. She knew in her heart of hearts that Cloud would come after her. He might seem like a tough guy, but she could see through that gruff exterior and saw the thoughtful, kind man inside of him. He was a good man, and he hated Shinra as much as she did.
So alone she sat, refusing to give up on her single thread of hope, and waiting. For as much as she hated to wait to be rescued, right now, there was little else she could do.
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amusingmusie · 1 month
NOT EXACTLY A QUESTION, BUT! I've got a song that I think partially fits with "Yours Truly" and all that jazz, it's itching at me because YOU need to hear this too!!!
That being said, It's "The fruits" from Paris Paloma. Been eating her lyrics up!
I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It’s on an old DnD character playlist of mine and I almoooooost added it to the Yours Truly playlist too since it’s so Nel-coded but didn’t for some reason?
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mtsodie · 2 years
May I request a Terezi?
Your art rocks btw <3
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zephyrd17 · 5 months
i haven't seen your art yet
But assuming your pfp is something you drew/pos
Vibrant colors :3
Oooh ty!! My pfp was drawn by my boyfriend, @chrisdoesart24 ! I rarely post art, but the drawing in my current top 3 posts is mine! Thanks tho!!
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hawnks · 4 months
I just fucking realized they haven’t even kissed yet in coincide……..
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dyrewrites · 4 months
Out of Context Line Tag
@addicted2coke-theothercoke and @kosmic-kore both tagged me on this one! So let's go!
From Before Deluca
And the sight of them did nothing to soften the unease in my stomach, or my legs, as I swayed with every step—unaccustomed to floors that bobbed beneath my feet.
Tagging: @stesierra @tryingtimi @whatwedointhecraft ^.-
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yon3arts · 1 year
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Figuring out how to draw them. Gotta use this as a reference for hopefully future drawings
I'm running out of my favorite names to name MCs, so I'll call my Sidestep Emmet for now. They're tall with quirky fashion sense for streetwear, has several piercings on their left ear. More of a subtle manipulator, careful, arrogant, and empathetic.
For Herald I chose more of a classic super-hero look, with magnificent chin and strong jaw. But with a cute baby face, because he's cute and a baby
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pleuvoire · 8 months
Rosemary, since youre the one who got me to listen to more PinocchioP recently, I'd love to know what your favorites of his are if you'd like to share :3
HEHE….. strap in this might get a little long. i like his music a lot. gonna start with my top favorites and then just throw other ones onto the pile from there
nobody makes sense - probably my top favorite. LOVE a good "life has no meaning so we have to create meaning" theme, and the visuals are beautiful. i'm buried in a garbage heap, looking up at the stars...
nice to meet you, people of earth (my own translation of the title lol) - ALWAYS MAKES ME EMOTIONAL. the strengths and faults of humanity viewed through the eyes of a hopeful outsider...
loveit - a quiet melancholy one about easily getting sucked into self-destructive relationships... and the mv is beautiful
anonymous m - best of his recent work imo. LOVE a good meta exploration of hatsune miku as a character or not-character
lonely ufo - one of the first songs of his i ever heard. makes me emotional...
ghosts play to the audience - really interesting song about creative integrity vs crowd-pleasing as an artist and the unclear boundary between the two. also about ghosts! and it bangs!
yozurina - a song about the uncertainty and attachment of long-distance love. dawn comes again...
vocaloid is lame - a melancholy song about dealing with haters of one's work that sort of turns into a classic pino-p "finding optimism in the midst of your sadness" thing. the high note on the astronaut line always makes me tear up a bit
everything about animals - duet between miku and pino-p himself! "there's tigers, horses, deer, working adults, livestock, monkeys, you who once raised your first cry..."
it's a festival, hey come on! - i only checked this one out recently because of the creative mixed-media mv and it took a while to grow on me but now i think the chorus is so catchy. flashing lights cw
tonchinkan feast - possibly the first of his songs i ever heard. kind of an oddball but i love the creative mv. my party trick is i can sing this from memory. if you listen to it you'll understand why it's a party trick
motivation is dead - THEE depression song
god-ish - i'm sorry vocaloid community for putting this one so far down the list i just thought of a bunch of other ones first. this one got so crazy popular it shows up in "all time miku songs" tribute art. kind of wild. i was there when it dropped, who'da known...
magical girl and chocolate - another recent one that got popular although not to the insane degree of god-ish. when i find a toku character to apply this to it's over for you guys
non-breath oblige - forgot about this one for a bit but it's so good it makes me emotional. wish it was humanly possible to sing
and i'm just gonna throw ultimate senpai, what's inside, kick ass literally, nee nee nee, and mushroom mother onto the pile real quick before this gets too long. you've already seen 404, apple dot com, what yama says goes, last continue, reincarnation apple and common world domination from my other post so i didn't write up a blurb for any of those but those are some classic favorites of mine too, especially the first three. NOW as if this post wasn't long enough here are some collabs and stuff of his i like:
i'm a controversy by ado - vocals by ado, written and produced by pino-p. aka THE FUCKING DREAM TEAM EVER. this song expresses ado's conflicted reaction to the controversy she's generated with the social criticism in her music. imo THEE best song to come out of the voca-p adjacent circle this year. mv goes hard too
(not) a devil - collab with deco*27, another insanely popular voca-p, possibly the most insanely popular one currently active. as you can imagine this one made quite a splash. i like duet collabs like this because you can hear the difference in how each artist tunes their miku. pino-p's muted soft-spoken miku ftw
gorgeous big conversation - collab with utsu-p, a less popular but still fairly big voca-p known for his signature heavy metal sound which you can hear in this song. i love the lyrics of this one they are silly and surreal, i wish this video was subbed. shoutout to internet comedian arufa who is the guy in the video, he also provided the human voice in anonymous m. you may know him from this video which got popular on tumblr
ok hope this wasn't too long :) enjoy!!! also, i put these in no particular order, but if you pay attention to the upload dates think it's interesting to see how the style evolves over time. also did you know the art is done by pino-p himself :) with some exceptions obviously but that distinctive style you see always popping up is done by him
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ruthlesslistener · 11 months
Man for a guy who actually really loves tragedies and bad endings, I don't have much of them in my own stories, huh
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noritaro · 8 months
Idk if you have read Let The Poets Pipe Of Love by lord_squiggletits, but Blurr briefly shows up as a racer-influencer full of himself. It's small but if nothing else I think you would enjoy that.
oooo it has MegaOp too hell yeah- I'll read it later :0
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atempause-art · 8 months
for someone who loves shipping ocs together i sure barely ever actuall draw them together tho
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