#i shoud be focusing on my fanfics but nooo i need to focus on that
crizztelcb · 3 years
Ahh it disgust me! I'm tired of this fandom really, I want to give up already! just came across a salt that actually on a art blog (oh what a FUCKING SUPRISE LOOKS LIKE ALL ART BLOGS I FOLLOW NOW ARE FUCKING SALTERS) Is not even a surprise to me, It was the one that made the art for that au that I said makes me uncomfortable.
I love seeing salt criticism you know hahaha is not like they see a character and just look at the superficial of them you know hahaha must be me how don't criticize things hahaha........
Ugh if there's someone that criticize all things all the time that's me, I don't gonna talk about what the salt was about because I disagree a lot with them and I don't fucking need to bring my point of view there because I know how they work, they will not even care, i was a salter I know how is inside this part of the fandom. Funny how now I can't even stand anything they say, this is how a salter works:
As I said they take the superficial of the characters and not they core and backstory
They care a lot about gender roles and people of color, no is not "we don't like this character because their actions" but yes " depending on your gender and color you gonna be the good person or the bad one" and guess how is always the bad one
They aren't really critical people, they do have good takes sometimes but they are behind hate words and bad actions so is hard to even see them as criticism to beggin with
All of them are the same and is always the same characters in all of them, same takes with different types of words but always the same, and I know that "if something is being said over and over again that's may mean that is a actual problem" but I already read the takes and they all come from a place I know too well and that is very delicate so that I kinda of understand but don't means they are right.
I have more oh i have much more and by no means I say that ml is this ~perfect show that there's no problems~ because it fucking have a lot of problems but they are never in these "critical thinking blogs" they are totally discarted by them because they don't shock and pop to their followers.
Well thats all i have to say, hate me if you want, think I'm wrong and etc but put in your mind that I was there with you and I noticed all of this inside of there, I know we're all of this comes from: fears, trauma, bad experiences etc and the thing I advice for you is let it go. Give up of the show. You already did but is in the fandom? Get out of the fandom this all is going to make you worst than ever! trust me im still recovering, I'm fucking having a hard time because what I did in the past, the way I treated myself in the past year's!
If you like to Salt well.... good luck I guess, hope you have a wonderful life actually, i actually hate the people that send you threads and stuff, you don't deserve it even though I think your opinions are bad you don't deserve receive a dea*h thread on you inbox. I totally disagree with you, I actually fell offended by a lot of takes because they hurt deep into my personal problems, but I don't hate you. I also don't love you but yeah I don't hate you, i just want you guys to look a little more inside the characters you are salting on ok? Maybe some people like me understand that said characters because we have experience with the situation the characters are on. Just hope you ok I totally sounded harsh I'm sorry.
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