#i reckon i probably have some similar tendencies to him psychologically but that all gets thrown out the window because he
morwensteelsheen · 3 years
I just… i just still don’t know what the fuck is going on here.
(no i will not go do the heaps of work i need to do today, i have brain worms)
‘Boromir, O Boromir!' [Faramir] cried. ‘What did she say to you, the Lady that dies not? What did she see? What woke in your heart then? Why went you ever to Laurelindórenan, and came not by your own road, upon the horses of Rohan riding home in the morning?’
Like. This is obviously set up to be quite an emotional outburst, everything about it sets it apart from the rest of the scene, the rest of their conversation (in tone, content, and addressee), but, like… what is going on with using ‘Laurelindórenan’ instead of ‘Lothlórien’? I know I regularly invoke this scene to dunk on him for being a nerd but it’s such a specifically fascinating character moment and i’m upset beyond words that i don’t have a reading for it that isn’t “ha ha dweeb shit my guy.”
we know that sindarin is the language spoken by the people of minas tirith (appendix f), so he’s going to speak it natively. ‘Lothlórien,’ it should be noted, is not a purely sindarin name, but it is the one used most consistently by speakers of sindarin. 
(Lothlórien is actually a combination of sindarin and quenyan words — which is actually fitting because galadriel is a noldorin elf and one of the only remaining elves in middle earth who learned quenya natively, and celeborn is a sindar elf, so, y’know, nice little touch there. It should also be noted that in lothlórien they speak an extremely divergent form of sindarin. Not that that matters a huge amount because faramir hasn’t actually been there, but, yeah, the point is: quenya definitely not the preeminent language for dealing with lothlórien.)
But i digress — faramir speaks sindarin natively, not quenya. To him, quenya is like classical latin, a language of scholars and poets (maybe), but ultimately not really a quotidian thing. It’s certainly not a language he’s ever having regular, extended conversations in. sindarin is, westron is. So it’s interesting that in this moment of great emotional affectation, he starts plucking quenyan words out of the air. 
i don’t understand why he does it. I mean, maybe i do, maybe he’s just innately such a massive fucking nerd that he can’t help himself, which is perfectly valid and certainly in line with the rest of his characterisation, but the only other character (iirc) that we see refer to lothlórien in its quenya name is treebeard. And now im spinning myself up wondering if there’s merit in comparing faramir and treebeard. Faramir as a legacy of a dying culture, treebeard much the same, both ‘guardians’, so to speak, of forests (though, as pointed out here, maybe less so for faramir). Like is the implication meant to be that faramir, much like treebeard (and, ahem, tom bombadil) is in touch with something deeper about the world? 
Or maybe the point is that he isn’t, but wishes he were, and in the end he sort of has to come to terms with living In This Moment, which could be represented a bit more by éowyn and her being of the mark etc. it feels very significant to me that this lovely wee loremaster of ours, who is constantly spouting off history and middle earth classic latin, ends up falling in love with someone who is, in every conceivable way, not that. The rohirrim, it is explicitly said, don’t write books, they don’t keep lore in the same way the gondorrim did (or used to), they’re very much a more temporally-present people. So faramir spends all this time being this perfect embodiment of the learned culture of gondor, and maybe his ‘arc’ (or whatever, i got a gentleman’s c in high school english) is that he’s having to put the visions of grandeur aside to deal with life as it actually is. And éowyn, of course, has had to do nothing BUT that, until she doesn't. 
I don’t know. Im having a lot of thoughts and none of them particularly constructive.
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misslavendertown · 4 years
🌹My thoughts on Steven universe future!🌹
WARNING this post contains a lot of steven universe future spoilers if you haven't seen the new episodes and don't want to be spoiled don't read. I would put a read more link below the warning but Tumblr mobile sucks.
Little homeschool
So Steven can heal corrupted gems using a mixture of what I expect are the diamonds escents? Maybe it's from the extraction Chambers? I can't remember what they're called but yellow's sauna and blue's bath.
Pamphlets about being uncorrupted. Kind of makes me think of those awkward puberty pamphlets you get from school.
The next few minutes are just the trailer.
Connie's preparing for college. I'm so proud. 😊
Pearl teaching gems how to use phones is just golden. Also Holo Pearl is back.
"took me forever to pull those puny green earthlings out of the ground" "you mean grass"
People are gonna hate me for saying this but I actually kind of feel bad for Jasper I think she's bored. She just wants to fight maybe she can take up boxing or wrestling. You know what never mind she'll kill the first person who steps in the ring.
F I G H T M E!
Steven putting a bubble around baby birds to protect them from him and Jasper's fight is purest thing I've seen on the show.
Pink Steven shows up but we already knew about that.
Steven seeking guidance from Jasper disturbs me. This obviously isn't going to end well.
Guidance counselor amethyst!
Mr. Smiley has gem employees now maybe he can finally get some sleep. Does anyone remember that?
Amethyst assigned human jobs to the gems and a lot of them are doing jobs they did on homeworld. Steven has a big problem with that but I'm not going to be quick to judge him because I also had a problem with it and I'm sure I'm not the only one who did.
I thought little larimar would be smaller
Larimar and snowflake have I've powers. It's really hard not to make a Frozen joke.
Snowflake seems to have a "male" voice like rainbow 2.0 I think it's Ian Jones-Quarty voicing them but I could be wrong so don't get your hopes up.
I just hope people won't start thinking the gems have genders. The gems don't have genders and I'm tired of explaining that to people.
"I wish to hear the humans scream forever" - little Larimar 2019
Steven is becoming a bit of a control freak that must be the diamond in him.
Uncle Andy is back.
One of the rubies has a #1 body guard mug. I love the idea of a Ruby drinking coffee
As expected Steven forcing gems to do things they suck at goes horribly wrong and now there's all kinds of crazy stuff happening including a runaway rollercoaster.
Pink smoky and they have super speed now or Steven has super speed. they're so fast everything is slow motion like that one episode of regular show with the double glazed apple fritters.
For some odd reason amethyst never questions Steven's new abilities but then again she probably doesn't know that it might be a bad thing.
Some of the gems actually enjoy what they did on homeworld. Amethyst is a really good guidance counselor I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.
"sometimes you save all the people and the rollercoaster still crashes into the ocean....and that's okay" words of wisdom.
Amethyst found out who she is and what she wants to do.
Larimar likes children and now she hands out prizes for them at one of the game stands.
"I love their laughter it's sounds just like screaming"
"OH NO WE FORGOT ONION!!! eh he's fine"
Onion is immortal apparently. Whatever it's onion don't question his logic.
Rose buds
The homeworld humans are back! They've taken control of the zoo after the diamonds freed everyone and now it's a cruise ship.
J10 and y6 being salty about Greg not choosening them. J10 annoyed at the amethysts for being lazy. I guess he doesn't realize that's how cruise ships work.
Holly blue agate and the famethyst are back! Holly doesn't know how to relax.
They consider Steven their hero and are super excited to see what the Earth has become since they've been. There's only three of them staying.
Steven feels overwhelmed by all their questions and accidentally invites them to dinner.
Only three of the roses come a bubbly rose, a laid back rose and the one we saw in the trailer
As expected it's super awkward for everyone the gang isn't ready to face them yet.
They call carrots carrot beans and it's so adorable. I love them so much.
Greg considers the human zoo humans his exes. He mentions he hasn't had this many exes in one place since and then he's cut off I would like to know more about Greg's exes and the incident he was talking about.
"I can feel the rest of my hair falling out!" -Greg Universe 2019 seriously though poor Greg.
They all hide in the bathroom.
The rose quartz want to stay with Steven. he's uncomfortable around them but doesn't want to seem rude and hurt their feelings or make them feel unwelcome.
Steven tells the roses how he really feels and turns out they were faking their feelings too. They're really hurt over what happened and they know what Steven is going through with the whole pink diamond fiasco and their conflicting feelings regarding her. It's a very sweet and touching moment between them.
Steven considers them siblings now because they were all created by pink diamond and understand what it's like living in Rose's shadow
I know they don't stay on earth with Steven but I hope we get to see the roses again before the series ends.
Doctor Steven > Doctor Mario don't @ me.
long necked Ruby is hilarious
Pink Pearl's crack can't be healed by Steven's spit.
She doesn't remember being under White's control which makes sense. She was under her control for 8000 years.
So Pink hurt pink pearl why am I not surprised? 😒
I think she's still grieving obviously. Again trailer stuff.
Pink pearl is older than pearl
Some Pearls were made on Earth and the facility doubles as a repair shop. It also has accessories basically it's like a place where you can get your phone fixed and shop for phone cases and other stuff.
Pink pearl is a ribbon dancer. That's what they're called right?
The problem isn't her gem it's a psychological thing.
Gems can damage their physical forms without damaging their gem. That's very interesting and I don't think we've seen this in the show before.
Pink had destructive tendencies It was a tantrum that hurt pink pearl after being denied a planet and gave her PTSD or something similar.
Maybe it was PD hurting Pink pearl that made the other diamonds realize she was a force to be reckoned with and that led to them giving into her demands and giving her Earth.
Seems like those destructive tendencies are starting to come out through pink Steven. Maybe the corrupted Steven theory is right?
Steven should really consider anger management but hey puberty will do that to you. Just kidding I am genuinely concerned.
Apparently the Pearls were both in denial and kept making excuses, never really accepting who PD really was. pink pearl kept saying "she didn't mean to hurt me" this is clearly a metaphor for abuse.
The crack must've been caused by her burying her feelings.
I swear rose/pink gets worse every episode I get she was abused herself but that's not a good enough excuse. Not saying I don't like pink diamond l just hate the things she's done.
I love how the two Pearls bonded over pink hurting them and how they never stopped hurting. it's so sweet and wholesome how can you not ship it? Pearl's gotta stick together.
I'm assuming the fusion's name is red pearl.
I can't tell if it's a different voice actor playing the pearl or if Deedee is speaking in a low voice.
They didn't show pink Pearl's eye so whether or not if it's healed is up for interpretation.
I think this is easily my favorite episode so far.
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minahraven · 6 years
Self-ship #1 - Anonymous x Jungkook
Anonymous said:
Yay awesome! I'll go ahead and submit my self ship request after this ^^ It's no wonder you're a Sugamon stan, you're as openminded as they are heh :D (speaking of which, I consider both of them as the top two most relatable members in the group lolol) And yup! But idk why, for some reason bullet points feel kind of limiting when it comes to elaboration? (and I'd love to hear your opinions) so perhaps you could stick with the usual paragraphs when you're typing up mine haha. Thank you so much!
 ~¹ I'm a Cancer. 100% INTP traits. Extra: adventurous, assertive, brutally honest, competitive, cynical, easily annoyed but rarely angered, empathic, hermit crab tendencies, huge perv, loyal, major troll, mature, multilingual, openminded, perfectionist, pretty chill until provoked, sadistic, selectively nice (to people who deserve it), socially and emotionally awkward, trustworthy. Fluent in emoji/stickers, profanity, sarcasm, slang, wordplay. ♥: analyzing, animals, art, baking, books, comedy,
~² cultures, desserts, games, goth/ic stuff, horror+gore, history, movies, multifandoms, music, mythology, nature, philosophy, photography, psychology, online shopping, some sports technology, travelling. Colorful dyed hair, black eyes. No makeup besides lip balm, fragrances and nail polish. Multiple piercings and tattoos. My fashion style's a mix of casual, goth/ic, grunge, hiphop, punk, rock + street. May I have a ship with Jungkook please? (It's a two part message bc I've got too much info)
A/N - This is the first time I’ve done a self-ship, so I’m hoping I’ve done it right. Until this request, I hadn’t even heard of them! I will admit, though, I loved doing it, so if anyone else wants them, by all means, keep em coming! The same goes for any other content types you’d like to see on my blog. I’m open to any suggestions!
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When he first sets eyes on you
How You Meet:
Let’s be real, this boy is absolutely the perviest, trolliest and most competitive in the group, and no one can convince me otherwise, but I have a feeling he also has a secret quiet side. When he thinks the cameras aren’t on him, he’s staring into space, mulling things over in his mind. So the fact that you two meet at an art gallery may surprise anyone who doesn’t know both of you, but those who get to know you both aren’t remotely surprised that you would have something so apparently random in common. It’s the perfect escape for both of you. While Tae may go there to indulge his artistic side and Namjoon may love to expand his intellectual horizons, for Jungkook, it’s a chance to escape the stresses of being an idol and just revel in the quiet. Sure, he loves the art as much as the others, but that’s more of an added bonus than the main purpose.
I can see him flopping down on a bench in a secluded corner, intending to take in the painting opposite, only to spot a different work of art on another bench that’s much more interesting. He’d sit and stare, I mean admire, for a while, before finally ambling over to the painting you were gazing at, standing just close enough to feel like he’s truly in your company, without creeping you out. All of a sudden, he’d hear a hushed ‘Every time I see this, it gets more beautiful’, and glance over at you, taking a few moments to realise you’re talking about the painting, because although he’s only looked at you a few times, he’s fully convinced the true beauty’s beside him, not in front.
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Out on your first date
Your First Date
It would take forever for him to ask you out, but when he finally worked up the courage, and you said yes, it would take him mere moments to plan a date. After you met at the gallery, you’d get to be close very quickly, spending hours talking about your favorite music, movies, animals, everything he could think of to ask to get to know you. He wouldn’t be 100% sure that his plan was to your taste, but it was what he thought of when he thought of you, so to him, it was a natural choice.
He’d pick you up mid-morning, giving you that trademark smirk of his as he assured you he had the whole day planned out. Before long, he’d be grinning at you as he pulled into the parking lot of the zoo, hoping he had chosen right. You’d spend a few hours wandering among the animals, Jungkook pointing out every one that he thought looked like one of his hyungs and doing impressions of them to show just how similar they were until you were both giggling like lunatics.
When you were finally tired and hungry enough, he’d usher you back to the car for stage 2 of the date. Driving out of the city, he’d head for a hill overlooking the surrounding area and tell you to close your eyes. As soon as he was positive you couldn’t see a thing, he’d hop out, scurrying to the trunk and going through every step of the routine he’d rehearsed many times: grabbing the picnic hamper and blanket from the trunk, spreading the blanket out on the grass and laying the hamper on it, gathering the speaker and his phone and setting them up right next to it, scattering cushions here and there until it looked absolutely perfect. It wasn’t until he was certain that he hadn’t missed a thing that he would press play on his phone, your favourite (slower) song coming through the speaker. He’d then come back to the car and guide you out, not allowing you to open your eyes until you were stationed in just the right spot to see it to full effect, because this wouldn’t be just any first date. He’d have waited to properly ask you out until he was sure of the feelings blossoming in his chest before saying anything. You’re special enough that he wouldn’t want to ask you out if it was just a ‘maybe’ thing. For him, it’s all or nothing, so this wouldn’t just be a date, it would be the day he’d confess that he was utterly, head over heels in love with you.
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Receiving a particularly good strategy text
The Aftermath
Well, good grief, girl! If anyone thought that Jungkook was a danger to life and limb before you guys started dating, it would be even more well-known afterwards. As friends, you’d be a force to be reckoned with, but as a couple? Whoo boy. Dates would turn into gaming sessions at every opportunity, the two of you teaming up to kick the rest of the maknae line’s butts. Between rounds, you’d text each other strategies, using exclusively emojis so that if the others got hold of your phones, it would look like you were just sending lovey dovey messages to each other and keeping it quiet out of respect, when actually that ‘heart, heart, smileyface’ message really meant ‘I can’t wait to kill em both’.
Once the games were over and everyone was sufficiently exhausted, and of course you had all had your fill of Jin’s wonderful cooking (because you just know he’d adopt you as one of his little brood), he’d drag you off to his room, making sure to let everyone you wanted to be “ALONE”, where, knowing that boy (and probably you), what was intended to be a snuggle session would evolve into his admiring your piercings and tattoos. All of them. Very, very close up. And then, of course, he’d have to make absolutely and completely positive you weren’t hiding any. Wink, wink.
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