#i ranted abt this in our server but like.
scaraven-archive · 9 months
non-muslims with no muslim family or friends be fucking normal abt 9/11 challenge
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zephyrine-tale · 8 months
im doing the rant about N25 KAITO i fucking lied about it coming on the weekend because im bored as hell :3
so N25 KAITO is memed a lot because in the April Fool's event, there's an area convo with N25 Rin where she's talking with another unit's KAITO (either VBS or WXS i can't remember 💀) and she's like "oh. i wonder if our KAITO will be like that :)"
and in EN server there's almost certainly people meming the way the new stamps tastefully ignore N25 KAITO
and I'm interested by this because I think niigo KAITO coming last was a very purposeful decision by the writers?
let's look at the first four KAITOs. Leoni KAITO is quiet, shy, but still a helpful senpai- exactly what the Leoni girls like Saki and Ichika have been needing for direction in their music studies and becoming a better band by working together individually and as a group.
MMJ KAITO is a hardworking manager, who provides that "push" that's shown to help Minori the most. Minori has her head in the clouds often and is shown to be helped by very severe, what I would consider maybe slightly "harsh" instruction from the others. (Think Airi always training her and pushing her to go harder, that's what Minori needs.) KAITO provides that push and also shows the management side of being an idol group for MMJ- all of MMJ are idols after all, to my knowledge none of them have managing experience. But keep in mind, he's still kind. He's still helpful and nice, and smiles often.
VBS KAITO is shown as mostly a direct contrast to Akito and how since the main story, he (akito) has wanted to work hard and consistently for the goal to surpass Rad Weekend, even perhaps putting his studies aside. KAITO represents keeping talent and being hardworking, while still being lazy and having fun. I think he also represents as motivation for Kohane, who was convinced by the main story she needs to work constantly and hardly and push herself beyond other things she enjoys to be able to reach this goal- but she doesn't. All of VBS can achieve their goal while still having fun with it, and that's what their KAITO represents.
WXS KAITO is literally fucking WXS KAITO idk what you want
Okay jokes aside as the "main" KAITO he is there to provide the more serious aspect to WonderShow's silly goofiness. Tsukasa definitely also has is head in the clouds, but all he wants is "to become a STAR! ⭐️" without really knowing how to achieve that goal. KAITO represents the path to that goal, and motivates him to work for that future. We see before PXL and SEKAI, that Tsukasa wasn't really getting anywhere with his acting career, right? And there's a whole other bucketload of info about what he represents for Emu, Nene, and Rui, but I can't figure out how to word it 😭 😭
So to sum it up, KAITOs seem to show what the unit members (especially the "leaders" but not always) need and motivates them to get to their overall goal, they were created in the image of what they want and what they need. And in contrast to Niigo KAITO, they are all NICE. They are all helpful, kind, fun, and genuine.
Now, remember what I said just now, about how they were created in the image of what the unit members want and what they need.
With Niigo, it's a common theme that could be said that "all roads lead back to Mafuyu." Kanade wants to save someone with her music, and Mafuyu represents that desire for her. Ena wants to prove herself as a talented and respectable artist, and she'll know she reaches that goal once Mafuyu is able to genuinely tell her, from the bottom of Mafuyu's heart, that Ena had improved and gotten the feeling she wanted to convey across to someone who is practically incapable of feeling anymore. And Mizuki ,,, there's definitely something for them to but I can't remember anything abt their stories rn 😭 😭 im a failed mizuki kinnie istg (also this entire paragraph was not supposed to invalidate any of their individual stories and characters and say that mafuyu is the best and only character of N25 that's not it at all)
So, considering Mafuyu under this lens, and quoting that KAITOs tend to represent what a unit member needs and wants to move forward, this becomes interesting because deep down, Mafuyu doesn't know what she needs or wants. There were definitely people who predicted that N25 KAITO was gonna be an asshole, but for the most part KAITO's harsh strictness and rudeness came as a direct contrast to all of the kind, helpful SEKAILOIDS we've seen before. Even N25 MEIKO was just kinda chill and quiet with the occasional not nice comment, but KAITO came forward with the sharp, harsh comments about what exactly Mafuyu needs to do. I heard somewhere that Mizuki tells Mafuyu that maybe running away would be a good idea, and that Rui tells her something similar.
But KAITO flat out fucking commands her (and the others i think) that she needs to confront and cut ties with mafumom IMMEDIATELY, and not in a nice or encouraging way either.
Anyways that was my midnight thought I had and I definitely did not do any research, so if I said something totally wrong or you'd like to make an argument/bring up new points, PLEASE feel free to reblog and tell me your thoughts! Plus I didn't beta read this or anything so it probably won't flow well and there might be a few typos or grammer mistakes. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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yxstxrdrxxm · 5 months
Hiiii I’d like to say good job on the match-ups!! They’re fun to read, and it makes me more excited for my turn (assuming my form was properly sent). And Cupid + Eros’s lore?? Very interesting, given their shady Boss and the yandere consequences of their services :0
Also, my apologies if my form was quite extensive. I rarely participate in matchups, so I figured I’d go all out for my first (and probably last) one for Genshin ^^;
At any rate, I honestly don’t know who I’ll get so the results will be interesting. Sending lots of chocolates to Cupid and Eros ^o^
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"Afternoon, Cupid," Eros greeted them, watching them enter the room while they worked on the matchups. Cupid yawned and sipped on the boba drink they bought while they were out.
"Afternoon, Eros... What are you doing?"
"Clearing your three page worth of messages."
"... Now?"
"Yes. Now. Seriously, you never do it."
Pausing at a certain message, the duo began to read through what it means, and Eros seems surprised. Blinking a few times, they turned their gaze to a stunned Cupid.
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"Hey, Cupid. Look who came after Ana."
"Oh my God— that's Jessamine!" They exclaimed, placing down their drink to grab Eros by the shoulders and shook her. "It's Jessamine Rose! It's Jessamine! She came to see our work at MixMatch!"
"Woah, woah there— you're excited to see her, huh?" Eros teased, seeing that the guest left them something nice.
"Well, let's greet our guest properly, Cupid."
"Yes, let's!"
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Putting this on a readmore to rant BAHAHAHAHAHA IM SORRY I SAW THIS AND I WENT "no way."
And this happened (ooc)
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(I lost it on a server with my friends and Ansy is like "lol you're more scared of Jessamine than the literal face of Yan content" like YES HELLO???)
I'm having a fangirl moment. Pls. That's so.
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I apologize for what I have become but I am also not sorry because this made me SO happy yesterday. I had to do this justice HSIDHDIDJDN
Cupid + Eros's lore?? Very interesting, given their shady Boss and the yandere consequences of their services :0
Tbh the lore rn is at like the beginning because haha. First week. Not even valentine's. But fr their boss is shady but MAN things are gonna go wild thats uh. That's for sure HAISHEJBS (< thought about putting a deadline at the end of Jan but went "nahhh let's go February"... I'm a dumbass but dw abt it)
And no need to apologize if your form is extensive!! I love reading long answers and it makes me so giddy seeing what people say abt themselves + who they like. I'm happy you joined mine though, and I'm looking forward to see your reaction to your own matchup when I get to it!
Sending lots of chocolates to Cupid and Eros ^o^
Dear God this is why Cupid is on a sugar high and crashed hard (/exag but fr, both enjoyed them HAISBSJEN)
Anyways, so sorry for the long post but!!! Thank you for the ask ;v; I hope you enjoy how badly this matchup can crash and burn with the establishment being SHADY as hell BAHAHAHAHAHA
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aquanthis · 29 days
also ANOTHER ask from me because I’m on a roll: can I hear more worldbuilding abt the magic verse I am so interested in the concept
okay sorry i've been sitting on this for like six months. but for good reason! i have a better summary to work off of now. i'm basing this off of a rant i went on like 3-4 months ago in a discord server that i'm just getting around to getting down in a proper format. enjoy!
Worldbuilding is the most extensive part of Magicverse, and it's gone through a number of iterations and many smaller changes over time. It likely isn't even in its final form yet, but I'm getting close I think!!!
This will be formatted into four parts: world structure, basic creature types, in-depth creature types and exceptions to the rules. In-depth creature types will cover the variations/specifics of the more complex creature types. Exceptions to the rules will be me using examples of my own characters to show how you can break the rules, as well as preexisting rule-breaking concepts.
World Structure
There are two "worlds": magic, and human. They're pretty self-explanatory; one lives alongside and interacts with magic, and the other is unaware magic exists. These two worlds are related but separate, in that the people that live in them and the things that happen in them happen in the same physical space, but they can't interact with each other.
Think of Magicverse similarly to a one-way mirror. The magic world can "see through the glass" (as in, observe the human world and itself) while the human world can only see itself. There's a barrier between them, and only one knows the other exists.
It's not quite as separate as a mirror would be; magic still exists among humans, despite the fact that they can't see it. To humans, magic is observed as "the paranormal", natural disasters, unexplainable phenomena, and so on. The places where sorcerers live appear abandoned or, in some cases, completely invisible to humans. You get the sense that the world's magic is somehow hiding or protecting itself, but no one living knows why. (Of course, I, its loving creator, have an idea as to why, but I'm keeping that under wraps for now. ^_^)
For a quick example of how magic appears to humans: Let's say a sorcerer gets into a fight with a monster, and it damages a building. To humans, it would appear as though a tornado hit the building, or it got struck by lightning, or something caught fire, etc. These natural phenomena do normally occur aside from this, as well, but magic disguises itself as things that make sense to humans, even if they're unusual.
Basic Creature Types
Humans: Exactly what it says. Normal, every-day humans, like us. Their world is just the same as ours, with the same cities and buildings and societies and laws and struggles. You could even say you exist in Magicverse, if you wanted to.
Sorcerers: People that looks like humans, but have the ability to use magic and live within the magic world from birth. They are born with a "core", which is an organ of sorts that resides in the chest. It acts like a second heart, and it allows them to absorb and store latent magic, which they can then draw on to use magic of their own. Some are stronger than others, but every one of them can use magic in some shape or form. Humans cannot see them, but they can see humans, and it is generally forbidden for sorcerers to try to interact with humans at all.
Seers: A strange middle ground between humans and sorcerers. They are humans born with the ability to see magic, draw it in, and, in very rare cases and to a very minor extent, use it. They are either born sick or become sickly as a young child, because their bodies do not have cores, and therefore they cannot regulate the magic they draw in. Magic is poisonous in large quantities without the ability to process it, and because humans cannot see or explain magic, they have no cure for this mystery illness, and it is rare for a seer to reach adulthood. They are also usually ostracized or seen as weird for being able to see things other people can't.
Demons: Humans who were killed by demons and "turned", in a similar manner to vampires. They can interact with humans and sorcerers and anything in between, making it quite easy for them to move between the magic and human world. Some of them can use magic (though not very skillfully) but usually only if they've been around a long time. It is partially for this reason that it is forbidden for demons to turn sorcerers, along with it being quite difficult to do so. They are ruled by a council and they're all kind of freaks. They have an eternal territory war with angels, but none of them actually remember why. No one knows where they originated from (except me, of course). They are generally seen as a scourge upon large settlements. Practically pests, like rats.
Angels: Those who die by the hands of something other than demons (such as from natural disasters, car crashes, heart attacks, stillborn babies, etc) have an essentially random chance to be reborn as angels. There is no rhyme or reason to who gets reborn as such; bad people have just as much of a chance as good people. Humans, sorcerers, and seers are all capable of being reborn as angels, though they lose any magical abilities they had. They generally have no memory of their former lives, and if they do, they're fragmented and unclear. They usually lose their original body and look nothing like their prior selves, though there are exceptions to this. Angels are a lot less cut and dry than the others.
Monsters: (name change potentially pending) The most varied and malleable creature type. Monsters are formed from latent magic coalescing into a living entity. If a lot of magic gathers in one place, you can be sure that monsters will form. They can take a bajillion different forms, none ever really looking alike, and the larger they get, the more conscious they become. Monsters have one singular purpose that they understand upon creation: they have to feed. They have to find and consume more magic, or else their own magic will slowly fade away, and they will return to latent magic, never to be reformed. They are the natural predator to sorcerers, and sorcerers spend most of their lives fearing, avoiding, and fighting them.
There are subsets within some of these types, but I will get into those later.
In-Depth Creature Types
Here, I will elaborate on specific aspects of some of the types listed above!
Sorcerers, Part 2
Sorcerers are very, very unique as individuals. There are only very rare cases, if any at all, in which one sorcerer has the exact same magic abilities as another. Similar types, yes, but not exact. Each sorcerer has their own specialty, some stronger than others, but they tend to fall into categories.
For example (not an exhaustive list): - Elemental (as you'd expect; fire, water, wind, earth, so on) - Summoning (forming servant-type entities with magic, usually not sentient - Creation (kind of obvious: forming objects) - Destruction (also sort of obvious, though this one is rarer) - Restoration (healing)
Usually the other non-elemental ones still fall under the elemental category as well, because they're usually somewhat aspected, but not all of them. Also, families of sorcerers tend to have magic abilities that involve the same or a similar element, but usually not the same methodology. For example, you could have a family of fire-aspected magic users, but one makes familiars and one uses fire to heal.
Additionally, there is a specific category of magic known as black/forbidden magic. It is the result of a sorcerer having a child with a seer (this is forbidden, but it does happen). This type of magic usually has something to do with people, as in manipulating the body or the mind, usually for control. A couple of my characters (Jay and Leo) have this, but I won't go into detail about that here.
Moving on to how sorcerer society works:
Sorcerer society is very insular, because there are not very many of them and they are spread out across the world. There are a few places where there are larger congregations of them (New York City, for example, where Solomon's story takes place, because you know me, but also other BIG big cities like that) but they mostly have settlements out in the middle of nowhere where very few of them live. It is a scary world for them, as most of them are fending off monsters pretty frequently, so they do generally live in clusters, albeit small ones. It is hard to get information about sorcerer-kind at large, though they do have some means of communication between communities and overall (because, like, dude, it's magic).
There are some big, well-known families of sorcerers going back generations, and they are sort of seen as royalty, though they don't rule over anything or anything like that. They just have social influence, or perhaps popularity, if you can call it that. There are also some sort of "famous" sorcerers, who end up as such through being exceptionally powerful or beautiful or something similar. Though, "celebrities" in sorcerer society are mostly just admired more than anything.
Lastly, in some of those "middle of nowhere" societies of sorcerers, there are well-known schools of magic, sort of disguised as regular schools or hidden in other ways. Sorcerers with the ability to do so will sometimes move there in order to send their children to school, or just send their children away entirely. There are also a handful of colleges across the world for the same purpose, but they are very few in number and hard to get to.
Demons, Part 2
Demons have two overarching jobs/purposes: to create more demons, and to fight and kill angels. These two things go hand in hand, because the more footsoldiers you have, the easier the war will be (or at least, that's their logic). Some demons don't like this, but they don't really have a choice, as you'll see in a moment.
Usually, demons are turned as adults, and retain their memories from before they were killed. They do not have a choice in becoming a demon if they are intentionally turned by one. The demon that turned them is now considered their supervisor or master (depends on how self-absorbed they are) and they have to obey their every command. And by "have to", I mean, when their master speaks, their body movies. They have no choice in the matter. As I said, very similar to vampires, just with a different purpose/they don't drink blood.
Demons also have the ability to transform their body at will (though they must remain humanoid) and that tends to be the extent to which they can use magic. However, on every demon, there is at least one thing that cannot be transformed away, usually a scar from their fatal wound, though sometimes there are other "imperfections", representative of their past life, that also remain (such as Solomon's fucked up teeth).
They often use underhanded methods to catch/turn people, lurking around bars or clubs or other places where people aren't paying all that much attention. They rarely, if ever, get caught because they can transform themselves however they want. After a long enough time, demons tend to give up on their old morality and start doing the demon thing in earnest, because runaway demons never live long (they get hunted down) and at this point they just want to survive.
Demon society is, as previously mentioned, ruled by a council. They serve as judge, jury and executioner to misbehaving demons, as well as acting as military generals, politicians, and leaders, all wrapped into one group of weird freaks. Demons rarely meet them unless they've done something wrong.
Also, it is forbidden by the council to turn sorcerers into demons. Demons generally obey this, both because it is REALLY hard to kill a sorcerer without being killed yourself, and also because they assume something really bad will happen if they succeed. But the reason this rule exists is actually the council's method of self-defense, because they know that they'd never be able to fend off a sorcerer who's also a demon, and a sorcerer would never have access to the council if they weren't a demon.
(Real Solomon fans know that SOME piece of shit thought he was really cool and started doing it anyway, to kids, but I digress).
Angels, Part 2
Angels have notoriously been the least settled section of Magicverse worldbuilding, but I think I'm finally getting it to a point that I like. So, here goes:
When they are formed, angels lose most if not all of their memories. If they were older when they died, they will sometimes have tiny fragments of stubborn memories, but for the most part they are a slate wiped clean. They tend to lose their original personalities as well, especially because angels are discouraged from individuality. They are intended to play the part of mindless soldiers fighting for their council, who does the exact same thing the demon council does (Ha! Funny how that works. I wonder if that means anything). Obviously, angels do not turn people, as they just get a constant supply of soldiers from the natural cycle of things.
However! They do still have their turf war with demons. And some of them actually eat demons.
Now, you're thinking "Haha, they eat them?" Yeah, they eat them. Many angels survive off of eating demons, both literally so they don't starve and also because they have to. Angels sort of have a "kill quota", as in, they have to report to their supervisors every week and if they're not killing enough or they're not on time with their phone call or their whereabouts are a bit suspicious, they get badly punished. So, they think, "Well, I'm hungry. Kill two birds with one stone". It just works out.
Anyway, due to this constant rule enforcement and management, it is really hard, if not impossible, for angels to break out of the cycle. And they're stuck there. Forever. They don't have lifespans. There are very few ways in which they can be killed. It is a miserably endless life, a constant rinse and repeat. Friendship between angels is not allowed, they are made to work alone, and they are discouraged from individuality. It's the most clinical life imaginable and they live like that forever.
Makes some of them think, "Huh, maybe demons are living a better life?" But they'd never say that out loud.
Lastly: Angels have wings! As you'd expect. Some have more than one set. And some of them have more eyes than the should! And some look very much not human! Usually depends a bit on how fucked up they were when they died.
Notable Exceptions
And finally! Notable exceptions, in categorical order! Because you can only break the rules once you know them!
There is one (currently reported) instance of a sorcerer finding a way to interact with and be seen by humans. A florist by the name of Marigold Bookbinder, the mother of one of my favoritest Magicverse OCs, researched and cultivated a flower that, when reduced and made into something consumable, makes it so sorcerers can temporarily be seen by and interact with humans. Funnily enough, she just uses this to get customers for her flower ship, despite the fact that it would fuck everything up so bad if anyone else had it or knew about it.
Additionally, there is one (currently reported) instance of a sorcerer turning a seer into a full sorcerer using a particular spell, thereby saving said seer from a long, painful death but also separating them from their human relationships forever. I will go into no further detail but yeah.
Some sorcerers have found a variety of different ways to extend the lives of seers, but usually to the detriment of the seers' mental stability. They're drugs, basically, and pretty strong ones at that.
Demons are not supposed to turn sorcerers. Yeah, I've said it like five times over the course of this. However! As we know from Solomon and his two "siblings", some piece of shit named Servius decided he wanted to overthrow the demon council himself, and tried to build himself an army. So he killed some sorcerer kids and raised them to be his weapons. I call them Harbingers, but there's probably no official name for them in-universe. Solomon, Lili, and Jem are the only ones Servius made, but Solomon ended up turning Meko after Servius died, so there are four in total.
Generally, angels do not make friends or anything. However, my husband and I have a pair of characters who were formed on the same day, one of whom is blind, and the other spent their entire lives looking after and protecting the blind one. At one point, he lashes out at another angel, and was made to "fall", so he has black goop wings and can hardly fly. They ran away together and will probably be running for the rest of their lives.
Generally, monsters are completely hostile to sorcerers, but there have been exceptions. I made a pair of OCs a long time ago which consisted of a sorcerer girl who was a tattoo artist, and a monster she befriended who she uses to make magic ink in exchange for feeding it magic. They're girlfriends. It was fun. You can do A LOT with monsters, though. You can go wild. Frolic in the fields.
That should be a good baseline for the worldbuilding! If there are any questions, please DO NOT hesitate to ask. I have tons of examples and tons of ideas, but I didn't want to just dump all the info I have.
Okay I'm done :] I love you bye
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solitarydoomsday · 2 years
OKAY I’VE BASICALLY EXAUSTED EVERY OPTION (aka ranting to my boyfriend about my ideas for blockstuck that i will NOT spoil here) BUT I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO TALK ABT FIAMET.
long story short, i was at SAHCon today, i was minding my own buisness when a panel ended, and i open my announcements to THIS
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[image ID: a screenshot from discord from a server mod saying “@everyone - just in case you missed it, here’s the VOD of our impromptu Hiveswap Act 3 teaser!”, then showing a youtube link below it, the image in the embed being of concept art for a new character. /End ID] so i obviously open it, being in denial about that being a limeblood even though i can VERY clearly see green on her design and it is NOT olive, but then i get to here.
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[image ID: a young looking troll girl with three sets of horns, an axolotol-esque tail and a middle part, wearing a black t-shirt with a violet sign on it, grey shorts and socks with lime colored stripes and wearing black shoes with violet laces. /End ID] so, in very “me” fashion, i start flipping my shit, internally.
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[IMAGE ID: a discord screenshot between me and my boyfriend, me saying “changed my mind because i missed the first thirty minutes now im looking at the hiveswap thing and????” with “gen spoilers” in parentheses, an image below it showing concept art for fiamet. my boyfriend responds with “CREATURE” in all caps. i respond with “IF I HAVE TO GIVE ASELUS AND AOLOTOL TAIL IM GONNA BE PISSED //HJ” /End ID] i’m in denial, im afraid for my little fanartist life, and a few hours, now in the angered stage of greif later i go into a fucking FRENZY. i’m talking angered pacing, punching the air, yelling and damn near tears.
i was so mad, finally realizing that i had spent HOURS working panels with aselus with NO TAIL only for this new limeblood to completely throw all my shit out the fucking window. i was a wreck.
i remembered someone.
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[image ID: a masculine presenting troll with slicked back hair, horns that go to a point and curve back, red shades, a vest with a pocket watch, a teal long-sleeved shirt, dark grey pants and what i think is running shoes. /End ID] IDARAT CATLAZ
my hero, my savior, even.  this peice of shit that damn near charged me for pictures, kept me from loosing my IDIOT MIND.
i kid you the fuck not, when i realized this motherfucker existed, a wave of releif washed over me.i was zen, i was happy, unbothered and moisterized.
BUT.. i honestly forgot where i was going with this, i promise i had like a whole other page and a half thought out, but i’ve come up with two options for how two limebloods looks so VASTLY different.
1. fiamet has a mutation, similarly to mine where i developed a scruff to more closely resemble my lusus, except she got a tail (sorry to anyone who liked the hc of trolls developing features like their lusus turns out everyone from my timeline did not have anything similar and was just a me thing <//3)
or 2. *there’s both land-dwelling and sea-dwelling limebloods*
you bet your ASS im gonna play with the second one in blockstuck’s cannon, just you fucking wait until i rewrite some shit. you won’t fucking know what hit you, i’m not even kidding.
on some other ending note, if anyone wants to see the teaser, here’s the link right here.
(ps yes im putting image IDs in my posts now in a post probably no one will read, i need the practice of making them)
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gremmything · 5 months
!!!! Vent/rant abt my work day today !!!!
That moment when my supervisor/higher up at work was skipping important parts of her job during a busy ass time today and just stopped fucking answering me when I asked abt it and then left without a word🙃🙃🙃 (for context, I'm a host at a restaurant)
She's planning on talking to our manager tomorrow abt me bc I mistakenly seated like 2 ppl in the wrong places today and if she DOES go through with that I'm gonna bring up the fact that not only she was rude to me AND our 3rd host, she seated MULTIPLE groups in the wrong spots during one of the busiest moments in our shift bc she refused to double check the names for each group. I had 2 girls waiting for 20 minutes when them being seated should have taken 5(we didn't have a wait at all, we had multiple open tables), she did NOT seat them, I had to find a server to seat them and when he did try to seat them, she had taken someone else to their table. That server(who took this all in STRIDE btw) had to find them a new table AND make another server take that table bc my fellow host had vanished. I asked her to seat them 3+ times and when I asked if she had been checking names, she stopped answering me all together. She's REALLY tough on the other hosts about silly mistakes like this but it seems like it's just fine when she does it🙃🙃🙃
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kumz-z · 8 months
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I don't know who wants to hear... so over my time on discord I met alot of people.. three guys kinda well we dm more than we speak in my server, one say I'm his type bcs he likes tsundere girls and the big sister vibes... well I am a big sister lol and the tsundere part I don't believe I am one but to know I'm his type is idk how to feel abt it. the second guy, he's pressy for my irl pics though i dont ask for his. he insults my favs on the daily so I ofc insults his ones back. but he always assures me that he'll support my goals and dreams. he says I love you and expects one back from me whenever he says it like gawdam chill. the third guy... I won't say he's the closest to my type of guy, he's too kind for his own good honestly. he listens to my rants and comforts me, i play games more often with him than the rest lmao. I'm probs just a passing beauty to him.
last night, I told my sister. what if I dated the third guy? he sent me his irl pic btw. when I showed it to her, she laughed bcs he's buff but the pic he took makes him look short and fat, though he says he's 169 cm... like girl she was laughing hysterically with the way the guy looks and the question was a WHAT IF. I don't feel anything for the guys, I want to experience love too. she laughs bcs he's on the buff side? when she openly says her type are himbos like u stfu
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if himbos are buff and pretty, dumb and respectful to women... I don't see why laughing at the guy was a thing she did.
she did tell me I'm the pretty sister between us, so if she laughed bcs she thinks I shouldn't be standing next to that kinda guy bcs our looks don't fit then I don't know who's right and wrong here. obviously her though. she once called tsumugi aoba ugly bcs he wears glasses and his long curly blue hair don't fit him well. like girl that's my type of guy, if someone say who's my type to summarise it in one character ITS TSUMUGI AOBA ik I love rei and izumi and hiyori as my top three guys in enstars But tsumugi is the kinda guy I'd marry in a heartbeat if he asked LMFAOOO.
maybe she's young so she can't judge people well ? I still hate the fact she laughed like an idiot when I showed her the pic and say what if I dated the guy, she knows of the first and second guy and she openly told them that she hates them for bothering me and bcs they were obvious... pretty sure at one point, the first guy did tell her I'm his type lmaoo. she shouldnt judge them imo since she only speaks to them in the server and not out of it. she doesn't even look at the server that much so the interaction between those three are so little... she probs hate it when people in the server calls for my name anyways.
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hbdmadi · 11 months
٩(^◡^)۶ kenzoku members messages ٩(^◡^)۶
Jhe - Hii madi!! I know we haven't known each other for a long time and we don't know anything about each other that much but, i just wanna say na we are always here for you, and never forget that. Happy birthday madii!! Enjoy your day! And i hope this message makes your day just a little bit!
Jelo - Madiiii, my bestfriend since 2020 ata HAHAHAHAHAA happy birthday bitch and hit me up always if you need someone and kung want mo punta ako dyan sa inyo shot tayo kimi HAHAHAHA enjoy your day kasi bihira lang ang birthday and mag birthday ka lang hangga't gusto mo HAHAHAHAHA me and rianna is always here for you kahit naman busy kami is nakakagawa kami ng time para sayo hehe yun lang happy birthday ulit :>>>
Val - Hi madi happy birthday! Lutuan kita ng champorado, i hope na masaya ang birthday mo
Riz - happy birthday madibabes! another gurang nanaman sa server, eme. i just wanna let u know na i super love ur cheery personality and everything abt u<33 thanks for all the love and light u give mwamwa we love you bigtime ! enjoy ur dayyy ,<3
Vy - Hi madi! happy birthday my baby, thankyousomuch for always being there for us, even tho nahihirapan ka. you will always find a reason to smile, and make us happy. ik na hindi pa tayo masyadong magkakilala, pero talking to you makes me feel safe, and comfortable. thankyou for always supporting me, and thankyou rin sa minsang pagtama ng mga pagkakamali ko, thankyou for being my pahinga. iloveyousomuch madi. thankyou for being one of the best friend i've ever had. MEET UP SOON PLEASE, gusto ko kayo mahug ni akane. again, thankyou for always being there for us, always remember na nandito lang buong kenzo for you. proud kami sayo no matter what, again; happy birthday ganda! enjoy your day!
Ami - happy birthday madi!! sana gumaling ka pa mag ml at hindi ka na maging bobo sa pag pili. sana di ka pa mamatay
Jazz - happy birthday to the sweet young lady named madi! you've been so admirable and you gave off the vibes na u make efforts for success. I know little of u pero I pray that ur dream will come true soon. enjoy your day and your birthday, and I hope that it's wonderful just like u are. I love youu <333
Ria - Hi madi! Happy happy birthday to you my sweet girl, I hope you enjoy your day! I'll always be here for you, and I'm glad to experience life with you by my side. You will always be the friend everybody would wish they had and I'd take a bullet than replace you with another. I love you and Happy Birthday.
Liam - Happy Happy Birthday to you Madii!! I hope you continue to be a kind and caring person, i also hope that you enjoy your day today. Many many birthdays to come, stay safe, and God bless you and your family <33 We love you.
Sen - Hi Madi!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I wish you well on this great day of yours. I'm glad to have met such a nice, funny, and friendly person like you who i now get to call a friend. Sana happy ka lagi no matter the circumstances na kinakaharap mo. i wish you nothing but the best of things. thank you for making us happy with your humor. happy birthdayyyy sana may malandi ka na soon Meri - HI MADII! happy happy happyyyy bornday mhiee and wish ko lng is for ur growth ik u have some struggles in life so intindihin mo nalang habanag wala ka pang pambili ng baril WHAHAHAHA atsaka i think ur really a great friend bc u listens to our rants and ur there for us keep being delulu and pretty labyu!
Temp - happy happy birthday madiii! i know na di ka makakapagcelebrate ngayon pero don't you worry we're coming tp the rescue. we at kenzoku love and care for you very much kaya no matter what you go through, stay strong lang palagi and we got your back. pag may nagaway sayo gripuhan natin, joke! all kidding aside i hope na we can make your day better, enjoy and cheers to more birthdays to come!! <33
Kim - Happy birthday Madi, read me again declaration of indi. Ka age na kita hehe.
Sei - hi madii, happy 17th birthday! sayang wala ako jan inuman sana tayo hehe char, salamat sa pagkinig sa mga rants everytime nag rant ako sayo, nagbibigay ka ng mga magandang advice sakin at lagi kong pinapakinggan pero d ko naman ginagawa lagi haha, sana maganda ang araw mo ngayon bukas at hanggang next year! wag mo kalimutan mahal ka namin lahat sa server at di yun magbabago kahit kailan, happy birthday!
Keikko - hi bebe madi!! happy happy birthday!! i hope this day brings you endless joy, love, and warm recollections. although we may have only recently connected online, it feels like we've known each other for much longer. on this special day, i wish you all the happiness, success, and fulfillment life can offer. may your dreams come true, and may this new year of your life bring you exciting opportunities that align with your passions and aspirations. cherish the connections you make and never stop being the incredible person you are. please know that you can always count on me to be there as your friend, to offer support, encouragement, and a listening ear whenever you need it. once again, happy birthday! enjoy this day to the fullest, surround yourself with loved ones. thank you for coming into my life, even if through the internet, and making it so much brighter!!
q - sup Madigar happy bday 2 u hahahaa keep doin ur usual greetings sa server and I hope masaya ka sa day mo ;>:>:>
Sho - Happy Birthday Madi! We've only known each other for quite a short time. And yet talking with you has been a blessing as i got to learn more about your story and how much fun you are as a person. I kind of wish you were alot more friendlier but i know you'll become more mature. Whatever happens in life, never forget what can and who makes you happy Madi!
Akane - ofcourse, last but not the least, itz me!! :DD happiest birthday to my favorite hoomann!!! <333 i love you very very much, and i just want you to know na you're such a nice and sweet person saaming lahat. alam namin yung hirap na nararanasan mo ngayon, but still, lagi mo kami napapasaya and thank you for that. kahit sakin, lagi kang andiyan mapa chika, kilig, or problema man yan. thank you so much for everything and for being an angel. sana mag meet na tayo soon and ALWAYS remember na araw araw akong proud sayo, at palagi kitang mahal. I LOVE U MY MADI!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY <33
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casstelia · 4 years
i need to talk about something
this has been eating at me for four years.
for proof: https://imgur.com/a/TJQye4Z
for the longest time i've bottled this up. at this point, i'm not even sure if it's considered grooming or not. but it affects me badly. and i need to talk about it. 
crt, aka strawhatcrt on twitter and on tumblr, used to be overly sexual and manipulative to me when i was a minor. 
it all started during 2016, when the pokespe fandom was going through some intense drama. between the luckyshippers being harassed for not shipping oldrival (which, honestly, whatever) and another situation with an artist i was NOT friends with or involved with in any way, 2016 was a rough beginning for the spe fandom. but that's how we met, the pokespe fandom. when he first followed me, and i followed back. 
he was 20. i was 15. 
we got along quite nicely, at first, because we both liked pokemon, pokespe, and other anime stuff. he talked to me about some of the current drama, which honestly, i didn't really care about at the time. he was just venting, so i let him. he was curious about me, asking me stuff abt my future bc i was so young, etc etc. eventually, our conversations became more personal. 
i used to talk about my issues of being a high school student, and he used to talk about his inability to get a girlfriend. he used to go on long rants abt different girls. we watched anime together and japanese shows... he used to get paranoid i was in skype with friends to the point where i had to show him my skype on multiple occassions. but, it was just paranoia. 
 eventually, he started snapping at me when i didnt respond fast enough (especially when he was venting) and would get mad if i was doing other things. one instance, he was venting while i was spending time with my family. and he got mad at me for it. but at the time, i thought whatever, or thought that i was the bad friend. he always would rant and rant, and at some points, that seems like the only thing our friendship was.
then, it took a turn for the worst. this is where it hurt me the most. he used to joke around that i was lewd because i played dating sims. i was 15, lonely, and just liked to read cheesy romance, and he pegged me down as lewd. he used to ask me how impure i was, and asked me how young i was when i first mxsturbated. he also asked me how i mxsturbated, even when i was outright uncomfortable with it. he would ask me to be his "illegal waifu" and joke about how i should turn 18 sooner than i was so i was legal. he would make sexual jokes too, and i was very uncomfortable with this kind of stuff. i had told him i was uncomfortable, and then he would make me feel guilty for my discomfort, so i would be like "oh no, it's okay". 
i was 15.
soon after, me and him started fighting over an old member-- a gold stan. the gold stan had some issues and they were very fragile, sometimes. he didn't care, though, and ended up triggering the gold stan at one point. he then proceeded to lose it in my dms after i told him i invited the gold stan. he kept getting mad at me, and i drew the line. i called him out on his shit, INCLUDING the fact that he was also talking abt sexual stuff with my friend, who was TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME. she had told me she was BLATANTLY UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT TOO. AND HE DID NOT BELIEVE ME. after i got mad, he proceeded to talk about how i made him cry and how he'd "think about what i said", and talked about how he felt "neglected." this fight kept being brought up, and he kept trying to turn it all on me. it hurt, a lot, and definitely fucked me up. 
i was 15 dealing with this 20 year old man throw a hissy fit because someone he didn't like was in the server. 
we started falling out after that, for the most part. i got distant, and at one point i remade my blog and my discord under a new name, "king". this was only for a month or so, before i had a breakdown and went back to him. we talked about it, and he started to guilt trip me about how i was abandoning him because i hadn't messaged him everyday. we got over it, mostly, and continued being friends. he started sending me porn, out of the blue, of pokespe characters. one that sticks out is the one of yellow sucking a mans dxck. he was pretty upset a lot about many things, and extremely unstable, and eventually it all came to one thing. he gave up his admin privileges to me, and destroyed the pokespe discord (NOT deleting it) in a hissy fit leaving me as a new admin to clean up his mess.
we started talking again too, because i was learning japanese and him, as a translator, helped me with the basics. that's when he met another friend, another girl, and we fell out. but we were still friends, up until 2019. there was a lot of drama involving him and other people, that i dont really like to talk about, as they arent included in what happened to me when i was 15. he tried to groom me. he was sexual with me. he was encouraging me to move with him. 
that's my story, anyway. this doesnt even talk about the times he used slurs, the times he was blatantly ableist, etc.
this is just my story. my experience.
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caswlw · 3 years
pls i can rant for days abt american culture and how non americans don’t understand why things are the way that they are here and why they shouldn’t place blame on americans as if it’s our fault and all it takes is a slew of brits claiming to understand the american education system and then telling american teens to shut up bc it’s easy. u don’t live here ? complaining abt teens rightfully having tough schedules and expectations and college possibilities alongside numerous things i’ve seen non americans go after us for like having to tip servers, large cups and servings, and not having taxes on tags it’s like u do realize why those things are that way right. that it’s not on the average american for that. esp when it comes to jabs at the big three things non americans love to shove in our faces (H, SS, PB)- as if that’s again, the average person’s fault. anyway tho american culture is also a thing and shouldn’t have the meaning of white american behind it when americans do have cultural things built into the country’s society- they’re just viewed as better to laugh and be rude abt bc it’s not seen as a “true” culture the same way. u wanna complain abt large food servings? or how americans are obvious bc they’re loud and smiley? or how some people apparently hate that americans say sorry and no problem when trying to get by someone like ?? as if those aren’t ?? things built into the culture here beyond that of each persons own cultural background w their ancestors. in this essay
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minecraftsz · 3 years
I mean, I get why the characters are so lacking! Tales from the SMP as a whole doesn't have deep and interesting characters because they're ultimately plot devices and side characters for Karl. We rarely tune in for the story. We tune in for our favorite content creators and how they'll play their parts and for the ending. For Karl's snippet of lore.
The tales started out as a fun way to ease tension from the main lore and give us interesting filler episodes. They evolved into a way to house Karl's lore while trying to keep the fun episodic filler we need.
Some criticism is absolutely necessary. Karl has done two murder mystery episodes with different settings. Kinda boring. Quackity. oh GOD Quackity. He doesn't fit the tone of these new tales and can't seem to reel himself in. Lost City of Mizu? I hated Quckity in that. Karl kept trying to move things along and Quackity would run off or start a bit that dragged on for too long. When he died the pacing of the story speed up to a normal pace that became more interesting! My biggest issue with tales will always be Quackity.
Sorry for this long rant but I think that TSMP gets a lot of unwarranted criticism for its characters and I'm tired of people wanting more deep characters when that's not what TSMP is for.
i get what youre saying but like thats kind of the reason i dont like it very much! characters existing just to be plot devices and side characters is kind of boring :p im not really a huge fan of the cast karl usually has on and i think its formula just isnt very interesting? the pressure to come up with new characters to play IMO makes all the jokes and bits everyone does fall a little flatter than normal. like if youre tuning in for the ccs isnt it better if theyre playing interesting characters? that gives them a lot more to work with!
i also think that tftsmp existing just to flesh out karls character in the actual dsmp is a little.. i dont know i feel like a better way to do that would be to have more frequent character interactions on the server itself. like the way tales and the dsmp are set up kind of makes for 2 different karls. theres silent cinematic in-between karl and then theres the actual character karl acts as which is basically just the guy in a setting. the character he actually rp’s as is very very different from the character he plays in the in between segments, which i find kind of jarring. theres just such a tonal disconnect between tales and the IB :(
i guess my main issue is that tales is sort of placed as Character Development which makes it stand out a little more when the characters actually played within it are lackluster. i agree that the point is to just entertain and be funny but i think its structure kind of gets in the way of that. ive made a post abt it before i think but like basically its just trying to do too many things at once and they all get in each others way :(
either way though i just dont enjoy tales very much thats kind of it. like i do have structural complaints but even if it was Very Good i still dont think i would like watching it :p so take all this with a grain of salt lol
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baseola · 3 years
tw vent
oh my god okay rant time because i am so pissed and this was the last straw-
so i have this guy friend and he lives a bit away so i havent seen him irl, we used to play minecraft everyday with a group of friends or wtv and he was like my sibling
but after he gets rejected by a girl, he says that i am his 'personal therapist' and only ever came to me to talk abt his sad feelings
and then whenever we were in vc he would ALWAYS be like 'shut up no one cares' then i go quiet because it sounds so serious and he never says hes joking until like five minutes later
and then texts me later like evrything is fine and he never did that stuff
and his cousin, who is a part of lgbtia+, he keeps making jokes like 'thats gay' or says things like 'ew your gay is showing'. literally digusting
i told him and his friends to stop saying the r slur- he said he didnt care but his friends stopped
and TODAY he adds his new gf (i think) to OUR CLOSE FRIENDS SERVER
we ask who it is- 'just a close friend from school'. he never asked to add them and none of us knows who they are
its general manners to ask and theres multiple of us with bad social anxiety to new ppl.
we told him he shouldve asked and even tho the server is dead thats not what he shouldve done
"i dont care"
dont care?? ok then dont care when j kick you both
i kicked them both out and idc if he texts me later upset im not dealing with it
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ochaka-archive · 4 years
this will be long, sorry
I gotta address this in case my mutuals or followers see the "callout" against me, which was literally just a rant saying how "we hate u omg ur so stupid and poopy >:c" made public for some reason? it was personal drama and if they didn't @ me I would have never even seen it. I won't be naming anybody cuz I don't care about them, I just want my mutuals to know what this is about.
1. quick background
this is regarding my ex friends. I had a conversation with one of them about a month ago that escalated into us ending our friendship. it would appear that they have been struggling to get rid of me for months now because they thought I was annoying and obsessive. If you know me, you know I have adhd and other issues. I'm paranoid and very insecure abt things. this is all true and I am fully aware that I had moments where I was either weird or maybe too obsessed with something, but that's rlly just something I can't help. I get fixated on things. If they told me that certain things I said or did were really upsetting I would have done my best to stop talking about it, because I cared about these people a lot. Everything they had issue with could have been resolved if they just told me outright what was bothering them. We could have dealt with this months ago.
I repeat. I am fully aware that I made mistakes. However, I couldn't have done anything about them because I wasn't told outright that I was upsetting anyone for a long time.
2. Response to the "callout"
Why make such a personal issue public. What good did you get from making a post abt me that literally had no reason being public for random people to see that don't get half of the story, and put reasons that were just insults, insults that completely disregard the fact I'm paranoid and have severe RSD. literally why did u do that? Saying you hated me since April is honestly so gross because I knew something was wrong but when I would ask about I'd get responses like "oh it's fine!". I was lied to for months.
3. clearing up some accusations
I didn't send any asks to any of these people since I blocked them a month ago. I haven't looked at any of their blogs since I blocked them a month ago. I literally didn't do anything to them for a month. all I did was make 1 vague post and my friend said "ugh I hope he dies". How did they see this vague post if they weren't stalking my blog. And I honestly don't care what my friend said cuz what u guys r doing is way worse lol.
also I've been accused of being fatphobic by someone for saying their bf can get better taste. I said that cuz they joke kin gerard way who has a puke fetish oh my god. also this was said in private dms that were leaked in the server AFTER I had blocked all of them. if they're allowed to make a "callout", I can vague and talk abt this in dms.
4. wtf is wrong with you ppl
I received this ask about two days after the conversation with my ex friend
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I don't know who sent it. it might not be them but if they're going to accuse me of sending asks I'll do the same. The wording is funny cuz the "no one cares about you at all" is very fitting seeing as they turned a lot of my friends against me lol
about a week ago I received this ask
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again, idk if they sent it or not, but I really don't know who the "them" could be other than these people. It was sent the same day I got banned from the server we were all in (I didn't talk in it for a month)
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(the date isn't accurate cuz it was sent a week ago and the person is hidden) which further proves that the ask and these people are connected.
if I'm so obsessive WHY are you stalking my blog and harassing me.
5. stop harassing my friends and myself
stop @ing me begging me to block you, stop spamming my friends asks when they had nothing to do with this. stop making weird sideblogs and following my friends. stop accusing them of shit they didn't do.
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images of two asks my friend got for no reason, because they assumed they showed me their conversations in the server I mentioned earlier. they didn't. they were just in the server and they never talked.
I did receive screenshots of these conversations by another friend, and it's literally just shit blown out of proportion, calling me names and shittalking. that's it. I don't care if they're doing that, they can say whatever they want in private. but to make a PUBLIC post calling me obsessive is SO IRONIC. WHY are you stalking my blog if I'm so obsessive??
if you need any further clarification you can DM me! School is starting for me so please understand if I take time to respond
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yyxgin · 3 years
im so glad you had your first day!! how was it? did you get into a groove? make some work friends? i believe in you bestie 🥺💗
over the moon today. i took the jelly desert thingies (remember me telling you about the food runner who shared one w me?) n i told everyone if they want one to take some n i told the barman n he was like hmmm okay n then i said if he didn’t like lychee i had mango n he was like 😋😋 mango yum so i’m taking those tomorrow. me n two of the girls were giggling at his expense (he doesn’t know) bc he said to the girl ‘not to point out that i’m staring at your ass but you’ve got chocolate on your bum’ n i kept making sly comments for the rest of the evening. i carried some plates back to dishwash n i got some food up me on my boobies (🤢) n i went back to the girl n was like ‘okay girl tell me if there’s anything i haven’t got bc ben’ll point it out otherwise’ n we just laughed. i kept saying stuff like maybe you should just bend over n ask if there’s anything on your bum n she screeched 😂😭
my manager gave my friend a job. i was mildly annoyed bc out of all the new starters i genuinely think i was the only one who had a real interview. my friends mum dropped us off n i literally went to get changed n when i came back she was gone. she messaged me n said my manager just gave her the job. like thank goodness! but also sis what how comes?? she said she trusts me n my word so… also the area manager was there today n my manager isn’t supposed to be hiring anyone but the area manager asked her why she was hiring n asked if it was my friend n asked if she could work as good as me bc otherwise why was she hiring 😳 my supervisor told me this and said ‘don’t let her drag you down’ i was like 👍 yes bestie never!! like i love my friend but at the same time i do not want to be responsible for her every step of the way. in the nicest way possible, i did the first part, asking if my manager was hiring to help my friend out bc she hates her current job etc etc but the rest is down to her. like if she messes up, that’s on her. if it had been the other way around i wouldn’t expect anything different, you know? but i’ve always known when and where to draw the line. im good at standing my ground. speak to me like shit and it’ll come right back around, right?
one of the girls today said her table was quite rude/stand-offish to her n she was like ‘i really needed you there bc you would’ve put them in their place’ and i said afterwards ‘do you want me to have a word with them?’ deadly seriously n she panicked n was like no it’s okay!! unless they properly upset her it wasn’t to worry about. i can’t stand people who are rude unnecessarily to 1) cleaners 2) food servers (waiter/ess, dinner ladies, the likes) and 3) people who’s first language isn’t the one spoken widespread in the country they’re in (so if someone was rude to the lovely thai food runner bc there’s a language barrier i would actually fight them bc she’s literally the sweetest). i get so mad at people n now i feel weird. like i have all this energy inside me now waiting to be used bc i was not best pleased with the women who was rude to one of my girls >:( n now i just want to explode but i don’t have a reason? i need to release this energy soon. nobody has massively annoyed me recently though but i was ready to say something if they said anything to my girl.
goodness me!! also not the biggest fan of people who stay when we’re literally getting a delivery 😐 like, go home, fr. respectfully, leave the goddamn premises.
im so sorry i feel like ive mostly ranted today!! but yeah. my motherly instinct is kicking in… except ion have kids. noice. n e way!! ly bar 🥺🦋💗 ~ 🌻
aaah my first day was super weird. there was a lady ive never seen before bossing everyone around,,she had like the classic short haired tattooed smoking 40year old look and i was lowkey scared of her but apparently shes there only until tuesday ?? i think she is like,,the boss of the whole chain or something ?? idk. anyways my manager was nice, i was chipping clothes and then they like uhh forgot i was even there and they all went to leave so that was funny. the other coworkers there offered me a ride home but i declined bc my dad went to get me but that was cute <3 they seem nice but too old to be my work friends djsjks i am going again on monday so we'll see how that goes !!
DJSKSK THE BOY I WAS INTO DID THE SAME TO ME 😭😭 he was like "bar you have something on your butt" and i went "are you staring at my ass?" and he went all 👁👄👁 no.
I totally get why you were "mad" abt your friend getting that job so easily. I would feel like that too, like,,you worked hard to get that job and she just chimes in and gets it just like that ?? i felt like that when we were on our internship that I got for me and my friend (that wasnt even talking to me at that time bc she was annoyed by me lmao) and i was the one getting the hard work while she did nothing all day. like i had to write all the emails and do the paperwork so we could intern there in the first place and then she just chimes in and doesnt even do anything and just walks around the whole day and gets a good grade for nothing. djsjsk or maybe im just too dramatic. that might be the case too.
you are so protective i love that🥺you look like that kind of friend i'd trust with my whole life cjsjsk also i get why you feel like that bc i get that too😔 i even stood up for my classmate multiple times but now my whole class just hates me and i am the bad one so💔💔💔but im done talking abt it i had my fair share of mental breakdowns yesterday when the drama was happening (also the reason why im replying so late,,,sorry about that😔)
IM ALWAYS HERE WHEN U NEED TO RANT !!! I ranted in my reply too so sorry if im being annoying but you just gotta get it out some days. 😩 ily more hope u have a great day !! <3
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rantable-nyx · 3 years
Okay its actually a while since this happened but i need to get it off my chest. I had this friend who we kinda had a thing, I’ll just call him Alex. sO i was a bitch and caught feelings for someone else, gonna call him Ben and like i didnt wanna lead Alex on anymore or anything; either way we werent really a match anyways, i see too many things i dont like abt him as a bf and like we both remind each other of our exes. I told Alex i wanted to stop calling him but we could still text each other (altho i was busy that week w school so i didnt really text him much) but in the end we couldnt be friends. Hes mad at me i guess and everytime i join their friend group server it feels so awk and i just end up not joining them anymore if hes in the call. ANd now everytime someone brings up his name i get so triggered n annoyed. Ben says that it means that i still care abt him but idk i just really mad we cant be friends. ALSO im mad bc he sounds like hes guilt tripping me when he texts me; idk man its how he talks tho like hes just a really emo n sensitive guy i guess. 
PS i created this bc idw to bother my friends anymore abt my rants lol
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37q · 4 years
went out to this nice gin bar with kai and my brothers gf last night it was good! im not a gin drinker so i oscillated between my standard kind of drinks: a wild turkey rare breed & sour, some altos añejo cocktail on their cocktail menu (under Friends of Gin), and a heavy pour of a negroamaro wine recommended by our server / the owner (same guy). it was the end of the bottle so hes like eh why not and gave me like an 8-8.5 oz LOL tara pls give him success in his endeavors ཨོཾ་ཏཱ་རེ་ཏུ་ཏྟཱ་རེ་ཏུ་རེ་སྭཱཧཱ། he also collects antique glasses! so he just stocks his bar with em hehe theyre so cute. sage, my brothers gf, is a very passive personality and kai and i are very strong, so it took a sec to get into the groove but we had such good talks. it only took 2 1/2 hours for her to admit "i really do miss him, your brother," (hes currently in bootcamp in SC, obviously very resistant to any thing hes emotionally conditioned into as if hes like infiltrating enemy lines which is fun(ny)). she never knew i was a buddhist until last night! she let me rant so much... impermanence, a shallow version of śūnyatā, a lil bit abt attachments, karmic entaglements, the unraveling of the self into the nothingness of buddhahood... god i dont talk abt it enough. she was surprisingly interested, she shared that its always intrigued her as somebody with spiritual potential but no resources to figure it out on her own. she lowkey interviewed kai n i abt what its like to have been together for 10 years, and our relationship is my FAVORITE topic, so that excited me. yeah.
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