#i obv dont mean all allos
whoviandoodler · 2 years
No offense to anyone in particular, but allo people will literally be like ‘romantic love is the most beautiful thing in the world!!!! It’s the peak of being human and the human experience!!! Aro people are a tragedy and should be pitied!!!’ and then will be thoroughly heartbroken and traumatized and have several issues from numerous unhealthy/toxic/uncommunicative relationships they got into because they believed romantic relationships will fix them and/or fill in the hole amatonormative media has left in their chest when it told them they’re not whole until they have ‘another half’, and will keep chasing the possibility of finding The One at the detriment of their mental wellbeing and possibility to discover who they are when they aren’t chasing that high. like... thanks, babe, but I don’t want that.
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Being aro with a romantic crush fucking rules. When I’m not stressing over what exactly romance is and all, I’m just kinda. Floating along on the Romancey Feelings. Or I completely forget about them altogether (though that…might just be The ADHDs at work) and we’re nothing less and nothing more than bffs. I get the best of both worlds–the light, fluttery Romancey Feelings and the more grounded Platonic Feelings. And a lot of the time, they mix into something truly incredible that’s honestly really really hard to put into words.
The best part, though? I don’t feel entitled to anything but Her friendship. Allow me to explain. In the course of figuring out what it means to Be Aromantic, I’ve unlearned the idea that anyone can force attraction of any kind to anyone. Of course it applies to me and other aros, obviously, but it applies to allos as well (i.e. gay men can’t force romantic/sexual attraction to women, lesbian women can’t force romantic/sexual attraction to men, and m-spec people in general can’t force attraction to people they aren’t attracted to for whatever reason). Therefore, if I cannot be expected to force attraction to anyone, regardless of their personal qualities, how can I expect anyone else to force an attraction of any sort to me? I like Her. I am attracted to Her. That does not mean She has to reciprocate. That also means that if I get genuinely butthurt cuz She doesn’t like me back, I’m high key an insufferable hypocrite.
Honestly, this mindset is the result of the simultaneous deemphasis on Romancey Feelings and the aforementioned understanding that nobody can control attraction. And that mindset (the one I cultivated after spending two years in the aro community) feels much healthier and much more respectful than the mainstream “oh they don’t like me back, boohoohoo, woe is me, why am I not enough” bullshit. That comes across as really really whiny and guilt-trippy, like people think if they throw a big enough pity party the Object of their Affections will relent and be all “fine I’ll date you” (this is literally the logic that Nice GuysTM use to harass people into dating them). Tldr: allos would probably be a lot better off if they talked to aros more and actually made an effort to understand where we’re coming from.
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