#i never realized how fast Jonathan picked up on the bad vibes
vvatsondraws · 1 year
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May 8: My good friend Jonathan Harker received such a fright! To be fair you would too if you encounter someone with no reflections
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ungalobrando · 1 year
I remember you said all your autistic OCs are a different flavor of autistic, care to elaborate?
I care very much, thank you x'D Time to give into my urge to make unnecessary lists once again!!
Elysea Cadash - Ellie had no idea she was autistic for 30+ shitty, shitty years. She was labelled stupid, clumsy, lazy, sensitive, weird, etc. instead, and started believing it herself. The realization that she was autistic and traumatized was an absolute game changer for her and it worked wonders for her self esteem. - Her greatest special interest is human psychology. She always picked behaviors and reactions apart and analyzed people, ever since she was a kid. She can perfectly analyze someone to the point where she can tell exactly how they will react, down to how they will word their sentences, and she's mostly right x'D Only works in theory though because actual conversations are too fast for her to keep up. - She's heavily orally and olfactory fixated. It's easy for her to handle crowded places, loud noises, even pain and anxiety - as long as she's chewing on something, or has a nice scent in her nose. A good scent is very likely to ground her when she's on the verge of becoming overstimulated, and a whiff of something spicy is sure to snap her right out of a panic attack. She eventually started carrying herbs and salts with her just for the scent.
Autism Rating is probably a 6/10 - it's bad enough to affect her negatively in a lot of aspects, but she CAN function, even if she's constantly on the brink of burnout and struggles with self doubt.
Kjelle Sofia Bucciarati - Autistic? Her? No way. That's her vibe. That's just how she is. If she were autistic, she'd have more symptoms, right? ... Right? - Fairytales and legends have been and will probably always be her special interest. If she could, she'd do nothing but pretend that she lives in a fairytale all her life. As a toddler, she pretended that the white curtain in her room was a bridal veil and she was getting married to a kind prince. As a kid, she spoke in a fancy manner to resemble a princess more, and generally had a very dramatic way to express herself. But she grew out of that eventually. Her obsession with snails took over later x'D - Hyperfixations change a lot for her, but she regularly fixates on random shows and books, as well as video games. Skyrim and Rune Factory for example. She jumps around between hyperfixations a lot, but most of them include fantasy themes in a way, or cute animals. Kjelle mostly stims by rocking back and forth, or by bouncing when she's excited.
Autism Rating is 4/10 - People notice that she's "weird", but she luckily grew up in a loving and supportive home with kind friends who never judged her either, so she feels comfortable with herself.
Amina Abdulaeva - For the first 6 years of her life, Amina was mute, and struggled with anger outbursts. But she always loved puzzles and mysteries more than anything else, and solved them in amazing speed. She can easily solve up to 50 small puzzles within an hour. At the age of 7, she suddenly started speaking in few, simple words. And she never outgrew that. She speaks a maximum of five words in a row, but prefers not to speak at all, unless prompted. She also prefers to keep her facial expression neutral at all times because expressing herself is exhausting. - Minecraft fills her heart with joy to this day, because she can spend hours building stuff and adding details. Any games where she can decorate rooms or design clothes can keep her busy for hours. - Sometimes she walks onto crime scenes and nobody can get her away from them until she figures out what happened. Surprisingly, very often, her first guess is correct - so Jonathan, a befriended officer, asks her for help very often x'D She may not say much but what she says often gives him useful clues.
Autism Rating is a solid 10/10 - She can't hide it and "just act normal", she won't pretend that she can, because why should she? For who? The people who judge her? She lives her life the way it makes her happy, even if others may not agree or like it.
Coda Cadash-Tethras - Coda showed signs of autism very early on x'D Mute for the first three years of their life, and then very energetic and talkative about like the same three subjects, what others deemed to be "hard to handle". Ellie immediately saw herself in her baby and supported them from the start, helping Coda deal with their autism much better than their mom. - As a little kid, Coda was very much interested in watching the army practice and take care of their weapons. Nobody could get them to leave, they'd start screaming until they could stay x'D It eventually becomes a big interest in knives of all kinds. They know every name, every difference between them, every technique and every use for them. Ask them about any random butter knife in your drawer and they can tell you in great detail about where it came from, how it was made, what it's used for, etc. - Coda might be "normal" in most ways, since they're very eager to learn every social cue there is out there, but it's easy to tell that something isn't quite right once they open their mouth. They have a rather odd way of speaking, and basically every second word is about their knife collection.
Autism Rating is 8/10 - Very noticeable, Coda depends on their parents for a lot of things even as an adult, but they're very cool with it and are totally willing to educate you on EVERYTHING if you let them
Uriel Salem Bucciarati - Sensory Issues galore. Socializing is hell. Anything that's hotter than 20 degrees celsius is hell. Fuck soft textures, fuck fabrics, fuck flavors, fuck solid food, fuck humans, and fuck you too. If he could, Uriel would spend his life hiding in a wet cave and live on animal blood. Well, luckily he's a vampire, so he's only very rarely forced to eat solid food. He can survive mostly on blood. But when he HAS to eat, it HAS to be a specific brand of chicken nuggets, and the fries HAVE to be burnt at the ends. Anything else makes him gag. - Uriel suffers A LOT because of his sensory issues. Especially as a baby slash toddler, when he can't really express himself, and his mother is an absolute bitch who would rather shake a baby to silence them than to find out why they won't stop screaming. His childhood especially was hell on earth. As if the sensory problems weren't enough, he was forced to undergo a harsh training, and it left him drained until he was finally free from his mother's grasp. - Adult Uriel does, in fact, live in a very cold place. Not a cave though, a mansion. And he does whatever the hell he wants, all day, every day. He lives on blood entirely, listening to the Blues Brothers on loop, and spends most of his time naked tbh because fuck clothes.
Autism Rating 7/10 - Terrible representation, lots of suffering, this poor man will probably never be entirely happy in his miserable immortal life, but it's fine because Blues exist
Juliette Bucciarati - Juliette visibly suffers from the effects of her dad's drug abuse, with a slightly deformed face, bad eyesight, bad hearing... and of course, autism, as well as an impulse control disorder. Right from the start, she was a daddy's girl, and quickly got aggressive and violent towards her mom when she didn't get her way. But the violent outbursts toned down as she got older. By the time Juliette was old enough to go to school, she spoke a few words, and directed her rage towards objects rather than people. - Though Juliette's outbursts can be frightening, she's generally easy to handle. Give her a radio, some TipToi books and let her watch some Kasperl and the Bear in the Big Blue House, and she's happy. Once she's over 14, she obeys to her mom as well, without complaining or questioning it. She does what Kjelle tells her to, even if she complains a bit about her parents still having to help her with showering. - Juliette would happily just spend her day pacing up and down the hallway, listening to her music and her books. She desperately needs her strict routine. If a new person comes to her parents' place, she throws glasses across the room, aiming at them. She used to be a very loud and active child, but as a teenager, she's become quite sluggish, and would honestly prefer to just stay in bed and listen to music in peace.
Autism Rating is 10/10 for disability. She'll probably never be able to function and live by herself, her anger issues frighten her and make her feel guilty, it all affects her a great deal, but she doesn't have the words to express that.
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flauntpage · 6 years
DGB Grab Bag: Chicago Hopeless, Stone-Faced Karlsson, and Math—How Does it Work?
Three Stars of Comedy
The third star: The curling faceoff – This was a pretty funny way to open this week's outdoor game.
Slightly less funny: A few hours later when the curlers got drunk and threw the rock into the power generator.
The second star: Erik Karlsson and Eugene Melnyk – I'm no body language expert, but I'm not getting a real big "Can't wait to sign a long-term extension" vibe here.
By the way, this was literally front-page news in Ottawa. Good times up here.
The first star: Nazem Kadri vs. Rasmus Ristolainen – Not their fight from Monday's game; that wasn't all that good. But their post-scrap debate on the subject of conceptual mathematics was fantastic.
Kadri's right, by the way. I guess we can add "counting" to the list of things the Leafs are better than the Sabres at, right next to "draft lotteries."
Outrage of the Week
The issue: The NHLPA released the results of an extensive poll of over 500 players, who were asked to weigh in on various questions about life in the league. The outrage: Wow, did you see the results? They were stunningly, jaw-droppingly… boring. Is it justified: To be clear, it's cool that the NHLPA does this stuff. Some information is better than no information. But with most of this poll, it was only slightly better. We learned things like "Connor McDavid is fast" and "Sidney Crosby is good." (We also learned that Carey Price is the league's best goalie, so apparently many of the surveys were returned by mail that took three years to arrive.)
Some of the results were mildly surprising—Wes McCauley ran away with best referee honors, and the players still seem to love Shea Weber and Jonathan Toews. We also found out that players apparently have no idea how bar graphs work. But that was about it.
Some eyebrows were raised over the revelation that 77 percent of players support the current points system, but that's no shock at all—just like their GMs, of course players are going to like free bonus points. The coach can't bag skate you too hard for a three-game losing streak if you still picked up a few points, right? If anything, the story here is that even a league where banking points is everything, 23 percent of players have still realized that the current system is awful.
Maybe the most depressing section of the poll comes at the end, when players are asked to name the best ever at various positions, because it ends up serving as a reminder of how damn young today's players are. The forwards are all from the 80s and beyond, with no love for Gordie Howe or Rocket Richard or Jean Beliveau. They get the best defenseman right, with Bobby Orr taking top spot, but he only gets 61 percent of the vote, with Nicklas Lidstrom finishing a relatively close second at 29 percent, no mention of Doug Harvey, and Scott Niedermayer(!) finishing fifth. And the goalies skip over Terry Sawchuk, Glenn Hall, and Jacques Plante, but find a spot for Price in the top five. Seriously, when were all you guys born, in the 90s? (Thinks for a second.) Yeah, don't answer that.
At the end of the day, it's a fun little poll that clearly isn't trying to ruffle any feathers—the only question with a negative focus is about bad ice. That's understandable, but man it feels like a missed opportunity. Don't you want to see these guys rate the league's worst coaches, referees and GMs? Can't we ask them which owner they'd least like to play for, or which city has the ugliest fans? While we're at it, let's get them to rate Gary Bettman's job performance on a scale of 1 to 10, or explain where they plan to spend the 2020 lockout. Maybe even include an essay portion where they have to explain goaltender interference.
It was a good effort, NHLPA, but you can do better. Next time, give us the director's cut.
Obscure Former Player of the Week
The Blackhawks are finally bad again, and they're going to miss the playoffs for the first time in a decade. It goes without saying that fans around the league are heartbroken, and we wish to offer our love and support to Hawks fans during these difficult times.
But if it helps at all, it's worth remembering that there have been far worse Blackhawks teams than this year's mess. And sometimes, being pathetic enough to warrant a little bit of pity can pay off. So this week, let's devote our obscure player section to the story of Ed Litzenberger.
Litzenberger was a big winger who had the misfortune of trying to break in with the Montreal Canadiens in the 1950s. That team was pretty stacked, making it to the final for ten straight years, and Litzenberger only managed to crack the lineup for a total of five games across two seasons. He finally earned a regular spot in 1954, and was reasonably productive, managing 11 points in the season's first 29 games. But that's where those terrible Hawks come in. By the mid-50s, Chicago had made a habit of finishing dead last, and the franchise was at serious risk of going under. So in a rare burst of charity, the other teams decided to offer up just enough help to keep their competition alive.
That help included Litzenberger, who was traded to Chicago for cash midway through the 1954-55 season. Well, "traded" might be pushing it; some sources use the word "donated." Either way, the deal was his chance to take on a top line role, and he made the most of it by racking up 40 points in the season's final 44 games. That was enough to earn him Calder honors as rookie of the year, the only time in the award's history that a player has won it while splitting his season between two NHL teams.
For the rest of the decade, Litzenberger starred in Chicago, earning second-team All-Star honors in 1957. He was a big part of the franchise's rebuild into contenders, eventually helping them win a Stanley Cup in 1961. He was traded to Detroit that summer, and then quickly made his way to Toronto where he'd win three more Cups. The 1964 championship was his last NHL action, but he'd head to the AHL and win two more titles, making him by some accounts the only North American pro hockey player to win a championship in six straight seasons.
So let Ed Litzenberger be a lesson to GMs everywhere. If over the next few weeks Stan Bowman comes up to you making puppy dog eyes and mumbling about how tough it is in Chicago these days, do not give him one of your best prospects just to be nice.
Be It Resolved
Seattle is getting an NHL team.
That's not really breaking news at this point. If any of us somehow hadn't clued into that development over the last few years of watching the league make eyes at the market, their recent ticket drive seals the deal. The ownership group collected 10,000 deposits in the first few minutes and over 25,000 in the first day.
So yeah, while nothing will be official for a while, it's basically a done deal. Seattle is getting a team, probably for the 2020-21 season. People are already doing mock expansion drafts. This is happening. And it's good news for everyone.
Well, almost everyone. And then there's Quebec City.
They'd been holding out hope that they'd be an expansion candidate. They have an arena ready to go, and plenty of NHL history. They'd hoped to bring back the Nordiques, just like Winnipeg brought back the Jets a few years ago.
But now it probably can't happen. Seattle gives the NHL an even 32 teams, which finally brings us back to the days of two equal conferences and four equal divisions. While it wouldn't be unheard of for the NHL to beat a good thing into the ground, it certainly feels like this will be the last round of expansion for at least a little while. And that means Quebec City is out of luck, at least when it comes to expansion.
Of course, that's not the only way to get a team, and that's where things get a little touchy. Quebec has long been one of the top targets for every rumor about an NHL team relocating. That quieted down slightly during the expansion process, since there was a more obvious path back to the NHL available. But now that that door has slammed shut, we can expect to start hearing whispers about some team or other making eyes at Quebec City.
So today, be it resolved that when the "Struggling team is moving to Quebec" rumor mill starts firing on all cylinders again, we can all be cool about it. No, it's never fun to see some other city salivating over your team. No, that team probably won't move, because to his credit, Gary Bettman makes it very hard to relocate a franchise. Yes, all that Quebec talk is probably wishful thinking, and maybe even a publicity plot to squeeze more arena upgrade out of your town.
It's annoying. But it's not the fault of fans in Quebec. They just saw their best chance at a team fade away, so they're going to start looking toward Plan B. They know how much relocation sucks—they went through it themselves, and with a team that immediately turned around and won the Cup to boot. But right now it's their only shot. You can't blame them for taking it.
We all know how the game is played. So let's handle it without having a meltdown. That means you, Florida, Arizona, and Carolina. You, too, if the arena thing falls through, Islanders. And hell, maybe even you, Ottawa and Calgary, at least as long as your owners are allowed to talk. Defend your turf, sure. But save the faux outrage that someone else is trying to lure your team away. It's a long shot, but it's all they have. And you'd do the same if the roles were reversed.
Classic YouTube Clip Breakdown
There's been a minor controversy up here in Canada this week involving the Vancouver Canucks. Basically, the organization seems to have decided that the market is too negative, and not everyone disagrees. That's spiraled into a bigger discussion over how a fan base should treat a team that continually finishes last, and whether fans deserve some share of the blame when the team they root for can't get it together.
That's all well and good, but let's take a moment here to defend Canucks fans. Are they negative? Sure. But you would be too if your team was underperforming. And it's a few bad apples spoiling the bunch—it's not like everyone who likes the Canucks is some sort of toxic jerk.
So today, let's hit up YouTube and randomly search for somebody being positive about the Canucks. I bet if we got back to the franchise's better days like, say, 1994, we can find a perfectly wonderful person who's willing to say nice thing about them. Hey, here's a clip now!
So, this clip is from an intermission during Game 2 of the 1994 Stanley Cup final. The Canucks are facing the Rangers, and New York came in heavily favored. But Vancouver pulled off the upset in Game 1, earning a 3-2 overtime victory in which goaltender Kirk McLean made 52 saves, and they're giving the Rangers all they can handle in the second game.
In one of those wacky "man-on-the-street" segments, a Vancouver reporter has apparently found a few diehard Ranger fans to interview about the series. We never do catch the guy's name, but he's apparently a local real estate developer. That's a good business to be in. Here's hoping he sticks with it, rather than doing anything else ever.
"You've got some team, and you've got some goalie, I can tell you." See? This guy knows his stuff. The Canucks did indeed have a goalie that year.
Our reporter starts to ask them if they're surprised about something, then suddenly does this really weird pause where he seems to get distracted. I can't be sure, but I think it might have something to do with the time traveler from the future who appears just off camera holding a sign that says "RUN."
He finally stumbles through a question about whether the Rangers should be kicking more butt, in which case this nice man's wife gives a very smooth answer about how any team that makes the final will be a good one. Very diplomatic! She should go into politics.
(I’m kidding, of course. Only politicians should ever be involved with politics.)
Next we get a somewhat weird question about the difference between New Yorkers and Ranger fans. Our nice real estate man ignores the question completely, and instead mentions the Rangers' 54-year Cup drought and that "they've met somebody who's doing an incredible job in goal, as you know about."
He, uh, has no idea what Kirk McLean's name is, does he?
"He's there taking a lot of shots. Many more shots." Nope, no idea at all. But he's right about all those shots. McLean was playing like a wall in this series. Like a real actual wall, not one you just make up. I'm not sure why I felt the need to clarify that.
We close with the nice man's wife, who jokes about hockey not being all that big down south and then suggests that maybe Atlanta should get a team again. Ha ha, whoops! I guess this couple has some bad ideas.
Epilogue: The Rangers ended up winning this game and the next two after it to take a 3-1 series lead. The Canucks fought back to even the series before losing a heart-breaking seventh game in which Sergei Zubov and Alex Kovalev combined for three points, because sometimes the Russians help one side win. In hockey. Again, not sure why I felt the need to clarify that.
Anyway, here's hoping this fine couple, who are no doubt still happily married to this day, enjoyed the Rangers' win. They seem like real hockey fans. Maybe someday they'll even get to personally meet some Stanley Cup champions, and everyone will be happy.
Have a question, suggestion, old YouTube clip, or anything else you'd like to see included in this column? Email Sean at [email protected].
DGB Grab Bag: Chicago Hopeless, Stone-Faced Karlsson, and Math—How Does it Work? published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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