#i need more of rivusa tho
stars-heal · 2 years
Stella and Brandon = dream team
Tecna and Timmy = having the fun-time of their lives
Bloom and Sky = evolving communication skills
Musa and Riven = finally getting closer-closer
Flora, where is Helia?
Aisha, I want a girlfriend for you..... (I know it's not gonna happen but let me dream) 🥺😭
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thesouppond · 4 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @sir2dtrash
Last Song: Cinnamon - JOME (Imagining happy warm lives for my OTPs lol)
Currently Watching: Uhhhh I should be watching more stuff but atm its mostly just doing binge of Therm's youtube videos.
Three Ships: Kazu/Val/entina (Shogun Sniper) - Gen:Lock, uhhh for the sake of not throwing 3 GL ships in here lol, we'll go Gale/Astarion (Bloodweave) - BG3, and token straight ship Gajeel/Levy (Gajevy) - Fairy Tail.
Favourite Colour: Green. Particularly fond of soft sage greens and deep misty forest emeralds and mosses.
Currently Consuming: Literally? A strawberry and some Yakult. Figuratively? Reading The Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga.
First Ship: Uhhh either Robin/Starfire (RobStar) - the OG animated Teen titans, Musa/Riven (Rivusa) - the original Winx run, or Jasmine/Lief (Jaslief) - Deltora Quest. All of these obsessions happened when I was around 9-12 and I cannot for the life of me recall which came first akdsjfhl
Relationship Status: 2 years into a relationship idk how I got here man, it just happened.
Last Movie: Escaflowne (2000). Not really my thing tho I think. Someone needs to sit me down for another movie I procrastinate watching them otherwise.
Currently Working On: GEN:LOCK RELOADED BABEYYYY. Slowly inching my way through the last prologue of my fancomic before the main story kicks in and kicks everyone's asses. I apologise in advance. Also working on a Lux (LOL) cosplay for a group I got roped into to make cosplay friends in my area whoops, and like at least 2 other art things. We love starting multiple projects at once and being stressed out by it. Wew.
Tagging: @modkatisbacc, @uptosometrixx, @autisticblueteam, @gen-incorrect, @nitw (Hi I know we're not technically moots but you seem cool hope this isn't imposing) I don't know enough people on here to tag more but feel free to say I tagged you if you wanna become moots too! Always happy for new friends, especially if you're down to listen to me ramble about my ideas :P
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charmixpower · 1 year
Ok honestly any rivusa shipper will enjoy the comics and their stories like as a child (I collected the comics from the debut issue and in the country I live every month they would realise a new issue so I’d buy the winx comics every month) I watched the show but the comics made me genuinely love the characters and their relationship ESPECIALLY rivusa and it’s honestly thanks to the comics they solidified their spot as my otp. I mean rivusa have a whole wiki section on the winx fandom wiki dedicated solely to their comic storyline and honestly it’s so iconic. They just have great moments (like I rmb there was one issue where Musa was panicking to look presentable while she was gonna go meet riven in magix city and once she got off the bus to meet him as he’s waiting at the bus stop there’s a whole frame of them holding each other and staring into each other’s eyes and he calls her beautiful😍😍😍 and in that issue when the girls ask about him there’s a whole frame of her heart eyes with hearts in the bg as she raves to the girls “riven is very sweet and kind when you get on his good side” like PLEASE YOUR HONOUR I LOVE THEM SO MUCH and I distinctly rmb from my childhood this issue where the winx and specialists get stranded on an island back In time and Musa and Brandon are knocked out cold and even tho there’s no dialogue riven is just carrying musa to safety bridal style🥺🥺 (I think this ig acc @/rivusa._ did this thing where they screenshotted the moment he carries her in the animated cartoon and in fate and the in the comics and put all 3 side by side and idk there’s smth so fulfilling and heartwarming knowing riven will always carry musa to safety when she needs it in every version of them😭) so yes if you ever have time please go read the comics it really made me love the winx franchise as a whole even more
I've been slowly reading the comics and I'm obsessed with their s1 interactions, tho I mostly open them to see if I can make thematic edits XD
It really shows how Riven is more interested in school stuff over dating, while Musa is easily swept up by crushes
It's really cute. Riven hears something maybe dangerous and he gives it his full focus and Musa is trying to flirt with him because she doesn't think it's dangerous
They have completely different priorities, which I think is a adorable way to keep them apart lol
Omg!! That must of been so much fun!!!
The comics actually involve the assassin's that Sky's family has been so scared of in the story and I'm really excited to see how it includes other details the show glossed over
The more you talk up the comics the more I want to read them 👀
I think all of the couples have a couple part of their wiki but don't quote me on that, it's the middle of the night and I don't feel like checking
Musa definitely worries about her outfits, for no reason tho bc Riven is like 😍 abt her always. I imagine the most ideal response she wants to get is looking so good he forgets words exist for a while
Nfkskskejsjskskwjjw Musa and Riven are the epitome of two mentally ill people dating that are just similar enough that they understand each other without being too similar but so different that their friends are like "what???" Riven definitely stuggles to let people in, but he clearly wants to help people by going to RF and it's just 🥰🥰🥰 he doesn't trust people but he wants to protect them and I love him
Riven's love language is acts of service and physical affection, change my mind. He would never leave Musa in danger come hell or high water and I love him!!! He's doing his best and it's amazing!!! Musa from her actions in s1 isn't used to having people she can rely on so seeing that Riven will always try to help her gives her the warm fuzzies
I've always had this hc that before Musa and her dad start understanding each other, and her dad is still deathly terrified of Musa going the way of her mother if she joins the industry, Riven offers to help her get an apartment. Like no questions asked. You dad sucks? Let's help you move out. He didn't have a clear picture, Musa's dad is over protective the exact opposite of Riven's and he was projecting just a bit, but Musa was all like 🥰🥹 when he offered
I love them your honor that is all
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
some saying Rivusa is a forced couple?!! Are you kidding me?!! Did you watch the trailer?! Stella and Beatrix being a thing is the definition the most forced ship I have ever seen in TV history. The fact it’s just happened because the actress wanted to is so dumb. If you want Stella to be bi then make it Stella x Terra at least they were friends and knew each other. Musa and Riven are already met and even confirmed they met in the book prequel. While Beatrix and Stella had never again NEVER INTERACT (1/2).
Stella just broke up from a toxic relationship to throw her to another one with pretty much villain character is weird “ I am not fan of Beatrix redemption arc I already hate Stella’s don’t do this again with Beatrix at least not now” Also Stella has her abuse mother to deal with she isn’t ready for Romance at the moment not to mention we have three other couples. So Stella either should be single for now and if they wanted her to be in a relationship it should be with Terra or bring Brandon.(2/2)
bestie you’ve been holding this in agshshsjsj💀
listen, I can’t lie to, my attention is mostly focused on rivusa and their plots because they also just do happen to be my favourite characters. but like Ngl I don’t feel like I can say anything on them feeling forced or not until we watch the season? For all we know, their plots are intertwined
Ngl I kinda want Beatrix to stay this morally-grey villain, but if she does have a redemption I hope they do it well. Not sure how Stella would be a part of it because she still has so much of her own growth to go through.
I think the only thing that makes me hesitant on Stella x anybody, or just any more ships in general is that it will be too heavy on the plot. They already have skloom, rivusa, the weird riven/beatrix/dane throuple and now aisha and her new love interest. They don’t have enough time to give each relationship like it’s proper focus, which I honestly don’t mind because I’d hope stella and terra and flora get the chance for their own romantic storylines when the plot can be focused on it.
I honestly don’t really have much of an opinion on who Stella ends up with tho💀my wee younger self loved Stella and Brandon, but I’m pretty open to whatever plot they try out as long as it’s done well and it’s not like…one of the random secondary adult characters😭I do agree that Stella’s plot needs to focus on herself more than anything else tho!!!!
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What do you want to see in S2 from
Let’s go baby!!!
As I mentioned in the previous ask, Beatrix is a victim. She doesn’t know it at the begining of the season, but she eventually realizes. Because let’s be honest - she ain’t even the bad guy, she is more like a morally grey character. She was doing what she was doing on behalf od Andreas, who was doing it on behalf of Rosalind. Beatrix comes out of this chain as the worst person ever (considering she killed a person as Terra stated). This all was under the influence she got, cuz she never knew any better. Now once she is out there, she see better. And this realization hits her.
I really wanna see her redemption arch slowly coming to the picture, but not all of it. I want it slow, to strech it towards S3 (if there is any OFC). Those small details, like -  Andreas pushes her aside for Sky, Rosalind pushes her aside for someone else (Flora I am looking at you respectfully). And suddenly she has only Dane and Riven left, who are following her. I want Beatrix to be confused, maybe not knowing what is the best choice for her now. To make her ever more grey than she was in S1? Also I’d LOVE to see some of her backstory or some explanation how is it possible that her and Bloom are the only one who survived the attack on Aster Dell. If ofc this whole Aster Dell thing is true as well.How did she learn to use her magic so good? Answers, I want to see many answers regarding Beatrix. She is one of my faves, and I want my girl to get what she deserves. Freedom.
(I don’t want her to be Bloom’s sister tho, unpopular opinion) 
As for Beatrix - I want to see his backstory. The motivation behind his behaviour. Like you ain’t born an asshole, you are made one. So what made Riven an asshole?
From the trailer, it is indicated, that he will lean a bit towards the winx side (at least when it comes to Musa) and maybe see him linger betweet one option or the second. So Rosalind or no Rosalind. I am sure my guy will see first hand how cruel can Rosalind be, and maybe make Musa the sparkle he needs to move to the right side.
Musa is ofc one of the biggest factors in his storyline I want to see. I hope the Fate production wasn’t fooling us all this time with Rivusa and we just get one scene with them. I love Rivusa and I want Rivusa to happen, but not in this seaosn. And since it’s Riven, I want a sort of tragic end for him this season. Not like super tragic, more like feelings tragic. I want him to fall for Musa, and feel those strong emotions towards her Musa being the mind fairy she is, hopefully will feel what the feels. Maybe that makes her to take a step back, like: no, this isn’t what I want from you Riven and I cannot give that to you either (because Sam ofc). Again leaving Riven all alone by himself, which leaves him questioning everything he done and if it was a good idea to go astray from Beatrix and the crew. So in conclusion I wanna see conflicted Riven with his inner-self and the world around himself. This boy ain’t getting a piece of peace this season hopefully. 
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swishswooosh · 2 years
Winx Season 2 rating 5.5/10 and dropping
Part 1: THE GOOD
So it starts out promising - Layla joins the group and they rescue pixies from Darkar's dungeon
Darkar's introduction was scary ngl. The dungeon, the monsters, the creepy eyes and armor, incredible power apparently - he had potential to be a great villain but alas...ooops. I'll make a separate rant about bird guy
I like pixies but again, who doesn't
Layla slowly but steadily becoming a part of the group (and dealing with her fears) and her friendship with Musa
Musa is great in this season overall
Oddly enough Rivusa is thriving(unless plot demands sudden relationship drama, more later)
Stella is consistently herself, which is also good. Brandon too. They might be the most down to earth problem-free couple around here from start to finish. I think her charmix is my favorite, it comes so naturally to her over a decent action of looking out for a friend instead of...couples drama. She jokes around, she goes shopping but she comes through when it matters, does what needs to be done
Layla's charmix is a close second, only negative points for that strange occurrence when she got lost in the canyon but decided to go into a dark cave trying to get out like ????? Who does that???? Anyway, she overcame her fears and blasted herself out of there which was great. Charmix design tho...oof
Dark Bloom is a good concept that only exists because our main villain is that lame. Can't even complete his own evil plan. Wasted potential, in every possible way, more later
Conjoined Trix Final Boss was criminally wasted
Bloom rescue mission was top tier honestly, the main reason why this isn't rated like 2.5 out of 10. The specialists being very useful, Queen Ammentia and her army helping greatly, Winx splitting and joining and overcoming everything thrown at them, professors showing up, the codex pixies and pixies in general. Clever usage of magic, swords, ships, brains and fists. Everyone joined hands to blast through that fortress and I can only dream that the battle against darkar went the same way but...noooooo, it was bs
Honestly specialists were utilized very well in S2 and not only as transportation devices and cheerleaders. Actual teamwork, technology and weapons combined, with regular crisis, no magic crisis and even end of the world crisis
And fine. Sky getting through to Bloom was nice and Flora + Helia are cuties at the end
Next episode:the bad, lots of it
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iseultandtristan · 3 years
me rewatching fate pt.1
okay so im rewatching fate so that i can like compile the “facts” before i start writing rivusa fic and for my own sanity imma make roasting/commentary posts while i watch each episode. furthermore, im not gonna compare it to winx bc even tho i watched winx i haven’t seen it in 10 years so im sort of divorcing this from the source material
- i don’t like abby’s acting im sorry im sorry but it must be said. the weird breathy chuckling she does drives me crazy.
- the vibe between bloom and her mum is like bizarrely intense, like the fact that the issue between them is that bloom is kind of a loner and her mum wants her to party is so trivial and then it’s like ridiculously blown up
- when bloom says to sky “but maybe i will one day” i- no, pls stop, u just met him
- bloom is the queen of oversharing
- i have so many questions about the other world and the first world and the realms, i don’t even know where to start (the lack of world building is the WORST part of this show)
- riven is such a dick and it’s hot, lmfao i hate myself, pls look away
- is alfea supposed to be the best school for fairies? the only school for fairies? im just so lost
- musa’s violet eyes are sick, i love them
- “could everyone save the drama for drama club?” stella, hon, that is not the zinger u think it is
- i wish they approached this show more like the opening of lemonade mouth where we got like info/background for each of the winx girls rather than like only focusing on bloom, not that she’s wholly uninteresting but i just have so many questions about the other girls
- honestly bloom wanting to go to alfea bc she accidentally hurt her parents and doesn’t want to do it again is a good idea but it was for such a dumb fucking reason (door being taken away) that the whole thing just makes me cringe
- idgaf what y’all say, i love fate stella
- musa’s so fuckin cute im obsessed with her, her lil’ socks when she’s going to bed ugh what a cutie pie
- musa playing her somber indie music after telling terra “but if you really wanna know how i feel” lmfao
- this is what they needed to do y’all: they needed to have the first episode be a world building episode where they fleshed out alfea and the other world and the dynamics between all the girls and only just hint at some darker things and then right at the end of the episode reveal that there is something big and bad threatening their lives, rather than start the episode with the burned one
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charmixpower · 1 year
For me recently I’ve been eating up all the rivusa crumbs in the movies ESP magical adventure but since I have no irl outlet I’m just gonna say here that in secret of the lost kingdom the freaking cut scene from the Italian where the old white man tells riven that he needs to figure out whats his reason fighting and Musa just comes and links arms with him owns my heart AND THEN it links back to when they have their moment towards the end where he tells her she is what he’s fighting for😭😭 dude that kiss is engraved in my head for absolutely no reason I love it so much the animation was giving all it could have been giving at that moment😭😭 and also when Musa was giggling while riven was doing extra stuff with his hover bike just makes me so happy🥲
But then magical adventure ironically outsells the sotlk rivusa moments Bcs let me say when they meet in eraklyon and she runs and pushes up on his shoulders to kiss the side of his forehead😭😭 and his hand placement just gives me life and when they kiss (with so much tenderness that my heart is exploding) his hands deadass brushes over her ass😀😀😀 (the fact that the animators made an ACTIVE DECISION TO ANIMATE THAT TOO) it just helps with my hc that musas favourite place to hold riven is around his neck and his is around her waist (and lower ig🤷‍♀️ ) and they’re holding hands to wan to the ship too🥲🥲🥲 ALSO when riven ran up to musa on the ship to tell her “I always loved playing pirates” I MEAN COME ON THEY ARE SO CUTE and when they’re all kinda mourning over sky’s dad riven just puts his hands on her shoulders to comfort her and she later just reaches back to place her palm over his hand on her shoulder😭😭😭 URGH my heart can’t handle all these moments and then when the winx get back their powers she tackles him from the back and wraps her arms around his neck while she’s flying😭 and they just stay that way and look at each other when bloom and sky kiss lol🤪 and then when they need to fly back to the ship THEYRE THE LAST COUPLE TO SEPARATE AND HE JUST HOLDS HER HAND FOR AS MUCH AS HE CAN BEFORE SHE FLIES OFF😭😭😭 ok I think I’m done with my rivusa verbal diarrhoea I spent a whole 3 hours watching magical kingdom because I kept going back and slowing down the cute rivusa crumbs and analysing everything🤪 thank you for coming to my Ted talk about why rivusa have always been and will be the best
I thought I was the only one obsessed with movie Rivusa, bestie I love you, I could talk about "I've always loved playing pirates" for hours straight
SotLK is about big dramatic Rivusa while MA is all about those domestic casual Rivusa moments and I could stare at them forever
I rewatch the first and second movie p often because I love and are obsessed without them thank uuu so I am absolutely the person to send this to thank u for the food
I'm so mad they cut that scene bc Riven's arc in the first movie makes so much less sense without it but it's literally the same arc again and I'm sick of is, MA forever for just letting Rivusa vibe and exist
Like I know Riven is the most interesting and well written male character in the show but give my man a break 🙄🙄🙄 his shoulders must be in so much pain form carrying most of the specialist sub plots
I love all the Rivusa kisses from the first kingdom, but the one where she was surprising him was so cute. Riven defo stuggles with being openly affectionate even tho he really really wants to be and Musa knows this show she's being affectionate enough for the both of them I love them so much sobbing
Their so soft but I can't believe you needed the movie to tell u that Riven is handsy with his s/o /j like it was so obvious. I couldn't tell you who is worse between them tbh. Musa, as seen by her s1 outfit, is more attention getting, Riven is only subtle when you compare him to her. Musa is going to kill Riven with her outfits one day, and she's not gonna even be a little sorry because it was completely intentional
The animators knoooo
My hc is that Musa really likes just attaching herself to his arm. His arm is stuck being cuddled to her chest and he's not getting it back thank youuu. That hc is because the s2 finale party is literally everything I've ever needed in Winx, but I can definitely see where your coming from. Musa is part of the "I'm going to jump on my boyfriend" coalition with Stella and Aisha
And yes true, canon
I love how Musa prefers to sneak attack Riven by jumping on his back. Stella and Aisha r so proud. She definitely does that just to mess with him. "Hahaha I snuck up on you 😜" and Riven, who damn well heard her is like "yaah you did babe" and then she messes with his pointy hair
I completely agree and I am patiently waiting for the next ted talk this was WONDERFUL
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
ngl, i grew up watching winx and im pretty disappointed by the live action 😐 idk just expected more, the cartoon was far more intresting. Szn 2 was way better than season 1 tho, absolutely LOVE rivusa.
I think as itself it is not a bad show but I can see how disappointing it is when they have labelled it as a live action of the cartoon when it is just an adaptation of it
but season two was so much better!!!!! i need a season three renewal asap please and thank you
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charmixpower · 2 years
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That's v true in the case of Bloom, but like up to s3 from what I've seen the drama is always caused by the guys? Brandon&Sky lying about their names, Tecna being fed up that Timmy was acting like a coward, Nabu...being a fucking weirdo, (Flora and Helia being the exception bc Flora's problem was she was too shy); which I think might be worse?? Now that I'm looking back I can't remember a relationship fight that was caused by one of the girls? (Tho my memory is notoriously shitty) Unless you count Tecna struggling to understand that Timmy is not a coward (which was a weird ep bc Timmy's personality and the specialists opinions of him randomly pivoted for this plot line)
Interesting point!!
Musa's flaws in the relationship are DEFINITELY unintentional. If you look at the framing the camera and story uses around all Rivusa's fights (up to s3 bc I haven't gotten to s4 yet, but like it's a pattern that I'm fairly sure continues), it's made very clear that it's always Riven's fault. Which I am forever salty about
Musa's attraction to s1 Riven was so fucking out of no where and utterly unexplained that the only reasonable explanation I could come up with is "Musa has the most fucked up view of relationships bc she read too many shitty YA novels, and watched too many toxic as hell movies" but the fact that her mom also wasn't there to like...stop her, and her dad reacting so violently, is such a good point... Girl never got the chance to develop an healthy idea of relationships and probably gravitated to the books to renforce this idea instead of created
Riven starts therepy at the end of s1 bc Darcy trauma, and by s3 he still has shit he needs to work on but he's worked really hard on himself and has utterly shunted all of his shitty behaviors out of his normal modus operandi has been my hc since the beginning
Musa causing problems bc she doesn't know how to maintain a healthy relationship after Riven starts working on himself is like, everything to me
Especially Riven being able to point this stuff out and help her bc he's been there???? *Chef's kiss*
I think an interesting problem for them to tackle would be that Musa wanted to date Riven when she knew absolutely nothing about him, and she still barely knows anything about him—while Riven fell in love with Musa and her hobbies and is at least slightly knowledgeable about what's going on in her life
It would be a fun moment for them to realize this, and then have Riven realize that he was so fucking preoccupied with his issues his whole life he never really developed hobbies and interests?? So they hang out and do shit together and it's super cute while Riven finds himself and Musa learns more about him
Also it would be really funny if Musa was hit with a "I love him" "you dont know him" from one of her friends (Aisha? Tecna.) Got pissed, then went "OH SHIT YOU RIGHT"
Riven pointing this out to her would make it into a real "relationship issue™️" but I think that is really funny so-
Another interesting problem for their relationship (thats more of a problem than a reason to think about Rivusa fluff in my free time) is Musa actively getting upset when Riven gets rid of his shitty behaviors bc that's what she thought was a good thing, and Riven deadass going "Hey if your going to fuck up my recovery we're going have to break up, bc I refuse to be dragged back into that mindset" and Musa panics bc OOPS SOMEONE HAS A LOT OF TOXIC IDEAS TO UNLEARN
And then Riven convinces Musa to go to therepy or something—or they just talk about like what he's learned about healthy relationships from his therapist and they set some boundaries like a good couple :))))
Actually these could lead into eachother
What would be really funny, is that after all this work Rivusa is the one of the most stable couples bc they've spend all this time doing the work to make sure that their relationship isn't built on a rocky foundation but like a fuck ton of honest conversations, mutual respect, and boundaries
The image of Rivusa watching others relationship drama and just going "talk to eachother" "also: try therepy for all the unresolved issues you have going on" "that too" is too funny to me
(I think about these two wayyyy too fucking much lord have mercy)
I have not gotten to s4 yet, so I do not know who this Jason is, but I'll take your word for it
Local happy couple kick the ass of someone trying to hurt Musa? Love it
Oh and Riven with the Darcy trauma fucking INSTANTLY noticing all the manipulation techniques and everything going on—plus him helping Musa get back on stable ground afterwards bc he's been there so he knows exactly how to help??? Yes yes, their amazing your honor
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rivusa problem is that the way that they tend to react to situations push them apart, Riven is practical and cold headed while Musa is emotional and tends to overact. 
In s1, Musa's obvious crush for Riven, pushed him away since he didn't want to get involved in a demanding romantic relationship, it was evident that he was interest since he keep paying attention to her. In the comics he even called her beautiful the first time that they talke but turned down her friendship since he didn't want distractions.
In s2 they grew closer but Riven coldness made Musa doubt about his interest for her, and Musa intensity made Rive hesitant to persuade a relationship, but after the Shadowhount events their feeling were clear and they finally started their relationship.
They started s3 well but as time passed they problems comeback, because Musa would overact to some little thing and Riven would call her out or gave her a cold answer which makes her upset and when Musa is upset Riven ends upset too.
By s4 this became out of their hands because Riven jealusy and Musa expectantion of Riven becoming more public with his affection got into their way, plus Jason, who clearly saw that Musa was naive and sensitive Musa with some ongoing issues with her boyfriend and manipulated the situation from the start making Musa and Riven confused of their true feeling, without Jason things wouldn't have turned so bad, Jason was the real vilian this season.
Cant comment much on s1 Rivusa, bc the way it works is very hard for my aroace ass to comprehend (I try my best tho), tho when I watched the show I got the vibe that Riven thought Musa was attractive but didn't find her romantically appealing. The only reason I mention this is bc Riven did start a very demanding relationship in s1 with Darcy. I think having a psychic link and reporting back constantly is pretty demanding. But that's a super interesting fact Abt the comics, I should totally read thoese
I saw it more like Riven wasn't interested in having another relationship so soon after Darcy but liked Musa, and Musa was upset bc Riven was not in to her all last season and the trend was continuing. I totally understand your interpretation
You know what? That tracks. S3 reads as pretty ooc for both of them but in the most nonsensical reading; Musa truly needed to understand that it wasn't that deep in s3 and Riven needed to like be slightly more empathetic than he can manage. That caused a lot of problems
Both Riven and Musa are super ooc in s4. Riven's extreme jealousy coming out of no where in s3 and just sticking, Musa liking Riven's jealousy then suddenly not. Tho I really like the idea that Musa wants them to be affectionate in public and that stressing Riven tf out so he really doesn't want to. Then Jason, big agree, that fucker drove a wedge between them intentionally
I really like these interpretations Nonnie!! This actually makes their problems somewhat sensical instead of being the whims of the writers slowly degrading Riven's character and Musa's sudden personality switch. Nice one!!
I wish the show let Musa slap Jason and actually talk with Riven, but the writers remain cowards
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