#i need deliverance!!!!!
fushigurro · 9 months
choso is like a messiah to me
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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citrusinicake · 2 months
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Vitalasubzam Week 2024 Day 4: Shield / Sword
sword and shield? more like sword IN shield amirite?
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feelinungry · 1 month
and i will always, always, be defending the "plot-holes" that are not actually plot-holes at all. i've seen people on facebook complain so many times about the ending of the game - about the siege of talmberg to be more exact.
"just attack it", "just take it down", "why doesn't divish just do it", "ohh his wife he can't even fuck! nobody gives a damn", "henry doesn't even really care for radzig at this point" etc.
and i have to go back to that one solitary thing this game literally cannot exist without: love. it's the main aspect, it's the pillars the story stands on, it's everything.
medieval movies and books like to picture the old times ala skyrim: "my son was very young when he died. but he did so while doing his duty. he fell for skyrim! he fell for the empire! i do not mourn for i am proud!"
"oh, i loved my father more than anything. but he is gone now. that is life."
it is. but. hear me out. people back then - were actually just like people now. we break down when we lose someone we adore, cherish, love, protect. no matter how stoic we may be, we don't take it lightly, do we?
so, if you think about it, is it a plot-hole, when divish refuses to attack his castle because
it's his home and he loves it
his wife is in there
his friend is also in there?
robard would not attack if it were divish in there. radzig would not attack if it were henry in there. hans would not attack if it were hanush in there. istvan would not attack if it were erik in there. captain bernard would not attack if it were hans in there.
it all comes back to love. and wanting people you care about safe.
martin running back to certain death because his wife is in the village when the cumans attack.
both parents worrying about nothing but their beloved son even while they are being brutally murdered.
everyone on talmberg willing to lock henry up just to keep him away from skalitz (for reasons yet unknown).
theresa making a last stand for someone just as lost as her.
the understanding he's met with when henry comes and admits his failure to radzig, the fact that he went against direct order. (nothing, absolutely nothing else but radzig being in debt to martin, or radzig being someone close to henry, could explain the understanding, the acceptance, and the outcome of the whole situation. how do you think henry - who is just a young man, not a hero, not a dragonborn, not a chosen one - would get away with all this?)
henry backed out of the night raid on talmberg because hans was wounded and wouldn't survive long enough for the mission to succeed.
hans (in one of the outcomes) carried him out on his back, saving his fat ass. no time for glory, no time for saving the hostages when it's suddenly your best friend who is on the ground and bleeding out. he might have succeeded with the mission. yet he didn't hesitate when suddenly it was him who was put in the shoes of those who just wanted to keep their loved ones safe. it was stephanie for divish (he approved the raid). it was radzig for henry (he was the one who went first and most willingly). and it was henry for hans (who immediately backed out on henry's behalf). all those actions were based on love.
would you attack talmberg, knowing there was someone you loved? someone you wanted to know better, someone you wanted to learn how to love, someone who could have been much closer if he only tried? someone you only just met?
the whole story starts with love, continues with love, ends with love. it is everywhere you look and you don't even have to romance anyone to see it, to feel it. it is in the npcs' lives, it's the motivation behind so many actions. it's in henry's decisions. in your decisions.
because, don't you just love this game?
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cardos-talking · 2 months
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Hans Ca... no wait. Jan Ptáček from kcd made in mcpaint 🤲 English translation in kcd sucks and I say this on behalf of someone who prefers to choose english 99% of the time when playing/watching sth. How the hell did they got Hans Capon from Jan Ptáček and Henry from Jindřich?? was there a reason for that?? and I'm not even talking about other names Jindra is short for Jindřich and in my language it's pronounced like Indro and I think it's a really nice name. He's not Henry, he's Indro! x-x
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deliverance-the-game · 9 months
I like how from the outside, it looks like no one in the gang has any sense of time perception.
Gang: Wow, these past two days have been hard but we are safe now!
Everyone: What do you mean 'two days', you have been gone for nearly a month!
Gang: surprisedpikachu.png
The gang shares one (1) braincell at any one moment and it never gets used to check the time. You'd think they'd be more time-conscious given that there is practically a countdown to the end of the world.
Talk about chronic lateness.
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justafoxhound · 6 months
I am just out of the prologue, and i already have my second quest to find a spade.
I also got Henry beaten to a pulp yet again.
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
omg what’s the Forsythhhh WIP about :0
Ahh it was actually a little assignment I had for school that I've always wanted to expand into something big -- we were working with figurative language and metaphors, and I wrote my three on him (from Python's pov). One was about him breaking down people's emotional walls, one was about how he's like the sun (not just warm/bright but that does contribute lol), and the other was something about breaking into relationships like getting used to hand-me-down clothes. I was happy with them, but it's kinda all figurative language and no plot so it never got anywhere 😅 I may end up just cleaning up the sections and keeping them as three standalone little snapshots, though....
There, across the fire, Lukas’s eyes were bright. He was talking with Forsyth, more expressive than in the weeks that they’d known him. Python had spent all this time trying to get the stud to open up; he’d used every last flirtatious remark in his inventory, every pickup technique he’d learned to get Lukas to let his guard down. All he’d learned was that Lukas put up stronger walls than anyone Python met – he had the kind of reservation that could send anyone packing. And yet, here he was, laughing freely over something Forsyth had said. Letting his smile spread across his face, Gesturing his hands as he spoke.  That was the thing about Forsyth. He would come along, chatty and enthusiastic and always with the most innocent smile you’ve ever seen, and go tripping straight into the walls people put up. The sheer force of his misstep would cause it to crumble down, and he’d just waltz right in, oblivious there had been a wall up in the first place.
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yvmoveon · 5 months
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chrismcshell · 1 year
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SUCCESS: every death stranding npc is now my best friend :)
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 3 months
Well well well what do we have here. A new lovely muse with superior taste and writing. Someone who has stabbed me with the sliver dagger of fanfics, my blood now yours. Someone that has captured my heart with these daring tells and love stories. Someone’s heart to try and win over and steal to claim for my own. Someone that I can “ torture” with my love for I have been infected by you now I must have your heart or there will be a price to pay. Don’t worry I do not tend to harm you but I will stop at nothing to win your heart to call you mine for your stories have already claimed mine. Anyone that may try and stop me may not make to the end of this challenge and gamble to your heart. Please tell me your heart is free and that you will give it to me. Please tell me there is no one else for if there is I will hunt them down and become their nightmare. I will become your sweet nightmare or I can be your nightingale the way the challenge goes is all up to you. So take this blood dagger straight from my heart and prepare for my love if you’re really smart.
- 🗡️
Blood Dagger Anon, My Darling, I fall in love with someone new every week. Please, with every bit of gratitude I have inside of my heart and my soul, please, pretty please, get in line. ❤️❤️❤️
Good morning. I’m going to need everyone to calm down. I just woke up and this anon is the second thing I saw after this:
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essektheylyss · 6 months
I have finished the last annoying part of my quarter and thank FUCK.
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lizardperson · 1 year
ok but i can't be the only one who actually does the whole pilgrimage walking (not running) barefoot in the robe, right? for the ~~immersion~~? right? 😬
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theloyalpin · 13 days
can’t go through the ayo tag without seeing sydcarmy..
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xchrryblssmx · 1 month
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
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state of the union
*edit: kylie minogue my remaining line of sanity
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