#i need a stardew playing tag ummm
7-oh-ta1 · 1 year
Btw my modded playthru farmer is dating Maddie so I'm thinking of making seasonal outfits for her to match the seasonal cute mod just so she's not stuck in the same outfits year round
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Author Interview
Tagged by @kagetsukai @lechatrouge673 and most recently @a-shakespearean-in-paris, thank you my lovelies! (I’m slowly trying to work through tags from December/January and this reminded to actually like...do that, so thank you hehe <3 )
Feel free to ignore me as always, and also I might be double tagging people and I’m sorry for that but here goes: @ladymdc @dismalzelenka @beckily @sarenkascrawls @tortuosity-writes @tanaleth @shannaraisles @star--nymph @ellstersmash @ellenembee @inquisition-dragonborn @allisondraste @novamm66 @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @puddle--wonderful @wardenari and anyone else who wants to do this and tag me!
Name: Lara
Fandoms: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Mystic Messenger, Stardew Valley, and now Skyrim are all ones I’ve written for. I’m a lurker/enjoyer of content in a lot more, most recently The Witcher (I’ve only seen the Netflix show but plan on delving further into it when I have time), Borderlands, and I’m always game for some Good Omens art. Otherwise it’d take me far too long to list every one I enjoy, so those are just the ones I’ve been interacting with the most lately.
Where You Post: Mostly A03. Occasionally here. Used to have a FFN but I’ve actually forgotten that exists...whoops.
Most Popular One-Shot: An Awkward Start which was a prompt for Cullen/Evelyn ages ago. I...have mixed feelings about that considering who I think helped me brainstorm it. So instead I’ll say Dream a Little Dream of Me which was my first fanfic idea for Cullen/Evelyn that turned into Eye of the Storm because doing that as a long fic instead of a long one shot (eep I need to edit that probably...) was daunting.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Beautiful Disaster, which still amazes me. It’s surpassed 20k hits and has I try not to think about the other stats levels of kudos and subs and books.
Favorite Story You Wrote:  Just Like Heaven and Wicked Game combined. Really delving into Abby’s backstory and John’s character helped me grow so much as a writer and to this day that might be one of the best things I’ve ever written. (They were put on hold because of plans I had for them but plans have changed and now I’m just...distracted. Whoops.)
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Arguably Eye of the Storm because I was so, so nervous to share my writing at all. But I was also nervous posting Lovers & Dreamers because I knew the premise (OT3 with Rylen and my two OCs, particularly John) wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea and I didn’t want...people to feel obligated maybe? I 100% write it for me and I’ve always hoped readers understand that. Diving into new fandoms is always nerve-wracking too and the first pieces I posted for Mystic Messenger (especially since my first one shot  was canon divergent smut, Just a Touch because I had too many feels while I was playing it)
How You Choose Your Titles: Some are song titles or lyrics (Just Like Heaven), some are just phrases that fit really well for the fic (Eye of the Storm and Hero Worship).
Complete: *cries* Ummm...Early on I did finish two fun modern AUs for Cullen and Evelyn when I was kind of messing around with their dynamic and just getting back into writing after years of not at all (Rehabilitation and Even Doves Have Pride). I also finished part one of my Mass Effect fics, Goose Bumps (which actually predated all my DA fics in actual writing, but not posting).
Incomplete: Everything else. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. *cries some more*
Do You Outline? Occasionally. Sometimes I outline just a few chapters out. I almost always start a fic with an idea of where it will end up, with maybe a few points known in between (like a zigzaggy map in my brain that somehow connects Point A to Point K to Point M to Point R to Point Y then Z). I have a few fics that are outlined all the way, most notably Twelve Moons, my Avvar fic, and I actually have an outline of the Skyrim fic, Go It Alone, I just started which I find mind-blowing. Sometimes outlines are restricting to me, but sometimes really helpful. It depends on the story and how much work the idea (or timeline) needs/takes. I try not to make this feel too much like work, since it’s for fun and for me.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Please, oh patron saints of writing, just lemme finish these WIPs before I start anything else. Then again I just sort of go where the muse takes me, so if something truly inspired comes up I might write it. Fighting the muse is worse, in my experience. I will say the one thing “coming soon” to my main Ao3 is going to be the fics on my secondary account, which are my Mystic Messenger and Stardew Valley fics. The reason for me starting a second account has dissipated and I’m sick of balancing two so...whenever I get around to it I’ll be making a pseud to combine them all in one place.
Do You Accept Prompts? I used to, and haven’t in a while. I took them around the time my brain was getting all screwed up around writing and expectations and it just made everything feel like work, and plus my anxiety fucks with me and tells me that the promptee will hate it so...I haven’t in a long time because I’ve been happier not. Maybe I’ll try again in the future.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I have a few I’m excited about. I’m excited to have the muse back for Twelve Moons (sort of, it’s still a tiny struggle) as well as my new Skyrim fic. I think in a lot of ways I’ve needed a break from DA. Rylen and Abby at this point are all that really tethers me to it, and I absolutely love them (so I’ll be getting back to those fics for sure). But right now writing something with zero expectations with a very different OC than I’ve ever written and an enemies to lovers trope that I don’t normally do...that’s been a lot of fun and the muse is really strong. But I’ve also been working on some original fiction (balancing two because ofc I am...I never can focus on one story at a time siiiiigh) and I’m insanely excited about it. I’m hoping to finish that up...by the end of the year if not much sooner (once I get past my move in the next month and half...which I’ve been ignoring is that soon haha)
Wow ok lots of rambling! Thank you for the tags this was fun to look back on and ramble about.
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grimsae · 4 years
Simmer- Get To Know
Tagged by the lovely: @ohsosims ❤️
Languages you speak: English & some Spanish
Are you a mermaid: Ummm no, what would make you think that?!
Your Playstyle: 42% Gameplay, 10% screenshots, 35% build mode, 6% in CAS, 7% trying to storytell but fail.
Your Simself Picture:
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Stories or Gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I mainly just post edits of my Sims or some gameplay. I would LOVE to make storytelling posts (with subtitles and all of that) but I don’t know where to start & if anyone really would want to read that. Like there is story in all my Sims but I just don’t know if y’all would want to read that. But these challenges have been really fun to do! I wanna do more lookbooks though! Custom Content I’m still trying to work with but I’m struggling a little bit but soon I’ll have some for y’all!:)
Your favorite age state: I honestly enjoy them all but I wish I could do more for elders! I can’t wait for knitting!
Your favorite season: Autumn
Your favorite holiday: So in my game I have a holiday called “Summer Farewell” it happens on the last day of Summer & the day consist of chill vibes. Drinking, playing outside, swimming, bbq, fireworks, hanging with friends & family & chilling around a bonfire. It’s super chill & I honestly look forward to it. Maybe I should post more about it soon!
How was your day: It was okay. Work sucked ass. Being understaffed all the time & working with a fake ass coworker is so draining. But it got better when I got home because I played some Skyrim. Then went out to eat with my mom at Five Guys then bought myself a memorory foam bed topper from Bed Bath & Beyond. So I slept amazing last night. Now it’s Saturday & I plan on not leaving the house!
Your favorite career: Ummm that’s kinda hard because I always choose freelance careers in game because I love how your sim can stay home & just work. But it gets a little monotonous at times. I also love the teacher & administrative careers that came with Discover University!
Your favorite aspiration: I love the geeky ones, like collecting stuff & I love the family aspirations!
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: this is so hard ugh. For favorite EP it’s either Discover University or Get Together. Favorite GP is Parenthood but also Strangerville because it’s actually pretty great! Favorite SP is extremely tied between Tiny Living & Moschino for the build & buy items!
How old is your Simblr: it will be hitting one year old soon! I’ve always wanted to make one but never did. But I finally just made one. I used to blog about my sims on Amino but that community was toxic and their ways were extremely toxic & stupid. So it pushed me to make a Simblr & I loved it ever since. You can go on Amino actually and still see my posts. STORYTELLING POSTS!
Have you woohooed: Ummmmmmmmmmmm not on my conservative Christian blog😚💅🏼
Your favorite skill: Gardening
The size of your mods folder: Not that bad actually, just 15 GB!
Your 3 favorite mods: Wicked Whims, McCommand Center & Andrews Pose Player
Your interests (other than the sims): I love to play video games, I’m a huge gamer. I also love to travel. Even if it’s to a small town in the middle of nowhere, I just love to see new places. I live in Texas so any chance I get to travel around, I’m always excited for it. I also love to write stories & songs. Then last I love to cook, so I’m always watching Food Network to see what ideas I can get to create in the kitchen.
Your favorite Sim (picture if possible): that is so hard because all of my sims that I post on here are my babies. So I can’t just pick one. But my favorites would have to be between Kade, Zephan & Tobias.
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games): The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 2 on GameCube & the Strangetown one for PSP. Urbz on PS2 & on Gameboy. The Sims 2 Castaway. The Sims 3 on PC & PS3. SimCity 3,4,5(ew). I have never touched the mobile games & I never got to play TS3 Medeival :(
Propose a crazy scheme: Omg I know this is crazy but wouldn’t it be amazing if our Sims could own multiple homes, basically house flip & rent them out to other sims. Get that money, or let their children that are trying to move out, live in those homes. Or how crazy would it be if the roommate system wasn’t just from Discover University but was BASEGAME. DEAR LORD.
Best part of Simblr: Seeing the crazy talent & passion that simmers pour into this game. Seeing them tell awesome stories & sharing their amazing CC! Also seeing people form friendships over this game is pretty magical.
Worst part of Simblr: Seeing blog who put so much effort & work into their posts & blogs and seeing no one appreciate it. Also the bitches behind anon leaving hateful messages.
What other games you play: Stardew Valley, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Cities Skylines, RDR2 & a lot more.
For the fun: Stardew Valley
For the thrills or for the need to kill assholes: RDR2 & Skyrim maybe some GTA5.
Are you single: VERY VERY lol
I tag: @himbosims @katmk36 @gremlinsims @geeky-simz @thatonebrobo @invisisim @kalissimsblog @quinnterestingsims @nougat-sims & at anyone else who wants to participate!❤️ if I missed you I’m sorry but please participate!
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