#i may or may not have something in my drafts about enjorlas and our reader but i’m too nervous to post it
usedtobecooler · 2 years
would you ever consider writing anything on joseph’s other characters or him?
yes and no, if that makes sense. eddie is really easy for me to characterise because he’s quite similar to me. as much as i love joseph i know we’d have nothing in common other than our love for food, he’s a very cultured and smart guy and i am absolutely none of the above 😂 i wouldn’t know how to act with him in real life and voicing through our reader is difficult for me because of that. and also characterising a real person correctly is really hard to do well a lot of the time, it’s a niche i dont think i have personally.
however!! i would love to write something on billy knight, ralph and enjolras!! if i can work up the courage to actually change character without panicking that i’m gonna fuck it up 😵‍💫
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