#i may do a starter/plotting call for some of them...to be decided
celestialshearts · 4 months
okay new carrd is officially set up :] i have some new main muses and new test/private muses, so if anyone's curious about any of them, pls ask :D
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
as someone who is also interested in making a persona au but is struggling, how do you decide on the more persona specific stuff? like, how do you decide on stuff like who’s which social link, what personas they have, costumes (if they have any in your au) and stuff like that? it’d be nice to hear about someone else’s thought process;;
SO! starting with general advice that will apply even outside of persona aus: the thing is that none of the assignments will ever be perfect. the inherent nature of ANY au like this is that different people will have different character opinions; for example, i'm sure there are people vehemently think my social link assignments should be different! and that's fine; your goal isn't "perfect, immutable fit", your goal is "it fits to the story i'm trying to tell". like, in general,
with that ALSO said: you shouldn't try to shove characters perfectly into roles from other things, either. two different characters will have two different reactions to Situations, and you should take advantage of that, too! it's like... the role you give a character WILL shape them, but the character will shape that role, too.
with that out of the way: specific persona au thoughts!
first, you are going to want to decide who your team will eventually be; persona squads normally start out with around three guys and end up at seven or eight (with the eighth man often being an odd-one-out). I went “the cherry blossom hill gang” in my au, which was easy, but you may have less simple ideas there! also keep in mind that you will, at least, have protagonist/healer/physical damage/magical damage as the four “basic” in-game archetypes, with persona also typically having a “balanced” guy who does both, a status setter, an instakill guy, and a party buffs guy, spread across its guys. so if that helps you here, excellent! you will also need at least one of the main party to be a navigator.
you will also want some idea of the “themes” of your au because it’ll help you out deciding personas and social links, plus a little plot.
so, first: each persona game has a “theme” for the main party personas. 3 is all greek legendary figures that evolve to greek gods (with lucia prior to ultimate personas breaking theme, and kala-nemi and messiah breaking theme with the ultimate personas). 4 is all japanese gods that evolve to another name of those same gods (with chie breaking theme in that her ultimate persona has nothing to do with her original one). 5 is all legendary rogues/thieves that evolve to trickster gods (with necronomicon breaking theme and frankly milady is a STRETCH for the starter personas, and astarte and anat being questionable for the ultimates). as the like… MANY caveats show, you don’t have to be perfectly on-theme, but having a theme at least in mind helps a lot with picking what persona everyone gets by narrowing the pool! for my au, is went “famous lovers”, since a major “theme” of my au is “isolation versus bonds”. however, you don’t have to stick to something with thematic relevance, you just want something that helps tie everyone together a little bit.
as for weapons, what elements they attack with, what their party role is like: that’s a personality call, you know? and don’t be afraid to get a little weird with it, we aren’t atlus, we CAN break character archetype.
as for social links: that’s indeed tricky! it can help to remember you don’t ACTUALLY need to come up with 22. the world/the universe is ALWAYS only the protagonists final persona. the fool is ALWAYS a plot-driven social link that effectively represents “the protagonist’s relationship with the plot”, with p3/4 making that the team, and p5 making that igor. judgement is ALWAYS a plot-driven social link that represents the protagonist at the end of their journey; in p3/4 it’s the team at the end of the plot once they know their true purpose, and in p5 it’s sae nijima as she interrogates the protagonist. so that cuts out three arcana already to be set aside as “this is for the plot”.
next, while I know this isn’t true of p3, it makes sense from our own writing perspective where our story is NOT constrained by “gameplay dictates a social link can happen at any time” to make each member of the team a social link. fill out the rest with additional canon characters.
but how to decide which character goes in which link? helpfully, this is persona: it tends to have a little less to do with personality and more to do with storyline. you can go by “what character fits the tarot symbolism best”—doc as the tower, jimmy as the hanged man—or “what character fits the normal persona character archetype for this arcana”—skizz as chariot, mumbo as moon. you can also go for a mix! if you don’t KNOW what kind of character normally fills an archetype, the megami tensei wiki has pages for each arcana that describes the typical character archetype that goes there. you can also break type as needed—joe is hermit in my au despite “hermit” not really being his persona character archetype for very specific plot/tarot reasons, for example, and impulse is emperor, but is breaking persona type by being a healer rather than a heavy physical attacker. it’s your au, have fun with it!
also, ultimately, know that because it’s your au to have fun with, if you DON’T have fun giving everyone an arcana, just pick out the ones that are relevant to the part you’re writing and ignore the rest until they come up. this is my tactic for worldbuilding in like half the aus I write it hasn’t steered me wrong yet.
good luck! I hope this helped!
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sistervirtue · 3 months
any followers of this blog for a bit know about ghds (or at least, characters from it, like Lacramioara) and probably about another project of mine, ESCHATON ACADEMY. I've decided to merge the two, so Sister Virtue is here to stay!
What I'm dumping here right now is a variety of assorted thoughts and a basic plot outline for the beginning,. It's by no means all-comprehensive, but I hope it'll help lay things out and make it a little less confusing now that I'm not jugging both.
note: this project is very much intended to be 18+ in subject matter and tone. topics like violence, suicide, and abuse are going to be present.
open with the remaining six archangels reacting to the Archangel Gabriel's untimely demise at the business end of God's Revolver by his own doing. this is quite the pickle they're in. someone has to be the annunciator and furthermore, as god's unspoken-but-well-known favorite, he gets the biggest payout of love out of all of them.
michael and raphael have been responsible for making "born-again's" to pad out michael's legion, because sacrificing born angels especially in the era of humanity pushing back against angel infestations has become a contentious issue.
born-again's are when michael and raphael reshape an existing human soul and grant them angelhood. all so far have been exousiai (soldiers), but theoretically making an archangel should be possible, especially because they still have gabriel's essence.
welcome to the world the new angel gabriel, formerly Rubén Erendirani Cuini Dominguez. [existing character brought over from ea]. it is gradually made clear that he is here out of necessity, and the others aren't too keen on their new "youngest brother", especially because of the privileges offered by status of Annunciator. Michael, as the eldest, is especially bothered™️ about this, but michael's demeanor remains placid and unperturbed.
Gabriel is partnered with an elder cherub (Theophania), because they carry all the necessary knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of the job. advisor-esque position. previously, Theophania had been on the panel of cherubim that ruled appellate judgements on contested verdicts.
Gabriel slowly begins to endear both himself and humanity to Theophania. aha no aha dont go against your god-designed plan ahahaaa
God's been . quiet. since the gabriel incident. they're still receiving their Love in exchange for Passion, but the other archangels are none too happy about this, especially because, again, their newest baby brother is getting the most favorable payout. a decision is proposed to "downsize" gabriel's domain by reducing the amount of passion he's able to reap with a …mini-rapture. of sorts.
gabriel is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. he confides in Theophania, distraught that an existence he never asked to have may be responsible for so much death.
Theophania, a being of ultimate Reason and Logic, decides to do the only reasonable and logical thing. They steal the cherubim's relic, the Eye of God (not literal, may change name to avoid confusion), which contains the summation of all knowledge. They slam dunk that shit into their skull. Angels are like little computers that run on Love and Passion for the Father. this one just hooked itself up to the energy equivalent of a nuclear power plant. needless to say, things get messy. michael loses quite a few of his soldiers in the resulting kerfuffle, as well as a handful of angels from other choirs. fearing the compromising of their brood and Viable Spawning Population, the archangels call a truce. but there's going to be some changes for starters, they're withdrawing all unnecessary human assistance. sinners will still be punished, passion will be reaped, but if gabriel and theophania like them so much, they can handle their issues.
theophania will be Felled and trapped within a mortal body, but the condition is added that they cannot die. Dying offers too many loopholes to get out of the main point of the contract, which is: the moment theophania and gabriel decide to give up on humanity, the archangels will proceed with the initial plan.
theophania is to act as gabriel's agent on earth, and gabriel as their patron: aka, his ass is on the platter if they fuck up. theophania is armed with god's revolver and the eye of god, before being unceremoniously tossed down to earth in a new, achier form. welcome to the world, Sister Virtue
from here i think there should be some brief exploration more into the state of the world as it is. im going for a more soul eater/devils candy/etc esque situation where mythological creatures and beings mingle among humans and are more broadly recognized as like, organisms.
then a scene plays out where virtue gets caught up in the high-energy antics of Lacramioara, Leopold, Johnny, and Cross. Johnny Strings is the human contractor of Cross DeVille, a crossroads demon. she has a golden flame-spewing guitar that she rides like a witches broom. I haven't quite worked out cross' abilities yet, but something having to do with lines and intersections for sure.
Lacramioara Strigoi and Leopold Lupei are two of Michael's exousiai. they are also the oldest still-living ones. Lacramioara's weapon of choice is a shepherd's staff, with support from the shadowy tendrils tattooed over his body. Leopold wields a scythe, but his mass and beastly body plan serve as weapons just as well.
While they are not allies of Virtue by any means, they are also not enemies, and she regards them largely as annoying, out of control youngsters, since physically they're about half her age, and spiritually even more so. they think she's pretty cool, but lacramioara can't help herself when it comes to provoking auntie virtue regardless.
virtue gets the situation under control as far as collateral damage, but the two thieves (johnny and cross) get away, frustrating the two mercenaries. thats all i got as far as story/plot is concerned naturally im sure youre curious about the mentions of angel broods. and "born angels" . this is still being tinkered with naturally but brother we are about to get buggy with it. pulls out my whiteboard
by and large with the exception of those directly born of God (the archangels, christ also i guess(?) whatever this isnt about him rn) , angels are a species parasitic to humankind. they feed on Passion, and some of it is always saved and regurgitated back up for heaven-bound angels like the higher choirs and of course, God. in exchange, God gives them Love, which is directly necessary for stimulating things like joy, maintains the cooperative nature of the "hive", and a variety of other functions. they can live without it, but it sucks ass. severely. some efforts are being made on the dl to synthesize it, but these are only successful to varying degrees.
anyways, a large amount of the mythos around angels stems from their rather unusual reproductive cycle. two (or sometimes more) angels will inoculate a human host with their genetic material, forming the putto, a juvenile angel. these angels feed off of the passion for goodness of a virtuous person, and so will encourage their host towards these things when they're old enough to do so, something that has historically been understood as the classic "shoulder angel" or "conscience" or "holy spirit".
furthermore, in areas where angelic choirs are less secure in their territory, adult angels may occasionally keep watch over the new young and protect it, which has been interpreted as "guardian angels" across time. when the host dies, the putto then gorges itself on the lingering Passion and completes itself with dna material copies from the host, allowing them to emerge as a fully formed Angel. for those of the lower choirs, they often resemble the prior host, which is what has historically led to the misconception that human souls become angels when they die. they do not. that is simply an angel that has copied your loved one's face. it is entirely different from the Born Again's for higher choirs, they will continue to collect and harvest Passion before they cocoon themselves and metamorphize into their new form, which is standardized according to their function. this change is induced seemingly by the needs of their current community, and not decided by the choir of the angels that contributed to their initial genetic code continuing with the insect metaphor, you could say heaven serves as the "mother hive", but angels will form smaller outposts in various areas, usually with a seraph or two to serve as an intermediary with heaven. this position is the Bishop
naturally, upon the revelation that angels are just weird parasites, the christian world has been thrown into turmoil. the entire nature of the process isn't known still, and there's been a range of responses from some seeing being chosen for inoculation as the highest honor a believer can receive, to others looking for ways to potentially protect themselves from it. this opportunity has been capitalized upon by demons, since the best way to ensure you won't be a heavenly host is to be lacking in virtue.
angels view this as a betrayal of what they saw as a symbiotic relationship with mankind and the communities that worshipped them and their God, hence the general bitterness towards humanity expressed above. some angels even blame this change for why God went quiet, but no one knows for sure Michael plays a pretty big role, so as for what I have on him and the exousiai: Michael is the eldest archangel, as well as the head of its "army". He is responsible for protecting Eden, and handling the unpleasant jobs involving violence and viscera that angels frequently condemn in mankind, but are necessary for maintaining the grip on believers that allows them to harvest passion so efficiently.
Despite this, he doesn't really come across on a first glance as the military type; he's clean-cut, dresses fairly simply, and has a placid, almost demure manner. even when you're aware he may have less-than-upstanding intentions, it's hard to confront him on anything, because he maintains an air of plausible deniability and respectability that dissuades argument.
The nature of his work is inherently difficult. Driving out the initial dissenters, protecting the most vital parts of the "hive", and overseeing the culling of sinners or otherwise diabolical beings is one that is contradictory to the concept of all-encompassing love and mercy and forgiveness. for this reason, Michael suspects that God has been intentionally withholding Love, and that he, the eldest, is being robbed of what he's owed, but no matter how many times he asks, he never gets a response.
The Born-Again's is Michael's solution to the violent nature of the job and loss of angel life that resulted from it. Angels, by function of only emerging once their human host dies, but needing the host to be alive long enough to feed them enough Passion to properly develop, are very much a "slow-burn". Their lifespans are much longer, but when a legion can be picked off by a rampaging cherub, that sorta becomes irrelevant. And by nature of the job, constantly moving around and constantly in conflict, born exousiai themselves aren't particularly able to reproduce in a way that would help replenish those numbers. It wastes valuable time and energy and leaves them with an obvious point of weakness.
Remaking human souls, while it does take some time and effort, has been much more efficient, and allows him to experiment with different ways of improving that efficiency. The process is done in conjunction with Raphael, the archangel who rules over healing and doctors, because he is better at weaving the physical form.
What he's also found is that the human component also bypasses an issue angels face with such a job: Angels, by nature, are not particularly violent. God's Love induces ecstacy and fuels their passion, but it encourages a placid, communal temperment. While born exousiai would naturally have a stronger impulse towards such activities, they're more reactive to threats or large-scale sins than they are proactive in seeking it out. And all born angels have a natural tether to God that allows them to receive His Love.
Born - Again's, however, are entirely dependent on Michael distributing it to them, and human souls are much easier to train into efficient hunters, especially when they view him as a holy figure. Instead of a traditional army, they work more in function as bounty hunters, with each reaping earning a certain amount of Love, proportional to the worth of the sin. they're typically put into pairs, and those pairs are all incentivized to compete with one another.
And with further testing, Michael has found ways to encourage the lifestyle required for the job by remaking them in certain ways, hence the monstrous appearances of exousiai like leopold and lacramioara. they need to feed on flesh or blood, and ergo, are more likely to choose to go after sinful beings since the idea of eating innocents is inherently upsetting to such pious individuals Sin, by the way, is simply a different form of Passion; focused inward, instead of outward. It needs to be processed before it can be useful to angels, and so Sinful Souls are sent to Hell, where demons will eventually produce Passion as a byproduct. While they often butt heads, the two do come from the same initial place, and they are ultimately integral to the other's existence.
The way Michael selects viable souls to be Born Again often is similar to how Saints are beatified; they must show enough fervor towards God to be more easily persuaded into agreeing to it. Much like the Conception, Michael cannot act on a soul without explicit consent because of the extreme nature of the action. An unconsenting soul will reject the process too violently to produce anything.
In Lacramioara's case, it was the intensity of her love; in Leopold's, it was his devotion to justice. Once agreed upon, the soul is tethered to Michael so they can receive their payout (he will often offer them a symbolic representation of this covenant, such as a collar, or marking, or ring), and then violently reshaped in the image of his design.
Their original, human bodies become Incorruptible (and thus often become pilgrimage sites). After that, they're sorta thrown into the deep end with Michael's oversight, since he finds a good scare followed by positive feedback is the best way to handle the human mind. They'll need less and less oversight as they become more experienced.
Born - Again's are still very human in nature, even if their forms have changed. Vices, obsessions, fears, conditions both mental and physical; all of those remain, because all of those things are what push humans to seek God's Love in the first place. While they'll never technically be declared "sinners" by the functional immunity of their job, the dissatisfaction brought on by the human condition is what Michael relies on to keep them coming back for the next payday. It could be considered cruel, but he sees it as "If they never felt pain, they'd never know what joy feels like".
A lack of God's Love wont kill them, it's just an unbearable misery on top of the small miseries they accumulate every day of every year of every century. That's why he needs to include conditions like the need to eat human flesh: because otherwise, an ascetic like Leopold may just choose to put down his weapon and live a life of miserable peace. Monks love doing that shit.
He needs to make sure walking away isn't an option, and then reward them with something they could never get otherwise. Violence is an art, and he has it down to a science. Especially in a world like the one they live in now, where believers and forces both diabolic and celestial mingle, where the nature of belief is constantly changing, and where the idea of "blasphemy" is no longer enough to provide the passion needed to feed the hive.
It's for reasons like this he does nothing to curb the curse Lacramioara unwittingly left behind after her death: it really bumped those church attendance numbers up
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
Hey for the prompts...what about a Raphael AU Jane Eyre style. Hahaha like...but no for real. Raphael has Hope living in his freaking torture chamber and has an oblivious Tav/OC come stay with him for a time.
A/N: I watched the 2011 movie a long time ago and I had to look up wikipedia to refresh on some of the plot, so i decided to keep this short and simple. Not my greatest work but I hope it pleases you anon!
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The job description had been vague. Someone named Raphael was looking for a governess for a child under his care. The contract would last for a year and housing would be provided.
Of course, they didn’t expect that they’d be working in the Hells but the pay was good enough that Tav could brush it aside.
The child in question, Enver Flymm, was a strong headed teenage boy. The kid was smart, but he had a lot of anger on him. Too often, Tav would hear the two of them fighting.
Tav didn’t see the master of the house for most of the day. Sometimes, he’d call them to his room, ask about Enver’s progress but not more. Even then, Tav couldn't help but admire the devil from afar. Despite his nature, he was handsome, with strong features and a voice that could make even the foulest of blasphemies sound like the sweetest of songs.
It was after their first month living in the House of Hope that strange things began to happen. In the middle of the night, Tav would wake up to the sound of screaming and crying. Their things would be misplaced, and one time, Tav swore that they saw a small figure walking around, but it was too dark to figure out who it was.
Tav had had enough when they woke up to a note, scriobbled in dried blood saying "DON'T TRUST THE DEVIL. SAVE HOPE."
"That boy is probably pranking you." Raphael said, throwing the note in the fire. "I do not understand why you bring such a ridiculous worry to me."
Tav furrowed their brows. "I thought that someone could be trying to compromise the safety of your home. This isn't the first strange thing I've seen here but it was the most concerning."
Raphael leaned back in his chair, studying Tav. "And what else have you seen?"
"Well, for starters, there's a constant moaning that happens around the halls at night and they sound nothing like the debtors here." They continued with the rest of their complaints, Raphael only nodding along.
When they finished, he said "Do not worry about those. I will see that these...problems are fixed." He waved a hand. "You may leave now."
True to his words, the mysterious happenings around the house seemed to dwindle. In return, Tav started to see more and more of their master.
He started to be more present when Tav was teaching Enver, and often would call them for a drink or two at night. During their conversations, Tav would share details of their life and hopes for the future. Raphael would speak of his past conquests or show some of the writing he'd been working on.
In truth, Tav felt themselves becoming fonder and fonder of the devil, even if they had their doubts that the feeling was mutual.
A year had passed and Tav working contract was up.
"You have been of most importance here." Raphael said. "Under your supervision, Enver has made more progress than I would ever had expected, which is why I wanted to extended you work here."
He snapped his fingers and a contract appeared in front of them. It was almost the same as the one Tav had previously signed but with the only change being that now, Tav would be working there permantly.
They considered their options. The work wasn't that troublesome, the pay was good and Raphael had dealt with the problems in the house.
Besides, it would give them more time to know their master.
Tav held the quill, and leaned forwards, ready to sign their name when suddenly, a dwarven woman with light hair and tattos around her neck and face appeared, ripping the paper in half.
"You contemptuous creature!" Raphael waved his hand and the dwarf was gone. His face was scrunched with anger.
"Who...who was that?" Tav asked, frightened.
"There is no point in keeping this from you now." Raphael sighed. "That was Hope, Korrilla's sister. She was the one you listening moaning in these walls."
Tav felt disgusted. "And...is it true? That you've been keeping her imprisioned."
"Yes." He said. "I made her offer after offer and she still denied me."
"So you imprisioned her?!?" Tav questioned, taking a step back. A question hung in the air.
If they had denied Raphael, would the same fate had fallen unto them?
"Tav, I-" Before he could finish, Tav was gone.
The years passed, and Tav had tried to leave that behind, but sometimes, when the night was particularly lonely, they'd still hear the moaning of Hope. Other nights, they'd hear Raphael's voice, whispering sweet nothings in their ear.
More than a decade had gone by, the devil away from their thoughts.
All was well...until a nautiloid captured Tav, a mind flayer infecting them with a tadpole and once again, the devil found them.
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more-than-a-princess · 12 hours
2, 4, 6 and 8
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OOC RP topics meme - Accepting!
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2. drabbles
I like drabbles when they serve a function, mainly. Considering how much I tend to write in threads, some of those replies could be drabbles on their own! But I like drabbles that move the plot forward. Maybe it's covering a time when the muses are apart when I've plotted with the mun about their reunion later and we want to show what happened to them in the meantime (I can think of at least two ships where this has happened or will happen in the near future. RIP my other writing partners but that drabble series will take some time to do!). Or maybe it's a fully-realized scene from an ask that will play into a future thread.
But yeah, drabbles take time so I want to write them for a reason. But I love reading them! Fill my dash with your drabbles, especially if they accompany interactions my muse has with yours!
4. multiple people threads
If it's multiple muns in one thread, that's not my thing. It's too confusing to keep track of turns and replying to everyone.
Now, if it's multiple muses in a thread, such as my muse and multiple side characters/NPCs, I don't mind writing this. However, these replies tend to take much more time to write instead of an average thread reply. For me, these feel much more like writing fanfiction or original fiction work instead of roleplaying: multiple voices, actions, and personalities to play off each other while keeping in mind who the main character (presumably my muse) is, and sticking with their vantage point.
(I may be taking a break from one of these threads right now to do this meme! Shh...)
6. excessive ooc
No. I don't like seeing it, I don't want to see it, and I do take this into consideration when deciding to follow a blog.
Now, what counts as 'excessive?'
To me, it's the difference between sharing some Munday content (a meme, what you're up to, your reports from anime conventions where you may or may not have cosplayed because I love seeing other cosplayers who roleplay. I'm sitting on so much cosplay content I've never shared over here tbh!) and 'I just got back from work and this is what I'm having for dinner' every day.
I do like getting to know the muns behind RP blogs, especially if they're someone I write with often, but there's a limit. Personally, I'm not a fan of seeing OOC content every day that has nothing to do with your muse(s), fandom(s), or RP.
That said, the OOC content I'm least fond of isn't even necessarily excessive: it's when muns project all of their interests onto their muse and make them their muse's interests as well. It's the difference between the muse commenting on something the mun is engaging with OOC and the mun insisting that because they like this hobby, it's now the muse's hobby too. The latter just feels a bit too self-insert for me for comfort, but that's me.
For example: Sonia would never be a Bridgerton stan, despite it being a big love and fandom of mine. She would not be into all of these Rich People Problems when that's literally her life (also see: Downton Abbey, The Gilded Age, The Crown, etc.).
She would, however, be a fan of ACOTAR because of the heroines and morally gray love interests. Sonia would probably call Tamlin out on being a terrible partner in the first book, like Lucien save for the 'You're my mate' scene, and immediately decide Azriel is the Best Bat Boy for being the token Shadow Daddy.
(She is wrong about this because the least problematic of the Bat Boys is Cassian, and I still have some beef with him after recent book events)
tl:dr - Romantasy is goth and romance enough for Sonia to be a fan. She likes horror, anime, and romantic J-dramas, it's not too much of a stretch!
8. reblog karma
My take on this is a little complicated, please bear with me:
I feel like mutuals should engage in reblog karma with OOC/non-thread starter memes if they are questions they haven't asked a mun before and those questions aren't already being answered. They aren't creating anything new on your writing pile if it's already too high/intimidating and you're showing interest in your mutuals, that's a win-win! For long-time mutuals though, it can feel repetitive not to send in the same OOC questions about RP and/or their lives, so I understand if they don't want to send in something every time because they'll get the same response.
For IC memes, especially thread starters, I'm okay with people reblogging the post from source and not sending me anything. If a mun doesn't really know how any of the meme options would work with their muse or just doesn't have an interest in that particular meme with my muse, I would much rather have them reblog the meme without sending me anything than to send an ask for a thread they don't have any interest writing, just to fulfill reblog karma.
Dropping threads after one turn or not even replying to a starter? This annoys me much more than not fulfilling reblog karma ever could. Major pet peeve of mine, for the most part (uncomfortable content aside. This is a good reason to drop a thread!). Please don't do it.
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dadsquared · 10 months
Just some quick guidelines and rules to keep in mind when interacting with Wheeljack.
» No Godmodding → Please don’t try to control Wheeljack in any way, shape or form.  It is one of the few things that will make me drop a thread immediately.
» Semi-Selective → I generally only do threads with mutuals but I do make exceptions from time to time. Keep an eye open for starter calls open to everyone. My askbox is always open to anyone, however, so feel free to poke Wheeljack that way!
» Location → Please don’t assume your muse is in the same location as Wheeljack unless you ask first. With the multiverse in play, it’s just easier for me not to explain how Wheeljack winds up in every other universe. I love doing those types of threads but not ever other day, lmao!
» Asks → Askbox is always open! Generally, asks will be answered as if it’s an interaction over comms or over a console.
» M!A → I accept Magic!Anons on a case by case basis so feel free to send one in if you’d like. I always appreciate seeing them even if I decide not to do them!
» Shipping → I am open to shipping Wheeljack with other canon characters but please give my muse time to get know your character before you ask about shipping! And please, please don't take it personally if I say no.
» NSFW → No active smut on the blog, though I may link to drabbles that contain it. There may also be gore and varying levels of violence. Everything will be tagged, and if you’d like me to tag something specific, please feel free to tell me! I will happily tag something I’ve missed or forgotten.
» Starters → I generally do not do greeting starters for new followers and it’s hit or miss if I answer greeting starters from other blogs that I follow. It really depends on my current thread load and my energy. I do occasionally do starter calls, so keep an eye out for those and if you’d ever like a starter and have an idea for one, please feel to send in an ask!
» Replies → I am slow at replies. It can take me anywhere from a day to a week to get to my replies. My job keeps me busy and I’m usually very tired when I get home. If you think I’ve missed your reply, please feel free to poke me! I do miss things from time to time.
» Reply Length → I tend toward multi-paragraph replies, but please never feel like you have to match my length! One liners, short paragraph, dialogue only, monster long replies, it’s all good!
» Conflict → If you would like to RP some sort of conflict with Wheeljack, especially if it’s a physical fight or some sort of on-going conflict, please ask first and please be prepared to plot it out. This is to avoid misunderstandings, and to keep it fair and fun! :3
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risingsouls · 2 years
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[Small little PSA here:
I think I’m going to do a “soft reset” on this blog. The more I consider the move, the more “peace” it gives me with moving forward from being stuck in a big slump for a good while.
What does that mean? Good question. I’m not ENTIRELY sure what that will entail entirely, but here’s a few things I’ve considered:
I’m going to wipe my drafts. I may double check to see if there is anything in there that I REALLY want to keep going, but overall, I’m probably going to just delete all of them. It’s been so long that so many people have probably forgotten about the threads, so I’m not sure it will be that big of a deal, but I wanted to be transparent. If there is a thread I want to continue, I will reach out and probably reply to that. Eventually.
That said, I will likely keep anything that’s ongoing that I’m waiting on a reply for unless the other person tells me otherwise. I can only think of a few cases with @likesguyskakarot and @dragvnsovl that I have ongoing threads with currently, so I don’t think there’s much going on in that realm, but if you’re sitting on a thread you’re really wanting to continue (or discontinue! that’s fine too!) please let me know!
I think I’m going to also do a sweeping wipe of relationships as well and sort of start with a “blank slate” with most of my muses. Most of them don’t have any that are substantial, but just be forewarned if we’ve interacted a few times before and the next time my muse is like ??? at yours. THE EXCEPTIONS to this unless I’m told otherwise will be Nabooru’s relationship with @unboundpower‘s Gogeta, Turles with @synthetixviola, the multitude of stuff I have going with several muses and @likesguyskakarot, the relationship Nabs has going with @dragvnsovl​ ’s Geets (I’m also more than open to going forward with the thread with Tater and Raditz that took WAY too long to answer the ask for), and Gohan and Ninazu over with @kiealer​. If any of you want to drop any of these relationships and wipe the slate clean as well, I am perfectly fine with that, too! These are just the ones that have a lot of weight and development to them, so I would feel horrible just dropping those. If I’m forgetting any relationships I’ve forgotten that you want to keep, again! Please let me know!
I’ll probably try to find some memes to slowly begin getting more interactions started again soon-ish from plotting and starter calls to those sort “ice breaker” memes that set out what kind of threads people might want to do with my gaggle of goons.
This isn’t set in stone but I might get rid of a few muses. Probably not because when I think about it, I get too sad SO. Maybe I could do an interest tracker or something idk.
There might be more things that come down the line that I decide to do, but these are the ones that are more set in stone. I’m hoping this will help me get the ball rolling because I miss writing and doing shenanigans here.]
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reinhartroleplays · 2 years
I’ve been going back and forth on posting this because one, I’m not in the Hollywood group scene anymore and two, was it really worth my while to spend energy writing this? Ultimately, I decided with yes because I believe it’s important to know who is in your tags and why this group/this player is banned from most (if not all) groups and why it’s a constant merry go round with her.
I first met Lindsay in a Hollywood group and she seemed kind enough. She consistently praised my characters, messaged me to give compliments, asked to plot and I thought she was genuine. I thought nothing of the endless supply of nice words until I came across accounts with the same character…almost shockingly similar to mine. Tags were copied/reblogs were copied/and even plots were copied. I called her out on it, she apologized, and I thought we could move on. This happened for several years with not only me but other accounts. She’d always apologize, promise she’d never do it again…and then repeat the process. It seemed like she didn’t have an original bone in her body. Unfortunately, this was a time where the concept of “receipts” wasn’t a thing so I never took screenshots but there’s multiple members of the rpc that could back me up.
She’s been banned from multiple groups for either pressuring members to do pregnancy storylines (she seems to have an obsession with them), or making up fake histories just to give her character children or applies as a pregnant fc so she can play a pregnancy plot. In a Hollywood group I was an admin in, she requested a pregnancy plot and then we came to find out she had never even asked her partner for permission. She’s also been banned for inconsistent activity. She’ll join a group, make one starter, come back for ask memes, and then go inactive….and then repeat the process. She’s also aware she’s been banned from the groups and still tries to apply under an alias. Multiple Hollywood rp groups can also vouch for that.
And while this may not matter to some, it matters to me: she’s told a friend that she wouldn’t be interested in doing a f/f ship because she doesn’t play characters “that way”. She’s applied for openly bisexual characters and then claimed they “prefer men”. She’s made multiple posts about how she is “pro-life” and it’s apparent she’s a Trump supporter. Again - maybe not a big deal to anyone else but for me, that tells me exactly the kind of person she is.
Again - I’m not in this scene anymore. This really doesn’t effect me in one way or the other. But I just thought the community should know her history and the kind of person she has proven herself to be. Here is another PSA written about her. (Please note that in response to this PSA, the writer was blocked and then the original post was deleted rather than her owning up and apologizing)
Here are the aliases she normally goes by - Marie, A, L, M and she likes to apply mostly for Lili Reinhart face claims (a good majority of the Riverdale fcs), Sophie Turner, Selena Gomez, Zoe Sugg, Hilary Duff, Troian Bellisario, Lucy Hale, Gigi Hadid, etc.
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happiestplacehq · 1 year
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OOC Information
This was supposed to be a mini-event but it ended up more complicated, so we’ll just call it an event. First thing to note, as it has been brought up and I want to re-iterate, this event is not here for the sole purpose of shipping. It can be participated in as platonically or as romantically as you like.
Now that’s out of the way, the main thing is that if you wish to participate you must have your form submitted by Saturday 11th February in order to give me time to organise pairings and activities and send them out.
All fields must be answered in full. Please do not leave the activity suggestions blank or with an N/A. The form is self-explanatory, but if you have any questions about it let me know. It should be answered in character unless stated otherwise.
The event will officially begin on Sunday 12th February and will have 2 phases.
Here’s how to play the game:
Phase 1: Codenames, clues and partnering up. 12th - 19th (ish) February.
All CODENAMES and CLUES will be posted on the main after submissions close.
Your character is free to speculate on who they think each codename belongs to, but must not reveal their identity until they are asked to do so.
This means you can make starters, threads and inner thought posts in character during this phase. (If you really want to, you can post all of your character’s guesses
Once the guesses are in, the pair will be posted. I will put these names into a generator and assign partners at random.
Once the pairings are posted, it is then up to you to all to figure out who is who and who your partner is! You can have as many threads as you fancy figuring it out, but you must have one with your partner to begin the next phase.
It is everyone’s responsibility to reach out to their assigned partner to plot!
Phase 2: Activities. 16th (ish) - 28th February.
Before the activities begin, you may reveal your character’s codename to everyone. This is to ensure that everyone knows who their partner for the activities will be if they were unable to guess.
As with the pairs, I will randomly assign each pair an activity and post a list with the details.
Your activity will not have a lot of detail, so think of it more as a prompt.
It is then up to you to plot with your partner and decide what this activity will entail. 
As previously stated, they are not intended to only be romantic in nature. It is up to you and your partner to decide what happens at the activity. Go wild!
Some things of note:
Threads may continue after the allotted time periods, so don’t stress. The dates above are guidelines. However, if you agree to participate, you must make an active effort to reach out to your partner and get threads going. This is a team effort!
So that everyone can get in contact with the people they need to, please leave the blog you wish to be contacted on in the OOC sideblog when plotting begins. I know we all have a million blogs, so this is for ease of use for all participants.
Important Stuff
This event is optional.
Everyone can take part. Go wild!
Pairs and activities will all be posted on the main.
It is your responsibility to reach out to your partner. If you don’t think you can be active for plotting or making a thread with your partner, do not feel obligated to join for the sake of it.
Event starters may be posted during the time of the event, but not before or after. Threads can continue after the end date.
You can still post non-event related posts and starters with the usual tags.
If taking part, please make sure to reply to open starters and make some too!
Please tag all event starters with #happiestevent10 and the starter tag, and mark event conversations the same way so it is easier for players to see who is taking part.
Submissions will close on Saturday 11th February
This event will take place from Sunday 12th February to Tuesday 28th February OOC, but will last one day in character (14th February).
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samatedeansbroccoli · 2 years
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I posted 8,416 times in 2022
706 posts created (8%)
7,710 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,350 of my posts in 2022
#thebroccolitalks - 301 posts
#thebroccoliresponds - 184 posts
#hot damn op - 115 posts
#call of duty - 114 posts
#<< prev tags - 55 posts
#future ref - 46 posts
#thanks khushi! - 44 posts
#wow callout - 41 posts
#modern warfare - 25 posts
#hotd - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if it’s plot relevant then maybe a’s parents are pressuring them to have kids and b is like ‘nah we good without them’ and then a and b kis
My Top Posts in 2022:
This game is honestly such a gem
From Deadpool (2013) played by RabidRetrospectGames
70 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Soap: I made tea.
Ghost: I don’t want tea.
Soap: Not for you. This is my tea.
Ghost: Then why are you telling me?
Soap: ‘Tis a conversation starter.
Ghost: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Soap: But we’re conversing anyway. Checkmate.
76 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Likely to no one’s surprise, @/smokeywhalee / smokeyshawarma isn’t the person she says she is. I was going to stay quiet and let people choose their friends, but after I heard about all the people she’s wronged in the past, it’s no longer something I can ignore. Over the past year, Smokey has:
•Bullied others for their race
•Compared minute fandom problems to real racist political agendas
•Failed to properly credit using other’s ideas and words in her works
•Paraphrased other’s posts without acknowledging the original poster
•Ignored triggers and squicks of others
•Condemns others of vaguing but proceeds to do the same
And many, many more.
Although Smokey is no longer relevant to the Call of Duty fandom, what she has done to others surpasses the fandom. This is more than just about her. This is about those who’ve stayed quiet because they felt she had too big of a following to say anything.
To those that were affected, please add your story via a reblog. To those that weren’t, please listen to the voices of others.
It’s time we speak up like we should have long ago.
102 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
I won't waste your time: it's a scam. And as someone who participated in the contest on its debut and loved participating in it, this year's contest is nothing but a horror show waiting to happen.
If you don't want to know the reason behind it, that's all you need to know! Feel free to keep scrolling. If you'd like to know more about what's going on with Wattpad, please continue reading.
This post does not have a break due to the potential severity of the contest.
What is the Open Novella Contest?
The Open Novella Contest (ONC) is a yearly Wattpad event in which writers are tasked with writing a story between 20K-40K words in 12 weeks, basing their story around a set number of prompts created by Wattpad. For the past five years, the ONC has been received well among the Wattpad community, with tens of thousands participating. Some of the stories would later be sent/picked up by publishing companies, and with Wattpad's recent Premium update, authors are allowed to publish their stories through Wattpad.
So what's wrong with that?
Well, it should have been nothing. Previously, there was wrong with participating and having fun. This year, however, Wattpad decided they'd change the rules up, the first change being that mature stories are no longer allowed. Wattpad has always had strict guidelines regarding mature stories, and yet the platform is also a hotspot for mature stories. Previously, this was fine as long as it didn't break creative legal rules (ex. pornography) , This year, any mature story is likely to be disqualified from the contest.
But that's not the fun part, the publicity grant is:
Straight from Wattpad's rules:
Entry in the Contest constitutes permission for [Wattpad Corp.] Sponsor and its designees to use each entrant's and Prize Winners' Entries, as well as entrant's name, [Wattpad account] or other social media handle or ID, biological information, address (city and state) and likeness, for advertising and promotional purposes, in any manner, in any and all media now or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity, without further compensation, notification, or permission, except where prohibited by law and as otherwise provided herein. The preceding expressly includes, without limitation, any video associated with any winning Entry.
That's a lot to read, so let's break it down:
"Entry in the Contest constitutes permission for [Wattpad Corp.] Sponsor and its designees to use..."
By entering the contest, Wattpad and others associated with the contest can...
"...each entrant's and Prize Winners' Entries..."
Every entry is now Wattpad's and you don't have control over your own work.
"...as well as entrant's name, [Wattpad account] or other social media handle or ID, biological information, address (city and state) and likeness..."
Wattpad may use your real name (might not be preferred), your Wattpad name, your social medias, your birth date, your gender, your address, and all things needed to sign up for a Wattpad account...
"...for advertising and promotional purposes..."
Wattpad will use all of the above for "promotional purposes."
"...in any manner, in any and all media now or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity..."
Your name, address, social medias, and all others will be advertised freely and you'll have no control on which corners of the world it will reach.
"...except where prohibited by law and as otherwise provided herein."
If there's a law that will stop advertising, congrats. Your name, address, social medias, and all others won't get promoted there.
"The preceding expressly includes, without limitation, any video associated with any winning Entry."
Wattpad allows writers to add a video to your chapter which can help set the tone of the chapter. Basically, they're saying here that if you put Billy Joel's "Piano Man" with your writing, they don't care about the copyright. They'll still promote the story, which also breaks copyright rules in the music department. And if the company behind "Piano Man" decides to sue, the author takes the blow.
It doesn't stop there: let's talk Intellectual Property (aka copyright):
Straight from Wattpad again:
Each Prize Winner grants to [Wattpad Corp.] Sponsor and its designees the exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, sublicenseable right and license to use, perform, exhibit, reproduce, and/or otherwise exploit their winning Entry in any manner and in any and all distribution channels, venues or media no known or hereafter devised, without further notice or any compensation to entrant. The preceding grant of rights is subject to any rights retained by a social media operator in its social media platform. Each Prize Winner further waives any "Moral Rights of Authors" or similar natural rights of ownership they may have in user content. Each Prize Winner further agrees, upon Sponsor's request and without compensation of any kind, to execute any additional documents so as to effect, record, or perfect the grant of rights contemplated by this subsection.
By participating, entrants acknowledge that Sponsor may be working on or receive other Entries (or Sponsor's employees or third party independent contractors may create materials on their own), that are similar to identical in theme, format or other respects to that summited by entrant. By submitting an Entry, Sponsor does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to Sponsor or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than entrant. Sponsor shall not have any liability to entrant for any direct, indirect, contributory, vicarious, secondary or other infringement or protection of any copyright in or to entrant's Entry.
See the full post
109 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think it's important for people to see just where the bombings in Ukraine have taken place. Just to show that this is even bigger than I think most people outside of Eastern Europe realize.
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146 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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callmecatmantags · 2 years
Under the cut are some plots from old starters of mine that I wouldn’t mind revisiting.  Like if you’re interested in any and I’ll write you a starter.
1. Muse A has recently become a pros/titute for the thrill of it.  Even though they ever posted pictures with all of their face, Muse B recognized a mole of theirs and hired them.  A is surprised to recognize them, but sleeps with them anyhow.  If anything, it’s more exciting. 2. Muse A has been scrolling through their phone while Muse B was trying to talk to them.  B asks them for something inappropriate and A agrees, haven’t not actually listened.  Oh well, they do it anyhow. 3. In a moment of weakness, Muse A slept with Muse B.  Little did A know that B recorded it.  Now B insists they continue and have much of the power in the relationship, which A is actually into. 4. Muse A has a reputation of sleeping with anyone despite not seeming like the type otherwise.  Someone showed Muse B a video of A having se/x with them, proving it to be true.  B then finally asks A to sleep with them. 5. Muse A is married and their spouse wants to watch them sleep with Muse B. 6. Muse A decided to surprise their partner by putting on lin/ger/ie and a blindfold and waiting in bed for them. When they hear footsteps, they call out for Muse B to come have their way with them.  However, B is not their partner. 7. Muse A wakes up na/ked after a wild party, mostly remembering the great se/x they had with Muse B the night before.  They quickly realize that B is someone they shouldn’t have slept with, but... what’s wrong with another round at least? 8. Classic Muse A asks Muse B to take their vir/ginity.  B really should turn them down, but finds it sweet and agrees to help anyhow. 9. Muse A has noticed Muse B checking them out all night long.  When B finally leaves the room on their own, A follows to seduce them. 10. Muse A is drunk and has enjoyed two other people dancing with and touching them in increasingly inappropriate ways.  The trio leave to have a threesome. 11. Many guests are sleeping over at a house, but Muse A doesn’t care.  They are hor/ny and decide to make Muse B up for some fun anyhow. 12. Many people are in a house during a black out.  Muse A leaves the group to head to their room, where someone begins to touch them.  They assume it is their partner, but it is Muse B instead.  It feels good enough that A continues even when they realize who it is. 13. Muse A is ho/rny and decides to go to Muse B to seduce them. 14. Muse A finds something they can use to mind control Muse B and are eager to see how well it works. 15. Muse A was expecting their partner to return home, but a blizzard makes the roads undrivable.  Good thing A has Muse B to keep them company.  The two get closer than expected. 16. It’s the holidays and the house is full of family and friends while Muse A is busy preparing the food.  Muse B goes tot he kitchen claiming they want to help, but really they want a quickie. 17. Muse A is on the phone with their spouse while their lover is trying to have se/x with them. 18. Muses A and B live together, but B went out to party with friends.  A is worried about them and jealous that someone else may get their attention so they stay up waiting for them to return.  When B does come home, A is overwhelmed with the need to be close to them. 19. Muse A lost a bet and has to let Muse B take them out somewhere in an outfit of their choosing.  The outfit is se/xier and more revealing than they would normally wear, but that excites them. 20. Muse A has always had a crush on Muse B, but never said anything.  They two are at a masked costume party, which finally gives A the courage to hit on them.  B sleeps with A not immediately realizing how inappropriate it is. 21. Muse A has been asking Muse B out for a long time and is always turned down.  Eventually, B gives in and agrees to get them to stop, even though it’s inappropriate.  Yet B knocks on A’s door looking extremely se/xy, anyhow.  Maybe A decides to skip going out to enjoy having B all to themselves?
Themes of cheating, age gap, and taboo are encouraged for all of the above.
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lunarcovehq · 2 years
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I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know, Where I'm losing all control, ‘Cause there's magic in my bones, I-I-I got this feeling in my soul, Go ahead and throw your stones, 'Cause there's magic in my bones...
As the night draws to a close, a wave of relief begins to wash over the residents of Lunar Cove whom have almost made it through the night. But, with an hour left until sunrise, it is becoming abundantly clear that not all have been so lucky. 
The dead may have been brought back for one night only to visit the town that they used to call their own, but in order to stay, there were given strict instructions- they would have to kill another, so that they can live on in their stead- and some of the dead chose to take the mysterious person who brought them back up on the offer. 
Now, there are new residents in town. One of the resurrected is known by the name of Park Binna and is one of the 13 who were brutally murdered back in 1992. Another is Jonah’s cousin who died just over a year ago. And there are many more who made the choice to stay, by any means necessary. You may not realize in the coming weeks who is a resurrected and who is someone who recently moved to town. They will try their bests to hide their identities and avoid the council’s eyes and the consequences of breaking the accords. But, they are hiding in plain sight among you and are here to stay. 
This marks the final plot drop for the event, but rather than end the event today, we have decided to extend the event so that people can have more time to create event starters and play out their event threads. 
This means that we will not be reseting the starter rule. Please continue to respond to event related starters and post your own. If you would like to resume your normal threads and create new ones that aren’t event related, feel free to do so, but we do ask that you avoid making any non-event related/aftermath of the event related open starters for now. We will check in later in the week to see when you’d all like us to reset the starter rule, but for now, we want the current starters we have and event starters to receive as much love as possible.
We will still be accepting and if you would like to bring in a new character in the midst of the chaos please feel free to do so. Just know that as we mentioned before, it is Halloween and so acceptance may be delayed by a few hours until all three admins can review all of the apps.
With this plot drop, there is also an opportunity for all of our current players to apply as a resurrected from this specific event. They can be one of the thirteen or they can be connected to another character’s backstory etc. and unlike our typical resurrected that can be found here who are brought back from a typical necromancer, these resurrected were brought back by an ancient spell dating back to that of the Reapers meaning that they will have all of the same abilities of a typical resurrected (be able to see the dead/anyone in the astral plane at all times without being able to communicate with them etc.), but these resurrected can also be vampires as well as any other species. Their lives will still be tied to the witch who brought them back (who they do not know nor would they be able to recognize - more to come on this in future events). And they will also have the added ability of death empowerment meaning that these resurrected will become stronger when being around any recently deceased or after having killed.
We know there will likely be questions on the above, so feel free to reach out if you are interested in applying as a resurrected and have fun!
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animasend · 1 year
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   always knew there was some funky down in that hole a hole is never just a hole but! this post is gonna sorta be like....an info post and interest check in one? not going to do a starter call (yet bc knowing me i may make one later) but if you like this then i’ll probably slide into your dm’s bc this requires planning and i am an absolute fool for planning fun creatures and traps and chaos! most of this will be under read more just so it’s not a big scroll on the dash
    the way i want to approach this is like. okay a hole has layers like an onion and i want to throw olga into each one bc why the hell not.  anyways the progression would be JUNGLE -> FANTASY -> SEA -> SPACE. starting with the jungle first because she’s an adventure novel fan and it would be both fun and funny for her to critique the traps and get caught in them! and space is last because gestures to the alien and horror (my personal fave but i gotta work her up to that).
 below you’ll find just some ideas for each area, her abilities and how enemies will scale to that, role in typical dungeon format, and other things
jungle. i want the whacky shenanigans. the caught in traps. the ‘ who made this a five year old can figure this out’. the running from a boulder. the complaining about the heat and just having a jolly good time while probably being chased by a monster or two. like i’m talking i will draw inspo from tom//b raider and un//charted for this okay but with more comedy because i have SO many ideas for traps 
fantasy. honestly i just think she needs to blow up some creatures. do some fighting. get some catharsis in that way. she’s more used to ‘fantasy’ type things (a mage herself so magic). i probably won’t make a fantasia form for her to use just because i love the idea of a human (?) stuck in some fantastical mess. do you want to fight a dragon but to the tune of do you want to build a snowman
sea. considering olga lives by the ocean and swims alot and uses her cosmogills alot she’s somewhat used to underwater things but not as a mermaid. yes she will be a mermaid i am making my mermaid au come true here. i will probably draw this too but ANYWAYS. do you want to fight a kraken maybe some mutant sharks what about hiding in a sunken pirate ship from enemies
space. oh boy. oh boy. okay shoving everything u-chan aside (bc that’s certainly a Sore Spot for her) she’ll be the most tense here. because not only is it an abandoned space station where the slightest move can kill her, there’s also the alien creature who. i have Ideas for. and also olga doesn’t relish the idea of being hunted and having to hide against smth that has an advantage over her!! as a warning in advance, i love horror and have seen so many horror movies in space so i will do my best to make it scary as hell
now as for olga and her powers, she’d probably be classified as a DPS role (if you play xiv think of black mage). she does have some defensive and healing capabilities but best suits the damage dealing so she can be something of a jack of all trades! barriers strong enough to withstand attacks from Servants, runestones and being able to inscribe runes onto things, also a cool sword she can finally use, and her throwing meteors though that’s. as a last resort! she’s also pretty intelligent and really good in noticing another’s physical condition and getting them to rest before they realize it themselves. as someone who has read plenty of adventure novels, she’s also got a keen eye for noticing traps in the jungle so that’s a little bonus stat!
as stated above, this is mostly an interest check to plot things out because this does require that but also with a little bit of yolo because unless deciding otherwise, i will be using the wheel to randomize everything. including the chests. we will be winging it and praying gacha jesus i mean rng jesus helps us
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These will make things so much easier for everyone involved. Please read these, and understand that any steps outside of the boundaries made in these rules are grounds for being blocked. With no warning, no explanation, and no remorse.
1. I am very open to shipping! Please do not come to me expecting to ship without discussing it with me, first. I will most likely say yes! I just want some heads up that you’re interested.
I will usually say if I am interested in a ship. This does not mean that I am forcing a ship, simply letting someone know that I am open to and interested in that ship.
Shipping With Me Info Meme
OCs and crossover characters are welcome to try and ship but do not just jump in expecting a ship. Desired characters to ship with will be listed on their shipping calls, but I will never, ever force a ship. That being said, I love shipping and will most likely be into it! Just let them have some time.
I do not have exclusive ships and I will ship with multiples of each character. I do have mains, however. Please be aware of this.
2. HEAVY warnings for: Gore, blood, canon-typical violence, monsters, religious themes, trauma, PTSD, regressive coping mechanisms, mental/physical/sexual abuse, unhealthy relationships, drug use, alcohol use, witchcraft, cannibalism, supernatural horror, eating disorders, age gap ships, body horror, death, guns/weaponry, gaslighting, victim blaming, non/dubcon, nonconsensual recording, cruelty, animal cruelty, animal death, coercion, homophobia, racism, fantasy racism, fantasy body horror, mentally ill muses, mental health.
Know that I will not limit myself or my muses in any way if not asked by a specific partner. I will not write rape on this blog, though it can/will be talked about if it happens. Everything is tagged with cw -tag-. If you need something tagged I will tag it happily, just let me know. 
I may forget catch-all tags because I have a memory disorder that makes remembering hard. Please be patient with me and let me know if I forgot to tag something!
ANY HATE that I get is going to be deleted. I am not going to tolerate it on this blog. If you dislike what I write, simply go elsewhere. I will block people that overstep my boundaries, I’d like for you to do the same.
My NS/FW tag is (NSFMutation)
For anything else: Please tell me and I will tag whatever you need me to! Just a reminder that I’m not a monster, and I will happily tag whatever is needed. Also, you are always free to ask about what things I tag! I will happily get you a list!
3. If you have an OC, I need to know about them. I would prefer an image and written bio, but at least tell me about them and their relation to my character. Unless you have a good backstory and discuss it with me, no family of them that aren’t canon, please.
5. I have decided to write smut on this blog provided my partner is okay with it. I only talk/plot over DM, I do not rp there. If you cannot do Discord we will figure something else out. I do participate in Sexual Sunday and Hump Day, so Sundays and Wednesdays my memes will be of the horny variety all day.
6. If you have read these rules please say ‘Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.’
7. Please understand that they are at least somewhat canon-divergent.
8. PLEASE no minors. If I follow you and you are a minor, please let me know. I do not have anything against you, but I am not comfortable rping with underage kids as I am over 30.
9. I operate under “reblog karma” rules. If I reblog a meme from you, I will also send at least one ask from said meme to you. I ask that you do the same for me. If you reblog from me constantly and never interact, it is an instant block.
10. Due to an influx in personal blogs following and not knowing rp blog etiquette: I do not mind if personals follow me. I do not mind if you like my threads. But do not reblog my rps, and do not like my starter calls. I understand that you like the gifs and that is fine, but do not interact with my starter calls. It messes up my bookkeeping system.
11. I have the right and ability to block anyone for any reason. Do not come to me about it. Do not block evade. Do not send your friends after me. I only hardblock, I never softblock.
12. Do not bring drama to my doorstep. I don’t care. I don’t want to be involved. I’m not going to be involved in any kind of call-outs, or any slandering of anyone. I do not condone bullying or harassment. If this applies to you and you do these things, do not interact. Only I decide who I will and won’t interact with.
I have never experienced a callout post that had any factual evidence to it. If I am interacting with an actual predator of some sort and you have actual proof DM me about it. This goes double for minors lying about their age. These are the ONLY exceptions to this rule.
13. I am semi-selective and mutuals only. Due to some recent-ish events, I have decided to become mutuals only. This is because people keep following me and breaking their own DNI. Semi-selective here means that I will write with almost anyone, but I don’t accept one-liners unless it’s a crack thread.
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sxlcst · 2 months
starter for: females muse: grey forsythe ( private first class officer. ) plot: our muses have just made it inside a bunker fleeing from a massive kaiju which is decimating cities and wreaking havoc across the country destroying and killing people in its path. the kaiju is a monster the government is calling ' godzilla '. the kaiju could be targeting specific people related to a certain project that had awoken the creature.
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rumbling would continuously be felt through the ground followed by civilians screaming up top on the surface and the ferociously loud roar that echoed. grey having lost his squad to the creature had managed to take a civilian with him to a bunker close by he was attempting to radio anyone nearby but there was no response except for static which only caused grey to feel a sense of panic followed by dread believing it was just going to be the two of them. grey was under orders to protect the civilian he was with and not have them be mixed in with the grounds as it seemed the reptilian beast was purposely going out of its way to kill certain people as it had been information relayed to him from his commander who was no longer living anymore. setting the radio down he then removed his jacket and sighed while his head felt heavy with panic and stress not knowing how they were going to be able to get out of this situation. serious narrowed eyes would then shift over towards the civilian as he stared at her when subconsciously the wicked horrid thought had crossed his mind that perhaps ending her right here and now would save the lives of many however he shoved that thought out quickly and would make the effort to try and understand why was the creature was after her.
" hey. " he said before pausing with his voice trembling from his experience of witnessing devastation. " what's your name? ma'am are you injured or hurt do you need medical assistance? " he wasn't a nurse but he had some training. right now grey needed to focus on the mission by keeping her safe even if it was a difficult task as he was blind not knowing what exactly was happening up top. " look i figure we're safe here. we just wait it out until godzilla either gets bombed to oblivion or it retreats back to its habitat. " thinking the possibility that there was a chance the creature could be stopped or that it may give up and decide to leave. draping his jacket over the back of the chair. " still puzzles me why he was targeting certain people like you. " his eyebrows furrowed together with his jawline then clenched up before his eyes then lowered down to the floor averting away from her face.
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quirkthieves · 3 months
note: this project is very much intended to be 18+ in subject matter and tone. topics like violence, suicide, and abuse are going to be present.
open with the remaining six archangels reacting to the Archangel Gabriel's untimely demise at the business end of God's Revolver by his own doing. this is quite the pickle they're in. someone has to be the annunciator and furthermore, as god's unspoken-but-well-known favorite, he gets the biggest payout of love out of all of them.
michael and raphael have been responsible for making "born-again's" to pad out michael's legion, because sacrificing born angels especially in the era of humanity pushing back against angel infestations has become a contentious issue.
born-again's are when michael and raphael reshape an existing human soul and grant them angelhood. all so far have been exousiai (soldiers), but theoretically making an archangel should be possible, especially because they still have gabriel's essence.
welcome to the world the new angel gabriel, formerly Rubén Erendirani Cuini Dominguez. [existing character brought over from ea]. it is gradually made clear that he is here out of necessity, and the others aren't too keen on their new "youngest brother", especially because of the privileges offered by status of Annunciator. Michael, as the eldest, is especially bothered™️ about this, but michael's demeanor remains placid and unperturbed.
Gabriel is partnered with an elder cherub (Theophania), because they carry all the necessary knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of the job. advisor-esque position. previously, Theophania had been on the panel of cherubim that ruled appellate judgements on contested verdicts.
Gabriel slowly begins to endear both himself and humanity to Theophania. aha no aha dont go against your god-designed plan ahahaaa
God's been . quiet. since the gabriel incident. they're still receiving their Love in exchange for Passion, but the other archangels are none too happy about this, especially because, again, their newest baby brother is getting the most favorable payout. a decision is proposed to "downsize" gabriel's domain by reducing the amount of passion he's able to reap with a …mini-rapture. of sorts.
gabriel is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. he confides in Theophania, distraught that an existence he never asked to have may be responsible for so much death.
Theophania, a being of ultimate Reason and Logic, decides to do the only reasonable and logical thing. They steal the cherubim's relic, the Eye of God (not literal, may change name to avoid confusion), which contains the summation of all knowledge. They slam dunk that shit into their skull. Angels are like little computers that run on Love and Passion for the Father. this one just hooked itself up to the energy equivalent of a nuclear power plant. needless to say, things get messy. michael loses quite a few of his soldiers in the resulting kerfuffle, as well as a handful of angels from other choirs. fearing the compromising of their brood and Viable Spawning Population, the archangels call a truce. but there's going to be some changes for starters, they're withdrawing all unnecessary human assistance. sinners will still be punished, passion will be reaped, but if gabriel and theophania like them so much, they can handle their issues.
theophania will be Felled and trapped within a mortal body, but the condition is added that they cannot die. Dying offers too many loopholes to get out of the main point of the contract, which is: the moment theophania and gabriel decide to give up on humanity, the archangels will proceed with the initial plan.
theophania is to act as gabriel's agent on earth, and gabriel as their patron: aka, his ass is on the platter if they fuck up. theophania is armed with god's revolver and the eye of god, before being unceremoniously tossed down to earth in a new, achier form. welcome to the world, Sister Virtue
from here i think there should be some brief exploration more into the state of the world as it is. im going for a more soul eater/devils candy/etc esque situation where mythological creatures and beings mingle among humans and are more broadly recognized as like, organisms.
then a scene plays out where virtue gets caught up in the high-energy antics of Lacramioara, Leopold, Johnny, and Cross. Johnny Strings is the human contractor of Cross DeVille, a crossroads demon. she has a golden flame-spewing guitar that she rides like a witches broom. I haven't quite worked out cross' abilities yet, but something having to do with lines and intersections for sure.
Lacramioara Strigoi and Leopold Lupei are two of Michael's exousiai. they are also the oldest still-living ones. Lacramioara's weapon of choice is a shepherd's staff, with support from the shadowy tendrils tattooed over his body. Leopold wields a scythe, but his mass and beastly body plan serve as weapons just as well.
While they are not allies of Virtue by any means, they are also not enemies, and she regards them largely as annoying, out of control youngsters, since physically they're about half her age, and spiritually even more so. they think she's pretty cool, but lacramioara can't help herself when it comes to provoking auntie virtue regardless.
virtue gets the situation under control as far as collateral damage, but the two thieves (johnny and cross) get away, frustrating the two mercenaries.
thats all i got as far as story/plot is concerned, aside from other backstories!
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