#i loved how crosshair stopped every time omega told him no violence
crosshairslongasslegs · 3 months
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protective brother activated
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skellymom · 12 days
Hey Skelly
You're taking requests? Oh I'd love to ask for one.
Could you please do a one-shot involving a reader and Hunter after Omega gets seriously injured on a mission (Bad enough to wind up in a Bacta Pod) and the reader has to comfort and reassure Hunter that Omega will be OK?
tysm, GenericFicer Hugs
@genericficerblog NICE! Another ASK!!! Thank you!
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The Bad Batch Hunter x Reader One Shot
Per more information (not included on this particular message):
So the reader is a male battle medic. It's all platonic The reader was a medic on Kamino. He had taken care of Omega after particularly bad tests (She has the scars to prove it) and he's protective of Omega because of her past with the Kaminoans
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Star Wars canon violence, angst, swearing, explosion, physical injuries, coma, mention of human experimentation by the Kaminoans.
I was tasked to hang back with Omega and Tech on board the Marauder. Hunter EXPRESSLY ordered us to stay put. His thinking was to only bring the members necessary for the job: Hunter at the head of the group, Echo next to him and to share logistics on comm with Tech, Wrecker as the “heavy”, and Crosshair as lookout/cover fire. 
The job was technically low risk...but Hunter started having those “feelings” of his just before landing at our target.  
Omega protested when he told her to stay on the ship. She had been looking forward to going on a mission for awhile. Many a time she stayed behind on Pabu with Shep and Lyana. Since her rescue from Tantiss, Hunter was dead set against her going on any dangerous missions. 
Hunter’s words were “You’ll have plenty of time to fight with the Rebellion in the future. Won’t stay young forever.” 
She bristled at those words. Then forgave him immediately after. 
They LOVE each other so much! 
But ever the doting dad, Hunter relented this time. She had eventually wore him down. 
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Oh...getting ahead of myself...who am I? 
Hello. I’m Y/N. The Squad Formerly Known as Clone Force 99’s Medic/Backup Heavy/Or Whatever They Need Me For. I can patch up just about ANYTHING with the bare minimum of supplies. Sometimes my methods are unorthodox, per Tech’s opinion, but effective.  It’s saved our butts a few times. So, they let me come along on every mission. 
Plus, having known and taken care of Omega while on Kamino helped. 
And the fact that Crosshair took a liking to me immediately sealed the deal. We both speak fluent sarcasm. 
But...back to the mission... 
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“What’s taking SO LONG?” Omega fidgeted in her seat. 
“My guess it is due to Hunter detecting an anomaly, they are taking their time.”  
Tech and I were attempting to play a few rounds of Sebacc. I’m HORRIBLE at it. He thinks he can help me improve my game. I’m struggling currently. 
“Safety first. No need to rush into trouble...especially since we seem to find it easily enough.” I threw down my cards. 
Tech glanced at them and frowned.  
“I totally messed up that hand too, huh?” 
“Well, it’s not a strategy I would have used...” Tech trailed off. 
“You’re being too nice.” 
“Shall I explain in detail the best plan of action for this hand?” 
“Can’t stop you. Just infodump me anyways. Maybe I’ll retain SOMETHING this time.” I LOVE to tease Tech. It was difficult in the beginning. Most of it just went over his head. 
This time, he just grinned at my cheekiness and launched into it. 
Omega continued to fidget in her seat behind us. 
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“...and THAT is why you should have held onto those cards until the end.” Tech finally finished his tutorial. 
“I... THINK I got all that? My brain hurts now. How ‘bout I switch with Omega.” 
“That will be sufficient.” Tech looks up and glances behind me. 
Then his face froze. 
I quickly swung around to see Omega missing from her seat. 
“OMEGA???” I called through the ship.  
“Oh SHIT!” 
“INDEED!” Tech immediately radioed Hunter that Omega slipped out of the Marauder and is probably enroute to them. 
I grabbed my med pack and ran out of the Marauder before he could stop me. 
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Omega used to sneak away A LOT on our previous missions. Probably one of many reasons why he wanted to keep her back on Pabu until she matured a bit more. Of course, he feels guilty...the Kaminoan’s keeping her locked up in their home world. He didn’t want to clip her wings.  
“TOLD YOU to stay on the ship!” Hunter’s voice fills my ear comm. 
“I can’t just assume that Omega finds you somehow and is safe.” 
“Don’t need ANOTHER person in danger. Go back to the ship.” 
“Well...is Omega with you?” 
“She SHOULD have been by now...AND I’m NOT going back.” 
Hunter’s tired sigh. “Well, then... 
He never finished his sentence. 
A flash of intense light... 
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I awoke thirty feet away from where I was standing. On my back. 
My head hurts...all I can hear is high pitched whine in both ears. 
Sit up dazed and look around at EVERYTHING obliterated and on fire. 
Torn remains of whatever was left of the trees and outbuilding I was near... 
...two small legs sticking out from under smoldering wreckage. 
I lurch up to my feet and limp over. Grab the unidentifiable thing crushing Omega and try to pull it off her. 
It’s not budging. I frantically keep trying. There's NOTHING else in this world except me and this huge THING on top of her that I cannot seem to move. 
Sweating, my hands are raw, my eyes are wet, there is blood dripping down my face... 
Is it lacerated? Could it be my eardrums are ruptured? I don’t know.  
Push, pull, kick... 
Then the wreckage flew off her like it weighed nothing at all. 
Wrecker is next to me. He freed Omega and put a hand on my shoulder. Hunter grabs her up. Echo is trying to speak to me. 
But I can’t hear anything at all. Just that damned whining in my ears.  
I can lip read though... 
He’s telling me to get back to the ship. 
Echo runs ahead with Hunter.  
Crosshair grabs my arm, dragging me along. He looks extremely worried. 
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Whatever happened or if we even achieved our objective, I don’t know. 
Hunter sets Omega down on a bunk. He’s beside himself emotionally.  
I can feel the Marauder take off world.  
My hearing is still impaired, but the whining is less pronounced. 
I gently nudge Hunter aside and open my med kit. Pull out the bacta...but it won’t be enough... 
...she needs a tank. Her burns and lacerations are too numerous and severe. Still breathing and regular heartbeat, but unconscious.  
I am doing the best I can with what supplies are on hand. Putting her prognosis out of my head for the time being. 
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We make a pit stop at a Rebel Base on a hidden moon. One with an extensive medical facility.  
Echo radioed ahead. As soon as Tech lands, the staff enters the ship and whisks Omega away. Hunter and Wrecker run after them. Echo runs in another direction...I’m assuming to report his intel to the Rebels. 
I stand at the bottom of the gangplank and watch them leave.  
Tech stares at me strangely.  
I shrug...and a horrible twinge of pain erupts from my upper back. My face feels sore too. 
Crosshair mumbles something. 
“WHAT???” I must be screaming but can’t hear anything. 
He mouths “your back” and points.  
I try to reach behind me to feel it.  
Tech grabs my hand and nods “no”. 
They both immediately took me to medbay. 
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I’m treated for multiple facial lacerations, on top of first-degree burns. Missing some of my eyebrows. And, like I guessed bilaterial ruptured eardrums. 
Oh...and the kicker: A 12-inch piece of metal sticking out of my back. Had NO idea it was there.  
Adrenaline is a HELL of a hormone. 
Tech left to confer with Echo over intel and our next move. 
Crosshair stayed with me during the surgical removal of the metal. I demanded to be awake and requested a mirror to watch the whole procedure. 
The doctors were horrified but complied with my request. 
Crosshair held the mirror. He also asked to keep the metal once removed...to frame and hang up back on Pabu. 
“You're NOT like the other kids.” I quip. 
“Neither are you.” he winks. 
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They won’t let me walk out of medbay. It’s the sedatives and painkillers, of course. I wouldn’t let me walk, either.  
Crosshair pushes me in a hover chair. We head over to the bacta tanks to check on Omega. 
She’s stripped down to a medical binder and med panties. Tubes to feed, breath, and eliminate. Floating in the tank, the extent of her injuries is very apparent: Second degree burns, multiple lacerations, a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a head injury. Her hair had been clippered off entirely for cleanliness and most of it was charred.  
Omega was also put in a medically induced coma to aide her recovery. 
Hunter, sitting in a chair, has his arms around the bacta tank. He’s basically hugging it with his forehead resting snugly against the glass. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go. Blame myself.” He mumbles. 
Wrecker puts a hand on his back for comfort. “She’ll be ok Hunter. They said we got her here in time.”   
Then he looks shocked when he sees my face. 
“OH MY MAKER! Where are your EYEBROWS?” 
Still can’t hear very well, but I can DEFINITELY lip-read Wrecker. 
“Look what medical pulled out of him!” Crosshair proudly dangles a clear plastic bag containing the metal shard. 
Wrecker is transfixed. 
Hunter is devastated. “I MISSED that??? Didn’t even register you were injured...looked right at you...” 
Like a man lost and questioning EVERYTHING. His focus had been solely on Omega. 
“Aw...they couldn’t kill me. Don’t think I’ll be attracting any ladies with my perpetually surprised look though.” Trying to lighten the mood. 
“You can’t hear ANYTHING, can you?” Crosshair looks me in the eye. 
“You’re so LOUD.”  
“You should talk, Wrecker.” Crosshair sneered. 
“That’s how I know!” Wrecker rolled his eyes at his brother. 
Hunter looked even more guilty, hanging his head. 
“Hey guys...” 
Wrecker and Crosshair stopped whinging at each other. 
“Can I have some time alone with Hunter?” 
They both nodded and wandered off to find Echo and Tech. 
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I nudge the chair over closer to Hunter and look at Omega through the glass. 
She’s so tiny in that big tank. So beat up and bruised. The lighting in the tank leaves NOTHING hidden. Even the old scars from her time on Kamino. The “experiments” according to the Kaminoans. Things they did to her before her brothers took her away.  
Things she never really spoke about with even Hunter. 
Things I only know about since working so closely at the facility on Kamino. A little girl who needed someone to comfort her. This was before her brothers were ever aware of her presence. 
“Her prognosis is very good, yes?” I broke the ice. 
“The docs say she’ll have to spend close to the next month in this tank.” Hunter’s voice cracked. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“I knew better! Why is it SO HARD for me to say no to her???” 
“Because you love her. You know she’s strong. You also know she’s still a child. If it makes you feel better, she snuck out ALL the time on Kamino. The Kaminoan’s would ask me to go look for her constantly.” 
“More of an argument to have left her on Pabu.” 
“You REALLY want to be at fault, huh?” 
“I’m responsible for...” 
I cut him off. 
“YOU CAN’T CONTROL EVERYTHING, HUNTER!” I winced. Moving too much with my exasperation. The sutures on my back were straining...and wet. 
Hunter stood up, glancing at my back. He could smell it. 
“Strike through?” I asked. 
“Yeah...just a little blood. You need to lie down and rest.” 
“That’s gonna be hard. Not supposed to lay on my back...and my face isn’t going to feel great against the pillow. How about I just stay sitting in this chair with you?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to leave her alone while she’s in this tube.” 
"Thank you. Honestly...I should say that more often. Y/N...you've really saved our butts a lot of times...I'm grateful to have you in our squad...family." Hunter cracked a small smile.
"Of course! Man...you are MY PEOPLE!" I beamed back. They really are. I'd go to the ends of the universe for every one of them!!!
Hunter's smile was so warm and genuine. But it lasted very briefly. His face became pensive again.
He was silent for a while...thinking. 
“Technically she’s asleep? Is that what a coma is like?” Hunter asked. 
“Kind of. The doctors are monitoring ALL her vitals constantly. And if anything is off, they can immediately see to her needs. Besides, the coma is just for the next 24-48 hours due to her head injury.”  
“I see.” 
“She’ll come through this. You clones were made to withstand a LOT of physical trauma. Stuff that would kill a regular human.” I added. 
“It’s not necessarily the physical stuff I’m worried about.” Hunter motions to the faint old scars on Omega’s body. “When she does wake up...she told me she has fears about being in a tube like an experiment.” 
“Tell her she has nothing to fear.” 
Hunter looks at me strangely. 
“People in a coma can still hear. Talk to her, Hunter.” 
He nods. Then directs his voice to the speaker on the bacta tube. 
I sit back and relax in the chair, watching this man...a brother, a parental figure speak to his child. 
He’s doing the best he can with what he has. 
We are all doing the best we can... 
...hanging on with HOPE. 
It’s the only thing holding the galaxy together right now... 
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purplefangirl42 · 6 months
I see you've done Sheriff Hunter before and I'd love to see a bit where he gets shot in some fool hardy shootout and the reader has to convince him to let them help him 😁😁😁😁
Thank you!
Thanks for the request! I'm sorry this took so long and hope you can enjoy this as a holiday surprise! It ended up being way longer than I originally intended. It is a continuation of the previous Sheriff Hunter piece I did before! Divider by saradika
Tags: Western AU, slight angst, gun violence, injury and death mentions
Things after your accidental trek across the desert were much less exciting. You decided to settle down in the town that you had ended up at in your travels, not wishing to go any further and risk another incident. You had been sad to see your friend go, but were happy that she and her family were moving onto better things.
Over time, you developed relationships with the people in town and started to become part of the community. The Sheriff and his family welcomed you with open arms every time you stopped by to visit them. The youngest, a girl named Omega, was overly fond of you and loved to tell you stories of how things were before you arrived.
However, every time the subject veered in the direction of their missing brother, who’s name you had learned was Crosshair, Hunter would change the subject and ask Omega to talk about something else. It seemed that he did not want to speak about this wayward brother in any capacity, especially with Omega around. One day, when she was off playing with other children from town, you approached him to talk about it.
“I know you don’t like to discuss what happened with Crosshair, but I thought maybe you could get a little bit of closure if you talked about it to someone that doesn’t already have an opinion formed on the matter.”
Hunter leaned back in his chair and sighed, running one of his hands down his face. While he had never told you specifically to leave the subject alone, only diverting the conversation when Omega brought it up, you had the feeling that he wasn’t keen on talking about it at all. Even with you.
“I get that there is a lot of pain behind what happened,” you continued. “But letting it fester and refusing to talk about it will not make it go away.”
“He made a choice to join a bad group of people,” Hunter said. “We tried to talk him out of it and he refused to listen. That’s all there is to it.”
You raised your eyebrows in disbelief. That didn’t seem like something that would cause the reaction it normally did. There had to be more to it than that, he just wasn’t telling you.
“So you just left him behind? Washed your hands of your own brother and gave up on him?”
Hunter sat up straight, a scowl covering his features at your accusation.
“Of course not!” he said with a raised voice before lowering it to speak again. “We tried to help him. But he’s a stubborn bastard and there is no changing his mind once it’s made up. Believe me, I’ve known him his entire life. Once his decision is made, that’s it. Not even Wrecker could get through to him and those two were closer than any of us.”
Sensing that you had crossed some boundaries, you held up your hands in surrender and backed away from him.
“I’m sorry, I never should have said that. I know you would never do something like that. I was simply trying to get some answers.”
“Why do you care so much?” Hunter asked.
“Because I see the sadness in your eyes everytime Omega brings him up,” you said. “You miss him. I know it.”
Hunter’s expression softened and he looked down at his desk for a moment before pulling open one of the drawers. He lifted something from the drawer and placed it on the desk, pushing it towards you. You picked up the picture frame that he had revealed and looked down at the dusty faded photo within.
It was of a group of five men, all standing together as a united force. Your eyes glanced over the familiar faces of Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, and Echo before landing on a thinner face fixed in an almost permanent looking scowl. He had a tattoo over one eye and a neatly trimmed head of lighter hair than the rest of his brothers. Overall, he had the appearance of someone that didn’t quite look like he belonged. 
“That was taken before we took in Omega,” Hunter said. “And before Crosshair left us. Don’t let his scowl fool you, he was always making that face.”
You could almost hear the love in Hunter’s voice at his comment about his brother’s sour expression. Like it was something that he remembered fondly. 
“I still believe that he might come back someday,” you said, handing the photo back to him. “Sometimes people just need to go through things on their own before they find their way back to where they belong.”
“I hope you’re right,” Hunter said. “Although, it seems like you found where you belong in this town, so maybe you know better than any of us.”
You smiled at him, glad he seemed to have forgiven you for crossing his boundaries before. He returned your smile with a small one of his own before returning the photo back to its original home. Just as you were about to say something else, the door banged open behind you and Omega came running in.
“Hunter! You need to come quick!”
Hunter was on his feet faster than you had ever seen anyone move before, running around the desk to answer his sister’s call. You ran after the pair of them out into the street, but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw why Omega had come to get him.
Tech was on the ground, glasses knocked askew and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. The local tavern owner, Phee, knelt beside him and was trying to wash away some of the blood with the corner of her apron.
“What happened?” Hunter asked. 
“The Imperials were here,” Tech said as he reached up to straighten his glasses. “They were looking for someone.”
You saw Hunter stiffen at the mention of the Imperials. You didn’t know much about this group, but you knew they were bad news. They had done a lot of harm to people that didn’t deserve it.
“Was he with them?” Hunter asked softly.
“Do you think I would still be here if he was?” Tech asked, getting back to his feet with Phee’s help. “They didn’t seem too interested in us or the townsfolk. They were only looking for someone that was running from them. I think of those religious refugees that came through a few days ago.”
“The Jedi?” you asked. “Why would they be looking for them? You would think they would have given up on them by now.”
Hunter turned to look at you with a pitying look. He knew that your brother had been part of the religious order known as the Jedi, and that his death at the hands of the Imperials had been what had caused you to travel far away with your friend’s family in the first place. It was one of the reasons you had pushed him to talk about his grief so much, you wanted to find a common ground.
“We’ll just keep our distance from any others that come into town,” Hunter said. “If anyone sees something suspicious, just avoid it and go inside.”
“You want us to run and hide?” Echo said, coming up on the scene with Wrecker. “Shouldn’t we do something about it?”
“Yeah!” Wrecker added. “I don’t wanna hide. I wanna fight these bozos off so they leave people alone!”
You heard Hunter sigh tiredly and saw him run one of his hands through his thick hair. You had heard this conversation happen before in their group, namely between Hunter and Echo. The latter wanted to do something about this gang, but Hunter wanted to leave it alone and ignore it.
“Fine, you do what you want,” he said. “But don’t expect a successful outcome. There are more of them than there are of us. I think the best way to deal with it is to avoid aggravating them, but if you feel that fighting back will help, then go ahead.”
Seemingly glad to have their brother’s blessing, albeit reluctant, Echo and Wrecker turned in the direction of the stables. Hunter watched them go, his hands resting on his hips and shoulders drooping low. You stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“It will be alright, Hunter,” you said. “They know what they’re doing.”
“I wish I shared your optimism,” he said before walking back in the direction of his office, Omega trailing after him.
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The following day, you were making your way back from the well when you came across Hunter sitting on the steps to the station. He was fiddling with a knife, spinning it in his hands as he stared at the ground in front of him.
“Any news?” you asked.
He shook his head and threw the knife down at the ground, watching it embed itself in the dirt.
“They left last night,” he said. “Don’t know where they went exactly. Omega wanted to go with them, determined to help.”
“I take it you told her no?”
Hunter looked up at you with an incredulous expression.
“Of course I did. I had to lock her in her room to prevent her from going after them. She cried herself to sleep, but I think she understands that I was trying to protect her. She and Phee had a long talk this morning and she seemed in better spirits when she came back.”
You shifted the heavy bucket of water to one hip and patted his shoulder, hoping to offer him some sense of calm. He reached up and placed his hand over yours, his calloused fingers rough against your smooth skin. He looked like he wanted to say something, but hesitated a few times, opening his mouth and closing it again before words could come out.
“I should probably get going,” you said, breaking the tension between you. “This bucket is quite heavy.”
He waved you off and you started back in the direction of home. Just before you reached your door, you could hear some strange noises just down the street. It almost sounded like muffled voices. You placed your bucket down and walked in the direction of the sound, keeping your steps light to avoid alerting others of your presence. You came to an alley and peaked you head around the corner.
Huddled in the alley were six men dressed in black with dark bandanas covering the lower half of their faces. A white star shape was emblazoned on their black hats, which you knew meant that they were members of the Imperials. One of the men looked up, brown eyes focusing on you. One of the eyes had a tattoo over it. A tattoo you recognized.
“We have company,” he said in a raspy voice.
You lifted your skirts and ran as fast as you could away from the men, heading back in the direction of the Sheriff’s station. You opened your mouth to call for Hunter, but before you could say anything, a gloved hand covered your mouth.
“Not so fast, little miss,” a voice said in your ear.
Thinking quickly, you stopped your foot down on the man’s toes, causing him to howl in pain and released his hold on you. You started running again and made it to the steps, calling out for Hunter. He came running out and caught you as you stumbled up the stairs.
“Imperials! They’re in the town!” you shouted between gasping breaths.
Hunter told you to get inside and reached just inside the door to grab his pistol and hat from where they were hanging beside the door. Just as soon as he had them in his position, the men in black appeared in the square in front of the station.
“You seem lost, gentlemen,” Hunter said calmly. “I believe you are in the wrong town.”
You peered out from the open doorway, hiding your body behind the solid wooden frame. Your eyes flicked over to the other side of the room, where Tech’s double pistols were hanging. You had never fired a gun before, but maybe you could figure it out if Hunter needed some help.
A tall, thin figure stepped out from the rest of the group and faced Hunter directly. He pulled his bandana down and you could clearly see the face that you had suspected when you had noticed the tattoo before. There was no doubt in your mind. It was Crosshair.
“Don’t play coy, Hunter,” he rasped. “We know the girl is connected to the Jedi. Hand her over and we’ll leave.”
You felt your heart stop in your chest. They were looking for you? While your brother had been in the Jedi order, you had never had any involvement yourself. You couldn’t understand why they would want you.
“You can’t have her, she’s done nothing wrong,” Hunter said.
“Who’s going to stop us? You?” Crosshair sneered. “I know Wrecker and Echo aren’t here to help you and Tech got knocked around yesterday by one of my men. You’re on your own.”
You heard a soft noise behind you and when you turned, you saw a small blonde head poking out from behind the wall that hid the stairs leading to the upper level. You waved your hand frantically at Omega, motioning for her to go back upstairs. She seemed to ignore your instruction, however, and snuck down from her perch on the stairs to stand on the other side of the doorway. 
She grabbed one of Tech’s pistols and tossed it in your direction before taking the other in her own hands. You sighed in resignation and turned the gun over in your hands, trying to figure out how it worked. Omega waved a hand at you and showed you what to do from across the room, motioning to different parts of the gun. You were able to follow her silent instruction and get it ready to fire. 
During this interchange, you had missed everything happening outside. When you looked back at Hunter, you noticed that he had his gun raised, pointing it at his brother. Crosshair had done the same and the two of them seemed to be in a standoff.
“This doesn’t have to be this way, Hunter. No one needs to get hurt, just hand her over.”
A gunshot rang out and one of the men beside Crosshair fell to the ground. Your head snapped over to look at Omega, who had fired the shot. Following her lead, you took out a man on the other side of the group. That left three more beside Crosshair. You quickly reloaded and watched as Omega took out another Imperial quicker than you could imagine. 
Before you could set up to take out one of your own, there was another shot and Hunter collapsed on the ground in front of you. Behind the sound of your own heartbeat, you could hear Omega screaming and two more shots being fired.
You dropped the gun to the floor and sank to your knees beside Hunter. He was still moving, which caused a near sob of relief to escape your lungs. You tore the bottom of your skirt and pressed it against his bleeding shoulder. 
“You need to get out of here,” Hunter said through clenched teeth.
You looked up and saw that Crosshair had disappeared, all of his men lying on the ground. Tech and Phee were running across the square, a smoking pistol in Phee’s hand. She must have taken out the other two men after Hunter had been shot.
“I think we’re good, they’re all dead and Crosshair’s gone,” you said. “We need to get you some help.”
“I’m fine. Give me some whisky and I’ll be good to go,” Hunter said, trying to sit up.
“He shot you, you idiot,” Phee said, coming to kneel beside the two of you. “You’re not fine.”
“I need some pliers, a needle and thread, some bandages, and something to clean his wound,” you said. 
Phee nodded and ran off in the direction of her tavern. You had seen many fights take place there in your short time here in town, so you figured she had some supplies to deal with this kind of situation. 
“You don’t have to take care of me,” Hunter said. “Tech can do it.”
“Tech’s glasses are broken and he’s currently trying to calm down Omega,” you said, looking in the direction of Hunter’s siblings to confirm your statement.
“I still think you should get out of here before he comes back again,” Hunter said, wincing in pain as he tried to move again. “You obviously aren’t safe here.”
“Let me fix you up and then we’ll talk about it,” you said. “You got shot for me, the least I can do is help you afterwards.”
Hunter’s pained expression softened as he met your gaze. 
“I’d get shot for you anyday, beautiful.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his words before the thought that he might be delirious crossed your mind. You shook your head to clear away your feelings just as Phee returned with the supplies.
“Now hold still and let’s get this bullet out of you before you bleed to death.”
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Moving right along to Rescue on Ryloth
Howzer's face when Rampart threatens Hera oh god, he hates this. Despises it even.
Howzer trying to talk him down as if Rampart is anything but a scumbag. He doesn't know who's responsible but he knows it wasn't Cham damn it. And of course he wants to look for Hera himself because that way he can HELP HER.
"Leave the thinking to me Captain" FUCK YOU RAMPART DO NOT TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT.
Omega trying to fix Gonky <3 And during all this apparently this is the first time she's been told he's a defective unit, it's the way that Gonky can't fulfill the one thing he's been created to do and they don't make a big deal out of it they just bring him with them because they're defective too and they love him.
Hunter last episode like 'hey Omega made a friend :)' to this episode with 'Omega's friend is instantly and immediately in mortal peril' This kind of thing always happens to them.
Children often overreact! are you using your vast experience with a wide variety of children on that assessment Tech? You weren't even aware children needed friends.
Hunter trying AGAIN to back out of doing anything and being put on blast by a 12 year old.
"The shocking attack on your beloved senator" and everyone is looking up at him like 'no actually we hate that guy.'
I love every time Hunter stops everything like a hunting dog because he Sensed something. They've never defined anything about how his senses work just he is Aware of things when necessary for the plot.
I forgot how he took down the probe droid by just fucking goomba stomping and stabbing it.
Honestly if everything were the same but Crosshair wasn't here, I think they wouldn't have tried to back out the second time. But having Crosshair there both ups the chances of them dying or of him dying, and avoiding him is the only way they know of having that not be a possibility. They don't know his chip is out yet, so as far as they know going near him will earn them another 'aim for the kid' moment. They can't reach out to him, he doesn't understand what's going on in his own head, IT HURTS OKAY.
Sign #2 that Crosshair is more himself. He put his fucking ass on Rampart's desk.
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He is also tossing things
Rampart has zero patience for being talked back to and unfortunately unchipped Crosshair is incapable of not talking back, especially about his squad.
I'm obsessed with the fucking wet cat face that he makes when he first looks at Howzer before he remembers that he's SUPPOSED to have a bitch reputation to upkeep and switches it to a glare.
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"I don't need a lecture Chop" what is he saying Hera is he telling you to commit murders about it?
Hera absolutely SHOOK that the batch are Omega's brothers.
The scene with Howzer and Cham & Eleni hurts my feelings okay, we trusted you Howzer. Please he wants to help, he wants to help so bad.
Honestly though I'm obsessed that Chopper has been with Hera for so long because like her parents met the murder droid that craves blood and violence and went 'yeah this is a good friend for our daughter'
Tech is experiencing every form of Heart Attack at once here
"Yes your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us" this is one of my favorite lines he's SO tired.
Howzer gets to me every time, he wants to get through to his squad he refuses to abandon them, even if it kills him. And let me tell you on the first watch through I was SOOOOO SURE HE WAS GOING TO GET KILLED. But of course we get our big sign that Crosshair is Different than last time with the arrest order. I NEED to see theses two interact again damn it, it would be very reasonable for Howzer to be Pissed at him given the whole arrest thing but he doesn't know how big a deal it is that he was not sniped here instead.
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Saddest little face
"If a war is coming, it will be their fight as much as ours." Another reason I think they won't be retiring at the end is that I think there is going to be a bittersweet aspect to the fact that, despite everything, I don't think they're going to be able to give Omega the childhood that Hunter especially desperately wants to give her. They can change how they think of themselves, they can change what they do, but they can't change the fact that war is coming and no matter how hard they try to keep her away from it, there won't be anywhere to run after a while.
"If only they were fighting for us instead of against us."
Honestly love that this is the biggest motivator behind Crosshair wanting them to join the Empire isn't this specifically, they're in danger for going against the Empire but IF ONLY THEY WERE FIGHTING FOR THE EMPIRE. No more danger!
Never caught this before but it looks like he smiles slightly at the end there but it's so damn quick it's hard to tell. Finally Crosshair has an idea! (it's not a great one but it IS an idea.)
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ahsokasshoto · 3 years
Names and Faces
Star Wars: The Bad Batch fanfiction
No romantic relationships;  Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, 99, Nala Se
1999 words (I really couldn’t have just added one more, could I?)
Summary: Imagine growing up on Kamino, dysphoric for a face that you see reflected back at you not only in the mirror but in everyone around you. Imagine what it would mean to be finally be seen as different, knowing that people were finally seeing you as you saw yourself.
Omega deals with growing up trans on Kamino, and how to later tell her newfound family this important piece of her identity and history.
TW: non-graphic violence between the first and second breaks, and mentions of/hinting toward dysphoria throughout
It was an okay face, she supposed. If she looked at it from a certain angle. And squinted a bit. The jaw was too set and square; nose too wide and flat; hair too rigid. But the eyes….the eyes were good. She had to learn to like this face. She was stuck with it.
“The hell are you looking at, Question Mark?”
The jeering voice shook her out of her thoughts and she winced. She’d been daydreaming in the middle of the cafeteria while staring directly at another clone. Again. He stepped towards her, brows knit together in a familiar fury. A group of clones stood behind him, backing him up. “I asked you a question, Question Mark,” he hissed, using the snide nickname some of the clones had branded her with. She was always disappearing for tests or riding the heels of Nala Se. No one quite knew what to make of her. To them, she was a big question mark.
She stood and looked into that face, her face, reflected back at her. She tried to keep hers neutral as she said sternly, “That’s not my name.”
The other clone smirked. “Well, what is it then, Question Mark?” He took another step toward her, those copper-colored eyes still menacingly afire. “Or is that just another question mark for us, too?”
Fortunately for Omega, those questions would have to wait as the cafeteria was suddenly abuzz with excitement. One of the clone troupes was back from a mission. “It’s the weird ones,” Omega heard another clone whisper. “Aren’t they called the Bad Batch?” another clone responded. “Don’t you mean the sad batch?” the clone who had jeered at Omega scoffed. But at least he was distracted for now, and Omega hurriedly made for the exit when she saw him.
It was that face, the one she’d seen countless times on countless people, but it wasn’t the same. His hair fell over it, and the dark ink of the skull pattern caught the bright Kaminoan light, making it look all the more shadowed. And with him were three other clones, each with equally unique faces: one with thin, hollowed cheeks and a crosshair tattooed over his eye; one which stood taller than the others, a twisting scar spread around one whitened eye; and one wearing high-tech goggles, face buried in a datapad. She’d never seen anything like these clones before.
The one with the skull tattoo turned on his way to a table and caught her eye. He gave her a small smile and nod before turning back to sit with his team. Omega could not stop her heart from fluttering.
"Who were those clones, Nala Se?"
Nala Se blinked slowly at her. "To which clones are you referring?"
"The ones who didn't look like clones. Big guy, one with goggles, one with grey hair and the one with the skull on his face."
"Those are the clones of experimental unit 99."
"Experiments?" Omega looked down at the cold machinery which poked and prodded her skin. "What kind of experiments?"
Nala Se moved some sensors, made some notes. "Nothing that concerns you."
Omega was not deterred. "Why do they look like that? Because of the experiments?"
Nala Se paused, all but sighing as she turned to look into Omega's wide, curious eyes.
"Yes. Aberrations in their DNA enhanced traits desirable in soldiers. We further enhanced those traits manually."
"Wow." Omega leaned back. "What can they do?"
"Enough questions for now, cadet. Just relax."
Usually, the sensations of the metal sensors on her skin brought on a dysphoric discomfort that would stay with her, sometimes for days after an examination like this. But today, her mind was far away, imagining the face she'd have if she could be different like Experimental Unit 99.Omega was still lost in thought as she made her way back to her bunk. It was late, and she hoped the other clone cadets would all be asleep. But her hopes fell when she heard heavy footfalls behind her.
"Well, well, well," sneered a familiar voice. It was the cadet from earlier, his crew still lurking behind him. "If it isn't the big old question mark. What are you doing out so late? Huh?"
Omega could feel his hot breath in her face. She glared at him. "None of your business."
But the other clone merely smirked. "I saw you looking at that sad batch clone earlier. You know what I think? I think you're defective," he said, jabbing a finger at her chest, "just like them. That's why they have to do so many tests on you." He tugged at her shirt. "Why don't you show us, Question Mark?" He lifted her shirt up and punched her in the gut. It knocked the wind out of her and she fell to her knees. She had barely time to throw her arms up over her face before a foot was coming at her head. The other cadets stood by and laughed. One may have even added some kicks of his own; there were so many, she couldn't tell, and she began to grow faint and dizzy. Finally, one of them said, "I hear footsteps. We'd better get out of here!"
They took off running in the opposite direction of the approaching footsteps. They were moving too quickly to be Kaminoan. She dared not look up as they grew closer.
"Are you alright?" said a soft-spoken voice, filled with genuine concern. She'd never heard that kind of voice on Kamino, not even from Nala Se. She risked a tiny peek, and found herself looking up at another clone unlike any she'd seen. His body was slightly hunched, his face wrinkled, but he looked at Omega with some of the kindest eyes she'd seen on Kamino.
"I...I think so," she winced, struggling to sit up. The clone reached out and offered a steadying hand, which she accepted. "Ow," she winced again, feeling a sharp pain in her ribs. She hoped they weren't broken; that would be difficult to hide from Nala Se.
“I’m 99,” the clone said kindly. Omega perked up. “Like Experimental Unit 99?” she asked brightly. 99 chuckled. “The Bad Batch,” he said fondly. “They had to go through this too, you know. At least, before Wrecker got too big to scare everybody off.”
She looked up at 99, wide-eyed. “Really?”
“Not all regs are like that, though. I’ve known some good ones. It’ll get better.” He smiled at her, but she still looked dismayed.
“I don’t know. I’m different, too. I don’t look like it, but I….I feel it.”
99 gently helped Omega to her feet. “Well, if you ever need someone to talk to about it, come and find me. I’d better get back to work, though. What’s your name, by the way?”
Omega smiled, and took a breath. The last letter. The last she’d ever be considered a question mark. Once the name passed her lips, there would be no going back. But she was ready.
“Omega,” she said proudly. “My name is Omega.”
99 had been right; things did get better once she told Nala Se she was transgender. “Most intriguing,” was all the Kaminoan woman had said, blinking those huge, taciturn eyes. She had begun production and administration of puberty blockers shortly after that.
Omega continued to meet with 99 through her transition, and the two became fast friends. She especially loved hearing his stories about the Bad Batch. The attack by the Separatists on Kamino was a devastating blow. She attended 99’s funeral ceremony, along with several regs. She looked over them all. Most did look pretty regular, but she noticed a couple, one with a hand painted on his armor and one with a tattoo of a five on his head. They must be more experienced troopers to have such marks. 99 had been right, Omega thought. Not all regs were bad if they could pay their respects to him.
People still treated Omega differently, but what no one realized was that every snide remark about her hair or her soft features or her clothing was a point of pride and power for her. They were finally seeing her as she saw herself.
And the next time the Bad Batch saw her, she could look back at them with a face as same but different as theirs.
"Tech, how's it going with that datapad?" Hunter said in a low voice. He, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Omega wandered the surface of Bracca, searching for a particular piece of machinery.
Something caught Omega's eye: a shock of color stuck out against the rusty brown all around them. She knelt down for a closer look. It was a small flower, delicate purple petals reaching through the junk for a chance at sunlight. It was beautiful.
"Nothing yet. The latent charges in the rest of the machinery here must be skewing my tech as much as your senses, Hunter." Tech shook his head. "My screen is like a big, blank question mark." The words jolted Omega out of her reverie. Her mind was suddenly thrust back to Kamino, when those words were slugged at her as much as fists were. Her chest grew tight and her heart began to pound.
“Omega?” Hunter heard her panting as much as he sensed her panic and was at her side in a moment. “Omega, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Her thoughts were racing; it was difficult to focus. “I....I just….” Big, splotchy tears began to spill. Everyone had stopped now to look at her, concern lining each of their faces. “Question mark. That’s what people used to call me, back on Kamino. Before….before I….” She couldn’t finish before choking out a sob. She turned away from them and ran back in the direction of the ship. Hunter made to follow, but Echo placed a hand on his shoulder. “Give her some space. If she wants to tell us, she will.”
The crew arrived back at the ship some time later to find Omega waiting for them. She looked at them solemnly, almost sheepishly. “I’m sorry I ran off back there,” she said quietly.
“That’s alright, Omega. Is everything okay?” Hunter asked gently.
Omega took a deep breath. “When I was first growing up on Kamino, I knew that I felt different, but I didn’t look any different from everyone else. I didn’t want to be a soldier. I didn’t want to be like them at all. I’d be taken away for tests a lot, and no one knew what to make of me. I was just a big question mark to them.”
She looked down at her hands. “Now when people see how different I look, it makes me happy. Because they’re seeing me as I am. A girl. I’m transgender,” she finished, and risked a glance up at the group. The members of the Bad Batch were all beaming at her with immeasurable pride.
"Wow," Wrecker whispered, his good eye wide and sparkling with admiration.
"Thank you for telling us, Omega," Hunter said earnestly, kneeling down to look her in the eye.
"We are so lucky to have you," Tech piped from behind Hunter.
"Absolutely. You may not have wanted to be a soldier, but you're brave and strong as one," Echo said.
"But way prettier!" Wrecker added, and they all laughed.
"Thank you guys," Omega said finally, wiping the tears from her eyes. "No one's ever understood me like you have. I couldn't ask for a better family."
"Me neither," Hunter replied.
"Here, here!" Tech agreed.
Wrecker couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, bring it in!" he cried and he wrapped his arms around Tech and Echo and sandwiched Hunter and Omega between them in a group hug. Omega’s heart swelled to know that she finally had a place and a family to which she belonged. Where she could be free to be exactly who she was meant to be.
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