#i left 13 unanswered bc i have no clue
simonxriley · 2 years
1 - 15! 💜
Thank you! 💜 I'm gonna do these for the main girls.
1: When did you create your muse?
Liz - early 2014
Skylar - Mid 2018
2: Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Liz - She actually started off as a self-insert, but the more I played Ghosts and realized how shitty of a father Elias was a thought appeared. What if he had a kid that didn’t want anything to do with the military and didn’t want to follow in his or her brothers footsteps? And here we are. Obviously over time I developed her more and made her into her own person.
Skylar - When I started getting into Siege I saw all these cool operators and went ‘I want to make one’, so I did. Since Skylar was legit made from scratch, i had no campaign or anything to help, just that Rainbow is an Anti-Terrorism Unit. Because of that, I pulled inspiration from all over. 
3: Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
They both live in a very similar world as ours, if not the same. At least we never had to go through a WW3 like Liz did though. 
4: What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
Liz - That Liz is just a feral woman until she meets a special someone (Ghost) to calm her the hell down. Even then that doesn’t work. 
Skylar - People always see Skylar as a nice person, but she actually can be quite a bitch if she doesn’t like you. 
5: What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
Liz - That she was a drug addict for a good five years until Logan caught her and forced her to come clean. The only people that know are her and Logan and eventually Dunn when she tells him.
Skylar - The abuse she endured by the hands of her ex-boyfriend. She kept that to herself, not wanting anyone to know. The only people that know are Tachanka, Thermite, Kapkan and her parents. 
6: Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
Not really, just the mental illnesses that i have that i gave my ocs. sorry :)
7: How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
I’ve only had one face claim for each, once I pick one i stay with it. Which is probably why it takes me so long to find them, i need them to be as close as possible to how i picture them. 
8: How did you choose the name for your muse? 
Liz - Her name is actually my middle name. Back then I wasn’t great at choosing names 😅. And Elizabeth (Liz) Walker just sounded good together.
Skylar - Skylar was a name I really liked, it sounded pretty so I went with it. 
9: If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
Liz - I think Strike Back would be a good choice. It’s pretty much what she’s doing now, just with different people. 
Skylar - This one is tough, I don’t know where she would fit. 
10: Do you ship your muse with any canon characters? 
All the time!
Liz - I ship her with Ghost (main ship), Price, Rorke, Dunn and Merrick. 
Skylar - I ship her with Tachanka (main ship), Glaz, Kapkan and Fuze.
11: Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
No I don’t. 
12: Share a song that matches with your muse!
Liz - One drink away - Cher Lloyd
Skylar - From the ashes - In This Moment
13: If your muse were the main character in a movie/book/show/game/…, what would it be called? What would it be about?
14: Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them? 
Liz - Shepherd unfortunately. If it wasn’t for him the 141 would’ve never been fugitives. 
Skylar - Not really? I guess I could say Six is an NPC because she was the one to give the order to send Skylar and Tachanka to Truth and Consequences, NM when the Outbreak happened. Six is the person who runs Rainbow. 
15: Share a random headcanon about your muse!
Liz - She doesn’t read as much as she would’ve liked, when she does it’s always a thriller, horror or a mystery thriller. 
Skylar - Rescuing Grace from the White Masks was one of her proudest moments. She always loved saving the hostages because seeing them being reunited with family and friends always warmed her heart. Saving a child made that feeling go up ten fold. No child should have to go through something like that. 
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the-inheritance-games · 3 months
Ok so I was going to post my theory on why I thought jlb was going to announce a new book/novella as the last card later today but then of course this amazing fandom somehow got a synopsis and found it on good reads idek how, but I was going to post this breakdown from evidence I gathered from stalking jlb’s insta but now I’m posting it to show a timeline of when she was Writting this book and how much of a mastermind jlb is.
This going to be long so buckle in
Ok so let’s begin on October 3 2022, jlb announces TBH as the new book in the TIG universe, single handedly returning my will to live after the heartbreak I endured when Grayson ended up even more sad and alone in TFG 😭
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Then we fast forward to Dec. 14 2022, we see that jlb is Writting the Grandest games.
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Fast forward even more and we start getting updates about how the book is going and about her Writting process (scroll 2)
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And then on March 10 2023, she turns in the first draft of TGG
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This is where things get interesting, mind you at this point we know about TBH and TGG openly, but she starts talking about another secret project she’s working on, using #secret project, (March 20, 2023) (scroll 3)
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She also says that she has been working on this on and off for 2.5 years (from March 2023), which if you go back is late 2020-early 2021. Which also happens to be right around the same time she was writting THL (wrote tig in 2019, released in 2020, wrote thl in 2020, released in 2021, etc)
Why is this fact important?
Bc jlb has openly stated that thl is the book she has planted the most clues/ Easter eggs in. It’s also arguably the best and most important book in the triology. (Argue with the wall if you disagree)
It’s the book where we get the most backstory and information on who this family is. I can imagine jlb Writting the book and delving into this world and, for example Toby’s past and his relationship to Avery’s mom and her past, and coming up with all these ideas she can’t really write into thl in much detail bc those events where in the past.
If she started Writting this novella, backstory, prequel, whatever during this time it would make total sense. It would also give her a chance to answer all those unanswered questions that where left while also doing us some fan service.
Now fast forward, she keeps updating on the grandest games and at the same time posting about writting this secret project, but most recently (February 7 2024) she posted this
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She states that her secret project, the novella book that she has been Writting, her secret, is not going to be a secret for much longer, just a week before the vault opened, and 13 days (in Taylor swift we trust) before this all happens.
It was right there infront of us and yet we didn’t see it coming.
So yeah, she’s been Writting this book and compilation of stories for a while now, starting from when she was Writting thl. I was going to use this convince y’all her secret was a book could be a prequel but I don’t have to anymore but still I find it so interesting and I just got this out of my drafts bc why not. I had a hunch for a while but this is honestly better than I could have imagined, if it is what we are seeing :)
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warzofstarz · 4 years
star wars Thoughts at 4 am
ok so rise of skywalker happened,,, and i have mixed feelings. i didn’t hate it but i didn’t love it either (and i usually love star wars movies), so i am in desperate need of a little rant about both the good and the bad in the conclusion of the saga
1. JJ ABRAMS DISREGARDING ALL OF THE DEVELOPMENT WE EXPERIENCED DURING LAST JEDI. this is what i am most upset about. you don’t have to like tlj, but you can’t pretend it never happened. it’s like he was trying to completely backtrack on everything that happened in tlj bc it was ~his~ vision for the franchise. i think that is disrespectful to not only rian, but to fans who grew attached to the development of the characters. we see finn revert back to first movie finn (lovesick puppy lowkey), rey become an invincible child of the sith, the end of the skywalker family line, complete abandonment of rose, and a total shift in the message of the trilogy. all jammed last second into the film. the next few points all have to do w this
2. the fact that in tlj it is revealed that rey is truly nobody- she’s not some all-powerful descendant or some with royal blood- and tros completely ignores this and makes her a palpatine. the whole point before was that she’s normal, but that doesn’t make her any less powerful, smart, or strong. the message from the first two movies was that you don’t have to be in these elite categories to be special and powerful, which is an important message to every single child and adult watching. it empowers us as viewers to believe that we have the capability to be great, no matter our status, birth name, ethnicity, class, or where we are from. you can find family when you have none. you have the power to change your life. when jj decide LAST SECOND to make her a palpatine, with no clues thrown into the first two movies to lead us to believe this, it feels like a joke. the rey we had come to sympathize with is suddenly an all-powerful sith, seeming stronger than even anakin and yoda, even though she had never even completed training. this reveal is not emotional and literally loses respect rather than gaining any from the audience. a cop out. i felt less emotionally attached to rey than in the previous two films bc of her sheer perfect power
3. rose being 100% sidelined even though her character was incredible in last jedi. her arc was one that i truly couldn’t wait to see finish and sadly we never got it because she was completely abandoned so it could just be a trio once more. i love her. the disrespect.
4. the sudden introduction of zorri just so that poe has someone to flirt with??? like if you wanted to prove he was heterosexual make him flirt w someone he has actual on screen history and chemistry with, like uhhhh idk? rey?????? dont get me wrong tho she is a badass and i love how she shuts poe down!! queen
5. how they throw it in there that finn is force sensitive but don’t fully explain it?? and he never even tells rey??? this is SUCH a cool concept yet it’s never even hinted at until the third movie and its not further developed as to why. likewise i wish we saw the stormtroopers before they left the first order. see what they dealt with and the abuse they endured bc it’s such an important facet of the trilogy and literally drives finns character
6. how we never touch on why poe felt it when rey was tortured?
7. i wish leia hadn’t died and she rallied support w lando
8. if they are a dyad why didn’t rey and ben fight palpatine together?? then no one would have died??
9. i’m just really sad that they chose to kill ben because even though rey takes their name, the skywalker bloodline is gone, while a palpatine lives on. the entire purpose of the first six movies is anakin bringing balance by defeating palpatine. somehow, palpatine survived this (never explained!!!!), which completely defeated the purpose of the first six films and strips anakins chosen one status and ultimate sacrifice of any true importance. in the end of tros, the palpatine bloodline lives on while the skywalker bloodline is gone, and i can’t help but to feel like that contradicts the theme of the original saga in which the skywalkers defeat palpatine and hope lives on.
10. lastly, i just don’t think george lucas would have wanted ben to die. when people kill off main characters to make the movie more emotional, he has literally said “i don’t like that and i don’t believe that” he goes on to say that he hates when main characters are killed, stating “the whole point of the film, the whole emotion that i am trying to get at the end of the film, is for you to be real uplifted, emotionally and spiritually, and feel absolutely good about life. that is the greatest thing we could ever possibly do.” so, i’m sure some of you could see why i have a little issue with killing someone who has finally recognized the error of their ways and wants to be better. yes, he has done awful things that cannot be separated from his new identity as ben, but i think that it would have been even more impactful to make him live with the crimes he has committed and still make him keep fighting his demons to join his legacy on the light side. overall, bens death left a sour taste in my mouth, and for that reason i don’t walk out feeling uplifted. i just wish i knew what george lucas is thinking right now.
1. ben solo’s arc and han. now, before some of you pop off at me, i still think he was awful and horrible and didn’t deserve instant forgiveness, but i also think that someone who has grown up his entire life being treated like the spawn of satan by all adults who are supposed to love him would fuck him up majorly, like it would to anyone else in that situation. i think that he deserved another chance at experiencing love and happiness, and i absolutely adored the scene with him and han solo. it was honestly one of the best parts of the whole movie. thank you harrison ford. the whole “i don’t think i’m strong enough” and him tearing up to his dad CUT DEEP. AND THE “dad-“ “i know” LIKE LITERALLY MY HEART. bringing back the “i love you” “i know” so they are LITERALLY TELLING EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! i’m at peace. adam driver’s acting was absolutely phenomenal. so much respect for him. truly incredible.
2. i loved poe and rey’s bickering. lowkey thought it built some chemistry between them. and how poe seemed quite jealous that finn knew stuff about rey that he didn’t, literally asking him more than once (1nce) about it, like???? han leia vibes. tea. but also poe and finn
3. i really liked jannah SOOO much (and i usually am not one for introducing a character so late) but, like i explained in detail above, i wish they had built that backstory better and introduced her a little bit sooner with more screen time. but i loved her and finns connection and understanding of their trauma.
4. FINN AND POE BEING THE CUTEST HUMANS EVER. that’s all. i just love how they care so very much about each other like stop. cogenerals.
6. i honestly think that’s all. i don’t have anything more
7. OH WAIT HUX BEING THE SPY. i ate that shit up. yes. we stan. AND the hint that he was going along w poe’s phone call in tlj so that the resistance could escape (that’s how poe KNEW it) like YES
8. the animation of young luke and leia made my heart weep
9. that lil sketchy bitch babu and the new cone droid that talks,, mmm
11. this is so sad that i am putting this in my “like” parts but the fact that they didn’t kill chewie and that they showed him being so torn up about leias death
13. rey burying the skywalker lightsabers and looking into the sunset, perfectly tying back to luke doing the same 42 years ago
overall, if i don’t think too hard, i did like it and felt kind of at peace. BUT it could’ve been much better @ JJ :/ i feel like it didn’t do the saga justice as the “conclusion of the saga” bc there is still so much left unanswered. but, like i said, i did enjoy it a lot and have so much love for this world. rant over. i love u star wars. thank u for everything. <3
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