#i keep typing fanfic as fnafic so that partially inspired this...
Forced Proximity
In honour of the FnaF movie coming out, I wanted to write something. I was inspired by a cosplay video by astrocadet on TikTok and that video's comments section, so credit to them!
When does this happen in the timeline? Who knows. Which pizzeria is the reader working at? Why is Michael called Michael and not one of his (possible) aliases? What year is this happening in? Why does the timeline for this game make no sense? These aren't important questions right now. Also yes, I'm using Michael's in-game sprite for the picture; you can picture him however you want. Hope you like the fanfic!
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Characters: Michael Afton x day shift! gn! Reader
Word count: 2.1k (2,122 words)
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When you realise you left your bag at work, you don't think much of it at first. But when you remember your keys are in said bag, you have no choice but to go back to Freddy Fazbear's. But your co-worker, the night guard is acting strange and when you get stuck in the office together, who knows what will happen?
"Damn." You rested your head against the steering wheel. Of course you forgot your bag. And of course your house keys were in your bag.
Why you hadn't just put your car keys with your bag instead of in the key bowl at work, you had no idea. If you'd just done what you always do and put all of your stuff together, you wouldn't be sitting outside your house with no way of getting in.
You really needed to stop procrastinating and get that spare key made.
But, for now, there was nothing to do but drive twenty minutes back to Freddy Fazbear's and get your keys.
You turned the car back on and began driving back to your place of occupation. Why were you working at Freddy Fazbear's? After everything you'd read about it in the newspapers, you weren't really sure. The pay wasn't bad, but you knew you could get a better job. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity that held you there. Maybe if you hung around long enough, you'd find out what had happened to all those missing kids.
You'd never been in the pizzeria after hours. You knew there was a night guard but beyond talking a few times at staff meetings and the one Christmas party that had been held, you didn't really know much about him. Michael. You were pretty sure that was his name. He was sort of cute in a "crush on the guy on the bus" kind of way.
The drive passed faster than you thought, your mind filled with thoughts of work and your co-worker. Before you realized it, you were pulling into the parking lot of Freddy Fazbear's. The lights were off inside, and the doors were locked. You knew, you'd locked them yourself before leaving. Of course you had keys for the pizzeria and not your own house.
You locked your car and walked to the door. This place was way creepier at night-time. You'd have to try harder to remember your keys so you could avoid a repeat of this, no matter how cute your co-worker was.
The key turned with a loud clunk. you heard it echo off the concrete walls and linoleum floors. You pushed the door open. The room inside was dark, the only light reflecting off the security cameras in the corners of the room.
Thankfully, you knew your way around the place well enough that you could make your way around in the low lighting. But you could feel the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. Something felt off.
You stepped into the staff room and quickly found your bag where you had left it. You opened it and ran a hand through the contents. You’d be damned if your keys weren’t in there. But no, your keys were exactly where you thought they would be, in the inside pocket next to your staff id.
You closed your bag again and turned to leave. But halfway across the room you heard a loud thud from somewhere in the building. You jumped.
Could it be intruders? What was the security guard doing not patrolling the halls? You stood, locked in place. You knew you should just leave. You weren’t even supposed to be here. And it was already about 1 o’clock and you had the opening shift which started at 6. You were barely going to get 4 hours of sleep if you left right now.
But some strange duty of care made you stop. It wouldn’t hurt to just have a quick look around, or at least check in on the security guard. Maybe he was asleep? You sighed. Who needed sleep anyway?
You made your way through the halls, your shoes squeaking ever so slightly against the plastic lined floors. The noise seemed especially loud in the oppressive silence.
Suddenly a bright light flashed across your eyes from somewhere to your right. You stepped back, trying to shield your face.
“Oh my god, it’s just you.”
You lowered your hand as the light dropped to the floor. After the glare, the room in front of you seemed even darker than it should have. You could barely make out the figure inside, but you knew from the voice that it was your co-worker. Michael.
“Hey,” You tried for a calm greeting but the shake in your voice made it sound anything but, “Sorry, I left my bag here and-”
“Get in here.” You felt Michael grab your arm and pull you into the small security office. You began to protest at the rough treatment, but Michael shushed you before you could say anything. He pressed a button behind you and the door you’d just been pulled through closed with a metallic clank.
Your eyes now adjusted to the dim light, you shot Michael a questioning look. He ignored you, looking at the footage being shown on the television sitting on the table in front of him. Then, he pressed the button again and the door opened.
He leant back in his chair. “Sorry about that. You just needed to…uh…you being in the hallways would have messed with my check in on the rooms. Might have thought you were an intruder or something.”
His excuse seemed feeble and he looked like he knew it. He tried for what you assumed was meant to be a welcoming smile but instead came across as forced. “So, what are you doing here?”
“Like I was saying before I got pulled in here, I left my bag. And my keys. So I had to come back before I could get into my house.”
Michael’s eyes darted towards the screen, then to the clock. You followed his gaze. Already 2am. Time sure was passing quickly tonight. You were starting to give up on the idea of getting any sleep. Maybe you’d just have sleep in your car and then have a nap during your lunch break. You began backing towards the door.
“Well, I should go, let you get back to your work-”
“No! I mean…” Michael cleared his throat, “uh, you can’t leave right now. It’s not safe.”
You raised an eyebrow. “No safe?”
Michael nodded, eyes again darting to the screen.
“And why is it not safe? I made it here didn’t I?”
A pause. Then Michael sighed. “I don’t really know how to explain it without sounding like I’m crazy.”
You were pretty sure that ship had long since sailed. There was no way this guy was fit to be a night security guard. Or at the very least, being alone in this place every night was starting to get to him.
Michael beckoned you forward. You took a tentative step. He pressed the button again and the door closed once more. You were getting more and more concerned. Was this just a set up? Were you going to show up on the news tomorrow, the latest victim of a serial killer who was hiding as the security guard at Freddy Fazbear’s?
But then Michael pointed at the screen, you leant forward, trying to see the room clearly through the grainy footage. It was the hallway on the other side of the door. For a few seconds, there was nothing. Then a figure ran down the hallway. You could hear metal clanging as the figure passed the door, before the noise faded into the distance.
Michael pressed the button and the door opened.
“Why are you opening the door?” Your voice was shriller than you would have liked.
"We can’t use too much power."
"What do you mean we can’t use too much power?"
"This place only has a limited amount of power available each night. I have to be careful how I use it." Michael pointed to the green bar at the bottom of the screen. The words above it read “power remaining: 50%”.
“And what was that thing?” You could feel yourself beginning to shake. Shock was setting in fast that you’d expected.
You laughed. You couldn’t help it. “Foxy? You’re telling me that was Foxy? The animatronic from Pirate’s Cove? The one that gets shut down every night before we close up? The one that couldn’t be running down the hall because that’s not in its code?”
Michael nodded.
“Uh huh. And you want me to think you’re not crazy?”
Michael sighed. “It gets worse believe me.”
“Oh really?” You could hear the hysteria creeping into your voice. Because if that really was Foxy, you sure didn’t want to be in this building anymore. “Go on. Tell me how it gets worse.”
“The animatronics are possessed by the ghosts of the missing children.”
“So the kids are dead?” You couldn’t believe that was what you were focusing on.
Michael nodded sombrely. You ran a hand over your face. Either this guy really was crazy, or he was telling the truth. No one in their right mind would joke about dead kids like this.
“And I can’t leave?”
Michael shook his head. “Not unless you want one of the animatronics to get you. We used to have more security guards you know.” From the haunted look in his eyes, you guessed he was telling the truth.
You took a shaky breath. “If I find out this was just an elaborate prank, I’m reporting you to management.”
Michael gave a weak smile. “I wish that was the case.”
You glanced at the clock. Just past 2am. Michael followed your gaze. “We only have to make it until 6. Then everything stops.”
“Only four more hours huh?” A question suddenly occurred to you, “Why do you still work here? You do this every night?”
“Let’s just say I have history with this place.” Michael’s expression was tight, “I can’t quit just yet.” You could tell he wouldn't say any more.
"I guess we just have to make it through the night then."
The evening passed quickly, Michael focusing on keeping the animatronics out and you trying to keep your fear at bay.
The clock now displayed 5am. But it had only showed the hours, not minutes so you had no idea how close it was to 6am and freedom.
You glanced across to Michael. He seemed more frantic than earlier in the night.
"Sorry, I don't think we're getting through tonight."
Your stomach dropped at his words and your eyes flicked over the power bar: only 1% left.
"We might still make it."
But before Michael could reply, the lights turned off with a loud clunk and the whirring of some machine turning off.
You smothered a scream and felt around until you found Michael's shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him and felt him hug you back.
"I'm sorry." His voice was soft and you could hear it shaking.
You tried to calm your breathing, though it was getting increasingly hard. "You did your best."
A loud clanging noise echoed down the corridor outside.
"Just in case we die, I always thought you were cute."
You could hardly believe it. Now you were getting a confession? Just as you were about to die? "Really?"
"I've had a crush on you since my first day here."
"Guess we were a little late with figuring out our feelings."
The clanging grew louder until it sounded like it was just outside the door. The percent of power ticked lower.
Michael hugged you closer, pressing his face into the top of your head. "I'm sorry."
Suddenly, a bell chimed, playing Westminster Quarters as the sound of children cheering played over the speakers. You jumped at the sudden noise, clinging closer to Michael, your eyes squeezing shut.
So you were surprised to hear him laugh, short and almost hysterical. "We did it. We did it!"
You opened your eyes cautiously and saw, on the camera monitor in large white letters "6 am", pixilated confetti floating down the screen.
"So we're alive?" You could barely believe it.
Michael nodded, smiling at you. "The animatronics stop after six so we're fine."
You began laughing. "Oh my god, I thought we were going to die." A thought suddenly occurred to you, "Did you really confess to me when you thought we were both about to die?"
Michael winced. "I was almost hoping you'd forget." Then he blinked, "But you said you liked me as well?"
You felt your face heat up. "Yeah, I guess I did..."
"Well I guess there's only one thing to do about that. Can I take you out this weekend? I'll be off and I know you're not working."
You smiled, nodding. "That sounds nice."
But you figured you'd better clarify one thing.
"As long as it's not a pizza date."
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