#i just noticed it looks like her pupils went from dialated to locking in on you
tarrare-big-naturals · 2 months
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I ain't posting her on the art blog yet bc she is STILL a WIP but here's T for now. Big naturals and all.
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trovao-penguins · 6 months
Deep Water Pt.2
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 Fear of disappointing Dani, your apology not reaching her due to the horrible service in the building, your project not being satisfactory to the project manager, doubts and fears clouded your mind as you dreamt, but finally, you pictured the smile on Danielle’s face, the smile that you had been grateful to see for the past few months, Smiling back at her, she pulls you into a deep side hug, gently nudging her cheek onto your shoulder. You feel the warmth of her hug flow through you, oh if only you could find the strength to peel her arms off of you and give her a real hug. A subtle “I could stay like this forever y/n… me and you, like this for…ever.” comes from her lips until slowly loosening the hug as she begins to walk away. Before trying to call out to this illusion of Dani in front of you, you wake up to the sound of your computer alerts. The project finished sending and the manager approved, the alerts on the side of your computer sounded off one by one and you soon regained consciousness. You breathed a sigh of relief and looked at your clock to find that it was now 11:45 pm, you got up limping, as the blood within your legs rushed back into your feet. For what seemed like the track race of your life, you sprinted to your car and rushed home in the rain hoping that Danielle read your message and went to sleep, not disappointed in you. You reached your apartment and opened the locked door with your janky keys and began unpacking yourself, tossing your bag and coat on the rack hooks. “Damn, it’s a good thing she is sleeping already” you think to yourself. Slowly but surely you stealthily took your shoes off and tried finding the closest thing to a towel or rag to dry yourself off from the rain. Upon tripping and smacking your head against a hard surface, you stumble your way into the living room and see her, Danielle, plopped onto your sofa relaxing while watching the TV. She soon looks at you with her chocolate pearls she has for eyes and begins to open her arms, inviting you into her space with the warmest smile she could possibly muster. “Y/n! You’re home! I was praying that you would make it home in all the rain.” she exclaims. Amazed that she’s still up, you silently thank fate for allowing you to make it home in the stormy weather and for the luck to have Danielle in your life. Upon noticing your exhaustion, she calmly says “Awe you look so tired, c’mere love, I’ll hold you tight.” Her pupils dialate but her eye smile covers it well. With no strength to reject her you melt into her arms after you take off your glasses. “Why did you wait for me? I’m so sorry for wasting your time cooking me dinner Dani.” you uttered with your eyes closed, half asleep in her arms. You pull away from her to which she then runs to the bathroom quickly to get a towel for your damp hair, upon realizing it after petting your nape. “What are you talking about y/n? I got your message while I was cooking and immediately stored it all away for us to enjoy later. It didn’t matter to me how late it was going to be, I still wanted to enjoy it with you” she answers upon returning. You look to your right and see pots on the stove still heated just waiting to be emptied. “How ‘bout that?” she says after putting you head back into her lap. 
You smile at Danielle’s work and begin to rise from her arms until she pulls you back in and says “Uh uh, where do you think you are going?” 
“Oh, I was trying to get up so I can change and stop getting you soaked from my wet clothes.” you replied. 
“Naur~!, you need to stay a bit longer and rest, I’ve missed you y’know” she says after pouting. 
“But the food?” 
“It can wait Y/n. Besides I’m so happy that you’ve finally done with your work. I’m very proud of you.” 
You were hungry but this… this was a nice change of pace. Relishing the moment you stay and sink away for what seems like forever as Dani calmly strokes through your hair, peacefully raking your hair gently back and forth. Truth be told it felt a bit funny, her playing with your hair, but it didn’t matter because it was her.
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arcanegummi · 3 years
Self Betrayal (Part 1)
Asra takes Quinn to the palace for a two week trip through the spirit worlds to strengthen their bonds to the Arcana, leaving Julian behind in his clinic. Quinn starts to feel sick and goes back to their loving husband but doesn't expect to see what they do...
Julian x OC, angst with a happy ending, sickness (not too in detail or gross), slight PTSD, based on a dream I had last night lmao
"Are you sure you'll be okay handling the orders while I'm gone..?" Quinn stood next to the carriage, holding tightly to Julian's hand.
"I'm sure, darling. How hard can it really be? You do it flawlessly every day." He ran his fingers through their hair, calming them.
"Mmm... you're too sweet, Sunshine. I'll be back in two weeks, okay?" Quinn sighed and stood on their toes, kissing Julian's chin.
He takes their cheek into his hand and gently presses a kiss to their nose, forehead, both cheeks and finally lips. "I cant wait until then, love." And with that... Quinn was off to the palace.
Julian waved goodbye, before sighing to himself and glancing at the list of people and their orders. These were the few that couldn't be rescheduled, so Julian had to take care of them. He was determined to not let Quinn down.
The arcane worlds were as gorgeous as they were absolutely crazy and mysterious. Going through each of the Major Arcana's realms was really dragging down Asra and Quinns energy but.. something felt off. About 4 days into their journey, Asra noticed something upsetting. "Quinn.. we need to keep moving..." Asra turned back to face their partner in crime, and his face dropped. "What's wrong?"
Quinn's face was sweaty and red, and they looked... paler than normal. Their pupils dialated and when they stood still they seemed to shake in place. "I.. I dont know.. this feels wrong, not like the normal energy drain we get from traveling... I'm probably just out of practice." they sat to rest their bad knee, laying down. Their chest shook as they breathed.
"Quinn.. I hate to bring our venture short but I really do think you need to go home." Asra sat next to them, gently feeling their cheek. "You're practically burning up.. I'm worried this could really hurt you. What if you're worse in the physical world?"
They hadn't thought of that. "Julian will kill me if he found out I let myself get sick.." they laughed softly, trying to bring up the mood.
Asra, for once, was dead serious. "Quinn this is dangerous. You need to go home."
Quinn sighed and nodded slightly. "You're right... if my spiritual body is this bad... imagine how my physical body is feeling..." they slowly stood, holding onto Asra for support. "Dont have too much fun without me..." they smiled a little, before waking up absolutely drenched in sweat.
Head pounding, the small apprentice stood just as Portia stepped in to check on the pair.
"Quinn? What are you doing back already? Did something- oh no!" She rushed over, grabbing Quinn's cheeks. "Awe, you're burning up! You need to get home as soon as possible!"
Quinn laughed weakly. "Yeah yeah, Asra told me already.." they winced as a headache took over. "You guys worry about me so much... its sweet.." they shiver. "I'll go home now... I need Julian..."
Portia practically dragged Quinn from the palace, shoving them in a carriage. "I dont wanna see you until you're all better, got it? Take care of yourself!" She scolded, just like her brother... it's cute.
"Yeah yeah, calm down please. I'll see you soon, Pasha." Quinn gripped their bag and walking stick tight as they rode off back to the clinic where their husband was waiting.
The carriage had to stop just outside the block, as night had fallen and too much noise would be disturbing. Quinn didnt mind, extra walking for their knee was good anyway. They wished the carriage drivers good night and hobbled back to their shop. Their heart flipped as they saw the lights on. Julian must still have a customer in picking something up. Not a problem!
Quinn walked up to the giant window in their back room, and stood on their toes to peek inside. That's strange... Julian is sitting with this woman at the table.. she had a package of goods... so she must be a customer. Something about the whole scene felt skewed. Maybe it was the fever racking Quinns brain but.. Julian only ever looked at Quinn like that...
So why is he looking at this... beautiful... woman like that as well? He was very preoccupied talking to her, and their hands were locked tight.
What is this...
Quinn's stomach did flips, head pounding and eyes burning with tears and questions. What's going on? Is..
Is Julian cheating on them?
No, Julian wouldn't do that! He wouldnt.. would he? No of course not. That's ridiculous!! He would never! So why.. why is he looking at her like that? Why is he smiling and blushing, sitting at the intimate back table, talking so sweetly to this woman? What the fuck. What the FUCK.
Quinn felt too sick to do anything.. except run. They ran. They tended to tun from problems, but this was the only thing that came to mind after seeing that. They abandoned their cane, completely by accident, wobbling through the back streets of Vesuvia. They just kept going until they couldn't anymore. Their knee gave out, their body cracking against the cold streets. They didnt even have the energy to shout in pain, just curl up into a ball.
Ah... the aqueduct.. where Julian showed his mark off for the first, and one of the last times. The memory made Quinn choke up with tears once more. It seemed impossible and yet... Julian didnt really love him.. did he?
Quinn was dragged from their thoughts by a gentle hand on their shoulder. "Hey, hey you dont look too good, do you need-" the man paused. "You're Quinn! The mage!"
They nodded weakly. "My knee.. my head... my heart.. they all kinda hurt.." they laughed dryly, it slowly turning into a hacking cough.
"Hey mage, I think you need to lie down. Where's Julian?" He gently helped them sit up. Quinn's lip quivered a little and he got the hint. "Ah ok. You got anywhere I can take you? The Raven might be a bit too rambunctious for your head."
They nodded weakly. "Mazelinka, you know her? I need to see her..."
He picked Quinn up and hauled them over his shoulder. "Give me directions. I'll take you."
After 20 minutes of poor directions later... and Quinn was stood wobbly in front of her door. Before they could even knock, she opened the door.
"Quinn! You're sick, what are you doing standing there!"
Quinn nods. "Yeah.. sick.." their train of thought left the tracks ages ago.
She siged. "I swear, you're just as bad as Ilya. Come in. Lay down, I'll make you feel better."
They nodded, wobbling into the room and nearly collapsing mid stride.
"Where's Ilya? He would have an aneurysm if he knew you were wandering about all sick." Mazelinka turned to Quinn but didnt expect the massive sob. "Is.. Ilya ok?"
Quinn nodded, finally letting the tears out as they sat on the bed, the bed that they had shared with Julian those many many moons ago... "Yeah.. yeah hes fine." They rubbed their eyes but the tears came too fast. "He... I think he's cheating on me..."
Mazelinka dropped her spoon. "What! Impossible, Ilya loves you more than job as doctor. Are you sure?"
They nodded. "I saw him, in my shop. With a woman.. he.. he looked so... I dont know." They collapsed into bed, curling up. "I just... can't believe this..."
She sighed as she came over to Quinn with a bowl of soup and blanket. "Darling Quinn... my ward is a ridiculous idiot sometimes. Don't take it personally, child. He doesn't know what he's losing." She wrapped the other in the blanket. "You should go to Pasha, he would come look for you here first. Pasha will take better care of you until you're feeling okay. Then we kick Ilya's ass, okay?"
Kicking Julian's ass did sound nice... Quinn nodded. "Okay.. I'll go see Pasha..." they drank the soup slowly, as to not upset their stomach too much. After a slow and very small supper, Mazelinka slipped a package of sweets into Quinns bag and tucked them in. "Thank you, Mazelinka..."
"No need." She smiled sadly, gently patting Quinn's face. "Sleep, you need energy."
After she went to bed as well, Quinn stared at the wall. Everywhere reminded them of Julian. Everything felt so surreal... maybe... maybe Asra was right... they soon fell off into a dreamless sleep...
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hammisowritingblog · 4 years
Sabito turns into a wandering soul after his death.
I hope you people like this one!!
A cold, empty feeling. The feeling of heavy coals burning at your insides, churning, shriveling, dragging you down. Like a gnarled old man it wrinkles and dissolves within you.
Then the excruciating moment in time when you feel your bones break, your lungs burst.
And then your life just withers away in your own hands. It trickles through your fingers and down your arms..... staining them a brilliant red.
Seemingly alone in a cloudy mist, a young girl stood. But she was not alone. Not at all. The mountain she rested upon was dense with forestry and nature, and the harsh movements of the wind rocked the trees in wild directions. The screeching wind surrounding her was not in the least bit forgiving. The heartbeat of the bellowing wind thumped, screamed, vibrating up the earth below her feet. The little girl felt a subtle tingle scurry up her spine, but not from the cold. Nor fear or resentment, but from the dripping claws of dread. She sensed it. She also sensed that other beings were with her. Other children. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the rhythm of the hypnotic laullabies seep into her skin, her bones, all the way to her heart. The children around her were getting more anxious by the second. Despite the fact that the children did not show their faces, the girl knew that they sensed it too. They were masked behind shadows and trees, lurking and waiting. They huddled closer to the trees, as if becoming one soul. One mind. In sync, the howling grew much crueler and much more rugged. It beat down on the trees, whipping them to and fro. She could hear them scuffling about, and it only took a second before she realized what was standing before her. WHO was standing before her.
A rugged-looking boy stumbled to his knees, the look of emptiness and shock plastered across his face. His chest heaved and he covered his face with a hand. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in particular, maybe forming from the mist and smoke engulfing them. His skin was pale and scarred, pupils dialated and still.
At the sight of this crazed little boy, the young girl felt a tinge of pity caress her heart.
Then the boy opened his mouth to speak, voice hoarse and dry, "What... But I... died... why am I here...?" After a moment, his eyes drifted up to the girl. He yelped out of confusion and fear, and she could almost smell it wafting up from his body. He tumbled over and fell backwards onto his trembling elbows.
Finally, the girl decided that it was time that she consoled this lost little boy. But at her next words, his eyes widened even further. It looked as if he could faint at any second.
"We have always been watching over you," she spoke with a calm but very powerful tone, "and you have done very well on that mountain. You trained hard."
His heart swelled. He averted her stare and turned his gaze to the dusty ground. He did not want to look at the girl, for when he did, the unwanted feeling of 'home' nagged at him. This boy did not want to feel at home. He needed to get back to the mountain. He needed to save those that were going to die. He needed to get back to-
"Oh, Giyu.... Giyu..." The boy clapped a hand over his mouth and tears bloomed out of the corners of his eyes. The boy felt so weak. Crying in front of someone else when he needed to be at his strongest. He wanted the tears to stop, but he just couldn't control it anymore.
Breathe, breathe.
The boy told himself.
You are not acting like the grown man that you have to be. Get your act together and figure something out!
Lost in his panicked thoughts, the boy did not notice that the girl had made her way over to him. She kneeled before him and gave him a soft smile. Though she smiled, it was overflowing with and odd feeling of omnicity, emptiness, and longing. But he noticed that most of all, a deep hatred churned in her core, burning like a flame that would always be kindled.
The boy wanted to know who this girl was, what she longed for. "Who are you...?"
She did not answer his question, but said something else instead. "I understand... the feeling of emptiness within you... expanding, infecting," she murmured into the depths of forestry, her voice echoing and ringing out throughout the clearing. She reached over to him and touched his chest with a slender finger to pronounce her words.
The boy then looked up at the girl closely for the first time. She had soft, gentle eyes with a fox mask placed on the top of her head. It was delicately painted and decorated with two flowers on its cheek. Then for a split second, eyes locked, they stopped breathing, and the boy felt a warm feeling stir within him. An epiphany. This little girl in front of him was the same as he. She longed for vengeance, just like him. She would do anything in her power to save those that she loved.
"Please... just tell me who you are.." the boy rasped out once again into the thick air.
Before she replied, he sensed a change in the air. Other beings were here too. He whipped his head around wildly.
Were there demons here?!
He immediately assumed a battle stance. "Careful!" The boy called out to the girl. "Something is not right! There may be demons here!" Despite not even knowing this girl and what she was capable of, he wanted her to be safe. He felt an odd feeling of overprotectiveness. She felt so familiar, as if he'd known her all his life, like she was his sister. The boy did not have his katana, but he was ready for anything. He raised his hand in front of the girl. He would protact her if something went wrong. Then she lowered his arm with a strong grip.
"It's alright. They are not demons."
The boy let out a small gasp at what he saw next. Children. They peeked out of the shadows and out from behind trees. They all seemed to have a faint white glow wafting off of them, just like spirits. And the thing that bothered him the most was that every single one of them bore a fox mask. Just like the girl.
Just like him.
Then after the long silence of his realization, she answered his nagging question. "We trained under Mr. Urokodaki. Like you, we worked hard and split the boulder. Like you, we went to the final selection on Mount Fujukasane. And like you.... we all failed."
"We were all killed."
Her icy words shook him to his core, and he was unable to move, frozen in place. It was as if her words had wrapped around him like a snake, twisting around him until he would suffocate under the pressure. The pressure of his failure. He had failed, so they were stuck here for many more years to come.
She continued, "We are dead souls, lost, and wanting to finally close our eyes and rest. We want to sleep peacefully. You want it too, don't you? But you know that you can't rest until IT is killed. So do you understand now?We must wait for the strongest apprentice to come and defeat that demon. So that we can feel at rest."
Then through her words, the boy heard something. It sounded like a rough sobbing. Uncontrollable. It was coming from a little house near them on the mountain. The boy approached the house through the gloom and made his way around it, the girl following closely behind. He stepped towards an opening and peered inside. On the wooden planks, an old man sat, hands buried into his face. He bore a goblin mask and wore cloud-patterned clothing. He was sobbing endlessly through his mask, and murmured some words.
"Gods, please forgive me... I have sent another one to his death... What am I doing wrong... Oh, Sabito..... I'm sorry..."
Sabito's eyes clouded at the sight. His fingers curled into a fist against the planks and he sobbed as well, their cries dragging out through the trees. "Oh... Oh... Mr. Urokodaki... why are you apologizing? I'm the one who is sorry.... I'm so sorry...." Sabito longed to put a hand on the man's shoulder. To tell him, 'It's going to be okay. I'm alright.'
The little girl's eyes closed, eyebrows tense, and Sabito turned his gaze back to her. "We want Mr. Urokodaki to feel at rest, too." She was trying to hold back her emotion, but it was impossible for her. A glistening tear slipped down her cheek. "Because..." she hiccupped through drowning tears, "Because we all love him so much..."
Sabito was shaken. He didn't know how much emotion this girl was capable of, but the grief filling the air was enough proof of her feelings. It felt powerful enough to choke him. Because he felt safe and at home here, he allowed himself to cry, just this once. Together, all of the children shed tears and sadness, the mood grim and solemn.
"We...we will wait no matter how long for another apprentice. And now...." she glanced down at him, her eyes sorrowful and teary, "you will wait with us."
".....tell me, what is your name?"
She wiped her last tear away and stood, back straightened and fists at her side, a determined spark in her eye. The other children drifted around him as well, surrounding him with smiles. "My name... is Makomo..." Her voice did not quiver anymore. She was done with being hopeless. She would train the next apprentice with her heart and soul.
"And we are the dead children of Mount Fujikasane."
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