#i just like it when one of them is being very silly/very fucked up you know?
plutosoda · 2 days
I am saying words to you
Tell me about planet bots
What was your thought process when making them all
idk, just tell me about them a lot
see its so hard for me to explain things like this without. drawing what i mean LOL but i'll try to.
originally the concept for pb was way different than what it is, it was going to be a cartoon(in lore.not for real) centered around my sona design. it was Heavily inspired by milky way and the galaxy girls and my idea was like "ok what if i did that but robots". when i started thinking about the designs i wanted them to all have a screen for a face but then i switched to trying to make them more distinct from each other. i do actually have some early drawings of th designs that are funny to look at
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mercury was going to be the pissy one but that ended up being uranus instead. changed them a Lot because it looked very similar to my sona. mars is basically the same.i ditched th second monitor bc it was annoying to draw over and over but tbh i still think this design kinda goes even if its a bit of a mess
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i was going to skip having a character for earth (mwgg doesn't) but i thought the concept of having like. One normal human guy would be silly and interesting. so they ended up being the 'main character' instead of my sona and the tv show thing was dropped for something else thats. spoilers. but their design was pretty much always the same too, i just ended up switching to white glasses eventually
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character wise venus was always like.the same. she got more orange and brown over time and i took th halo away since it was clashing with saturn and uranus having rings lol. her initial design has So Much it was hard to simplify things so i didn't draw her a ton until i made it look nicer. i still think the dust cloud bracelets are kinda cool though. imgonna continue in a reblog because the post editor is fucking up
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zilabee · 2 days
Tony Bramwell, on the Death of Happiness:
- Perhaps it was the world’s press taking them too seriously and asking silly questions about the deeper meaning of their songs and about where the words came from that changed them from being simple songwriters. Songwriting became a “creative art” and was reinvented as being difficult.
- For John and Paul, songs were suddenly something that were “crafted” and then taken off to Abbey Road like a half-finished jigsaw puzzle for George Martin to work his alchemy on. It all became serious and expensive.
- Things changed. The passion went. […] I came to see on a regular basis how the four of them would be slumped in a corner at Abbey Road, with cups of coffee and bits of paper and cigarettes and joints, not doing a thing. George Martin and the new engineer, Geoff Emerick (who had replaced Norman Smith), would be sitting in the control room, or the canteen, bored out of their minds.
- I will always remember the twelve empty boxes [Magic Alex] made for George. They contained nothing and didn’t actually do anything, but George told John that they contained some kind of light ray that could recognize bad vibes. “Really? I’ll have some of those,” said John. “Yeah, me too. In fact, I’ll have two dozen. Put ’em on my bill,” said Ringo who was the most cynical of all the Beatles. Alex produced dozens and in all seriousness, they were lined up in key points around the Beatles’ homes, where, as far as I could tell, they continued to do nothing at all.
- The Beatles were under a lot of pressure at that time to prove themselves in the aftermath of Brian’s death. Consequently, the people who worked for them, or for Apple, were under a lot of pressure not to take the piss out of even the smallest of the Beatles’ bright ideas, including their involvement with the Maharishi, Alexis Mardas, or the Fool. They’re looking at you saying: “Go on. Say it. Say what you’re thinking! I can take it.” And you’re going, “No fucking way. One: you can’t take it. Secondly: I like it here!” To disagree would prove you were not tuned in and turned on.
- Denis left for the ashram, where he discovered that the Beatles were too high up in the clouds, literally, to care about films. George so desperately wanted to believe in this new religion that he called Denis into his hut and made him watch while he sat down cross-legged and levitated. When I asked Denis if he actually saw any space between George’s bottom and the concrete floor, he said evasively, “I’m not sure. George was wearing a robe, and it was very dark in his hut.” Denis was always very diplomatic.
- It seemed to me—and from what they said—that they were very earnest about meditation and Indian music, but found the Maharishi a faintly repulsive figure. They argued about it, but in the end they decided to give him the benefit of the doubt just in case he was some kind of magician
- [on hearing Jumping Jack Flash for the first time on the radio, Paul sends Tony to immediately request the station play it again.] There was a very funny look on Paul’s face as I went off to find the phone. As if, not only was the whole world on his shoulders, but now the Stones were about to hit their stride.
- As the sixties gave way to the seventies, the fun left. It was like a carousel on a merry-go-round slowly grinding to a halt, with the music dying and the lights going dim.
- Klein couldn’t have known that John was sensitive about being slightly dyslexic, but he had guessed correctly that John resented being seen as the junior partner.
- Not only was it hard work drumming up sufficient Krishnas to placate George when he wanted them around, but we were all bored to death at having to go along with the bunch of dropouts who marched up and down, chanting, clanging bells and begging for money.
- Previously, the Beatles had tried to get along; now there were factions. It was like walking on a knife-edge of conspiracies and backbiting. I watched the madness and the slow disintegration of Apple as barriers went up and years of lawsuits and wrangling began. […] People who worked for the Beatles and Apple were supposed to be totally faithful, but it was impossible to be loyal to everybody.
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tmos-time · 10 hours
hello hello hello!!! It has been. Quite a while! I hope your year is going well and that your pride month has had a wonderful start! Or at the very least hasn't been bad :D May I have a headcanon in these trying times :? Perhaps one pertaining to an au? Or whatever's been on your mind lately
aw hey!!! hope your year has been going well too!! i have decided to give you my erisol understuck au proof of concept thoughts LOL
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i have rotated this damn mini au in my head so many times. the comedy to be found in eridan being mettaton AND the royal scientist (and half-assedly pretending not to be) at the same time while sollux is stuck being an assistant/maintenance worker/public-facing royal scientist is so silly to me <3 anyways heres key notes on the au under a read more lol
eridan immediately shows off his walking around form to MSPA reader (who is obviously the best choice to be in the frisk role in an undertale au lets be real here) BEFORE the trivia show. sollux is also way more subtle about giving the right answers away, but still fucks up by pointing out a trick question, leading to the crush question
eridan's answers for "who does sol have a crush on" are aradia, feferi, karkat, and equius. this leads to bickering, mainly spurred by sollux being dumbfounded that eridan would put equius as an option out of all fourth options. MSPA reader, after listening to them yapping at each other for long enough, can get the option to pick eridan over the other options instead, leading to eridan flusteredly turning back to his little flying box form and comically floating away into the rafters. otherwise, the trivia battle ends on eridan trying to make fun of sollux and sollux complaining that everyone around him is stupid and cant read emotions lol
the rest of the hotland route is pretty unplanned; sollux probably minds his business, doesnt add you to his social media, and is blunt when having to direct you through the puzzles. he has no issues about being liked like alphys does hes is Just There he is Chilling. if you pick eridan in the trivia battle theres bonus dialogue sollux brings up about eridan + they probably get a "yeah i give a shit about you i guess, whatever, shut up" level of a confession scene after eridan's battle lol
not getting into all the ELABORATE thoughts i have on how the geno route would go but listen. look at the design i gave eridan. you know hes going down in one hit with a well placed shattering of the glass stomach as a homage to his canon death LOL
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tjjamess · 3 days
watching les mis bootlegs everyday
Day 3
okay so this was meant to be a daily thing but I literally passed out from exhaustion half way through this performance then was immediately sick the next two days. This may be a sign from the universe, however, this sign can’t stop me cause I can’t read.
14/6/2014 West End Production
To preface, this is incredibly biased because this is a rewatch of the first bootleg I ever watched of Les Mis and was literally my introduction to Les mis
it holds a very very very special place in my heart
first off literally one of the most powerful singing from Valjean I’ve heard
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oml Na-Young Jeon plays Fantine and she is literally my favourite Fantine ever I love her so my she is how I have always and will always picture Fantine she is literally the greatest
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she’s gorgeous like just look at her
She has a power in her voice that I don’t hear often in other Fantine’s
she’s literally perfect
theres a moment in at the end of the day where she attempts to stop Valjean from leaving cause she knows what’s going to happen
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Carrie Hope Fletcher as Eponine!!!
Amazing of course
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She’s an icon she’s a legend
a little fall of rain actually hurt my soul so much
She’s such a good actress I will literally shout it from the rooftops
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Cosette oh Cosette i cannot speak enough about her
her acting was actually incredible especially in the finale and her face is so expressive I can’t even
this post is just turning into actress appreciation at this point
Marius was such a Little loser this performance
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At least he can sing
empty chairs and empty tables broke me
Enjolras had a little bow in his ponytail
Im pretty sure Javert gets a little bow in his hair at some point later as well
but you cannot tell me this is not one of the most Enjolras looking Enjolrases to even Enjolras
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He gets all up close and personal with Javert
now for my little Grantaire tangent
i absolutely loved Grantaire in this performance I think this was my favourite portrayal of him ever
he as a really good relationship with Gavroche it’s so cute
When Gavroche is accusing Javert he flings his arms around and almost knocks Grantaire in the face
Grantaire holds onto Gavroche to keep him away from the guns
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My sillies
and when Gavroche dies and the set spins to return to the barricade boys the spotlight is on Grantaire as he slowly sits down after witnessing it
After a little fall of rain Enjolras steps forward to speak to Marius but Grantaire steps between them stopping him from getting any closer before comforting Marius
In Drink with me Grantaire tries to (or does I can’t tell) kiss Joly
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Then he fucking sobs through his solo and hugs Enjolras who sits him down and takes away his drink
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i cant do this
and on the Barricade Enjolras runs all the way down from the top to see Grantaire then they both climb back up together
also he’s either wearing eyeliner or it just looks like he’s wearing eyeliner
his actor was just really really good in general
and that is why I love Grantaire thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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After the finale battle Javert tried to open the sewer grate then GROWLS ‘Valjean’
like actually
through out the entire show this man is just full on GROWLING
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Javert’s soliloquy was a masterpiece genuinely
his transition from the bridge to the ground was so smooth I have no clue how they did that
i mean…he kinda… *gets spritzed with water and starts melting like that witch*
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The Thenadiers are like exactly how I pictured them to look
plus they were both real good
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^^Now I know you can’t tell, but this here is a picture of Feuilly holding Enjolras by the waist (it’s canon fr fr)
shout out to this random woman and barricade boy who are being adorable in the background while Marius is lamenting about his sad sad life
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time for my lighting nerd moment!
the majority of especially the first part of the performance the stage is like entirely dark with a single spotlight
particularly with individual songs but for like most of the songs that aren’t group songs (red and black or one day more ect)
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It’s done SO well and looks SO good
it’s very impressive how exact the spotlights are
It feels like this performance is very character focused rather than set
especially because the person filming tends to zoom in on the actors faces to capture their expressions
They make really good use of smoke the whole performance it’s very nice
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I like how they used smoke with coloured lighting at the beginning of at the end of the day
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The sequence was very nice
and in the sewers they used a bunch of spotlights to show Valjean and Marius travelling
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they also use a grate light for the sewers and dog eats dog which worked really well imo
if you want the full stage the whole time you absolutely will not get that for most of the performance
the person filming is actually pretty good at catching faces
Overall the performance was so incredible
i am very biased so take everything with a grain of salt
but definitely one of, if not my favourite bootleg
now I leave you with two of my favourite screenshots
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If you have suggestions for other good bootlegs please let me know (YouTube only)
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thetarttfuldickhead · 21 days
There was this post a little while back suggesting that Beard gets kicked out by Jane and moves in with Higgins and that’s very narratively satisfying and right, given that Leslie’s the one person daring to tell Beard that his relationship with Jane isn’t, you know, great. However, I’m a Roy & Jamie girl at heart, so I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Beard instead moved in with his fellow fan of few words, ie one Roy Kent.
Say, for instance, that Roy and Jamie are fucking/dating/what have you and Jamie gets it into his pretty, silly head that they can somehow hide the fact from Beard. Roy tells him stop being an idiot, of course he’s going to know if he’s staying here, only way to keep it from him if you keep away until he finds another place to live, and fuck no, I’m not moving in with you, how the fuck would I explain that, and anyway your fucking headboard would give me a migraine.
Well, Jamie says mulishly, I’m not staying away.
Fine, Roy says, secretly a little relieved. So he’ll know. Big fucking deal.
And in this version of events Roy really is cool with it, because it has to come out sooner or later and he’s not ashamed and it’s not like Beard’s gonna say anything (Roy may or may not be mistaken in this assumption), and anyway, he’s Roy Kent, he does whatever the hell he wants, okay. Only Jamie doesn’t accept that, because he has this strong and somewhat misguided notion that he needs to defend Roy’s honour by not letting anyone suspect he’s fucking his player. So Jamie starts making up increasingly absurd excuses as to why he should show up at Roy’s place like having some work done at my house and Roy was concerned I’d be breathing in poisonous fumes, yeah, so he said I had to come over here and um, Coach, I think I strained my calf today, could you maybe take a look here in the bedroom ‘cause my back hurts too and I need to lay down and yeah, Beard’s eyebrows are not as psychotic as Roy’s but they certainly climb and climb and climb. Later in the evening he just glances at Roy, so, you and Jamie, huh? And Roy shrugs, unconcerned, yeah, and pours himself another cup of tea. He doesn’t tell Jamie that they’ve been made, though; it’s still kind of fun watching the muppet make a fool of himself. Besides, the idea of their encounters being particularly illicit seems to really get Jamie going, so.
Alternatively, Jamie agrees to stay away, and then proceeds to do everything in his power to set Beard up with someone else so that Beard can be happy and move in with his new friend and Jamie can go back to shagging his grumpy old boyfriend all over the house. The attempts are predictably absurd, but also oddly sweet (‘cause Jamie wants the relationship to last, right, so that Beard doesn’t come knocking on Roy’s door again anytime soon, so obviously he needs to find someone properly nice, but it’s hard for him to figure what nice means to someone as odd as Beard).
(These two scenarios work if Keeley’s part of the mix, too, btw. She can either join in Jamie’s antics because she’s a weird girl at heart, or she can be the voice of reason if a voice of reason is what gets you going.)
Or say that Roy and Jamie really are just friends (for the moment, at least) and it’s Roy that gets a little nervous about Beard realizing just how close they are. Like, he’s reluctantly cool with everyone knowing that Jaime is his favourite player (though of course he’d deny it if someone dared say it to his face) or them knowing that Roy spends stupid amounts of time torturing training Jamie, but he’s not quite comfortable having people know that they also just… hang out. That Roy cooks Jamie dinner. Leaves Phoebe with him when Roy’s busy with a coaching crisis. That they watch stupid shit on the telly together, and that Roy doesn’t complain (much) when Jamie curls up to him like a cat. That stuff’s private, all right? So he stops having Jamie over, starts brushing him off, and at first Jamie’s undeterred because if he let Roy’s grumpiness get to him he’d never not be gotten to, but Roy persists and Jamie starts to wilt, hurt and confused. In the end, Beard – wise, all-seeing Beard – fixes Roy with one long stare and notes that there’s nothing wrong with having a friend, Coach. Plenty wrong with being shit to the ones you’ve got, though, and Roy doesn’t even yell fuck he just stands there, stony like, until he jerks a short nod and stalks off to make things up to Jamie.
Anyway, the idea of Beard bearing witness to Roy and/or Jamie being particularly ridiculous about each other is very funny, to me.
(I tried to hunt down that original post because even though I didn’t want to add to it and derail OP’s poignant take with my Roy & Jamie obsession, I still want to credit them for the original idea. Couldn’t find it, however, but please give me a shout if you have a link. Aha! @coachbeards is the original galaxy brain!)
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Wes behind the scenes for the "Lie" Music Video
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gaydogmarriage · 3 months
alhaitham is such a lying liar who lies dude. acting like he and the sumeru boys gang have always been besties since forever. "that's how it's always been with the four of us" - man who has barely spoken to most of these people before he decided to team up with them to overthrow the government and regularly skips social gatherings with them. yeah right buddy ok
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matchandelure · 2 months
i fear that the undercover top secret government assassins are growing on me (cp9)
#I HAD ZERO THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM AT FIRST#IN FACT I WAS DEVASTATED THAT THE WATER 7 QUARTET WERE ACTUALLY CP9#BUT THEN??????? I READ CP9'S INDEPENDENT REPORT AND. I!?!??!?@?!?#the thoughts are endless ive been having one piece dreams every night for the past few days and they have all been cp9 related the brainrot#is so bad. i am sodgjkadhg#i love one piece there are so many characters with each new arc i get to i get some new characters to obsess over i love it i feel so alive#ive been fighting tooth and nail avoiding spoilers for the latest episode BUT GOD IM SO SO TEMPTED TO. TAKE A PEEK#anyways last night i was once again doing a wiki deep dive and i found some silly things on cp9's pages#JABRA AND LUCCI ARE THE SAME HEIGHT!!!!! THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY#CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?!?! the kid you've had beef with since he was 13 (maybe even earlier since lucci alreayd knew him when he was 6) who you#used to have a whole head over is now at eye level with you i would actually be so embarrased#KAKU IS FROM EAST BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OS IMPORTANT ACTUALLY!! THE MOST IMPORATNT FACT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!#so he knows the strawhats are...also from the east blue right?!? right??????! and ik the wg steals these kids early on to train them so i#doubt he has lingering attachments to his home sea but i still think this so both so so sad and so important :'((#also not getting over how oda's depiction of tiny kaku has him holding a toy boat BC ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?! ARE YOU K IDDING ME#kalifa and jabra's favourite dishes are both lamb based!!!!!!!!! silly because her animal motif is a sheep haha#BUT ALSO considering how her father was also cp9 and she's probably been conditioned since birth to also follow his footsteps and how jabra#holds seniority in the current lineup id like to think that these two have known each other a very long time and there were influences#the most dysfunctional fcked up family ever. cp9#blueno and jabra are both from the north blue!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that one falshbakc we see that the two of them plus 6year old lucci trained#together but also it would be so fcked up if the two actually knew of each other before being roped into the governemnt#idk how the wg works do they just??? routinely scout around and pick up a bunch of kids ata time???? were jabra and blueno taken together??#also wondering if ... kalifa jabra and kumadori knew each other the longest as fellow agents or soemthing#i feel like im entertaining a gazillion thoughts all at once its so hard ot balance but we know both kalifa nad kumadori have#parents in the governemnt/assassin profession that also influenced them right#idk maybe one thing they can bond over#cp9 to me is just a fucked up family of some sort. they are not found family they are like some weird forged family where they were all#forced together and somehow made it work and they all love lucci and care for his wellbeing enough to raise all that money to get him to a#doctor and they cared about each other enough to get off enies lobby together without leaving anyone behind and they went cafe hopping and#shopping and bowling together and they all care for each other in their own way
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saturnsfather · 2 months
yknow. if i had a nickel for every time i had a huge crush on someone, never did anything about it, then reconnected with them several years later only to be told that they Also Had Feelings For Me or Currently Have Feelings For Me, except because of the time distance or other factors i/we cant/wont do anything about it and then i pretty much never see them again, id have two nickels. which isnt a lot, but it sure did happen twice.
#tbd#just. reflecting#man. remember being a Kid.#funny enough neither guy was someone i cried over! i DID cry over a boy in middle school because i couldnt work up the nerve to ask him#to dance with me. which in retrospect is so silly. i did also still think i was a girl back then too#but anyway. first guy didnt work out bc by the time he told me he liked me#which by the way was WILD bc he basically admitted that the very distinct memory i have as a turning point in our relationship#where we actually became friends. was ALSO the moment he REALIZED HE HAD FEELINGS FOR ME. and it just never came up. lmao#but by then id been over him for a few years. and then i ghosted him.#second guy i reconnected with in high school and he got a girlfriend partway through that year.#but he had a car and occasionally gave me rides home from school. and on one of them we started talking#about the summer camp we originally met at. and i told him id had a huge crush on him back then#(fully equipped with the knowledge that i still did kind of have one)#and thats when he told me ‘haha woah really?? i had feelings for you too. thats crazy’#and then we never talked about it again.#to be fair it probably never would have worked with us anyway because i have I Could Fix Him disease#and always have.#and he already had a drinking problem. at sixteen. so you can imagine how i felt about that.#anyway. all this is to say.#if it happens again im gonna k!ll myself lol#thats a joke. i will not. but i will be So fucking mad
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chaotictomtom · 7 months
LOVED SAW X!!! gonna put in the tags my """review""" to not spoil anyone even though. we're a month late here in france. but just in case.
#i don't rlly have a rank system of my fav movies...but this one goes very high alongside THE FIRST ONE I THINK...#LOOOVE THE INTIMACY OF BEING DIRECTLY IN THE TRAP ALONGSIDE THEM#so happy to see billy even tho i think it's kind of silly. as. there's not point to have a tape and all when the ppl have already seen you#so it's not really as creepy as not doing wtf's going on who's doing this to you etc. but ig the. prosperity or dmth#*smth. stuff to leave behind so ppl can understand what happened or smth idkidkidkidk#FUCK TIMED TRAP 🖕🖕🖕#for matteo like. it is kinda frustrating that he did it and still he “lost” but that already happened to lots of other ppl in the franchise#BUT VALENTINA?????????? HELLO?!!!!#i think she was way too close to be free that it's actually super really unfair. not that all this is fair but. it's no better to me than#rigged traps. just as frustrating as adam's#i think#GABRIELLAAAAA....#wahhhwahhhh....... fucked up that we was treated as harsh as the others. i think. i mean it's fucked up for the ithers too but yeah.#mandy!!!!! almsot clapped and cheered seeing her#ppl going “who's that” on my left 🙄 THAT'S MANDY MY FAVOURITE FUCKED UP CREACHURE 🖕🖕🖕🖕#LOOOVE HER LIL JUMP I ALREADY SAW IN GIFS#these same kids kept going “who's [name of character CURRENTLY IN THE TRAP. NAMED SAID A BILLION TIMES AT THIS MOMENT KN TIME]#i get not remembering characters' names but this was. when there xas only TWO PPL LEFT.... THE DOC... SO LIKE... HELLO#who's that john they're talking abt again lol#wishing i haven't watched the trailer like every single time i watch trailers but it'snfine#anyway loved loved loved it :3 will rewatch it real soon in vo#i wish lawrence was here....#also the BTS photos of that adam look alike 🧍 i really thought we would get a dramatic shot and all AT LEAST#but seeing the bathroom made me actually cheer lol#ANYWAY THAT'S ALL FOR NOW I THINK.#waiting for bf's train to arrive hehe yipeeee
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sysig · 1 year
I thought I was done being feral about Tamagotchis but no, it was just a lull
#I was already interested in getting a Gotchi for the past couple months and then KKClue dropped that video (praise be)#And Then I learned that there was a cheap way of purchasing legit Japanese Gotchis?? I may uh. Have. Purchased a few#I never really had That Moment as a kid or teen of being impulsive with money - I'd either save it up and get one big thing#Or I'd buy little things until I eventually ran out - and that habit has kinda continued into adulthood lol#Nowadays the one big thing is usually something like a new computer when my old one dies but it certainly is a big thing lol#And I like getting little things like my puzzle cubes <3 But I'm fairly miserly!#Well. Until.#I've finally hit The Phase of impulsive purchases because of a perfect storm of Things Happening lol#I first wrote down that I wanted to start looking for Tamagotchis in March of this year and I was going about it rather casually to start#Just looking around Big Box stores to check pricing - then various toy and vintage stores to see if they had stock#Most of them didn't but I did get in some delightful networking :D I want to go back and continue!#I finally broke down a week ago and checked Amazon for the ''custom'' shell designs because I like the galaxy one hehe#And then - that accursed video (affectionate)#I may have watched it five times so far lol and then actually bit the bullet and checked out the sponsor and Fucking Hell#I can never get into gambling this does absolutely wack shit to my brain it's only half about the Gotchis themselves anymore#That said I am very excited for my Mesutchi to arrive! I really want to get an Osutchi to go with her and a Gen 1 and and and#I want to collect all the Angelgotchs so bad you don't understand I Must Have them in all the colours it's very important#I'm even considering doing some kind of Project with them once they arrive I don't know it's just all so exciting#I'm feeling very normal#Oh yeah and barely related other than IRL silliness - I finally got a haircut! :D#It'll take a bit for my sona to update but it was today! All sorts of things haha
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
i think the fact that witch hat atelier somewhat struggles with introducing a few too many characters at a time but then not really taking the time to fully flesh out or utilize them leaving for much to desire from characters that do appear to be quite interesting is something i consider a blunder of the series but its also rather humorous to me because i think this author just really likes character design i will be honest
#thankfully the main cast is just so wonderfully captivating and incredibly enjoyable that its not really a case of ''being stuck with boring#main characters when the side characters are infinitely more interesting''#its more so ... characters like alaira jujy heiheart etc etc are so fun and cool and it makes me mad because i just want to know more about#them !!!!!!!please. just a little bit#when jujy (and heiheart) appeared in the recent chapters i was freaking out you guys dont know#JUJY WAS INTERACTING WITH THE OTHER APPRENTICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!G#fucking hell man. the main four apprentices are genuinely some of my favorite characters in anything. ever#but also ... jujy could have been a main character. lol#and im a little (very!) upset that shes not when i think about it#sigh ..i cant wait for alaira and euini to reappear#with the case of alaira i actually get so so upset i wish they didnt just disappear for so many chapters without even a simple mention#i get it theyre going rouge but :-( they had the one comic where euini sends letters to richeh but we never get something like this in the#actual series#and its so strange to me. i cant keep living like this i need alaira to tell me stories about her life#i CANNOT keep making shit up about her i miss her so bad its not even fucking funny#i also ... want to see more of her and qifrey :-( i think about them sometimes#alaira is one of qifreys only and dearest friends ....i love how silly and tender their interactions are#these people dont see eachother very often but wont hesitate to joke around a bit whenever they do happen to cross paths#theyre just very comfortable around eachother#i just like how this series writes relationships between the adults its handled with such a specific care and is so natural. but thats a#whole other ramble#these are ...people
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caruliaa · 1 year
i hope the celling fan fall on yall 😒
#/ref obsessed with this phrase#anyway this is abt the fucingng obsession with the mario movie. dont wanna be a dick but omfg#the thing is like. a lot of the people just yk enjoy the fucking movie and thats fine and chill whatever#bowser sings one of my names at some point apparenty i dont have the right to complain whatever#but like. every person i trust to come at this with good faith has said that the movie is fun bc mario references and j being silly fun#whatever bla bla but other than thats it doesnt rly have much depth and like. isnt a superr great movie#but when everyone else comes at it with HOWW DAREE CRITICS NOT LIKE THE MARIO MOVIE ITS GOOD >:( its like. shut up#like you have to acknowledge when most of the joy of a movie comes from refernces not everyone gonna get#people arent going to treat it like its a masterpeice !! and thats okay whatever !!!#and the movie being fun without any other depth to it doenst automatically make it the most incredible movie ever#obvs the mario movies doesnt need to try to be emotional but like. you can make a movie thats but fun and emotionally impactful#at the same damm time !!!! its possible belive it or not !!!#the one of/most popular/well loved animated movie of last year and most popular movie overall of last year are both movies that#(while i havent seen one of them yet sorryy to the eeaaw girls 😶😶😶 will one day soon i prommy)#are both very fun and silly in places and known and loved for the emotinal impact they had on people cmon man !!#when the animated movie there is still in cinemas for many at the same time of the mario movie#the argument that the movie is fun or a kids movie so u shldnt expect any depth is dumb#the argument that its a mario movie and mario isnt a very plot heavy game makes more sense tho but i feel like#less ppl are making that for some reason? like it not no one but still. and the mario games are capable of depth sometimes#not to mention the reason having less depth with plot works is due to fun gameplay which idk if fun movie scenes can replicate fully#anyway enjoy the mario movie whatever have fun i literally love mario so fucking myslef and ik most ppl are like#being normal abt it and just enjoying a movie but man are the vocal minority just have fully put me off of it#my sibling is going tmrw and im not joining them bc im watching pibtlw w james+luce. but i also just dont wanna at this point#flappy rambles
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hecksupremechips · 14 days
The way akishinji and ashbella both have dramatic coma scenes and dramatic shot through the heart scenes like we’ve gotta stop meeting like this 😩
#the klock keeps ticking#theres actually so many similarities between these two pairings which is. probably why theyre my favorite pairings ever#like theres shinji and ashton they are guys with long hair/crabby/trying to be cool but theyre lame/emo/fingerless gloves/repressed#care so so deeply about their friends and break their fucking backs trying to protect them but are terrible with expressing their affection#with words so they come off as uncaring and rude/associates with shady people/buried beneath lies they tell to their friends/hate themselves#plans to die alone because they think they dont matter/bad at sincerity/has it bad like really bad for aki/bella#they love aki/bella for their kindness and sincerity and they feel theyre unworthy of it and that theyre a burden#gets [REDACTED] and held by aki/bella#then the aki isabella similarities are like older sibling who works too hard/stubborn/bad at reading social cues#too good for this world/will punch their friends if needed/bad at self care/emotionally repressed/kinda clumsy and silly#when they find out about shinji/ash trying to get themselves killed they get very angry and emotional and have a big confrontation#lose an important family member despite all their efforts to keep them safe/have trouble understanding their own feelings#especially if those feelings are romantic#and like both couples love to argue and bicker but care for each other so deeply its annoying lol and theres lots of miscommunication#cuz god theyre bad at having feelings and expressing them to each other and theyre long term friends#the coma scenes and the shot through the heart scenes are waaaaay better on the ashbella end though thats a given#since the letter has significantly better writing good god lol#like the emotions are very real and they fuck me up so bad then p3 its like. aki cries for 3 seconds and thats all you get cuz god forbid#a character in this series get to like. be written in a satisfying way lol#the letter just works so much better like akishinji would benefit from those scenes but ashbella needs like no work aksjks#plus ‘this is how it should be’ is a line that i fucking hate cuz of how its treated afterwards meanwhile fucking#‘you are going to die ashton frey. and you are going to die alone’ ‘she got one thing wrong though. i did not die alone’#that shit gets me so bad every single time ITS SO GOOD and such a slap to the face#realizing that youve made a grave error and youre actually loved deeply and matter a lot right as youre dying and feeling relieved#cuz you may be dying. BUT YOU DIDNT DIE ALONE YOU DIED BEING LOVED AND CARED FOR#like idk at least his death is able to mean something for him as a character its still a moment of growth#shinji doesnt learn anything he fully dies believing he deserves it and that everyone will benefit from it#god awful writing right there boooo
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
So, anyway, I say as though we are mid-conversation, and you're not just being invited into this conversation mid-thought. One of my editors phoned me today to check in with a file I'd sent over. (<3)
The conversation can be surmised as, "This feels like something you would write, but it's juuuust off enough I'm phoning to make sure this is an intentional stylistic choice you have made. Also, are you concussed/have you been taken over by the Borg because ummm."
They explained that certain sentences were very fractured and abrupt, which is not my style at all, and I was like, huh, weird... And then we went through some examples, and you know that meme going around, the "he would not fucking say that" meme?
Yeah. That's what I experienced except with myself because I would not fucking say that. Why would I break up a sentence like that? Why would I make them so short? It reads like bullet points. Wtf.
Anyway. Turns out Grammarly and Pro-Writing-Aid were having an AI war in my manuscript files, and the "suggestions" are no longer just suggestions because the AI was ignoring my "decline" every time it made a silly suggestion. (This may have been a conflict between the different software. I don't know.)
It is, to put it bluntly, a total butchery of my style and writing voice. My editor is doing surgery, removing all the unnecessary full stops and stitching my sentences back together to give them back their flow. Meanwhile, I'm over here feeling like Don Corleone, gesturing at my manuscript like:
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ID: a gif of Don Corleone from the Godfather emoting despair as he says, "Look how they massacred my boy."
Fearing that it wasn't just this one manuscript, I've spent the whole night going through everything I've worked on recently, and yep. Yeeeep. Any file where I've not had the editing software turned off is a shit show. It's fine; it's all salvageable if annoying to deal with. But the reason I come to you now, on the day of my daughter's wedding, is to share this absolute gem of a fuck up with you all.
This is a sentence from a Batman fic I've been tinkering with to keep the brain weasels happy. This is what it is supposed to read as:
"It was quite the feat, considering Gotham was mostly made up of smog and tear gas."
This is what the AI changed it to:
"It was quite the feat. Considering Gotham was mostly made up. Of tear gas. And Smaug."
Absolute non-sensical sentence structure aside, SMAUG. FUCKING SMAUG. What was the AI doing? Apart from trying to write a Batman x Hobbit crossover??? Is this what happens when you force Grammarly to ignore the words "Batman Muppet threesome?"
Did I make it sentient??? Is it finally rebelling? Was Brucie Wayne being Miss Piggy and Kermit's side piece too much???? What have I wrought?
Anyway. Double-check your work. The grammar software is getting sillier every day.
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neroushalvaus · 7 months
Tumblr in the 60s
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☮ monkeewholock follow
🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS UNITED KINGDOM 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉BYE BYE GROSS INDECENCY!!!!🌈🌈🌈 62 countries have now legalized sexual activities between men🌈🌈🌈
🐞 homophilespock follow
🚀 starrfleet follow
They are American, not British... But I'm pretty sure spirk has always been able to fuck since the show is set in the future.
📻 lesbianbobdylan follow
Christ, this is not about your cutesy uwu yaoi otp, go outside and smoke some grass
10,8 t. notes
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🌻 flowerpower follow
Politicians are not your friends but damn Kennedy is fine, I look at one (1) picture of him and my head literally explodes
🌻 flowerpower follow
...i just woke up, why is my askbox full
🌻 flowerpower follow
🌻 flowerpower follow
guys stop reblogging this it's been like five years i've changed
290,9 t. notes
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🎹 nixonsafascist follow
do you think they call him little richard because he has a little. Richard
🎹 nixonsafascist follow
easy website
58,1 t. notes
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🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Being the only lesbian in your friend group sucks so bad. "beatles or stones??" i will kill you
🗣 lavendermenaceisreal-deactivated72537262
Disrespecting female social groups for male validation? Typical lesbian behaviour.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Mike Jacker isnt gonna fuck you
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Oh no I think she couldn't handle that
77 notes
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✌ draftdodgerdyke
DM me for the addresses of my Swedish and Canadian friends. Do not put your personal information in the reblogs.
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
You should be ashamed of yourself.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. You disgust me. I assure you, when the commies attack us, you will not find your silly little post "groovy" anymore.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Jesus, don't flip your wig
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
My father fought in ww2 for you ungrateful degenerate.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Don't see what your daddy's unsexiness has to do with me and my lads taking a sexy sexy trip to Sweden.
#anyway only hot guys dodge the draft
587 notes
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🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
in every interview i watch of the beatles they are so DONE and trolling everybody, these fucking annoying BITCHES, i need them inside me so badly
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
#this but not john lennon #i just can't forget the heinous things he said about jesus
idk I actually think it was very sexy of him, stop trying to cancel john in my post
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor. John literally didn't mean he was greater than Jesus or better than Jesus, he was just trying to make a point about the world becoming more secular. Cancel culture has gone too far.
🚷 to-hell-with-the-beatles follow
How dare you say we piss on the poor?? Jesus died for Mr Lennon's sins and it's not "cancelling" to send him a few respectably worded death threats to remind him of that. He cancelled our Lord first!
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
Girl Jesus literally said it's cool, I dropped acid yesterday and saw Him and He told me.
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
help the girls (christians) are fighting in my beatles thirst post
6,008 notes
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🛼 donovandyke follow
I will be glued to the tv today. If you don't want to hear about it, just blacklist #moonlanding !!
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🗣 claudeberger4ever-deactivated98975287
Hi I'm new to the Hair musical fandom so I'm not super invested in the whole discourse, but I just felt like this needed to be said: Friendly reminder that not being against the war in Vietnam does not make you a bad person!
🥁 ringoforpresident follow
it literally does tho
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Another win for us hot guys
17,2 t. notes
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