#i hope you're well !!
zhansww · 9 months
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deservedgrace · 10 months
the more I become a leftist as well as being ex-evangelical is really, really making me think how xtianity is basically a perfect tool of manipulation for imperialism.
and how much it has damaged the world into thinking humans are inherently evil. contributing to people feeling hopeless about humanity in the belief that we are inherently cruel. as xtianity spread that idea of original sin to everyone
a lot of other cultures viewed humanity in a more neutral light. some neutral to good
how would someone feel like they can make actual change in the world for the better if we were taught humans are inherently damned?
through this and many other aspects of xtianity… it is no wonder many conservatives who fight against progress are evangelical. and no surprise that christofascism would evolve as a concept and is a significant threat in the US
you're so right. there are so many things that contribute to xtianity being so effective as a manipulation tool but enforcing the idea that something is inherently wrong with you in order to sell the "cure" (xitanity) is particularly insidious
there's this weird dichotomy in evangelical xtianity where you're this horrible, depraved sinner without any hope of being better because you're a human and it takes away responsibility and accountability for your actions, and yet you're better than all the other sinners because you have ~the cure~, and because you have ~the cure~ and you're better than everyone else, you don't need to look at the harm you're doing. it's really similar to the issues in like, over-identifying with being a "good person" or "bad person" imo. if you're a "bad person" there's no point in examining your behavior because everything you do is bad, and if you're a "good person" you don't have to examine your behavior because everything you do is good. and in so many of these people we get this weird yet inevitable mix of "i can't help that i'm a horrible evil sinner" and "i'm always doing the right thing" that leads to this inability to self-reflect or take accountability even when people explicitly say they're being hurt. and then it's magnified by this belief in an all-knowing, all-loving god that you cannot question without consequences and couldn't possibly ever understand with your mere human knowledge that demands your full trust and faith anyway or burn in hell for all eternity
and then by claiming that everyone else is horrible and evil and that you have the ~one true fix~, you get these people who desperately want to "help" others but simultaneously view them as inherently evil and worthy of destruction, and that combination is catastrophic because then you have people who are not only willing to do whatever it takes to "fix" them, they view it as a loving activity
and all of that ties into the problem of heaven, where people are like "why should we make things better for people when the good, deserving xtains will be rewarded in heaven anyway and this life won't matter, and the evil, undeserving non-xtians are lucky that earth isn't as bad as hell will be"
i can only speak for where i'm at (the us) but the idea that humans are inherently evil is prevalent even outside of xtian circles, and it's so unfortunate because that's a very xtian idea that stems from the idea of original sin... which is the reason xtians think xtianity is necessary in the first place
i'm gonna stop there but i have A Lot of Thoughts about xtainity and why it's manifested the way it has
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princewished · 8 months
henlo my friends
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hundredblooms · 13 hours
HIII carmilla !! what would you do for dilucs birthday to celebrate it with him ? do you think he'd prefer a quieter day just spending it with you or enjoy going out somewhere? (@dmclr)
omg hi clara!!! bapping you gently w my paws :] ummm i think diluc would enjoy a quiet, relaxing birthday at the winery. unfortunately he'd work for at least part of the day - either on paperwork or helping with picking grapes - but at the very least we have a nice dinner together or go for a walk or something. not a super grand gesture, just spending some quality time together.
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meadows-jukebox · 11 days
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how many of you have gone through the entire backlog of this blog because judging by the notes y'all go on nothing short of liking/reblogging rampages
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evalkyrie · 1 year
Hiii :)
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kaizsche · 1 year
OHMYGOSH?!!!!!!!?!1?!! MASTER HELLO HI OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! <3 (have u aced ur finals? i know u did---ok so idk what fic to give you omg... since i always spill my wips to u AAAAAAAAAA) anyways here's another angsty scene from yet another angsty fic inspired by the awesome, mindblowing, heartbreaking strange by celeste. (I AM 101% SURE I HAVENT SENT THIS ONE TO YOU YET... BUT IF I DID IM GONNA KICK MYSELF TO MUSTAFAR. LIKE FR.)
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“Since the Salvatores can’t be trusted we decided to call another person to help you.”
Elena wasn’t so sure she could trust Caroline either. The only vampires they ever trusted were out of the equation. Considering Caroline’s nervous tick resurfacing—tapping her foot anxiously on the ground and the errant pounding of her heart like drums thrumming in her ear, Elena could tell that she won’t be happy in the least whoever Caroline invited to help her out. 
A pair of beating hearts could be heard outside. Caroline rushes to the door to alleviate the tension. Bonnie comes in first with a shy wave and a sheepish smile. 
“Come in, please.”
The smile falls from her lips. 
Elijah appears from behind Bonnie’s statued frame. “Hello again.”
“I don’t need to be taught,” Snaps Elena, her figure poised like an alarmed deer and hopes Caroline and Bonnie could sense her fury and vitriol. She had told them about Elijah from the beginning up until the end. They knew the wound he left behind, that deep scar that would not heal. How could they do this to her?
“Elena, please.” Caroline pleads, stopping her from ascending the stairs with her vampire speed. She hates it. Hates Elijah’s silence, the way he would look at her with pity and guilt. He does not deserve to feel guilty with what he did to her—what his sister did to her—what his inamorata did to Jeremy.
“No. I’d rather call Damon instead.” Elena smiles, a cruel smile like Katherine’s wishing it would haunt Elijah.
(After all, he left because he wasn’t so sure if he loves her because of Katherine.)
She sees the corner of his lip twist in a wry smile. Perhaps he did find her reaction funny. Guess that’s all she is now to him. A joke. Elena pauses at the hint of a feminine cologne wafting under her nose. She turns to him, hurt in her eyes yet he remained unfazed, unable to look at her face. 
“I don’t want to see your face here ever again. Do you hear me?”
(When the door clicks shut, she is horrified at the thought of wanting to flip her switch.)
She could hear him even with the door closed. Elena never hated being a vampire more than ever. Bonnie and Caroline are both apologetic, embarrassed even that such a girl like her, a doppelganger, a newly turned vampire turned down such an offer to be mentored by an Original like him. 
“It’s alright,” assures Elijah with that condescending tone. “I haven’t had high hopes for it if I’m to be honest.”
“Thanks, you know. For still trying.” Caroline winces.
“Of course. Have a wonderful night, ladies.” The door closes shut and the familiar rumble of Elijah’s car races out of Mystic Falls.
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magpie-to-the-morning · 7 months
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Hi there! Hope you're doing OK. How about an FMS (Fuck Marry Slap, not a fan of Kill):
Frankie, Din, Oberyn
Hey lovely <3 I'm okay, thanks. How are you??
And oof this is a tough one....
Slap Oberyn, but only because I think he'd be into it in the right context 😏
Man, choosing between Din and Frankie is hard!! If we're going off canon, Frankie seems more willing to at least try to be in a committed relationship, so let's go with marrying him and having a short but passionate fling with Din :p
Sleepover Saturday
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florencemtrash · 5 months
The shapes of devotion
I want to see devotion that is stubborn and wild. A kind of devotion that says, "Fuck you. I don't care that you hate yourself. I love you. And I will make you feel and believe it so forcefully it steals the breath from your lungs."
I want to see devotion that is calm and warm. A kind of devotion that says, "I will tend to you like a gentle gardener. Yes, I know you will have your good and bad days, but I will sit here beside you regardless. In silence, in anger, and all that comes along with being human. Because even to just exist together in the same space makes me content."
I want to see devotion that is sincere and humble. A kind of devotion that says, "I love you. I truly, truly love you. I brought you this shell I found on the beach. We can take a shower together before bed. We can take turns under the water."
I hope you find it.
Florence B.
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agentark · 1 year
it's so funny to me that 80% of the blogs I follow used to be rooster teeth blogs and now we're all posting about what the fuck ever and idk who half of you are, but I do know we loved each other once
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minerspirit · 1 year
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
This is a call out post to @lasnevadastardly
I have no clue what is your timezone but you better have gotten some sleep because I've been seeing you in my notifs and if you have not had at least a nap I'm going to break into your house and tuck you in myself
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scribe-of-elysium · 2 years
Hi 👋
Seraphina, I just dropped by to say hello and hope that you are doing well!                                                                -Irina 🌸🍃~ you can't cage the wind
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coldercreation · 2 years
absolutely craving new content rn... hope it's coming soon :) (but obvs dw if u need a break)
lol i think abt the boys in cute scenarios as i fall asleep
heheh cutee<3
I haven't had that much time to write because of work and other life stuff recently, but I have some time off for the rest of this week (at least, maybe more) so I'm hoping to get my brain in the writing mood!
I'm really into the ideas I'm trying to get written, and I want to read my own story, but it would be so neat if I didn't need to write it first.... llmaooo like why can't I just touch my forehead to the keyboard and that's it!?😭
But I shall work hard and hopefully I'll get to share something decent with yous all, sooner rather than later!
(also share your cute scenarios so I can leech inspo and/or steal them??)
Thanks youuu xx
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dreamboypieces · 2 years
I bought all of Paul Baribeau's albums on Bandcamp today since they were taken off Spotify & im happy to announce that I will never be mentally ill ever again
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