#i hope mha lasts a while i love it so much 💕
shinysteph · 2 months
Girl what am I going to do with myself when my hero academia is done
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yamigooops · 1 year
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I posted 1,147 times in 2022
13 posts created (1%)
1,134 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 123 of my posts in 2022
#cel saves - 59 posts
#cel screams - 41 posts
#cel suggests - 27 posts
#cel sobs - 25 posts
#bakugou x reader - 24 posts
#cel speaks - 20 posts
#bakugou katsuki - 14 posts
#cel simps - 10 posts
#soft bakugou - 8 posts
#bakugou smut - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i kinda wanna replace his fingers with mine on the carb and make him take a fat fucking rip on the bong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I have yet to put last year’s sticker on anything bc I’m too hesitant and feel like I’ll regret it, so you best BELIEVE these popsicles ain’t goin anywhere yet… it has to be perfect because they deserve nothing left 😌💕
Thank you so much for these @birfart I literally can’t wait to hang them in my new apartment when I get it (mind you I haven’t started looking but I just graduated so it’ll happen soon hopefully lol) The prints will be front and center on my anime wall 🥰🥹✨
15 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Reader Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Reader Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dragon King Endeavor, Queen Reader, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, War, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Redemption, Soft Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Summary:
When a chance to end the 100-year-long war sits itself right at your feet in the form of a 7-foot-tall dragon king, you can't help but accept. Little did you know where you'd end up...
Hi lovelies!! So I’m writing my first ever series (though I have another in the works hehe) and I wanted to share it with you all. I’ve decided to post it to Archive Of Our Own instead of Tumblr, but I may cross post it here in the future, depending on how well it does over there. I hope you’ll all consider reading it, because I have big plans for it. Chapter 1 isn’t any nsfw, but that’s coming very soon! 
20 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Y’all Shinsou really ain’t that nice of a guy in the show, and he’s so driven by the need to prove to both himself and others that he’s not a villain that sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be where he is, or if he just feels obligated to prove that everyone’s expectations that he’ll be a villain are wrong.
It makes me kinda hurt for him bc sometimes he seems unhappy with his journey to becoming a hero, but at the beginning I thought he was just as competitive a person as Bakugou, only super cold instead of explosive. But now, high and on my third rewatch of MHA, I feel like he just feels obligated to prove everyone wrong, whether or not that is what he really wants to do with his life.
Idk, I feel like he’s a really open-for-discussion character when talking about him canonically and I kinda love that about him. If y’all have thoughts about him and his character, lemme know bc I just love this boy so much and truly think he’s severely underrated
is this opening the possibilities for a shinsou hurt/comfort fic? maybe it is maybe it isn’t I guess you’ll have to wait and see huh?
24 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Hey I know you beta’d for Gnarlypunkassbitch for Our Enigma. I noticed she’s deleted her ao3 account and her Twitter, do you know what happened or if she’s ok?
Omg yes! Ok so she DMed me before deleting and let me know that she’s had some ongoing issues with both her physical and mental health. I’ve known about them for a little while, as that is the reason she hasn’t updated the story since like February I think?
Essentially she had been feeling a tremendous amount of pressure over not having the time, energy, or inspiration to write and/or update the story. Despite readers’ support and reassurance for her to take her time and prioritize her wellbeing, as writers online we can often get caught up in the trap of thinking that just because we have a story that might be successful, which I would absolutely consider OE successful with tens of thousands of reads, we have to update on a constant schedule or our readers are going to get mad.
I know when she first started it she updated regularly, but from what I know it was supposed to end a while ago but she kept extending it bc readers wanted more. She eventually had to prioritize her well-being over the story, since she lost inspiration. And while this happened a few weeks ago, she still felt the pressure from AO3 and Twitter, so she decided that a full cleanse would be best for her.
However, we are still in contact, so she hasn’t completely vanished. I’ve emailed her in response to the DMs she sent me before leaving Twitter, and expressed my support for her to take care of herself first. She did say in the DMs that she may come back and repost the story in the future after she’s worked on herself, but that’s completely up to her. I do still have the beta read documents, and she still has the originals, so the story still exists, just not publicly right now. I was also talking with her about releasing a podfic of the story, though I hadn’t planned to even start recording it until October.
As of right now, she hasn’t responded. I emailed her on April 6th when she left, so it hasn’t been super long since then. But I expressed that she didn’t have to respond or anything if she needed a full cleanse from everything. Though I did express that I was sending her good vibes and thoughts, as well as my willingness to act as a channel for her to communicate with all the fans of OE in order to update you all on her state, as well as share your support and love for her.
I just feel so incredibly privileged to have been a part of this story, even if the work I did never got shared publicly. Because I got to become friends with a generous, kind-hearted, marvelously talented woman, while also sharpening my editing skills at the same time. Like I literally kept a cry count throughout this fuckin fic and the first read through I cried 15 times, and by the end of the beta it was up to 27. If a writer is able to make you cry even when you know what’s coming next? That’s true mastery in my opinion. So like wow. I just…. I’ll never shut up about this fic y’all. Never ever. I wish I could share the beta docs so y’all could still read it, but that would be a breach of her trust since she took it down publicly and hasn’t responded to my message yet. So I unfortunately won’t be doing that.
I’m also honored that people have come to me to ask after her. Like wowza. I’ve had numerous people do so, and I just can’t get over it. The love that has already been shown just in the past 6 days is astonishing. She impacted so many in such a profound way, and I am more than happy to act as a bridge to you all now. Though I will say that if you’d like to send her love and/or we’ll wishes that I won’t be contacting her again until she responds to me. Because we all need to respect her journey to healing, and if that means never hearing from her again, I hope you’re all willing to accept that and still wish her well.
So really all we can do now is sit together in our love for her and the story, send her positive energy in her road toward healing, and cross our fingers that she will one day bring this masterpiece back to life. But the decision is completely up to her, and I hope you’ll all support her just as much as I do. Keep an eye out for her possible return, maybe check like once every month or two. I will also make an announcement if she does return, so let’s do what we can right now to get her those good, healing vibes 🥰🥲
Below are my true feelings regarding the (hopefully temporary) loss of this absolutely incredible writer and friend:
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64 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
good luck charm
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synopsis: when you decide to get a little cheeky and put on a cute cowboy’s hat you get a lot more than you bargained for
warnings: strangers to lovers, slight size kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, Katsuki’s a playful bastard (if there are any I’m missing let me know lmao)
length: 9.7k
inspired by an ask submitted to @kingkatsuki by @thecowboykatsuki-anon and featuring art based on the same idea by @jozstanko-art​ we’re all just whipped by this fucker and want to put his hat on and have him fuck us silly
Rodeos weren’t particularly your thing, considering you had grown up in the suburbs your entire life. College had introduced you to people who had grown up with lifestyles contrary to your own, including your best friend Mina, who had grown up in a small rural town. Where she had grown up everyone knew each other, and things like farms and town fairs and rodeos were commonplace among the population.
So, when she invited you to one of said rodeos after your junior year had ended you were intrigued enough to oblige. She had told you about them for the past three years, and you were somewhat curious after all the hype she had placed on them. So about two weeks after the semester ended you found yourself in her hometown. It was a small town, with a main street that consisted of about three blocks of bars and independent shops that provided everything from boutiques to ice cream parlors.
As the day approached dusk on your summer vacation you found yourself at the main fairgrounds for the (apparently monthly) rodeo and trying not to entirely mentally check out. You genuinely had no idea what was going on, despite the fact that Mina had spent the hour and a half drive from your university apartment to her childhood home explaining everything that happened at a rodeo. All you could grasp was that there were three events and which ones her friends competed in. One competed in two, while another competed in the other.
The third friend competed in all three events and was recognized area-wide as exemplary in all of them, and by the way Mina described this man he was incredibly attractive. So, you spent your free time on the drive imagining how this man looked. You only knew he had blonde, spiky hair, red eyes, and a near permanent scowl. However, considering he participated in all three of these events you had to assume he was in peak physical condition. Something about Mina’s description of him made your stomach flutter.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the arena you realized just how popular this event was. It seemed as though every person in town was here, and the parking had spilled over from the actual lot onto the field surrounding it. Once you had parked in the closest possible spot, you and Mina made your way over to the competitors’ area.
Since she knew so many of the participants the two of you were permitted past the gate reading “Competitors and staff only.” She led you through a light crowd of men and women, many of whom were decked out in full cowboy regalia. There was also the occasional horse, bull, or steer being led to their pens to await their turn on the arena floor.
Coming to a pair of young men, Mina bounced on the balls of her feet and tapped a red-haired man on the shoulder. He turned around questioningly before lighting up at the sight of your best friend.
“Well look who finally made it,” boomed the man. He towered over you, absolutely built but attractive in a big puppy kind of way. His smile was infectious, and as he pulled Mina into a bear hug, you found yourself smiling as well.
“Eiji, I missed you so much!” Mina practically jumped onto her friend, her arms clinging around his neck. So, this must have been Kirishima. Now that you heard his name you could recall several stories Mina had shared with you about the red-haired giant. She had also shared with you, in confidence of course, that she’d had the biggest crush on him since middle school, but never worked up the courage to ask him out.
“Missed you too,” he murmured, his face buried in her neck. If you didn’t know any better, it would have looked like the two were already dating. The thought had you chuckling, as it was quite obvious that Kirishima felt the same way about Mina. You supposed it was probably easier to see as an outsider.
“God, get a room, will ya?” came a gruff voice from behind the pair. You shifted your attention from the closeted lovers before you to the man standing just behind them. Sure enough, based on Mina’s description of him, you assumed it was Bakugou Katsuki. Only he was so much more attractive than you had expected. His garnet eyes were piercing as they moved from Kirishima and Mina over to rest on you, and you found yourself blushing and looking away under his intense gaze. “And who are you?”
“Oh, guys this is my best friend and roommate Y/N,” Mina supplied, releasing Kirishima from the chokehold she had him in and moving back to your side to prompt you forward. “She finally agreed to come see you guys compete!”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you so much, and it’s nice to meet ya,” grinned Kirishima as he held out his hand to shake yours. He was the picture of gentlemanly perfection, and you found yourself instantly drawn toward him.
“Absolutely, I figured I should come see what all the hype is after this one talked it up so much for three years,” you chuckled and gestured toward your pink-haired friend. “She talks about you guys all the time.”
“Better be good things,” grumbled Bakugou, crossing his arms over his chest. The action had his black, green and red plaid shirt pulling tight over his biceps and chest, drawing your attention to the rest of his physique. His thighs were massive, though you supposed that was from years of training to ride bucking animals. His leather chaps had imagery of explosions down the sides, and flared out at the ends along with his dark jeans to accommodate his leather cowboy boots. Atop his head sat a well-loved black cowboy hat, beneath which his spikes of ash blonde hair peeked.
“Oh, only the best. I hear that you guys are some of the best riders around,” you nodded. His slight scowl didn’t budge, and in that moment, you decided you’d make it your goal to get him to smile by the end of the night.
“Aww, thank you Mina,” Kirishima crooned, throwing his arm around the smaller girl.
“Of course, I’d say good things, ya doofus. You guys are my best friends.” Mina’s cheeks were darkening from the proximity to the “love of her life,” as she had put it so many times. 
You chuckled, watching as the childhood friends caught up with one another. There were two more that joined, named Sero and Denki, and as the conversation continued and the crowd shifted, you found yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with Bakugou after a while. You chimed in every once in a while, but mainly let Mina catch up with her friends. Bakugou seemed to have a similar approach to the conversation, watching as Mina and Kirishima cluelessly flirted and teased one another. 
“Are they always this oblivious?” You kept your words quiet as you directed them toward the blonde beside you.
“Those two have been doing this shit for years,” he sighed. “We keep tryin’ to get em together, tell them that they’re into each other, but they’re about as dense as two blocks of concrete.”
You snorted, “Must be exhausting having to watch that for so many years.”
“You ain’t got a clue.” He let out a puff of air through his nose, and when you peeked up at him through your lashes, you realized it was a chuckle. There was a shadow of a smile on his lips, and you felt your chest glow with pride at having gotten even that out of the stoic man.
“You should smile more,” you said teasingly, bumping your shoulder against his, though it was admittedly more against his bicep than anything.
“That a command, little missy?” He turned those burning eyes on you once again, and you felt something tighten deep within you. Feeling a surge of confidence roll through you as you captured his attention, you reached up and plucked his hat off his head before plopping it down on your own. It was warm and smelled like his shampoo, something deep and spicy. His lips slowly slid into a sly grin as you tilted your head back slightly more than before to be able to see him under the brim of it.
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2,759 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovinkiri · 2 years
Kisses, Kisses
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Denki Kaminari x Reader
Tenya Iida x Reader
Description: How mha boys react to surprise lipstick kisses!
Warning: Cursing from Bakugou and undetailed making out
Katsuki Bakugou
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In Public:
Ohhh boy
So let's just say Bakugou was patrolling
And you happened to run into him
You just missed him so much since he left before you had woken up
I mean, he did wake you but you were too tired to really process it
So as soon as he's about to ask what you're up to, you jump into his arms
He's taken aback but then you start kissing him?
He's blushing
A lot
"The hell you doin?!"
"God dammit, Y/n!"
"Wait a second, would ya?!"
But he isn't pushing you away
"Katsuki! Mwah! I missed you! Mwah!"
"Mm- I can see, shit-!"
When you're done with him, the man is covered in kiss marks
You apologize and since you're already so close to home, he stops by the wash his face
Then he noticed one on his neck
You really weren't paying attention to where you kissed, huh?
He left that one alone
"Alright, I'm heading back out."
"Katsuki, you got some on your neck-"
"No I don't, so just gimme a kiss, idiot. I'm not leavin' until you do."
In private/without lipstick:
You two are probably in bed
Watching a movie
Katsuki has a really bad habit of falling asleep during movies, no matter what movie it is
You two could be watching a horror and he'd be knocked out
But anywaysss
You noticed him starting to doze off and you thought to yourself
"Nu-uh, not this time"
So you did the first thing on your mind
You started kissing him all over and you didn't stop
It woke him up a bit
"Mmm.. The hell.. Are you doin', idiot? Tryna.. Go to sleep here.."
"No Katsuki! Finish the movie!"
"Fine, fine.. I'll finish the shitty movie.."
He in fact did not finish the shitty movie
You tried to kiss him awake but he ignored you this time
It was worth it tho
For the smile he gave you that he sleepily thought was a cocky smirk
Izuku Midoriya
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In public:
You two were out shopping
And he wasn't doing anything in particular to be honest
He was just looking at some vegetables and fruits
Trying to decide what kinda smoothies he'd want this week
But the look on his face was so cute
He over thinks, we all know this
So he's thinking about how long each ingredient lasts, the benefits of each ingredient, whether orange or green is a good approach this week
His head is tilted and he's got the smallest pout that appears when he's, really deep in thought
You can't help but kiss his cheek
"Ah, Y/n..? Sorry, was a taking too long?"
He gave you an apologetic smile that kept the kisses coming
"Y-Y/n.. Everyone can see us."
"I– I love you too, sweetheart, but—"
As soon as you kiss his lips, he's given up 💕
Ears red, smiling at you, he's accepts and relishes in his fate
"Mmm.. Baby.."
Izuku doesn't mind the kiss marks too much
I mean it's a bit embarrassing, but it feels more endearing
And he knows when he reads the news and sees photos like this, he gonna crack a smile
"This is gonna be quite the story when we're older, you know. I hope they took good pictures."
In Private/Without lipstick:
It was his turn to cook dinner
So you walked in to see your man shirtless
In sweatpants that were low enough to expose his V-line
Standing in front of the stove, stirring a pot
How could you not kiss him 🤨
When you walk over, he smiles as soon as he sees you
"Hey, baby. Almost finished up, alright?"
You just go "Mhm" and lean up and kiss his face
He let's you turn his face to you, laughing softly as he continues to blindly stir
"Haha.. Your lips are really soft, you know that?"
"You're so cute, Y/n.."
He's so soft now
Husband mode activated
Stops you once in a while to peck your lips
"Love you so much.."
Shoto Todoroki
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In public:
Okay so simply for him
Let's say your wearing lip gloss instead
Flavored lip gloss
You'll see why if you don't already
But kinda like Bakugou, you ran into Shoto while he was out patrolling
And you got over excited
There was something about seeing your man at work that always excited you
He turned and saw you, quickly walking over to greet you
"Hey. I was honestly just thinking about you."
"And look, I'm here."
"Mhm. Maybe I should be thinking about you more often. I already do it so much though, I'm not sure if that's possible."
What makes it better is Shoto isn't good at intentionally flirting, so he's just being genuine with you 🥺
"Awe, Sho.."
You lean up and he instinctively leans down to accept your affection
He could care less about anyone watching
He's just smiling, allowing himself to relax in your kisses
Every time you kiss his lips, he returns it
He honestly doesn't speak too much while you kiss him
He does say one thing
"I can't wait to see you at home later today.."
He'd pull away and lick his lips
"Mmm.. I'd like to get better taste at what flavor that is."
Like I said, there is no embarrassment as he returns to his patrol with lip gloss all over him
He has no reason to be, after all
In private/Without lip gloss:
You guys were probably cuddling in bed, getting romantic
The two of you tangled up in each other
Your hands in his hair
His fingers tracing circles into your waist and back
Sometimes he teasingly makes his fingers cold to make you squirm
He can't help it, you're just too cute 🤷🏿‍♀️
So you start to tease him back by kissing him all over
And he doesn't mind until he notices you're avoiding his lips
Tries his best to catch your lips
If he can't?
He'd look at you, giving a look that he knows will win you back
And eventually you kiss his lips
"Heh. Thank you."
Eijirou Kirishima
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In public:
You guys were on a date, on your way to dinner
The two of you held hands, swinging your arms back and forth
The sun was setting and that only made it even more romantic
Eijirou smiled so contently and it was obvious there was nowhere else he'd rather be than with you
"You look amazing, by the way. Have I told you that?"
"Haha, yes, Ei, like 20 times."
He lean over to peck your lips
"Then I should say it about 20 more times, right?"
You laugh and reach up to cups his face, kissing his cheeks
Then his nose
Then everywhere
Eijirou let out a giggle once in a while, grinning the whole time
"You don't mind the makeup right?"
"Course not. If you kiss me enough, we'd be matching though. That sounds nice."
Who were you to deny such a request?
The two of you get to the restaurant
Most people find it adorable
The headlines 💀
"Pro Hero Red Riot seen red in the face, literally!"
Eijirou wouldn't mind being red in the face again
In Private/Without lipstick:
The two of you are cuddling on the couch, you on his lap
You're taking turns playing a mobile game on his phone and you're trying to beat each other's high scores
Now you weren't one to sabotage
You two had bet a weeks worth of dishes on this
And you refused to lose
So leaning up, you began your kiss attack
"Wha- Hey! Y/n!"
"Haha! H-Hey, that's cheating babe!"
You don't stop even after he loses because his laughter is just so 🥺
But when you do eventually stop, he's pouting playfully
"You just lost your turn, babe."
Denki Kaminari
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In Public:
You guys were also on a date
A picnic to be exact
The two of you had decided to play around a bit before eating
Nothing dirty, just a small game you guys called Zappy
It was like manhunt, except instead if saying "1, 2, 3 Manhunt", you catch the and go "1, 2, 3 Zappy"
You told him it was the same thing but he digressed sooo 🤷🏿‍♀️
Anyway you were crouched behind a bush
"Oh Y/n! Come out, come out!"
You held back a giggle as he walked past you
"Ya gotta be around here somewhere, right? I mean.. These footprints."
Your eyes widened
You left footprints?
"They're leading me riiiight here!"
Suddenly he was in front of you and you squealed
Hugging your waist, he began "1, 2, 3 Zap–"
You quickly cut him off by kissing all over his face, kissing his lips whenever he tries starting over
"Ah! No way! You found my weakness?"
The both of you laughed and Denki began returning the kisses
"Prepare for a retaliation, babe!"
"Bring it, Sparky!"
So the two of you ended up making out
By the time you returned to your food, he was complaining
"Baby, you got your lipstick all over meee!"
He really doesn't care
He likes it in fact
He won't admit it though
He'd rather sit there nibbling on some cookies, his fake pout coming to a collapse at the blooming smile
In Private/Without lipstick:
Honestly probably started with a make-out session
But that turned into the two of you just appreciating each other
And again, you exchange face kisses
"I love you, D."
"I love you more, babycakes."
Also just
"You know you're my everything right?"
"What a coincidence cause you're my everything."
He knows exactly what to say to get you flustered
If you slow down on the kisses, he'll whine and peck at your lips
"Hey, why'd you stop? Keep 'em coming."
He ends up letting you cup his face and his hands sit over yours
"Mm. Don't let go, okay?"
"Never, D. I promise."
Tenya Iida
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In Public:
It happened at his agency
He had been on a fight that was broadcasted love on TV
And he'd been holding the villain off while protecting civilians until backup arrived
But he'd been injured badly during that time period
Thankfully the villain was defeated after backup came
Snd you quickly made your way to his agency
He preferred to get treated in the medical wing of his agency
Hospitals held too many bad memories
When you got there, Tenya was standing
He was outside the medical wing, talking to some sidekicks
You ran over immediately
"Oh my God, Tenya, are you okay?"
"Y/n! Did you come all this way to see me..?"
"Of course! I was worried sick!"
"I'm sorry to have worried you, Dear. I'm alright now– Mm!"
Suddenly you'd pecked his lips, then his entire face
"Darling! I'm okay, I promise!"
"People are watching, Dear!"
After a moment you pulled away
"Sorry.. I was just really worried about you."
... He really couldn't resist you
Cupping your cheeks, he pecked your lips
"I'm okay. Why don't you come to the infirmary and lie down with me?"
Of course you agreed
In private/Without lipstick:
You guys were in the shower
Tenya loved showering with you
There was just something so close and intimate about it
And it was just a constant reminder of how comfortable the two of you felt with each other
After a moment, he felt your hands touch his cheeks and pull his face closer
"Are you okay..?"
You nodded and smiled, kissing his head
He was surprised when the kisses continued, but he didn't want you to stop
His arms wrapped around you to pull you closer
When you finished, he rested his head against yours
"Thank you.. Y/n."
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hi!! I've really been toying with this idea in my mind for the past few days, and since your MHA stuff is sooooo amazing, I was wondering if you'd want to do it💖Tomura secretly dating reader who's either a hero or civilian, whatever suits it better. I mean, it makes sense at least in my head, since he seems like the type who wouldn't want everyone to know he's dating someone "good," because he obviously has too many enemies. So they like, meet in secret and stuff, but the fire is definitely there. Could be fluff or NSFW, it's totally up to you💖
You can totally ignore this request if you don't want to write it, but I'll be really grateful if you do💕
Hello love and thank you so much I'm really happy you enjoy my writing.
I'm sorry it took me a bit longer than I hoped, but here it is and I hope you like it!
Title : A stolen night
Characters : Tomura Shigaraki (Shimura Tenko)/ fem reader
Genre : NSFW/ +18/ fluff/ a hint of angst
Please do not read if you're a minor!!
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How did it all start anyway? You often thought about your first meeting with him, when you were hanging around all by yourself at the near by park, away from everyone else and their chattering.
And he was doing the same.
You recognized him immediately, but that wasn't even the strangest part. It was when you saw him feeding the ducks and smiling like it was the most typical thing for a wanted criminal to do.
Never in a million years would you have thought that you'd end up dating him soon after.. Him, a villain.. and not just any regular villain no, but the symbol of fear Tomura Shigaraki himself.
You, the perfect civilian who pays her taxes, bills and rent on time and who has a respectful job like any other respectful citizen.
Never in a million years would you have thought that while everyone else is happy to see the heroes taking a step forward against the villains, you would be on the edge of your seat wondering if he was alright.
And never in a million years would you have thought that you would be the one to coax him into letting his guard down and allow himself to be more intimate with you.
He was afraid of hurting you, so for the longest time, he was careful whenever you two were close.
His quirk gave him no chance really, having lived most of his life touch deprived left him socially awkward and totally clueless when it comes to any kind of human interaction.
Everything changed though when he became able to control his quirk.
_ "Tenko it's okay, it's safe now. We can finally be together like we've always wanted."
Your first time with him was slow and awkward. He had absolutely no idea what to do or how to do it, and you felt self conscious guiding him each step of the way. It was cute though, the way he followed your instructions without asking any questions.
You two still laugh remembering that day.
Other than his trusty friends in the league, he never told anyone about you. He knows all too well that he's not someone you should be flaunting your relationship with him in front of everyone else. He worries about you. He has enemies everywhere, villains and heroes alike, which is why finding a perfect time and a perfect place to meet has always been challenging.
It was dark outside, you took one last glance at the empty street behind you before knocking gently on his door.
_ "I missed you, I missed you so much." You wasted no time and jumped in his arms as soon as he opened the door, almost toppling over each other.
He caught you in time right before you two ended up on the floor.
_ "I missed you too gorgeous you kept me waiting, I thought you weren't gonna come." He uttered between hungry kisses lifting you up and slamming your back against the wall.
His hand moved under your skirt, and his eyes widened as he smirked against your lips when he found no signs of your panties: "Oh! So you came prepared huh?"
You didn't bother answering, you just wanted to be as close to him as possible because who knows when your next meeting is gonna be?
He kept one of his arms under your ass while the other moved to his pants working on freeing his raging cock.
You sighed feeling his teeth nibbling on the skin right under your jawbone. He knows it drives you nuts when he does that.
_ "Tenko.. hurry." You wanted him inside you already. And as if on cue, his dick bounced up slapping your throbbing wet pussy, and you both moaned at the sudden feeling.
He instantly aligned himself with your anticipating cunt before looking up at your seductive face and finally slamming himself into your heat.
You threw your head back knocking it against the wall, but it didn't matter, he was finally filling you up for the first time in weeks.
He was as impatient as you were, and he started moving immediately without any warning. You screamed in both surprise and bliss and allowed him to ram you as he pleased.
His stamina is a lot better now than it used to be during your first few times together, when he would cum instantly in his pants just from the feeling of your palm against his clothed erection.
But it's different now, he can drive you repeatedly to your own orgasm before he allows himself to release on your naked body.
You tightened around him as the thought crossed your mind and he groaned against your neck at the feeling of your fluttering pussy.
_ "Tenko.. I'm close!" And he could tell by the way you squeezed him impossibly tight.
He rolled his hips skillfully over and over again into the spot that makes you see the stars, and you pulled his tousled hair and struggled to keep your screams at a minimum when you climaxed for the first time that night.. Oh yeah, he was not done with you yet.
You let your head rest on his shoulder as he pushed further into your pussy. Your whimpers were like music to his ears.
He groaned and pulled out of you, right before his semen came flying on the wall behind you.
_ "That was really good y/n, are you ready for more?" You didn't have the energy to say anything, so you smiled and nodded against his neck.
You were spent, both of you were, but you needed more of each other because it was never enough.
You are in love, and no matter how messed up it might seem to the rest of the world, you didn't care. You have each other, and that's the only thing you need.
_ "Let's take this to the bedroom then shall we?" He murmured kissing your temple and walked to his room with you still in his arms.
You would never leave his side, even if the whole world was against him. That's your blessing, and your curse.
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
I absolutely just wanna get this off my chest im sort of a lurker im much more of an introvert so apologies I wanted to say love yours and ur mutuals writings, im not a bakugo simp , I prefer dabi. however. your writing is just *chefs kiss*💅🏻immaculate I found your blog a while back when I freshly joined the MHA fandom and looking for 18+ blogs, however I was and still am slightly shy abt making friends and interacting with blogs , having had a falling out recently bc I found out my last group were terribly toxic and manipulative people, im trying to get myself more out there. so I hope we can talk soon! and I hope u have a good day or night ;;v; - 🐁 anon
Hihihi! I know how daunting it is interacting with other writers, I know even I have to get better at it because anxiety got me goooood!! But anon is a great great place to start!!
I’m super glad you’ve enjoyed my writing🥺 you’re welcome anytime!💕
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i-may-be · 2 years
hi! i would love a romantic and platonic matchup for haikyuu and mha if it’s not too much trouble<3
my names is casey, my pronouns are she/her and im 17! i don’t have any preference with gender or anything so just go wild! there’s also not anyone i wouldn’t mind being matched with! for my personality i am pretty introverted at first but i get progressively clingyer💀 not in a text u every five mins way but where im very physically affectionate. speaking of physical affection, that’s my love language! it’s hard for me to express my feelings into words, i would much rather hugs! my mbti is infj or isfj, not sure. my only major kin is sugawara koushi!my enneagram is 1w2 and i relate to it very heavily. im a perfectionist, and i set unrealistic goals, and though it’s gotten better over quarantine, i still push myself to my limits and have a hard time knowing when to stop. also this is going to sound horribly cliche but i injured my knee while playing volleyball and then pretending i was fine and refusing to get off court. in volleyball, my position is middle blocker and i am 176cm. ive always loved fruit since i was a kid and my favourite food is probably watermelon! fun fact about me is that the only thing i can drink is water because fizzy drinks hurt my tounge! also my taste buds are like crazy strong, to the point my food has to be made perfectly (ie by me) or i will know:/ id say my fashion sense is very light academia and baggy clothes with jewelry. my favourite song is probably anything mitski, she holds a very special place in my heart. two of my favs are because dreaming cost money, my dear, and last words of a shooting star. im not a huge movie watcher, but my sisters favourite is spirit away and I’ve watched it with her so many times i just say it’s my favourite too. speaking of my sister, i love her death. being an older sister is part of my identity and whoever i date has to love her too!!! my ideal date is probably a picinic or library, somewhere quiet we can sit and talk, maybe watch the sunset or the stars. for my ideal relationship i would need someone trustworthy, who i know would be 100% loyal. i also appreciate humour and people who understand my level of mocking loving sarcastic. and for the very important question, i would die a hundred times over to live in london. not just to tour, but to live. my dream city 💕 my hobbies are piano, learning french japanese and asl, volleyball, and world geography! i would love to travel as much as humanly possible. things that make me smile are when people braid my hair, and reach out to hold my hand. i also love messy sketches, and people talking about anything their passionate about. i never get bored with teachers rambling about their families, or people just sharing their opinions. this is probably unrelated but i remember when i was 14 i opened the door to these church people who just kept talking about ‘our lord and savior’ but i just couldn’t bring myself to close the door on them, they just sounded so passionate and i had to hear them out. they left about 45 mins later and i got a pamphlet. thank you so much for putting up with my rambling lol, hopes this isn’t too much trouble!
hello! thank you for chosing this blog for your matchup <3
Ok ok ok, your volleyball teams are getting food after a match away- idk they did that when I did sport- and you both so happen to be at the same resturaunt right?? Right, super chill innit!
SO you're both in a similar area, having fun and all, when your groups start to mingle because teens get bored, and boom next thing you know Kozume is being dragged over to socialise by yamamoto and the gang innit.
He is very much awkward and a little grumbly but he sometimes says things and some of them are haha funny so boo-ya win for nekoma for having comedians.
There aren't many scenarios where you would meet him otherwise, but when your teams are good at volleyball in your game, you kind bump into each other sometimes and just grow more familiar with each other and boo-yah let's go.
I feel like you'd both have very different view on things, but it'd be spunky and fresh so who doesn't want that? Mega oppsites but besties type-beat. I'm not sure why but I feel like he'd lowkey talk shit to you for no reason, not about anything in particular, just about a game he's frustrated with or Kuroo being annoying.
He is the cat following you around. If you're at a gathering together, he just trails behind you. Praying to anyone who talks to you, Kozume has some of the most expressive annoyed/disgusted faces- he doesn't even hide it from you. Praying for whoever tries to flirt with you because he thinks that shits out of the world. Will try to minimise it if you like the person, but do not expect him to if he's left in the dark. President of the Casey protection squad.
I feel like you'd both be able to find a better balance of work productivity and taking care of yourselves with each other. He'd definitely notice any injury you have and have you off any court just so you can rest- full 24 hour supervision. Switch around, you would probably motivate him to be more productive in hobbies besides gaming, like volleyball or school stuff idk. It's honestly really sweet how you can both balance each other's productivity levels well.
You two going clothes shopping, perfect. You both have very similar styles, and relatively similar sizes(he's 170, 6cm smalled so that's not much and it depends on body proportions). I feel like you would influence his style a lot. Not sure why but I have this idea that he would give you those cheap jewlery packs whenever you go out. Might steal a couple he really likes, but it's yours for the most part. Not sure why but he's into fashion, so prepare for a nose scrunch if your outfit doesn't match, he likes patterns and nice colour schemes, I think he's got it from playing aesthetically pleasing and pretty games.
Picnics... definitely picnics. I think he forgets to eat sometimes, either that or he struggles to eat full meals, so having picnics with sandwiches and strawberries and cookies, I think it would be something that would help him eat more without it being too much for him. That was kind of an unrelated rant- but Kozume would really like picnics, even if he grumbles about it when it's being organised. Prepare to have a daisy chain necklace everytime you have a picnic because he thinks they're fun to make!
Predictable, but video games! I think if he was to find a particularly good multiplayer storymode games, you'd be his first call. Likes to share his thoughts with you while gaming, share stats and stuff idk. It's honestly really chill and he finds it fun to talk to you about it, probably because you're such a fantastic listener.
Her mother left her in the lobby of a hotel while she was doing classy fashion designer business woman things like discussing a fashion shoot or smth but the point is she was in a hotel lobby and your family were at the hotel for a family gathering dinner.
Maybe it's just me but I feel like it's so much easier to talk to people when you have a friend already with you, so when you ended up talking to Yachi with your sister the conversation wasn't entirely awkward.
You noticed she was very lonely and the three of you just ended up walking around the hotel together looking at the cool interior and old feel that a lot of hotels have for some reason??? might just be a thing with the hotels I've seen, who knows.
Anyway, the later the night the more you loosen up, and by the end of the night you found yachi's mother speaking with your parent/guardian and having a nice little chat like adults do. Long story short now when you recognise each other on the street so do your respective guardians.
Your younger sister becomes her younger sister in seconds. I feel like Yachi has always wanted to be an older sibling at heart, and there is no way in the seven seas she would let go of that chance. She's an absolute sweetheart, I feel like your little sister would adore when you bring her over!!
Her way of flirting so so adorable and shy I can't even begin- The scenario inwhich there's a song on and she sings the lyrics of a romance song while looking at you. Any kind of romance song too- 5sos "You look so perfect standing there" or pulling out a hozier "we should just kiss like real people do" idk bro. When she found out you were a huge fan of Mitski her friends were instantly swomped with messsages on help to gather the courage to sing "i want you" or something idk. Singing songs as a love language fr.
oh you sunset watchers and moon lovers. I think your thing would be sending the moon to each other as a goodnight or something. Maybe it's just my attachment to sunsets because I can see a very pretty sunset from my bedroom window, but they're so gorgeous. You two waiting for the sunset before you both seperate home, or one of you is staying over and you mark it as the time you go make brownies or something who knows.
okokok, but you two having picnics and whatnots, but also your pre-picnic prep where you bake together and make sandwiches. I love the idea of yachi baking with her s/o for some reason, I just think it's a must for any romantic relationship she is in. No fr you guys bake the best treats together I will not take any criticism I would eat anything you both bake. Give all of your picnic leftovers to me please I am not allergic to anything.
House dates, at yours or hers. She likes the feel of homes, I'm not sure how to explain it but I know it. Even going out for the day and then returning to the house. I feel like she would even feel more comfortable in her own home if you came over more, and you would even find something she'd lost just laying around your house after she forgot to take it with her. Yachi and the association of home>>>> I will not be opening this conversation for argument.
I am going insane this one got me so hyped for no reason but LEARNING LANGUAGES TOGETHER!!!! you two exchanging notes and speaking in that language to improve your own comprehension would be such a vibe!! I find it really hard to learn languages without speaking in the language with someone, so I am claiming Yachi as someone who also learns languages like this so!! yeah!!
I'm not entirely sure why but Kami feels like the kind of dude you always hear about in drama or just having a lot of friends. but you never see him in public and the only way you'd get a chance to meet him is through a mutual friend. I don't know if anyone else has this kind of dude in their area but I do.
But I digress- you both met through a mutual friend. He may have flirted with you a tiny bit but then realise you're not his type(he won't stop crying over punk people leave him be) and just layed off.
I think you both had your first proper conversation because he found you doing piano very cool and had questions and went on and on despite not knowing much, just going of off what you told him and recognising the piano in songs he likes.
Probably got one of your socials from the mutual friend and texted you a lil until you both met up with a group of friends again. This happened progressively more until one thing leads to another and bing bong you're both closer and meeting outside of the friendgroup, we love progression.
Type of mf to make edits of his friends. He'd have so many videos and pictures of you, and some you didn't even know were being taken(loves to show them to you though, so there isn't a video/picture he's taken that you haven't seen dw). He's also unironically good at editing??? You have some of the edits he's made saved to your device because he just makes them so aesthetically pleasing and chill.
ALSO gets progressively clingyer. People who have seen you friendship progress think it's funny because you both were previously more tame with physical touch but now whenever you watch something together or hang out there are arm grabs, cuddles and hugs galore.
Similar to Yachi, but your sister is now his. Type of sibling to tell the younger santa isn't real but beat up anyone else who tells them santa isn't real. He's actually a sweetheart when he's not using humor as a coping mechanism.
Type to call you late at night and go "I have a great idea" and that great idea is going to a 24 hour shop and buying plushies and really low quality toys. Either that or you both wander around the shop for an hour(depending on the shop size) and come out with nothing but a bottle of water. I think he likes to see what shops have for no real reason, and he likes to bring you along because you're chill, who wouldn't wanna bring you along.
not sure why I chose this for both or your platonic matchups but playing video games together. Very passionate about mario lore, I can feel it. It's honestly really sweet because he's always just so happy to be playing the game. Definitely a group hangout thing, but ends up having a 1-on-1 convo with you at some point while the others do there celebrating and serious gaming or whatever type of gamer they are idk.
Has asked you to teach him how to play volleyball and is positively horrific at it but still enjoys playing with you. He has the strength for it he just isn't good at focusing on technique. Has flirted with atleast one of your teammates after coming to watch your games. Can get very derailed while playing too, very easily distracted and has probably been hit in the face after a good ol' shocked moment.
Type of guy you've known since you were like 3 from school. Like he was just always kind of there, and you both vibed a little bit and wahoo colouring and stuff 2 y/o education fr.
You both really became good friend when you were like 15 or something, like the dude in your class who's just chill with everyone and doesn't get into beef. Most are stunned that he isn't in a relationship because he's so cool aa.
Ok that was a rant on about nothing, but I standby what I said. Anyhow, you both have such funs and laughs and boom kachow feelings oh my gosh these feelings are like nothing I've ever felt before. unless you've had a s/o you liked a lot of course.
But you both became super comfortable in each other's company!! Honestly you're both just so cute and it feels like the couple no one can really dispute because someone can see Shoji looking at you and they go "Oh my gosh this mf is whipped"
Hand grabber. He doesn't even play with your hand or anything he just snatches it up in his and it feels so very nice and warm. He doesn't mind if you play with his hands but he probably won't play with yours. He doesn't tease a hand hold either- like how some people pinky lock or something- he just takes your hand.
I think he would be very good at enforcing the idea of letting yourself be freed from perfectionism(the way I explained that was not perfect) He knows how to subconciously enforce ideas that are better for your mental health and stuff. You can actually tell he's doing it with other people. Very good at choosing his words and takes his time to answer people. He's such a sensitive guy gosh.
Not sure what it is with me and associating Shoji with hands, but he would write cute stuff on you hands. From cute cat doodles to little reminders and stuff- like writing "i love you" or "take care of yourself" and drawing little hearts. I think notes in general he just likes to give you. It's a hyperspecific little gift giving thing he does.
Chillest vibes. I think he likes to take his time when he's talking. The best person ever to fall asleep listening to because he's just so calming and comforting!! Very levelheaded conversations together, anywhere and everywhere. Doesn't at all mind your friends thirdwheeling because he likes to hear people talk to!! Honestly I feel like you would manage well on your own and with a group because he's very good at having a presence with people. Big hugable bear. Gosh.
oh my gosh Shoji playing volleyball, this is a curse. He is so tall this is unfair. Anyway also middleblocker behaviour. I'm not entirely sure how it would work with his quirk situation, would it be considered cheating?? I dunno bro, not sure how his quirk works as a hero but he'd figure it out he's like one of the top students I think.
library dates.... yes.... he's a smart guy, very good at focusing on studying, but who doesn't love discussing the material, and I think you would both be very objective for the most part, with lil sprinkles of personal feelings to give it some pazazz. Not sure why but he would study such cool topics, like I feel like he would know a lot about African mythology for no particular reason, it's just cool innit. Loves sharing his cool little interests, but you opening up about yours also makes him go <3
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versadies · 2 years
brooo, i, too, hope i'll have time at some point, but alas lmao i started reading jjk thinking "no, i'll be able to read one-two chapters a week it's fine" and that was in july 2021. i'm still in chapter 5 💀💀💀
my gosh the coincidence with marina's music 😂😂😂 i think venus fly trap is from last year, but i haven't gotten around to listen to it (or her new album). i jam a lot to orange trees even if love + fear was not my type of album. it's a nice song to sing at the top of your lungs while driving 🤷
and thank you so much for the welcome aaaaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰 i wrote a xiao drabble, but i'm still shy about so every time i get a notification i just (/ω\) i can link it to you if you'd like?
have a great day 💕 —🦊
LMAOO your jjk situation is me with mha except i actually did have the time but just can’t bring myself to read it 👽👽 youre right about venus fly trap being last year !! i super agree with you about orange trees being such a good song to sing to in the car 😍😍 AND YES PLS id love to read ur drabble :DDD
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