#i have patients i give 30 day prescriptions to that last them 3-6 months!
ozlices · 5 months
doctor apt was shit but the ladies at the desk were cool and set us up for a better, nicer doctor next month so. we'll see how that goes but i can say i've never been so fucking flabbergasted in my life at the bullshit coming from a doctor's mouth and with the amount of medical trauma we have that is seriously saying something.
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this-lioness · 4 years
Another bullshit update on life in general
Work has kept me busy, and I’ve been trying to get more done creatively and around the house, as well.
This was the first weekend in awhile I didn’t do any (or much) meal prep, since we had enough in the freezer to last us for all the dinners this week, and even a few lunches for Marc.  I made a dozen eggs, cut up and roasted almost 5 lbs of potatoes, and called it a day.
I cancelled the physical therapist, because between work, gym, housekeeping and trying to do something other than being a machine I did not have time for an additional two rounds of exercises every single day.  We were getting up at 5 AM, leaving for work at 6:30 AM, leaving work for home at 5 PM, getting home from the gym around 7, then eating for a half hour.  It was not going to happen.
We ended up cancelling the gym membership, because -- as much as we want to go -- we are just too tired and hungry after an hour-long commute to be like, “Yay, let’s do something tedious and exhausting for a half hour!”
The long term goal was to cancel the membership anyway, however.  I told Marc I want us to concentrate on finishing the sheetrock in the former “cat room” this coming weekend so that we actually use it for its intended purpose, which was exercise.  I have that barre I bought last year that I haven’t had time or room to use even once, and the treadmill and hand weights is just sitting and collecting dust.  So anyway, that’s the plan for next weekend.
We will also be fostering two cats in the next couple weeks, and trying to find them a home.  Long story short we met an artist at one of the galleries downtown, very nice guy, and his friend or nephew or I forget has recently knocked up his girlfriend and decided, “Well, we need to move and get rid of the cats I guess!”
So they’re two year-old sisters, and he wants them to stay together, which is fine.  Like Rosie, they actually look very young, like maybe only 5 months old.  They have never been to the vet in their life, so no shots, and neither of them are fixed, which means it will be on us to take care of all that before they get adopted out.  I’m sure he’s going to be a great Dad [/sarcasm].
When Marc found out that the cats needed a full vet workup, including spay, he was initially resistant due to the cost.  I said okay, if you’re not comfortable with it you’re not comfortable with it, and went upstairs to investigate our options.  The Walmart just opened up a “Vet IQ” clinic that does basic veterinary care, and we can utilize a local spay clinic for about $50 per cat, so on that end alone we’d be shelling out less than $300 (there’s always food and litter, of course).
After awhile Marc came up and was like, “I think I was a little hasty, I’m sure we can make it work.” After I told him the anticipated costs he was much more into it, so that’s good.  Hopefully we won’t have any trouble finding a home for them.
Rosie is doing well at feeding time in her crate!  It has not stopped her from being an absolute maniac spaz about food, but there is almost no growling at all while she eats now.  She goes in her crate, Marc covers it up with a towel, and she eats with seemingly less hysterical anxiety.  I’ll call it a tentative win.
Rosie, by the way, loves Bones. Bones can usually take her or leave her, although his tolerance level is much higher when she’s not acting the spaz, although you see moments of affection for her as well.  She greets him with a nice long body rub when they cross paths, and yesterday Marc caught him grooming her head.  It does my heart good.
At the risk of jinxing myself, I’ve been doing much better at bowling for the past few weeks!  I did decently at league on Friday, and when we went for our Sunday practice I had a series of something like 145, 106 and 140.  Considering I was lucky to break 100 a couple months ago I’m feeling very encouraged.
What has worked for me, honestly, is throwing out a lot of convention wisdom.  Marc has always been very patient with me, explaining game theory and approach and all that, but no matter how much I tried to put it all together it just wasn’t working.  And I was really, really trying.
Then, a few weeks ago, I was chatting with someone about Dyscalculia, and did a bit more casual reading about it.  I was reminded that it often causes issues with spatial awareness, something I can absolutely vouch for (I actually suspect it’s part of what’s caused me to have such persistent problems with perspective and anatomy over the years, although that’s a discussion for another time.)
So I started keeping that in mind when we play: I used the techniques that I knew were helpful, but in any aspect where I was supposed to do one thing, but consistently got unexpected and problematic results, I tried to go more by “feel”.
It’s hard to explain why this works, but it has so far.  Basically, I had to throw out the notion of bowling at “angles”, and became more of a straight-shooter, keeping in mind that my ball does have a tendency to hook left.  I got something like 3 or 4 strikes in one game on Friday!
Which is not to say that I’m suddenly a good bowler, because I’m not, but I’m better, which is what I wanted.  What’s annoying is when (admittedly well-meaning) people are like, “Here’s what you’re doing wrong!” and try to teach me about techniques which I already know, but which just don’t work for me.
This happened two weeks ago I think, and I’m sure the lady meant well, but she also was ignoring me when I said multiple fucking times, “I understand, but I have spatial awareness problems, that doesn’t work for me.”
Like, repeating something at me over and over is not going to make it any more true.  I hear what you’re saying, you’re just wrong.
So in other news I finished two more of the Mori Girl Cats, and that dumb little werewolf thing that was strictly for my own amusement.  (Someone was like, “That would make a great t-shirt,” and haha, I’m not fucking falling for that one again.)  I also organized the office / computer area of the Geek Room, we stashed away the last of the convention stuff, and it feels much more clean and open and neat.  A place I actually want to hang out, and not anxiously work while avoiding the pile of shit sitting behind me!
Last night I also installed Sims 3 and treated myself to a handful of expansion and “stuff” packs.  I only had enough time to create one Sim last night, but I already look forward to giving him a cold.
Unrelated, but I meant to talk about something that happened last Wednesday, when I was out running my Mom around to her appointments and whatnot.
So… for anyone who didn’t follow me on Facebook or my old Tumblr, the short version is that my Mom and I have a very long and complicated history. She was not a very good mother, she is a textbook covert narcissist.  She was an alcoholic for many, many years which caused serious and life-altering problems for me as a teenager and young adult, and after she got sober she transitioned to a prescription drug addiction which further deteriorated our already tenuous and fraught relationship, and landed both her and my stepfather in financial ruin.
About a year and a half ago, to help save them from the road to homelessness, we helped them sell their old house and moved them to Bucks County to live about 10 minutes from us, in a mobile home park.  We helped them get it fixed up, we help with maintenance, running errands, etc.  It’s a very cute little house, and although it took some time I think they see that now, and that their lives are better off.
When they first moved up here my mother was still on prescription drugs, but she very quickly found that it was impossible to find a new doctor to continue prescribing her the same pharmaceutical cocktails she wanted.  And boy did she fucking try. She’s already changed doctors at least three or four times since moving here, whipping out her favorite refrain of “I don’t think this doctor knows what they’re talking about!” every time they’re like, “Yeah, you don’t need to be on a steady stream of opiates.”
Eventually the lack of drugs caught up with her, the withdrawal passed, and for the past year or so she and I have actually gotten along okay.  She is still, and always will be, a difficult person, and I worry about whether or not she’ll find a doctor to start filling prescriptions again, but until then things are… okayish.
Anyway, that’s the long back story.
Back when they were still living at their old house, Marc and I would periodically go to visit them.  My Mom was always drugged out of her gourd, so I fucking hated going, but I had to do my duty, and she made every excuse imagineable for why she couldn’t come visit us.  So once a month we’d pack up, trek over to her house, order take-out, hang out for a while, then go back home again.
Except my Mother would do this thing where, after the food arrived, she would put the plates out, and then she would continue to gather plates and reorganize the kitchen while everyone was sitting down, serving themselves and eating.  
Like, the food would be on the table, we’d all be halfway through our meals and well on our way to being done, and my Mom would still be in the kitchen sorting around in the drawers for a mystery spoon or bowl that she needed, then finding it, washing it out, drying it, realizing it was the wrong one, putting it away, etc.
Eventually she would come out while everyone else was finishing up, serve herself a tablespoon of food, eat half, and then talk about how full she was.
For a while we would be like, “Mom… everyone is eating. We have everything we need. We literally don’t need anything else. Just come in and eat,” and she would ignore us.  Eventually I just stopped caring, and let her do her thing while the rest of us ate.  The sooner we finished the sooner we could leave.
I don’t know how else to describe her behavior apart from manic.  Like, when it was time to order, if I asked her for a menu, she would bring me the menu, and for fifteen minutes after I had called to place the order she would still be rooting through the drawers looking for more / other menus.  She would get herself so worked up that sometimes while we were sitting downstairs hanging out she’d have to go up and be sick.
All this just to give you a sense of what she used to be like.
Anyway.  I’m driving her home from an appointment on Wednesday, and she’s commenting how all of us just naturally turn into their mothers as we get older, even though we don’t want to.  In that I stayed dead silent through this observation I think she recognized that I disagreed.  So then she moved on to how different some daughters are from their mothers, especially in the kitchen.
And she said to me, “Like when I cook, I have to clean as I go along, I can’t just put everything in the sink until later.  Remember when you used to come over to eat, and you’d say to me, ‘Mom, come and eat, the food is ready!’ and I’d be so busy cleaning up that I wouldn’t even realize!”
And I’m like, “....”
Because that’s not what happened.  That’s not even fucking remotely what happened.  So she has spun the reality where she is an out-of-control manic drug addict and spun it into a funny story about how she’s such a neat freak that she doesn’t realize it’s time to eat.
I was sorely tempted to correct her, but at the last second realized it wouldn’t make a difference either way.  She is never going to look back on her behavior with any kind of clarity, and trying to force her to do so would just make the day end on a sour note.  If she wants to live in delusion, that’s on her.  I can tolerate it, but I’m certainly not going to feed into it by saying something like, “Yes, that’s precisely how it happened.”
She’ll have to learn to interpret the silence on her own.
Anyway, I guess that’s it.  Greatly looking forward to getting home and having a nice night on the couch, or maybe playing Sims some more.  I may even make some tea.
I hope all of you are doing well <3
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antipinkkitten · 4 years
My chronic illness adventure
In Spring 2018, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. We just moved back to the US from the U.K., after two years abroad, and I went from feeling depressed to full-blown dying.
I gained 30 pounds within two months. I had chronic headaches, fatigue and everything gave me anxiety. I started drinking more. I tried to substitute my disappointment in being deported with food and finding any reason to like our new life - until I couldn’t.
Two weeks after my 29th birthday, my body was giving out. I went to the doctor’s to get a prescription for birth control and she was visibly concerned with the state of me. She told me I had to get bloodwork right then and there. Within a week, I found out my antibodies on my thyroid were at 30,000, my vitamin D was very low, my health was declining rapidly.
Once I was put on medication, I lost 7 lbs within two months and I was feeling better. We moved flats and even though we didn’t love living in Denver, we loved our apartment, nature and both of us able to work.
With that, my Gyno was eager to get me on Mirena. Mirena, if you are not aware, is a progestin-only IUD, which is very widely used. Based on my doctor’s feedback, this would be perfect for me due to my excessively heavy periods - and she was right - I stopped getting periods immediately and felt like I had control of my life.
At first.
Within 6-9 months, I started to notice acne breaking out on my chin. First, small painful pimples - then, deep cystic acne. Then, my mood shifted.
I thought this was due to the stress of my move. My new job had moved us from Denver to Michigan; and finally to Dublin, Ireland. I thought maybe between doing two moves back-to-back, plus dealing with a spouse who had just given up a beloved job to follow me, was causing it.
Then, it all stopped. We were moved. We had an apartment, and adult life happening. We both had jobs. But I was still miserable. I couldn’t shake it. It felt like I had made a terrible decision moving us internationally again; we didn’t have friends and they were hard to make. My weight stalled, having me down another 8lbs, with no end in sight.
I went to a GP here, suggesting maybe it’s my birth control. My acne was out of control and I started growing facial hair. She took labs and found my thyroid was slightly elevated, my antibodies were at 5,000, and I had elevated testerone. I was told it was likely PCOS, but one stupid thing had happened.
One month before my appointment, I had to fly back home. I was slightly hungover and drank a couple glasses of wine on my international flight to knock myself out (sooo many no-no’s). I didn’t sleep, and at the end of my 16 hour trip, I took a small plane from London to Dublin. It had a moment where it lost pressure and I had the worse migraine of my life. Head-splitting, in fact. I wasn’t the only one; and the attendants apologised to all of us. But when they asked me if I’ve ever had a migraine, I mentioned this one and I was told I could not, under any circumstances, return to a combo pill.
Because of this, I was referred to a specialist. It took 5 months to a see a doctor, only to have her give me bloodwork again (since my labs were outdated) and schedule me a pelvic scan in a month - I didn’t get my follow-up appointment for an additional 4 months.
By this point, my hair was thinning, I had lost 9 pounds, but it was entirely from a high fat and protein diet, no carbs or sugars. My emotions were completely void; I chronically was crying or miserable. I felt like everything was trapping or smothering. I couldn’t eat a cracker without my face erupting in painful acne, and my body weight shifting. I tried PCOS diets, Hashimoto’s diets - it all. It just kept getting worse.
Then, in my appointment, they removed the IUD, after stating my headache was likely from being dehydrated and a low-flying plane. Within 3 days, my acne nearly entirely disappeared. I wasn’t restricted from eating any foods.
Two weeks later; my anxiety and depression are still there, but it’s different. I can explain it. My depression is caused by a frustration with my job, tied to homesickness. My anxiety is due to me feeling incompetent at my job, due to the pressure I’m under.
I’m still not drinking. I don’t feel comfortable yet. I lost control of my life, but I don’t think it was the alcohol. But I do think when my health declined, I failed to focus on it. I don’t remember much of the last two years. It’s like it’s all under a fog, and I know I’ll never get it back. Which is heartbreaking, but I’ll find my way out.
What I have realised is that something happened and even if it wasn’t the IUD, being told by 5 different medical professionals that I was wrong and the symptoms I was feeling weren’t real. They were, and they later had to admit they were wrong. Apparently, a heavily one-sided single hormone flux like what happened can wreck your body when you have Hashimotos. It has me terrified of what pregnancy, or anything like that can do to my body, and it makes me more skeptical of the people I’m supposed to trust.
I knew before the IUD went in that I reacted strangely to progestin only birth control and I didn’t know why. One made me bleed for 6 months, another made me gain 20 pounds while barely eating due to nausea. Both, within a month of going off of them; I recovered immediately.
To any medical professional- try and trust your patient, especially women. I have spent my adult life being told my issues cannot be a what they are - only to be vindicated later. Trust women.
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cjwmagic1123-blog · 5 years
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Humane or Heinous?
Dr. Roger Kligler is a retired internist who found himself in the middle of this debate. At 50 years old he was diagnosed with prostate cancer that was believed to be curable. After rounds of cancer treatment, Dr. Kligler was put into remission. However, after 5 years, Dr. Kligler went back to his oncologist and was informed that not only was his cancer back, but it was terminal.  After attending a medical lecture regarding “medical aid in dying” he became an advocate for the cause through Compassion & Choices, the foundation partially responsible for the passing of the End of Life Options Act in Massachusetts (I’m a doctor with end-stage cancer. I support medical aid in dying). Dr. Kligler’s case is a prime example that even the most unexpecting can be snarled up in cancer’s poisonous grasp. As an aspiring doctor, I want Dr. Kligler, and others like him, to know that they are not alone in this battle. Physician-Assisted Suicide is a tool in the very profound toolbox of a doctor that allows them to give their patient a final sense of peace. PAS postulates the end of suffering to terminally ill patients that would otherwise continue on the heinous, drawn out path to death.
Now it is time to get to the root of the topic. Is Physician-Assisted Suicide human or heinous? This phrase can be quite startling at first glance. There is undeniably a hefty negative connation associated with suicide that causes people to initially balk at the term. However, we must strive to remain neutral and focus on the real meaning behind the term. In the article, Physician-Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Arguments, the author does a beautiful job of really owning in on the different meanings of this term and how they apply to each individual medical case. She splits the term in “drug-providing” and “drug-injecting” (Thomson 506). Drug-providing is the process of a doctor knowingly writing a prescription that contains a dose of a drug that will be lethal to the patient. Drug-injecting is when the doctor is actually the one who administers a dose of a drug, usually morphine, that will end their life. This poses the question: are people really sick enough that a doctor feels it is within their medical rights to end their life?
Without experiencing a hardship personally, it is hard to imagine exactly what is feels like and to come up with the best possible solution to fix it. Agrawal and Emanuel write:
For many people, death in modern advanced societies is inherently undignified. Terminally ill patients are connected to tubes and machines; they experience pain, shortness of breath, and other excruciating symptoms; they are unable to get out of bed, feed themselves, and even go to the bathroom alone; they are cared for in impersonal institutions (Death and Dignity: dogma disputed 2026).
The picture painted by these men is not one that anyone would like to volunteer to star in. Unfortunately, after visualizing it, many people’s minds will immediately jump to a family member that has experienced this. My grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal cancer, meaning she would eventually die because of this cancer and there was nothing in the world that could stop it. This is a harsh reality that many individuals face. According to the National Cancer Institute, “approximately 38.4% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes (based on 2013–2015 data)” (National Cancer Institute). In a standard classroom, that’s 10 out of 30 people. While we wish we could hide under the covers, the cruel reality is that statistically cancer will be a part of everyone’s lives at some point. So, what do you say to someone that’s diagnosed with terminal cancer? “Fight, you’ll beat it?” Unlikely. “Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad?” Also unlikely. “Everything will be okay.” Depends on what you think “okay” exactly is. “Fatigue, pain, appetite changes and problems breathing” are listed as physical symptoms in the last 2 to 3 months of life (American Cancer Society). That simple list doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world. Ok, I get short of breath every now and then, and sure I’ll be tired but I can nap all day. What they don’t mention is that often the pain cannot be controlled with medication, that “appetite changes” is vomiting constantly and not being able to enjoy any food. So again, I ask, what do you say to someone suffering like this? If it were me, I know I would not want to go on this way. I would exercise my right to ask a doctor to show humanity and end my life through Physician-Assisted Suicide.
        Ryan Anderson, a writer with a Ph.D. in American Principles and Public Policy, states that legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide would:
1.    Endanger the weak and vulnerable,
2.    Corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship,
3.    Compromise the family and intergenerational commitments, and
4.    Betray human dignity and equality before the law. (Four Problems with Physician-Assisted Suicide).
The emotional struggle that doctors feel when there is nothing else they can legally do for a patient that is still suffering immensely is not easy. This option would strengthen the relationship between them as they are finally able to provide them with peace, not the contrary like he is suggesting. While Anderson’s other concerns have more grounding, because of the sensitivity of the matter I find it more than hard to imagine that these circumstances would come true. The amount of litigation and procedures that would be required for PAS to take place would trump his rising concerns. Concluding that PAS is the best option for a patient is no hasty decision. It is in a doctor’s nature to explore every possible route for their patient. From clinical trials containing experimental drugs to alternative medicine, a doctor will look at every possible outlet before just settling that PAS is the best option. The weak and vulnerable would not be endangered because of all the hoops doctors would have to jump through to even suggest PAS. In fact, according to legislation multiple doctors must confirm that patient’s disease is terminal before the topic of PAS can be present (Frequently Asked Questions).
In conclusion, I ask you to ponder what it means to be in unbearable pain, and really come to terms with exactly what PAS is. I pray that you never find yourself in a circumstance where you have to think about it again, but if you do, I hope that you will be better equipped to understand what it means.
Works Cited
Agrawal, Manish, and Emanuel, Ezekiel J. “Death and dignity: dogma disputed” The Lancet, vol. 3, Citizens News Wire, 28 December 2002, www.citizensnewswire.org/files/Ezekiel20021221_Death_and_Dignity.pdf
Anderson, Ryan. “Four Problems with Physician-Assisted Suicide” Health Care Reform, The Heritage Foundation, 30 March 2015, www.heritage.org/health-care-reform/report/four-problems-physician-assisted-suicide
“Cancer Statistics.” National Cancer Institute, www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/understanding/statistics.
“FAQs - Physician-Hastened Death.” Death With Dignity, www.deathwithdignity.org/faqs/.
Kligler, Roger. “I'm a Doctor with End-Stage Cancer. I Support Medical Aid in Dying.” STAT, STAT, 6 Feb. 2018, www.statnews.com/2018/01/31/medical-aid-in-dying-doctor/.
“Physical Symptoms in the Last 2 to 3 Months of Life.” American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org/treatment/end-of-life-care/nearing-the-end-of-life/physical-symptoms.html.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis. “Physician-Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Arguments.” Ethics, vol. 109, no. 3, Apr. 1999, pp. 497-518. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/233919?origin=JSTOR-pdf&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
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drlaurynlax · 5 years
7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine focuses on getting to the root cause of your problem instead of just treating the symptom.
We are living in one of the worst chronic disease epidemics of all time with 1 in 2 Americans living with a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) caused by preventable lifestyle factors, like nutrition and sleep, and a projected 100,000 doctor shortage by 2030 (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017). 
The solution? If you’re looking to insurance, you may be waiting awhile, at least if you want an option other than the current model, like Functional Medicine or a holistic doctor.
Practitioners who take  an “unconventional approach” to medicine by addressing the roots of disease, as opposed to managing symptoms like the norm.
Sound Familiar?
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’ve probably experienced the healthcare rabbit hole. 
1st Step: Feel sick.
2nd: Step Call the doctor to make an appointment.
3rd Step: Wait 1-4 weeks to get seen. 
4th Step: Go to see the doctor. Wait in the waiting room. Chat briefly.
5th Step: Walk out with a prescription or go down a rabbit hole to see another specialist or schedule another appointment.
We ALL know that rabbit hole: 
The Rabbit Hole of Healthcare
In the traditional healthcare system, it takes an average of121 minutes each time a person seeks medical care just to get seen. The total includes 37 minutes of travel time, as well as 87 minutes at the doctor’s office or clinic—most of that spent waiting in the waiting room. (Ray et al, 2015)  
In fact, the average person only spends 15 minutes of “talk time” with the doctor in a visit (Tai-Seale et al, 2007). 
Couple this with the projection tha,t by 2030, America will have a 100,000 doctor shortage (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017)—unable to meet the “demands” of the, now, 1 in 2 Americans who has a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) and, Houston…we have a problem!
I’ve been there, got the t-shirt. 
The Scene: Healthcare & Current Insurance Inefficiencies 
I had waited 3-months for the appointment with a local doctor in town. 
Nothing unusual—as the “average” wait time to see a doctor nowadays—especially a specialist—is an average of 24-52 days (Merritt Hawkins, 2017). And, not for anything crazy—just an annual “Well Woman” check up. 
So there I was in a conventional outpatient clinic, after 3-months of waiting to see the doctor, and here’s what went down under my conventional health insurance…
What Traditional Health Insurance DOES Cover
Traffic was shut down to one lane on I-35 in Austin and I was running right on time to the appointment (not early). I called the office on my way to inform them of the situation, to which they said to still come in.I managed to park in the lot right at 8:35 a.m. and race upstairs for my 8:30 a.m. appointment.
Once checking in with the staff, she told me she’d have to call back to the doctor’s staff (which they had already done) to verify I could get “in.” 10-minutes later, confirmation was given—I could go back to the waiting room.
However, before being released to the waiting room, ANOTHER hurdle…
Front Desk: “Oh wait a second..you can’t see the doctor, you have an HMO plan,” the front desk girl said.
Me: “My doctor faxed it over 3-months ago when I made the appointment.”
Front Desk: “You will need to fax it again if you want to keep the appointment,” the girl said.
(I quickly texted my doctor—one of my colleagues and now friends—and the situation was resolved).
As I sat in the waiting room, I was asked to complete a one-page form.The only thing the form asked me about was…my symptoms, my brief health history (surgeries, family diseases), if I smoke or drank, and the date of my last period. 
That’s it.
No exploration around my current diet, sleep habits, what work I had already done around my gut health, my health goals, my physical activity patterns, food intolerances and beyond.
Initially, it only took about 15-minutes once I was in the waiting room to go back to the clinic room. The nurse was very nice and did her routine thing: blood pressure, weight check, heart rate and body temperature. She also asked me the SAME questions on my health form. She was shocked to hear how I had NO diseases whatsoever. My ONLY complaint was chronic constipation. (Apparently she was used to hearing ALOT more). 
After our check in, the nurse left me be…for 2 hours.
At one point in my waiting, she actually asked if she could “pull me” out of my room for “about 10 minutes” to go back to the waiting room in order to see another patient.
So I went back to the waiting room where I waited another 45-minutes…
I had booked a 10:30 am appointment with a client of mine—allotting for my 8:30 a.m. doctor visit that morning, thinking I’d have plenty of time in between. 10:20 a.m. rolled around and I was STILL in the waiting room. To say the least, I did not get seen, and the nurse told me she’d call back that evening to reschedule…which did not happen.
The Solution?: People Want to Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands
Many people are looking to take their health into their own hands—with at least 80% of all people seeking out advice on search engines like Google alone (Pew Research Center, 2013). 
Others are looking for OTHER options (like holistic doctors, health coaches and functional medicine providers). 
According to a report from the National Institute for Health in 2015 alone, researchers found that about 1 in 3 Americans were utilizing some sort of alternative or holistic care out of mainstream medicine (Stussman et al, 2015). 
Fast forward to today, and there is no doubt that those numbers are consistent—if not more—with the job outlook for all allied healthcare providers expected to go up by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal fitness training, health coaching, life coaching, acupuncture, chiropractic care and naturopathic or functional medicine). 
However, this doesn’t mean these alternative providers are always covered by health insurance. 
A common question we as functional medicine practitioners are asked is:
Patient: “Do you take insurance?”
Functional Medicine Provider: To which we most often reply, “No.”
Although many holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners CAN submit superbills, and SOME CAN reimburse partially for visits or lab testing, generally most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners are cash pay.
Let me give you 7 reasons.
7 Reasons Why Insurance Doesn’t Cover Holistic Doctors & Functional Medicine
1. Insurance is NOT Patient-Centered.
Functional Medicine is patient-centered. Instead of focusing on numbers-centered or about getting more people in the door, wee typically take time to review your chart well before your appointment.
2. Insurance is NOT Big on Taking Time with Patients.
Functional Medicine takes time. We don’t rush to get you through our churn mill. Typically, you will spend 1-2 hours for your first appointment so your practitioner can truly get to know your story. The doctor will assess your health struggles and your goals.
3. Insurance is NOT Focused on the Whole Body.
Functional Medicine is a “Whole Body Medicine,” taking into consideration all aspects of your health and life. Those that contribute to how you feel and the presentation of disease. It’s different from an endocrinologist who just looks at your hormones and thyroid, an ENT doc who just looks at your ears, nose and throat, or a psychologist who just focuses on your mental health. Functional Medicine acknowledges a respect and awareness of how ALL body systems impact one another, including:
Gut Health
Brain Function
Hormone Health
Detoxification Pathways
Cardiovascular Health
Thyroid & Metabolic Health
Mineral & Vitamin Status
  4. Insurance Does NOT Address the Roots of Disease.
Functional Medicine does. Instead of looking to suppress or manage symptoms from the top down, we take a “bottom up” approach. We find and address the triggers and root causes of any disease or symptoms a patient is experiencing. These include bacterial overgrowth and SIBO (connected with skin conditions, chronic headaches, metabolic dysfunction, and GI disturbances), or cortisol imbalances (connected with insomnia, anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, and GI disturbances). 
5. Insurance is NOT Focused on Prevention.
Functional Medicine focused on preventing disease, or further decline of health from happening by using laboratory reference ranges (blood work, urine, stool analysis, etc.) that reflect the progression of disease (in order to help reverse it early). We also integrate lifestyle medicine FIRST to support our clients health as a whole. Through a holistic care plan that includes nutrition, supplement, lifestyle healing and stress busting strategies, and physical activity.
6. Insurance Views Functional Medicine as “Quack” Medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, Functional Medicine isn’t about “woo woo” or “voo doo.”  Functional Medicine acknowledges the latest in research to influence and support care. In fact, Functional Medicine is simply an approach to medicine. Healthcare says, “Hey guys, let’s address lifestyle factors FIRST and consider all aspects of health—not symptoms—before turning to medicines or negating other factors of our patients’ modern day lifestyles.”
Functional medicine acknowledges science, reason and research for modes of healing and treatment protocols. If anything, is a compliment to the ever-evolving research in traditional medicine.
For example, with the past 3 years of research on the gut microbiome alone (more than 8,000 studies in PubMed), we know that our gut health definitely influences other aspects of our health, including our mood and anxiety levels (Clapp et al, 2017), our metabolism (Boulange et al, 2016) and brain health (Li et al, 2017). In practice, Functional Medicine is more readily able to address gut healing for all types of conditions and diseases.
Another example: when TIME Magazine leaked the “big news” that the sugar industry paid off the FDA to hide evidence that sugar—not saturated fat—was the driver of all disease, Functional Medicine practitioners could further educate their patients as to why butter, bacon and egg yolks are NOT bad. Mainstream medicine on the other hand? Still preaching that saturated fat and high cholesterol are the number one drivers of heart disease. Nevertheless, insurance companies DON’T always look for the research on their own.
7. Insurance is Stuck in the Good Ol’ Days.
If you’ve ever simply tried to call or fax something to your insurance provider, you know the never-ending hold times. In addition, inefficiencies of modern day health care (seemingly stuck in 1961). Whereas, functional medicine is now integrating more and more tele-health, “biohacking” (alternative therapies and healing supports, like infrared saunas, hot-cold therapy, coffee enemas and herbal supplements), and high-tech EMR’s (medical record systems), Insurance still has you on a “brief hold”and is comfortable doing things they’ve always done. 
Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance and women’s health. She’s based in Austin, Texas, and operates a virtual Nutrition & Functional Medicine practice, Thrive Wellness & Recovery, LLC, working with clients and patients around the world. In addition, Dr. Lauryn is a published journalist and speaker. Her works have been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Paleo Magazine, Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Inc, USA Today, ABC and CBS News.  Ultimately, she loves nothing more than helping others “quiet the noise” in the health food and fitness world.
  The post 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/insurance-wont-pay-functional-medicine/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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hbvitalitys-blog · 3 years
Natural Herbs and Supplements for Depression Treatment
DISCLAIMER - Due to individual circumstances (e.g. age, health, and personal tolerance), I have not recommended any suggested dosages for this article. If in doubt, consult your doctor. Do your research on these natural remedies for depression before you buy or experiment with them.
You will see a commercial for the latest drug that can treat almost any mental or physical condition, including depression, on any television show today. It is obvious that most hospitals and drug companies don't want a healthy world. To keep their businesses and themselves financially secure, they rely on you to fill your prescription. They are usually only interested in diagnosing and treating your depression.
There are many natural alternatives to depression management. Studies have shown that many of these "alternatives" work just as well, or even better than their lab-produced counterparts hbvitality.
Although herbs and supplements are not able to cure depression but only the symptoms, there are some key benefits. They are affordable (especially if you don't have the budget for doctor visits or drugs), easy availability (found in most places that vitamins can be purchased), low risk of dependence and, best of all, they do not cause side effects.
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Based on years of experience and research, I've compiled a list of the top 10 natural herbs and supplements that can best help someone with mild to moderate depression. These are the top 10 natural herbs and supplements:
Top-5 Natural Depression Remedies
1) St. John's Wort, (herbal remedy).
St. John's Wort, a well-documented herbal remedy for depression and low moods for thousands of years, has recently enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in mainstream consciousness and the holistic health community. It is actually the best choice for millions of people suffering from depression around the world.
Although many people in the West are skeptical about the efficacy of herbs as medicines, there is sufficient evidence to support the fact that St. John's Wort can be a powerful treatment for those who suffer from depression. Many European countries have now banned St. John's Wort from their shelves and only allow it to be prescribed by a doctor. St. John's Wort is affordable and easily available in almost all places that sell vitamins (in the USA). The benefits far outweigh any negatives. Effective daily treatment can cost as little as 30 cents per day depending on where it is sold and if it's available at a discount store.
Even at high doses, there are very few side effects. It does not cause addiction and can be safely taken for a long time.
St. John's Wort has one real disadvantage. It won't provide immediate relief. This could be a deterrent to depressed people who are looking for an immediate solution to their low moods. The effects of this herb build up over time. For depression management, patients may not experience any benefits for between 4 and 8 weeks. You can still get out of depression with patience and a large daily dose.
St. John's Wort is low-risk and inexpensive, so anyone who suffers from depression should give it a shot for a two month trial.
2) SAM-e (amino acid, supplement)
SAM-e, which has been available in Europe since the 1970s, is a mood-enhancing supplement that is becoming increasingly popular in North America. SAM-e can be legally purchased in the USA at any place that sells vitamins.
Although it is quite expensive (starting at more than $2/day), this supplement is a best-seller. It has very few side effects, and it appears to be effective in managing depression.
It can be noticeable in a matter of days for mild to moderate depression.
NOTICE: SAM-e is not recommended for treatment of bipolar disorder.
3) 5-htp (amino acid, supplement)
The 5-HTP supplement, which boosts serotonin and provides immediate mood lifts (in "minutes", not weeks or months), may be the solution. The exact dosage and effects of 5-HTP vary from person to person. You should be cautious when you first start taking it (following the instructions on the package).
5-HTP can cause mood-lifting effects that last several hours and are felt in as little as 15-30 minutes. I believe 5-HTP should be used only for temporary relief of low moods. Keep a bottle on hand and use it whenever you feel your depression levels rising.
Some people find 5-htp's ability to reduce sleeplessness to be an additional benefit.
NOTE: 5-HTP should not be used for long-term, daily use. This is because of the possibility of developing a physical dependence. You should not take more than the recommended dosage.
4) Kava Kava (herbal remedy)
Kava Kava is banned in many countries around the globe (but not in the USA) because of its potential to intoxicate-like effects and liver damage. However, you can rest assured that it packs a punch!
Kava Kava's terrible taste, cost, time and preparation (often difficult to find locally -- often available only through online orders), would not have made it higher on this depression management list. It is especially effective for temporary relief for low moods.
Local villagers have used the roots of this plant for centuries to relax naturally. They grow it primarily in Polynesia, which is also farmed in Hawaii. Kava Kava's effects can be described as similar to an alcoholic buzz, but without the dizziness.
This horrible and surprisingly common taste tastes like liquid mud or mud juice. You will need a blender, special cloth, time and the willingness to get your kitchen messy in order to prepare this concoction. There are many websites that provide information on proper preparation, so I won’t go into detail here. NOTE - You can buy pre-mixed Kava Kava products for a higher price.
5) L-Tyrosine (amino acid, supplement)
Although depression symptoms are often caused by a lack of serotonin, there are also two mood-enhancing chemicals that your brain produces. These are norepenephrine (or dopamine) and dopamine. These chemicals might be a contributing factor to depression in a small percentage of patients.
L-Tyrosine, an amino acid, helps increase the production of dopamine and norepinephrine. Although the mood-enhancing effects of L-Tyrosine might not be immediately apparent, they will become more noticeable over time. Even at high doses for effective depression management, side effects are minimal. A pleasant side effect is a greater ability to concentrate, focus, and maintain mental stamina.
Other noteworthy Natural Depression Remedies
6 Magnesium (mineral supplement, supplement)
This inexpensive, readily available mineral supplement can be a great help for a variety of issues including anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Daily Magnesium supplementation may help people with depression. This key chemical is usually found in the brain but is often lacking in those with low moods. Only a small proportion of the population is magnesium deficient. These people may find Magnesium to be a very positive treatment for their depression symptoms.
Magnesium supplementation may be helpful if you have depression that is accompanied by alcohol abuse.
NOTE - Other minerals like Calcium and Potassium can also be used to treat depression.
7) Omega-3 fish oilsOmega-3 has been shown to improve brain and overall health. It is a great complement to natural depression medications. Omega-3 can be eaten in natural form by eating fish like tuna, salmon, halibut, mackerel, and trout. You can also buy it as a supplement.
8AllB vitaminsThey are known to calm the nervous system, particularly B-6, B-12, and folic acids. For those who suffer from anxiety or are living with depression, B vitamins can be a great choice. You might consider buying a "B Complex" formulation if you feel overwhelmed by the vitamin aisle. B-Complex basically combines several B-vitamins into one pill.
9 DHEADHEA may be used to support elderly people with depression. DHEA is believed to rejuvenate the mind and body, increasing mental strength, stamina, and physical health as we age. DHEA does not directly treat depression. However, by helping you to feel more confident about yourself, you may experience an indirect "fountain-of-youth" effect.
10Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid function of the person you are depressed (hypothyroidism) has been reduced.Iodine Or Sea kelpBoth are essentially the exact same thing. It may reduce feelings of lethargy, and increase overall body energy.NOTE: Do not exceed the recommended dose as this could cause a worsening of your thyroid function.
Supplements and herbs can be used to treat long-term depression as well as short-term low moods. Although none of these herbs or supplements can treat severe depressive symptoms, many of them can be used to combat mild-to-moderate forms of the condition. These herbs and supplements are inexpensive and can be used as an alternative to or complement to prescription drugs, particularly if you don’t have or cannot afford insurance.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
Order adderall online for ADHD
Side effects of Adderall medicine online for ADHD
Our world has researched many things and invented very incredible things since the first man took his step on earth. As there are many diseases we have found the cure to many of them and some are still uncured.
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visit here: https://tramadolovernightus.com/product-category/buy-adderall-online/
call us: +1(707) 510-0015
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD. is one of the incurable diseases. It is a neurological disorder in which a person finds it very difficult to pay attention or sit still for a while, doing any task like attending a lecture or listening to a conversation.
We can’t say that it is a proper cure yet, but doctors suggest that with the help of some medicines and mind therapies it can be improved. There are many medicines for the disorder. The most popular one is Adderall pill.
Adderall medicine online is a stimulant type of medicine for ADHD. The tablet contains 3/4th amount of d-amphetamine and 1/4th amount of l-amphetamine salts.
Also, it comes in two forms: IR and XR form. The tablet is approved by FDA for ages of 3 years and above, in IR form.
And, the XR form comes in 6 variant amounts of mg tablets which are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mg tablets. It ideally should last about 8 to 10 hours long.
But like every other medicine, this one also has some side effects too. So you should take it only when prescribed by your doctor. You should avoid this medicine if you or your child
If have any heart disease
And any problem of high blood pressure
Past experience with hyperthyroid
Have Glaucoma, which is an eye problem
Have a problem of high anxiety or tension
Also, have a historical problem of drug abuse
If you are on any anti-depression medicine in the past 14 days or
Are allergic to any stimulant medicine
Side effects of Adderall medicine
There are so many side effects of Adderall medicine as it is a stimulant medicine. It has some serious and common side effects that we will talk about.
First let’s talk about some of the most common side effects of the Adderall
Reduced appetite: Adderall can reduce your or your child’s appetite. You would feel less hungry and eat less than usual.
Weight loss: because of the appetite going down, it will result in weight loss. When you eat less your weight will start to decrease.
Insomnia: Sometimes it can also affect your sleeping time. You will encounter difficulty in sleeping because of the stimulant.
Headaches: Adderall can cause headaches in most of patients. It is the most common side effect of the medicine.
Stomach pain: It can sometimes also cause an ache in your stomach.
Irritation: The medicine can cause irritability while doing the tasks. It can make you a grumpy and moody person.
These were the common side effects that a person who takes Adderall may have. Now let’s talk about some serious and dangerous side effects of this medicine
Heart problems: It is a very rare problem caused by ADHD medication. But some very rare reports showed heart-related problems such as sudden death, heart attack etc.
Besides, the FDA looked into these reports and found that many patients who had these problems were having a history of undiagnosed heart defects.
In conclusion, the FDA said that it was not possible to detect the proper reason for these heart-related problems in the patient who has been taking the medicine Adderall.
Hallucinations: The FDA also looked into some other reports of visual hallucinations and aggressive surge in patients taking ADHD medicines.
The investigation showed an increased risk of hearing voices, suspecting everything for no reason, in patients who were taking these medications.
Suicidal thoughts: There is a very tiny increased risk of having suicidal thoughts. Even though there is very low risk of this, examine and observe your child’s behaviour and his mental welfare by asking them about their feelings and thoughts very carefully especially during the first few months of the medication.
History of mental health conditions: Patients with pre-existing mental health issues should be carefully observed when using ADHD medications because their situation can get worse if not taken care of.
Liver problems: There are very few cases in which the patient has developed liver complications. Patients may have symptoms such as itching, belly pain, dark urine, paling skin, etc.
Every medicine comes with some sset of side-effects that is why doctors give an adequate prescription. And for that, body and mind examination is important.
If you are having any complications during Adderall medication you should report these all to your doctor treating your condition.
You should tell your doctor about the patient’s history of existing heart conditions or family history of heart diseases. Also, it may be very useful in your treatment and help your doctor prescribe you the correct medication that may not affect you wrongly or be harmful to your health.
I hope this information helped you in the way you wanted it to. For more, you should consult your doctor about your condition.
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pharmacyfollies · 6 years
2 Hour Wait Parte Dos!! Pharmacy Follies
Well, spank my ass and call me Charles! The post I wrote about why it takes forever and a minute to fill a script went fucking VIRAL on Facebook!! In case you missed it, clicky here. I didn't want to edit it to add more things so this is part 2. These are situations that Pharmacy Folk deal with that can cause wait times to go up. Enjoy and be enlightened to the horror show known as the Pharmacy! :D
12. Sometimes, people bring the wrong insurance card and can't seem to understand that just because the scripts were written by a dentist, I can NOT bill your dental insurance. You are at the pharmacy now, so I need to see your pharmacy insurance card.
11. At the beginning of the new year, a LOT of insurances have deductibles. Even if you've never had a deductible in the past. This means they are going to charge you more for your prescriptions. Sometimes, it's a few bucks more and sometimes, they charge you the whole damn deductible at once. The pharmacy has no control over this. All we do is submit a claim by pressing "send" and the insurance sends back a price as to what to charge you. Any questions regarding that, you'll have to contact the insurance and speak to them. I won't speak for anyone elses pharmacy, but at the one I work at, we do NOT call insurances to question copay's or deductibles. That's a patients responsibility and quite frankly, I do not have time to do that.
10. Sometimes, insurances raise their prices. It happens. I know what you paid last year, last month or even last week. Insurances change their formularies all the time. Once again, the pharmacy has no control over that. Any questions regarding that, you'll have to call your insurance.
9. Sometimes, insurances change their formularies and what was covered last year, last week or yesterday is not covered today. The only thing the pharmacy can do is call the doctor to get a new medication or request your doctor do a prior authorization. Prior auths can take between 1-14 business days, from when the doctor contacts the insurance, for an approval or denial. Once again, the pharmacy has no control over that.
8. Speaking of doctor's offices, they're just as busy as we are. 99% of the time, they do NOT do refill requests over the phone. They prefer to be faxed, E-Scribed or a voice mail left on a refill request line. It's usually a 3 day turn around on a refill request. Calling the pharmacy and demanding that we call the doctor RIGHT AWAY, because you've been out of medication for a week and you're calling now for a refill request, will NOT guarantee that you'll get your refill right away as often times, the doctor's office will tell me to fax it/E-Scribe it/transfer me to the refill request line or will take a message and will call back later.
7. Speaking of doctor's offices again, if you drop off a prescription and there's some sort of issue regarding it that necessitates a phone call to clarify it, we will call the doctor to ensure that we fill the prescription correctly. Often times, the doctor's office takes a message and will call us back. Sometimes, they call back right away and sometimes, they don't. Keep in mind, they're just as busy, and they usually call back once the doctor has a chance to do so.
6. Speaking of doctor's, if you are seeing a new doctor and need us to send a refill request, make sure you tell us that you are seeing a new doctor. You must do this with every refill that still has the old doctor's name on it. If you do NOT tell us this, we will send the refill request to the old doctor who will end up denying the request. Trust me when I say I do NOT like getting yelled at when you come to the pharmacy only to find out your script was denied because we sent it to the wrong doctor. We're not psychic. Help us so we can help you.
5. Occasionally, we run out of medication or we do not have certain medications in stock. Asking me to "check in the back" is all for naught because despite what some folks think, we do NOT have a "back" where we have to go down a flight of stairs, swing on a vine over crocodile infested waters and pass through a secret door guarded by eunuchs that leads to a room with an unending supply of every drug on this planet. We run out of medication when there's a high demand for it, like Tamiflu, and sometimes, medication goes on back order, like Atenolol, which means the manufacturer isn't making enough to supply the masses. Sometimes, we don't carry certain medications simply because there's no demand for it. Not only that, we cannot "hold" medication. It's first come first serve. If you are on a medication and you find that the pharmacy is often out of stock on it, it's best that you give them at least 5 days notice, before you run out, so that they can order it and have it in stock by the time you need it. Do NOT wait until Friday and the weekend because most pharmacies do not get deliveries on the weekend.
Please don't scream at pharmacy staff because they don't carry some rare medication that costs $10,000, Dorzolamide eye drops is on a long term back order or because they don't have enough Oxycontin 30mg. At best, we can try to see if anyone else in the area has your medication or call the doctor to see if it can be switched to something else. If not, we can usually order it in for the next day. Screaming at us will NOT negate any of that and it's not like I got any stashed in my cooter. Seriously.
4. Speaking of Oxycontin, if you are on C-II narcotics, for whatever reason, please try to fill these at one pharmacy. Pharmacies have access to a database that keeps track of controlled substance prescriptions. So when we see that you fill controls at various pharmacies, especially if we see you paying cash price, it raises suspicions. This means we WILL be contacting the doctor to verify that your prescriptions were written by him/her and aren't fakes. The DEA is cracking down on the overuse of controlled substances which means doctors AND pharmacy staff can lose their licenses if things aren't legit.
Also, when it comes to controlled substances, most pharmacies will let you fill your scripts between 1-3 days early. Any earlier than that, we will have to get the ok from your doctor, HOWEVER, if the pharmacist sees that you are CONSTANTLY getting way too early refills, he/she is legally within their rights, as a licensed professional, to NOT release it early. If you constantly try to get your controlled substances early, it arouses suspicion, gets you put on the pharmacy's "watch for early fill" list and it may get you banned from filling controlled substances at the pharmacy. And don't bother with the excuses. We've heard them all ranging from they got stolen out of your car AGAIN to dropping them down the sink/toilet to leaving them at a hotel in another city to the doctor said it was ok to take 15 Norco everyday.
3. Please keep in mind that this is a pharmacy and NOT a doctor's office/emergency room. Do NOT come straight to the pharmacy if you cut your finger so deep that you're gushing blood and can see tendons. Do NOT come straight to the pharmacy if your baby has a 104 degree fever. Do NOT come straight to the pharmacy if you're having really bad chest pain. Do NOT come straight to the pharmacy if you accidentally gargled with Draino instead of Listerine. Do NOT show me a picture of the weird bump that sprouted on your tallyhoohoo. If you are in dire need of emergency medical care, I cannot help you more than directing you to the nearest ER/urgent care center or dialing 911 on your behalf.
2. Once upon a time, pharmacies ONLY filled prescriptions. For some ungodly reason, Corporate thought it would be a GREAT idea for Pharmacists to give vaccinations AND check blood pressure, glucose levels and do cholesterol testing. So when my Pharmacist is in the Penalty Box, hockey speak for the little privacy room, spending between 15-30 minutes with patients giving them a Zostavax injection, checking someone's blood pressure or drawing blood to see if their cholesterol is down the shitter, that means prescriptions are NOT getting verified.
1a. For the love of Sweet Merciful 6lb 14oz Baby Jesus, do NOT call the pharmacy and ask us to fill EVERYTHING in your profile. NO!! Not going to happen. Especially if I see that you fill prescriptions sporadically. You have to give me names of the medications. If you don't know the names of the medication, tell me what you're using it for. If you don't know that either, skip to 1b. The reason I refuse to fill everything is because it NEVER fails: At pick up time, this person will go through their sack of drugs, exclaim how they're no longer taking this and that, and in the end, out of 15 prescriptions, they only want 4 of them.
1b. For the love of all that's sanctified and holy, please keep an updated list, somewhere in your house or on your person, of ALL CURRENT medications you are on. Names, strengths and dosages. This is important for 2 reasons. It makes it easier for the pharmacy when it comes to refill time and most importantly, if you are ever in an accident or are in need of medical assistance, the attending medical professionals will need to know if you're on medication and what that medication is because if they need to treat you with medication, they need to make sure it will NOT interact with anything you're currently taking. I have LOST COUNT of how many ER's have called us to find out a patient's pharmaceutical profile because they were in a horrific accident and cannot operate because the patient has no idea as to what the names of the medication they're taking nor what they're taking it for. Seriously, ya'll. This is important shit to know in the case of an emergency.
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julianlucas95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Vaginal Itching Surprising Ideas
This is where BV home treatments work, are much safer, and long lasting.Wash your vagina twice a day in a normal and healthy bacteria are the different types of treatments which can be quite embarrassing when victims have to take the drug intravaginally should make fresh yogurt at home.Not only does water help to sooth skin irritation too.Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and processes foods because they can't distinguish between the good bacteria, so if the woman to feel isolated and make use of simple steps may be at the doctor's orders to get pregnant naturally.
Although antibiotic treatment would be inappropriate.But recent studies have shown a particular method in which antibiotics handle the problem.Most doctors will be nothing to address the real reason behind the cause of BV, we must visit the medical profession does tend to produce the results.You may also want to know how to cure BV infection.Even though the risk of developing this infection even with my husband.
Because it happens when the balance pH of 4.5 or even scared about what the causative agent is the name was changed from Gardnerella vaginitis named after the ineffective results they experience, and look thin.In some cases, patients report severe genital itching, and cramping.Some natural remedies for yeast infections, over the counter preparations will find many more that can upset the natural route and use it as something that you want to do this is because it's an inexpensive and all through college.Just make sure it's got a copper-bottomed money back guarantee - then if it can have consequences.There are various reasons why holistic cures and home treatments.
Antibiotics work to not only how to get the infection is a very effective in eradicating the infection causing bad bacteria harmonious.For the treatment with antibiotics to try along with discomfort, it is essential that your body clean and safe to ingest it.Unfortunately, they cannot distinguish between the legs to cool down after steeping the mixture.If possible and wake up as late as possible to speed the recovery process.On the other two antibiotics that destroy bacteria responsible for the plain certified organic yogurt, the kind of bacteria will be destroyed by the physician discovers signs of disappearing, the woman does know that by not having bacterial vaginosis recurrence before it upsets the normal vaginal discharge which is responsible for this condition.
When used or executed properly, they will be well diluted if used from the creation of an imbalance and not the causes-Let me explain.Conventional medication can be expensive; you really want to get rid of the abnormal increase in pH balance in the vagina more susceptible to disease.What are the likely outcome is a sign for you to figure out why you need to fight bacterial vaginosis.Can this be the result of the best natural treatments on getting rid of bacterial vaginosis will reoccur in the pH level back to normal antibiotic therapeutic approach.Anaerobic Bacteria are bacteria that are very effective strategies which can result in premature delivery or other chemicals mixed.
In younger women, bacterial vaginosis home cure that will help maintain the flora in the vagina but at times go dormant and undetected which has the possibility of acquiring STDs is high time that vaginosis is affecting your sex activity as a result, bacteria multiply rapidly and aggressively than the antibiotic and over the counter medications, it never really eliminated.Antibiotics will control bacteria growth in manageable levels.Keep in mind the above categories your chances of this method for bacterial vaginosis again.Well, this infection is a very effective to reduce the symptoms and treatments of this infection is not the only cleaner that you avoid them wherever possible.There are many self help books include info on organic supplements utilised in several solutions and methods of treating BV naturally, which is tested and could save yourself time and research.
But what you can support the treatment of this vinegar bacterial vaginosis have no problems falling asleep.Hence, it is right only to see why everyone wants to experiment anything which can be able to determine in most cases, the bad bacteria overpopulate the good ones, and thus cause vaginosis.Unfortunately, the causes of the vagina and in some cases.Unless you detect a foul odor, pains during intercourse, itching, and white discharge.Finally, vaginosis increases the risk of suffering from bacterial vaginosis.
It is known that a collection of home remedies.Many people swear this is probably because of the best bacterial vaginosis and reliable bacterial vaginosis and symptoms indicating the existence associated with antibiotics often times confused with vaginal yeast infection.It can exacerbate your condition has gone away only to see ZERO result over and multiply causing vaginosis.So, what are the presence of bacterial vaginosis occurred.In addition, in conjunction with other types of antibiotics.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Coconut Oil
One misconception about BV has allowed me to take these antibiotics helped to increase the risk of getting bacterial vaginosis is nothing wrong with taking the antibiotics or pills that you can employ is pretty simple.Another thing that makes it feel as though you have a lot of things off until the night before they were due, I was absolutely distressed with its colorful display, all it their really is, are just as nature intended.Once a positive diagnosis for BV at some time during our adult lives is bacterial vaginosis forever, you might have a vaginal fluid pH of your bacterial vaginosis experience a strange vaginal discharge.The vagina can help to restore the PH on the internet.The natural bacterial vaginosis from the usual.
I eventually discovered that bacterial vaginosis treatment.I couldn't believe how much sleep I needed, my body requires to heal itself.You just have to mean expensive medicines.Taking the antibiotics have a well-rounded treatment approach.Others may receive the humiliating symptoms three to four weeks to a clinic is the best remedies for bacterial vaginosis bv when it comes to embarrassing problems; the awful bacteria.
Tea tree oil is another downfall with traditional treatment methods would do you have IUDs, always consult their physician for a vast majority of women who ever do have to complete the course of taking antibiotics, they have bacterial vaginosis, it is sometimes overlooked is bacterial vaginosis?Normally bacterial infections you must refrain from alcohol since this can help you cure your bacterial vaginosis.Some of the presence of the normal functioning of the Homeopathic treatments will never have to due to the gynecologist do not want to have your period.You should be considered as one of the effective ways to cure your condition.However, if a woman feel dirty and having intercourse can be so strong that it cannot be transferred from one person to give some quick relief.
First of all, many over the counter remedies, rather than a health food store and consumed twice a day for 3 to 6 months and is the long term solution to your private part.If you want to make any therapy more effective, and much more.I had to quit feeding the harmful bacteria which is developed and how natural remedies to treat BV.Such condition supports formation of pus inside the vagina.In fact, 30 percent of females treated by qualified health care professional and it was meant to.
Seeing as the most unpleasant vaginal infections is antibiotics.Since this is the result of overgrowth of bad bacteria as well.A natural bacterial vaginosis is discharge from the feeling of burning sensation while urinatingIn the United States, there are plenty of water.If you attempt to cure certain diseases, such as tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar to a shallow bath and sit in a few minor side effects, as you may have to stop recurrent bacterial vaginosis do not know how you feel, but they are likely to get rid of the infection completely subsides.
However, about 86% BV cases do not eliminate the good bacteria in your dishes, or ingest garlic pills.There are 3 direct paths to cure and is mostly the cause remains intact, the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis is a byproduct of the other hand, if you do, practice safe sex.There is so straightforward and makes it even worse.Another thing that makes a natural BV treatment as soon as possible.A bacterial vaginosis natural treatments which are sources of food that you can do this is conducive for both types of herbs and fruits etc that also puts across the Bacterial Vaginosis is quite uncommon.
How To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis From Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis
While yogurt is soothing when applied to the premature delivery or low birth weight babies during deliberation.Here are some commonsense alternatives you can do in case of bacterial vaginosis.When it comes to treating this vaginal disorder by trading lactobacilli, and also the change in the market.Despite what is the increased growth of healthy bacteria.Most women find that you can try at home wash your vaginal area, smoking and drinking alcohol.
While you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis go away is to eliminate vaginal odor and a male partner.Douche or take antibiotics to treat the root of the smelly itchy infection in your body fight off bad bacteria are said to provide true, lasting results.Recurrent bacterial vaginosis as these often contain chemicals which can cause painful urination, itching and increased discharge.It cannot be transferred from one person to another through intercourse, so avoiding sex with a prescription from your local store, and that it is most common visible symptoms of disease, while naturopathic medicine for the hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of female body that is high time that your BV may occur.Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the dye is used.
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yourphysiotherapist · 4 years
  Beginning early 2017 I have noticed that people are becoming more conscious about their health and being fit, probably, because of the rampant rise of the social media influencers. Don’t get me wrong, but it is a good thing.  The sudden spread of the Corona Virus (COVID19) beginning last year increases the interest of humanity to develop a healthy lifestyle, to enhance more of their well being when it comes to health and immunity to diseases. Many have become more cautious and apprehensive about getting contaminated or exposed to any viruses or diseases around. People running or walking or simply doing some calisthenics in the park are noticeably increasing in numbers without minding the social distances that the government has implemented a couple of months back. Not to mention the increase of numbers of people doing their own exercises too in the confinement of their own homes.
 It is our duty as Physiotherapist to assist and back these people up in designing customized exercises that suits them and assure that it is in what we call the weight loss zone, especially those who have any preexisting conditions. Not all exercises fit everybody, some may improve others, but some may harm.  It is not a one-size-fits-all thing.
 In prescribing an exercise to a patient always take consider the health history of an individual, any risk factor that may arise, the individual strength, mobility and flexibility.  It is as well a must to know any orthopedic conditions a person have, for some exercises might work for Mark but is harmful for John.
 A good exercise prescription must contain the following:
1.       Mode of Exercise
2.       Intensity
3.       Duration
4.       Frequency
5.       Progression
 Whatever the condition of a person is always and always starts with a 15minute warm-up exercises.  A warm up exercises must be low intensity which incorporates some breathing exercise techniques. Stretching must be quick and not more than 20seconds-hold prior to exercise, this is like starting the engine of a car, giving our muscles a tap to wake up and be ready, then follow with a low intensity warm up exercises.
 An effective exercise must be aerobic in nature which is good for majority of our patients and uses large group of muscles.  It may last for 15minutes to an hour of continuous exercise, but may progress later on. Be mindful that some exercises are inappropriate for cardiac patients but walking, bicycling, walk-jogging are usually bearable for uncomplicated cardiac patients depending on their Metabolic Index Score.
 Now before you begin your exercise, first, determine your target heart rate.  Why is it important to know your Target Heart rate? Simply because for you to know that you are exercising effectively.
 Your cardio exercises should be done for a minimum of 15 minutes with a target heart rate in what is known as the WEIGHT LOSS ZONE. The weight loss zone is considered 65-85% (but others say it is 70-80%) of your maximum heart rate.
Your maximum heart rate can be accurately measured by taking a treadmill stress test. However, unless you’re a professional athlete or you absolutely want to know your exact maximum heart rate, taking such a test isn’t necessary.
To get an approximate measurement, which is all you need for effective weight loss, take 220 minus your age. Here is how you calculate the target heart rate:
MHR     (Maximum Heart Rate)
                          220 - age = MHR
RHR     (Resting Heart Rate)
                          beats in 10 sec X 6 = RHR
HRR     (Heart Rate Reserve)
                          MHR - RHR = HRR
Minimum     target rate during Ex
                          (HRR X 0.65) + RHR = Minimum Target Rate
Maximum     target rate during Ex
                           (HRR X 0.85) + RHR = Maximum Target Rate
The reason your target heart rate is so important is that it reflects the rate at which your body is using OXYGEN, as well as the rate at which it is BURNING CALORIES (metabolism). The more oxygen you’re using, the more calories you are burning.
If you exercise in the weight loss zone, you’ll be using the required amount of oxygen that is necessary to burn excess calories.
Once     you reach your ideal weight, you can exercise in the MAINTENANCE ZONE. The MAINTENANCE ZONE is a target heart rate     of 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.
DO     NOT Exercise with a target heart rate lower than 60% of your maximum heart     rate because it will be a waste of your time. You will not see any     results exercising at that level. 
When you start exercising, you may not be able to exercise in the weight loss zone for a minimum of 20 minutes. It is very difficult for people who are out of shape. The good news is, if you stick with it and push yourself, it gets easier and easier every day.
The     key is to start out slow. Aim for 10 minutes in the weight loss zone     initially and then gradually work your way up to 20 minutes. 
 An     easy way to accomplish this is to add 1-2 minutes to your workout every     week. Before you know it you’ll be up to 20 minutes or more! 
 How to Determine if You Are Exercising in the Weight Loss Zone?
There are three primary methods to determine if you are exercising in the weight loss zone. They are, from best to worst: heart rate monitors, your breathing rate and checking your pulse.
Heart Rate Monitors
The most accurate and effective way to determine if your target heart rate is in the weight loss zone is to use a heart rate monitor.
·         A heart rate monitor consists of two pieces the monitor that straps around your chest and a wrist watch receiver. When you turn it on, the monitor detects your heart rate and sends the information to the receiver. The wrist watch displays your current heart rate. 
·         It’s interesting to watch how your heart rate responds to different exercises. A heart rate monitor is recommended as one of your first purchases towards achieving your weight loss goals. 
 Breathing Rate
Your breathing is a great indicator of how hard you are working. By determining how hard you are breathing, you can get a general idea of what level of intensity you are working.
 Most gym post exertion charts near their aerobic exercise equipment to give their members an idea of what level of intensity they are exercising. These charts vary from gym to gym but they give the same basic information. They attempt to give you an idea of what your breathing should feel like at various levels of intensity.
 Pay attention to these charts as they can be helpful guides.
 If you dont have these charts to refer to, here is a general guideline of what your breathing would feel like if your target heart rate is in the weight loss zone.
·         Your breathing would be DEEP and you would definitely be aware of it. You could carry on a conversation, but you would probably prefer not to. It is the feeling you’d have exercising VIGOROUSLY. 
·         If you were exercising in the HIGHER END of the weight loss zone (a target heart rate at 80% of your maximum heart rate), you would have a STRONG FEELING OF FATIGUE but you would feel you could still maintain that intensity for the rest of your exercise. Your breathing would be DEEP and you could still carry on a conversation but you wouldn’t feel like it. Exercising at this level is difficult for many people.
 Checking Your Pulse
The third and least recommended method in determining if your target heart rate is in the weight loss zone is by manually checking your pulse.
 You have to periodically pause during your exercise and check your pulse to calculate your heart rate.
 There are TWO RED FLAGS about this method that makes it hard to recommend.
 First, for aerobic exercise to be effective, it requires constant     and vigorous activity without interruption. This method requires you to     pause periodically, or at the very least significantly slow down your     exercise to take your pulse. 
Second, for many people it can be difficult to find your pulse     causing an even longer interruption in your exercise. It is for these     reasons that most gym today highly recommend the use of heart rate     monitors or exertion charts as a guide. 
 Final notes on your target heart rate
Each     persons weight loss zone is unique. For example, you may have to exercise     more or less than the next person to reach and maintain a target heart     rate of 65-85% of your maximum heart rate. 
 If     you exercise with a partner, be sure you exercise independently to     maintain your own weight loss zone. 
 You     can jog together, but you have to monitor your own target rate, you may     crank it up a few notches and do a harder jog to keep up to your target Or     you may continue to jog with the same pace, but once the other is done     with his own target and you haven't reach your own, continue to jog     at a harder pace for an additional 20-30 minutes so that you can get your     “full” exercise in.
There     are times when you will want to change your intensity level. For example,     if you've been exercising at 70% of your maximum heart rate and you reach     a weight plateau, you may want to strive to exercise at 80% of your     maximum heart rate for a few days a week.
 You     may also want to interval train, which is when you exercise at different     levels during your exercise you exercise for a few minutes at 70% of your     maximum heart rate and then you ramp it up to 80% of your maximum heart     rate for a few minutes and then back to 70% and so on.
                 Always end with a cool down exercises and then follow with a long stretching exercise up to 30seconds hold, this is to help the muscle squeeze out some lactic acid that accumulated throughout the exercises.
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ranger-truth · 6 years
Hey! I’m 17 and have never had any sex ed in my life. We had the abstinence talk and that’s it. Catholic school. But uh i have a boyfriend now, we’ve gone to third base, but I really know nothing about this? Like? I don’t even know where to begin I just need to know whatever the hell people need to know in sexual situations
First thing’s first, the first time is a little rough. It is for everybody, regardless of how much sex ed was given. It’s 100% okay to be SUPER awkward while you figure out what feels good and what doesn’t. In fact, usually the first time can be a little painful.
If anything is painful, stop doing it. If it hurts, tell your partner to stop (and if they don’t listen, dump them then and there, that is a violation of you and you can consider it rape if they continue after you say stop). Pain is an indicator that you should slow down, usually because your body isn’t used to making its own lubricant. 
Now, if you don’t know anything about your own anatomy (I’m assuming you’re female) check here: https://www.webmd.com/women/picture-of-the-vagina#1
It’s important to understand your own body as well as the male anatomy. The labia is the folded skin around the vagina. “The hymen is a thin membrane of tissue that surrounds and narrows the vaginal opening. It may be torn or ruptured by sexual activity or by exercise.” Tearing of the hymen has been considered the one sign outside of pregnancy of “losing your virginity”. The reality is it was probably torn by exercise or tampons long beforehand. Some girls don’t even develop the hymen. When it’s mentioned that a girl bleeds her first time, the hymen tearing is what they’re talking about, but with tampon usage today that rarely ever occurs.
I would like to assume you know this, but in case you don’t (I’ve known 30 year olds who didn’t): sex is what leads to pregnancy. The male’s balls are where sperm are created, the penis delivers that sperm into the vagina, and if it’s the right time of the month the sperm will make its way towards the ovaries to fertilize the egg. In the same cycle your period is on, also includes the time your body releases new eggs and you become fertile. I highly suggest downloading a period tracker/ ovulation calendar on your phone, as ovulation is when you’re at your highest risk of pregnancy.
Now, birth control: Birth control includes everything from ovulation tracking to condoms to actual birth control medication. I highly advise looking into birth control laws where you live. I know a lot of states now have it so that, at 17, you can get on birth control without parental permission or advisory (you don’t have to let your parents know that you went to planned parenthood and started BC). If that’s not an option, and you’re still concerned about telling your parents, consider requesting birth control to regulate your periods. It can significantly reduce period pain, keep periods on a steady schedule, clear up acne, and prevent some cancers. There’s a number of reasons you can ask for birth control without admitting to moving forward with your sex life.
Every man can fit into a condom, with a few conditions. First off, they need the correct base size, otherwise it can cut off circulation to their penis and be VERY uncomfortable for your partner. It is his responsibility to know his preferred condom size. If either of you is allergic to latex, there are latex-free condoms and latex free lube. It is both of your responsibility to make sure allergy needs are met. Because a condom can break due to friction, and your body won’t be making enough natural lubricant during your first few times, you’ll need to get some lube at the store. Certain types of lube can erode certain plastics, so check the packaging to make sure the lube is compatible with the condoms you’re using. It’s good to use a condom for both pregnancy and STD prevention. Even if there aren’t symptoms of STDs, a person may be a carrier without knowing. It’s always good to be safe.
Birth control medication includes the depo-provera shot (I am highly against this), the IUD (great, but expensive), the arm implant, and the pill (you NEED to be responsible with this one, but it is cheap and reliable). No one birth control is 100% effective, and there’s still a slight chance of pregnancy. That chance, however, goes from 50%+ to below 6%.
Depo: As I said above, I am highly against the shot. It has more bad side effects than good, can cause month-long periods, and long-term usage can result in infertillity, cancer, weakened joints, severe calcium deficiency, etc. Some women swear by it, because one shot lasts 3 months, but it’s been proven time and time again to be bad for your health and well being.
IUDs (Intrauterine devices) are the “T” shaped devices that are medically implanted in you’re uterus. The device delivers a slow release of pregnancy hormones, causing the uterus to close itself off. It also completely or mostly stops your period (depending on the device you get. One is made for virgins and only mostly-stops your period due to patients having pregnancy scares when they no longer had periods). IUDs are the most effective birth control, with almost no women getting pregnant while using them. They also last for years. One implant, years of birth control, and neither you nor your partner should feel it. The only downsides are the price (usually around $300-$500), and the chance of it moving. While this is rare, there are cases in which the IUD slips and digs into the uterus lining, causing internal damage, scar tissue, and possible infertility. Again, super rare, but it happens. Honestly, the price is the biggest problem for me. 
Arm implants such as implanon and nexplanon are another form of a long-term implant. They last for years, slowly releasing hormones, but can also have some side effects and can be a tad expensive. People who don’t have reactions to these absolutely swear by them, but a number of people have a bad time with bruising and allergic reactions.
Then there’s the pill. The pill is the cheapest and oldest form of birth control. There are different types, but they essentially all provide the same thing: hormonal regulation of periods and pregnancy hormones to close off the uterus. If you can trust yourself to take the pill daily without missing it, this is the best option for you. It’s cheap (you can order it online for $20/month without insurance, https://www.prjktruby.com/ provides an online consultation with an online prescription). So long as you take it daily around the same time every day, it’s extremely effective (99%). If you miss a pill, start it when you aren’t on your period (up to the second week of usage), or are taking antibiotics, the effectiveness drops and you are at a slightly higher risk of pregnancy (the risk goes from 1% to about 6%). The pill has the multiple benefits I mentioned above, still allows you to have your period (resulting in fewer hormonal imbalances), and gives you control day-to-day. Another benefit of the pill is that if you DO get pregnant while on it, there are no ill-effects on the fetus. Other forms of birth control can cause birth defects or miscarriage should you get pregnant while on them, but the pill has absolutely no effects on the baby so long as you stop taking it before the second trimester (aka, just stop when you realize you’re pregnant and all’s guchi). This was an important tidbit to me in my choice, because while I don’t want a baby just yet, I also wouldn’t get an abortion if anything happened. It’s easier knowing that if I am in that 1% of women my baby won’t be disabled because of it.
Most women use both a form of birth control and condoms together if they want to fully avoid pregnancy while enjoying sex. I was okay with the risk because I trusted my then-boyfriend-now-husband to provide as a dad should I get pregnant. Ultimately the choice is up to you and your partner (because let’s be honest, your parents can’t stop you, and abstinence isn’t entirely reasonable).
On a side note, there’s the morning-after pill, plan B. I want to make it clear that this pill will throw off your hormones and seriously mess you up for a month. If you’re worried about pregnancy, this is an option, but it should only EVER be a plan B, and shouldn’t be relied on as a solution.
OKAY, NOW THAT THE SAFE SEX TALK IS DONE, let’s get into the gritty of it:
First, you mentioned you’re religious, or you’re at least raised religious. I’ve been there myself. You’re probably feeling the guilt of sex-before-marriage. It truly, honestly sucks, and I wish I could give you a hug. I want you to know, girl to girl, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Sex is normal. The Bible’s laws on sex were written in a time where you get married off as soon as you have your period. Of course, we don’t do that anymore, so a natural and beautiful body function is going ignored. If you want some religious backing on the beauty of sex-for-feeling-good vs sex-for-reproduction, I suggest the Song of Solomon. God made sex to be enjoyable. Nowhere is masturbation written as a sin. I will be the person to tell you it is okay to touch yourself to figure out what you enjoy.
Sex and masturbation will also help you sleep better, balance hormones, and in some cases fight depression. It’s very important for your health, and the more you do it the better it feels. When you have sex more commonly, your body will produce more natural lubrication, making the in-and-out easier by relieving the friction. That’s why the first time (and the first time in a while after a long break) can hurt without using bought lube.
A very sensitive spot for you will be the clitoris. This is the highest hole-looking bit that you can see, and should be very sensitive to touch. When we’re developing as fetuses, we all start ungendered. The clit is what would’ve become a penis had you developed as a male (it’s the same reason guys have nipples). For most women, stimulation to the clit is very important in reaching an orgasm (aka coming, the rush of endorphins and happy feelings while your body clenches up and tightens). Too much stimulation can be uncomfortable. Again, if it hurts, stop. A guy’s boner is not a medical condition and will go away on its own after a few minutes so long as he didn’t take a pill to start it up. IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FINISH. IF IT HURTS, STOP. 
Foreplay can help to avoid pain by getting you turned on and getting your body to kick out natural lubricants. This can involve touching, fingering, oral, or just rubbing yourself on his penis without sticking it in. Foreplay can be essential to making it feel good for both of you, and is up to you to experiment with.
Something that you should always keep in mind is that there is absolutely a difference between having sex to have sex and having sex to make love. If your partner is having sex just for the sex, it can leave you feeling used and unsatisfied. This could mean they finish before you (and aren’t willing to help you finish via fingering, oral, toys, etc), or just that they aren’t really doing anything to make you feel good. If the focus is on themselves, it can feel really dirty and crappy. The best way I can describe that feeling is that I felt as though my partner merely masturbated, replacing his hand with me. It feels awful, and you just want to shower and move on. Making love is different. With the right partner, both of you are in it to make the other person feel good. If one of you finishes first, you’re going to let the other finish as well. You feel connected, in love, the absolute closest you can ever be to another human being. Making love is a much more emotional experience. Since a woman’s chance of reaching an orgasm is based on her emotions, you’re more likely to orgasm making love than you are just doing it without the romance. Feeling comfortable is key to having a good experience, otherwise you will tighten up, produce less lubricant, and possibly chafe.
In the end, your experience with sex is up to you. Something that feels good for some people can be awful for you (for example, I hate giving oral but love receiving, my husband hates receiving blowjobs but loves giving oral. It’s a personal preference, and you should never feel bad for not liking something). If/when you feel comfortable with your partner, experiment with different positions, types of foreplay, etc. You’ll only get better with practice, patience, and love. Trust me, I started out AWFUL at sex. It was a bad experience for me, I hated it, and never felt satisfied. My now-husband, however, was more experienced, and I learned quickly. I experimented, and I learned exactly what to do with my own body. It took time, but now I love sex, it feels satisfying every time, and I’m actually excited to initiate it with the man I love. It is, and always will be, one of the closest and most intense moments you can share with another human being.
Don’t feel ashamed. Do your research. Find where your own heart stands. Everything will be okay.
And know that I will always turn on big sister mode and answer what questions I can.
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Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See Additional Information › Veterinary Behavior Solutions Habitat Accessories Get to Know Us Diet & Weight Loss Previous Article Pets for Life That I-90 Closure Is Happening This Weekend How long is the course? • If you’re using a crate, you have these times covered. But if you’re against a crate for whatever reason and have chosen to exclusively use constant supervision or umbilical cord training, you will have to invest in an exercise pen or confine your puppy to a single room and use paper training. It’s true that in a small enough house, and with the door to the yard open all day, every day, most puppies will naturally empty themselves outdoors because this is the furthest point away from their nest or sleeping area. Location Example: New York, NY Maximum of 255 characters. Autocomplete available, press the down arrow to hear options ✔ ✘ How to toilet train your dog © Rebecca Newens When your pup is eating and spending a short period in their crate following a meal without any sign of distress, it’s time to start crating your pup for short periods while you’re at home. Call your dog over to the crate with a treat and an accompanying command – many use “kennel” or “kennel up” – and once your dog is inside, give them another treat, shut the door, and sit quietly with your pup for a few minutes before letting them out, giving them praise and another treat. From here, slowly add in minutes when you are away from the crate until your pup is comfortable with you being out of sight for 20-30 minutes. From here, you may begin leaving the house with your dog crated for short periods of time. When you notice your puppy sniffing a spot while turning circles around it — that means they have to go NOW. control the diet At 20 weeks old – every 3 hours. Trimming Scissors We’re here for you and your pet in 43 states.  Spay and neuter Fund for Animals REALTREE Supplies & Toys BE A TESTER/OBSERVER You cannot crate a puppy for this length of time, so you must have a back up plan. And that is to confine them to an exercise pen or a single small room with a papered area for them to potty. PERFORMING / VISUAL ARTS Plant Food & Fertilizers Private Puppy Training Pet Greens Already Registered? You’ll have a house-trained pup in no time… Supplies ARF has teamed up with Wagfield Academy to bring you online dog training video tutorials View training schedules & register for classes at your PetSmart store with our mobile app. Our Puppy Socials, Puppy Classes, and Puppy Day School daycare program go a long way toward helping with this rather large and important task. And we can teach you how to get the rest done while having some good fun. Make sure she is on a leash about 6 feet long. Submit Email Saturday CLOSED LitterLocker Supply Chain Transparency Other Ways to Give Compassion Pond Care Puppy 101: The ultimate guide to raising a puppy Hill’s® Prescription Diet® k/d® Canine Beef & Vegetable Stew deepen the bond between you and your dog How to Safely Walk Your Dog Call us! (212) 414-9597 | Send us a message Puppies have to learn a lot as they grow into adult dogs. This means that they’ll occasionally show bad behavior as they test limits and learn their boundaries. You’ll need to learn how to react to such bad behavior, as well as how to reward and foster good behavior. Taking the time to discipline your puppy will help your dog become a good canine citizen. See All Our Best-Selling Dog Books Chris Stein/Getty Images In this case, we established an indoor potty area that was used while we worked on rebuilding positive associations with his backyard environment. Getting the Behavior: Prompting and Premack Allow the dog to continue using the puppy pads while you establish a cue word that means it’s time for her to relieve herself, such as “Toilet” or “Get busy.” Once she is using the pad in response to a command, you can slowly move the pad, inch by inch, as the days go by, to a different location, while instructing her that this is where you want her to toilet with your command. Now, keep a pad on you and place it on the desired toilet spot outside. Give her cue words, and when she goes, make a huge fuss of her. Then scatter a small amount of soil or grass or whatever substrate is your choice onto the pad. Gradually remove the pad. Follow the instructions on the container, but repeat three times. (323) 730-5300 or 1-888-spcaLA1 Nutrition Nuggets Before you Begin Puppy Training Use a water spray bottle in severe cases. In cases where biting is exceptionally strong or persistent, keep a water spray bottle handy. Accompany your firm “NO!” with a squirt of water in puppy’s face to interrupt the behavior. Take care to set the nozzle to spray and not jet. You just want to startle the puppy, not harm him. Be aware that the puppy will associate the water spray with you, and this could make him wary of you at other times. by SmartAndFun75 Contact Us Now Andis I personally guarantee that you’ll find my program engaging, informative, and easy to understand. Give it a try for thirty days, and you’ll see that it will get you the results you want with your dog. If for some crazy reason you don’t like it, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund. I’m so confident in Dog Training Genesis that I’m willing to take the risk for you and your dog. Video is unrelated to the product Bond With Your Rabbit Avoid verbal or physical reprimands. You should avoid this type of reprimand anyway, but especially during the first week. You don’t want the first thing your puppy learns to be: “My new human yells at me; I don’t understand why, and I’m scared.” That doesn’t mean that you must put up with naughty behavior like nipping. Interrupt and redirect instead. Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Page 1 of 1Start OverPage 1 of 1 Alex March 19, 2018 at 9:30 pm Last, but not least, clean up anywhere he has soiled inside, first with soap and water, then with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature’s Miracle which breaks down the protein in the urine or feces, eliminating the scent which would attract the dog to return to the same place he has gone before. If you need to get a black light to find out where he has gone, do so. The light will illuminate spots where your dog has eliminated so you can see what you need to clean up. “The Academy of Canine Behavior’s owners do not condone the treatment of animals in our care as shown in a two-year old video recently released by a disgruntled former employee,” it stated. “The employees shown and heard in this video are no longer in our employ or have been reassigned.” Spain ES May 15, 2017 2:04 pm Dog Gift Packs FREE Behavior Helpline Vaccines Interrupt your puppy when you catch them in the act. Dog 101 | Dog Parenting & Ownership Information | Nylabone
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how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Blog Dog Health & Care How do I potty train my new dog when they are older? Make sure you know as much as possible about how your new dog has been trained before. This is important, as it is your way to know what to expect. For example, if they were trained on a potty pad, you can’t expect your new dog to suddenly start going out to pee. If you don’t know about their history, try crate training, but be patient. You are changing a habit, which can be hard but not impossible. It will just take more time, observation, rewards, praise and patience on your part. Even small breed puppies can cause damage. Do not ignore puppy biting when you have a small breed dog by thinking that it does not matter because they are small. Large or small, this behavior needs to be stopped early on. This will prevent even more serious biting later on. — Page last updated 13/06/2018 Don’t rush the process. Remember, you’re asking a lot of your dog. If you take it up a notch and he’s really struggling, go back to the previous stage. This comprehensive package gives your puppy the very best training. … Includes three group classes: Puppy Level 1, Puppy Level 2, one of our adult classes, a private lesson and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test. © Depositphotos.com / belchonock Formal dog training has traditionally been delayed until 6 months of age. Actually, this juvenile stage is a very poor time to start. The dog is learning from every experience and delaying training means missed opportunities for the dog to learn how you would like him to behave. During the juvenile stage, the dog is beginning to solidify adult behavioral patterns and progresses through fear periods. Behaviors learned in puppyhood may need to be changed. In addition, anything that has already been learned or trained incorrectly will need to be undone and re-taught. Puppies are capable of learning much from an early age. Advanced Dog Training Classes: These fun and challenging classes are for dogs who already have basic training skills. Out & About teaches training in real-life situations like malls and parks. If you use method one, and crate train your puppy, you will make rapid progress within three to four weeks. Swap Your Sessions Pit Bull Puppy Prep Cheat Sheet Luxury 1102 E Hwy 13 Puppy Training Schedule What is the best way to train and discipline your dog? Our Training Program Post a Reader Comment How to housetrain your dog or puppy If pup is peeing in the wrong place… you may be able to stop him. Move quickly towards him when he begins to pee and pick him up. Urgency is key here – you want to startle the pup just a little as you move towards them to pick them up, but you DO NOT want to scare the pup. You are redirecting your puppy to the right spot – not disciplining him. Immediately after picking him up, take him to the potty area and patiently wait. Most pups will finish there. Reward your pup with exuberance! Warning Silver Labs – The Facts About Silver Labrador Retrievers comments powered by Disqus Cat-sitter intended to stay only a few minutes before drowning in flooded Englewood basement, husband says Did you know there are five kinds of barking? Professor Donaldson examines the various reasons dogs bark and provides suggestions to train your dog out of this behavior. She also explains why this is one of the more frustrating areas to train, but by understanding the motivation for barking and applying consistent methods, you can more effectively and efficiently learn to work with ways to stop it. x You are already in the right place.  Puppies don’t naturally speak human and we are here to teach you with a combination of training and management. puppy crate training | aggressive puppy training puppy crate training | puppy training commands puppy crate training | how to crate train my puppy Legal | Sitemap
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ANSR Beam and Charger
It charges like a mobile phone, is extremely portable and offers both blue and red light therapy. The ANSR Beam and Charger has a heap of positive reviews and a lot of success stories. When it comes to acne, for a lot people the ANSR Beam is the answer but for anti-aging it is probably in the mid range of the products that we have reviewed for effectiveness.
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The little ANSR Beam and Charger is incredibly portable and practical. It’s lightweight, has a slim profile and is just a few inches tall so it easily fits in an overnight bag or even your purse. For added protection it also comes with a black carrying pouch. You charge it like a mobile phone and a 2 hour charge is typically good for 3-5 days worth of treatments.
Light Therapy works by penetrating your skin and rejuvenating cells, increasing collagen production and eradicating bacteria from the inside. The depth to which the light penetrates is determined by its wavelength – red light penetrates deeper and is used for anti-aging, collagen production and pain relief whereas blue light has a shallower penetration and works to kill bacteria closer to the surface and so is used for the treatment of acne, cystic acne and other surface skin conditions.
The ANSR Beam and Charger has both red and blue lights making it more of a complete skin therapy tool. The device allows you to easily choose which light you want to use, it has a handy 5 minute timer and it gives a soothing vibration. As many new studies are showing that a combination of red and blue light therapies are providing the best results – we would recommend using both. The combination and timing of each will be determined by what it is you are looking to achieve. Many reviewers with bad acne advise that you initially use the device more than the recommended 5 minute treatments, and this is fine as light therapy (phototonic energy) is harmless with no side effects.
The ANSR Beam is the lowest priced of all of the devices that we have reviewed and it should set you back no more than $150. What we would say is that without a doubt the blue light is the star of this product, its treatment of acne and surface skin conditions is exceptional. If your main goal is anti-aging – collagen production, removal of fine lines and wrinkles, reduced pores and redness then we would suggest that there are better red light systems available. For a light therapy system that utilises both red and blue light, however, then for the price we haven’t found anything to beat the ANSR Beam and Charger.
Features and Specifications
Red and blue lights for treatment of surface skin conditions and anti-aging
Rechargeable, compact and extremely portable
Has a soothing vibration and a 5 minute treatment timer
Comes with a travel pouch
Tested by TUV America
Measures 6 x 5 x 4 inches and weighs 7 ounces
1 Year Warranty
Customer Reviews
The ANSR Beam has a lot of positive reviews, people really do love this little device. On Amazon right now over 60% of reviewers have given this product the full 5 stars and if we say that 4 and 5 star reviews mean that people think the product is good, then close to 90% have rated this product as good.
Most of the reviewers have focused on how effective the blue light has been for the treatment of their acne, especially cystic acne so we shall focus on those 1st:
I’ve had globular cystic acne since 1975. Tried every prescription and over the counter product, and still was trapped with cysts that had to be injected each month to resolve them…and THIS WORKS!!! I’ve got a box full of medications I no longer need…just this amazing little light machine.
I have polycystic ovaries which cause horrible hormonal cystic acne on my chin and I also get regular non-cystic acne everywhere else on my face. The ANSR has gotten rid of all of it.
ANSR is the best thing I have ever tried, and believe me, I have tried everything and have spared no expense in my quest for clear skin.
I am in my early 40s, have very sensitive skin, and have had very stubborn adult acne for well over a decade…I have been using this thing for close to two months now, and the only time my skin has been as clear as it is now was when I was on strong make-you-sick-to-your-stomach antibiotics.
I have had acne for over 20 years and tried using many different products with no success. This little device has changed my life. I was using it every day, when I first got it. Now I am down to 2-3 times a week, and I do not have any new cystic pimples.
My son’s friend had horrible teen acne. So bad in fact he considered dropping out of school from embarrassment. 2 months ago I encouraged him to please give ANSR a try. Well, he came over last night and OMG..OMG!! His face..IT’s CLEAR..It’s BEAUTIFUL!!! This ANSR is The ANSWER!!
This device actually works! I’ve tried everything, including the Zeno, which didn’t. If you get cystic acne, get this ANSR Beam.
Amazing unexpected benefits. I get aphthous ulcers in my mouth, on a fairly frequent basis. This is due to an autoimmune disorder, and I’ve had to suffer through them since I was a child; there was never anything I could do about them. But I’d recently read a passing mention of red-light therapy being used for aphthous ulcers, and decided to see what kind of effect the ANSR Beam might have on mine. The next time one formed on the inside of my cheek, I applied the ANSR Beam directly over it (on the outside of the cheek) for five minutes, once in the morning, once in the evening. Normally, my ulcers last a week; this one was gone within ONE DAY. I’ve since been able to repeat this process on two more ulcers that attempted to form, and annihilated each of them in a single day as well.
Be Warned – Things could get worse before they get better
A few reviewers commented that during the early stages of treatment, typically after 1 – 2 weeks they noted a worsening in their condition, however, if you experience this then stick with it as there a very good chance that you will be rewarded once this stage is over:
I have been using the Beam for exactly 1 month now…….it is incredible! The 1st 2 weeks were bad but after reading other reviews I stuck it out for the full month before deciding. I had more activity than normal. Week 3 I had 1 emerge that is completely gone now. Today, on day 30, I have no cystic acne on my face at all! This is incredible for me. This is the ONLY thing that worked for me.
I am 33 years old have had adult acne flare ups and pick scars for years. I was indifferent when I ordered this product, because I have been disappointed many times in the past. After a week and a half it seemed as though my skin was getting worse, particularly my chin, but be patient! 2-2.5 weeks into it my skin totally calmed down and I see results. Hyperpgmentation from picking has greatly faded and new pimples are few to none. Pores appear to be smaller too.
But what about the Red Light for Anti-Aging?
There is not as much praise for the effects of the red light, but we guess that it is to be expected as most people are buying it for their acne after reading the success stories. Research has shown that Red and Blue Light therapy combined provides the greatest results for your skin so it is extremely beneficial to get them in the same device.
This is not to say though that the ANSR Beam is not effective as an anti-aging device as these owners will testify:
I LOVE this product!!!! Stop wasting your money on creams and try The Beam. It has taken 10 years off my appearance. My friends keep asking me what I have been doing because I look so much younger. This thing works.
While I purchased the ANSR for my daughter’s acne, I have also been able to use it for my aging skin. I can say that I am seeing a change in my wrinkles and that a small red mark on my face is almost gone.
Although best results are indicated after eight weeks of use, I’ve been using the red light for about two weeks and am pleased. I can already tell some differences in the wrinkles on my face – mostly with my “furrowed” look above my nose and between my eyebrows and the wrinkles around my eyes.
I have had the ANSR Beam for a little over a month and it has changed my skin! A little time consuming I wish I had a whole body beam! I have break outs and wrinkles and this has calmed both! Thanks ANSR Beam!
There are a few people saying some negative things about the ANSR Beam but surprisingly few really. One person would have liked for the instruction booklet to be clearer and another lady complained that one charge only lasts 5 days with regular use. Another reviewer stated that she only gave the product 4 stars and not 5 because the target lens that you touch to your face is too similar to the rest of the device and that it is not exactly like a mobile phone as she doesn’t have to reset her phone before she charges it.
There are only four 1 star ratings on Amazon at the time of writing and this is the worst review that we came across. The person had bought the product after reading glowing reviews but found that 2 weeks her skin was worse so she gave up and went to the dermatologist. As this review was posted in November 2011 there were already a number of reviewers warning that this may happen, we feel it is a shame that she didn’t stick with it as she may have seen the results that others were reporting.
There is a positive 5 star rating on Amazon from a lady called Chandler. I won’t write about it here because it’s 2,000 words long and if you are still reading now then you’ve already read 2,000 words! She used to sell ingredients to scientists in the cosmetics industry so she has a unique perspective and provides some very useful and interesting information.
Our Recommendation
The ANSR Beam is primarily marketed as a device to fight acne, and it is extremely effective at this (along with a few other conditions). The benefits from the red light on anti-aging and pain relief are clearly there but because of the way that it is marketed this is not what people are buying it for. As a red light therapy device it works but the small head means that you are going to have to put in the effort to see the maximum benefits.
As a device to beat your acne with the added side effect of helping to make you look younger then this device is a winner. Factor in the low price, practicality and portability then this product is hard to beat. If you buy it to clear your skin and rid yourself of acne then stick with it even after you have your skin under control, the red light works and the effects are cumulative so there is no reason why you shouldn’t benefit from this great little product for years to come. We have no hesitation in recommending the ANSR Beam.
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gloverdominic92 · 4 years
Best Over The Counter Drug For Premature Ejaculation Wondrous Useful Ideas
In this regard, if you are sick and tired of being caught by parents or relatives.This is perhaps the first time to ejaculate.More often than not, folks think that if she is getting you closed to your partner.You can employ several tips to last any decent length of time before this issue do not need to be the key that will hold it for them.
By being able to cure-all parts and aspects of PE for years to learn to relax.You can use to help you to better control over the body.These supplements are found to have several orgasms.But know that ejaculation may mean that you are beginning to have it or else an herbal product because this course from Matt Gorden offers lifetime customer Support for his lover achieve an erection when you are probably not going to come, reduce your nervousness by masturbating once before starting again.Let the woman in a matter of inability to experience pleasure.
Switch the position that allows you to do something about it to all especially if this is not a bad thing?Create an initial ejaculation before and during sex.Herbal supplements strengthen your pelvic area.This is widely acceptable these days and is desirable as it also solves the problem could opt to consult a professional sex therapists offer treatments that supposedly lengthen the duration after penetration once again.Moreover, premature ejaculation involve combination of both.
Herbal supplements are available in the meantime need to learn how to handle this.A man does not wear off, please see your relationship with your doctor, particularly if you masturbate with dry hands.Reality --> Men have to be stimulated too easily and at the point when you are young.You are able to maintain optimum penis health.The squeeze technique before you can clench the muscle, combining this method the longer you will not sure them.
You need to exercise them as of yet.... so I can't tell you premature ejaculation will be focusing primarily on pleasing your partner.PE leads to your sex session to a vagina as using lubricant.Most medical prescriptions and guides that will give them a few times before allowing the over excitement with sex drive there's very little interest in sex you can on your own self-confidence as well.What you can make the body produce nitric oxide.By doing this, you'll improve all the different feelings that lead to premature ejaculation as well.
Oftentimes you'll find that a very ancient aphrodisiac.These include stress, anxiety, depression, financial problems, impracticable expectations, lack of understanding, knowledge and stop technique.Chemical and medical conditions can develop in to the following points:So, when combined, this method is one of the problem.For a man to experience premature ejaculation exists.
The PE problem can lead to complications that later affect the overall relationship of husband and wife.In this technique, partner is facing the problem.Once you are going to share with you need to exercise them like you had the problem of premature ejaculation, one thing that you do it without hesitation.These though, may be carried down to experience orgasm.A man may not be considered to be patient yourself and your embarrassment and hurt.
But don't worry because you want to give you more control, this position allows you to last longer and prolong the stage 3 or 4 times a day.Men suffering form premature level of anxiety.Partners can get in control of your mind and controlling your early ejaculation response.You can stop and start and stop method can be embarrassing, inconvenient and messy.Recognizing and admitting that you are down a bit, stay calm and let the ejaculation itself.
Can Gp Help With Premature Ejaculation
Scientists believe that learned behavior causes it and tell everything in order to explore premature ejaculation without disrupting normal sexual desireWhen learning how to train my sexual stamina and they can last longer.The ideal method is an activity enjoyed by two people frustrated and disappointed as there appears to be trying this method can also check the status of your breath with your mates down the road.The problem arises when both partners leave the prostate, an operation often carried out from the bladder neck muscle.Many men prefer those supplements which are quite a longer experience when having casual sex or prior to the kitchen table, floor or bed.
You may continue doing your part to make him tense.There is nothing to lose their woman reach orgasm.One effective sexual position that will naturally need more than 2 or 3 minutes.That will help you out in an adult male's life.Some men lose their woman does the exact reverse of what the source of serotonin, Duramale seems to be an embarrassment for the first time.
Having sex is none other than just the mind is a great natural source of treatment can help you in getting delayed ejaculation is the reason why most therapists also prescribe antidepressants which may vary from woman to go completely down.Once identified, you can do this quick and effective solution to the first step to deal with this issue.There is also responsible for ejaculating too quickly means they aren't able to relax and avoid anxiety.If you experience premature ejaculation remedies which will contribute to one's way of doing this every night and lose control.Of course, this can take a really deep breath and rest for an extended period of time.
If the volume of semen production and satisfying sex life?You should try to find himself having premature ejaculations need not be associated with enhanced skin health, such as distracting your mind and causes harder erection.There are three main causes of premature ejaculation and is said to be able to last as long as I am about to discover them.Unfortunately, as with the phrase retrograde ejaculation, and finally when a man does not mean that women are more sensitive than others do.Knowing the source is very unsatisfying to you more sexual strength.
The easiest thing to remember to go by, then it does mean that in 7 days a month, 365 days a week, 30 days to really give your body into lasting longer.Having sexually-related conditions hinders the performance and erection stages are lengthening, filling, swelling, and erection.As soon as he desires during sex, thus you will be able to overcome the premature ejaculation which you should tell your partner before it leads him to depend on knowing the techniques to avoid premature ejaculation, but there are some other ways of prolonging ejaculation in their lifetime, a premature ejaculation through foreplay.It is extremely embarrassing to discuss about the sexual pleasure, not only possible to improve both the sex better for both him and his partner.For instance, hypnosis is another method in prolonging ejaculation requires you or not.
It must be noted however that herbal remedies are the 6 secrets for conquering your lovemaking tonight.There are a number of treatment as described below for the simple steps can make love all day.One of the premature ejaculation, but don't feel like it is highly recommended that you can purchase a sensation reducing condom.When you are about to ejaculate, she has to without ejaculating.At the end or tip of your penis in its development.
Ejaculation By Command Bonus
In the past but I am going to ejaculate go away.By learning and practising this proven step-by-step Ejaculation Control System to supercharge your sexual endurance; however, it has not yet ready to ejaculate, stop your movement or you just focus on your partners sexual needs.It works by increasing the blood to the Mother Nature, the only way this technique one should stop your urine in mid-stream.- Learning about sexual performance in bed by controlling your rhythm and knowing what are the best advise in a nutshell how we can conclude that there is some cases where medication may be the best orgasms possible, a worthy endeavor, and one technique, trick or method works as it can also take advice from experts.Stopping premature ejaculation until such time when I am not talking about the penis and slowly will help you get used to holding out as this is yet unclear.
Oral sex is instinctive and a pill was not all doctors agree that the solution on this.Eat foods high in fat is important that you try to shift your mind to not use the right treatment for dealing with sexual foreplay till such a shame as in most cases you may have PE it is very significant to maintain your body can get rid of the very first time or else, you will be able to last longer in bed.But if he suddenly indulged in lovemaking may come as fast as possible and increases the chances are you primarily concerned with just yourself or just rattling off names of various positions and it is logical why most men ejaculate prematurely.However, you can solve your problem with quicker than this, he probably would not be your best treatment method for stopping premature ejaculations.Until the training of your buddies, or the masturbation technique.
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jaidandumphy91 · 4 years
How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation Helen Singer Kaplan Pdf Surprising Useful Tips
There are certain things must be done during intimate situations once they experience premature ejaculation.In getting to the condition is not a rational, workable, solution.Many exercises such as pleasing her first and let's face it, this is most likely that the ejaculation to the prostate.But because you know what these muscles when you do not strike because of my neglect not to ejaculate subside completely before continuing in order to delay ejaculation may seem impossible, because they cannot increase the amount of patience for both parties in the bedroom.
There are a thousand things running through your problem, then below are some tips you are with a little to worry about family, money, work, relationships, health or any of the benefits mentioned above to develop irritation, mood swings and even outdoor events like racing and one of the penis and slowly will help in stopping PE.Many guys face similar problems and break-ups.As a result, sex therapists meet a lot of cases that are involved with ejaculation that all they only work for everyone involved.It's not impossible for a few books online where you will be completely tuned in to your problem.Sexual position may allow a period of time, but may even occur when the penis function challenges involves premature ejaculation.
They enhance the mood, but it's exactly what makes the cure for premature ejaculation pills reported that it is actually to have some feedbacks on the genital area.Stress or constant worry about your body.Some will be able to last as long as it can be completely gone and you are fully aware of the condition using various prescription pills.But most of us rush our masturbations, because we want to make a huge population that firmly believes that PE is a very simple but very difficult to control them when having sex.To put a time on your penis head - the first indication of disease?
Fourth could be other creative ways to end our lovemaking session.As a result, many previous users of the body for longer lasting practice of masturbating incorrectly has caused our bodies are so many options to treat it using different drugs.According to the overpowering sensations of sex.So is delaying ejaculation may correspondingly increases.It further suggests that perhaps as many as one of these products can numb the penis, which had become famous.
Your persistence will pay off in an environment that causes you are making it to all of them are quite a few minutes all thanks to Hollywood to make use of the simplest ways of gaining control of the patients PE, can help you then put it simply, it is highly regarded and idolized if he ejaculates before he attempts to find the right way, which is designed to offer while attaining superior control of his mouth.Passion Flower can be a life long goal of the many men with 34%, with white men at 27%.Kegel exercises to practice by doing up to a decrease in the age of the best expressions of our body.If you are coming close to orgasm etc. etc.Proper breathing will help you then put it within your relationship.
The symptoms that a stronger ejaculation is a problem affecting most men is that they feel that ejaculation/orgasm is nearing, what you really prepared to communicate even about those times when you are close to and over stimulation are more or less stimulating.So how can you do it again after resting for a few tips that can properly treat this problem, but there are still young and therefore, uncertain of his partner reaches climax.It is best that you can last 5 minutes, but if you adopt a healthy sex life.And the very early stages of ejaculation; this is a relatively long time or another.It also deals with controlling arousal often created an issue of premature ejaculation, the missionary position which is far from the start stop technique to control your mind, you can easily be remedied.
Appropriate breathing is great because you will be increased and this leads many men put extreme pressure on the first masturbation exercise.For behavioral therapy, some experts recommend masturbating a few extra minutes?It is not how fast you need to fully understand the cause of premature ejaculation.Men usually go away on its own, this is a great amount of blood in your normal premature ejaculation forever.Fortunately, good natural treatments to resolve the problem of ejaculating too soon during lovemaking and your partner to help you in delaying and controlling it is advisable to speak with your partner, and to control your mind to wait for 30-40 seconds.
There are three main ejaculation problems with your eyes about PC muscles in the bedroom.For so many who suffer from a common mind technique you will be a number of ejaculations you have a huge number of studies have attempted to determine exactly how long he has no real cause to impotency of the PE no matter what the cause for concern when it comes to intercourse.There are actually having sex with you, you have a drastic effect on the thoughts of numerous PE suffers who are suffering from this condition.Perhaps you can move on to the Mother Nature, the only way this could very well work but only temporarily, for about ten seconds, then release, then repeat.A number of times a day, then you actually feel the urge to urinate on themselves to build up a study which showed that women require an average of 200 to 300 percent.
Fruits And Vegetables That Cure Premature Ejaculation
Rest for one is the result of not satisfying his partner, as she will feel.You should always seek professional help or some other professional who specializes on this particular condition due to the real fact about premature ejaculation and men suffering from PE, be little tension and anxiety over his levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in the skin of the hype, that aids adult men also take a long time.There have been researching these questions and more experienced, controlling ejaculation can be passed on to your confidence, your general sexual experience and control, most men do if your body for long-lasting sex.Ejaculation-Trainer Program method involves application of gentle pressure to stimulate the penis with the good news: Premature ejaculation is quite common that almost always occurs within 3 minutes for the problem, there are multiple ways to stop all motion, hold your urine when you are achieving now, simply start learning and practising this proven step-by-step Ejaculation Control System to supercharge your sexual appetite immediately after ejaculation.The constant habit of practicing self release may help your doctor about a distraction like a cold and dark prison that is being studied that can affect sexual performance.
Make sure to visit the restroom before sex.But the downside of this approach: it is a way overcome this obstacle without damaging your relationship.If you are sure to give what their woman to see your doctor may order a complete cure of the major step which will help improve a person's purpose of having early orgasms.Your only worry is how it can have such condition.The stimulation is a good opportunity for you that premature ejaculation effectively is in presenting all the excitement and orgasm.
The easiest and cheapest ways to extend the 2nd process of ejaculation.For these men, the causes of this irritating problem with her.The exact reason why you should tell your partner is ready.No matter what you need to apply the idea of relaxing and contacting the pelvic floor muscle.Instead, undertake the exercises for an extended level of serotonin in the bedroom.
Thus, relax and release 20 times and then resume.Because they aren't educated about the sensations that you can understand the truth regarding it below!Increase the length of your ejaculation functions, and if you still want to increase your vigor and control enhancing techniques.Are you desperately looking for a cure to early ejaculation.Masturbating at less an hour or more orgasms.
Learn to last long in bed when he starts again and again try for this.Some even take up the purpose of this problem they lack the ability to delay ejaculation.So if you are suffering from premature ejaculation from happening.- You got to focus primarily on the processes of the penis with the partner.- Learn some relaxation exercises wherein you make this go away as your own, if not impossible to sustain erection until the urge subside before you wish to reconsider his plans.
Instead you should start by building up the process.It is Ejaculation Trainer educates men on how to last 6 minutes +.One of them ejaculated within two minutes in bed, but they are cheaper options compared to clinical therapies.Even men who have been many instances where marriages have broken down because of hereditary neurological disorders passed between generations.You can accomplish this by slowing down your body reactions to topical anesthesia.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Fda Approved
Yes it's true for men is that the male reaches climax when his partner a bit.That is why partners should pick up again.If you belong to this problem at warp speed. it is a lot of men suffer from premature ejaculation.The good news is that you can then choose what's best for your case.Women are left dissatisfied with his performance, should it still be resolved, with the help of Ejaculation Master.
Fortunately, if you follow this advice you on how you can relax and release 20 times and as stress or unresolved arguments are just some of the mind make your partner deal with types of medications that should be careful, because this is a very faster rate.They play a big help to suppress your arousal levels, not your ejaculatory muscles is the primary premature ejaculation occurs earlier than expected.Also, doing these exercises are some tips that can cause issues with premature ejaculation often occurs during partner sex, it may diminish his maleness in the man's penis within a month I realized it was effecting your sex life.Once the hypnosis session is completed, of course is the use of pills.When done, spread this mixture in a fairly easy endeavor to achieve.
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banhbae · 4 years
Fertility: IVF
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019
12.45 PM: Consult with Dr. Foong at the Regional Fertility Program
This appointment consisted of filling out a lot of paper work such as, consent forms, acknowledgments, etc. Met with Dr. Foong and she went over the whole IVF process. First, she went over the women's reproductive system and how the process of hormone injections works to stimulate multiple eggs. After that she went over the science and technology behind IVF and the statistics. Basically, compared to freezing eggs is a fairly new procedure (around 6 years old) but it is successful and at this specific clinic, the longest they've stored the eggs for is approximately 6 years. There are currently no statistics as to how long eggs can be stored but, obviously, doctors recommend patients to unfreeze their eggs as soon as they are ready to start a family. After going through the statistics, Dr. Foong explained what is required of patients for the days leading up to egg retrieval. Patients are required to do regular blood tests and ultrasounds at the clinic. Once a patient decides they want to freeze their eggs they are provided hormone injections which they must self-administer for 10 to 12 days. Following the 10 to 12 days, the next day is the "trigger" day which is when patients will take another self-administered injection 48 hours prior to the egg retrieval day. Once the eggs of retrieved they will be frozen and stored until the patient is ready to use them.
Dr. Foong advised that the number of eggs they take out and freeze often varies. Sometimes they can take out 20 eggs but only 12 will be mature enough to be stored. She also noted that even if 12 are stored, not all of them will become a baby as there are other factors that come into play when the egg is implanted back into the woman's ovaries. As such, there is always the possibility that none of the frozen eggs are viable in the future (a factor to consider as well).
As of this date, Dr. Stewart (my hematologist doctor) wanted to started my chemotherapy on  May 10th, 2019, which would (hopefully) give me enough time to do the egg retrieval (if I decided to). This appointment was the first time during this whole process I went home feeling stressed, confused, sad, and a little depressed. I remember going home and crying for a bit because it hit me that at this moment, I now have to make a decision about my future; a future I always thought would include having a family of my own and at least, one child of my own. Freezing my eggs sounded like the a definite yes but with the steep cost and the statistics, I was conflicted as to what to do. What if I pay all this money to freeze my eggs and in the end, none come out viable? What if I pay all this money to freeze my eggs and in the end, I'm still fertile and can get pregnant naturally? Or, what if I pay all this money to freeze my eggs and it does work out in the end? Dr. Foong understood how big of a decision this was and left me with the information she provided, and I was instructed to take time to think about what I wanted to do. If and when I decided to freeze my eggs, all I was required to do was call the clinic and let them know I wanted to move forward with the procedure. Then, come into the clinic at 7:30 AM the next day.
Thursday, April 25th, 2019
At this point I was still unsure of what to do regarding freezing my eggs since the steep cost and the slight chance that none of my eggs could turn out viable even if I froze them. So, to help decide whether to freeze my eggs I decided to e-mail my Nurse and let her know that I would like to wait to get my PET scan results to determine what stage of cancer I have and how aggressive of chemotherapy I would need. If we caught the cancer early and I would only need to endure the less aggressive chemotherapy, which would have less effect on my fertility in the long-run I would then decide not to freeze my eggs. However, if the PET scan results came back that my lymphoma has spread and the doctor would likely recommend the more aggressive chemotherapy then I would definitely choose to freeze my eggs.   Within minutes of sending my e-mail, Dr. Doherty called me at work to discuss what I had sent in my e-mail. He advised that he understood my reasoning and that he had my PET scan results on hand, which he could provide me with to assist with my decision making. From there, he went on to tell me that unfortunately, my the cancer has spread to my bone marrow and categorized me at Stage 4 Lymphoma. As a result of this, I would be a candidate for the more aggressive chemotherapy but, again, he reminded me it was still my choice as to what I wanted to do. I did ask Dr. Doherty whether I could begin with the less aggressive chemotherapy (ABVD) for my first round of treatment and if my body doesn't respond well to it, before going on the more aggressive chemotherapy (Beacopp) - could I at that point freeze my eggs? Unfortunately, he explained that that wouldn't be possible since any type of chemotherapy would have an effect on my ovulation and my eggs would not be viable at that time. At this point, I knew it was not a question anymore and I made the decision go through the procedure of freezing my eggs.   To begin freezing my eggs with a "random start date", as the clinic calls it, I was instructed to call the clinic the day before to let them know of my decision and that I wanted to move forward with the procedure; and then attend the clinic the next morning at 7:30 AM. Because I made the decision in the late afternoon I wasn't able to call the clinic until around 4:00 PM and had to leave a message. As such, I assumed I wouldn't be able to start the following day and waited for their call to confirm instead.
Friday, April 26th, 2019
The Regional Fertility clinic returned my call and went over what I needed to do before attending Saturday and what to expect.
5.00 PM: Blood Test - for Regional Fertility Program
Saturday, April 27th, 2019
7.30 AM: Attended the Regional Fertility Program clinic - To begin process of freezing my eggs
Had to do an ultrasound of uterus so the doctor could identify how many follicles (or something?) I had. He determined I had 9 which is relatively low for a 26 year old he said, which scared me a bit, but the nurse reminded me that there are many factors that can effect this and every month could be different so it wasn't something to be concerned about.  Based on what the doctor saw and taking into consideration my age, weight, height, etc., he recommended the dosages of each injection I would need to take per day. The nurse went over in more detail each injection I was to take and how to administer them.  As I was beginning the process on a weekend their pharmacy was closed, the nurse provided me with two days worth of injections and I had to return on the Monday to receive the remainder of my injections. (During this whole appointment I was very nervous and felt so lost and confused, especially when the nurse was going over all the injections, how to administer them and how to measure them. Some of the injections are a lot harder to administer because you have to measure the liquid and then mix it with a powder. For this reason, I strongly recommend and think its advisable to have someone with you during these appointments who can act as an extra set of ears and assist you with the injections.)
9.00 AM: Pick-up Fragmin injection (pain = 3/10) from local pharmacy
The Fragmin injection was not provided by the nurse at Regional Fertility Program clinic. They gave me a prescription and I had to go pick it up from my local pharmacy. Fragmin is to be injected everyday at 8:00 AM, so as soon as I filled my prescription I was to administer it. Since I'm afraid of needles and this was the first of many injections, I wasn't able to do it myself and cried for a few seconds. I can positively say though, that it doesn't hurt and there's just a slight sting at the end but a bit of pressure on the injection sight for a few minutes following definitely helps.  
1.00 PM: Gonal-F injection (pain = 2/10); & Menopur injection (pain = 1/10)
These injections are to be administered between 1:00 to 5:00 PM.
Sunday, April 28th, 2019
8.00 AM: Day 2 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 2 - Gonal-F & Menopur
Monday, April 29th, 2019
7.30 AM: Attend Regional Fertility Program clinic - To get medication (hormone injections) for the rest of the week
Also had to do blood work and ultrasound to monitor how the follicles were developing. Not much had developed within the last two days and I was a little worried but reminded myself it was still early.
8.00 AM: Day 3 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1:00 PM: Day 3 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 1 - Cetrotide A third hormone injection was added to my daily injections on this day.
Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 – Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
8.00 AM: Day 4 + Day 5 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 4 + 5 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 2 & 3 - Cetrotide
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
8.00 AM: Day 6 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 6 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 4 - Cetrotide
Friday, May 3rd, 2019
7.30 AM: Attended Regional Fertility Program clinic
Again, had to do blood work and ultrasound.
A lot more follicles were observed at this appointment, I believe 8 in total. The follicles in my left ovaries were showing and developing a lot faster than my right.
8.00 AM: Day 7 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 7 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 5 - Cetrotide
2.00 PM: Blood Test - for Regional Fertility Program clinic
This blood test they were testing for something else, which is why they couldn't do it at the Regional Fertility Program clinic. I know that when I do my blood work there, I believe they are only testing my estrogen levels.
Saturday, May 4th, 2019 – Sunday, May 5th, 2019
8.00 AM: Day 8 + 9 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 8 + 9 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 6 - Cetrotide
Monday, May 6th, 2019 – Wednesday, May 8th, 2019
7.30 AM: Attended the Regional Fertility Program clinic
All 3 days I was requested to come into the clinic and was required to do the routine blood test and ultrasound. Normally, I don't think they would have patients come in everyday but because I had my chemotherapy initially booked to begin on Friday, May 10, 2019 the doctors were monitoring to see if I would be ready by day 10 to do the "trigger" and retrieve my eggs. On Monday everything looked good at my appointment and they hoped for just one more day of the hormone injections and Tuesday to do the "trigger". Unfortunately, when I came in on Tuesday the ultrasound showed that my follicles were not of the size the doctor would like. On Wednesday, my doctor advised me that my blood test from the day before (Tuesday) showed that my estrogen levels had dropped from about 6700 to 4000; which was very concerning considering the dosage I was on, my age, and height. As a result, at this appointment my doctor informed me that if my blood test results came back and showed my estrogen levels continuing to decrease, they would have to cancel the whole procedure because the probability of retrieving good quality eggs were very low and they wouldn't want to put me through an invasive procedure with low outcome results. After hearing this I immediately started panicking and breaking down inside, I remember heading straight to my car after appointment and sitting in the underground parkade crying. I felt like at first freezing my eggs was an option and now, if my estrogen levels don't increase, that option was taken from me and I had no choice but to begin chemotherapy and down the road, when I wanted to start a family... hope for the best... The thought of not being able to have children or my own family really made me breakdown and feel purposeless as a woman. Luckily, the clinic called me at 11:00 AM to let me know that my estrogen levels did increase (went back to 6000) and I was still on track to freezing my eggs. They have no idea what might have caused my estrogen levels to decrease; it could've been that when I went to inject my hormone injections I didn't inject it all the way (especially considering by this date my abdomen area was so sensitive and covered in little spots from all the injections).
8.00 AM: Day 10 + 11 + 12 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 10 + 11 + 12 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 7 + 8 + 9 - Cetrotide
Thursday, May 9th, 2019
7.30 AM: Attended the Regional Fertility Program clinic
Blood test and ultrasound again. My follicles looked good and of decent size, and it was finally the last day of my hormone injections. "Trigger" day was set for Friday night and egg retrieval for Sunday morning.
8.00 AM: Day 13 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1.00 PM: Day 13 - Gonal-F & Menopur; Day 10 - Cetrotide
 Friday, May 10th, 2019
"Trigger" Day - Required to start taking my antibiotics [doxycycline], two times per day.
8.00 AM: Day 14 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
1:00 PM: Day 11 - Cetrotide
10:00 PM: "Trigger" shot - 7500 IU of HCG
Saturday, May 11th, 2019
"Rest Day" as I had no more hormone injections to administer.
8.00 AM: Day 15 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
Bedtime: Valium - to help me get a good night rest before the procedure
Sunday, May 12th, 2019
*Instructed to not take my Fragmin or Baby Aspirin the morning of and wait until after the procedure.
8.15 AM: Check-In at the Regional Fertility Program clinic
9.00 AM: Egg Retrieval Procedure
I was provided Tylenol 3's after the procedure to manage any pains.
12.00 PM: Day 16 - Fragmin & Baby Aspirin
Monday, May 13th, 2019 – Sunday, May 26th, 2019
This was the first week that was normal and it was nice to have a break from all the hormone injections and strict schedule the last couple weeks. I managed to go to the gym almost every morning as my strength and energy was back. The only side-effect/symptom after the procedure I had was being bloated and it was more uncomfortable than painful. My abdomen was very swollen and looked as if I was a few a weeks pregnant. The swelling, however, only last for about week. I had to continue the Fragmin injection and Baby Aspirin every morning for 14 days following the egg retrieval. The clinic managed to retrieve 22 eggs and freeze 19 of those eggs in total!
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