#i have a LOT of thoughts about how so many apollo justice threads were lost and especially how Kristoph just never gets mentioned again
clefadrylcorner · 1 year
The real loss of Capcom putting Kristoph in the basement is that we can no longer get any more scenes or context about the weird gay shit he and Phoenix had going on. I think they painted eachothers nails and shotgunned cigarettes together during the late hours and explored eachothers bodies once or twice, you know what I mean. I just feel like we could have had a scene where Phoenix talks about him in passing and says some shit like how when they drank together they only used one glass between the two of them; both because they were close and because it guaranteed to Phoenix that he wouldn't be poisoned by Kristoph if they were using the same glass, and then apollo looks at him like he just said he kissed his old boss with tongue. I just think it would be funny, you know
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booasaur · 3 years
Just watched this week's episode of For All Mankind! Need to talk to someone about it! SPOILERS below if you haven't seen it yet.
I thought we were DONE with Karen and Danny. WHY?! WHY?!?!??! It is so bad I hate it oh mygod.
Something I've been thinking about a lot that this show hasn't addressed at all in it's alternate timeline is that this is the 80s and there has been no mention of the AIDS epidemic (although that was more in his second term)/Reagan's detrimental social policies. I feel like that was such a central part of Reagan's time as president/his legacy, and so viscerally related to Ellen's inner conflict as a closeted woman working so closely to him. Just feels like a very loose thread, but then again this show can be astoundingly conservative in its politics at times. I haven't really liked how they've reintroduced Pam and given that relationship dynamic so little screen time...it hasn't really been doing it justice, but we shall see where things go from here.
Very interested to see the fallout of the moon shooting. The US Marines are clearly in the wrong here. Things are gonna get intense!
Also, I liked that they're adding some depth to Sally Ride's character, by developing her opposition to the prospect of weaponizing the Pathfinder!
Okay, you have hit the nail on the head, in that even with all the progressive points, it can be so oddly conservative? This season especially has been...hmm. 
First. I seriously was hoping we’d get at most a serious talk between Karen and Danny about how the kiss was a mistake and the result of a really screwed up case of transference. Instead... It’s an insult to Karen and, really, all the senior Baldwins and Stevens and their friendship.
I read an interview with the actress where she--okay, to be clear I’m not holding her responsible for the story or even for defending it, there were probably Conversations when she found out her season arc and I imagine this was the same spiel the writers gave her but she talked about the double standards and how Gordo was forgiven so easily for his cheating. Yeah, okay, there are a lot of misogynists out there who’ll always love Gordo at his messiest and hate Tracy and Karen and any woman for a fraction of the same thing, but aside from not all of us forgiving him quickly, this isn’t the same at all! If we’re speaking of double standards, imagine Ed as a stay at home dad helping take care of Tracy and Gordo’s daughter and now sleeping with her? It would be correctly seen as gross as hell. I actually do think we can’t always flip genders because some things are different for men and women, but in this, in the power dynamics and caretaker roles here, god, wtf. 
I just don’t get why? Is this because she’s holding on to Danny somehow? A midlife crisis? Feeling bored and empty? I actually think if they had to do this for her, show her dissatisfied with her life and wanting something away from Ed, Tracy’s husband, Sam, a good-looking successful MAN would have been the better option. You could imagine him sweeping Karen off her feet, the feeling of being respected and appreciated by a peer. And it’d cause a rift with Tracy but nothing like...her son?? I said this before, but these are characters we’ve already known for a decade and will for many years more. How are we supposed to forget this?? But really, why an affair at all? All the places they could go with Karen and this...it’s so cheap and so forced and honestly, makes me a little more uncertain of the writers in general.
And the amount of screentime it’s gotten! To further NOTHING? What has it done for any character or plot? Unless people find out and it spirals out? But how could this have possibly been the best way to get wherever they wanted, whether it’s a rift between Karen and Tracy or Ed and Karen breaking up or...I don’t know. Molly’s scenes were so good and yet I feel this season we’ve had more of Karen and Danny? Even if not, it’s certainly comparable, and that’s absurd.
Similarly, where’s Dani been? If it had been the other astronauts, they’d be all over this Apollo-Soyuz mission she’s supposedly leading, even at the negotiation and planning phase. Again, we see that conservativeness. How is she still the only Black person with any significant screentime? As you said, Reagan in this period would have had all kinds of policies for which many different groups would have been relevant to show their dissatisfaction. I’m not actually that upset to miss the AIDS crisis on screen, except it should at least be alluded to? So many people died, and so unjustly, and it’s just not important enough for the show, or? I’d even take it being miraculously avoided because of meds created by/for NASA. Clearly they’ve decided to almost solely take the Ellen route to tackle homophobia but that returns again to your point. Aside from Pam’s sarcastic little barb about the Reagan administration being more tolerant of alternate lifestyles, neither of them are really bringing up how specifically terrible he is, in ways unique to them over most other characters on the show.
And screentime again...I mean, how many times can I complain about Karen/Danny, but the way they were allowed to have this long makeout and then the sensual after-sex scene, like, Ellen and Pam were also literally overcome with passion that first night! They can also talk about things in bed! I’m tired of always making excuses for the difference in treatment between m/f and f/f couples. D:
This has already become an essay but one last complaint! The Bill-Aleida-Margo thing. The thing is, while Aleida has a chip on her shoulder at times, Bill WAS a crappy boss? As a person, he was rude as hell, but as a team lead, he shut down Aleida’s suggestions with no discussion constantly, how many good ideas have been lost over the years? It was on Margo to remediate whatever was going on even before this, not just being like, he’s not a people person. Then he should learn or not be a team lead.
But yeah, the ending. I wonder what role Ellen will have in all this, given it was her idea to retake the site earlier than planned.
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