#i guess i can have two favourites
bluebudgie · 1 year
Yelling about the one single rat shipping song I got up my sleeves.
You have been warned.
So I may have been obsessed with the Deus Ex OST for the past months. (As mentioned on several occasions.)
And there's that one particular song.
And I don't have any hard proof because somehow this specific memory is wiped but I could swear this song was at least a partial catalyst (no pun intended) in the whole shipping saga. It's just so spot on.
Got it in Petthri's playlist because quite frankly the largest chunk of the song fits him better -- it's... not sure if I'd call it upbeat necessarily, but it's... groovy (has anyone on planet earth used that word in the past 10 years) and has a certain bounciness to it. It's got that bright tone.
But where things get real is that section right before the song loops.
That part kicking in at 1:39. (I am not normal about it.) Those low synths, and I don't know how to properly explain this to you, but they fit Lahpp so perfectly. Like the overall "groove" of the song doesn't change, it keeps going like before, but suddenly it feels more... subtle. Keeping it low you know. And then two repeats of that melody later (1:57) the bright synth string instruments that were kinda wobbling in the background earlier kick in again, sort of "dancing" all over the rest of the elements? Almost a little overshadowing but still so in harmory with everything. Like. You know. A certain rat. And I think what really ties the two (synths? rats? both) together is the bass line that plays through the whole thing. Somehow it has elements of both, it's bouncy but... not in your face. (I wish I had something to say about the percussion as well but... other than "something something driving force" I haven't really associated anything in particular with it.)
I did say that most of the song is mostly giving off Petthri energy but I feel like even that aspect in itself is so fitting. Plus, you know, the bass line is there almost all song long... :)
I don't know man, I can spend literal hours listening to this and trying to fake-deep overanalyize every single little sound in this, but even if i didn't do that, the overall vibe of the entire thing is just so spot on for these two. This song is the Kaineng City night walk, and the holographic whale watching, and the trying out all the food stalls. It's just it.
And this post, my friends, is a prime example of why I try to stay away from music ask games lmao.
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swordsonnet · 10 months
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the amount of ends to weave in here is fucking lethal
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
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“Thus they moved along parallel lines; and parallel lines never meet—except in infinity.” (E. T. Fowler)
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sysig · 10 months
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I mean, while I’ve got you here- (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Law Abiding Citizen#LAC#Doug Peterson#LAC Russ#Roug#If you're not otherwise busy I mean I guess we could-#Lol#Looking like all that kiss-doodling practice has finally started to show results >:3c Quite pleased!#Looks like his gamble paid off! It'd take some doing but Doug could absolutely acquisition some overtime of the seduction variety lol#His -lust is usually more of the wander- variety but who is he to turn down a bit more time with his favourite human? :3#For the first encounter it'd probably have to be limited to their usual amount of time so what like two minutes lol but it's enough to kiss!#Or it could be longer if you'd prefer to imagine that lol it's not like I can stop you ♪#What a bureaucratic nightmare it'd be to either change or add being in a relationship with a client lol HR will hear about this Doug!#He's used to it he's been skirting that edge for way too long already this will just make it recognized pfft#Immediately bringing feelings into it! Aren't you a demon! Well that's why he changes his tune so quickly as well#For the record Russ did mean but he's feeling pretty guilty for that and having an ulterior motive and having human needs and all that lol#He does actually need contact to stay sane (enough) but asking for things is hard! Especially if they're to do with his crush!#All sorts of awkward uncomfortable feelings :) This is not how he envisioned his confession playing out!#I haven't drawn Doug with fully dark eyes in a while ah <3 It was fun :D Him hiding his eyes but literally hehe#Yet more of me ignoring the timeline lol - call him your Everything right now do it make him feel loved I dare you#A little possessive ♪ It's allowed he's being backed up by being the only person with access to him! This all works out!#I really am rather pleased with the last smooches :D Shapes! And Russ holding his horns while Doug initiates hehe ♪#I dunno how clear it is but Doug also has his tail wrapped around Russ' arm to pull him in ♥#Sometimes being obvious about it pays off
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safyresky · 3 months
Hello, hey, dropping in with a query.
Since CS has officially concluded (congrats by the way!) I wanna ask about your own interpretation of Mother Nature.
She is absolutely my girl, I adore her, queen, but I wanna know how exactly she fits into the CS world structure. How does she keep looking so young when everyone else ages normally? What was her relationship to Mother Gaia? What kind of magical creature is she and was mother Gaia also the same kind? How does she fit into the government structure? HOW IS SHE SO TALL???
Idk, she's been on my mind a lot and I'm assuming we'll know a bit more about all that at some point but I can't wait that long lol
Thank you!! You know, it's so funny, bc while I was oot and aboot yesterday/Friday I was like "I can take a breather from writing, just focus on other things--" and not 24 hours later I had the Into the Shadows plotting doc open, as I finally figured out what happens in Chapter 7 🫠🫠
I WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE! But what can I say, I love this world and I love writing. Shit's FUN
It's all kinda rough tbh??? More like scattery thoughts if anything but HERE YOU GO! HAVE SOME CS LORE!
Okay okay so Mother Gaia was essentially the personification of ALL nature, and as such, could wield all Nature :) She looks like a sprite, tho, and for all intents and purposes would call herself a sprite--same with Mother Nature
This also checks out bc in CS, sprites are specifically fae who can control weather/nature/the elements! :)
Gaia was the Goddess's connection to the people, and got a little lonely when the Goddess was like "everyone is safe, things are going well, take it easy, Gaia!" so, she created a companion. A fellow personification of nature that she named Tara, who could do everything she could do
The Goddess gave her a light life, which is like a little ball of life that brings things to life (I am soo creative at naming things I swear) and Gaia used it to give Tara, well. life!
So, Mother Gaia was in all senses of the word, Mother Nature's Mother! Tara called her Mother and meant it in all the ways :)
Gaia trained her, raised her, loved her very very much and eventually started training her to take her own place one day
And that day came faster than expected for Tara when Mother Gaia fucking SNAPPED mid fae war and scorched the land to stop the fighting, in a stretch that has since NEVER GROWN BACK. It's known as the scar. Autumn lives close to it in modern-day CS.
Once that happened, Gaia was like APPALLED. She'd been just as bad as the fae fighting over who was best, using her powers for what she wasn't meant to use her powers for: hurting the Earth
She was beside herself; went to go talk to the Goddess and was gone for DAYS. All the fighting stopped, tho!
Then she and the Goddess came up with Rosehaven and the Call, and Gaia went with the old fae during the Call, leaving Tara to be the Next Mother Gaia
And she chose the title Mother Nature and here we are!
SO. In modern day CS, she is: the connection to the goddess for the magibeans, if they need her to be; guards the magic of creation/life/balance??? (a system I'm still trying to figure out lol, I'll have to dig up those notes at some point), and heads the Council with Father Time.
She's on the Assembly because when it was formed NOBODY felt right not having her on there, so she's kind of like. She's the approver of decisions lol. She lets them do their thing but if they ever come to an impasse they turn to her, and her word is essentially law
That's sort of why when the Twin Princes were born she was called to choose who'd rule next! Well, Gaia was, but Gaia left the decision to Tara as they were at That Point in training: POLITICS. If magibeans had an issue that couldn't be solved amongst themselves OR by the royals, MN/MG would be called upon and what she'd say, GOES
Which left for a lot of last minute swerves bc Gaia was clever and MN is just as clever. See: that story about the two people fighting over the chicken???? I forget what it was, anyway, the person presiding went CUT IT IN HALF and one was like okay cool! And the other was like SOB NO MY CHICKEN and the person deciding was like GOT EM LOL. That sorta shit.
In the event of an emergency, Mother Nature and the CS Governor (so Blaise since this mans just can't seem to lose an election, and he has TRIED some years) become de facto co-rulers and both have to agree on decisions before acting on them. This would be like. In a nasty war or like. end of the world circumstance kinda thing
Why is she so young looking compared to everyone else? Well, if you asked her, she'd say you're only as old as you feel and offer no explanation. In terms of height, she'd look at you quizzically and go "Why not?" and that'd be her answer
this is Dani for "bc she can choose how to present herself and that's how she chooses too!"
kinda like Steven's gem reacting to his mindset sort of thing.
and also, tall Mother Nature just fucking SLAPS. She SHOULD be tall as FUCK! I subscribe to that! I LOVE tall MN. EVERYONE looks up to her--quite literally!
Except for like giants and trolls and other very tall magibeans and folklore creatures and the like 🤭🤭🤭
Hopefully I got all your questions! Thank you for asking! I LOVE thinking of early CS lore, it's so FUN and Mother Nature is one of my FAVES. I get so ragey in tsc fics where's she's written as a HUGE MEANER, super angry, etc etc and even borderline villain? GOD. I JUST. SHE'S A BADASS AND VERY SWEET AND EVERYONE FORGETS THE SWEET BIT!!! SHE WAS SO KIND TO SANTA AND THE OTHER LEGENDS IN THE MOVIES AND EVEN WHEN JACK WAS JACKING ABOUT, SHE WAS GENTLY CHIDING HIM!!!!!!! FUCK MAN! I'M GONNA EXPLODE JUST THINKING OF BAD MN CHARACTERIZATION! AH!
Please excuse the rant and uh, enjoy the heckin answer 😅😅😅
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eggmeralda · 1 month
just woke up from the best film I've ever watched in my life only to realise it was a dream
#IT DOESN'T EXIST. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION#is there an animated film about like these 6 rats or something escaping from this guy but there's all these themes that they go through#and the final theme is death bc one of them gets impaled by a rose thorn and it's like FUCK bc they were almost gonna get away#so there's this old guy who's a bit of a prick but he becomes nicer at the end but he's the one that dies#and these two girls one of them is like idk she's good at a lot of things and the other one is kind of a pushover#then three guys one of them is really pathetic one is kind of silly and one of them i guess is the Normal Main Character type#also there's humans going about their lives in the present but for some reason the rats' lives are set in like? early 20th century italy#and there's all these shots of like the italian scenery for some reason. idk why it's set there but it's a vibe#idk who the guy they're getting away from is or what he wanted with them but yeah#and bc they're rats or whatever type of rodent they were they would like hide in bushes and it would be really intense bc like#what if the guy can see them#and basically not to give any spoilers but then the old guy died and they wrote some quote on a bit of paper and drew a pic of him and stuc#it on the wall as tribute. and idk who's gonna see it bc I think they were amongst some plants at the bottom of like#one of those bench booths you get in restaurants or cafes. I have no idea#but then it ended with them walking up this hill into the sunset or something idek#with this like late 60s/early 70s big produced sweeping strings tambourines etc. banger playing over the credits#also my car was in it occasionally. and this guy I went to college with and never spoke to#and my best friend briefly#and earlier on I had another dream but idk if it was connected. but it was stan kyle kenny and cartman#but they got a job where my dad works in this park as like. toilet assistants. as in when someone went#to the toilet they'd open the door. that was the whole job#but one of the job requirements was they had to be beatles coded apparently#like that's what it said on the application. so they basically just reenacted the history of the beatles#while opening toilet doors#it was like 4 dreams in one but they were all somewhat connected. also the lining in my coat was so reflective it made a sound#and I was telling someone about my favourite chord progression idk what relevance that had but standard dream i guess#anyway. rodent storyline was going on as it did but at the end it became a film and suddenly I was there. watching it with my friend#and i was like ''god originally I would've given this a 4 maybe 3.5 on letterboxd but now it's getting a 5 + a ❤''#ramble#oneiro
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humanmorph · 1 year
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lemferos. thinking so much about them lately
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
Have I talked about Carnival Chica? Cause there's a Chica in the Carnival. I've nicknamed her Cheebs and she's very Eastery.
She's from the Spring season of the Carnival, the Flower Festival (I think I called it that I don't remember) and she's neat I love her. I don't have a full design in mind for her, but she's spring themed and so is her Cupcake. That I forgot about until just now. Moving on.
The fun thing about Cheebs is that she's short, stocky and more chicken shaped than your average Chica. She has a stomach hatch in which to store chocolate eggs and other such sweets that she can give out to kids, and had this stomach hatch before Freddy did.
She likes to call people Chickys I think. Chick, Chickys and Chick Chicks. All Chica's can cock-a-doodle-doo but Cheebs is effortlessly loud enough to be heard in every single corner of the Plex.
I'm debating whether or not she's in Sewerhell. She probably won't be. Why isn't she when everyone else but Jack-o-Moon from the Carnival is? Well everyone got taken down there in one big group... but she happened to not be there at the time. When she came back from charging or whatever, the staff were like "nah fuck that I'm done." and just hibernated her in the normal storage area she's used to.
She's very upset about this, but what's she gonna do? Go against all these staff members? She'll just have to live with it. Not like she's gonna be awake for it anyway.
But yeah that's Carnival/Springtime Chica, also known as Cheebs! She's a lil chicken! She's neat!
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tecchan · 2 months
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Good evening to everyone except the person who decided to have Haru disappear from the home screen after finishing the game
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thatmightyheart · 1 year
not to word vom too much but i think you may have changed my brain chemistry a bit bc ok so i started following you bc 2doroki and bnha art (i still treasure my todoblep pin very much) and then i saw your p5 art which got me to play p5r and as i was playing i could tell the trash man ak*chi would normally be my favourite but bc i was exposed to your yusuke and shukita first he is all i perceive!!! idk what the point is but thank u for your art and my p5 journey!!!!
i'm laughing ahhh LOL well thank you for sticking around since then! and i'm really glad you enjoyed p5r + yusuke!! :D
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reachermori · 1 year
I continue to break my tumblr hiatus for this show because I'm so annoyed with this stupidity and feel the need to put my thoughts into words.
Apologies for the rant. It's a little all over the place, but I tried to put it in a coherent order. It mostly focuses on hating James and on how I think Ted and Jamie's relationship and arcs were wasted, especially in relation to one another.
If the ending scene is indeed Ted's dream, I think it's even worse in regards to Jamie and Beard. Essentially Ted's "happy" versions of them have them close to their abusers, who have done nothing to deserve it.
The idea that Ted's happy ending for Jamie is him reconnecting with his father, who seems proud of him, is pure projection. That's what Ted wants for himself, but he's also inserting his own good relationship with his father. (Which, if we were getting more episodes I might be okay with as it would be interesting to explore.)
The first two seasons really built up Jamie and Ted to have a good relationship, or at least be important to one another, and I still think they could have had a really powerful impact on one another.
While Jamie has grown a lot and that had a lot to do with Ted's influence, I think he could have had that talk with Ted instead of Roy about how having a positive male influence is important to his continued growth. Ted however, could have learned through Jamie and his struggles with his father's toxicity that it's okay to let go.
I have always been happy with the idea of the show ending with Ted returning to Kansas, because I thought it was important for Ted to learn that it's okay to leave and move on. Ted's biggest internal conflict is his inability to quit things, and I really wanted him to accept that quitting isn't inherently bad. Maybe even have an arc with Henry in a toxic situation that he's sticking with because he knows his dad never quits anything to reinforce to Ted how problematic that mindset is, and decide that it's okay to quit Richmond to be with Henry where he clearly wants to be. (Also I disagree with the idea that Ted has nothing in Kansas besides Henry. I doubt Ted Lasso of all people has no one. He built a community in Richmond in only three years. He'd been in Kansas the entirety of his life up until then, there's no way he has no one. Also, even if he didn't, his relationship with his son is more important and I don't fault him for prioritizing that)
This is where I think Jamie could have helped Ted's arc. They could have had parallel journeys in deciding their father's actions do not have to define them, and I think Jamie could have reached this point first and be the one to impart wisdom on Ted for once. You could even keep the "forgiveness" talk Ted gave to Jamie, and then have Jamie come back after the game and say something that conveys "fuck forgiveness, he doesn't deserve that. But I do need to let go of the pain or I'll just hold myself back from growing. Because I'm done letting him have any influence on who I am."
Instead of getting anything with any nuance or something different than every other abuse plot in any show ever, we just had the ghost of Ted all season. He was barely in this season! Especially with relation to the players. We only had one scene of Ted and Jamie talking as people (instead of talking about football strategies or Zava when the coaches just assumed Jamie was jealous instead of concerned about the team dynamics) and connecting, and it was for Ted to tell Jamie about the importance of forgiveness.
Sorry but abuse isn't something you should just forgive, especially since James isn't making amends. He's getting sober, and we don't know if it was his choice, it could have been court mandated for all we know. Also I said this in my previous post, but addiction doesn't just make you abusive, and it especially doesn't make you facilitate your child being sexually assaulted. So I don't see any world where just getting clean makes James worthy of forgiveness. More importantly is that Ted and Jamie don't know that James is even in rehab when they have this conversation!
It's bad enough that we had to deal with the cliche "forgive him for you" perspective, but now we know it either leads to reconciliation, or at least Ted hopes/thinks it should. I'm not sure which is worse, but Ted thinking they should reconcile when he lacks a lot of knowledge about the depth of abuse Jamie endured is just insane.
I really wonder if Ted knowing about Amsterdam would have changed how he handled everything, since that is - in my opinion - the worst thing we know James has done to Jamie canonically. (Or if he knew about him trying to murder Beard...) Though knowing this show and how this season was written, if there was any discussion about this they would mess it up even more. Like I can just imagine a tangent about how many sex workers are disadvantaged, and how they may not have had a choice either, and diminishing Jamie's trauma AGAIN!
However it shouldn't matter what he knows, it's not like Ted is ignorant to the abuse, he's witnessed it twice. The first time he just walked away, something else I wish the show addressed at any point. Ted only saw what James was willing to do in public, and doesn't seem to have ever considered it being worse in private or when Jamie was younger. Bringing up the first Man City match would have been a good way for Jamie and Ted to fully open up to one another and relate to each other regarding their trauma and how they've let it hold them back.
For a show that emphasizes the relationship between father and sons, they really decided to abandon all the father figure relationships they had, especially Ted with Jamie & Nate.
I actually think it works with Nate, since it's clear Nate and his father's biggest problem was that they just could never be on the same wavelength, and while they can't fix the past, they can now create the bond they always should have had. His father actually acknowledged his wrong doings and apologized, and that level of accountability is missing from James' "redemption". Also Nate's father had a good relationship with his wife and daughter, so it makes it more obvious that his and Nate's issues are due to a disconnect and not out of malice. James never had a single good character trait until they decided to redeem him out of nowhere in the last two episodes. If we at least had Jamie say something like "my dad was great before drinking" it would have at least made the rehab stuff seem a little more like redemption. But we only have Jamie and his mother talking about how James has always been like this, and will never change.
Just changing a few things to make Ted and Jamie's relationship pay off in this season for both of them, would have done a world of good.
Anyways this has been a little all over so I'll leave it here, but suffice to say, I disliked the finale...
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mistydragonflyart · 1 year
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I’ve been playing Pokemon Go a lot this last few years and I finally got around to drawing my precious babies. They’re my besties, my cutie patooties. They’re so adorable and I love them dearly. 
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laulo821 · 7 months
whats your favorite combination of colors/color scheme
hello there. colours are too pretty together to have only one favourite so here is a bunch of my favourite colour pairs
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there's prolly more i forgor but here's a starterpack
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haphazard-pen · 1 year
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sysig · 1 year
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Me, looking at Charm: Mm, she’s not deranged enough Me, looking at [Purple Text]: Mm, they’re not deranged enough!
Ft. an old idea (Patreon)
#Doodles#It's been too long since the last sona and I had an Idea#Actually pulling from a lot of my favourite angel interpretations!#DQIX's Celestrians and Fantasia's Cherubs#And my own AGE angels <3#Still need to decide on a Center but I have decided the Concept so that's a start!#The caption may seem a bit funny since Clearly That is An Angel - I've only been talking about angels so far! Obviously!#Well ♪#I was also thinking about Fallen Angels which both AGE and DQIX have! In a few different ways each in fact :D#Fallen Angels can be as deranged as I want lol#Maybe justification of why they look kinda normal too? Pulling from DQIX on that one - Fallen Celestrians appear almost human#I guess Corvus' second form would be his Demonic form? Not quite to that level here - yet - but the possibility remains!#A good base for a Biblical Form as well - or my headcanon for ''baby'' Angels! Both AGE and DQIX got effectively the same idea lol#(Their baby form would just be a pink ball of light/halo btw lol)#As for the Cherubs it's more of a utility thing - normally I wouldn't be cool with any of my sonas being naked but there's literally nothing#Utterly sexless and genderless - just how I like it lol#That said the clothing really does pull it all together - I was specifically thinking of an old Flash dressup game I played ages ago#I'll have to see if I can find some screenshots sometime#Also another reason to not make them a Biblically Accurate is 'cause [Purple Text] kinda already has that covered lol#I've still never shown off their eyes but I promise you they do not have two haha#I do want to work on this design more so maybe as I get further away from the base I'll be happier anyhow lol
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yoohyeon · 8 months
I’m suppose to paint but my moral is so low right now…
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#i Need to do it today cause I forced my dad to go buy the thing so I could do it yesterday (but I slept 5h I was afraid of making mistake)#but I didn’t so I need to do it today cause it will take more than a day and I seriously need to find a job#my health is on line two now I need to go for my eyes and that cost money money that I don’t have at all#i feel like my body is dropping me like how can it be possible to have so many problems at the same time ?????#like they are all pretty minor I’m not gonna d*e but it still really annoying especially when you wanna live your life#but you don’t have force to do it#Sowon also needs food again and I’m not sure if my parents can help me again… I’m loosing my mind#also my brother feeling depress and I feel like my dad cares so much about it more than mine ????#maybe he dosen’t realise it or maybe I don’t show it as much so that would be on me#but without having end up in the hospital I feel like I’m at pretty much the same level as him 😐#except that I force myself to enjoy what I love so I don’t end up worst than I am which he stopped doing#there’s already a gigantic favouritism on my dad side with my brother so maybe I’m just crazy and scared my dad end up feeling the same way#maybe it’s just being scared of it and not the reality idk but it’s messing with my brain so bad I’m tired#but also I can’t even tell my dad one of the biggest reason I got depressed in the first place but at this point he would tell me to get#over it I’m pretty sure 🙄#anyway I’m gonna go paint I guess#wish me luck for everything it seriously need to stop 😭#alex.txt#tw negative#tw negativity
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