#i get it because its during the semester but also the gays are sleeping ok
allbeendonebefore · 3 months
i really really want to be home and sleep in my own bed and do my little edmonton things and stuff but also tabling for work is starting up again and im like myyyrrrhhgh the idea of going to the science centre for the adult night within a week of my return just makes me So Tired in my SOUL
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[mostly] out of context high school (mostly) quotes part 2/?
Hi so I started posting quotes from the first term (I secretly collect things my classmates say that are funny for entertainment purposes) but I never finished. We just finished the first semester (somehow we haven’t been shut down because of covid and I don’t think the junior class has had a positive case yet I’m only qaurentined because my dad tested positive)
So yeah this’ll be part 2? I think
Also I don’t know how I’m going into my second semester of junior year it doesn’t seem real I have a year and a half left of high school that’s so weird-
Anyways the quotes:
Emus are just awkward ostriches
Ah yes baguette
*knocks over lamp*
You dropped your router Gavin
Shut up. I have not had a good day okay
S1:I got stuck behind 5 semis
S2:That’s why you pass all 5 semis at once
T:That is why no one is allowed to ride with Owen
I miss my baby embryo
I look like I’m gonna shoot up the school
Gavin I really respect you for shutting Micheal up
Yeah he can be…
An idiot?
(Gonna provide context for this so we were talking about Breonna Taylor’s murder in English and Micheal decided to say ‘Well according to my source she-‘ after that kids started yelling at him even unmuting themselves on google meets to yell from their computer and resident conservative thinks political science is a real science history nerd wants to go into politics Gavin is just like no she was sleeping it wasn’t on her and that effectively shut him up because even conservative boi (he is respectful of others opinions tho and has gotten less homophobic than two years ago but then again most of us have) was like no. She was sleeping. The police were in the wrong.)
Human eyes are so tasty
Sofia kinda sus
S1: Why are you guys dressed in all black you look like you’re going to funeral (note: he is a Pastors kid and everyone considers him the most annoying person in our grade)
S2: We are
S1: Who’s
s2: Breonna Taylor’s
S1: Oh-
I probably look high as f*ck I was spacing off and my eyes were wide and I didn’t notice until he was looking at me
Isn’t there a jerky machine
A jerky machine what does it do *i wasn’t paying much attention*
Uh uh a drier
A dryer???
There’s one in the sky
I’m just sitting here seeing if I can make chicken jerky and you guys start talking about satellites
Lamb is just fuzzy beef
You are fluffy you are large you are aggressive you are a Buffalo
He’s not agrresive
You just punched him in shoulder
I think I’m cutting off blood circulation
Maybe you should take less stuff
I need all of the stuff in it
We’ve talked about this
He has three computers
I know
Justin how do you plan on getting into college
That’s a good question
He’s gonna be a Minecraft youtuber major
It’ll all be worth it in the end when you get accepted to [community college in gville] or [community college in p-town]
Don’t mess my hat up or you’ll eat my steel toes
If i act like it’s a Friday I’ll wake up and it’ll be Saturday
He is the human equivalent of triple stuffed oreos
You should join the swim team it’s got all the sporty parts of sports without the sweat
1: Should I keep the skirt or change into jeans I look like a mom
2:Your fine hurry up
wow look at this library
This library is huge
Woah look at all the books
Did you bring the biology paper?
I did.
Did you finish it
I will…BEFORE biology
I’ve only done actual work in VPS twice and once was standing on a desk to duct tape a flag to a wall
Kids just walk in from testing to see me standing on a desk
Knowing you that’s not too strange of a sight
You know what isn’t a laughing matter? Police brutality.
Joe said he isn’t gay so I guess he’s bi den
Could I bring a whole pumpkin pie as a snack to testing
Its because upperclassman think they’re so cool
Because we are.
(Said during the upperclassman lunch period by seniors)
Hmm how do we find a loophole
We throw bricks.
I like that
Macaroni is a cheap delicacy
A middle schooler walked by and said I looked like Dwight from the office
*Book called book of dust*
This is the book after infinity war ended
Never say that again
This is like a Wattpad book cover
Their bathroom has 2 switches
Like most bathrooms the bar is so low it’s on the floor
Gillian would you like a snack
I’m broke
You could pay for it with your soul oh wait! You already sold it!
*laughs and play grabs snack*
Ok this is everything from term 1
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wcoastboy · 3 years
emptiness, lockdown and a broken heart
so I am one of these kids who idealize love (a lot), I mean I am a cancer for god’s sake and most of my chart is water sings - overwhelmingly similar to lana del rey’s I might add, perhaps that’s why I am very affected by anythings she produces? - and I feel a lot. I always think of some aspects, (physical, cultural, emotional) and some traits that I’d love for a future husband to have. I am very traditional in that sense - I suppose oddly so for someone in the lgbtq community - but as troye sivan’s music says, I really do see a “little house on the hill and children's names,” and I feel like even though lust is my one main cardinal sin (for life, for beauty, for wealth, for happiness, for beautiful young guys, for wine, for good food, and everything pretty, shiny and decadent), I am so very relationship oriented. 
since my first boyfriend, which was 6 years ago, I never really felt strong romantic feelings towards anyone, in mid 2019 and even more so in 2020 during lockdown I started thinking that I had gone numb, I only lusted for pleasure, and yes I did want to connect with someone but it became very hard, especially because I had set some standards to a good and happy relationship which I suppose are not easily met. since that time in 2019 I would be complaning to my friends that I wanted a boyfriend and how annoyed I was by not finding anyone, was I reaching for the stars? in september 2020 I came back to beirut, for the summer semester and for a moment I was so very happy, still longing for a company who could adore me and be devout to loving me, but  I had managed to be accepted into a double major program (a little harder than just one), got my first real job with something I love doing (related to restoration and preservation of national heritage/art/architecture), and paid fairly ok, I also was getting to learn much more arabic and going around nostalgic ancient ruins, ashtonishly beautiful mediterranean beaches, medieval churches and getting high with my friends watching he city lights of beirut skyline dancing in my eyes. 
everythiNg seemed fIne, But I did keep complAining about not finding him. so my friend toLd me “stop looking, he’ll appear.” and though shallow advices bother me, I decided to wat. not a week after, on october 31st 2020, a halLOween night, I was with another friend on a call and a guy messages me on instragram, telling me my pictures were really pretty. one hour into the conVErsation he asked if he could see me, not to go anywhere or do anYthing, just see me. I then tOld him he was welcomed into my apartment, and half an hour later he was here, I opened the door to a gorgeoUs, blonde and blue eyes gemini, whose body was so pretty it made me a bit shy. (please keep in mind that where I live at the time, cases were very low, the country had dealt well with the pandemic until that point) and for 3 hours we talked, we discussed a myriad of personal philosophies (and btw, this is NOT how it works in the gay world), ranging from religion, academia, future plans, family, sexuality, and then yes, we kissed, and he had the most amazing kisses, so sweet-tasting, so tender, so passionate. 
in that day, a day I was feeling so alone (no halloween parties in lockdown..), I was so fulfilled. I learned he is a successfull architect, family oriented, passionate lover, I wasnt, however, in love with him, I still thought of myself as someone looking for love, but eventually he managed to make me fall in love with him. he’d wake up earlier than me to send me good mornings and he’d go back to sleep, he’d write me poems, come at any point that I’d mentioned I missed him, bring me gifts, spoil me with love, car rides and favors, he poured his heart unto me. I was a bit scared tho, so I asked us to go slower, he didnt take it well at first but he agreed, we had this conversation three times, he would insist in buying gifts like gucci shoes or weekends in expesive skiing resorts - which I refused. 
the day we had this conversation for the first time was a m a z i n g at the beginning, I went to a brunch with my architect boss and my work colleagues, collected my salary, went to the gym, came home, got some feedback on university papers (all very positive 90+ papers, which made me very happy as it showed me how capable I am in academia), and my date had invited me for dinner in a restaurant of my choice. I chose a small, traditional Italian restaurant up in the mountains from beirut (a lovely place), which he promtly made a reservation, and I went to get ready. at which point I called one of my best friends, and I just had this epiphany of feeling like a real adult in the first time in 20 years of my life. I truly did feel like I could conquer all? I was doing well at my job, even better at university, getting paid, professors enjoyed my company and invited me for talks, I was handling not one but two programs, I was in a good place with all my friends, I was in a steady pace gym-wise, I hard learned a lot about me and parts of my origin that semester too, I was falling in love with the middle east, and I had my man. a strong, well dressed, awfully good looking blondie who adored me and came to pick me up two hours later smelling so good with his cool sportscar. I felt very fulfilled, I was in awe that in 2020, a year that I had lost my grandfather and so many had perished was ending overwhelmingly well for me - until later that day. 
after the restaurant - and the amazing food - we went around in the car, we made out and more, and eventually we had the third conversation, in which I still was not ready for full commitment (allow me to explain that me, a cancer, when engaging in a stable relationship will be very, very committed, and I couldnt jump in headstrong - as I had done before - within just a month), and simply like that, he dismissed me, left me, took me home and never saw me again. I talked to him the day after in which I told him it was unfair how he made me fall for him and he just leaves me at once. I became very numb, he did keep calling me and messaging me for a month after, asking how I felt and my plans for the winter holidays, asking me for a cooking hangout and whatnot. I was numb, I didnt fight for him or anything. I wish I had. because a month later I was in pain, heartbroken, struggling, hurting, and at that point he seemed to have healed from me, I tried patching things back but its not really working, and at this point, its preopably gonna stay like that. 
the worst part is that I truly had become his friend? so I went through grieving in two different perspectives, the loss of a lover and the loss of a friend. 
cut to february 2021, now the pandemic has worsened to some extent and I am under absolute lockdown, I am not emplyed as the work was short term, I can’t see my friends or go around exploring the scenery, there’s not gym and I lost a couple family memebers due to covid19 and cancer.
I used to deal pretty well with the lockdown, I am kept to myself, a few books and my mackbook go a long way, I can spend days in reclusion. I am also a pretty ok student and now....now nothing. I am hating this lockdown and it truly pains me to see that there are *weeks* left of it, I am not being able to focus as I usually do, I am not even very communicative these days (and I talk too much), its been very heard being heartbroken in a tiny apartment with me and me only, I’ve resorted to several activies so far but nothing seems really effective to be honest. I fear that he is really over me, and he is not even in the country as of now. everything seems so empty, I am not hurting as much as I was a few days ago, the weeks from january 17th to february 3rd were hell for me, now I suppose I can find some joy but the only thing i’d love to right now is lying my head in his chest. 
the one good thing that came from all of this was the fact that because I was so sad, when I got the news that my uncle had died I got so, so sensitive that I ended up falling apart on the phone with my aunt and my sister, whose reaction to my story with him were unecpectedly sweet, both of them now are pretty open and understanding of my sexuality and I was very, very relived to open up to memebers of my family, my kin, my blood. (up until that point I had opened up only to friends). 
and I suppose that now I know that I hadnt gone cold from love, it was just that I hadnt find the one. hopefully I’ll heal faster than my first break up, but it does pain me a lot, because you know these standards I had mentioned earlier? he fit very well in the majority of them.
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