#i genuinely love comic!miguel
miguel-owhora · 1 month
miguel has this deal with you. he knows he's a busy man, between being spider-man, trying to prevent the collapse of the multiverse, and being your husband, he knows he's not always available. so he makes a deal with you: you're allowed to hook up with any other variant of his.
not anyone else, though. not another peter parker, not ben reilly's, just miguel o'hara's.
so you do, jumping between universes just to get your dick wet, lovingly fucking each variant as if they're your original. stuffing them full of your cock and leaving them with gaping holes oozing cum, with hoarse throats and teary eyes, with the impeccable need for more, more, more.
until you stumble upon a 'comic' version. one with lighter skin and red hair, who wears glasses in the day light to hide his sensitive eyes, one who's more brattier yet equally as pretty as the others. this version of miguel rides you instead, rocking his hips back and forth, your cockhead kissing his cervix and bumping against his swollen tcock.
or better yet, splitting you open on his strap and pressing loving kisses to your shoulder when you tremble, cock weeping deliciously against your belly. one time he fucks you so good with his strap, your miguel has to come pick you up.
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an-ambivalent · 11 months
Woes of Reincarnation Part 2 [Yandere! Miguel x Fem! Reader]
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Chapter Synopsis: You’re an Alchemax neuroscientist specializing in genetics and cognition memory research. Outside of work, you spend majority of your time with your daughter Gabriella and your partner Miguel. For the most part, you loved your life - you had a thriving career, a lovely daughter, and your wonderful stay-at-home partner who supported you and cared for your small bundle of joy in ways you were unable to. But slowly but surely, something starts to seem amiss with your husband and you realise that Miguel is not who you knew him to be. This is a sequel to this
Warnings: As this is yandere fiction, this deals with behaviours and themes of that can be uncomfortable to read. Specific warnings: implied noncon. This work also has spoilers about Miguel from the comics. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl. By clicking the ‘read more/keep reading’ you are consenting to read this at your discretion.
Establishing yourself at your current point in career was a lot of work hard; from extensive studying, to jumping from one temporary contracted job to another, it often made you want to hit your head against the wall in frustration. Amidst all the chaos, the universe threw even more at you; just as you were finishing your PHD, and were starting to climb your career ladder, you had found out that you were pregnant. It was nerve wrecking, stressful, exciting, and involved so many other emotions and tears, and pondering over countless of future possibilities. Becoming overwhelmed from all of this was beginning to drive you mad. But lucky for you, Miguel was the perfect anchor to your chaotic storm of thoughts; he was with you every step of the way and was amazing at providing you the reassurance you needed. After your daughter was born, whom you had named Gabriella, things had been very challenging at first: you had to look after your daughter while still having your own recovery. Miguel took on additional responsibilities while also trying to look after you and your daughter as well. Eventually, after a few years passed, it became easier to manage and cope with the challenges that came with looking after a tiny human. Both of you decided that you were going to work full-time at your new job, while Miguel would be the stay at home partner to look after Gabriella. 
Over the years, you made exceptional progress in your career until you got to your current position. While you really enjoyed your work in the past, recently, it was starting to become too stressful and impact your mental health. There was a certain feeling of being done etched in your body language. And despite the fact that you looked after your physical health, there was a new type of dullness on your face in place of your usual genuine contentment, and the glint of mischief that always gleamed in your eyes and smiles was starting to disappear. 
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you unlocked the front door and entered your abode. You took off your outdoor shoes and placed them on the shoe rack, while simultaneously slipped your feet in your indoor slippers. As you walked through the hallway and into the main living room, you raised your eyebrow in surprise when you saw Miguel leaning against the kitchen counter closest to you, with his back turned against you, and nervously tapping his index finger on the counter’s marble surface. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked simply, and threw your jacket and keys carelessly on the dinning table as you walked towards the kitchen. 
Your usual very composed and charismatic husband jumped at the sound of your voice. He whipped around in shock, his eyes wide, looking like a deer caught in headlights. He seemed even more jumpy when you neared him in proximity, grabbed onto the collar of his white shirt, and strongly pulled him down to your level for a chaste kiss as a greeting. Usually, your pecks that started out as a quick greeting, would turn into deeper, and more passionate kisses, almost into a full make out session. But that wasn’t the case this time around; this time around, Miguel was simple frozen in surprise as you kissed him. He did not respond back, and his hands were raised and stilled awkwardly in mid air as if he was going to push you away, but didn’t due to some last minute realisation. It was very strange because he never hesitated to wrap his arms around you and pull you closer until there was no physical space left, and one of his hands would be tangled messily in your locks. The awkwardness of the entire situation made you pull away instantly, and there was even more confusion evident in your eyebrow raise. Nonetheless, you released your hold on him, and started to work your way around the kitchen like your usual evening routine. 
“I’m surprised that you’re already home. Picking up Gabriella from her tennis practice and the groceries, you usually wouldn’t be home for another hour,” You remarked causally, while you put on your bright pink apron that had ‘Kiss the chief’ written on it. It was one of the gifts your Miguel and Gabriella had given you on the most recent mother’s day, so anytime you wore it, they had an excuse to shower you in kisses. 
Miguel blinked owlishly, as he stared hard at the words written on your apron for for a good few seconds, before returning his gaze to you. He showed no signs of moving closer to you to kiss you like he usually would. 
“Uh, doesn’t she have tennis practice on Tuesdays and not today? Besides, I don’t have the car.” He responded simply. 
You blinked at him in confusion. “She has her practice today - she has her coaching on Tuesdays and her club games on Friday. And what do you mean you don’t have the car? I left the keys in front of the TV and its parked right outside on the street...? We talked about it this morning - you dropped me off to work and I took the train back. This is no new information, come on Miguel,” You retorted, and opened the fridge to get the needed ingredients you required to make dinner. However, there was barely anything in there - your eye twitched. You turned to Miguel with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“How come you didn’t go grocery shopping?” You asked. Just as Miguel was about to respond, your eyes widened in another realisation. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot to pick up Gabriella?! No wonder I don’t hear her trotting around! Miguel! What’s wrong with you today?!” You snapped, and instantly untied your apron, and took it off instantly. 
At the shift of annoyance in your tone, Miguel’s eyebrow twitched in anger. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know - this wasn’t even meant to be his responsibility. It was supposed to be your Miguel’s responsibility but he was dead now. He simply chose to replace him in this dimension because he had a family; he felt sorry for the young child who had lost her father, and a bit sorry for you, who would have been a full-time working single mother if you had found that your husband was dead. He was doing you a favour, and you had no idea how grateful you should be. But alas, you were so bossy instead. He wanted to reveal the truth so he could see the reaction on your face, but he couldn’t disclose anything. For his young child, he would endure. 
“You didn’t tell me to do so,” He responded coldly, since there was no other way he knew how to carry out his argument. 
You were so confused by his response that you had to stop for moment and gather your thoughts. You blinked at him in confusion, even more so, when you noticed the anger on his face - Miguel never got angry that easily. 
“It’s the same routine every week...? What’s there to tell?” You murmured to yourself. You glanced at him once more, and you looked at him from the top of his head, to the soles of his feet in scrutiny multiple times. Upon closer inspection, you saw something different about him; the exhaustion in his body - it was an exact reflection of yours. He looked like he was done. It made you think:  had you been so busy thinking about your own problems at work that you forgot to check in with your own husband? Had you relied on him to take care of you and Gabriella so much that you forgot to do your part and look after him?! 
Guilt wallowed up in your chest, and your throat started to feel constricted - you were starting to feel anxious again. However, just before your anxiety could overwhelm you, you pushed it down. Miguel needed you right now, not the other way around. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you, love. I shouldn’t have done that. I guess work’s been too stressful,” You mumbled, and then, walked closer to Miguel. The Spider-Man was genuinely surprised at the quick apology that left your lips; he was even more shocked when you walked in front of him once more, and gave him a bright grin. He was taken back by how beautiful you looked when you were smiling and the way your face glowed when a hint of joy shone through. 
“We both seem to be having a tough time today, how about we get things done together and just relax? Let’s go pick up our cheeky munchkin and order in, we’ll get your favourite! Sounds good?” You said grinning wider, and cheekily swung your hip against his. Given his build and strength as Spider-Man, it barely did anything. But your joy and cheekiness was contagious because Miguel returned your grin with a playful scoff off his own. Instinctively, he lifted you up easily, and the suddenness of the gesture made you yelp in surprise. You easily wrapped your legs around his tiny slutty waist as he supported your weight by holding you in both of his arms, and wrapped your arms around his neck. You combed through his soft brown locks with one of your hands, and leaned closer to his face; Miguel felt flustered. 
“Can I kiss you?” You whispered softly, looking at him with so much love and longing in your eyes as if he had hung up the moon and stars for you. No one had looked at him with so much love before. Miguel felt flustered. Instead of answering you, he tightened his hold onto you, as he brought you closer to him until you were absolutely squished against his physique. He felt more muscular than before, and his grip on you felt more possessive rather than his usual protective one. But, you weren’t the one to complain since this was so much better than the awkwardness from before.
Miguel moved his arms so he supported your weight with one, and held the back of your head with the other. Then, he guided you down until your lips locked. It was a nice kiss, a bit clumsy than usual, but nice nonetheless. He didn’t want to follow your lead like he usually did, so you tried to follow his lead instead. It was definitely different, even more so, when you felt him bite your bottom lip hard. You yelped in pain and tried to pull away from him. Your efforts were fruitless for a few seconds until Miguel eased his grip at the back of your head. Just as he let you go, enough blood gathered instantly at the spot you were bitten on your lip that it started to drip down your chin. Immediately, Miguel licked it and then gazed at you with his disheveled hair hovering above the predatory and lust gleaming in his red eyes. Both of you breathed heavily, but he wore a giant grin  that showed off his canines. When did Miguel have canines? 
“What you said sounded good, but I would like it much better if we could relax, just the two of us, later tonight.” 
Once upon a time, Miguel was a bright and innovative scientist himself. He was intelligent and quick to grasp things. For that reason, it didn’t take him long to adapt to the same lifestyle that the original Miguel of this dimension was living. Actually, this domestic life was so much better and easier than his job had been at Alchemax. Maybe, it was easy because he genuinely came to love it; he loved his daughter Gabriella like he had anticipated he would. But first impressions aside, he was also surprised at how quickly he came to love you. You were just so caring and attentive, and everytime you smiled your lovely smile, he swore, cupid’s arrow shot through his heart. You always looked at him with so much love - and it didn’t just end there - you always showed your love through actions too. Every morning when you woke up, before going to sleep, coming home, before leaving, and if you saw each other just after a few hours, you always kissed him. They were such passionate kisses too - it was addictive. All of your little quirks and the constant displays of affection were addictive. For once, Miguel was constantly surrounded by love and happiness. He loved it, and he was going to do anything to protect it. 
Although he did love his current life, there were some things that he did wish could be better - like how he wished he could spend more time with you. He had been trying to talk you into reducing your work hours, because recently, it seemed like you just were getting busier and busier. Your acts of affection, your long lasting kisses -- everything was becoming quicker and more rushed. The nights of intimacy you shared often when he had first came into your life versus recently, were much fewer too. It was distraughting and almost starting to feel frustrating because he had become accustomed to everything you had given him. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand how he had ever managed to live without having you by his side. Now, it was almost to the point where he felt that his even spider craved you. 
It was another night like the one’s recently. Presently, it was just after 9:30 pm, half an hour after Gabriella has been put to bed. Miguel had just come out of a steaming hot shower - his skin carried an underlying darker red hue indicating just how boiling hot the water had to be, and he only wore a small white towel around his hips. He was hoping that giving you a preview would help him finally get another night of sex with you. But the moment he had stepped out of your shared ensuite, and was browsing through your shared closet, pretending to look for clothes, you paid no attention to him. Instead, you were entirely focused on the folders of paperwork labelled ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ in big block red letters that you had been bringing home from work every, single, fucking, day. 
Come to think of it, exactly what was your job? Why were you the one that had chosen to work rather than his alternate deceased self? Surely, if his deceased self was also a scientist at Alchemax like he had been, he had to be making more than enough money. 
In the end, Miguel mindless chose to wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. He climbed into your shared bed with you,  and snatched your papers from your hands. You yelped when this happened suddenly, and immediately tried to wrestle Miguel for them as he started to look over their content himself. 
“What the hell, Miguel?! Give those back to me right now! That’s confidential!” You yelled, while trying to climb over him in whatever way you could to get your paperwork back. Miguel simply ignored you, and easily held you back with one arm, while holding up the papers with his other hand, and reading them. 
It read: 
‘-utlising deep learning neural networks, we have managed to analyse microarray data at an anatomical level[1]. Given this groundbreaking discovery, we can hypothetically give ourselves false memories of living in another universe and completely alter our reality. Or, we could even transfer the psych of our alternative self to our current self. Tests will need to be conducted-” 
“You’re... working for Alchemax?” Miguel asked in disbelief, looking at you with wide eyes - like he didn’t knew you at all. In a way, that was not far from the truth. 
You took his shock as an opportunity to snatch your paperwork back, and scoffed at him. “Of course I am. I don’t see why you’re so surprised? You’re the one who told me to take the job when I was offered it.”
You carefully tied up your paperwork the way you had brought it from work, before setting it on the bedside table beside you. You turned towards Miguel and scowled at him. 
“I’d appreciate it if you don’t just snatch my things. Seriously Miguel, what is with you recently? You’re so moody and quick to temper! I understand you may be stressed and I’m seriously trying my best to make things as easy as possible for you, but you can’t just do whatever you want. You know I’m having a really hard time at work right now as it is, I don’t need you making it the same for me at home. Back off a bit, yeah?” You snapped. Instantly, you turned away from him. You had been feeling your regular nightly migraine building up for a while, and the stress from dealing with Miguel just seemed to have triggered it. You took off your reading glasses so they were resting on your head instead of your nose; a heavy sigh left your lips as you rubbed your temple to try soothe your headache. 
You failed to notice the angry red eyes that were glaring at you. 
“I didn’t know that you were working for the filth of Alchemax.... And I didn’t tell you to take that job, I would never allow my own wife to betray me like that. If it really had been me, in the first place, you wouldn’t even be working.”  Miguel hissed, as he had moved closer to you until his body was pressing right against your side. Then, he leaned closer to you, and gently nipped you right behind your earlobe. Chills went through your spine, and you groaned in frustration; you failed to understand exactly what Miguel words implied due to your horrible headache reducing your ability to focus. 
“I don’t have the energy to worry about your nuances Miguel, nor do I have the energy for sex tonight. Just let me rest,” You murmured, and tried to swat at his arms he wrapped around you possessively. 
You didn’t get the response you wanted - verbally or his actions wise. Instead, you screamed as Miguel pushed you so you laying on your back, and he sat on you immediately. From the impact, your glasses were swung backwards randomly and dug into the randomest part of your neck painfully. You winced and tried to move so they weren’t digging into your skin, but you were unable to move since Miguel had your wrists pinned down on the bed in each hand. He pushed all of his bodyweight on you making it hard to breath, and leaned down until he was right next to your ear. 
“Let me rephrase what I said, and really listen this time, okay? You’re my smart little scientist, I’m sure you can figure it out.” He whispered sensually, and this time, bit your earlobe hard enough to draw blood. 
You cried out in pain. You tried to wriggle yourself free, but your efforts continued to be in vain. When Miguel applied more pressure on your wrists to the point it felt like they were going to break, you stopped struggling. However, your breath started to pick up and your throat felt tight. Despite how light headed you felt, you understood that this wasn’t normal. His grip wasn’t normal - your Miguel would never do something like this. He had never raised his voice at you, much less be physically violent with you the way the stranger on top of you was being. So, for your own sake, you listened attentively to what he had to say. 
“I didn’t tell you to take the job. I would never tell you to take any job, much less at Alchemax, especially after what they did to me. If it had been me, the me in front of you right now, I would keep you locked up in a safe little cage that I make just for you.” 
Tears welled in the corner of your eyes. You hoped that what you were thinking wasn’t right. 
“W-What they did to you...? You never told me? I, I don’t understand-” You tried to say. You weren’t sure if you were just repeating yourself like a parrot because there wasn’t enough oxygen flowing in your brain to think rationally, or you were desperately hoping that what you understood to be the truth, wasn’t actually the truth. Maybe it was both. 
“I’m not your Miguel, I never was. Where I’m from, I used to be scientist at Alchemax. They spliced my DNA with a spider when I tried to quit,” Miguel started, and then, flashed his fangs at you. “I have access to many dimensions. I saw that the me of this dimension was killed and out of pity, I decided to take his place so Gabriella wouldn’t be fatherless and you wouldn’t be a single mother. 
“You really pissed me off in our first interaction.... but now, now, I love you, I can’t see myself without you. I might not be your Miguel yet, but you are my [Name]. Thanks to your research, we can start again. I can figure out a way to change your memories so you’ll know me as your Miguel from the start. I’m sure there’s a dimension out there somewhere we can use.” He whispered in your ear, and then, grinded against you. 
Goosebumps of repulsion and fear arose across your skin - you shook your head in denial. 
“Don’t, please don’t do that. You have no idea what you’re messing with--” 
“Shut up. Now that you know, you’re going to see what I would have done with you in the first place. I’m going to keep you locked up in a cage I make just for you. No work, no research, nothing for you. I’m going to keep you locked up so you’re not a tired cranky bitch and I’m going to be the only person you see. I’m going to make you so touch starved so that whenever you see me, you’re going to be nothing but yearning and desperate for any ounce of attention that I give you.” 
Then, Miguel wrapped his hands around your neck, and pressed tightly onto your trachea until you passed out from the lack of oxygen. He grinned widely. 
“Goodnight [Name]. We’ll meet again on the other side.” 
[1] deep learning neural network is a type of AI technique that mimics the workings of a human brain. It’s used in neuroscience to study the complex intra- and interhemispheric coherence, and other brain regional interactions in relation to cognition and behaviour. 
Microarray data refers to studying many genes at once. So, given all this, and how astrophysics works (if you were to be anywhere in the universe, like being pulled into a black hole or a neutron star), their ruthless gravity would literally tear you apart at your atoms level. So my theory is that, if you were to transfer “memories and cognition” through dimensions and defy the very essence of space and time, you’d need to have studied the neurobiology at the atoms level to the very least. [JUST MY THEORY BASED ON WHAT I KNOW ABOUT THESE SUBJECTS. I JUST WANTED TO NERD OUT OKAY]
[2] basically the ‘isekai’d’ reader’s memories in Part 1 can be understood in this  way: in all the manipulation of memories that Miguel does after this, [Name] gets so many new memories implanted she eventually remembers all of this. She made an escape plan to stage her own death and live in the shadows with random memories planted (like she thinks she reincarnated and lived in a ‘different’ world) but thats actually just false memories. And given how much Miguel was trying to code that “she loves him” in her genes everytime he changed her memories, that turns into a false memory of him being her favourite character and that she “simps for” so she automatically wants to seek him out to meet him when she gets “reincarnated” 
I hope everything I explained makes sense and that you enjoyed this! Let me know if you have any questions! 
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thefangirlfever · 3 months
I needed to make a post about this because...well, the title says everything.
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First of all I would like to say that I'm feeling a bit anxious sharing my thoughts about this. I don't know if I'm the most qualified to talk about this but it has been bugging me.
I know a lot of people have already discussed the way Miguel, a POC and a latino man out of all people, has been oversexualized to a point that it feels fetishy and a bit concerning sometimes. I think we can all acknowledge this and that already gives us a lot to think about.
But what I think is really interesting is that not only is Miguel an intentional thirst-trap, he is a thirst-trap created mainly by a team of male producers/ writers. From what I read, the people in charge of his character design were men (I want to say that I am by no mean attacking anyone who worked on this movie. They did an amazing job and I am just sharing my thoughts, not saying they are bad people for this choise or anything. Thank you).
And I find this very telling. Because when I first saw this headline, I thought "Oh finally, women have been given the chance to freely thirst over a male character the same way men do." And I think it was a big mistake from me to think this way. (First of all, there are also men and non-binary simping over him). Because, let's be real for one second there, do we really want to thirst over characters the way men do? I have been an anime fan for years and let me tell you, the way a lot of men/ fanboys view female characters is simply gross (I know, I know, not all men). It's also something I noticed in comics and video games. Like, have you seen the outrage when a video game studio wants to propose female characters who do not look like what some p*rn addicts imagines women are?
My point is that Miguel has been created not with the female gaze in mind, but with the male gaze (and it hurts to say this). That's what I got from reading the part of the interview. The emphasis on his butt, the overly masculine, muscular body... Miguel was created not by following what women like in men but by what men imagine that women like in men.
This is also something we can see a lot in various medias over the last years, especially in the romance genre. The way some "desirable" men are depicted do not fit what women seek in a partner but what men imagine women want (ofc every woman has different criteria when it comes to this). I think it's very blatant when you compare medias written by and for women like Shonda Rhimes's shows, Bridgerton, Outlander... and medias written by men. So, in the end, I think that Miguel has been created with that in mind "Let's make a big, tall, dark and broody, muscular matcho man. That's what the female public wants." (ofc it's never as simple as that but you get the idea).
So... does this mean that it's bad to simp/ thirst over this character? Surprisingly I'm going to say no and I even think that it's important that the women in this fandom keep making content around Miguel! Because when we write fanfictions, draw fanarts of him... we are now picturing him with a real female gaze and that's what brings even more complexity and depth to this character.
I have seen so many interpretations of this character since I joined this fandom and a lot of them were really cool/ beautiful, showing just how much people love this character. When you think about it, it's crazy that a character who only got 15 minutes of screen time can have such a strong effect on a fandom, meaning that he is more than just a thirst trap. I genuinely think that the content created by the fans gives this character his humanity back (because, yes, being sexualized to no end deshumanizes a person. Go argue with a wall, thank you very much). I've seen so many tender, soft but also funny depictions of him making him more than just some ass shots on the big screen. And even on the NSFW corner of the fandom, some people out there are really making him more than just this "feral beast" that we have been sold by giving him back his tenderness, his sensuality...
So, yeah, take this headline with care and think what you want of it. Those were just my thoughts. Feel free to disagree, tell me if I got something wrong or just leave your thoughts under this post because I'm genuinely curious of seeing other fan's opinions. I apologize for the mess of this take.
And now I'm going back to sleep.
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
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CW: talks of first times and loss of virginity, and smut. That's about it.
Binary Boyfriends Demetri and Hawk who after so much avoidance and trying to ignore their feelings finally get together. Their friends are so happy for them and Miguel and Sam are constantly dragging them on double dates all the time. Hawk chooses the most inappropriate of times to be super flirty with Demetri, which flusters the lanky guy to no end. Hawk just loves making his boyfriend blush all the time. Demetri swears left and right about how much he hates it but it secretly riles him up and turns him on because he loves it when Hawk is dominate over him in public places. Thats just part of their day to day. Life is normal for the couple.
That is until Reader rolls into town. She's kind and sweet and innocent. But of course they didn't know that until they got to know her better.
They guys are at the comic store when they first see her. She's looking through a section of women written comics that look cutesy but are deeper than that. A male employee asks if she needs help and she asks if they knew when they'll get the newest issue and they have a whole conversation about the series and they're having a nice time until he gets pulled away by another customer. She waves him off with a laugh and goes back to browsing.
Demetri can't help himself from walking over and asking her about the series. He's never read it before and he couldn't help but overhear her excitement for it. Hawk was a little too busy looking through some old comics that he didn't notice his boyfriend wasn't beside him anymore until he hears a squeal. He looks over and sees Reader shoving a first issue comic in his hands and telling him all about how great the series is. He's nodding along and smiling, promising to read it if she's so enthusiastic about it.
Hawk walks over and asks them what's up. He's actually a little jealous seeing a pretty lady talking to his guy like that. So when he walks over, he gives Demetri’s ass a hard squeeze. He introduces himself as Demetri's boyfriend so Reader knows. But Reader doesn't really show any reaction to it. In fact, she smiles and giggles and puts her hand out to shake Hawk's. He's a little startled because for a ment he thought she was using his boyfriend's interest in comics to get close and flirt with him. But that smile isn't a sneaky smiles. It's so sweet and genuine.
They end up hanging out in the food court talking about Reader and how she ended up in the Valley. The longer she talks, the more both guys are enamored by her. She has this laugh that just enchants them and now Hawk feels bad about his earlier thoughts. Then they learn she's never been in a relationship before and so it was easier to move to the Valley with few ties back home. And it's shocking because she's so sweet and beautiful, and Demetri tells her as much. But she just.shrugs it off and laughs.
They exchange information and part ways and it seems like they've made a new friend. Except for days after, the boyfriends can't stop thinking about her. They don't talk about it at first, but oh boy when she does first come up, they can't stop talking about her. They don't think much of it. She's a nerdy and sweet new friend. That's all. But it quickly becomes more than that, especially when they start talking about her in bed.
Hawk tells Demetri while they were fucking, "I bet you wanna fuck Reader, be the one to take her virginity! Am I right?"
And Demetri can't even respond. He's so overwhelmed with the idea that he comes all over their sheets and he's whining. He shakes his head, wanting to be degraded, waiting for it.
And Hawk delivers: "Well you can't. You're too big for her. You'll break her in half. You can't be her first - fuck! - you'll just hurt her. It should be me! I should fuck her just like this and- fuckfuckfuck! Gonna fucking ruin her better than you can! Better than you ever could!"
He comes and fills Demetri’s guts, not at all hiding the fact that he wishes they were with Reader in this moment instead. They end up laying in bed panting, sweaty and messy, daydreaming about her between them; touching her curves, kissing her tits, making her moan and scream.
"We should invite her over," Demetri says. They've been texting her nonstop and promising to show her around the Valley.
Hawk nods and licks his lips. "Yeah, yeah we should."
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Part two
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lildoodlenoodle · 10 months
Not to be That Bitch but I’ve seen people talking about this so,,,
Who is actually most likely to die in BTSV?
Yep, yikes I’m going there. Again all theories so I’m open to conversation/opinions on this!
Jessica - She’s not gonna die. There’s no way. Spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries but they aren’t going to kill a pregnant woman.
Miles - Again spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries so killing a protagonist is not outside of their range but I do not think they can kill Miles because of how integral he is to the trilogy and general synergy with comics and video games. Miles is too important of a character outside of this film in a monetary and societal way for them to kill him off in my opinion. He is the character that people associate with ‘Anyone can wear the mask’
Peter B. - The man has a baby. They aren’t gonna kill him. It just isn’t gonna happen. Nor will they kill said baby.
Hobie - They won’t do it. I love him but I don’t think his death would be enough of a catalyst or whatever. Like I just can’t see it. Not to say he isn’t important to the story but with the role he takes on, his death wouldn’t make sense.
Ben Reilly - I’m not even sure he’s currently alive lol. Gwen broke his watch and then tossed him into a random ass dimension. He’s probably fine… He’s fine.
Noir - unlikely. It wouldn’t have the emotional impact a death would need in the next movie. If, for whatever reason, multiple members of the team die then I could see it, but just him? No.(either way bro’s been resurrected multiple times in the comics, he’s fine.)
Ham - ok I could see it, but only in the comedy angel wings ‘death’ way. Like it wouldn’t be real, it’d be a gag.
Peni - ugh I can kinda see this ngl. She was the only member of team B we saw in the society and had a speaking role. Maybe I’m jaded but doesn’t bode well for a young female character… she will most likely be fine though.
Pavitr - People have said it and I do understand it. I don’t think they’ll do it but I could see it happening in a couple of different ways. His death would have be a perfect mid-late movie catalyst simply because of the parallels between him and Miles, ‘being spiderman is easy!’, and inspector Singh and Gayatri ‘escaping’ death. Will be crying in the theatre.
The Spot - I’m 50/50 on this. Like he could totally be too far gone where the only way out is him imploding but also he just wanted attention 😢
Gwen - God I can see this happening. I really hope it doesn’t but,,, Specifically, her saving Miles or one of his parents and that somehow being it for her. Her home storyline is tied up, her only remaining loose thread is with Miles, and once that’s done her ‘arc’ is over, and also the foreshadowing. Like if it happens that’s how it’s gonna happen and it’ll parallel when Miles was saving inspector Singh and that moment where we can’t see him god,,,,,,
Miguel - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know what they are going to do with this man by the end of the next movie. Dude has put his whole being into his canon events theory, cause remember he genuinely believes or is in heavy denial about this. I don’t think being visually proven wrong will fix anything for him. I genuinely believe it’ll destroy him. I could definitely see him dying in the next movie by saving Miles/his dad in some desperate attempt to do the right thing, or taking down the spot with him type thing.
Jeff - Look, we all know it’s a possibility. It’s like algorithmically predestined, so it definitely could happen and I wouldn’t be surprised necessarily. But do I actually think it will happen? No. It’s too built up, especially with Miles going to 42 where his dad IS dead.
Rio - I’m gonna be so honest, she’s more likely to die than Jeff. SORRY! She’s the one that dies in the comics, she’s the one alive in 42, and she has that big speech about Miles not being with her any more and to look out for himself for her. I really hope they don’t do it, I really hope cause I will sob in the theatre but if one of Mile’s parents is going to die, it’ll be Rio.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Maybe the reason why I feel more attached to Tempest x Miguel was the fact they’re genuinely sweet towards each other despite a few hiccups like her illness :((
Ikr?! Like, I feel comics Miguel with Tempest truly brought out the real care he could have for someone. Not that he didn't care before, but we can notice the real deal with tempest.
Like, he even allows himself to be a bit more vulnerable with her by saying he's worried that her gratitude is the real reason she sticks around and AHHH, jsksj. Just love em so muc :'D.
(Here's the panel of her illness. Looked up what that illness was and holy shit. Poor Tempest :( )
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spiders-scare-me · 10 months
noir hcs
(these are hcs, not actual canon so these are things that are made up and NOT based off the comics)
hc him as 19 yrs old.
joined the spider society because he thought he maybe could do some good by helping others, only to regret it later. genuinely thinks Miguel is kinda a facist.
he also doesn’t regret joining the society because he got to spend time with Ham, Gwen, Peni, Hobie etc.
he and hobie bonded over similar views, became best friends for the last four ish months before Noir quit.
quit because he generally had a bad feeling about miguel, but got worse when he referred to robbie’s death as a canon event.( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/720268522059612160/if-spider-noir-wasnt-kicked-off-the-elite-spider ) (based off of)
taught hobie how to pickpocket/steal things in different places/shops before he quit. especially shops in Noirs dimension where it was easier to put something in your pocket and leave without anybody noticing.
( https://www.tumblr.com/butevrythinggoesaway/719504366077345792/i-kind-of-headcanon-noir-as-having-kelptomania-so ) (inspired)
Miguel hates him, probably because Noir rivals him in size and also questions the way Miguel runs things around the spider society.
(Miguel is canonically 6’9 and i hc Noir as around 6’5)
Miguel once asked (very rudely) in front of hobie, if Noir only dated Hobie because he was similar to Robbie. You can only IMAGINE what Noir almost did (aka assassinate Miguel) before he was stopped by most spider people who are loyal to Miguel. Basically, Noir went even more crazy because of that since Miguel uses Robbie as a way to get to him.
Noir in fact didn’t want to date anyone because of some stuff that happened, but when he met Hobie and got to know him, he instantly fell in love.
Miguel simply hates Noir, but can’t fire him or kick him out for no reason so Miguel picks on him until he snaps.
he acts like Peni’s older brother, being protective of her. she became depressed after he quit the spider society because she really cared about him.
most likely smokes, Peni hates it and always takes his cigarette from him to put it out. has dumped water on him multiple times. Hobie also puts out Noirs cigarette when he sees him smoking.
humor is his coping mechanism, example (my interpretation of the scenes):
when miles said his uncle was the prowler, Noir responded with “this is a pretty hardcore origin story” which sounds like he’s trying to make the situation a bit lighter by joking a bit.
as well as when aunt may asked if they could fight doc ock outside, he replied with “We don’t pick the ballroom, we just dance”
another one: when he, peni and ham met gwen, miles and peter for the first time, peter asked noir how they got there and he answered with “it’s a long story” only to say right after “maybe not that long”
Hobie paints Noirs nails from time to time because it seems to relax him.
used to wear glasses because he had such bad eyes but now that he sees better because of the whole spider thing, he wears them cuz they’re cool.
his favorite color is purple because of robbie. (angst obvi) ( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/721163033344425984/me-watching-everyone-on-tumblrtiktok-say-spider )
(based off of)
his relationship with aunt may is so wholesome. she’s against him killing facists etc, but still loves him more than anything.
his style is absolutely IMMACULATE. ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723947203857694720/tried-to-find-references-for-30s-mens-fashion-and ) (based off my own post) ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723996134618628096/no-stfu-im-so-fucking-obsessed )
i tried :,) don’t bully me
i’ll post more later if it’s wanted obvi
credits to @lildoodlenoodle and @butevrythinggoesaway for the posts i linked <3
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creme-meme · 1 year
for me, the most interesting thing about Miguel is that he clearly was capable of being happy, genuinely happy, in the alternate universe where he replaced the alternate-him who died there. the flashbacks and the video footage of him with his alternative-universe daughter show him smiling and just... happy
and while the unintended destruction of that alternate universe is a tragic arc in his character, I don’t think that alone can ever fully explain why He’s Like That(tm), because it takes someone deeply sad and broken to leave their own universe and masquerade as an alternate self in the first place, to replace a child’s father and act as the parent that the child loves (comic Miguel has issues with Alchemax and his mutations that turn him into Spider-man, so maybe the film will continue along that line since we see him injecting himself with something)
I just think it’s interesting to look at his interactions with Miles from that perspective, bc Miguel had disastrous first-hand experience attempting to force a happiness that he didn’t “deserve”, a happiness that wasn’t “canon”, and since Miles’ existence as Spider-man isn’t canon either, Miguel’s past experience is projected directly onto Miles’ determination to “change canon”
I mean he did ultimately throw hands at a 15 y/o, but as we all know a lot of the Spider-people are Not Okay(tm)
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reveseke · 6 months
Artist reader & characters of Cobra Kai. Nothing but fluff and gen (mentions of (full+partial) nude art, but nothing specific!), no specific genders for the reader.
Threw in the girls & Ant as well, bc i could and I genuinely wanted to. All of them could be perceived as either platonic or romantic.
Reminder that my blog is male, ftm, enby, masc centric and I do not write for fem readers!
Eli, Miguel, Demetri, Robby, Anthony, Moon, Yasmin, Tory & Sam w/ an artist reader!
Just my thoughts nothing more or less. :3 also they get noticeably shorter the further down you go lol.
— Eli; I think he'd find it cool if you were into drawing and sketching (I don't believe he'd have a favorite style, just random sketches of the most random-est of things does it for him to think you're really cool and talented). He'd absolutely loved to get a peak at the sketches, especially if he catches you sketching something. If you dare to show him a sketch of him either post Hawk or before Hawk he'd ask you if he could keep it with the sweetest of smiles. Also graffiti, absolutely would mess around with spray paint with you.
However he would be a bit meaner just for the show during S1-3 specifically with his macho show of I'm a goddamn badass pretender for the girls. He'd just be basically mean for the laughs but swear he'd also be sweet as fuck to you afterwards and making up for his behaviour. (Make him sit for a few hours and be your model, that'll do lol.) [Side note I think Hawk would be the kind of guy to think about partial nude art but never admit it.]
— Miguel; just in general this boy is fucking bashful and amazed for your skill at drawing. He'd love to breeze through your sketchbooks and ask you to draw something for him. Absolutely anything and he'd cherish it, especially if it was something of him or nature-related. I also think he'd love abstract patterns. I also think he appreciates graffiti and murals!
— Demetri; interested for sure, especially if you're into drawing fantasy characters and settings. He's a comic nerd, he'd love to see your take on some of his favored characters from comics. fanart kind of guy imo. Also if you draw him his DnD character he'd love you for eternity. Just saying :3 (I also believe that Dimitri would have artistic talent as well. Thinking about dates where y'all just geek about your interests and draw, create stories etc.) I also think that Dimitri would love to see scenery art.
— Robby; this man cannot take a pen in hand and draw himself at all imo, he seems like he's a bit lost but he'd absolutely adore your drawings. I think he'd be into scenery and a realistic type of art. For some reason I think he'd be the guy who doesn't exactly get art, but gets joy from watching someone else geek out about a specific piece and tell him about it and the history/background around the artwork. (Looking at Mona Lisa rn so hard) [side note on this guy, he'd absolutely at some point ask about nude art in general.]
— Ant; we know this guy plays DnD as well, he'd be interested in your drawings and love silly sketches especially off of characters related to his interests. Somehow thinking Anthony wouldn't get abstractical art if it didn't have fantasy-esque in it. Just video game art, absolutely.
— Moon; Personally love her character sm down to earth (not really, she seems more daydream type) and interested in crystals, chakras and energies! I think she'd be interested in symbolism within art and just be really really interested in spiritual-related artworks. Abstractical patterning that takes inspiration from a culture? Mythology related artworks? She'd absolutely eat them up and I mean gobble it all up, I also see her as someone who'd do art with you.
— Yasmin; she'd love to see what you were sketching especially if it was her, because I think she would let you just draw her up in different outfits even without asking if you could. [Personally also think she'd be interested in nude or revealing art.] She'd be your model without any further questioning, BUT be sure your up for the task to hear her whine about how long it's going to take and just be cheesy with some memes. (Koff Koff the popular french girl line.)
— Tory; now I don't think Tori's much of an art girl either, but she'd love to see your sketchbook like the others and watch you draw. However this doesn't by any means rule out graffiti, she'd be up in a second if spray paints and graffiti was mentioned imo! I also think she'd have an eye for scenery and murals artworks with abstract types of art.
— Sam; she'd love to see your sketches and artworks as well! I think Sam wouldn't inherently be that interested in art, but she'd absolutely let you rattle her ears off talking about art and such. I think she appreciates scenery art a lot and murals.
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loganlermanstanaccount · 11 months
I love your most recent Miguel fic! I do have a question tho for my hearts sake? Is Miguel actually fucking all those girls? Idk why but I don’t think I could ever look past someone doing that in my vicinity and then seeing potential romantic relationships with them… like I wouldn’t be able to look past how infatuated he seems with all of them in the moment and it would be hard not to compre myself to the tule of girl he brings in, my trust issues would be BUZZZIN lol.
If so, could I ask what made you characterize him as such? Was it like more a trope that caught your attention so you decided to explore it? Or does he really seem like the type to you? All are very genuine and curious questions by the way I love love your writing it’s incredible💕
Hey, happy to answer the question, so I'll spoil under the cut!
short answer: yes and no
long answer: he has a history of sleeping around, but isn't actively sleeping with them.
I do think this version of Miguel (combo of film and comics) sleeps around but not necessarily for the sake of it. his daughter died 3 years ago, a daughter he had young already, so he is emotionally stunted, and unable to deal with his loss. he's searching for intimacy and unable to commit due to both his grief and family history. I'm writing him loosely along the lines of comic Miguel's backstory: abusive (non-bio) dad, conchata's (his mum) behaviour towards that etc, etc - and how he's felt duty to take care of the people around him, and failed twice, in his eyes (his family, and then gabi).
it's more of a ploy to get reader riled up and potentially out of the house. I've attempted to set up that reader is very passive and avoidant, even when things go wrong around the house, so he is essentially escalating to see when she'll snap and react - bro is a scientist and is experimenting lmfao. the people he's faking sleeping around with he has slept with in the past / has a friendship with so they kinda go along with it cuz a) they think it's harmless and b) let him get away with it cuz he's had a rough few years. Reader is also an unreliable narrator: a lot of aggression and situations are exaggerated / perceived wrong; which also infuriates Miguel to no end, hence why he keeps escalating. this is still kind of insane, but it's a fic so who cares lmfao
I'm also trying to establish a reluctance to commit with reader due to last relationships - which us why they will (eventually) fall into a fwb situation. and then all the emotions and insecurity (on both ends) as y'all pretend the relationship is surface level.
anyways this is a long ass way to say people grieve in different ways, he hasn't really worked through his baggage, and it's affecting how he interacts with other people. I understand the emotional implications and there's no way in hell that I personally cld be with a straight up fuckboy - which is why I'm writing him more complicated than that.
thank you for the question anon and i hope this isn't too boring 😭
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punkeropercyjackson · 17 days
In general white queer Atsv fans seem to be under the impression the poc of the Spidercast have to basically be turned white personality and presentation wise to act queer which is very harmful at worst and really annoying at best.Sorry not sorry but Miles is never gonna have some Love,Simon shit going on with Hobie and he dosen't need a bi awakening considering that realistically he probably knows he's bi already by online things and extra not sorry but trans boy Miles is nothing like M.cu Peter who's the actual disgrace on the Spiderman legacy Miles haters think Miles is and if Miles needs a queer awakening by another Spiderperson,she'd be a trans girl egg that was cracked by Gwen and it makes way more sense than 'Hobie gives Miles his first gay panic' and i can't emphasize enough how much Punkflower is more like a lot of poc4poc m/f ships than they are any bland white gay ones and Miles dosen't even have to be transfem in the context for it to be accurate
Much like this,a significant amount of Ghostflower content has Miles acting white to make it conform to norms rather than a proper transmasc4transfem couple i.e existing completely outside of cisheteronormativity and Gwen is self-inserted into by certain people in the fandom who can't accept she's not a racist weirdo like them but a genuinely realistic and awesome trans girl who's good to the characters of color and that the jealousy scene was ooc and only existed to make Gwen look bad and screw over Margo even further and it's important to note she's never been mean to Margo nor expressed actual dislike of her as a person.Margo is magically not part of the poly Spiderband despite deadass being Miles' crush and when black queer women BUILT the lgbt community and Pavitr is basically had microaggressions thrown at him nonstop by feminizing him because white westerners don't know what actual positive masculinity instead of praising men for the bare minimum is or anything about indian culture that's not the chai joke
Spiderd*ds is so fucking gringocore and as a Peter B selfshipper since 2018 y'all've made it impossible to like the newer fan content of him and i feel so bad for Miguel because he dosen't even seem to like Peter B all that much seeing as their ONE scene was him being DIRECTLY annoyed by him and showing it unlike Margo and Gwen who don't have real beef but every fandom needs it's nonexistent in canon smut fest with racism injected into it ig.Jessica's canon trans in the comics but like Margo,y'all're no blacks and women dni in bio types
And Hobie.Good fucking GOD,white punks and white people with punk fetishises can't act right.Next mf to make a they/them Hobie joke is seeing stars,Prowlerp*nk is on my shitlist purely because Miles G is made into a violent tsundere by everybody who ships it and i never wanna hear about how the super darkskin black character should've been aroace instead of the center of romantic attention to BOTH mcs.Hobie is a black transsexual,not your papable lil trans gag character and the sweetest,gentlest person ever who's a consent king and that's right there in the text by his relathionship with Gwen and oh btw,yeah,they ARE dating and he has way more reasons to be into her than he does any white boys cause he stays having a thing for transfems and i'm giving major sideeye to black Gwen being nonexistent for multiple reasons too when it's so fitting and such a no brainer take
Point is:Be better.Stop acting like poc have to whitewash ourselves to be queer.You ain't slick
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valentine-writes · 10 months
hiii would love to see anything about miguel or spot!! if it’s not too much trouble!
in a good way.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, might be ooc, almost all fluff, ok maybe a little angst but nothing crazy, pining becuz im a sucker for the chase, they are Yearning 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099 and the spot/johnathan ohnn
author's note: I LOVE U ANON!! IT IZ NO TROUBLE AT ALL!! i hope these suffice,, plz 4give me if miguel's part is lackin just a bit!! im workin on writing him more accurately (*ノε`*) <3 and y'all ATE UPPP the hcs for the spot last time so,, i hope y'all end up liking these too!! (also psstt,, usually i take into acc reader's personality here but since nothing specifically was requested, i'll try to keep it vague! sorry if certain parts aren't what you'd like!!)
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MIGUEL O' HARA headcanons:
"i didn't know i was capable of being happy right now / but you showed me how"
▸ he's already lost,, a lot. this man is someone who had lost everything he had ever loved in pursuit of keeping it with him
so when he finds himself growing attached to you?? he feels like it's something he simply can't afford
he's doing everything to make sure he doesn't end up too attached, that you never get any closer to him
however– overtime, he finds that you are unavoidable. whether you're doing it on purpose or subconsciously, you always manage to pull him back to you.
just when he thought he had finally left you behind for good, you lure right him back in.
▸ i've seen a lotta hcs saying he's like,, smooth w/ it and stuff– BUT... part of me thinks that he doesn't have a clue about what to do with his feelings towards you
and he is far too prideful to ask for any sort of help or advice from anyone.
...so does it take an immense amount of time for him to even consider that it's okay to wanna be close to you? yes.
but he's weak for you. he knows it. part of him really, really doesn't want to be. but he is. and though he tries to convince himself it's not evident, it doesn't take a genius to realize it
▸ especially because miguel allows more to slide if it's you. this especially manifests in touching.
while miguel's not all "ew don't touch me" he doesn't really care for brief, friendly touches. this is different when it's you.
he might be speaking to you after a mission. while he talks, you're silently tracing the tips of his fingers with your own, observing his hands like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
"are you even listening to me?" he questions. there's a slight hint of irritation in his voice, his brow furrowing slightly. this expression of his softens almost immediately as you look up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"...your talons," you comment quietly, "they're retractable. that's cool."
he makes no effort to pull his hand away from yours. maybe he even secretly hopes you'll do it again sometime.
▸ miguel might be haunted by loving and losing from his past. but maybe loving you isn't such a bad thing. maybe it's a pain he's willing to endure. he'll try for you.
for you, it's worth it.
▸ OK GETTING LESS SERIOUS HERE. so i understand in atsv his fangs are retractable. but in the comics, it's noted that he tends to open his mouth very little when talking to conceal them.
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i love this first of all.
now, miguel's not necessarily insecure of his fangs or his teeth (which are slightly crooked because of the new growth of his sharpened canines) but i imagine that he finds it easier to just keep them hidden and avoid any questions.
if he has to explain he's not a vampire to someone again he'll genuinely explode
"morning, migs–" you greet casually. another sign of his lenience towards you– he lets you give him nicknames.
"morning." he mutters back, just barely audible to you
you blink at him, trying to process what he said. "huh?"
"i said, good morning." he repeats, still mumbling without much of a volume change.
"damn, okay, okay– what's with all the grumbling? something got you stressed?" you're aware your question is stupid. knowing miguel, who always finds something to stress about– even at 8:30 am
he shakes his head this time, much to your surprise.
"i'm not grumbling." miguel insists.
"sounds to me like you are."
("nuh uh"
"fym nuh uh–")
miguel– when not bossing people around– is out here, mumbling and grumbling in casual conversation
and you're the one who's trying to remind him to speak up.
▸ no matter what relationship you're in– friendship, queerplatonic, romantic, whatever– he's generally a bit more reserved about it.
he sees it like this: if you two are close, why would it be anyone else's business?
however a certain holographic companion and her big mouth (which i wanna kiss oh so sweetly i heart lyla) ends up making a little joke about you two in front of a few other spider-people
lyla's casual abt it– saying sumn like, "don't mind him, he's being grumpy because his favourite isn't around."
name-drops you before miguel can tell her to shut up– and everyone's like "?!?!?!"
and the word SPREADS
▸ but like. is it really too much of a surprise? more than often, he finds himself trying to check up on you to see how you're doing.
"just making sure you're fine." is his weak little excuse just to see your face and hear your voice again.
when something is just mildly wrong though... he's the type to scold while taking care of it.
"i'm fine," you shrug, trying to rub some warmth into your arms, "just a little cold."
"i told you to bring a sweater." he groans, looking around for his.
those seemed to be miguel's favourite words sometimes: "i told you."
"i know..." you mumble sheepishly, staring at your shoes.
before you can say anything else, he drapes his sweater over your shoulders. "next time, i'm letting you freeze."
you look up at him with a little smile, mouthing a quiet "thank you" to him.
(there is no next time. he lets you keep the sweater.)
▸ ok one last headcanon cuz im obsessed w/ the little details abt this man. so. canonically (and i love this) HE DOESNT HAVE SPIDER-SENSES LIKE MOST SPIDER-PEOPLE.
instead, he has elevated super-human hearing and vision. but– (if you're like me) when this information is revealed to you,,, the immediate thought is to mess w/ him as much as possible.
trying to sneak up on him and startle him has become a common game between the two of you– so much so, that he's almost expecting you to be around every corner he passes if he hasn't seen you in a while.
he catches you before you get the chance on occasion. you forget to hold your breath and he hears you. your heart is beating hard, out of the sheer adrenaline rush of hiding and he picks it up. maybe you didn't notice that you're not fully concealed.
each time, he'll sigh exasperatedly and pull you out of your hiding spot.
"you think you're so funny." his grip is still on you, and though most would read his expression as annoyed– you catch the slight glimmer of amusement in his eyes. you're just lucky he finds your antics endearing.
on the chance you do manage to genuinely catch him off guard, he curses loudly, immediately going on defence mode
"shocking hell," he groans, upon seeing it's just you, "i was going to web you to the wall."
miguel probably does accidentally web you at some point. "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" he'd say.
(he might act like you're a complete headache sometimes- but ur his headache <3)
"you make me wanna cry in a good way"
▸ he finds an excuse to talk to you always. (SINCE WHEN DID "I WANNA HEAR YOUR VOICE" NOT BECOME A GOOD EXCUSE) calling you up, messaging you– if you give him permission, he'll ramble a ton to you. about physics, the multiverse– anything he's passionate about.
it means the world to him if you ask him questions about it, actively engage in the conversation, or even just showing that your listening by welcoming his endless chatter. he even tries to impress you with his knowledge. he wants to be perceived as cool in your eyes so bad. craves admiration,, or at least appreciation. and nothing makes him feel more admired than you listening to him talk.
but he's obviously not tryin' to talk your ear off and bore you to death. he wants to hear your voice too– and takes genuine interest whenever you decide to ramble back with whatever's been in your head recently– maybe it's something you find particularly interesting, a piece of media you really like, something you're passionate about– he'll pay attention and listen to every word.
you get a turn and he gets a turn! ´͈ ᵕ `͈
if you happen to share a common interest– whether it's because you got him into it, he got you into it, or you both just liked it in the first place– the back and forth about said topic will be as endless as you want it to be
▸ the type of guy to bump into you constantly while you walk with him (is this also a habit of mine? we'll never know...) and it is PURELY unintentional. he can't walk in a straight line to save his life
he's walking with you casually, and all of a sudden, his shoulder will crash into yours, nearly knocking you off balance
he fumbles over his words a moment, reaching out his arms to catch you– and he manages to break your fall. he regards this as a very smooth move on his end, in spite of the fact he was the cause of you nearly eating pavement
"sorry! i'm so sorry– are you okay? i mean, yeah, you probably are. i caught you. you're welcome–"
"my hero." you reply, with a playful roll of your eyes, giving him a light smack on his arm (earning a little "ow" and a nervous chuckle from him) as you restabilize yourself.
▸speaking on his little “ow haha” moment… headcanon that even though he’s not really all that sensitive, he reacts like he is. the type of guy to say “ow” at every minor discomfort.
he has a mild headache? actually his brain is melting inside his skull and he needs to whine about it. he has a cold? he’s literally dying. when he’s comfortable with you, he’s comfortable enough to complain– even about trivial things
he's well aware it's not actually the end of the world. he's just silly enough to act like it is. very reactive fella :>
totally the type to exaggerate just to see you react,, he thinkz itz funny–
"oww,," he whines, rubbing his arm where you'd just given him a light punch, "you're so mean to me."
you try to stifle a laugh. "man, c'mon. i didn't even hit you that hard."
"it's gonna bruise :((("
"can you even bruise in uh..." you trail off, staring at the his post-collider incident body, white and spotted with black portals "...your state?"
"ok now that actually hurt."
▸ he's more selfless with you. ohnn often finds himself wanting to do anything in his power to make you happy. anything for you. anything.
may be just a teeny bit insane about the way he carries this out, but it's mostly innocent and sweet gestures
like, if you casually mention wanting something, he'll 100% dimension hop just to bring it back to you.
and while you know that he's probably stolen it,,, you can't find it in yourself to blame him. he's got the purest of intentions. his demeanor changes from nervous and awkward to proud, as he presents you with the thing you were just talking about a few days ago.
“no way, dude!” your eyes light up, taking the bag of candy (or whatever you like if you're not a big fan of sweets) he just presented you with, “i haven’t had these in ages-  i swore this was discontinued, though. where'd you get them?”
“i have my ways.” you can hear the dorky grin in his voice.
he loved watching your face light up in excitement over even the simplest of gifts.
▸ feels like he's holding you back sometimes. he's well aware that his situation means that you two can’t really be in the public eye. it hurts him to think you could be living a completely normal life if he was just never in that stupid collider… or if he let you go, so you could find someone else
he’d never break up with you though. he feels too selfishly about you– if you’re gone from his life, who else could love him the way you do?
sometimes, these thoughts and worries keep him up at night. expect late night conversations, his face buried in your shoulder as he holds you tight, as if he’s scared you’re going to slip away if he lets go.
there are nights where he has a hard time believing you really wanna live like this.
“hey…” you whisper, pulling away slightly so you can look at him. you gently grab onto his jaw, tilting his chin up so he meets your gaze.
his entire frame is trembling, leaning into your touch. he doesn’t speak.
“you know you’re irreplaceable to me, right?”
he melts at the tenderness of your voice, the patience you have with him. he pulls you in just a little tighter. your comfort never fails him.
▸ TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MAN IS 100% FOR YOUU. on your side. always.
someone was mean to you? they're an asshole and he hates them.
someone was condescending towards you? they're an idiot and they've got no clue who they're talking to.
but if someone dares to bother you beyond just making you mildly irritated and/or upset– if someone makes you cry?
DAWGGG,, ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE. nevermind if you insist you're fine or that you can deal with it yourself. he's asking for full names, addresses, details– he's revenge motivated. anything for you.
▸ ok moving onto normal fluff for the last bit (ノ)'ω`(ヾ)
corny. corny. corny.
he's incredibly endearing with his earnesty as he tries to expresses his adoration for you... but also very cheesy and dorky when it comes to showing you affection.
it's sickeningly sweet, the way he stammers over every compliment, trying to explain how much he loves every bit of you.
giving him a genuine compliment back to shut him up has him nearly fainting.
johnathan likes getting verbal reassurance and praise,, but he's much better at showing his affection via physical touch– of course, only if you don't mind. doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable!!
but if you're comfy, he ends up craving physical affection as well– i talked abt this in these headcanons but IM BRINGING IT UP AGAIN AS PART OF TOUCHSTARVED JOHNATHAN NATION.
one day, you're leaning into his side sitting close to him on your couch. your cheek rests against his shoulder while your fingers are gently tracing his arm up and down, brushing against his skin with a feather-light touch, absentmindedly. he squirms a little beneath your touch, the room being too quiet for his liking.
"so... what are you doing?" he asks, glancing over at you.
"guess." you reply, not looking up.
you're tracing... something. he can't seem to get why though.
"oh uh- okay." he thinks for a moment, a bit puzzled. after a second, he perks up, piecing it together slowly in his head.
"are you tracing a letter?" johnathan asks curiously.
you nod silently.
"okay, okay– uh... L?"
another nod.
nodding again, there's a small smile on your face.
"V? ...oh–" he chuckles slightly, now understanding what you were spelling.
he's amused at your strange way of affection. guess he isn't the only one capable of being sappy.
you laugh softly, finally tracing an E on the skin of his forearm, followed by a U and a little heart <3
"you could've just told me, y'know." in spite of his words, he knows that he likes this. you and your silly ways of showing that you care. the ways you tell him that he's cherished.
you huff, giving him a light smack on his arm. "you're no fun." your eyeroll does little to conceal the grin growing on your face.
he flinches from the playful hit. "owww..."
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neonbrutalism · 9 months
90's comics Miguel is great, but you know another amazing depiction of Miguel? Edge of Time Miguel. He's such a bitch (affectionate) in that game (and so is Peter, too, they're iconic and insufferable together lol), but it's also super fascinating in that game how even though he argues for one thing, he's VERY quick to jump into viciously caring.
Spoilers in case anyone hasn't played and/or watched a playthrough, but for the first half of the game he's constantly arguing with Peter about how useless it is to go after Brock and that it's gonna get him killed, and Peter snipes back about how he doesn't care because he is concerned about Eddie suddenly going rogue again and he wants to help him! And then when it's looking like Peter really isn't gonna make it Miguel changes tune so fast "Where'd your never say die attitude go?! You can't give up!" And he sounds so desperate and he cares so much.
And then the second half he's arguing about intervening with the history that says MJ dies, and Peter snaps at him again then begs him to save MJ. And he agrees to do it! And as this race against the clock starts he gets increasingly more fervent to save MJ in time that once he does by the skin of his teeth his relief is so palpable and genuine. And when MJ thanks him he's flustered and pleased and he's a little goofy too!
And the end credits where Peter finally makes him follow through on his threats to spend hours explaining quantum causality to him— he's such a nerd and it's just a really good parallel to the version of him in the 90's comics and I really wish more people could grasp his character like that. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk lol
Why do you think Miguel gets into being Miles' mentor so fast? He talks a big Cool Guy game but he's a total dork and i love him SO MUCH i have the cutscene/gameplay videos on my phone to watch when I'm on my way home from work and need to get into a writing mood.
I bought the Hot Toys Spider-Man 2099 based on his outfit in that!!!
If you won't read the comics .... watch the Edge of Time Let's Play :D the player is really bad at it but I just love it Miguel's such a doofus he gives me cuteness aggression.
My one quibble is Miguel doesn't have an attack to bite anyone and his claws are on his fingernails.
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calculatorguitar · 1 year
so I just watched across the spider-verse for the second time (woohoo!) and I would just like to list some things that I noticed/loved about this movie!
- During the gorgeously animated Spot sequence (the first one in black and white), when the Spot is explaining to Miles that his spider came from univere 42, we can see a kid with two braids in a classroom. It’s very likely that this is the Miles we saw later on in the movie.
- Gwen’s whole world! ugh it’s just visually stunning! The way the background also factors i the emotions at play quite literally reduced me to tears. Muah muah chef’s kiss!
- I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how Miguel is different from other spider-people and I would jus like to add my two cents. Miguel IS Spider-man, but he became him in such a different way to the others. This is why he basically has to inject the spider venom (?) into himself. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the spider sense either? In the scene where he, Gwen and Jess are fighting against the Leonardo Da Vinci Vulture, Miguel is just standing there, preaching to Gwen, while the Vulture is LITERALLY STANDING RIGHT THERE??? RIGHT BEHIND HIM??? Gwen just... doesn’t alert him about it and instead makes it a quippy joke, but it seems to me like he either doesn’t have a spider sense (a pretty significant part of being a spider-person) or it just decided not to work at that moment. Also interesting about Miguel is that his trauma has skewed his view so much that he is barely even recognisable as a Spider-man anymore. For example: he makes a giant mistake resulting in a whole universe being wiped out. Teenager unknowingly makes a mistake that could have the same result if not handled correctly. Now. How would your average run-of-the-mill Spider-man handle this? You know how he would NOT usually handle it? By BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF SAID TEENAGER AT MULTIPLE DIFFERENT POINTS IN TIME. Miguel also genuinely believes that there’s a certain structure to being Spider-man. There’s certain trauma-checkpoints you have to hit in order to be Spider-man. That’s... I don’t even know what to say except that that’s really messed up. The scene where he just CAGES Miles, presumably to wait there until his dad died? That’s not how you should go about any of this!!! I mean I shouldn’t even have to say that. It’s HOW you wear the mask that matters. 
- Okay enough about Miguel (didn’t know I had that much to say about him tbh). The characters in this movie were extremely strong! The ones we got to meet all had a clear, discernible personalities. I am definitely not immunce to the comic relief characters and I have gained new favourite characters in Hobie and Pavitr (like p much everyone else lol)
- Miles. Miles I’m so. Wow. He’s not eve real but I’m so proud of him. I nearly bawled when he tried to “come out” as Spider-man, while I had already figured out that he was in the wrong universe. Just. God. This poor boy. He was lierally going to study quantum physics so he could see his friends again only to find out that they had the chance to do exactly that this whole time and just chose not to. It was a gutpunch when it was revealed they knew that his dad was going to die this whole time. My heart was audibly beating for him the entire last 50 minutes of the movie, that’s how anxious it all made me.
I have so much more to say about all of it, but this post is already the longest I’ve ever made so I’m just gonna cut it short for now. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on this! This is just what I got from the movie, but I’m sire I could have misinterpreted some thing, so please do tell me what you all think!
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
Reader being all sweet and really good with kids is a popular trope, but what about her having no idea how to interact with kids? She's still nice, but just awkward. Maybe Miggy seeing her trying her best, but awkwardly trying to play with younger cousins or nieces and nephews.
i hate yet love kids :,) i’m only saying this because i’m the oldest first daughter and basically raised my younger brothers 🕴🏽
miguel o’hara x sweet bubbly awkward! reader
~pure fluff
despite your best intentions, you found yourself in unfamiliar territory when it came to interacting with children. you possessed a heart full of kindness, but when faced with younger cousins or nieces and nephews, your interactions inevitably became filled with awkwardness.
during family gatherings, you would make valiant attempts to connect with the young ones, but your efforts often led to amusing and endearing moments. you’d find yourself unsure of what games to play or how to engage their attention, resulting in you resorting to the most unusual tactics.
in one instance, miguel watched as you attempted to entertain a group of young cousins, your attempts both innocent and enthusiastic. you tried to initiate a game of tag but ended up tripping over your own feet, sending the youngsters into fits of giggles. it didn't deter you, though, as you eagerly joined in on the laughter, showcasing your resilience and good-natured spirit.
another time, you attempted to demonstrate your artistic skills, armed with coloring books and a box of crayons. however , your drawings resembled abstract masterpieces rather than the recognizable characters the children were accustomed to. yet, they appreciated your efforts nonetheless, eagerly accepting your vibrant creations with gratitude.
miggy looked on, thoroughly amused by your earnest yet goofy attempts at bonding with the young ones. he admired you for your determination to connect despite your lack of experience with children. the way you wholeheartedly threw yourself into the situations, embracing your awkwardness with an endearing charm, only made his affection for you grow stronger.
after each interaction, you would approach miguel, a mix of embarrassment and amusement evident on your face. "i don't know what i’m doing," you confessed, your voice laced with self-deprecating humor. "but i can't help but try my best."
miguel grinned, enveloping you in a reassuring hug. "that’s what makes you even more amazing, querida. you may feel awkward, but your genuine effort and kindness shine through. the children adore you, and so do i."
you both would laugh at the comical situations and cherish the moments of connection, no matter how awkward or unconventional. it was a reminder that love and care transcend any discomfort, and that acceptance and understanding go hand in hand with genuine affection.
as time went on, your interactions with the children grew less awkward, though your unique charm remained. you may not have had the textbook knowledge on how to interact with kids, but your heart was always in the right place, making you a beloved figure in the lives of the younger family members. miguel would always admire that, and, he can’t help but imagine how good of a parent you’d be to both of your future children.
tags 🏷️: @kairiscorner @sabcandoit @meeom @emiemiemiii
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 year
Also I'm just obsessed with how Miles brings hope and optimism into the room. Like-
In the first movie, we see Peter have that revelation that led to Mayday. He puts his hand on Miles shoulder, says "I love you, I'm so proud of you!" And then pauses before adding "Do I want kids?" And then we get confirmation in ATSV, where he finally says it.
The whole reason Peter and MJ split was because "She wanted kids and it scared me." But then after meeting Miles, Peter takes that leap to do what his comics counterpart never can.
And then Gwen. She says "I missed you too" when going through Miles' sketchbook, but if you think about it for a sec, you realize that's not just a one-off line. Not only is it key to the plot that she visit Miles, but she clearly did so because she missed him, potentially much more than even he did her. So she went to his Earth and, despite orders, couldn't handle being that close to her friend without seeing him.
And we get to see how she lights up and thoroughly enjoys herself around him. Truly, genuinely, laughing and smiling despite what we saw of her story.
Then there's the rest of the ITSV team, breaking orders against Miguel to save and help their friend, despite what may happen.
Plus two STRANGERS who have 1 maybe 2 conversations with him.
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