#i fucking love jigen so much
ctrl-lupin · 2 years
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Lupin faked his death for ten seconds
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elliottjpg · 7 months
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I'm rewatching The Woman Called Fujiko Mine; this is my take on Lupin and Jigen's relationship from episode 8 onward 💕
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pavlien · 8 months
p3 is the best purely based on color scheme sorry i dont make the rules
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roboraindrop · 2 years
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
I am absolutely positively irreconcilably LOSING MY MIND over what this:
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(also... omg they're so cute here in their teeny tiny car)
is doing thematically when put up against:
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the WEIGHT. the WEIGHT added to all of that when you realize that Lupin CHOSE to be Lupin the Third, and the first thing he chose as Lupin the Third was Jigen (Jigen's HEART, something a teen/tween Jigen seems ready to already half-believe doesn't even exist anymore fhsdfjka). recognizing something fundamental of himself in Jigen was what made him choose to be Lupin as we've known him all this time -- that one moment of connection, of true resonance, of 'whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same (utterly unhinged)'... after all his dad and grandpa each did to try to shape him in their image, that one moment of honesty from Jigen was what made him decide to be himself. and keep choosing that. for the rest of his life. he said 'fuck it, it IS a story, it's MY story, and I want my story to be with you if you want to come along for the ride'.
(and then from Jigen's side -- he's been pulling back from Lupin again and again in Zero under the reasoning that he's a bad influence, that he'll tarnish his life eventually because he's got something indelibly stained and broken about him already that he doesn't want to get all over Lupin as well, you sort of get the feeling that admitting how fighting a worthy opponent gives him a rush like nothing else was half meant as something to push Lupin away for good... and then to see Lupin just come to life because of it instead!! Lupin walks right past his gun and his skills and puts his hand on his chest and says 'no, this is the part that matters, this is what I want, the rest is just a fancy trinket', after pretty much every person we've seen Jigen interacting with thus far has only been interested in what he can do for them, as if he were nothing more than the gun. I mean. what was he supposed to do, not fall desperately and fathomlessly in love with this dude for the rest of his life??? unrealistic honestly he had no choice at that point. and despite all his fears Jigen goes on to be the one most stable and steady presence in Lupin's life, protective rather than corruptive. what a fucking relief that must be honestly, that not only did he not hurt Lupin by allowing himself to be closer to him, he helped him discover something wonderful -- with all his sharp edges he brought him joy instead of blood, and Lupin takes him along on that joy right through their lives, all the way up, through Part 5 and beyond. what the fuck. help. there aren't enough italics in the world to express what I feel here)
I thought I couldn't love this part 5 scene more than I already did but oh my god they've retroactively put in place the setup it's the payoff for and now I'm on my knees
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eva-of-the-sea · 3 months
Y'all ever notice that Fujiko receives a disproportionate amount of hate in the fandom? I'm sure it's something we've all seen, especially if you're a fan of her, but I don't really see it discussed.
I'm bringing it up now because for the past couple of months, I keep running into new fans that are very vocal about disliking her. And while I understand that everyone has their preferences, the reasons they give for why they hate her bother me the most:
"She's a bitch, she's so awful to the poor guys and especially to Lupin."
"She's a slut. She's constantly using her body to get what she wants."
"She betrays the gang so much it's annoying how she always does the same thing."
"It's the writers' fault for making her so unlikable."
While I partially understand one of these points, some of these other ones confuse me.
Fujiko is a character that looks out for herself. She goes into every heist with the thought of "what can I get out of this?" And despite this, she's been shown many times to care about all of the gang. Yes, even in part 2 where folks usually base their hatred of her off of. This is because she is a multifaceted character that isn't just driven by a single motivation.
"But Jigen and Goemon hate her!"
Do they? Because while they do get mad at her shenanigans, we also see them going out of their way to protect her and comfort her. Hell, Fujigoe is a common canon occurrence! Do you really think Goemon would be dating her if he didn't like her? Or that Jigen would be pushing her out of the way of bullets or shielding her with his body if he didn't care about her? Being mad or annoyed with someone's actions aren't the same as hatred. No one ever points out how they get mad at Lupin, and I'd argue that happens more often!
And on the point of her being a slut...where? I'm genuinely confused with this one. Fujiko does use her beauty and charms both to manipulate rich men into giving her treasure and to get out of dangerous situations. That's kind of the point of her being a femme fatale. But how often does she sleep with the people she manipulates? Most instances I can think of, she knocks them out when she gets that far. In fact, I would argue she doesn't seem to be that interested in having sex at all. Do they count her flirting as being slutty? If so, c'mon. And even if she did sleep with her targets, why would this be a bad thing? Are women characters not allowed to have sex? And again, how come Lupin doesn't get the third degree for HIS sluttiness. In fact, I see people joke about it and celebrate it if anything.
On the point of her betraying gang, yeah it is very one-note and does get old. You know what else is very one-note? Literally the actions of every other character in the show. I don't see people complaining about Zenigata chasing the gang getting old. Or about Lupin flirting with every woman he sees. Or about Jigen and Goemon using the same weapons in the same way to get out of every situation. Y'know, maybe this is just a repetitive show! And tbh, the writing lately has been shaken up. The modern series doesn't really have Fujiko betray the gang much anymore. She's either off doing her own thing or she's working with the gang as a member of the team. A lot of people complain about parts 4-6, but I think this is one of the elements it does right.
And finally, on the note of "poor Lupin", I think this one pisses me off the most lol. The fuck y'all mean "poor Lupin"?? I think fans either forget or don't realize that Lupin is a pretty smart guy. He knows Fujiko is most likely going to betray him if he does something for her, the bastard LIKES IT. This is foreplay for both of them. In case you haven't noticed yet, both of them are kind of freaks lol. There's a reason that most of the time, Jigen and Goemon are mad at HIM. Lupin is not a poor sweet baby that needs protection from Fujiko. He specifically loves the chase, the constant push and pull of their relationship. She's an exciting challenge for him, he's a stable home for her.
While I agree that Fujiko has not always been written great in the past, and I'm sure a lot of that was due to misogyny, I think fans need to reevaluate why they criticize her more harshly than the rest of the gang. There's a lot of things she's done that the fandom deems unforgivable, yet the boys have done some of the same stuff without so much as a slap on the wrist. Lupin constantly puts them all in unnecessary danger. Jigen has made some really unsavory comments about women. Goemon has betrayed the gang more than once. And I don't see nearly enough discussion about how Lupin really used to push himself on Fujiko, to the point of it being uncomfortable sometimes. Like damn I'd sell his ass out too😬.
I think it all boils down to Fujiko being a woman. And as a woman, she has to work harder to please the fans. If she's too nice, then she doesn't really have a personality or a reason for anyone to like her. If she's too selfish, she's a mean bitch and everyone should hate her. What if people saw her as a character first? Because no she's not a good person, but neither are the rest of the gang. Their morals are all on a sliding scale of what works best for the plot. But damn she's a great character. She stands out on her own and really makes you remember her. She's so much more than "the girl" character, and I'm so grateful for that. I hope more fans come to this conclusion too.
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
I was genuinely looking forward to Lupin vs Holmes in part 6, but what a disappointment it was. Actually, disappointment is too weak a word. In my opinion, it was pretty much a disaster.
There were so many reasons to be hyped for that crossover. You've got Holmes, the greatest detective of his time, and Lupin, the greatest thief of his. They're both canny, eccentric, and always a step ahead of everyone else. They're also both independent and live by their own set of morals. Holmes picks which cases he'll take without concern for money, and lets people go even if they're guilty if his own convictions say they don't deserve punishment. Lupin always does what he wants, doesn't let himself get pushed around, and enjoys wreaking havoc among inhumane criminals just as much as he enjoys flouting the law.
They're even perfectly matched in the ways they're different. I was open to them either liking or disliking each other (though I feel convinced they'd definitely have respect for each other), because I can see either take making sense. Holmes is calculations with a pinch of chaos, Lupin is chaos with a measured dash of calculation. Holmes eschews relationships aside from a very few - Lupin enjoys social interaction (but prioritizes just a few). Holmes is functionally asexual. Lupin is never not horny.
Even the supporting cast was so promising! To tell the truth, from watching previous seasons I didn't really think the rest of the Lupin gang or Watson would have much to do. But I hoped they would because there was so much potential.
I mean Jigen and Watson are both war veterans in their own way. It's not the best comparison (Watson was a doctor, and got shot almost immediately... but he is also a "man of action" and does have a lot of fight and pluck, even if he's not going to be a match for Jigen in terms of marksmanship). And they're the right hand men of two pretty difficult geniuses... couldn't they spend a moment commiserating lmao.
It could have been awesome to see Fujiko interact with Holmes because her usual tricks wouldn't work on him. I admit it isn't unlikely the show would have been like "Ahh, but this time they do work on him, just like Irene Adler!" and totally ignored that book!Irene impressed Holmes with her wiliness and not her sexiness... But I'm talking about my fantasy here. And in my fantasy, Holmes would have had a similar reaction to Fujiko's manipulation and acting skills similar to how he did with Irene. It would have been pretty cool to see Fujiko interact with a man who was NOT into her, but was just as smart and brave and perhaps wiser than Lupin.
Even Goemon would have had something to do. He could have had a super cool kenjutsu vs baritsu ("what even is that?") battle with Holmes. Extra points if Goemon walks away saying "I respect the skill of that fellow warrior, even if he can't spell his own martial art correctly."
And of course Lestrade and Zenigata's shenanigans at Scotland Yard are a nobrainer. But serious bonus points if they both pine away with equal envy and admiration for their respective smart ass thorns in the side hahahahahahaha.
I mean. There was SO MUCH there. How, HOW do you mess that up???
(Answer: By knowing absolutely nothing about Sherlock Holmes to begin with and basing everything on your memories of inaccurate movies from fifty years ago x'D)
So instead we got: perpetually sad, somber Sherlock Holmes, who isn't working the job that he literally loves anymore in favor of looking miserable a lot and raising a child. And the child is Watson's kid, who Watson can't raise because he's fucking DEAD, and mom can't raise because SHE'S dead (just say Holmes is her mom. Come on. We're in the future. Just say it). Also Watson is dead because Lestrade killed him like WHAT. Of all the twists they could have gone one, they definitely surprised me with that one. Was it a fun surprise though? ... No, no it wasn't.
Add to that the extremely dull characterizations of everyone, the heavy reliance on the danger to a little girl who isn't even a canonical character but is very cute, and the slow, slow pace of the episodes... What a mess. It was memorable, sure, but for the wrong reasons.
Like the only thing I can think of that I didn't hate about the whole arc was Lily taking her first steps as Holmes's assistant at the very end. Fine, that's adorable, and makes me feel ever so slightly better about Watson being dead. And I'm desperate for something to like here so let's go with it.
("It's not really Sherlock Holmes anyway because of the generational difference, it's his great grandson who has his exact same name and job! Same with Watson and Lestrade and sexy Mrs Hudson and and and-" I'm gonna stop you right there we all know it's Holmes. Whatever excuses they make, no matter how they have to bend time and physics to make it happen, it is Holmes Prime in every way that matters lol.)
A melancholy sigh for the Coolest Crossover Ever That Wasn't. As a Lupin fan and a Sherlock Holmes fan, I'll regret it till the day I die.
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catchyhuh · 2 months
rainy days
this started as “what do i think they’d each grab to keep dry” and then that morphed into why would that be entertaining by itself. get into it get into opinions and and shit of whether or not somebody likes rain. so here we aaaare!
lupin the third is an unstoppable, insane, hardened criminal. no he doesn’t need something to cover himself from the rain. bwuuhhh but its really cold now that he’s here and he can already feel himself getting sniffly from the air pressure and he would heal up if only he had somebody waaarrmmm and cozyyyyy and maybe only partially clooooothed,
it’s not like it BOTHERS him bothers him, but he’s not big on rain, or snow for that matter. if nothing’s going on, it’s fine, no biggie, but precipitation fucks with plans dude, and if you need to weigh down the back of the car to keep it less likely to hydroplane YOU’RE GONNA WANNA KNOW THAT AHEAD OF TIME!!
he usually spends rainy days, uh, kind of the same as he always does when he’s just got a day inside the hideout, y’know? just hanging out, doing whatever. the weather doesn’t really affect his energy too much, and he’s not looking out windows too much unless he’s expecting something/has a reason to be suspicious, sooo. just another day!
well. he. already has a hat on. but aside from that, if it’s REALLY pouring down miserable, he’ll just tuck his arms out of his jacket and lift it over his head. just as good!
jigen isn’t big on rain. i mean it’s not like he bothers getting MAD over it, it’s-- it’s rain. he can’t do anything about it either way man but if you asked him “would you rather go out on a sunny day or a rainy day” he’d be like. sun’s too bright rain’s too wet. cloudy for me man. and what are you gonna do? argue the man?
jigen very much falls victim to the “it’s raining really hard outside and i bet a nap would be baller right now” phenomenon, but that’s not too unique considering that if he’s comfortable enough he can nap damn near anywhere. can he SLEEP easily? no, but he can nap like nobody’s business. just only for 30 minute increments. no wonder he’s always so cranky
an. umbrella? do none of the rest of you have an umbrella. christ. is this a rocky horror showing or something
it’s amazing how nothing rain becomes to you when you simply REMEMBER TO BRING AN UMBRELLA. 90% of shit she does happens indoors anyways, really the only time this would be a point of contention is during the walk from the car to the building. simple as. really, the only reason she has any opinion on it at all is because people tend to be crabbier during bad weather, and that’s annoying, which makes HER crabbyIT’S A WHOLE CYCLE! and since we’re talking about cars fucking NOBODY knows how to drive in the rain and that’s annoying enough riding in a 4 wheeled 2500 pound tank, but on a MOTORCYCLE?? she’d be safer just walking into traffic
if fujiko has plans and it gets rainy, whatever, she’s doing her plans. if she doesn’t? ehh. maybe she’ll just spend a day inside watching movies or whatever. she’s not usually a big tv person, but she likes picking up on trends and patterns throughout eras of entertainment. one time there was a storm for a weekend and fujiko came back telling the others exactly what year the transatlantic accent had been completely wiped from movies
it’s just rain you pussies why are you afraid of it?? you gonna melt or something? why would you need anything covering your head oh god wait it’s hailing too oww oof oof owuch ouch
if you asked he’d be like “it’s just nature running its course. what opinion is there to have” but deep down he. really likes the rain IT’S JUST NICE! got a good smell, it’s pretty to watch the drops slide down leaves and window panes and everything else, it just makes everything outside feel a bit naturally cleaner. fresher! he loves rain. he was probably the kid who gasped and ran outside to play in it when he was little
goemon makes it a point to be outside, as you likely imagined, knowing him. you know when you get in the shower and turn the water pressure up and it feels nice on your back. it’s like a simpler version of that. feel the rain on your skin. in the summer this isn’t a big deal but as they get into fall and especially winter, the others are more and more resistant to letting goemon turn himself into a samuraicicle
just. whatever is nearby. sure he has that hat, but he doesn’t want his HAT getting soaked either! coat over the head, umbrella, his fucking hands if he’s movin quick enough, a newspaper! this IS rocky horror now
like a lot of things it depends on how his mood was already. if he’s in an okay mood, okay, no biggie, we’ll just quickly get outta the rain and carry about business as usual. if he’s in a bad mood the rain just. saps everything outta him. he’s sighing really big and slumping against the wall watching it come down. drama queen
again, dependent on mood, but oddly enough, rain usually gives him energy. you would think it would knock him out cold but something about it, something about the way OTHER people react to it, makes him twice as efficient! maybe its the fact most normal people are staying inside and not doing anything for the day, maybe its the implication that he has to stay in one spot because of it and that forces him to work with what he’s given, WHO KNOWS!! he gets too many ideas in the rain. the gang better fucking watch out if there’s a real downpour happening
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nanowired-lover · 7 months
LUPIN III's Pokemon Teams
Okay, I'm having thoughts about Lupin III and Pokémon, so I tried to make some Pokémon teams / lore with my sweet Pokémon nerd girlfriend.
There are probably a few Pokémon lore mistakes bc I tried to synthesize and my gf knows more than me, plus probably a few mistranslations since I mostly know Pokémon in french, but bear with me !
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Aipom : It's just. It's just Lupin. There are a LOT MORE monkey Pokémons than I thought, but Aipom matches the most. It's his best friend. He probably got him a matching suit because it's cute and fun and Aipom loves this.
Even if Gholdengo has been here the longest time because he inherited it, Aipom was his first real pokemon. He just found it as a kid and they became friends because they “recognized” each other, to his father dismay.
Klefti : The whole escape thing. I hesitated to give it to Zenigata, bc of the whole prison cell vibes, but I loved the more whimsical idea of Lupin having the key to every door : his Klefti.
He got it during his heists ! The lil thing probably followed him around after an adventure because it helped Lupin escapes, and Arsène just took it in since he got attached. (I also just really like that pokemon)
Gholdengo : It's a treasure pokemon really. It's made of gold and it looks silly. Fujiko probably tried to steal it from him sometimes until at one point where Lupin got genuinely upset about it, much to her surprise, and she stopped. She still makes jokes about it, but Lupin knows it's jokes. It was there before Aipom, so it's more like an old friend.
Lupin probably inherited from his grandpa of Gimmighoul and got attached to it, and later in life, as he started to travel, tried to find others to have a Gholdengo. And he did it :) He was so happy when it was finally evolving, because it meant that his friend grew up with him, and he did better with it than his grandpa.
NOT PICTURED HERE : Lupin is linked to Ho oh. He's a lucky bastard and the main character. Ho oh probably saved him in situation where Lupin's intelligence and talent couldn't save him anymore (think the scene at the end of Lupin III : The First where he could've died in the Eclipse explosion). There's a strong mutual respect between them, but Lupin, being silly, want to pet the bird, which get him to get pecked in the hair for being annoying. Ho oh never stays but look after him.
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(I have no/less lore for his team but anyway)
Clawitzer : AKA a shrimp with guns. Its name in French is literally Gamblast. It's the first pokemon that came in my mind when I was thinking guns. Probably his first pokemon he caught with Lupin. I just pictured young Lupin being like "CATCH IT. IT'S LIKE YOU FR" "BUT I DON'T HAVE A POKEMON" "OKAY I'LL FIGHT IT FOR U" "WHAT."
Honchkrow : Jigen Pokemon sona ? /j No but really, it's the hat and the chest looking like a beard and the color palette that made me think of Jigen. The thing is probably as grumpy as he is, but like Jigen, actually a fucking softy. Jigen passed out in its feathers multiple times because it's so good. Hug a big bird, I beg you, it's so warm.
Lycanroc : Listen. If you know me irl, you know that I'm insane about the allegories and metaphors about wolves / wild dogs. I love people writing Jigen like an old feral dog, so loyal and so angry, like. Gah. So of course I had to give him a wolf/dog pokemon. What's better than literally a Lycanroc. He probably met it when they were staying in Alola for a heist, a night he couldn't sleep and just. Stared at each other. A weird recognition happening.
Lupin probably found him multiple times, treating that edgy looking dog like a good lil doggy when none is looking, bc that's what both Jigen and Lycanroc deserve. He loves it and took pictures because it's adorable.
NOT PICTURED HERE : we had a thought with Micka (my gf) how he was linked to Raikou. It's mostly because Lupin is linked to Ho oh, and I'm sorry, but I don't know the lore enough to really explain it, I just believe my wife. But they probably don't really get along, in a funny way. We had a whole scene where they were yelling at each others, Raikou roaring and at one point Jigen roaring back, Lupin wanted to interrupt bc what the fuck Jigen, and Jigen just "roared" at him, making him jump LMFAO. Jigen then disappeared in his hat of shame because yes indeed, what the fuck Jigen. (Raikou was pleased)
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(okay, not too much lore either, I think. But I wanted a team that was Combat and/or Dragon based for Goe)
Magikarp : *sigggggh* Listen… I was going to give him Gyarados, but I had a laughing fit about him finding a Magikarp and getting weirdly attached to it. It's the only pokemon he keeps in a pretty and high quality pokeball bc he wants to keep it safe. He loves his weird pathetic red fish but gets quickly flustered and embarrassed when someone noticed that it's his fav baby. He tries to train it to become a Gyarados, bc Magikarp wants to be a Gyarados (and make papa proud !) but... it sucks so much it's funny.
Greninja/Lucario/Sawk : he had them in his samurai training and adventures. Honestly, a lot of pokemons would have fit Goemon too but those 3 were the ones that stand out to me. There's a whole respectful dynamic between them, and they don't have any pokeballs, so they wander a lot. He rarely has the 3 of them together, most of the time he has one, but they will always come if he needs them.
(also Greninja is one of my favorite pokemon and starter and idk why I really like Sawk)
He can make his Lucario Mega Evolve, but he doesn't do it much out of respect and trust since it's always a mess. (also if Magikarp ever evolves… he would definitely be able to Mega Evolve it)
Drampa : it's an old Asian dragon, it fits him. Probably also a comfort pokemon since Drampa is very calm and placid, so it wraps around him to calm him down when he feels like exploding (think also about the autistic HC for Goemon and Drampa being a fucking. weighted blanket)
NOT PICTURED HERE : Goe is definitely linked to Rayquaza. The mental image is way too cool to let it pass. The first time Rayquaza appeared during a fight, Lupin (being Goemon biggest hypeman) cheered so loudly that Goemon was quickly red of embarrassment.
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(I really don't have much for Fujiko my bad)
Nickit : okay, I haven't played to Pokemon SW/SH at ALL, so I don't know much about pokemons from Galar (except Runerigus being one of my favorite pokemon), but when I saw this fox ? I knew it was for Fujiko. It's a thief fox. She actually deserves all the foxes of the game, and I hesitated to give her Vulpix or Ninetales, but Vulpix is too… cute. And Ninetales is related to yokai and even if it's basically Fujiko as a yokai, I didn't want to go for this vibe. Also, I hesitated to give her Braixen/Delphox bc I called mine Fujiko as I restarted Pokemon X/Y, but. heh. It doesn't really match.
Cofagrigus : My gf told me to put this one to remind the fact that Fujiko loves gold and treasure… but she can be scary powerful sometimes. And she would love to have a partner that can remind people of that. A bit like when she grabs Goemon around to be her scary bodyguard.
She takes really good care of it, and it LOVES her so much. A bit too protective, and scary, but also very silly since it's following her like her shadow and obey her to the spot.
Mienshao : I want a ""lady"" pokemon since Fujiko's hyperfeminity is important to her character (even if it's been used grossly too many times. Fujiko sweetie i'm so sorry you've been written by a misogynistic man). But also one that fitted her fighting style and presence. She probably trains with it, not only for pokemon fights, but for actual martial combat technics !
NOT PICTURED HERE : As Jigen is being linked to Raikou because Lupin was chosen by Ho oh, Fujiko is linked to Suicune. And if you want to know where Entei is, it's linked to my gf's OC Zack who made his way into the polycule in the RP we're doing 😔
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Stoutland : This is basically him a Pokemon. The police force insisted he take an Arcanine since it's basically the police's pokemon in the pokemon world, but Zenigata still felt icky about being associated with the police all the time (this is an ACAB blog. Zenigata is just fucking naive and old-fashioned and fixated on the Lupin's chase). But he still had to have a dog pokemon to work with him. So he just. Insisted on having his family dog.
The Stoutland is an old, silly, determined dog. A bit like Zenigata and very loyal to him BUUUUT can be bribed with good food and pets, much to Zenigata exasperation, because Lupin managed to befriend the doggy.
Honedge : LISTENNNNNN AEGISLASH IS MY FAVORITE POKEMON. AND I LOVE ALL OF HIS EVOLUTION CHAIN. But !! To me, he has an old Honedge who never got to evolve because his previous owners (Zeni's family) didn't take care of it and just. Exposed it as a trophy. Then when Zenigata got him, the poor thing was too tired and old to actually fight and gain experience. But it still wanted to go on an adventure with Zenigata !! And Zenigata did give him some fantastic adventures.
And it's an obvious reference to Zenigata's jutte, bc I really picture him holding Honedge like his jutte.
NOT PICTURED HERE : as the rest of the gang, Zenigata is linked to a legendary pokemon. And it's Lugia. Mostly because it's the complimentary legendary pokemon of Lupin's Ho oh ! When they found out, it was when Lugia saved Zenigata from drowning during a chase happening at sea. While he was in awe and being emotional about it, Lupin was VIBRATING with excitement when he saw that. Because !! Zenigata was right !!! It's fate that they are rivals !!! It's amazing !!!
Anyway, I could go into a bigger rant about it, but it's already very long !
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loopspoop · 7 months
I don't know about the others (Jigen DEFINETLY has panic attacks), but Lupin is 100% so rude about them. He starts thinking he's dying and the way he deals with it is by being a huge cunt to whoever's nearby, I'm talking nitpicking the hell out of what they're currently doing while his heart is going at 200bpm. It's the way he reacts to knowing he's vulnerable as hell, but doesn't want to appear to be, especially not in front of the others because come on Lupin you're the silly one you aren't worried at all ahaha oh shit you're actually dying fr maybe you shouldn't have yelled at them they probably hate you now. hm
Jigen figured it out pretty quickly, though. The first few times he DID go "wow what a huge bitch" and left him be; not anymore though. Through sheer trial and error the two of them discovered that Lupin calms down pretty quickly if they're hugging 'cause he just feels a bit safer like that so hey maybe he's NOT dying, at the end of the day
Anyway took him awhile but he figured - again through a hard process of trial and error - that when Jigen is not availible, he can put ice in his mouth so his body forgets to panic really quickly and straight up goes to "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FEEDING ME!!!! ITS COLD!!!"
Okay can I say how much I love this??? I love this. 100% Lupin vibes and honestly very accurate. I feel like if the pressure and the ice don’t work Jigen either resorts to laying on him (more pressure), sour candies, or giving Lupin repetitive work to do while they talk it out (Lupin wouldn’t ever really be 100% honest but talking does still help)
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ctrl-lupin · 7 months
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Someone: What’s Lupin III like?
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bisaster-energy · 5 months
you can tell me about your idea!!!
thank you so much 😭 it's kinda long sorry
SO i was listening to a song my sister like (Valerie, Amy Winehouse) and there's this line about ginger hair and it was just so specific ig it stuck with me? so im thinking man who do i know with red hair...DUH KUWABARA!!!
nearly every song i listen to gets assigned a character or ship or relationship of some sort idk why but yeah once i fixated on the hair i was able to expand on the rest of the song and a sort of idea settled in the back of my head about kuwameshi
we all know kuwabara is always the one getting left behind but what if while he's off doing his thing yusuke also feels that sense of loss? an absence even though it was his decision to up and leave. it makes no sense cos hey! you felt the need to go back to the demon realm bro but he cannot help how he feels left behind in some illogical sense. i made some notes 😤😤
centers round the time where yusuke goes back to makai after the whole sensui debacle and kuwabara is getting his education studying in prep for college (hell yeah boy !!) not sure if the timelines even match up like that but i literally dont care
i'm working under the canon divergence that keiko really did decide she's not gonna wait for urameshi like that but ofc she's still his bestie and he loves her sooooo much <3
so he's going back. he's a demon now so he feels drawn to the culture. it's a side of himself he's never known after feeling so othered ofc he's interested right?
i mean sure he grew up with other humans but almost everyone hated him/was scared of him ironically he was called a demon or monster or wtv
reactions like that are why he almost decided not to come back to life in the first place!! it wasn't a welcoming atmosphere and even his home didn't feel great cos his mom isn't exactly the mothering type
im all for deadbeat moms but the neglect will fuck a kid up. demon heritage or not
and he loves her and all but it's just all fucked up at home so he ended up wandering around a lot being mad about his shitty life and he likes fighting so that's what he did!
and obviously in makai this behavior isnt like. crazy or uncalled for
but yeah the only connections he's got to ningenkai is his mom, keiko (her parents by extension) and of course kuwabara; the only friends he managed to not scare off
anyway. you get it. so yusuke is back in makai and without his permission his mind keeps wandering to kuwabara who he hasn't seen in let's say. a year and some change? i'll decide later but A While
and like. last time he was in the demon world kuwa was WITH him yknow? like yeah the world was ending but it feels weird without him even if he is having a blast fighting with his new demon buddies and acquaintances
so he's a little distracted when he literally came here to fight he cant even focus on it
"how is college prep treating him? are the teachers there just as bad as middle school? did he make new human friends? a girlfriend?" basically he's spiraling over changes he might be missing out on this very moment
there's a bunch of talk in the song where the singer wonders if valerie dyed her hair if she's busy if she ever paid that fine if she sold her house if she got a man so that's where i got it lol
yusuke doesn't have to worry about kurama and hiei cos hey they're from here and have lived way longer and they actually do visit but who knows what typa shit could be happening to kuwa right now
ofc he can take care of himself he's really strong but yusuke can't help but remember that time he let kuwabara go when he shouldn't have and he almost died because he wasn't there and yeah. he's worried. sue him
so it's half worry half wistfulness and maybe some other secret third thing and when hiei and maybe kurama (depending on how the idea forms as i write) come to visit or maybe they're also participating wtv
he cant help but think well kuwabara could be here with us if he really WANTED to :/ he's got the jigen to down pat by now so...why hasn't he...
and those old but ever remaining insecurities resurface about how people don't wanna be around him they think he's a nuisance at best no good waste of time a trouble maker. keiko already dumped my sorry ass so who knows maybe kuwabara just...wisened up
hiei and kurama are like this bitch is back on his bullshit (affectionate)
they manage to weedle his worries out of him hiei ofc trying to act like he doesnt really care (he cares a lot) "you must not have much faith in kuwabara if you think he'd abandon you just from some time apart. and i thought HE was the oaf between the two of you"
kurama with his fox self is like "well yes hiei is right of course kazuma is too loyal to do something like that. but he is human...the only human of us now."
yusuke is like wth is that supposed to mean on the defensive even tho kurama is their friend and hasn't even said anything untrue and hiei narrows his eyes a bit maybe but is still acting like this doesn't really concern him
"i just mean that...from what i've learned about humans over the time i've spent with them...time feels different. we demons live such long lives that when faced with the human lifespan well...it can be laughable to some. that's why demons can be so callous about their lives."
yusuke just wants him to get to the point ofc "what i'm saying is we don't need a lot of contact with each other to keep relationships fresh and healthy but, kuwabara might be a little different. 3 years will do nothing to your bond but...i do worry about longer periods..."
and he seems to just trail off and it just gets quiet and a little sad and hiei isn't looking at them anymore
kurama starts again pretty cheerfully tho "well, don't worry! i'm planning on staying in the human world for quite some time once i'm done with this visit! i do have the company to take care of so i'll make sure to see kazuma all the time! i'll even send him a message from you if you want to say anything :)"
kurama has deliberately been using kuwa's first name knowing damn well urameshi doesn't even use it because this dude is not JUST a sweetie he's a fucking master manipulator. gaslight gatekeep bbg
yusuke is like okay yeah no new plan i'll just go see him now. no need for a middle man thanks anyway and then he's just gone. left the tournament early. like bruh that's what you came here for 😐
so yeah he's breaking into kuwa's house next thing you know and ofc he goes through the window not the door like a normal person and he just kinda stops short because he hasn't seen his friend in what feels like forever even though it's only been like a year or so but he just looks so different
and yeah a big part might be the hair he's never seen without that popadour, long soft copper coils, and he's somehow even bigger than when yusuke left him jesus when did he get so swole? when did he have time in between all those brainiac classes
yusuke knows he's bound to look a lil different too ofc i mean they weren't kids anymore really but like. when they hell did you go and grow up?
"next time i come back is this even gonna be your house anymore? will you still wanna hang out with dropout delinquent demon urameshi?" he gets so insecure in so little time
anyway kuwabara didn't sense him at first cos yusuke isn't a threat and he never really thought he'd be coming especially not yet but when he does notice
kuwabara just gets the biggest goofiest grin he's like urameshi you dog when the hell did you get back in town you're early!!
and yusuke is significantly eased by this reaction but now he feels stupid cos he up a left everything just to what? bother kuwabara while he studies to achieve his dreams? yusuke has got no human world aspirations like keiko had. like kurama has. like kuwabara.
and ofc kuwabara looks glad to see him but he wasn't desperate enough to just show up like yusuke had just done and he feels like a pathetic loser so he pouts
he's like yeah hey man just uh. checking in. and i should probably check out hah you seem busy with your books so im gonna scram and he tries to retreat through the window
and ofc kuwa is NOT letting him get away
and there's that desperation yusuke had selfishly wanted to see. kuwabara had just grabbed him without thinking even though he'd promised himself when urameshi left he wasn't gonna just sit around waiting for his life to start when he came back
he remembers when yusuke took him into that headlock and he wanted to succeed like he said he would that day
but still he's just thinking about urameshi all the time and it's awful. he always said he was gonna beat him some day but he just wanted to be near him. but all he sees is his back, even right now
part ii cos it's too many words!
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thelavendercatalogue · 8 months
LJS Ship Lore: Jigen x Queen Malta
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The moment you create a ship so unknown in the fandom it doesnt even have FANART
Yep, say hello to one of the ships in my Lavender Jacket Series AND my Fantasy AU.
As Ive stated before Jigens Gravestone is canon in my Ljs series because it's premise is suppose to stick as the final trust exercise between Jigen and Lupin after their reunion in the Pyramid to cement their partnership to the highest form it could be. The final nail in the coffin so to speak, solidifying their old and new partnership so to speak. Putting each others life and trust in one another where uncertainty grows.
However, in the background of Gravestone, a small relationship had been growing
You see, the Malta x Jigen ship is canon for both RoA. . . .
(Ill explain their relationship in RoA on my other blog @roads-of-arkael)
. . . .and LJS, however sadly in LJS she still dies following Gravestones plot line.
However, in the time frame of Gravestone, loosing Malta actually did bother Jigen greatly
After the shit that Cicciolina had pulled on him, Malta was essentially breath of fresh air compared to the people he knew from the past.
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Dedicated, headstrong, maybe not as fearless as he may have been, but dutiful, loving, caring, all things Jigen forgot people could be.
As a result, the two had surprisingly become friends in a way quite quickly, both seeing eye-to-eye about how they each believed the world worked and coming to an understand each other's points of view on it. And it wasn't any surprise why the two ended up hooking up, far out of the spotlight, their relationship kept private from prying camera's and peeping paparazzi.
But no amount of tip toeing and hush-hush could have ever prepared Jigen for the night of her death
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Loosing Malta absolutely fucking sucked for Jigen, because she was one of the few, besides Lupin to show him people could be selfless, caring without motive other then the good for the people they cared about.
Jigen loved few people, Malta loved a whole country and thought unity was the best thing and she got killed for it cause other's didn't support the view.
He never did move on from her death. It still stung even years later. Which is why for one of the head canons i have for LJS, one of the things Jigen has left to remember her by is her music. What she was famous for. What she hoped would bring the two countries together.
He ended up buying the CD's she produced shortly after her death, and once in a while you might actually catch him listening to them when he's relaxing. Both because he likes the music, but also because its the remembrance
He's thrilled to find out his sister likes her music too because she has records and albums he hasn't been lucky enough to find,
They're constantly playing in the apartment when Jigen's alone. . . .
He doesn't talk about her much. Preferring instead to keep the memories he has of her private and close-kept. Just little memories he can keep that he doesn't have to share.
Just like how their relationship was kept secret. . .all to themselves. . .nobody else. . .
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
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Lupin and Zenigata as Spike and Roco from Cowboy bebop episode “Waltz for Venus”
I have an obsession with this particular episode of Cowboy bebop. This episode, I swear, taught me how to come up with compelling OC’s that are only mean to be there for a minute, or just do like one impactful thing. I have watching this episode tooooo fucking much. Just, as a child, I latched on to it so hard.
Anyway, there will prolly be more, cuz if you’ve seen the sad scene near the ending of the episode you know i’mma draw that. I love sad shit. Also I wanna draw Jigen as Jet later.
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peaterookie · 7 months
✔️ ble ble ble
I know everyone has recommended the typical lupin movies like mamo and cagli... but here's some REAL obscure movie recs
Strange Psychokinetic Strategy (my fav L3 movie !!
i HATE how people immediately see this movie and how it's more manga-like and go "this is so bad" when it really isn't??? for the first lupin movie, this is really decent and it's honestly super enjoyable to watch if you just want something simple and entertaining
while the actors look nothing like.. the characters, they serve the personality quite well and honestly.. i love lupin's n fujiko's drip sm its so awesome. also! despite it being live action, they incorporate a lot of cartoonish elements like editting the actors movements and using a lot of goofy sound effects, it's really funny
the plot is- quite decent! it's very simple but effective for introducing the characters and does everything just right for keeping your attention. it's nothing groundbreaking, and there's barely any suspense, it's quite literally just a very long manga chapter, but a fun one at that!
there is a slightly explicit sex scene around the second half though so be careful about that, it doesn't affect you much just to skip it.
Daisuke Jigen Live Action
another live action! and man, this one FUCKIN DELIVERS. this movie is just so. phenomenal. it's not very lupin the third-ish, since the mc is jigen, but the story is so captivating and interesting. AND FOR ONCE. I CARED ABOUT THE SIDE CHARACTERS LIKE HOLY SHIT THAT HAS RARELY HAPPENED BEFORE!!!
Dead or Alive
i'm getting tired of writing, so i'll just make this super quick ok good things about the movie go
awesome fucking art style
super good opening scene
good npc girl i love her
lupin looks so hot when his shirt is unbuttoned damn
sorry what was that
decent plot ig
its cool
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maryellencarter · 6 months
so i'm in a really weird position here. i'm not sure i'm capable of participating in transformative fandom anymore. i'm that burned out on ahipping.
i've been in the lupin iii fandom for the past couple years, as y'all know. at first it was a lot of fun. but there was a ton of really aggressive biphobia, a ton of the "anybody who writes or draws Icky Stuff is a sex criminal irl and must be loudly shunned by all right-thinking people", it got into "if you point out that no one on this show is canonically queer you are a pedophile and must be dogpiled on every social media platform we can find you on"... it's a really, really toxic place.
about a year ago, a streaming miniseries called "lupin zero" aired. it's very well done, very nuanced and subtle. this fandom couldn't find nuance or subtlety if it tried with both hands. lupin zero tells the story of lupin and jigen's friendship, if they met in school as teenagers. it's the only story i've ever seen that manages to show a primary friendship, a friendship with the narrative importance and the story beats you only ever see given to romance. it was -- it *would* have been, could have, should have been, incredibly important to me. i thought i had some representation.
instead, the entire fandom went nuts. they announced that lupin/jigen was canonically romantic (which is a complete misunderstanding of the show and the themes: it's cram-packed with cagliostro references, and jigen is set up as a clarisse figure at every turn, including the direct reference to lupin stealing their hearts). they congratulated everyone within earshot on "not being lied to anymore". they announced that "every queer" was happy to have the relationship "confirmed romantic". they announced that anyone who wasn't overjoyed was a homophobe. and on and on.
i've had to block the lupin zero tag entirely, because every piece of art or screenshot includes a caption like "that moment when you realize you're in love", "this means family as in married NOT as in brothers!", nobody can so much as mention it without aggressively pushing the "it's canon romantic" down everybody's throats. the arophobia is incredibly vocal and continuous.
Only two other people who were watching the show said so much as "it can be read either way", when I was crying out against the fandom-wide celebration that there's no place for me here. One of them is dead. I haven't been able to start writing on a new idea in the Lupin fandom since we lost her.
All I wanted was a little corner. A space where I could fiddle around with my own interpretations, maybe bounce some ideas off people. Be allowed to exist in peace. I wanted to celebrate a friendship that wasn't second best -- that mattered, in the way only romance is normally allowed to matter in this world.
I've spent the last year trying to find that space. It doesn't exist, *can't* exist. Romance is like kudzu here. You always have to be actively fighting it, and you'll never win.
I'm tired. I'm fucking tired. There's no joy left in this fandom for me. And I don't know -- I think about trying to pick up another fandom, about characters I like or stories I might tell, and I just can't. I can't bring myself to write a shippy story, not when it means aligning myself with more people who will probably also call me homophobic and anti-queer for not loving the exact same way they do. But that's what Leia and I write best, it's what we enjoy writing. And I don't want to take up the same exact fight for a tiny isolated box where it's safe to whisper that nonromantic, nonfamilial love might exist or even (shock horror) be love.
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