#i dont trust anyone
ezboldogsagtekurva · 2 years
és ha valaki világ életében bántalmazva volt, sosem fogja tudni milyen az , ha nem kell rettegni egy férfitől.
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apoetsworld · 1 year
SO. (leeme take caps off)
today. i talked to him again. and we moved around in the class to work on this project and i was near him. (he was behind me this time) and i made eye contact alot and and and im a cheerleader at my school so i like. was in my cheer outfit cause we had a thing to do. and i once again didnt look terrible?? *miracle* but im kind of friends with him? but not, i know him yk but i dont know him. Anyways we didnt talk talk but we chatted. about mostly nothing. but the eye contact it awesome. And then he said bye when he left for a game of his. and he said bye to me, which he hadn't before.
taglist: @alexis-angelsss @cloudyzues
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mommy-dust · 9 months
My mom might take away tumblr guys sorry!!! Fingers crossed
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oars · 2 years
no more normal promos im gonna make a mutual application
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melanieexox · 2 years
*Johnny W. says you'll have to drag him off the show*
Was that a hint of how Brando may get killed? I hope not.
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pien-art · 3 months
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i dont know shit about dungeon meshi (yet) but ik theyre gay.
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niishi · 5 months
Got good sleep and woke up feeling good and then had a panic attack. :)
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twodoorsnotone · 9 months
Every time I walk into a food place and sit down and there's someone violently coughing I die inside
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electoons · 2 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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thaunknowndreadhead · 2 years
I honestly believe that I could pass away today and no one would care. Not anyone in my family at least but see maybe I've entered into a state of delirium where I don't really know what's true. That's how long I've been alone in my mind and I just really need some support. I've kind of pushed my family away, and I have pushed them away for a really long time. To where now the only person I can trust.. is nobody I don't trust anybody and that's not good I didn't expect I would be here I still believe I can trust people but I.. I just been betrayed so many times.. I've just been lied to so many times and all I've ever done was love. But I don't know what's true anymore I'm homeless living in my car again it just hasn't been working out for me that's just the truth and it hasn't worked out for years. I've tried to be happy but with the upbringing like mine which wasn't rough but my dad was not the best and that's okay I don't blame him because everybody has trauma, unhealed trauma. It's whatever. But I really wish it went better. I really wish my life went better
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anqlicdoe · 4 months
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donnyanne · 2 months
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a new g/t duo, Rick and Isabella! They've been rotting my brain...
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allforthe-gay · 10 months
it is completely one hundred percent baffling to me that any of the foxes would come away from witnessing neil and andrew's reunion in baltimore with the opinion that their relationship was just hate fucking . like my brother in christ are you blind
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pmpknsoup · 1 year
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bakudekublogblog · 6 days
kacchan there is actually a way you and izuku can be together forever i have this crazy inventive solution for you it's called a marriage license
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leathfaic · 2 months
I've been sitting on a headcanon for over a year now because I know that once I put it out I will want to expand on it.
But fuck it what is one more writing project?
I want Ghost to be fucking paranoid about Laswell finding out about him and Johnny. Not even because she would necessarily tear them apart but because she would absolutely use it. To her advantage and thus potentially against them.
Send them out on a dangerous undercover op for months under the guise of having left so they could be together. Infiltrating some dubious PMC perhaps that doesn't quite care, they're getting the Ghost and his Sergeant after all, if they just look the other way. What a fucking deal and how dumb the government is to let those 2 become mercenaries just because they like to fuck each other. One wrong step one wrong word and they might both end up dead.
But far more than physical harm just the threat of keeping them apart if they don't comply. Days that easily spin into weeks and months that they just keep missing each other, mission beginning before the other gets back from his current one. Until Laswell pointedly asking if they are going to behave this time is "graciously" giving them another chance to work together.
Because really, there's nothing they can do, right? They could be dishonourably discharged for fraternisation and instead Laswell is "only" using it to twist their arms.
Price, even if he knows can't really help them either because again, any kind of ruckus about this and it could end so much worse.
Soap probably has a little more faith in Laswells morals, although I'm sure the more they work together the more that quickly fades and he understands Ghost's caution. That woman got to where she is in life for a reason.
So they are still close with each other when she's around. Would be weird if they stopped all of a sudden, bound to draw her attention too. But always minding a careful line. Keeping it to the "brothers in arms". Never giving away too much. And sometimes that stings even more. When Ghost sees Johnny's need for physical contact and can't do more than give him a manly pat on the shoulder. Torn apart by the need to hold him.
When Soap notices that Ghost isn't sleeping on an op, knowing he should be there and talk him through the night until the bad dreams fade and Ghost gets at least a few hours of shut-eye. Nothing he can offer but empty phrases and a dumb comment about Ghost clearly needing to get laid.
They both know of course. What they really mean. It's still grating.
Better than it could be if she knew though. Worth to keep what they have safe.
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