#i did it the SECOND after the dm mentioned them existing. so im normal
nerve pain is nothing in the face of. what if i drew kity
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captainlevisteacup · 3 years
Oooh, an idea has struck. The brothers reacting to Dom Male!MC reuniting with his childhood bestfriend in the Devildom, only their bestfriend is now a high ranking/powerful incubus who has a fuck ton of influence & money. (Not nearly as powerful as any of the brothers or Diavolo, of course, but you get the point)
And while normally a simple childhood friend wouldn’t be enough to bother the brothers, DM!MC’s Femboy CH!Bestfriend is the optimum of gorgeous, with a lithe & toned body and an “innocent” charm to him.
Spoiler Alert, CH!Bestfriend has been in love with DM!MC since they were kids (though it was just puppy love back then) and is determined to never let him get away from him again, resulting in him being extra clingy and needy.
Another Spoiler Alert, DM!MC’s childhood bestfriend may or may not be a mix of a “Worship” & “Self Sacrifice” Yandere.. (Look up “The Dere Types Wiki” if your confused)
You have some very interesting ideas😂 im so sorry this took so long, I didn't want to post it until I was back up to my full working capacity after getting injured and after breaking up with someone😁
Anyways, without further ado, here ya go😘
The Brother's Reactions to M! MC'S Yandere Childhood Incubus! Friend
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Warnings: Violence, Language, Blood, VERY SLIGHT sexual themes, some non-consentual touching in Levi's section, brief mention of drugging in Beel's
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At first, didn't think twice of MC having a childhood friend
But when he heard the word incubus
He got the smile on his face
You know the one
Lucifer "innocently" is around whenever the incubus is around
Its starts off small
Little poisoned glances from the incubus here and there
But eventually it escalated and turned into him putting a possessive arm around MC's waist
Lucifer snapped
The second the Incubus was alone, Lucifer followed him down an alley
Slammed that fucker against the wall and held him there by the throat
The incubus started laughing, even when Lucifer tightened his grip
"You'll never get rid of me. I have connections to everyone, Fallen Angel. I've loved him since before you even knew he existed, and a prissy peacock like you isnt gonna stop me from making him mine, even if I have to drug and kidnap him"
Lucifer only smiled and released him
The incubus smirked, daintily dusting off his lithe figure
Thinking he won, he shouldered his way past Lucifer
Only to stop short in horror
Deep growls greeted him
Lucifer didn't even bother hiding the screams of the incubus as Cerberus ripped into him
After a while, he signaled Cerberus to stop
As the incubus lies on the ground whimpering, Lucifer calmly says:
"Now that I've shown you just what I'm willing to do to protect MC, I'll make you a deal. MC cares about you, as a FRIEND. But his heart belongs to me and me alone, and mine belongs to him. If you can understand and respect that, I'll allow you near him. But one wrong word, one wrong placement of a hand, and I won't hesitate to finish you off myself. And believe me," he says with a dark chuckle "I won't be as gentle as Cerberus."
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This man immediately is on high alert
Someone trying to take what's HIS?
The incubus makes him more greedy than ever
Decides not to leave MC's side for a second
Even when he's sleeping
When Mammon can't help the incu-bitch (his nickname for the childhood friend) being around, he acts sort of like a child, which makes him look like a dick in comparison to the incubus's calm and innocent facade
Mammon tries to tell MC there's something up, but he just chalks it up to Mammon being Mammon
One day, MC randomly receives news from the human world that his mother contracted something contagious and was placed in ICU
The incu-bitch was, of course, right there when MC started tearing up, letting him cry into his shoulder
Mammon sees this and starts to protest
This leads MC to snap and tell Mammon he's being a child
Mammon leaves them be and thinks hard
Comes to the conclusion that maybe MC is right, and he begrudgingly decides to apologize to the incubus
As he approaches him, Mammon catches a glimpse of the Incubus's *expensive* phone
Unable to resist, he throws a coin against the wall in the opposite direction.
When he turns to look at the noise, Mammon snatches the phone and yeets off to his room
When he gets there, he opens the phone- no lock- and is startled by what he sees
A fake texting app, along with the messages telling MC his mother was sick
Mammon was about to run to find MC, when he heard a slight chuckle
Looking up, he saw the incubus...holding a knife
"You just couldn't stay away, could you? You've been a pain in the ass ever since I got here. But no matter, once MC sees how *cruel* you are to his defenseless childhood friend, he'll want nothing to do with you. And he'll be mine to fuck and own as I please."
Mammon gritted his teeth and ground out "Making MC think his mother was gravely ill just to get close to him when he's vulnerable? You're disgusting. I actually care about MC, and I respect them more than you ever will."
The incubus snorted, and raised the knife.
"Oi! What do ya think you're doing with that?" Mammon yelled
He raised the knife....and slashed it across his own arm
He then threw the knife towards Mammon, threw himself to the ground, and yelled out in pain
Suddenly, MC burst into the room
Mammon sputtered out a panicked explanation, but MC cut him off with a stare
He kneeled down next to his friend, who reached up with a bloody hand to cup MC'S face
MC put his hand over the incubus's....and sharply bent it backwards
He leaned down and whispered into his ear: "I heard everything, you little shit. Now, get the FUCK out of my house and away from my boyfriend, and don't even THINK of defiling my life with your presence ever again"
After he left, Mammon cautiously said "boyfriend, huh..?"
"Shut up mammon"
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Oh, this won't do
Immediately feels threatened and triggered
He is the avatar of Envy, after all
His response?
Prove to MC nobody can know him as well as he can
He does this every single time the incubus is near
"MC, I got you your favorite drink!"
"MC, I ordered you some food. Don't worry, I already know what you like"
Flinches whenever the incu-bitch touches MC. It literally makes him cringe
His suspicions are confirmed when the incubus shoots Levi a malicious glance next time he touches MC
Levi snaps
Challenges the incubus to a video game duel
He surprisingly accepts
He cheats like hell and beats Levi
Levi goes into his demon form and rages
But MC thinks he's just being a sore loser
He tells Levi to back off and to go cool down
Once Levi storms off, the incu-bitch thanks MC for standing up for him
Then, he promptly tries to make a move on MC
He reaches out a hand to unbutton MC'S shirt
MC slaps his hand away, but not before noticing writing on the Incubus's hand
Before he can pull away, MC snatches his hand and sees cheat codes written on them
Gets super upset and tries to get up to apologize to Levi
The incubus pulls him back down by his wrist and pins them to the couch
"MC, don't you realize? You're all I want, all I need. I WORSHIP you, MC. And you're going to be mine. Nobody else can have you. And you're going to love me, whether you realize it right now or not. You'll learn with time to need me just as desperately as I need you"
Starts to take off MC'S clothes in spite of their fighting and protests, the incubus shushing him
"Shhhh, I know you don't see it, but this will make you see."
Levi slams open the door, tail lashing and face white with rage
"Get your normie hands the fuck off of my human. Now."
The incubus nopes the fuck out. He may be a high ranking incubus, but he still isn't as strong as one of the seven demon brothers.
Levi holds MC tightly as they fumble over an apology
"Shhh MC, its okay. I'm here now. Let's watch some anime and calm down together, yea?"
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Do I even have to explain this one?
Is hostile as soon as MC even MENTIONS a childhood male friend, let alone an INCUBUS
Honestly, the Incubus is a bit scared of Satan
But, he decides he wants MC more than he fears Satan
So, he swallows his fear and patronizes Satan in tiny, unremarkable ways
Ways that would only be noticed by Satan
A stray hand here and there that lingers a LITTLE too long
Wiping a crumb from MC'S lips during a meal
Tucking a stray hair behind MC'S ear
Every last one of these actions makes his blood boil
It gets so bad that Satan is just in a perpetual state of rage, never leaving his demon form
Satan starts passive aggressively insulting the incubus's intelligence
"Oh, you mean you don't know how disestablishmentarianism impacted the overall congruence of Midwest society? Thats odd, its fairly simple. Practically common sense."
Is shocked when MC got livid at him, because he was being condescending for seemingly no reason
Starts to get angry at MC
"Can't you see? He's trying to turn you against me. Just LISTEN, DAMNIT!" He says as he grabs MC'S shoulders
The incubus barges in and shoves Satan away from MC
"Are you ok, MC? Did he hurt you?"
The amount of white hot rage in the room was tangible
He can't do it anymore
Slams the incubus against the wall
Knocks him to the ground
But when he falls down
A bunch of photos fall out of his jacket
Not normal photos
Horrifying ones
One of MC while he showers
One of MC sleeping
One of MC changing
Even one of MC and Satan having a steamy moment
MC goes still...and then SLAPS the shit out of the incubus.
He wordlessly turns to Satan, eyes pleading
"It would be my pleasure, MC" *evil grin*
Cue Satan dragging the incubus off by his hair
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He sees this lovely incubus with NEARLY perfect hair, a lithe and toned body, and a seemingly innocent attitude, and he just wants him gone
He's been with plenty of Incubi, so he knows what they're like
Because of this, he doesn't want this one anywhere NEAR his darling MC
Comes up with a plan to use all his fashion design connections to outdress the incubus
He knows they're vain by nature, so he comes to the conclusion that this is the best course of action
But there's a problem
"Is that a statement piece from Priya Lacroix? She hasn't even released her collection yet"
Asmo.exe is not responding
He knows that HE is the only one Priya would ever give an early release to
So why does THE INCUBUS have her statement piece?
And WHERE is his phone?
Complains to MC, but MC doesn't take him seriously because he's too busy catching up with his friend
Asmo gets jealous and storms off to do a stress relieving skin routine
As MC and the incubus hang out, the incubus's phone goes off
Only...the ringtone is sinful indulgence
Mammon storms into the room
"I/N? Why do you have Asmo's phone?"
"MC, you have to understand, I just want you to realize I'm the only right one for you. You NEED to realize you can't be with anyone else. Because you're mine, MC. You always have been."
Screeching could be heard in the distance, then footsteps quickly getting closer and closer
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Asmo yells as he slams open the door
"As if MC would choose a crusty, obsessive, STEALING, lying, probably STD having Incubus like you over me! Now give me my phone back and get out of here. And while you're at it, take off that Priya piece. There's a reason I'm the only one allowed early access."
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Honestly doesn't think that much of it at first
He thinks its nice MC reunited with one of his childhood friends, and an Incubus at that
But when he meets the friend, something just feels off
He gets a weird sensation, and its not hunger
Its like his senses are on red alert
The incubus was nice enough to Beel, seemingly charming and genuine
But Beel couldn't help but feel rubbed the wrong way, with a sensation similar to seaweed against legs in the ocean
He doesn't want to mention this to MC, because he's convinced he's just overreacting
He feels a little sad that MC is too busy for him, but he does his best to give them time together
One night, he had made some food in the kitchen and decided to bring MC and I/N some
When he neared the door, he almost dropped the plate
He heard a loud thud, and MC saying "Hey, I said no, okay?"
He gently opened the door and looked at MC, who immediately forced a smile to his face
"Hey MC, I brought you guys some food. Is everything ok?"
"Thanks Beel, that's sweet of you. Everything's fine, I promise"
Beel relaxed a bit, although he still knew something was off.
The incubus excused himself to use the restroom, encouraging MC to eat without him
Beel and MC sat down, and Beel scarfed down his portion
Chuckling, MC offered his plate to Beel, who gladly accepted
The incubus opened the door shortly after with an expectant look on his face, as well as rope and a gag in his hands
Upon laying eyes on MC, a shocked expression came onto his face as his eyes darted between MC and the empty plate
"How are you still conscious?" He blurted
Confusion flashed across MC'S face. "What do you mean, I/N?"
"You drugged it, didn't you?" Beel spoke up.
"I thought it tasted odd," Beel continued "but I never would have guessed you would actually drug MC. I'm guessing you couldn't handle that MC rejected your advances, so you drugged the food while MC was distracted talking to me. Am I right?"
The incubus chuckled. "Guess I was wrong about you. You are more of a threat than you seem. Heh, I guess you're not just a talking stomach after all."
A loud smack could be heard shortly thereafter.
But the devastating blow didn't come from Beel
It came from an enraged MC
"Trying to drug me I could keep my cool over. If thats all you did I would have just told you to stay the hell away from me. But the SECOND you spoke to Beel like that, you signed your own death warrant."
Before he could react, MC summoned the brothers one by one, Beel explaining the situation.
"Well, MC, perfect timing as always. I was just beginning to get bored" Satan drawled
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It takes a yandere to know one
Belphie doesn't want to alarm MC though, so he decides to outmaneuver the incubus without him noticing
It starts small, with I/N reaching out to put an arm over MC'S shoulder, and Belphie's arm already being there
Eventually, they start glaring daggers at each other the second MC looks away
After a while, Belphie decides to up the ante
Religiously falls asleep on MC when I/N is trying to spend time with him
Goads the incubus so much that he corners Belphie when he snaps and can't take any more
"Listen, I know exactly what you're doing. But if you think that YOU can take him away from me, you're sorely mistaken. MC is mine whether he likes it or not. And if it turns out to be the latter, well, let's just say he won't have much of a choice in the matter, nor will you have any control over it. Got that?"
Belphie does the one thing he knows will get the outcome he had painstakingly built up to the past couple weeks: he laughs
"Ah, you have a good sense of humor, know that? Funny stuff. All kidding aside, MC already belongs to me. So your child's play isn't gonna cut it. Got THAT?"
With a choked cry of fury, the incubus pulls out a knife and stabs Belphie
Belphie, having planned this, falls to the floor just as the door opens to reveal a shocked MC.
"BELPHIE! Shit, please be okay! What the FUCK is wrong with you, I/N?"
The stunned Incubus could only stammer out a couple words
"I- he...was gonna...tried to take what was mine. Tried to take you..."
MC laughed bitterly and shoved him to the floor.
"I don't know what sick world you're living in, but I belong to Belphie. I love him. And I hate YOU. Now I'll leave you be so you can deal with THAT. Ta ta." He says as he scoops up Belphie and heads out the door
"Deal with what?" I/N nervously asks after him, backing up warily
The incubus stops when his back hits something hard.
Gulping, he looks up...
"Hello, I/N, I'm Beel."
"Nice to...meet you? I imagine you're one of the brothers?" He replies shakily
Beel smiles. The light doesn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, I'm one of the brothers. You see, I'm Belphie's twin."
Across the house, Belphie smiles at the faint screams, MC curled up next to him after patching him up.
He succeeded in protecting what was his. He deserves a good nap. Holding MC tighter, he goes back to sleep.
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victeazer-archive · 4 years
Alright. Lets put this kitten to bed shall we?
I am alerted to uppastthejelliclemoon's precense after she posts some shit about that racist misogynistic homophobe we all know and love for writing alpha male munkustrap fanfiction and how shit has been taken too far over some shitpost blah blah blah idk. I scroll thru her blog being like what kind of person posts this? Seriously? And i stumble upon this au she had been indulging in which is terrible and you can look it up for yourselves. Apparently this was the second time this kind of thing has happened as well (being that she writes disgusting shit and gets called out for it) so let's keep that in mind.
Anyway im discussing this with my friend as we are both disgusted by this and he messages uppastthejelliclemoon directly asking for clarification. She doesnt respond. I get impatient and point out the fact that this shit exists on my own blog and tag her so she can have an oppurtunity to explain herself. She doesnt respond.
My friend replies to my post with his own commentary and additional screenshots.
People see it and respond appropriately in disgust as it is disgusting.
Uppastthejellicle moon decides to do a non apology in which shes basically like well I didnt INTEND to and im only being positive and also guys why did you tell everyone about this thing they could find on their own and not talk to me. Directly.
Except then she only got anonymous messages?
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But then, when she is in dms with my friend, no one spoke to her? But then only anons did. BUT THEN SHE DID RECEIVE A MESSAGE FROM HIM EXACTLY. Funny that.
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Weird how the story changes like that and ours doesnt. Hm.
Weird thing you'll notice is her claiming that well this shit she posted was a while ago and why didnt we address it then and im like. Hm. Weird you think we know every post you have ever made and know exactly when and where. Sounds a little like you think everyone MUST know everything about you at all times because youre so important. So important that you decide that the homophobic racist misogynist gets the clear over a shitpost and we are bullies as your friends call us despite everything showing clearly otherwise?
To the people reading this im sure youve realized im not a pleasant speaker when i know im right and am speaking to people who will die on a hill of nasty shit of their own making.
My friend, however, as you can tell from just the excerpt of their conversation is very respectable. He's gentle and factual and calm as he explains himself. He would ask me and his other friends if what he wrote was too harsh or innacurate before sending them for you see, he has a stress condition. Its very clearly stated on his blog that im sure uppastthejelliclemoon and friends have seen as they are able to message him.
See, I think my friend here did a great job handling this situation considering his stress condition, and i do not think that him having a stress condition exempts him from speaking his mind and defending himself. (Which jelliclemoon's friend ruvyr will later say the opposite of in the screenshots that follow, which is ableist, by the way, but lets keep going).
However, when you are discussing an issue with someone you know has a stress condition and you start to dogpile onto him with your other friend who has nothing but insults and a way of twisting their words to suit your narrative?
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Maybe dont do that. Because now my friend had to vomit due to this outright gaslighting.
See, i have received zero messages from these people directly because they know that I wont be nice. They pick on someone weaker, my aforementiond friend, who did exactly as uppastthejelliclemoon had asked in the first place.
Uppastthejelliclemoon gets a callout post for their horrible shit.
Uppastthejelliclemoon, whitmerule, ruvyru and probably more then decide to knowingly dogpile on the weaker of the two that made the callout post to the point of him physically vomiting.
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* i wont be specifying who gave me this screenshot, but i believe it is a reliable source, heres the full one unedited:
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Here it all is. The whole picture for you.
I suggest you block
As they clearly do not take criticism well and as I have said, repeated the same actions that have been called out for previously.
Who has a history of writing incestuous fics and frowns down upon "antis" (aka normal people) that speak up against this nasty shit weve mentioned today, and also participates in this blatant attack on my friend who did nothing wrong.
For associating with them in the first place and just being a straight up bully as you can see in the dms they requested be posted publically
Who is literally into incest and uses terms like "purity culture" unironically to describe me saying hey, maybe racist, sexist, ableist, and just nasty shit like that, being bad!
Well you know why. If not, look up purplezprout on my blog.
And just avoid these people in future.
Me and my friend @zitface are done with this drama, specifically. I applaud them for handling this situation well, but like i have said before, I will point out shit I find gross in the future. I dont give a shit.
Feel free to reblog, and reply with your favorite love song! Im working on a not disgusting fanfiction and need inspiration. Hope you all have a good day.
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Roll for Panic Attack
*Trigger warning: mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts*
I am afraid of a lot of things. Clowns. Death. Answering the door when i’m not expecting it. Sticking my foot out over the edge of the bed at night. You know, rational, normal stuff. But right now, I'm scared of something that feels like it shouldn’t be as scary as it feels. For the 2nd time in my (albeit young) life, am taking online classes at my local community college. My first time was 2 years ago, and it sent me reeling into a deep depression. As ridiculous as it sounds, I never want to get back to that place. Who would have thought, right??? But im getting ahead of myself, so let me explain the past so one can see where the issues in my grimy future lies.
Sophomore year of high school is where our intrepid young hero begins (read in the voice of Brennan Lee Mulligan: DM to the stars). As anyone in a fiery hellscape would do, I explored a program that gave me a glimpse of freedom: Running Start. In this wonderful program, high school students can attend college classes either online or in person, and not only earn college credit, but can be at the high school less. Great! At first, I thought it would be amazing! I love to learn, and I love not being at the highschool. Suffice it to say, I rolled really low on my perception. But my perception got steadily higher the farther I got in the process of applying. I felt like it might be too much. That I might not be able to handle this. But everyone in my life told me, “you’ll be fine! You’re a smart girl! And your so independent!” So I continued on… feeling like something was off.
Cut to a month before Junior year starts. I feel…. Nothing. I’m bored all the time, and nothing really makes me happy. I’m so scared im going to fail college and it hasnt even started yet… To my family, I am the same. After all, I am used to faking emotions thanks to all those years of thinking panic attacks were SUPER normal right! But I began to explore what was happening. Our hero rolls her dice: 18. I realized something that made me break down in tears of shame. I realized I didnt feel love for my family. I knew I loved them, but I didnt feel anything.What was wrong with me? I tried to imagine horrible fates befalling my family to see if I could muster up some feelings then. No dice. (get it? Dice? RPG’s? Shut up this is comedy GOLD) My sister found me sobbing in the garage. Grabbing my mother, they went to see what was wrong with me. I explained how I was feeling, and even voiced my fear of being depressed. My mom wrote it off as burnout. Which to be fair, I don't blame her for. I had been acting just as I always had.
Skip ahead some more. High school is in full swing, and my college classes begin. Things feel...okay. I was taking 2 classes: General Psychology, and Introduction to Art. Psych was tough, and its reading was intense. 1 page took about 10 minutes, so 6 pages: one hour. The professor thought that because we were online, we needed to make up for being lazy and not going to a classroom. We had around…. 120 pages on a good week. Wanna do the math there? Let me break it down for you: 10 pages=1 hour, 120 pages divided by 6=  hours. About. Add to that the 5 hour assignments every week, 1 hour discussion forums, and hour long tests every week. Our total for this class hours per week: 27. Now, remember, I was also taking highschool classes too, and one other class. Also remember that I was 16. With an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. All it took was a month to break me, and send me hurtling towards depression with all the force and speed of a bowling ball dropped from the top of the Empire State building.
Thanks to my natural ability to repress my emotions and fears, my body decided to send a clear message that something was afoot! I began to get full body HIVES. We went to the doctor, and she basically went, “umm wow, that's definitely an immune system reaction…. But you aren't sick…. And you haven't been sick…. So I don't know why this is happening…” Always what you want to hear from a healthcare professional! So at this point you might ask: did any of this alert you to the fact something was off? No. At this point, I was in complete denial that anything was wrong. Surely getting up in the middle of the night to count pages and double, triple, quadruple check that I had planned every single second of my week was written on my planners pages. What did catch my attention, terrorizes me to this day.
I am religious, and I do my best to pray every night. During this delightful stage of my life, I began to ask God to let me die. I asked that when I went to bed, that I wouldnt wake up. That it would all just stop. That way, I wouldnt keep on down this path, suffering. I thought if I quit, everyone would be disappointed in me. What a waste. How pathetic, right? Of course, this was myself talking. But I wanted to die. I didnt even care if I went to heaven. I thought even if I ceased to exist, it would bring peace. Inkey, dark, peace filled sleep. 
This is what scares me. Because I can never get to that place. I hated myself so much. But what was worse was how I felt about my family and friends. I began to resent them a bit. Just a little. How dare they love me! Why do they have to keep me here? I knew that if I died, it would destroy them. I had no illusions that those I loved would be better off without me. While I thought I would cause them shame and disappointment in life, I knew that in death I would kill them with me. And while I might not have felt love as I do now, I never wanted to cause them pain or suffering. Ever. So here I am now. Better, because I can tell you it can get better. Scratch that, it WILL get better.
And now to the present: a full circle of sorts. I am so scared that this course will be too much, that I wont be a college graduate. Please understand: I honestly thought for a long time that I wasn't going to go to college. Not because I couldnt. But because I didnt see the point, at least for the art fields. And honestly I still do. But I know that even with a stupid certificate that I probably could have taught myself all the same information for a 10th of the price, it will open doors for me. And to be perfectly frank, I want to make my family happy. I want them to be proud of who I am. I want to be proud of myself. To prove that no stupid mental illness will take this away from me. Not again. I know I can pass and even excel in a college environment. In fact, during my tenure at Running Start, I was invited to join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.But I want to be able to mentally handle this. I want to be strong enough for ME. I know that finishing this won't make me weak, or if it is too much that it means I am lesser than. But I'm going to try damnit! And if it is too much, then I will stop, or at least work with my therapist to see what would be best for me. 
And so, our hero begins her journey. Roll for Initiative.
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blxebxy-spxcemxn · 6 years
SO HERE’S THE IDEA’S THAT ME AND @stcrmclcud got done
Some sort of game,, idk yet,,, doesn’t know their inside one
Different problems for each character (Missing parts, glitching parts, + parts they don’t need ect )
Idk why but. Stan as some kind of stitched Frankenstein’s Monster-esque furry.
Just. a fucking DOG with different parts. And it’s Stan.
Kenny has,,, skeleton bits MAybe,,
Cartman cld have like. An error or glitch on one of his eyes, kind of in reference to the many theories that he has Kenny’s eye??
Sobs idc if my girl heidi isnt in the au but. If she is. Flowers. She’s just covered in flowers. Any blemishes she has. Flowers.
Craig possibly is rather glitches out around the eye and a few other spots around his body
Frozen @ some point in the game and can not pass that said part
Missing File.exe
Missing background in some places, that and or rather glitched up and hard to see
Moments of g l itching,,,
Are. Are we allowed to let Ken pull a sans and know they’re in a fucking game bc his file keeps getting more and more corrupted (hence his body having skeleton bits; he rots more and more after it gets corrupted). He warns everyone so they cld do something abt it bc eventually he will fade away or disappear.
Tweek’s voice is fucked up, possibly has a third eye behind all his hair
RANDY IS NOT IN THIS AU,, His file was deleted a whole while back due to him knowing too much and yada yada, No randy
Kyle probably doesn’t have a mouth lol,, Its more glitched than anything
Butters missing his eye’s, blind boy
Creek? In my au?? NO THANK YOU
Token probably doesn’t exist sorry,,
Jimmy has no legs sadly,, Missing in his files
Very tempted to make eric behind the whole thing
He probably is honestly,,
Tbh i really like the idea of Eric having alters, and since this is more of a glitch kinda game? He cld shapeshift into them. Mitch Conner, the more prominent one, is just a bald guy with the SAME eye glitch as eric.
Gotta add scott tenorman to the game because I love him, Possibly half human half robot type shit
Clyde ….. Died, more than likely, Possibly before the glitched happen, causing Craig to be more bumbbed out then usual...Craig probably wears his Jacket
I want Jimmy,,,, to wear Token’s sweater around his waist. Bc now that you mention it, the same thing cld happen to Token too :0
Fuck I think the idea of the characters all looking super surreal pre-corruption, kinda like the npcs of Yume Nikki- i just. Gfdnmmbhfbhghg pls. hOLD ON LEMME JUST-
KINDA LIKE THEM. wait im gonna send a clearer version to you in dms
Lots of secrets, lots of secrets,,,
What if, like in ddlc, Cartman cld put shit in ur game files. Or the characters cld.
A lot of it is just. Cries for help.
Insert a drawing kenny made of himself (skeleton with a fucking 2 foot dong) and the rest is just. Crass handwriting saying “PLEASE HELP ME I’LL DIE AT THIS RATE” or smth.
The game has a dark sense to it, not having very much lighting, the ora around the whole place is dark and mostly everyone isn’t so happy
Cartman thought the place was a little TOO happy so that’s why he probably did it, wanting full control over the whole place and by that he’d need to make the town dark and shit so they’d throw out the mayor and that.
Most of the girl’s files are missing, but everyone knows them….you just can’t see them
Oof to reference Heidi’s “quitting [twitter]”,,, whenever Heidi’s mentioned the words ‘Quitter’ appear so it’s a rule that no one talks about her.
What im trying to say is she voluntarily deleted her own file.
Craig is more emotionless than ever
Everyones just DEAD MAN.
Idk how it happened theyre just gone.
Eric ‘ the hacker ‘ Cartman
Cartman you Big Blubbery Bitch
Sometimes really high pitched screaming happens but everyones used to it so its okay
Part of why theyre used to it is because tweek screams at the same pitch as the other ringing screams so they cant tell
What if at
Eric probably got Heidi to help him delete everyone’s Files, Possibly blackmailing her with someone of some sorts ( idk rn ) and forced her to delete files and that’s when she also deleted herself not going to be able to stand knowing she did it
If craig or kenny or either one says her name enough the writing “please don’t. I don’t wanna come back” will be written among a bunch of “quitters” overlapping and making this big fucking patch of whatevers. A conversation can probably be initiated from there.
Only Craig and kenny remember Heidi
The game probably disappears after a while because of so many files being deleted the game won’t run properly and will be forced to shut down...aka ALL FILES are deleted. So MC or NEW KID has to fix that?? And stop Cartman bringing everyone back ( But clyde cause he died before the glitch )
It all looks like peaches and cream at first (the scenery), esp while new kid roams through, and then they meet the first character and their monstrous appearances.
Wld this game be in FIRST person or third like the south park games,,
Third person
clyde glitches in and out of the world but since his file is gone. dead. destroyed for good and it really fucks with craig's mind bc he shouldn't even be here
But you CANT be normal looking.
So like. Theres animal bits ummmmmm glitches,,,, your SKIn can be like. Really fucky.
Some characters don’t even have color to them, their just bland gray’s whites and blacks
If by chance bebe is in there,,, she probably has eyes all over her. In reference to people looking at her. Looking at her for too long results in a jumpscare of her shaking in tears and the words “PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT ME” appearing for like a split second. This is more likely to happen if you’re not engaging in conversation with her. (FUCK YES)
Kenny’s a filthy BODY PART THIEF
He steals ppls limbs so like he has his own skeleton-ish arms and then like four other ones
New kid having the option to hurt the people they meet
And Craig’s just like ‘ Nope ‘,, You choose the wrong people to hurt and Criag’s gonna get cha
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