#i basically have it memorized
the-physicality · 3 months
pittsburgh penguins tweeted out the dear hockey video and it gets me every time
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denaliwrites · 7 months
Dance on a Tightrope of Weird
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Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Crowley was not expecting you to lose your shit when he asked what you were reading.
Soundtrack: Crazy = Genius by Panic! at the Disco
Requests: Open!
Warnings: The ravings of a madwoman. (It's me, I'm the madwoman.)
It wasn't unusual for Crowley to find you tucked away somewhere in the bookshop reading one of the countless old books Aziraphale kept around. You liked classic literature, and history, and philosophy, and who knew whatever other subjects you happened to find lying around the place.
What was unusual, however, was finding you sat in his usual armchair, reading what was decidedly not a two-hundred-year-old first-edition copy of the random novel you'd decided to bury yourself in that day.
He paused in front of you, carefully tilting the book you held up so that he could look at the cover.
"Dead Mountain?" he asked, an eyebrow cocked so high you could see it over the rim of his sunglasses.
"No, no," you said, a fire immediately lighting in your eyes. "No. Don't even get me started. This is fucking insane."
Crowley never was one to listen to your advice. "Oh?" he prompted casually, and suddenly a chair appeared behind him that he, without looking, flopped down into and sprawled across.
"No, because--"
He loved watching you read. The quiet intent, the way your face moved in tandem with whatever emotions the text wanted you to feel. He'd once walked in on you sobbing along with some tearjerking novel (as a side note, that was the first time Crowley had found himself wanting to kill a book?), and another time he'd walked in on you cheering over something... triumphant, he assumed, or at least something like that.
This was different. New.
He loved it too. The fevered look in your eyes, the frustrated set of your jaw. The way your hand, shaped like a predator's claws, gripped his knee tightly in excitement.
"This is--" you were saying, and Crowley startled back into the moment, eyes on you, attention now unwaveringly on your blazing gaze. "This is so fucking insane. I can't get over this."
"Over what, darling?" he asked, and your gaze sharpened on him, as if only just realizing he was there.
"Do you know about the Dyatlov Pass Incident?"
It sounded familiar. "Tell me all about it, darling."
"Oh, you're gonna regret that."
He wouldn't. Not ever.
"Okay, so -- Soviet Russia. 1959. Middle of winter. These nine hikers -- actually, it was originally ten. These ten experienced hikers go into the Ural Mountains to, like. Upgrade themselves? 'Cause I guess there are levels to being a hiker, and you have to go on increasingly more difficult hikes to level up. So all ten were level two or whatever, and they were going on a level three hike to upgrade to level three."
He nodded, even though all the information was secondary in his attention. He just liked listening to you.
"Okay. So they get to this little town, and while they're there, all the locals are telling them shit like, 'Don't go up that mountain,' or 'you'll die up there!' Like, horror movie type shit. The kind of stuff that makes you yell at the TV."
He was familiar with that. You did that a lot -- but so did he.
"Oh, and the mountain they were hiking on? In the local language it's called Kholat Syakhl. Do you know what that means?"
He... he did. He knew what everything in every language meant. But he let you have this, because you were clearly excited. Seeing the way you motioned with the book, he waved toward it and asked, "Dead mountain?"
"Fucking -- dead mountain!"
He chuckled, but otherwise stayed silent.
"So they're getting all these crazy warnings and the mountain is literally called Dead Mountain in the local language, but they decide to go anyway! So they go off, but before they get very far, one of them is like, 'I'm so sick, I can't go on!' and so he tells them he's gonna go back to the town, and they leave without him."
"I take it he's the only survivor?"
You nodded. "Yeah. The other nine kept going. Oh, and another crazy thing -- one of the girls on the trip was keeping a journal? That's how we know about, like... 90% of the things that happened after they left the town."
He nodded. "Makes sense."
"So, because of this girl's journal, right? We know that one of the hikers just, like, fully went off his fucking rocker about a day into the trip."
"What?" Crowley asked, leaning forward with interest.
"Yeah! He started getting really antsy, and he kept shouting stuff at seemingly nothing? He yelled, like, 'Stop following us!' and stuff like that. At nothing!"
Crowley, for effect, took his sunglasses off so that you could see his surprised look.
"Anyway. So they keep going, even though literally everything that could ever say 'turn back' is saying 'turn the fuck back!' They got off course --"
"As you do."
"As you fucking do. They got off course and decided to hunker down for the night and retrace their steps in the morning. They set up camp, went to bed, and then they all fucking died."
"Oh, I imagine there's more to it than that," Crowley said.
The grin on your face was bordering on manic. "Oh, of course. First of all, according to the girl's journal, two of the hikers went batshit, started laughing hysterically for no reason, and then took off into the night, never to be seen again -- well, not alive, anyway."
"Ominous," Crowley observed thoughtfully.
"Right? And the other weird thing about that -- well, pre them all dying. There was, according to the girl, a big, glowing orange ball of light in the sky that night. They have a picture of it," you said, turning the book so that he could see. "Of course, it's in black and white, but still. And -- the craziest part of that, is that there were hikers on the other side of the mountain on the same night who confirmed the big glowing orange ball of light!"
Crowley's mouth dropped open.
"I KNOW! And then -- their deaths are even more bizarre! First of all, they cut their way out of their tent? Like, they didn't just -- open it and leave. They cut. Their way out. And then they ran down the side of the mountain into the trees. No one's really sure how anything else happened, but what we know for sure is that three of them were found a little up the mountain, like they'd been trying to make their way back up."
"And two were found naked -- right at the edge of the trees, under one of the bigger ones. Some branches in the tree were broken in a way that seems to indicate that they were trying to climb up and get a view of the camp. There were also remains of a fire beside the bodies. We don't know for sure why they were naked, but the theory is paradoxical stripping."
"And what's that?" Crowley asked, even though he knew.
"It's when you're so cold that you start to feel hot, and so you take off all your clothes."
Demonic work, he was sure.
"So that's five of them. They were found shortly after they died. The other four weren't found until a few months later, after the spring thawed a lot of the snow."
"Why weren't they found right away?"
"Because they were found in a ravine about a mile past the treeline! Three of them were found in a stream in this ravine. One of them had a piece of her skull missing? And all of them had major trauma to their chests -- like, high-speed impact by a delivery truck kind of major impact. To this day, no one's sure what the fuck caused that kind of damage."
Crowley clicked his tongue in thought.
"And the last one -- she was found sitting up against a big boulder? The official report describes her like that. Sitting up against a boulder. She had, like, chunks of her face missing? And her tongue was missing. Like, the whole thing."
"You specified the official report," Crowley observed. "Is that important?"
"Oh! Yes! Because the pictures of the area? They show her as laying face down in the stream with the others!"
"That's suspicious."
"Right? On top of all that, their bodies had traces of radiation! Not their clothes, though, or their belongings. Just the bodies."
Crowley hummed.
"Oh! And their tent -- when authorities found the tent, it looked like it had been put up by amateurs. Like, level zero hikers. But these were level two hikers doing their level three hike. There's no reason their tent would've been put up like that. Even if they were in a rush or scared or whatever, it would've been put up at least sort of better."
He nodded in understanding.
"It's just -- it's all so crazy!"
"I can tell," he mused aloud, lips quirking into a smirk at your perplexed and frustrated expression.
"The thing with the girl's face is really weird," you said after a moment of thought. "The theory is scavengers, but reports of the incident specify there were no animals in the area. Like, I feel like if there were scavengers, you'd write down 'no predators,' or even 'no wolves or bears.' But no, they wrote, very specifically, 'no animals.' Like, I dunno, it just feels like that's a weird distinction to make. But then, if there weren't any animals, how did her face end up with bits missing?"
"I couldn't tell you."
"And why lie about her, too? Why move her and put her in the stream when the report literally says she was up against the boulder?"
He shrugged, before shifting forward to grip your knee.
"I just -- it's all so crazy, and weird, and -- and --"
"Oh," Crowley interjected, looking thoughtful. "Now I know why that all sounds familiar."
"Yeah, that was demonic work," he continued, blissfully unaware of your increasingly maddening expression. "I'm pretty sure that was my side."
"So you -- you know what happened?"
He finally caught your expression, the set of your jaw and slight twitch in your eye. "Oh -- yeah. Of course," he said, sounding rather unsure, actually. If anything, that just seemed to aggravate you more. "Space yetis."
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beeh0rnz · 10 months
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The sillies 💌🐶
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wazzappp · 17 days
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Hnggfhgnvnghh lots of drawing.
Ok so this conversation takes place while they’re on their way to Moreau's bossfight. It has been a LONG time since Lisa has been able to talk to someone else so it kinda just spills out and she’s gotta hit em with the ‘Ah shit I overshared time to clam up so I seem cool and mysterious’ and part of how she does that is by ✨showing off✨.
Robbie is shit at taking hints but he can recognize ‘I’m done talking about this’ because he does it too. At least he gets to learn a little about himself (maybe some stuff he would rather not know. Like how willing he is to kill for his new friend :)
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
one of my best friends in middle school was really into comics bc her dad was really into comics, and it's still so funny to me like. i just have this fairly vivid memory of how one time we had a sleepover, and it was just like 1 in the morning, and she was telling me about batman and all the robins (funnily enough, it started bc she was ranting about how they'd just released n52, so this must've been right around 2011). and i just so clearly remember lying there in the beds in the top floor of the barn and thinking, god this is insane!! how is anyone supposed to remember all these guys? jason todd, tim drake... there's absolutely no way. i guess im only going to remember dick grayson, he's the most important robin i think. there's no way i'll ever keep any of this straight...
well. 13yo rimi i have some news for you on this front. you may want to sit down,
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transgothicgenre · 1 year
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i had autoclave stuck in my head during the plane ride home so i just kinda rolled with it
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Perhaps unpopular, but just as you would not consider your comfort food to be something you've never had before, I don't think it's reasonable to consider an ongoing and as-of-yet unfinished series to be comfort media. Or at the very least, if it is, you must be prepared that because it's ongoing, it can go to a place that makes it no longer comfort media, and that it is not a failure or mistake on its part should that occur.
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honestly wally is stronger than atlas. if i had to constantly calibrate to the nature of my reality w/ full consciousness i would simply lose my fucking mind
#like babies dont Think while they learn how to exist#imagine straight up spawning fully aware and then everyone else is up to speed but youre standing there like#🧍‍♂️uh. hello. what is everything. what is this. huh????#LIKE???? i feel so bad for him. dude got dropped right into the middle of the ocean and was told 'learn to swim'#and hes trying. but he doesnt know what drowning is so he cant sink either#i mean i get it at least a little bit! its the Autism Experience but w/ him the dial is cranked up to a thousand#you dont know what you dont know but life goes on like you should. fuck#wally i am mentally beaming you a thousand apples grown in the shape of hearts#i believe in you dude you'll figure it out#well. im probably beaming apples into the past if the time discrepancy is real but yk yk#cause if it is then Current Wally probably has a solid handle on things. from a basic standpoint#in a wider lens i am led to believe that he is Scrabbling#is this speculation???#i think it counts.#wh speculation#homebogging#whenever i think about the tidbits we know - ex: wally learning about differences in size#internally i start howling. wally is just constantly dealing with things that would drive a person insane if they had to live it#how is he not Exhausted... it's all so much for someone who knows whats going on let alone someone scrambling to catch up#at least the other neighbors dont have to deal with memorizing physics and skills and behavior#and just Literally Everything That Comes With Being Alive#wally is a blank slate left to write itself.#ough. damn. fuck. i think i need to go stare into the woods for a bit...
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zhooniyaa-waagosh · 8 months
Me, first learning kana: Wow I love how straightforward Japanese pronunciation is, it's really nice to not have to wonder how things are pronounced.
Me, learning kanji: oh what the fuck actually
Me, now learning about the types of keigo and how they affect conjugation and pronunciation:
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secretarysong · 3 months
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zuke headcanon that's been lingering on my mind for ages ... i think he has a pretty broad taste in music BUT his favorite genres alongside rock are oldschool jungle + breakbeat and R&B
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me n my stuffed animals are sitting in bed under a weighted blanket watching the phantom of the opera 25th anniversary if yall wanna join us
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
kagerou daze II headphone actor, takane pov:
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kagerou daze VI over the dimension, haruka pov:
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saeru saying the same line, meaning haruka and takane are conscious at the same time without knowing it. they realize at the same time that they're outside of their own bodies
and after seeing themselves, they see the other
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anyways. i just wanted to remind u haruka and takane mourn each other at the very same time. while also mourning themselves. just always thought that was so funny.
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baekuras · 1 year
Thinking about Luis surviving & recovering while Leon gets to sit at his bedside or wherever reading Don Quixote to him <3
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thelooniemoonie · 3 months
one sad side effect im now learning is that in higher education if you want to study with harder/more niche topics (and you're a visual learner) there's less videos talking about these topics so search engines have no idea what you're talking about anymore
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