#i absolutely love Steve
hugsandnoregrets · 2 years
seeing people insist that Steve is the best ‘mom’ or ‘brother’ in the show despite Joyce literally going into a demonic hell world and fighting a shady secret government testing entity for her child and Jonathan being parentified for half a decade and being his brother’s main support and secondary caretaker
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unkreativstermensch · 21 days
Corroded Coffin making it big after touring with Metallica, but at this point they’re basically immune to being starstruck ever again (because…well, they’ve toured with Metallica) so they’re pretty chill around famous people.
Fast forward to an award show a couple months later, Eddie brings Steve, Steve brings Robin and while Eddie just mostly stays at their table chatting away with Jeff and James, Steve and Robin get drunk and go absolutely ballistic.
Running around, stealing bread from all the other tables, and doing shots with everyone who’s willing to put up with their antics. At some point Steve comes up to Eddie, hands on his shoulders, excited and giddy and tells him, „Hey Eds, I just talked to Rick Astley! He’s such a nice guy. Robin told him he should release a negative version of his song and just sing ‘then im gonna give you up, then im gonna let you down’ and he actually seemed to consider it as an April Fool’s joke or something.”
And Eddie just looks at him, an amused, fond smile on his lips, says, “that’s great, baby, m’glad you’re having fun“ and presses a kiss to Steve’s neck, before turning around again, resuming his conversation with Kirk about about a song idea.
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donttellunclesam · 2 months
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stevie & eddie s4
(close ups under the cut)
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yabakuboi · 3 months
Robin has a love-hate relationship with Steve-and-Eddie. Love, because those are her best friends and her best friends are in love with each other and they never leave her out of anything. Hate, because sometimes she wishes they would because she keeps accidentally third-wheeling herself.
She doesn't hate it that much though, if she's honest. It's just fun to complain, especially because it riles the both of them up.
But right now, she's being quiet so she can witness one of her secretly-favorite Steve-and-Eddie rituals—of which there are many, but this one is silly and endearing.
It starts like this:
The waitress sets down their drinks, lemonade for Robin, coca-cola for Steve, and a cherry soda for Eddie.
"Don't you dare," Eddie says, even as Steve reaches for Eddie's drink, slipping his straw in next to Eddie's and slurping obnoxiously. Eddie doesn't even pretend to stop him anymore. "Unbelievable."
"I just want to taste it!"
"You could just get a whole glass of it! All for yourself!!"
"It's too sweet, I don't want a whole glass."
"What, so you think you can just help yourself to mine?"
Steve's grin is far too smug, even for Robin, even when Steve slides it to her so she can take a sip. Steve is right, it is really too sweet and she wrinkles her nose, but it's worth it for the offended gasp Eddie makes when she slides it back to him.
The diner is their favorite, because everyone who works there has given up on understanding their weird dynamic: Robin and Steve squished into on side of the booth while Eddie's spread out on the other, Robin making gagging noises whenever Steve brushes against her, even though they never sit in any other configuration. The staff has long since stopped asking which of them was her boyfriend, and that's perfect for her.
Besides, she knows that under the table, Steve and Eddie have their ankles locked together like the disgusting love-sick dorks that they are.
The Steve-and-Eddie show continues when their meals come out. Chicken fingers and fries for Steve because he's an actual child, and breakfast for dinner for Eddie because he likes to be contrary. And then the real performance begins.
They "fight" over the ketchup bottle, which really means that Eddie picks it up and Steve snatches it out of his hands—only for Steve to spread it over Eddie's scrambled eggs (gross) for him before he adds a disgusting amount to his own basket.
Eddie makes a game of stealing Steve's fries when he thinks he isn't looking (Steve is, he's tallying each one up in his head, Robin knows this because she's doing it too), and when he finally "catches" Eddie in the act, he steals Eddie's last piece of bacon—the one that's sat untouched for the last five minutes for this very reason.
Then, Eddie's "forcing" Steve to try his grits, like he does every time, and game eats a spoonful of it, every time, and then complains at length how much he hates it (and he actually does hate it, the texture is just not for him, Robin knows because it's the same for her too).
And then they do the worst, most disgusting thing ever: they split the pancake in half. Without fail. Without argument. Every time.
Robin, slurping on her strawberry milk shake that she will NEVER share with anyone ever, thinks that stupid pancake is like the symbol of their love or something. Sh's sure if they weren't in public, they'd be feeding it to each other.
"What?" They say it in unison, and Robin hates when they do that to her.
(Eddie complains about it right back at her, because she and Steve do the same thing to him all the time. They should blame Steve, since he's the common denominator, but he just looks so pleased about them both that they can't rag on him for it, so Eddie remains Robin's sworn enemy and vice versa.)
"What what?" she sneers at them, voice quiet. "You two are disgusting, it's like you're making out right in front of me right now."
"What are you, homophobic?" Eddie hisses back, just as quiet. "I'm in love with your best friend, Buckley. I'm making out with him in front of you for the rest of your life."
"Ugh! I hate you so much."
"Right back at you."
And then they start kicking at each other beneath the table, no doubt catching Steve's ankles in the crossfire. He doesn't tell them to stop though, and Robin can see that pleased, sappy smile on his stupid face out of the corner of her eye, so she lands an exceptionally harsh blow to Eddie's shin in retaliation for making her best friend so happy. He digs his heel into her toes in return.
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Eddie posts a Tiktok of him and Steve getting ready for bed and he’s like, “You’ve been laughing to yourself all day. What’s so funny?”
Steve: I just can’t stop thinking about your manager saying you need to be more relatable because like, you’re such weirdo.
Steve: Even before you got famous, you were a weirdo who walked on cafeteria tables and sold drugs in the woods. You used to hiss at people.
Eddie, amused: And what, you were Captain normal?
Steve: I was - am normal
Eddie; Baby, you were a teenage monster hunter. Who else was doing that other you, Byers, and Wheeler?
Steve: Buffy Summers
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crow2222 · 26 days
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Punk!Steve who's music taste doesn't change in the slightest.
Eddie gives him shit for it once and only once because he's met with a "The most punk rock thing you can do is like whatever you like regardless of any group trying to tell you you can't be that way. Awfully conformist of you to try to tell me I can't dress like this and like Abba."
Its to date one of the most devastating arguments anyone has ever made to him. He doesn't say shit about it from then on.
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Steve trims his split-ends in the bathroom one day and Eddie finds the trimmings in the garbage.
“What the hell is this?” Eddie barks the question, holding the trash can in front of Steve’s face. The crime has turned Eddie into some sort of Hair Lawyer, showcasing the evidence to the defendant.
Steve peers over top the magazine that he’s skimming through, examines the inside of the garbage can, and then returns back to reading.
“Baby, don’t do this.”
Which - wow - what a fucking outrageous response. Like who responds to their prosecutor with pet names and zero justification? Who does that?
“I didn’t do shit - you did this!” Eddie stares into the garbage can. Wiping imaginary tears from the corners of his eyes and staring longingly at the stray brown hairs. No longer attached to Steve’s gorgeous, perfect head.
“This is a travesty.”
“It’s just dead hair.”
“No, it was very much alive.” Eddie drops to his knees, pointing directly to Steve as he speaks. “You murdered it, Steve Harrington.”
“Whatever, I’ll play along.” Steve tosses his magazine to the side of the couch, rolling his eyes.
“What do you mean play al-” Eddie gets cut off by Steve’s finger over his lips.
He strokes Eddie’s cheek with the pad of his thumb, and the block of anger in Eddie’s chest goes all melty at the contact.
“How can I make this bizarro grieving process better?” Steve asks sweetly. His words are cushions to soften this devastating blow.
Like seriously, Aphrodite fucking molded Steve Harrington from god-like love and leftover cosmic dust. Why would he cut his hair knowing how ethereal he is? Okay sure, this is just Eddie’s Theory, but he’s goddamn convinced there’s pieces of Steve that are otherworldly - his infamous hair being one of them for sure.
“Sorry. Distracted.”
Distracted by his pretty boyfriend is a common occurrence in Eddie’s life now, but whatever.
"How do we fix this so I can avoid a guilty verdict by the jury of one?" Steve boops his finger onto Eddie's nose as he says 'one.' It makes Eddie all giggly, the anger is practically a puddle at this point. But if Eddie Munson is anything, it's consistent. If he starts a comedy bit, you bet your ass he's gonna fully commit.
"We're gonna bury it." Eddie acts solemn, regaining his silly little charade.
"My hair?"
"Uh huh."
"It deserves a proper place of rest."
Steve exhales loudly. For a moment, he just looks over Eddie's features. Probably thinking, what the hell have I gotten myself into with this walking freakshow?
And before Eddie can allow that toxic thought to take occupancy in his mind, Steve puffs out his shiny pink lips and kisses Eddie. Nothing too rough, nothing too gentle (cause Eddie despises feathery-lipped kisses). It's the Goldilocks Effect of Kisses: just the right amount of everything. Just enough pressure, movement, tongue, all of it. Steve Harrington's lips can sweep away negative mindsets and replace them with shimmering constellations of positivity.
"Okay, baby." Steve says, eyes still closed post-kissing his boyfriend thoughtless. "I'll get the shoebox, you call the rest of the gang."
"Cause if we're doing this your way, we've gotta go all out."
"Which means?"
Steve pecks Eddie's cheek and gives him a quick wink:
"We're gonna have a whole damn funeral for my hair."
And that's when it hits him: the only thing Eddie is more committed to than his comedy bits, is Steve Harrington.
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inklessletter · 1 year
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I dreamed of your voice last night, and it sounded as lonely as I am. Are you trapped in there? Are you... are you real?
Thank you for trusting the process again <3
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belovedharringrove · 2 years
"steve is so stupid lol" yeah? YEAH? everyone loves talking about how robin deciphered the russian code but if steve hadn't recognized the 'daisy bell' song from the coin operated toy horse, robin and dustin would've still thought that the transmission was from russia or something. robin asks "maybe they have horses like that in russia?" and steve immediately says "'indiana flyer'? i don't think so." so just because steve harrington, who was a popular jock for the majority of his school years, doesn't understand the nerdy/geeky references the party makes, it doesn't make him stupid.
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liar-or-lawyer · 3 months
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Strike Force?
Season 1: Episode 1
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cultofthorns · 8 months
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hammity-hammer · 9 months
steve harrington would absolutely get big dogs when he moves out on his own-- maybe his grandparents had one or two when he was younger & he'd visit them and see his family love the dog and play with it & just be happy, and he vowed to get his own one day so he could have a big ole best friend. & i dunno what breed specifically he'd get, but that dog would be so loved & would eat only the best food (because steve would chef up some cool fancy dog stuff because like why not??? if he can eat good, so can his pup) and have so many toys, and go on so many walks and have so many dog friends (that he met at the dog park) and they would wrestle & he would just-- give all of this love to his dog & it would have the dumbest name, chosen by dustin & max who just had to torture him with something stupid, steve picked out a sweet girl puppy so of course they named her Cheese, because what other name could they have chosen? (steve hates it but it is pretty funny to have to scold something named Cheese) and maybe one day he's walking Cheese (whom he does not call Cheese unless she's being bad-- he calls her all kinds of ridiculous petnames instead) and they stumble upon a very pretty, loud metalhead, walking his tiny ass chihuahua that cannot seem to leave Cheese alone. It just keeps leading the man over to them and Steve gets flustered every time, because wow he has such big, pretty eyes and oh wow, his mouth moves so pretty when he talks and-- oh god he's been talking and steve has no idea what he's saying and just has to awkwardly smile and nod, and the man blinks at him, waiting for an answer to the question he'd asked but steve has no idea what he's supposed to say.
"I can't just call you Pretty Boy, sweetheart, as much as I'd love that, I don't think that's your real name." The man laughs and then Steve realizes he has to introduce himself to him, and when he finds out that his name is Edward he has a whole hayday with that one, because he seems nothing like an Edward.
And maybe once they keep on talking, they make little playdates for their babies, and they plan real dates for themselves<3
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delta-piscium · 10 months
the real reason Steve brings a date to a high school basketball game for a high school he doesn’t even go to anymore is because the one time Nancy went with him the team won and his sports superstitions kicked in and he can’t just risk Lucas losing because of him not having a date, so he will take on the burden and ridicule of being the guy who graduated and drags new dates to games all in the name of not upsetting the delicate intricacies of rituals in sports
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aomaoe · 2 years
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i come alive on this site once a year when i fall facefirst into a new hyperfix but this years flavor is steve harrington. ive been obsessed with his volume 2 looks
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sparkle-fiend · 7 months
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“In a certain kingdom, in a certain land, there was a village, surrounded by a forest, and a wide river nearby…”
From the Steddie Big Bang project 020, Tessellation (by the incredible @maryofdoom).
Six stories about Steve and Eddie, in six very different universes - check it out here!
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