#i *just* subscribed to their patreon too on saturday because i got to the first episode that has a short rest and wanted to listen to it
hellooo-one-and-all · 11 months
Hi hello I've been on tumblr since 2015 and somehow this is the first time I've given in to the temptation to make a fandom sideblog! But it was either this or let my silly little dnd shows completely take over my main blog...
Critical Role was the first actual play show I've watched, but I'm not really keeping up with it these days tbh. I'm DMing Call of the Netherdeep though, so there's always a part of my brain that's thinking about Exandria... Now I mostly watch Dimension 20 (TUC 2 atm), as well as the other shows Dropout puts out because they really never miss, it's all so good. I've also started listening to naddpod pretty recently and am enjoying that a lot!
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dervampireprince · 9 months
8k Subscribers on Youtube?!
We only hit 7k two weeks ago what is this?!??! Thank you all so much. I know most of this has come from the new royalty audios and while they are both de-monetised by Youtube without any explanation, I'm so happy they've brought so many new people in!
Confession time: I made, for the first time, some year end goals at the beginning of this year. I've been aiming for 500 Twitch followers, 200 Patrons… and 10k Youtube subscribers. And I kept it private because I thought they were too high, espeically the 10k for Youtube one… but you guys just gave me 1k subscribers in two weeks. So maybe this is all possible. We're currently at 490 on Twitch (where we play games and explore weird websites on Fridays, and we use Magma so I can draw with you guys on the same canvas on Saturdays), 246 Patrons, and now 8014 on Youtube. 10k by the end of the year suddenly looks possible and I am so grateful to you all.
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I'm happy the royalty audios have been so well-received, I plan to keep making them frequently alongside the regular original character and fandom audios. I've been changing up my Twitch streams by recently switching out from solo art streams on Fridays to playing games and exploring interesting, weird or old websites (eg old flash games, ARGs, picrews and more) and so far have only explored one website and I'm excited to explore more, but after I finish the game I'm currently streaming which is American McGee's Alice, a game I loved as a teen but never got the chance to play myself so now am fulfilling a little childhood nostalgic dream. And I'm so glad we've got people always showing up in stream and keeping me company, streaming for me is not a career it's just a fun hobby that allows me to socialise because I don't get to see friends IRL often. And the sudden increase in Patrons these last two months has been amazing! Thank you! Patreon is the biggest chunk of my income and you're money goes towards my rent and saving up to move out of my parents house and get my own place where I keep making content more freely. And I want to give an additional thank you to everyone who's been buying off my Etsy shop, I've been running it for 6 years now and the last couple years it's been declining in sales, and then these last couple months have been crazy! I've been selling so many Baldur's Gate stickers (honk) so thank you all so much!
As always with every 1k subscribers it means I will make a 1 hour long sleep aid video chosen from your requests. Usually I tally all the comments up and pick the most popular, unless it's a character that I've already done recently for a sleep aid. For example, the most requested character for the 7k sleep aid was Ambrose and Arden but I just did them for the 5k sleep aid, so instead I've picked the second most requested character, which I'll keep a surprise until that video goes up in a couple weeks. So get your requests in for who you'd like to lull you to sleep for an hour, it can be a fandom character, one of my original characters, or a generic boyfriend or royalty audio. Leave them in the comments below! And thank you all again so much! All of your support, whether you're a Patron, commissioning audios off me, watching my Twitch streams, leaving comments, or just silently supporting and watching my videos, it all helps me keep creating and, honestly, to survive. So thank you.
I know this got long. I'm really not good at not rambling.
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asimovsideburns · 3 years
dunno if you've been asked this before, but could I trouble you with sharing your top podcast recommendations?
I LOVE to reccomend stuff!
Okay, first off, Second Star To The Left is the newest one I’m listening to—both as in I got into it the most recently and as in it started the most recently. It’s a podcast about a scout (Gwen) who travels to an uninhabited planet to make it fit for humans to live on, and her relationship with her scout-minder (Bell (they/them)). Also Boots (robot) is there too. I love Boots. It’s very good. Only two episodes so far, and it updates every other Saturday, so it will be very easy for you to get current.
If you follow me, you probably already know about The Adventure Zone, but on the off chance you don’t it’s a very good actual play starring the McElroys and getting into it is how I met a lot of cool people. Don’t skip the first arc, because it’s important, but do know that most people think it’s the roughest arc.
Naddpod (Not Another DnD Podcast) is another good one. Be warned: often extremely crude, definitely more so than TAZ. The first episode basically opens with a discussion of dragon genitals and honestly I did put it down because of that, but I came back to it later and pushed through and it is a really fun and at times truly beautiful story. There’s several campaigns, and a ton of patreon content I don’t have access to because even beyond money I just don’t have the time to listen to all of it. They’re on campaign two, which I like so far, but am sadly behind on. The taglone for the first campaign is “the campaign after the campaign”—you aren’t missing anything, that’s just the premise of the story.
(I’m behind on everything except SSTTL, actually)
Naddpod’s Murph (DM) and Emily (player) also play on college humor’s Dimension 20 show. At least the first seasons of Fantasy High and The Unsleeping City are available on youtube, but if you subscribe to Dropout (it’s cheap) you get access to a LOT more episodes, and they don’t have bad language censored out. Plus all the other college humor shows, but I’m mainly there for the dnd. Most of the other D20 cast has also appeared on Naddpod as a guest party member at one point or another. The D20 sidequests (mini seasons) are also good, and feature different cast members.
ANOTHER D20 cast member, Zac Oyama, also has a fairly new podcast called The Rotating Heroes Podcast. The concept is that he DMs for a group for one arc and then shift focus to a different group of players for the next arc, all in the same world, and eventually we rotate back to previous characters. It’s weekly, but alternates between an episode of gameplay and an episode of talkback show. It is behind a $5/month patreon paywall, but you can listen to the gameplay episodes of the first arc for free on the Naddpod feed to see if you like it.
Bombarded is an actual play of an all-bard party (multiclassed) played by the members of an actual band, and every single episode features a song that they write specifically for that episode, with things like chords, drums, and even key determined by dice. Puns abound, mostly musical, but not always. Also, when their characters learn a new musical skill, they explain it to the audience out of character and give examples.
Lastly, listen to Welcome To Night Vale. Know your history. I love Night Vale but also the most scared I’ve ever been by a piece of media was during an episode of Night Vale. Mostly it’s not scary, though. It is gay.
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I never claimed to be a film scholar, and that’s why I was almost 33 years old before I saw Jaws the first time (and yes, it is my birthday next week thank you so much for asking!) It’s not that I never wanted to - but by the time I had overcome my fear that Jaws was going to eat me in my bathtub, I didn’t want to watch it cut up by commercials on a Saturday afternoon on TNT and we didn’t own it and if you think I was going to waste my one pick at Blockbuster on a movie from 25 years ago instead of renting Now and Then for the fifth time, you are just a plain fool. So here we are in a quarantine and I’m doing some much needed catching up.
One thing I’ve discovered about these classic completely-permeated-in-pop-culture films is that they’re not immune to the phenomenon of high expectations->very disappointed. I was a little worried that, because I’ve had the “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” scene imprinted on my retinas since I was about 7 years old, the film just wouldn’t have the same oomph as it did when it became the world’s first true blockbuster. So, to an avid movie-watcher like me, does Jaws still have teeth? Well...
This is not a controversial opinion - yeah, it does. Jaws is pretty fucking awesome. Sometimes things really are that simple. For the uninitiated (although honestly who doesn’t know the plot of Jaws), it’s pretty simple. There’s a shark. Like....a really big one. He’s feeling peckish, and starts looking for snacks around Amity Island, a touristy (fictional) beach community somewhere off the coast of New England. The local chief of police, Brody (Roy Scheider) is staunchly anti-shark attack but the mayor is like “we’ll just have to accept the risk that the weak ones will die because we can’t shut the economy down!” But because this is a fantasy movie, after 4 people die, the authorities do everything they can to stop the threat, including hiring a scientist named Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute (Richard Dreyfuss), and a crusty ol’ sea captain named Quint (Robert Shaw) to hunt the shark down and kill it. 
Some thoughts:
That John Williams score just kicks you in the teeth right from the beginning, doesn’t it.
It’s interesting, regarding all the scenes I’ve seen just in the context of living in a world where Jaws is part of pop culture - they always come in these little 30-second bursts without the context, enough to suggest the dread and terror but not really sit in it for long. As a result, this first initial shark attack scene goes on for SO MUCH LONGER than I was expecting. I was genuinely disturbed.
I’m seeing many Very Good dogs, which is fantastic news. There’s the Chief’s cocker spaniel, there’s a frisky black Lab on the beach chasing a stick, a couple more when all the fisherman are arriving, and many puppers in boats!
I mean, I know it’s sad that kid Alex got eaten on his raft but why haven’t they given us reassurance that Pippet is ok??
This intro to Quint is truly one of the best character introductions I’ve ever seen. What an iconic and instantly memorable performance, this salty, grizzled fisherman/bounty hunter who literally never stops talking. He’s a walking sea shanty, a collection of dirty jokes held together with sheepshank knots and moonshine. I love him in spite of his vague, amorphous sexism and relentless repetition of the same terrible song.
God, I had no idea how young Richard Dreyfuss is in this!
I already knew a lot of the parallels existed, but Wife wanted me to point out explicitly that watching this film is deeply upsetting in the time of Covid-19. The same willful ignorance, the same disregard for public safety, and the same reverence for “the economy” at all cost to human life is relevant, to say the least.
It’s easy to forget, but having watched more of his early stuff in the past few months, I completely get why Steven Spielberg was such an absolute lightning bolt to the film industry. The naturalistic way everyone talks, the overlapping dialogue, the use of light with the moon on the ocean and these spotlights in the fog, that iconic dolly zoom shot - it really is unlike any other director’s films, especially in this era. 
Who the fuck does this mayor think he is? If the people are at the beach, isn’t that enough? Why do you NEED them to go in the water? How does that help you? If they’re on the beach and not swimming, you get the best of both worlds - people are there spending money and they’re also y’know, not dead.
I’ve seen the moment dozens of times, and everyone knows the line, but goddammit when we first see the shark in all his glory and Brody says “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” it honest to god made my heart nearly leap outta my chest. 
What I didn’t know about in all the familiarity I had with Jaws before this was this long night scene with the three men drinking and singing and comparing battle scars and stories and bonding the way men in wartime do. Quint’s monologue is especially haunting. This is all just...it’s really good. 
I’m a little uncomfortable (especially in the time of Covid) with this class warfare, working class grunt knows better than the academic tug-of-war going on between Quint and Hooper. For a long stretch it seems like Quint has a point, that Hooper doesn’t know what he’s doing out there in the dangerous reality of a fickle ocean and a murderous predator. But once they get on the boat, Hooper proves himself more the capable. Maybe the man who is actually like, a doctor of sharkology can know just as much - or maybe more?? - than the man who has been hunting and killing them for years. Aaah fiction. It’s a good thing you have nothing to teach us about reality. 
Did I Cry? No, and I kinda thought I would when Alex Kitner’s mother confronts Brody about how he did nothing to prevent her son’s death, but I was too preoccupied with the fact that she and her husband looked about 60 and I was trying to figure out how they could be the parents of an 8-year-old boy. 
In all the clips I’ve seen, I really haven’t been exposed to shots of the shark for that long, and that’s for the good. The only thing that isn’t quite pitch perfect about the movie is how, in the longer sequences, the shark robot begins to quickly lose its authentic feel. The shadows, quick glimpses, and brief chomps really do have a much greater impact. Thank goodness Bruce (the shark robot’s name) malfunctioned as much as he did, because if he had been seen up close from the very beginning, there’s no way this film would be the icon it is. 
Oh damn, that ending really comes at you quick, huh?
I love that “this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” final exchange. 
I don’t know what to tell you, guys, this movie is just really, really good. The scares are scary, the characters are interesting, memorable, and have a lot of emotional heft to them, and the shark is sharky. There’s nothing not to like. Even if you think you know what it’s gonna be like, it’s worth it to take a couple hours and really absorb it the way it deserves, because it does deserve it.  
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Problem Solved - One Shot
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Omega!WerewolfxReader, Sam x Others
Summary: Young Alpha Sam is clueless when it comes to dealing with his new mate.
I picture newly mated young Alpha Sam as emotionally clueless as soulless Sam.
Warnings: talk of smut
Beta: @ilikaicalie  
Words: 1.8k
This story was available now on Patreon on 3/4. Subscribe for a pledge of $2.50 a month and get early access to all my stories and other Patreon exclusive content.
“She’s pissed at me.” Sam hands Dean an open beer.
“Already?” Dean cocks his head, looking up from the car engine he’s working to restore. “You’ve only been together a couple of weeks. This is supposed to be the honeymoon phase, isn’t it?”
“That’s what I thought too.” Sam watches his brother take another swig.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.” Sam shakes his head. He can’t believe he’s going to Dean for advice but there’s no one else he trusts. “Not lately anyway.”
“Well, something happened. She’s newly claimed, she’s been all over your dick since you bit her. And I know you’re fucking like a champ because you smell like omega pussy twenty-four seven. No one can stand being around you two.”
“It’s not that bad.” Sam rolls his eyes.
“Yes, it is.” Dean finishes whatever he’s doing, wiping the grease off his hands with a rag. “Come on, spill it. What happened?”
“Well, you remember that little redhead I used to hook up with? Trixie?” Sam explains.
“Your go-to BJ queen? Yeah, I remember. I thought you were gonna have a thing with her for a while. She was a regular.”
“What? No. She was fine for what it was but no way. Look, she’s been texting me like crazy and I didn’t respond because I’m mated now...”
“And…” Dean rolls his eyes and his hands, trying to move the story along. He wants the juicy stuff.
“And, Y/N picked up my phone and saw the messages.”
“If you weren’t texting her back what’s the big deal?”
“I hadn’t been. But Trix sent a picture of this one time I-I came all over her tits and another one that was way worse...”
“Yeah, so Y/N sees it and she’s upset, understandably. I explained that I hadn’t talked to this chick, or anyone else since we’ve been together. Then Y/N is asking why I deleted my old messages, like I had something to hide. But, honest to God, I was just trying to get rid of old shit you know? I can’t have my Omega looking at a bunch of T & A from old hookups.”
“Okay…” Dean’s skeptical.
“Then she’s mad because I still have other women saved in my phone. I thought it was better if I knew who I was getting messages from, better than just a random number popping up. But she doesn’t see it that way. So I sat down, right then and there, and blocked every woman I’ve ever gotten a number from.”
“Y/N’s still mad about it?”
“There’s more.” Sam shifts uncomfortably. There’s a look of distress and confusion on his little brother’s face that amuses Dean to no end. “So get this, it’s Saturday night and I think we’ve moved past the whole thing. I’m in the shower when there’s a knock at the front door. Y/N answers it and it’s none other than-”
“Little miss blow job.” Dean’s laughing, shaking his head like it’s the oldest tale in the book.
“I didn’t even know what was happening. I was half naked, thinking I’m gonna get laid and I walk into the kitchen to find my Omega telling Trixie to get the fuck out of my apartment. Shit dude, I thought she was gonna kill me.”
“Yup, that’s enough to piss off your girl.”
“But I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You fucked other women.”
“Not since I’ve been with her. I don't even want anyone else.”
“You think that matters? This isn’t logical. You’re her Alpha, Omegas are territorial, almost as bad we are.” Dean whistles. “You’re lucky it wasn’t Amelia...or Ruby? Remember how crazy she was?”
Sam has an interesting past.
“Don’t even joke about that.” Sam recoils. “I’m gonna have to move. I gotta figure this out, I already have blue balls, I’ve been on the couch for three nights.”
“That’s what you get for sticking your dick in half the county.” Chuckling, Dean swings the dirty rag over his shoulder, popping the cooler for another beer.
“You’re one to talk.”
“Hey,” He looks indignant, placing a hand over his heart. “I’m not looking for a mate. I’m just having a good time, enjoying my singleness.”
“It’s not like I planned on it either. I would have cleaned up my personal life a little. I don’t know what to do. I apologized but she’s still upset.” Sam explains.
“What did this apology look like?”
“I told her I was sorry. I said I’d eat her out if she wanted-”
“Jesus Christ Sam, you don’t apologize for sex with other women with sex.”
“Why?” He scrunches forward, perplexed. “She likes it.”
“Are you really this clueless? Buy her some flowers, tell her she’s the only one you think about. Sweet talk her. She knows you’ve banged other women, so banging her makes her feel like just another notch on your belt. You gotta make her feel like she’s the only girl you ever wanna be with.”
“She is.” Sam shrugs, like Dean’s stating the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well,” Dean waves his hand. “Go tell her that, Romeo.”
When he opens the door to his apartment all his clothes are piled in the middle of the living room. For a split second, he thinks maybe you’re leaving but that doesn’t explain the mound of jeans and flannel shirts in front of the coffee table.
“Baby?” He calls out hesitantly.
“In here.” You yell from the bedroom. The hallway is littered with discarded bedding, he has to step over a comforter to get to the doorway. The bed is stripped down to the bare mattress, the closets empty. You’re on a stool, in nothing but one of his white shirts, panties, and yellow rubber gloves, scrubbing the wall with a sponge.
“Whattcha doin’?” He inquires cautiously. The last thing he needs is to get himself in even more trouble.
“I can smell them, you know.” You don’t turn around, instead, grip the sponge with both hands and scrub harder. “It didn’t bother me as much when it was just faint scents but now that I know what Trixie looks like I can’t stop picturing all these women…”
You scoff, disgusted and determined.
“Why are my clothes in the living room?”
“Because we need to wash them. With bleach. The humans and the betas I can tolerate, but half your clothes smell like other Omegas and I can’t live like this.”
“Right, that makes sense.” He nods, inching further into the room. He holds out a sad little bouquet of flowers he picked up from the gas station. “I got you something.”
Turning around you look from him to the dying yellow carnations in his hand. Your jaw ticks, pulling the gloves off one at a time before walking over to him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“They’re half dead.” You try to hold back the smile pulling at the corners of your mouth and Sam knows he’s at least on the right track.  There’s hope, he might actually get back in his bed tonight.
“It was all they had.” He grimaces, looking at his disappointing gift. He should have stopped at the florist, picked out something that cost more than five dollars. You deserve flowers that are, at least, alive. “I’m not good at this.”
“I can see that.” You watch as a petal flutters to the ground.
“I just - I don’t feel like I did anything wrong!” He blurts out, unable to contain the indignation. He can see your hackles raise, eyes narrowing, ready for a fight.
“Of course not.” You quip, mouth tightening and he knows he’s stepped right back in it.
“Just hear me out, okay?” He looks around, setting the flowers on the dresser, both of you watching as they tumble to the floor. “I don’t want anyone else. I’m crazy about you. You’re all I can think about. But I can’t do anything about the women that came before you, that’s in the past and I want to leave it there. You’re it for me. I’m all in, I’m committed. So you tell me what you need from me. I’ll do whatever you want. You can have my passwords and put LoJack on my car, I don’t care. I just want this to be over with. I hate that you’re mad at me.”
You stare at him blankly for a moment, digesting his words before bending down to pick up the bouquet. “We might be able to bring these back to life.”
“I don’t know, they’re pretty shitty.” He chuckles as you break into a real smile.
“No one’s ever gotten me flowers before.” You sigh, looking at him. “Seriously Sam, I can’t live here like this. It wasn’t bad at first but I’m in this nesting mode now and my sense of smell is jacked up. I can’t fuck you in a bed that stinks like some beta’s pussy.”
“We’ll burn the fucking mattress.” He offers. “I’ll get us a room somewhere else tonight and tomorrow we’ll figure out the rest.”
“Alright.” You give in, stepping to him. “I’ll stop being such a bitch.”
“You’re wearing my shirt...” He bites his lip, fingers playing at the hem of his shirt where it falls against your naked legs.
“It smells like you.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“Well, I’m here now, so you don’t need this anymore.” Tugging the shirt over your head he grunts in approval. Sam hasn’t seen your breasts in three days and for a newly mated Alpha, it feels like the better part of a year. He’s about to show you exactly how much he’s missed you when his phone vibrates in his pocket.
Your eyes widen and his shoulders drop, eyes closing in sheer frustration.
“Better see who it is,” you offer, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t fucking care.” He fishes the phone from his pocket, drops it on the floor and crushes it under the heel of his shoe, glass crunching.
“Sam!” You squeal as he lunges forward, lifting you up until your legs wrap around his waist.
“Problem solved.”
This story was available now on Patreon on 3/4. Subscribe for a pledge of $2.50 a month and get early access to all my stories and other Patreon exclusive content.
Tags: @smallgirlbigpersonality @mereka18 @gryffindorable713 @trainlikeawinchester @winchesterprincessbride @bamby0304 @saxxxology
@kittenofdoomage @notyourtypicalrose @mariekoukie6661 @little-big-mac2 @emoryhemsworth @mystriee @atc74 @holyfuckloueh @bunnybaby121115 @mogaruke @darkmystress00 @jaspesangriento @kazuha159 @mirandaaustin93 @crispychrissy @schilj79 @wilde-abandon @hennessy0274-blog @bojabee @miss-samantha-winchester @impalaimagining @andkatiethings @astephez @ladycynthia @mrswhozeewhatsis @lenawiinchester @feelmyroarrrr @mrs-meghan-winchester @har-rystyles @mistressofallthingsgeeky @theamuz @maui137 @stars-and-seas @vale0413 @impala67trenchcoat @curly-haired-disaster @ericaprice2008 @livelikeawinchester @althehufflepuff @itsthesamegametoday @bohowitch @spnwoman @just-a-normal-eccentric @gallifreyansass @StoneyGGirl @lonely-skys @81mysteriouslyme @missrandomista @soupornatural @stars-and-seas @natura1phenomenon @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @81mysteriouslyme @likhelbentin @mrooks0205 @zombiewerewolfqueen @winchesterprincessbride @squirrel-moose-winchester @fortisetgloriosusinarduis @closetspngirl @dominodoll @rainflowermoonlibrary @cleighwrites @camelotandastronauts @imarockstar45  @thebeastinside19 @courtney-padalecki @itsthesamegametoday @virtualgirlfriendsan @daisymoder72 @fandom-is-my-middle-name @mysticmcu @luciferseclipse @malinda1997 @malinda1997 @sunlight-dean @rockhoochie @collette04 @sandlee44 @ohnowin-chester @maddiepants @fandom-princess-forevermore @geeksareunique @femdeni314 @lazinessisalliknow @samwinchesterssexyface @the-yellow-girl96 @that67chevy
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blaurascon-kzk · 4 years
KZK Discord Digest [ Week of Nov 29 - Dec 5]
SUMMARY: Kat has made preorders for the last round of Elemental Kirins available as of a few days ago. This was to ensure that rent and utility bills were paid on time - as of yesterday, thanks to you all, everything is covered! We don't intend to make preorders a regular thing going forward; Kat was in a bind for this and it was necessary. Check out below for more renders & previews! Speaking of previews -- I will not be syncing the teasers and WIPs channel to this tumblr. If you want to catch more early sneak peeks at stuff, I highly recommend joining the Discord. Links are in my profile on SL.
Nov 29
KatLast Friday at 4:30 PM @everyone I hope you all hade a good Thanksgiving, and for those of you who dont celebrate the systematic destruction of indigenous peoples and rampant capitalism, I hope you had a good thursday.
In all seriousness, and in the intended spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to say again how utterly thankful I am to have the honor and pleasure of helming a community of incredible people. Whether its greeting newcomers with open arms, or encouraging oldtimers to keep pushing forward, you've all been a huge inspiration to me to keep doing what I do and you've all been so kind and supportive to me as well through some of the worst parts of my life. I only wish I was better equipped to do the same for yours.
So while you recover from your turkey induced comas, please remember to tip your service staff, hug your pets, drink water, and call your folks, mk?
I love you all, and a happy(slightly delayed) Thanksgiving from kat, april and alex(my cat <3)
Nov 30
KatLast Saturday at 12:52 PM @everyone So, today I'll be taking an action that to some, might rub them the wrong way. In a few hours, I plan to make preorders for the Aeterna, Teknika, and Ragnarok available.
I don't like doing this when I've got nothing to show inworld, but I'm backed into a corner. My rent is due tomorrow(1350$), and my electric bill and storage bills are also due but I've got about 350$ to my name.
IMPORTANT: These preorders will be purely voluntary and optional. If you are NOT comfortable preordering an avatar, sight unseen, PLEASE do not feel like you're obligated to do so, especially if you're concerned you might be disappointed by its quality or that it doesn't meet your expectations. This also applies to people who are also struggling financially--Please take care of your own personal finances first, I'll manage.
Like the previous elementals, they'll be 1000L$, with the exception of the Teknika which will be 1200L$ because of the extra work that had to go into it. Remember that these elementals lack a lot of the major features of their primary avatar, but make up for it in uncommon, high quality parts great for wearing out of the box, or taking that special avatar to the next level as a mod.
This will NOT be a routine--I do NOT feel good about doing this, but I'm reaching the end of my rope. I'd hoped to have these done far sooner, but my desire for quality means the standards I've created these assets to is a trade off for time.(I'd hope to have these done by the 22nd. I know, right?)
For those willing and able to help out by preordering, thank you. And to those of you who'd like to wait, I respect and appreciate that as well--Your trust in me is one of the most important things to me.
More details coming later today. @everyone Should also mention that Nova preorders won't be available until I've made more progress on that avatar. At the moment, its so early in creation that no one can draw a clear conclusion of what to expect and even that's a bit too much to me.
PATREON SUBSCRIBERS: I will be suspending December billing cycle. I'd hoped to be done with these kirins soon enough to get everything ready to ship for December, but that just wasn't in the cards, despite pulling back to back 18 hour days. ALSO, I may have to pay out the ~600 USD sitting in that account, to help cover rent, if I can't work some kind of miracle with the Kirins. I ALSO do not feel good about this, but Eight months of fighting, planning, sleepless nights, and emotional breakdowns went into getting this place... I'm terrified of losing it.
I'm terrified of failing and going back to Louisiana. I'm terrified of losing my best chance at freedom and happiness in the last ten years.
KatLast Saturday at 7:53 PM @everyone It is with.. gritted teeth that I say this, but the Kirin preorders for the Ragnarok, Aeterna, and Teknika are now available in the main store.
I know the last several years have been a constant barrage of me constantly asking for everyone's patience and forgiveness, so if you decide that you'd rather wait for the final release, I understand and respect your decision.
But if you're willing to, any support you can offer is deeply appreciated. Just because I've put them up for presale doesn't mean I'm not working on them. Once I confirm there's no major hangups with the vendor, I will return to my work to get the Nova into a presentable state and work as quickly as I can to release the final 4 kirins in finished, working order, as soon as I can.
I look forward to the day where I no longer have to make these kinds of posts.
KatLast Saturday at 8:24 PM @everyone Also, here's another look at the RAGNAROK, rendered in marmoset (Skin color will be black and a dark reddish purple color palette)
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Dec 1
KatLast Sunday at 4:13 AM @everyone The nova, oddly enough, has been one of the hardest ones to design, but as I fiddle with colors and options, I find myself approaching a look I can be pleased with. Here's a teaser of the mask that the Nova will have:
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Dec 2
KatLast Monday at 2:06 PM @everyone This morning I awoke to find I'm within 20kL of meeting my goal, and when combined with what I've got in Paypal, I will be able to make all my bills this month, by end of day.
This new chapter in my life hasn't been the easiest, but when compared to people who will spend christmas in the back seat of their car, I still count myself extremely lucky. Had I the means to get them out of the cold, I'd so so in a heartbeat--passing on the kindness and generosity shown to me by you all.
I've talked alot about my mental state. I've struggled with burnout and depression for years, always retracing the same old problems and never finding a solution that worked.
Since finally getting a place to live, I find myself flourishing creatively, and emotionally. My motivation is returning to me, one day at a time, and each day it gets easier to smile.
I have all of you to thank for this. I couldn't have done it without you.
Going forward, I intend to put this newfound energy to good use and channel it into productivity--Addressing the long overdue Direwolf Update, the preorder skins and bonus plush set, and finalizing the updates to the devkit to make it free to download.
I know its just words now, but I am nothing if not motivated to keep up the pace. Eviction is scary. I finally got someplace where I can be happy and I'm terrified of losing it and going back to Louisiana. I truly love it here, so I promise I will do my best to avoid that, and to do right by you guys.
Here's to the future. :beers:
Dec 3
KatLast Tuesday at 3:17 AM @everyone As of this moment, I met my goal! Thanks to some very generous last minute contributions from some friends, I was able to raise all of the money necessary to pay rent. Some of that was loaned, some was given as gifts, but regardless, I am deeply grateful.
Keeping my gaze forward and my hopes high. Thank you all. I don't deserve you all ;3;
Dec 4
KatYesterday at 12:01 AM @everyone Because I decided that the Nova had to be covered in intricately carved lines, it took me a couple days to get everything sculpted, shaded, and composited, but here's a preview of the Nova! The black areas will be invisible/use the  base kirin textures (recolored to match the Nova's palette). And there'll be a purple orb hovering between the two points on the tail.
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KatYesterday at 3:08 PM @everyone Hey folks, sorrya bout that bit of spam earlier. When adding new roles and shifting channels around, some permissions got forgotten/messed up, allowing a spammer to slip through. They've since been banned indefinitely, and the loophole patched. We now return you to your regularly scheduled nonsense. :heart:
KatYesterday at 6:40 PM @everyone so thanks to everyone's incredible support, rent is paid and all my Bill's are covered for the next month.
With exception that I might have lost my replacement birth cert so I get to have fun going thru all my belongings to find that...
Either way, full steam ahead!! <3
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thesavior1225 · 4 years
Nightly Update - A Good Day
Hello and good evening everyone, I hope you all are having a fantastic evening. So before I start my update, I just got a message from my manager at my delivery job. So our hours have been cut recently at my job and I was working Sunday - Wednesday (Thats how its always been since i started working at my job) and now I work Sunday - Tuesday because of the hour cuts. So today has been my second day off out of 3 and today (Saturday) will be my final day off and then im back to work again on Sunday. Tell me why just 15 minutes ago I get a text from my managers assistant saying “Just a reminder you work tomorrow 4/25/2020. Thank You”. Im over here like WTF lmao. How are you just gonna randomly schedule me to work on a Saturday and you know thats not my scheduled day to work. More importantly, how are you going to try and randomly schedule me on a Saturday at MIDNIGHT on the same Saturday. Its literally like what if I was asleep and you sent me this message while I was asleep? I promise you I would have woken up and instantly been late for work. See what I hate about some jobs is when they think that they can do whatever they want to you and just expect you to bend over backwards and make things work for them with very little notice. So as for work today (Saturday) im just not going in because I already made plans and I already informed my manager. SO as far as that, they are just gonna have to find another driver for that day lol. So ANYWAYS going back to my day lol My day was pretty good today, it was very productive. I was able to really focus on my VO work today and really take today to just be really productive in what I do. I also managed to subscribe to a Patreon for the first time. There has been some art on Twitter that ive really taken a fancy too and just decided to support artists in what they do lol. Now by the time youre reading this part of this post its basically 4 AM and I got caught up playing video games with my friends but I still wanted to get a post out for you guys so I didnt miss one XD. Im now going to be heading off to bed, I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the night.
0 notes