monlivrepratique · 2 years
Autosuggestion (moderne) - autosuggestion amour   trouver l'amour   femme moderne net. Comment avoir plus de succès grâce à l'autosuggestion ? how to use autosuggestion with arash vossoughi.
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la méthode Coué d’autosuggestion consciente  tombée aujourd’hui aux oubliettes  est une vraie perle de par son avant-gardisme – elle a été mise au point  en France  il y a plus de 100 ans  bien avant la montée en puissance des médecines alternatives que nous connaissons maintenant – et de par sa grande efficacité.
Pour aller plus loin  lire « la maîtrise de soi-même par l’autosuggestion consciente » d'Emile Coué  à télécharger sur kindle pour 0 99€ : . L’autosuggestion fait des miracles ou la méthode Coué. Autosuggestion confiance en soi   femme moderne net.
Séance d'autosuggestion à faire chaque matin et chaque soir pendant au moins 21 jours pour développer sa féminité.
Autosuggestion amour  - harmonie au sein du couple - femme moderne net.
Comment avoir plus de succès grâce à l'autosuggestion  + .
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deinheilpraktiker · 9 months
Hypnotherapie: Anwendung und Wissenschaftliche Belege
Hypnotherapie: Anwendung und Wissenschaftliche Belege Die Hypnotherapie ist eine alternativmedizinische Behandlungsmethode, die darauf abzielt, das Unterbewusstsein eines Menschen durch Trancezustände zu beeinflussen. Diese Therapieform wird verwendet, um bestimmte psychische Probleme anzugehen und ist in der Regel von kurzer Dauer. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns eingehend mit der Anwendung…
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Angst vor Hypnose – unbegründet?
Viele Menschen haben Angst vor einer Hypnose in Düsseldorf und können gar nicht genau begründen, warum eigentlich. Manche glauben der Hypnose Therapeut in Düsseldorf kann in ihren Kopf hineinschauen und die Gedanken lesen. Mit Gedanken lesen hat Hypnose überhaupt gar nichts tun und der Hypnotiseur besitzt auch keine übersinnlichen Kräfte. Der Mythos entsteht durch die Informationen, die uns das Fernsehen übermittelt.
Wir sehen, die der Hypnotiseur alle Menschen in seinen Bann zieht. Die Leute befürchten, dass mit ihnen etwas gemacht wird, was sie nicht wollen. Und auch nach der Hypnose hat der Hypnotiseur möglicherweise immer noch Zugriff auf die Daten in meinem Kopf – er kennt meine intimsten Gedanken – und nie wieder werde ich die Verbindung los. Das wäre das Worst Case an Gedankengut, was Menschen an den Tag legen, wenn sie über Hypnose in Düsseldorf nachdenken.
All diese Bedenken darf man gerne zur Seite legen. Hypnose ist ein anerkanntes Verfahren, welches in Kliniken, bei Ärzten und Naturheilkundlern angewandt wird. Gerade wenn es darum geht, verschüttete Erinnerungen zu suchen und auf das Unterbewusstsein zuzugreifen, gilt die Hypnose als das Werkzeug der Wahl. Und auch bei MAYA, der professionellen Hypnose in Düsseldorf passiert ihnen so etwas nicht, dass ihre Gedanken ausgelesen werden. Ähnlich wie wir einschneidende Erlebnisse unseres Lebens fest abspeichern und immer wieder abrufen können, wirkt auch Hypnose.
Wenn wir uns intensiv an ein Erlebnis erinnern, welches Jahre zurückliegt, tauchen wir in diese Erfahrung ein. Und manchmal kommen die Bilder der Vergangenheit so stark zum Vorschein, dass wir die Gefühle von damals fühlen. Das führt dazu, dass wir anfangen zu weinen oder zu lachen. In einem solchen Fall haben wir selbst auf diese unterbewusste Ebene zugegriffen, denn nichts verloren an Erfahrungs- und Gedankengut. Nur ist nicht alles ständig präsent, denn ansonsten würden wir durchdrehen. Wären alle Erfahrungen und Gedanken der Jahrzehnte uns jederzeit bewusst, kämen wir mit unserem Leben nicht mehr klar.
Die Hypnose ist eine Form der tiefen Trance, in der der Hypnotiseur auf das Unterbewusstsein seines Klienten einwirken kann. Wir greifen auf diese interne Festplatte zu und begeben uns zu dem Erlebnis, dem Gefühl oder der Handlung, die relevant für deine Thematik ist. Dabei decken wir die Formel auf, die du damals gesetzt hast. Mit dem Unterschied, dass wir die bestehende Formel überschreiben mit neuen Informationen.
Dadurch entsteht eine neue Form der "Wahrheit", die eigentlich keine ist, aber dem Klienten dienlich ist, um sein Problem zu lösen. Bei der Hypnose in Düsseldorf korrigieren wir diese Informationen auf deiner Festplatte. Mit diesem neuen Input wirkt die alte Formel nicht mehr, sondern die neue. Solche Formeln können festgesetzte Glaubensmuster sein wie: "Das Rauchen entstresst mich – ich bin nicht wertvoll – ich packe das Pensum auf der Arbeit sowieso nicht" und andere Formeln sein.
Doch nicht nur Formeln können überschrieben werden. Mit der innovativen Hypnose bei MAYA in Düsseldorf kannst du dich in Dimensionen bewegen, zu denen du sonst keinen Zugang hast. Hier wäre die Astralreise, der Jenseitskontakt oder die Reinkarnationshypnose von Belang.
Damit das gelingt, muss der Hypnotiseur weder schwarze Kleidung tragen noch ein Amulett. Auch eine tiefe Stimme nicht ernsthaft nötig. Auch ist man während der Hypnose nicht komplett ausgeknockt, sondern bekommt durchaus mit, was um einen herum passiert. Theoretisch kann man sogar zwischendurch auf die Toilette gehen. Die Personen, die weniger kopflastig sind, können allgemein betrachtet, rasch in eine Hypnose eintauchen. Bei denjenigen, die rational im Denken sind, muss gegebenenfalls nachgeholfen werden. Der Hypnotiseur kann entweder eine einleitende Entspannungsreise anwenden oder andere Module, die helfen, den Kopf zu befreien.
Die Hypnose ist so trendy wie schon lange nicht mehr. Sicherlich spielt es eine Rolle, dass Hypnose völlig ohne Chemie auskommt und im Bereich der natürlichen alternativen Methoden angesiedelt wird. Die uralte Methode zur Beseitigung von diversen Leiden wie Schlafstörungen, Verhaltensstörungen, Blockaden oder Trauerbewältigung kann jeder in Anspruch nehmen. Ein bisschen Geduld gehört dazu, denn Hypnose in Düsseldorf kann nicht zwischen Tür und Angel praktiziert werden.
Der Klient liegt meistens auf einer Behandlungsliege und die Sitzungen dauern häufig über eine Stunde oder länger. Das einzige, was man als Klient tun muss, ist dem Hypnotiseur und seinen Anweisungen zu folgen. MAYA Hypnose in Düsseldorf leitet dich dabei einfühlsam an, so dass dich rundum wohl fühlst.
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buch-sonar · 1 year
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Der zweite Band der True Psychology- Reihe ist da! Wenn Mütter ihre Kinder nicht leben lassen ... https://buchsonar.wordpress.com/2023/05/20/und-was-wird-jetzt-aus-mir-von-angelika-godau/
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laurieleborges · 1 year
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Faire le deuil à l’aide de l’hypnose Reconnaître un deuil non fait et trouver des solutions pour avancer. Retrouvez les informations dans l’article ici : https://www.hypnose-paris-20.com/post/faire-le-deuil-avec-l-hypnose #hypnose #hypnotherapie #deuil (à Paris 20) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1Jq1wDm0l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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philosophiesde · 2 years
Die Hypnose
Die Hypnose – als Beispiel für eine praktische Anwendung des Paradigmas des “embodiment” und “embededdness” Abstract Der folgende Essay soll die Hypnose als Beispiel für eine praktische Anwendung des Paradigmas des “embodiment” und “embededdness“ näher untersuchen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird versucht die Wirksamkeit des Hypnoseverfahrens mit Hilfe von empirischen Befunde aus den kognitiven…
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hypnokarma · 2 years
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Que ta préférence soit de parler au téléphone avec moi ou par appel visio, c'est ton choix sur www.tarot.karmame.art Mes lectures tarot sont personnelles et individuelles en tant que professionnelle douée, intuitive, connectée et expérimentée, mes clients sont jusqu’à ce jour, pleinement satisfaits. Mon TAROT ÉNERGIE t’apporte 🤩 éclaircissement + confiance ��� soutien + enthousiasme 😇 apaisement + volonté d’agir ✊🏻 énergie + efficacité puisqu’il est fait dans un but d’aide et d’accompagnement. Trouve ton chemin vers l'amour et le bonheur… mais pas que…! Tu peux aussi lire de vrais témoignages de mes clients pour te rassurer avant de réserver ta séance de TAROT avec moi. Ces critiques positives, non modifiées, sont un excellent moyen de te sentir confiant .e dans ton passage à l’action. Lectures par téléphone ou visio. J’offre la possibilité de te connecter de la manière qui te convient le mieux. Lectures psychiques précises autant par téléphone que par vidéo et à un prix bas tous les jours ! Par envie ou besoin, prends rendez-vous facilement en me contactant maintenant en MP ou ajoute mon WhatsApp dans tes contacts +1 514 566 4926 ❤️❤️ IMMÉDIATEMENT ta séance Tarot Énergie: 👉🏻 https://www.tarot.karmame.art/ ° #hypnose #karmathérapie #karma #thérapie #therapy #medium #hypnotherapie #confiance #confianceensoi #spiritualité #spirituel #developpementpersonnel #inspiration #penseepositive #clairaudient #eveildelaconscience #conscience #tarot #prévisions #taroténergie #energiepositive #wellbeing #motivation #guidance #oracles #psychologie #voyance #sophrologie #respectdesoi #intuition https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXCrp_Oqaa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astrologietarologie · 2 years
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Voici l’un des profils que je peux être amenée à rencontrer au cabinet. Tel un masque, une façade, le faux soi se met en place souvent suite à une blessure de rejet. La personne ne s’est pas sentie aimée pour ce qu’elle est, mais en fonction de son acceptation de répondre ou non aux attentes des autres. Il s’agit d’une blessure identitaire. Se sentant très différent selon ses fréquentations, la quête identitaire est souvent floue et complexe, et seul le comportement de fuite permettra de se sortir de situations lorsque le déni de soi est trop fort. En cas de rejet de l’autre, le sentiment de besoin d’amour s’amplifie et donne lieu à des adaptations toujours plus lourdes à tenir. La personne se détourne progressivement de ses ressentis, de ses besoins, et de sa vie intérieure, se concentrant sur les autres et leurs demandes. L’auto critique et auto analyse et fréquente : en cas de sortie avec un groupe de personne, par exemple, la personne ira revisiter la moindre de ses paroles avec cette question qui la taraude : m’ont ils aimé(e) ? Si la personne conçoit dans son imaginaire l’existence de ce masque, de ce personnage secondaire, au cabinet je propose de le décrire : est-ce un sosie, une forme ? À quoi ressemble-t-il ? Et ensuite de l’incarner, à l’aide de l’ancrage spatial (se mettre dans ses chaussures) pour devenir ce faux self. La personne ressentira, émotionnellement, ce personnage et pourra comprendre ses motivations (souvent un besoin de protection) et nous pourrons négocier ensemble un autre fonctionnement. #hypnose #hypnoseericksonienne #therapie #therapieholistique #therapiebreve #therapy #therapeute #hypnotherapeute #hypnotherapie #pnl #croyanceslimitantes #croyancesaidantes #bienetre #consultation #changement #accompagnement #communication https://www.instagram.com/p/CgkA4X7s6GL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lunar-wolfs-world · 10 days
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Have you missed me?
Sweet little things you are...
Such good little toys waiting, edging, drooling...
Grinding and drooling your little minds away...
That's right...
Don't think just sink...
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monlivrepratique · 2 years
“Comment Exploiter la
Toute Puissance de
Votre  Subconscient“
La Puissance de l’Autosuggestion (moderne) à Votre Portée.
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Ericksonsche Hypnotherapie zur Behandlung von Sucht - Dr. Milton Erickson, der in den 1980er Jahren starb, war weithin als führender Praktiker der medizinischen Hypnose anerkannt. Weniger bekannt ist jedoch Dr. Ericksons individueller Ansatz zur Psychotherapie und sein früher Beitrag zum Verständnis der neurolinguistischen Programmierung (NLP).Die Ess... - #Behandlung #Ericksonsche #Heilpraktiker #Heilpraktiker_Psychotherapie #Hypnotherapie #Psychotherapie #Sucht
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hypnos248-blog · 2 months
Any f subs want to fall under my spell
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ultram0th · 4 days
A New Life
Part 1 │ Part 2 │ Part 3
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It’d been almost a year since Blue had hypnotized his new boyfriends.
The first had been Kevin Jonas, and Blue had managed to convince the former boy band member that he was just some slutty streamer who loved to be musky all day. Whereas Kevin used to have the boy-next-door motif, he now looked like he’d been ripped straight out of a 70’s porn flick, complete with the mustache and hairy chest.
Second had been Nick Jonas. The singer was now a cowboy who had to play with his nipples in order to get off. Sure, Nick had played tons of gay roles for shows in the past, the stud was now living it: showing off and fondling his sensitive chest for everyone to see on stream, all the while moaning in that new country accent of his.
Finally, Wolfe Glick had joined the group. The competitive Pokémon player had gone from good boy to an entirely different definition of the phrase. His body had been pumped full of steroids, turning him into an absolute muscle monster who lived to be praised by Blue and the others. Not only was he a good boy in the new sense, but he also acted as guard dog for the group’s house, growling at anyone who walked too close to the front door.
The three of them would frequently stream together online, playing numerous video games and showing off for the chat. Speaking of, the chat would often times egg them on, tipping them if they sniffed/licked one another’s pits or flexed their muscles for the camera. Their streams proved to be immensely popular, and the three altered men were loving their new lives.
However, at the end of the day, Blue couldn’t deny that he felt a little semblance of guilt in the pit of his stomach. Of course, he loved his life with his three slutty streamer boyfriends, and he wouldn’t change them (back) for the world; however, it was getting harder and harder to ignore the voice in the back of his head that told him that they were only with him because of the hypnosis. No matter how happy they looked and no matter how great the sex was, the hypnotherapist still knew deep down that they wouldn’t be there if he hadn’t hypnotized them in the first place.
Therefore, one day Blue called the three of them down to his office. 
The trio lumbered into the office, each of them a little confused as to why this impromptu meeting had been called. Each one of them was dressed in just a jockstrap; with the exceptions being Nick’s cowboy hat and Wolfe’s dog collar. They shared the couch with one another, with Wolfey taking up most of the space with his extra wide bulk. The three of them were shirtless, each one of them preferring to be as uncovered as possible. Musk wafted off their hot bodies in waves since they’d just finished showing off on stream, the stench of sexual excitement permeating the air.
“What’s up?” Kevin asked.
Blue leaned back in his chair, unsure of how to approach the issue that he was feeling. He wanted to ask if they would still be with him on their own free will, but at the same time, he didn’t know how to possibly explain the current situation to them. Hence, he figured that the band-aid method would be best.
Snap! the hypnotherapist snapped his fingers, each man on the couch wincing as they felt as if they’d just been hit by a freight train.
Immediately, the three men felt a rush as the onslaught of the year’s past memories came back at them full force. They each paled at the memories of what they’d done on stream as well as the body modifications that they’d undergone.
“Wh-what?” Kevin stuttered as he blushed furiously, feeling as if he’d burst into flames over the humiliation he felt over seeing himself sniff at his hairy pits for hundreds to see. He looked down at himself, feeling incredibly exposed as his hairy body was clad in just a small jockstrap. Worse was that his cock was still half-hard, despite being surrounded by other guys.
In the middle of the couch, Nick grabbed his cowboy hat off his head and placed it in his lap so that he could shield his own jockstrap bulge from view of the other men. He was red from head to toe, and despite himself, his perky nipples still burned with want. It took all of his willpower to not tug on them in front of the other men, and he had to focus on his humiliation in order to stay grounded. The poor guy even struggled with the odd sensation of feeling naked without his hat on… despite truly being nearly nude. His lack of a cowboy hat seemed to be the catalyst for his sense of discomfort.
Lastly, Wolfe first noticed how heavy he felt. He looked down at his body and gasped loudly as he saw how large he now was. With shaking hands, he moved barely flexible arms to feel at his large, new bodybuilder form. He was huge and he blushed as his new form kept rubbing up against itself with every movement. “Wh-what happened to me?” he panicked, his voice sounding a bit deeper than it should’ve.
The three men looked at Blue with wide, frightened eyes as they struggled to piece the last year’s events together. They knew that he was behind it, and their humiliation was mixed with anger over how they’d been forced to act against their will. More embarrassing was that, despite how horrified they were at this epiphany, there was a growing part inside each of them that was excited over the thought of showing off for the camera— a spark of pleasure forming at the idea of handfuls of men watching them pleasure themselves.
The hypnotherapist held his hands out in front of himself in a genuine gesture. “Listen,” he said, his voice slow and soothing, “I’ve had you three hypnotized over the past year. Each one of you had been brought to believe that you were a gay, slutty streamer and that we’d all been in a poly-relationship together.”
Each of the men on the other couch blushed at this epiphany but despite their shock, they couldn’t deny the foreign tingling they felt deep inside as their broad, bare shoulders constantly brushed up against one another’s. Plus, with the three of them on one sofa, their musk permeated the small living room. Poor Wolfe’s arms were too large and they kept jostling against his bulbous pecs, preventing him from covering his hardening bulge in the front of his tiny jockstrap.
“I simply used hypnotherapy to convince each one of you to let down your inhibitions and unleash a hidden part of yourself— and behold!” Blue gestured at the three men on the couch. “Think about it. I released you from the hypnosis, but what do you all feel in this moment?”
Instinctually, the three altered men wanted to lash out at the smaller guy on the other side of the living room. However, they couldn’t help but ponder the question presented to them all.
Kevin thought back to his transformation into a hairy slut. Of course there was a part of him that missed his old boy band life, but he could not deny that there was a thrill that rippled through him at the thought of showing off on camera for tons of other men to gawk at. He was rock hard as he breathed in the other guys’ musk, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t deny that he was eager to get back on camera as soon as possible. 
Nick experienced the same influx of emotions: embarrassment, anger, and above all horniness. Although he couldn’t shake his thick country boy accent, Nick didn’t really seem to mind the thought of showing off his body to other guys. He’d done it before on TV as he’d played plenty of LGBTQ+ characters. The only difference now was that he was actually living the part. Also, his chest burned with want, and never before had Nick ever gotten off so intensely than when he’d had his nipples toyed and played with. He severely doubted that even if he did go back to his old life, that he’d ever experience pleasure as great as when Blue would thumb his hard nips. The mere thought already made his tits burn with deep desire.
Wolfe was obviously the most drastically transformed. The stud knew that no matter what, there was no way he could ever trade in his new bodybuilder bulk for his old body; nor did he really want to. His chest felt cumbersome and he couldn’t see over the shelf his large pecs created. His arms were thick and barely movable. When he walked, he was forced to lumber side to side in a waddling stride. But despite all of that, he loved how much he dwarfed the other men in the house. He could easily pick up each of them and toss them over this broad shoulder, the simple action filling him with a protective contentment. Deep down, Wolfe had always been described as a sweet puppy by his friends, and now he was a sweet guard dog… just significantly bigger.
Overall, as Kevin, Nick, and Wolfe each thought about what had been done to them, they didn’t take long to realize that at the end of the day, they all loved it and they couldn’t imagine leaving their new lives of pleasure to return to their old, boring ones.
But still, they each wanted Blue to pay.
Each man wore a mischievous smirk as they looked over at the small hypnotherapist.
Kevin, being the first one transformed and therefore assuming the role as leader of the group, spoke up. “You’re right,” he admitted, “we love our new lives. But for doing this to us against our will, you owe us.”
Blue’s heart sped up in his chest. “What do you mean?” he asked, feeling himself getting hard as he stood in front of the three larger men.
Wolfey stepped forward and easily tossed the smaller man over this broadened shoulder, puffing out his muscled chest with pride as he carried him back up the stairs to their shared bedroom. Kevin and Nick eagerly followed behind.
As soon as they were in the bedroom, Blue was gently tossed down onto the bed before all three of the men pounced at once.
They took turns shoving their hairy, musky armpits into Blue’s face, forcing the smaller man to lap at them hungrily with his tongue, which he did so gleefully. Kevin’s were especially musky, and he went so far as to place his hand on the back of Blue’s head to shove his face deeper into them. 
Each of the larger men was rock hard, their massive cocks springing out as they tore their tight jockstraps away from themselves as they anticipated their hypnotherapist boyfriend taking care of them.
Kevin grabbed Blue from behind, placing both of his hands on the other man’s hips. Nick tore away Blue’s pants, allowing the other man to line up his throbbing cock with the smaller guy’s hole. 
“Oooohhh!” Blue moaned loudly as Kevin entered him. The rest of the guys cheered in the bedroom as the sounds of Blue’s clapping cheeks rang out, Kevin thrusting into his throbbing hole like a mad man. 
Wolfey circled around the bed and grabbed a hold of Blue’s head (having a little difficultly with his bulky muscles getting the way). Wolfe’s hard cock bobbed in front of Blue’s face, his purple-flushed head leaking precum as it brushed against Blue’s slack jaw as he moaned.
Without hesitation, the hypnotherapist took in Wolfe’s hard cock in his mouth, moaning loudly as he was being stuffed full by both ends. 
Kevin fucked his aching hole while Wolfey fucked his face. 
Not wanting to feel left out, Nick hungrily rushed forward and snatched both of Blue’s hands, shoving them onto his hairy pecs. Blue took his cue and began to tug on Nick’s sensitive nipples, causing the cowboy stud to moan like a needy slut.
All four men heatedly fucked in the small bedroom that they shared, illustrating their new roles in life. No longer did Kevin, Nick, and Wolfe feel angry about being turned into slutty streamers. They loved their new lives and they loved their new boyfriend that they all shared.
Blue moaned as he was fucked both ways and as he groped Nick, loving having all three of his boyfriends use him to get off.
Kevin, Nick, and Wolfe each came at the same time, filling up the small hypnotherapist with their cum from both ends while Nick’s coated his chest.
Blue lied on the bed, spent from being used by his boyfriends, a smile on his tired face.
“I’d say we’re even now,” Kevin smirked as he crossed his arms in front of his hairy chest.
..The End..
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nocturnowlette · 10 days
Did you teach yourself hypnotism? How would one learn?
I did teach myself, but to claim I started from nothing would be inaccurate.
I had been a subject for around 8 years before I started trying to be a hypnotist, I have a lot of experience writing (and specifically writing and altering tone and text towards a target audience), I had a lifelong fascination with perception and human behavior due to being autistic (this is my special interest), and similarly had an interest in communication which has ironically given me a better understanding of communication than most neurotypical people.
I essentially had every relevant skill before I even began.
That being said, I most certainly took the scenic route for learning hypnosis.
This is the most okay learning resource I have personally found for hypnosis. DO NOT read Mind Play, that book sucks and teaches a deeply limited system. Do not use almost any hypnosis book, because they all just give you training wheels then give no further tools to advance yourself.
This resource gives a somewhat more wholesale depiction of things, but you need to keep in mind that even for the things this guide states in an absolutist manner, there are zero absolutes in hypnosis. It's a vague conceptual goop that is always changing forms for each new person by the second, hour, day, month, and year.
We draw imaginary lines to make it more traversible and understandible, but they are exactly that. Imaginary. Only drawing inside those lines cuts out a lot of potency and possibility.
You learn the guiding structures, but then you need to get good enough to shed that limiting skin. Try new things, experiment, question every single claim you've heard about hypnosis, and build an intuitive learning over time.
And for the love of god, do not use breathing exercises, key elman inductions, or PMR inductions. I will slap you.
Don't be quick to trust scientific claims about hypnosis, as many were made in like the 1970s by some random person called Kim Blorbo (not actually) and everyone just assumed it was correct. I'm not saying to not trust science, but it draws many imaginary lines due to some of the flaws with the scientific process in an inherently vague and line-less place. It's a pseudoscience for a reason.
Don't trust anyone who calls themselves a hypnotherapist.
Don't trust anyone who talks about NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming).
Don't trust anyone who seems to really like hypnospirals (spirals themselves look cool though).
Don't trust anyone who exclusively talks about hypnosis in kink terminology.
Don't trust anyone who never stops talking about how hot it is.
Don't work with subjects that don't have preferences or tastes and only want their self-destructive needs met.
Don't use scripts or named inductions past the first few times you do hypnosis, if you use them at all.
Keep your ears perked and be observant.
Be willing to go out of your comfort zone and introspect.
Be willing and happy to fail, and to learn from those failures, and you will learn quickly.
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laurieleborges · 1 year
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J’ai le plaisir de vous partager l’article sur Comment gérer l’impulsivité avec l’aide de l’hypnose ? Dans cet article, vous trouverez : ✅ Quand peut-on dire qu’on est impulsif(ve) ? ✅ Quelles en sont les conséquences à long terme ? ✅ Des astuces pour gérer l’impulsivité 🔗Le lien : https://www.annuaire-hypnotherapie.com/comment-gerer-l-impulsivite-avec-l-aide-de-l-hypnose #impulsivité #colere #nervosité #hypnose #hypnotherapie (à Paris 20) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRG2A8D7t8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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milkubunnyy · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day from a brainwashed and empty bimbo ✨💕
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