#huilo huilo
el-zorro-chile · 11 months
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Huilo Huilo, Chile
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espejomonastico · 9 days
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Huilo Huilo (2024).
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90daniv · 1 year
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datoviajerocom · 21 days
"Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo: Guía de Viaje y Consejos Útiles"
En el alma vibrante de Chile se esconde Huilo Huilo, una joya de biodiversidad y aventura. Este enclave místico no es solo un destino, sino un portal a un mundo donde la naturaleza domina con majestuosidad y el espíritu aventurero se despierta. Prepárate para ser guiado a través de paisajes de ensueño, descubrir secretos culinarios escondidos, y encontrar el alojamiento perfecto en un lugar donde…
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Dear Who-Ever-The-Fuck-You-Are's, let me explain to you: Russian filtration camps are not the "Will You or Won't You Pass The Border" kind of camps. These are "Will You Live Or Will You Get Murdered" kind of camps. This is the filtration. And my childhood best friend didn't pass it.
It happened back in June.
He was dragged out of his car, in which he sat with his mother for hours, after being told that they will be shot if they as much as open the window, along with other people in other cars, just like them wishing to escape Mariupol. The Russians took my best friend to their "station" and held him there for more than two hours. His mother said that she was forced to wait in the car, crying and screaming, guarded by one of the soldiers while he pointed his gun at her face through the window.
When the door of the station opened and her son stepped out: beaten, with blood all over his face and clothes, dragging his feet and holding his obviously broken hand at his side, she thought that maybe. Just maybe. It is a miracle and they passed. That they'll let them leave. That the Russians were done with them.
Except they weren't.
My best friend's mom saw as one of the Russian soldiers who exited the station after him laughed at something and pointed at him. Other two people peaked through the door and laughed too. It was strange, but she didn't care. Her son was about to open the door to the passenger seat and they were about to be out of there.
Except they weren't.
The Russian soldier raised his gun and, still laughing, never pausing the conversation he was engaging in with the others, pulled the trigger. At least three times in a row. And my best friend was killed with a single bullet that entered through his neck and painted his mother's white car red. The others pierced his body, each disrespecting it more than any god ever could.
That's when the soldier that pointed his gun at my now dead childhood best friend's mother took his body and tossed it into a pile just couple of meters from the station, full of other people.
Once alive.
Once happy.
Always Ukrainian.
His mother was in the state of shock. She was free now. Was ordered to go because "she passed". So she drove forward. Got to the territory controlled by Ukraine... But her soul never did. And she ended her life today, 18/11/2022. I wouldn't have even known if she hadn't sent me one of her Last Emails, thanking me "For Everything".
Except I never did anything. Or rather never did enough. I still don't do enough. I worked all summer and donated about 12k UAH to the army, give or take, but it's not enough. I can't do anything that will make me fell like it is and now I have the memory of two people to avenge. So, oh help me Devil, whom some of you think all Ukrainian's worship, because if I see a single person saying something about this war not being a genocide, I will do things both wrong and deadly.
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keepingitneutral · 1 year
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‘Refugio Impluvium,’  ‘Los Rios’ region, Chile,
SAA Arquitectura + Territorio
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sheimauama · 8 months
Preparing myself mentally to start seeing putin apologists everywhere again. 🌚😪
So many arabs are supporting ruzzia that sometimes I wish I could stop understanding Arabic 👎🏻
And they do it under the pretext of helping Muslims against *western imperialism* while russia basically committed genocide against our Crimean Tatars , deporting them and forcing them twice to leave their home , wiped Mariupol that had a 30% muslim population from the earth , bombed the hell of Syria and killed over two million of people there , killed 500 000 Chechens in the Chechen war , is occupying about 4 or 5 Muslim republics and is a bestie of China who does you know what to Uighurs.
Shortly , get a brain you screwers.
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anastasiamaru · 1 year
I have a dream that one day ☺️👇
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el-zorro-chile · 11 months
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Huilo Huilo, Chile
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burningarchitecture · 2 years
The thing about countries like Germany admitting russian refugees is that they think that the people leaving russia are automatically anti-war and need to be protected, but doing that is harder then ever now, so the people who ARE able to leave could EASILY leave before. They definitely had the money. Which begs the question: why didn't they leave earlier? Protest earlier? They knew what was going on, don't give me this "they were clueless victims" bullshit, I've seen enough russian social media posts. Even a bunch of russian liberals (who I don't actually support but I think it's a start. Like a lot of them have some imperialistic bullshit in their subconsciousness but at least they have the common sense to be against Putin and the invasion of Ukraine) left Russia around this spring/in February. What I'm trying to say is, the refugees will end up predominantly being people who chose to stay there because they didn't care. Now they care because it finally affects THEM personally and they don't want to go to war. Not because they are ideologically opposed to it, but because they are scared for themselves. Anyone who didn't want to be in this country before has even less of a chance of escaping then before.
Which means Germany will accept a group of refugees, a lot of whom might still hold a pro russian & anti Ukrainian position. Instead of going to protests against Putin in their home country they might go to protests supporting Russia or protests "against hating russians" as some ALREADY DO in Germany(one of them happend last week in Frankfurt I thiink).There will be "neutral ones" but they also helped Putin with their silence and indifference(and by paying taxes in Russia if you want to be really nitpicky), and are likely to still attend the "against hating russians" type protests to gain more rights. These people may not be actively supporting Putin but they are still extremely selfish.
The former category of more active supporters(who there will be quite a lot of)of russia will also pose a danger to Ukrainian refugees. Think of all the rape and humans rights violations russian soldiers committed in Ukraine, now think about how these people were also pretty close to being russian soldiers. We ran away from russians only for the country that protected us to let them in. I haven't had the experiences the first person in the next post I'm going to reblog had, but I live in a pretty lucky part of germany and barely interact with "russian-germans".
Admitting russian refugees will not only destabilise the country doing so, but also not help that many people who are actually against russia, since they either left it before or CANNOT leave. So it is, in a way, better to let the selfish russians stay in their own country and protest instead of fleeing, because that's one of the most effective ways to stop russia from the inside. A lot of people are pissed right now, most of the time for selfish reasons*, but the point is they are finally protesting! And that is very, very good. Protests will make it harder and harder for Putin to keep control of not only the military front (where he has been losing recently, hence the reason for the mobilization. The army's getting desperate) but Russia itself. Only through actions can the russians regain some of their control and better things for both themselves and Ukraine! Hiding inside won't help and when all of them understand that maybe, just maybe they'll be able to change something and end this awful war!
I understand why the west wants to let in the russians who are really against the war but they will be a minority and saving the other ones will cause more harm then good.
*(Media shouldn't represent it like woke anti-war protests, that isn't the reason most people are there, but oh well I didn't expect much more from the western media. At least they're showing interviews where the people at the protests say they are there so that they don't have to lose their husbands/sons and not because of Ukraine. That's an understandable motivation but I just can't hear it being called anti-war when some people refuse to call giving weapons to Ukraine for us to defend ourselves anti-war. It's annoying)
Oh and another point, saving russian refugees from being mobilised isn't actually helping Ukraine in a meaningful way. These people will primarily be used as "canon meat" if they go to war right now because they have no skills and can't use technology to defend themselves yet. It will take them ages to learn how to use it, and Ukraine will have even more time to prepare (I think officials have said we're already ready?). In the 21st century, wars are won with technology and not a ton of people who don't want to be there and are terrified of dying.
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pretordh · 1 year
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Widespread strikes expected in Israel after Gallant's dismissal Universities across Israel announced that they will be canceling classes until further notice.
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draumurt · 1 year
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jaygaeze · 6 months
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sheimauama · 8 months
To those two whatever they're called , since tumblr apparently hates my replies.
First of all , I don't know if you have ever bothered to check that I am in fact Ukrainian , from Kharkiv , which was bombed to hell by russians since the first days , and in my mother's neighborhood , northern Saltivka there wasn't any building left intact . Those things , I didn't see them on "western / american media" , unlike you who ARE repeating what you saw on russian/pro-russian media . Those videos of destruction are sent to me directly by my family , and the bombings are something I heard constantly in our video calls . I also have a bunch of Ukrainian friends , the relatives of one of them were executed in russian occupied bucha , another friend from Mariupol sent me an audio crying , saying that the shelling doesn't stop and told me that they are going to die at this rate . They have no reason to lie, as does the whole country basically.
You also are communists marxists leninists whateverists , while I am apolitical ( I didn't even turn 18 , but this none of your business) . I don't care who rules Ukraine , who rules russia , who rules the west or the world . But I do care that I might wake up one morning and my family or friends will be dead , that my country will be occupied, and me being denied of my identity. You said that I hate russia , but before 24/02/2022 I wouldn't even have bothered to correct someone who called me russian instead of Ukrainian . On the first day of the war I was asked if I support Ukraine or russia and I just waved it off . I grew up speaking russian , watching soviet movies and cartoons and even singing russian patriotic songs , and even if I got some sense of unease about it after 2014 , I still didn't hate russia . But the full scale war changed it , not only because of the atrocities russia committed left and right , but also because I got to finally see on internet what russians think and write about us .
And while there's a whole bunch of stuff that I would like to adc, my previous post was directed at Arabic/Muslim readers, because they support the russian genocide for a whole other reason and I got fed up with them mentioning Ukraine every time they discuss their own geopolitical problems like we are the ones responsible for them and even making up stuff just to justify this war , and mainly because it affects me directly , even though I've been bullied since kindergarten for my Slavic appearance , the amount of hate that I have received (yes , when I'm not even mentioning something about the war) those last two years was on a whole new level . That's what I wrote about preparing myself mentally to face this again ,and while I do find the excuses those arabs use and them supporting russia because they think it's they're bestie who's completely innocent while it did a lot of harm to their *muslim brothers* stupid , I do not find being called a n@zi and having people (including my own father) telling me that Russia will occupy Kharkiv and then Kyiv and won't spare anyone of us enjoyable or funny.
And if you have bothered to read this post till the end , then have a nice day .
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ukrainewar22 · 1 year
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